10/14/1969 - City Council SpecialMINUTES 01± A SPECIAL 2dEETING OF Ti3E 30AItD OF SUPERVISORS OF
October l~, i959
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Toc-~n of
Eagan, Dakota County, i~ii.ine3ota was held on OctaUer ~±4, 1969 aC the
Town Hall, All members ~~ere present. The Hoard met in joint session
with the Advisory Planning Com¢~ittee and the Park Board relative to
the proposal of the Par': Board concern~.ng park land acquisition in the
Paul U; e].z~ann e~ā€˛plained the purpose of file meeting was to discuss
the Park $oard's proposal. in joint sessiocrith the Planning Commit~:ee and
the Board. After considerable diacnssion and upon motion by Uselmann,
secocxied by Rahn, aye iZlein, i' =ass i:ESOLVI;D tha°t the Board cf Supervisors
accept the report of the Park Board for purposes of receiving the report
only. Upon further mota.on by Uselmann, seconded by Rahn, aye Klein, it
was RESOLVED that tT-,e Board approve the eventual a_cge~isition of up to 600
acres of land for part, and playground area in the :oT<anship and further
request that the Park Soard s~ibmit a proposed recoumnended procedure for the
acquisition of the land,
It was determined that members of th® Park Committee be authorized
to contact the owners or the proposed site 1oGations e~;plaining the interest
and intention of the Tocra in acquiring the site. The next step zaould be to
acquire appraisals on the lead aitd Shen to enter into op~ions for she
purchase of the land from the respective property owners. Thy group also
discussed the poss#.bility of a bond issue with an election by the voters
as to whether they favored such a proposal.
The $oard also met with Hoger Katzenmeier, the Town Accountant,
concerning the annual statement prepared by Wilkerson, Guthman & Johnson,
C.P.A.s as of February 2~th, 1969.
Mr. Uselmann proposed a revision of the zoning ordinance to
provide that when an application has been submitted to rezo~te from any
classification otter than Agricultural zoning that notice be given to
property garners within S00 feet of the area proposed to be rezoned,
Upon oration by Klein, seconded by Rahn, aye Uselmann, f.t
was RESOLVED that the Glen: btu authorized to advertise far bids in the
legal manner for the purchase of a dump truck and snow plow and other
appurtenances co be opened on November 4, 19b9 at 3;QO P.M. at the Town
ill. Upon further motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn .aye Uselmann, it
was RESOLVER that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the
purchase of a plow for the road grader patrol.
Upon motion made and seconded it was RESOLVEp that the Clerk
be authorized to purchase recapped tires for the grader.
Upon motion the saeeting ad"~ourned.
Dated: October 34, 1969.
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