April 13, 1970
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors o£ the Town of Eagan,
Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall on April 13, 1970,
Those members present were Chairman Klein and Supervisor Uselmann.
At. 7:00 P.M. the Chairman announced the opening of the meeting to
consider the assessment roll for sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer
improvements fn Cedar Grove Na. 7 Addition, concerning Improvement Project
#36. It was noted there were no written or oral objections. Upon motion
by Uselmann, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that said assessment roll
be adopted pursuant to the resolution of the Town Board attached hereto.
The Chairman then convened the hearing concerning the approval of the
assessment roll for sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer improvements in
Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 3 and storm sewer improvements in
Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 2 and in addition certain miscellaneous
parcels, all concerning Improvement Project #41. There were no objections
written or oral. Upon motion by Uselma~"D, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED
that said assessment roll be approved pursuant to the resolution attached
to these minutes.
The Chairman then announced the convening of the hearing concerning
the approval of the assessment roll relative to gravel base street improvement;;
is Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 1 and the Lloyd Zephiria property
on Pilot Knob Road and Avalon Avenue together with Country Home Heights
Addition lots pursuanC to notice concerning Improvement Project X28, Part 2.
IC was noted that the assessments axe being levied against Eagandale Center
Industrial Aaxk lots pursuant to agreement with Rauenhorst Corporation.
There were no abiectiens c•~rittPn or oLal. Upon motion by Klein, seconded
by Uselmann, it w^s RESOLVED that said assesssxent roll be adopted pursuant
to the resolution attached hereto.
Mr. Ray Drake appeared on behalf of Rauenhorst Corporation requesting
a building permit for Red Owl, Inc.. for a warehouse, 370' x 500' with
office of 86' x 98', at an estimated cost of $1,030,000. It was noted
the APC Yecomtaended approval. It was farther noted that the Engineer
requested the access road to be moved to the East. Upon motion by Klein,
seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved.
The Board then considered the application of Rauenhorst Corporation
far a building permit for the 8•& Q Fabricators, inc. warehouse together
with office in proposed Eagandale No. 4. It was understood that no
fabrication would be contemplated in the building. The APC recommended
approval. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that
the application be approved..
At 8:00 P.M. the Chairman convened the hearing concerning water,
sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street improvements in approximately 15
areas of the Township consisting of Improvement Project #49. The Affidavit
of Publication of notice of hearing was read and filed with the Clerk. Ttie
Town Engineer explained the projects and the floor was then opened for
questions. It was noted that numerous property owners appeared and had
questions concerning various areas.
A.) Harvey Addition and the area in Section 12. It was noted that
the area south of Burrview Acres in Section I2, which is unplatted consistinp~
of the Chapdelaine property of approximately 8 acres is not intended to
be assessed at this time, There were no objections from property owners
in the area.
B.) Kollofski's Plat area. There were no objections.
C. ) Country lic~ec Iiswghts ax2a. ;:~~1_narous ques*_'ions arose cozcern?ng
instal?.atior. of s*orm sewer with certain per sons objecting to the in-
stallation of storm sewer in the area. It was noted that storm sewer
assessments would cover only the Country Home Heights area in relation
to this portion of the project. The Board indicated that from a cost
st~:ndpoint it would be advisable to install storm sewer drainage in the area
at this time so as to avoid the duplication of certa3,n costs if othQr
utilities are installed now and storm sewer at a later time and further t~~+.kir,~
into account presumed increases in construction costs. It was further
noted that in the Country Home Heights area that street improvements woulc'.
consist only of gravel improvements under the proposal.
D.) Certain residents of Highview Acres Addition appeared with a
petition signed by the Highview Acres owners objecting to the improvement
and assessments in that area at this time for sanitary sewer purposes.
E.) Mr. Gilbertson objected to the installation of utilities in
Rile;r's S~Tbdivision of Zehnder Acres.
F.) McCarthy Ridge Addition. Three property owners appeared a.*x3
objected to the installation of utilities in that addition pursuant to thQ
After considerable discussion and questioning the Chairman called the
hearing closed. The Chairman indicated that a decision would be made
relative to the various aspects of the improvements at a later time when
the fall Board is present.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Dated: April 13, 1970.
Town Clerk