September 30, 1969
A special meeting, of the Board of Supervisors of the Tocrn of
Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall on September 30,
1969 at whfch all members were present.
At 7:30 o'clock P.M, the Chairman announced the convening of
the public he wring concerning assessments pursuant to notice published in
the Dakota County Tribune. The axes included Country Home Heights ,Addition,
Eagandale Center No. 1, a portion of Behnder Acres north of Lone Oak Road
and other properties included in the notice of hearing. An objection was
voiced by Mr. Lloyd 2epherin, Prior Lake Minnesota, the owner of a parcel
at the Southeast corner of Avalon and County Road ~3I consisting of 460 ft.
by 82 ft. It was noted that there were two sewer and water sttabs on the
property. The Board recommended that the Assessment Coa~ittee revieta the
property and make a recommendation to the Board concerning the assessment for
sewer and water lateral purposes. Mr. John ~3ahasam, Country Home Heights
Addition questioned whether it would be appropriate to assess the area
involved on Avalon an the basis of the area. No action was recommended or
A letter from Mr. Thomas C. Tollefson, 1310 Avalon Avenue, the
owner of Lots 2 enud 4, Block 7, objecting to the assessments for the reason
that the home is located on the lot line between the above two mentioned
lots and therefore not receiving double benefits. ?~'he ~sesament Committee
w311 make a recommendation to the Board at a later meeting.
tdr. C. R. Lukens of U.S.Plywood~Champion Papers appeared with
questions concerning the assessments of Lot 20, II1ock 5, Eagandale Center
No, 1. No Objections were voiced. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by
~ lw
Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVID that the hearing be closed and the
Board take under advisement the certification of the roll until the
Assessment Comtr-ittee recomaaendations are made.
The Chairman then opened the hearing concerning the assessments
in Evergreen Park Addition and Lot 1, Blocit 1, Treffle Acres. There were
no objections relative to the Evergreen Park assessment nor frau the owner
of LoC 1, Block 1, Treffle Acres. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by
Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the assessment roil be approved
and certified to the County Auditor.
Bill Schultz and Jerry Adam appeared on behalf of the Eagan
k'ire pepartment and discussed the request for surfacing the entrance to
the fire hall. The Board requested that two quotations be acquir®d before
letting the cpntract fox the improvement.
The Board also discussed the proposed acquisition of radio
equipment for the Fire Department end reviewed the specifications submitted
by the Department. It was estimated that the cost would be under $5,000
and upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was RESOLVED
that the Department request quotations £rom several manufacturers includint
a request for monthly lease charges fox the equipment and to report back
to the $oard at a later time.
The Board then reviewed the proposed agreement between the Metro-
politan Council, Metropolitan Sewer Board, the B-E-B Pollution Control
District and the B-E~8 Municipal Members concerning the takeover and
acquisition of the B~E•B sewer treatment facilities. Zt was noted according
to the Metropolitan Council Action Brief, Part 3 of Part A, dated
September 26, 1969, that the Metropolitan Council had approved the agreement,
but with the foilawing conditions; "If circumstances prevent the Council
from selling bond a, the 8-E-$ will continue to make payments on the con-
struction contract." It was aoted Chat this wording is not included
in the most recent draft of the proposed agreement as approved by the
B-$•B Board and upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann , aye Rahn
it was RE50LV$D that said agreement be approved pursuant to the draft
submitted to the B•$-B Board and subsequently revised and approved by
it on September 24th, 1969, which draft is before the Eagan Board, provided
however if the wording above mentioned in the ?~etropolitan Council Briefs
has been added, that the Eagan Board approval of the agreement will be
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Uselmann, aye Klein, it was
RESOLVED that gag utility permits to People's Gas Company be granted covering
Sibley Terminal Industrial Park and Cedar Industrial Park as submitted.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that a
sign permit 69' x 8' for the Brown Tank Company and located on its building
on Highway #S5 be approved.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVID that the
sum of $3,526.55 which «as the additianal sum on the Improvement Project
~~16A be transferred from the 1967 Water and Seuitary Sewer Improvement
Fund to the General Fund for the reason that the contractor did not
complete the job and the balance was completed by Eagan employees and
Upon motion by Rahn,saconded by Uaelmann, aye Klein, it was
RESOLVED that the contract between the Town and 8obert A. Giende Constructi~:,
Company covering water and sewer extenffiiona to Yankee Doodle Apartments
consisting of Project ,143 in the sum of $32,802.80 be and it hereby is
approved and ordered executed.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, it was
RESOLVID that the completion date for the above mentioned contract covering
Project #43, be, and it hereby is, extended from October 1, 1969 to
October 25, 1969.
After discussion, upon ssotion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann,
it was RESOLVED that in the event that a street ie being upgraded that
water services from water trunks being placed in such streets will be
assessed, aftez hearing atad approval, by the Board of Supervisors at such
time that the streets are being upgraded; atyd FURTHER RESOLVED that water
lateral assessments will be made at the time of actual connection and use
by the property owner.
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by [Tse7.wann, aye Klein, it was
RESOLVED that the public hearing concerning the application of Investors
Communications Corp. to rezone from A, Agricultural to C-I, Light Com-
mercial the NF1~ of the r~1~ of Section ~5 excluding the Bight of Way of
future I35E be .set for October 21, 1969 at i3;00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
The Town Attorney presented a proposed resolution on behalf of
the Board to the Minnesota Municipal Commission requesting that the T~tunici~x;.l
Concaission make a determination pursuant to Minnesota Session Laws, 1969,
Chapter 444 as Co appropriattwess of holding an election to determine
whether Eagan should be incorporated sa a fourth class city. After
discussion, upon motion by Uselmann, seconded bq Rahn, aye Klein, it vas
RESOLVED that the resolution be approved and it be foxwarded to the Min-
nesota Municipal Commission.
The Board met with Robert Meyer, the Dakota County Assessor
relative to possible service by the county of assessors services. P4r. Meyer
indicated that the County would perform the service on the basis of $SO
per day per maa with $100 minimum per district and the total cost not to
exceed $6,000 per year. He will review the matter with the County Board
and present the Eagan Board with a pzopvsed contract for services.
The County Assessor presented threw requests fox tax
abatements pursuant to the lsit attacned to these minutes. Upon
motion by Kleine seconded by Rahn, aye t3aelmann, it was R~SOLVID that
said abatements be approved.
The Board reviewed Salary schedules for the police and public
works departments and office empxoyees and the schedule for such rates
attached to thes® minutes u `pon motion made and seconded was approved
r as presented.
Dated: September 30, 1959;