3une 30, 1970
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Eagan,
Dakota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall on June 30, 1970. Those
present were Rahn and Klein. Chairman Klein presided.
At 7:45 the Chairman convened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegia:i_
Mr. Bill Schultz, the Fire Chief, appeared requesting payment of
$1,248.00 as the first half year compensation for Fire Department members.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVID that the sum of
$1,248.00 be paid by the Town Clerk to the Fire Department for compensation
The Fire Chief indicated that he had imposed a ban on sprinkling in
the Cedar Grove area because of extremely low water pressure in that area.
Mr. Bill Branch appeared requesting that Victor Rolfing, John Kreiger
and Martin Ohman be approved as permanent employees in the Utility Department,
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the foregoing
three persons be hired as permanent employees of the Utility Department com-
mencing July 1st on a six month probationary status.
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein it was RESOLVED that an ad for
bids be published for seal coating in the Cedar Grove Additions 1, 2, 3 and 4,
which bids will be received on July 14, 1970 at 3:00 P.M. at the Town Hall..
Mrs. Dee Lach appeared on behalf of the request of Mr. Paul Hauge for
a building permit for a pre-built home on Lot 9, Burrview Acres, $22,000,
24' x 48'. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was RESOLVED that the appli-
cation be approved.
Mr. Laddy Miller appeared requesting information concerning the pro-
posed purchase of a three acre parcel on Holland Lake. The Board indicated
that it could not approve a building permit for reasons including the fact
that it was not a separate parcel of store than 2 1/2 acres before the change
in the ordinance; also because of the proposed County Park proposal in the area
and also what appeared to be a lack of access directly to a public street.
Mr. Ferguson of IJyeth Laboratories appeared on behalf of the applica-
tion of Wyeth Laboratories for a building permit for office and distribution
warehouse, 30,000 square feet on Lots 30, 31, 32 and part of 33, Block 3,
Eagandale No. 3, consisting of a 175' x 167', $316,000 building. Upon motion
by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the building permit applica-
tion be approved subject, however, to approval by the Planning Committee at a
special meeting to be held on July 2, 1970; and further subject to submission
of complete plans and specifications and approval by the Town Engineer and
Building Inspector..
At 8:00 P.M. the Chairman announced the closing of receipt of bids
and opening of bids for certain fire equipment. The following bids were
a. Bill Boyer Ford, Minneapolis -- Fire truck chassis $10,052.00
Bill Boyer Ford, Minneapolis -- Utility fire truck
chassis $ 3,097,00
b. Joe Graeve Motors, Farmington - - Fire truck chassis $ 9,296.28
Joe Graeve Motors, Farmington - - Utility fire truck
chassis $ 3,278.17
c. Westdale Ford, Wayzata - - Fire truck chassis $10,190.00
Westdale Ford, Wayzata - - Utility fire truck chassis $ 3,697.00
d. General Safety Equipment Corporation -- Fire truck
body and apparatus $28,150.00
General Safety Equipment Corporation -- Utility fire
truck body and apparatus $ 5,830.0?
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the re-
ceipt of the bids be closed and referred to the Fire Chief and Town Engineer
for tabulation and report. Subsequently, the Engineer and Fire Chief reported
on recommendations for award of contracts. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by
Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the bid of Bill Boyer Ford for the utility fire
truck in the sum of $3,097.00 be approved, without alternate deductions.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the bid
of General Safety Equipment Corporation for the fire truck body and fire
apparatus in the base bid of $28,150..00 and the General Safety Equipment
Corporation bid for utility fire truck body and apparatus in the sum of
$5,830.00 be, and they hereby are, awarded and approved.
The Chairman then announced the closing of receipt of bids and open-
ing of bids for a back hoe and loader as follows:
a. A & M Industrial Tractors, St. Paul
b, Frank Knapp Sales and Service,
c. Carlson Tractors, Rosemount
$10,249.00 base bid with
additions totaling
$ 9,330,00
$10,540,00 plus optional
$18.00 bucket
d. Minnesota Machinery, St. Paul $ 9,703.24
e. Hall Equipment Company, Minneapolis $10,886.00 plus additioi,.n
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the bids
be referred to the Utility Department and the Town Engineer for tabulation and
subsequent report.
Mr. Michael Rich, Engineer, appeared on behalf of the application for
Willmus Properties to rezone property south of Highway 4630, in Sections 28 and
29. It was noted that the applicant had described the property erroneously and
that the hearing of the Board on July 18, 1967 therefore covered property not
intended by the applicant. There wexe no objections to the application. Upon
motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application far
rezoning be and it hereby is approved.
The Chairman then announced the opening of the hearing concerning
Project #55 relative to water main and storm sewer extensions in Section 27
including Oak Chase Addition and part of Carlson Acres. There were no objec-
tions to the Project. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED
that the Project be approved with the exception of the western portion of LoC
13, Carlson Acres; and that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized to
prepare plans and specifications covering the Project.
Mr. Don Christenson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deer appeared on behalf of
their application for final plat approval for Deer Addition, Upon motion by
Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the application be approved and
that the final plat be executed.
Mr_. Roger Heid appeared on behalf of the application of Western Con-
Crete and Products for building and special use permit for erection and opera-
tion of a ready-mix concrete plant on the north part of proposed Lot 14, Block
2, Eagandale Center Industrial Park No. 2 located at 3306 Mike Collins Drive..
The Planning Committee recommended approval subject to certain conditions that
when a permanent enclosure is included that an additional building permit would
then be required. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that
the application for building permit and special use permit be approved, subject,
however, to the understanding that in the event that the Board determined that
a pollution problem or any other problem is created due to the operation of the
plant that the special use permit can be withdrawn at any time.
Mr. E. 8. Parranto appeared on behalf of the request of the ocaners of
Ken Appelbaum Addition on Rahn Road requesting that the plan layout be amended
to provide for an enclosed garage for each multiple unit. Upon motion by Rahn,
seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the request for amendment to the plan
layout be approved.
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~ppro~'in~' attorneys to correct the error in
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~aad -read 'Project 27 ° .
Mr, Lee Englund appeared on behalf of Parranto Bros. Realtors request-
ing that three homes be moved onto Lots 1, 3 and 4,Blackhawk Acres on Blackhawk
Road. The three homes will be moved from 2770 Highway ~~55, from the Leonard
Perron property in Section 1 on Lone Oak Road and the home located at 675
Wescott Road, Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that
the application be approved due to the appearance from the pictures presented
and other information acquired from the applicant and that the homes appeared
to be an asset in the new area.
Mr. Charles E. Swenson appeared on behalf of Operating Engineers
Local ~~49 requesting a meeting with the Town Board concerning the proposed con-
tract for employees of the Utility Department, A meeting was set for July 10th,
1970 at 4:00 P. M, at the Town Ha11.
Mr, Erwin Ulrich appeared on behalf of Lone Oak Lutheran Church to
discuss the proposed extension of sewer and water utilities to Lone Oak Lutheran
Church from the westerly side of Highway ~~55. The Town Engineer presented an
informal report including cost estimates and indicated that the cost of sanitary
sewage facilities appeared to be excessive in light of the possible assessment
on the property.
After discussion, upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to
prepare a formal report and feasibility study covering Project ~~57 Part 2 and
that a public hearing be scheduled for July 21, 1970 at 8:00 P. M, at the Town
Hall concerning such report,
The Board then reviewed the proposed resolution of the Planning Com-
mittee recommending that the Dakota County Board be notified prior to the
issuance of building permits in the proposed Holland-Jenson Lake County Park.
The Board indicated that it has attempted to comply with the request of the
Mr, Lee Englund appeared on behalf of Parranto Bros. Realtors request-
ing that three homes be moved onto Lots 1, 3 and 4,Blackhawk Acres on Blackhaw:c
Road. The three homes will be moved from 2770 Highway X55, from the Leonard
Perron property in Section 1 on Lone Oak Road and the home located at 675
Wescott Road. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that
the application be approved due to the appearance from the pictures presented
and other information acquired from the applicant and Chat the homes appeared
to be an asset in the new area.
Mr. Charles E. Swenson appeared on behalf of Operating Engineers
Local ~~49 requesting a meeting with the Town Board concerning the proposed con-
tract for employees of the Utility Department. A meeting was set for July 10th,
1970 at 4:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Mr. Erwin Ulrich appeared on behalf of Lone Oak Lutheran Church to
discuss the proposed extension of sewer and water utilities to Lone Oak Lutheran
Church from the westerly side of Highway ~~55. The Town Engineer presented an
informal report including cost estimates and indicated that the cost of sanitary
sewage facilities appeared to be excessive in light of the possible assessment
on the property.
After discussion, upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to
prepare a formal report and feasibility study covering Project ~~, Part 2 and
that a public hearing be scheduled for July 21, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. 2t the Town
Hall concerning such report.
The Board then reviewed the proposed resolution of the Planning Com-
mittee recommending that the Dakota County Board be notified prior to the
issuance of building permits in the proposed Holland-Jenson Lake County Park,
The Board indicated that it has attempted to comply with the request of the
County Board for several years but did not feel that it could rezone the
property to Public Facilities until a formal request had been made by the
owners and also that a formal resolution relative to the issuance of building
permits did not appear to be necessary.
A number of property owners in the Timberline area appeared in respect
to the application of the Timbers Company to rezone Lots 1 through 10, Bloctc 3,
Oslund Timberline Addition from R-1 to R-6. The neighbors indicated that the
Planning Committee was not a~•~are of private restrictions on Lots 7 through lid,
Block 3, relative to single family homes, exclusively on the lots. Upon motion
by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the matter be referred back
to the Planning Committee for further review at its zegular 3uly meeting;
The Town Attorney presented a proposed lease covering the General
Beverages Park proposal near McKee Addition, Upon motion by Klein, seconded
by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the lease proposal be approved subject to joinder
into the agreement by Pepsi-Cola Company.
The request of Cedar Grove Construction Company to extend the time
for dedication of parks in Cedar Grove Nos. 7 and 8 was next reviewed. The
Town Attorney was requested to contact Cedar Grove Construction Company request-
ing that the areas be seeded to cut down on the dust and possible erosion and
also to suggest that a part of the proposed Cedar Grove No. 7 Park be improved
for a baseball diamond.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED *_hat the bid
of Brown Tank Company with base bid of $263,031.00 with alternate No. 1 in the
sum of $24,269.00 and change order in the sum of $6,000 with the total sum of
$293,300.00 covering Improvement Project No. 50, Park No. 2, be, and it hereby
is, awarded and approved..
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the
following bids covering water and sewer extensions in Eagandale Center Industria~±
Park No. 4 consisting of Improvement Project ~k50, Part 1, be received:
Hoffman Bros. Inc. $365,402.57
Nod land Associates 395,000.00
Rauenhorst Corp. 408,148.00
Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. 444,444..00
Austin Keller Construction 444,485.00
F. Morettini Company 447,480.00
Johnson Bros. Highway & Heavy 448,606.00
UToodrich Construction Co. 448,933.00
Erwin Montgomery 475,409.10
Arcon Construction Co. 477,353.91
Northern Contracting Co. 497,294.00
Krohn Drainage 590,000.00
Upon further motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that
the low bidder, Hoffman Bros. Inc., in the sum of $365,402.57 be awarded and
approved according to the Town Engineer's recommendation.
The Board then reviewed the only bid on Improvement Project No. 56
concerning the expansion of temporary sewage treatment plant No. 2. The bid
was from Alexander Construction Company with a base bid of $23,756.00 with
an alternate of $17,562.50 in the event the property is placed on the Alexander
Construction property.
A letter dated June 24th, 1970 from Alexander Construction Company
concerning a proposed two year lease in the evenC alternate No. 1 is approved
was reviewed. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED Chat
Alternate No. 1 covering Improvement Project No. 56 in the sum of $17,562.50
be, and it hereby is, awarded aid approved, subject, however, to a review of
the proposed assessment problem relative to the 20% assessment issue and
further subject to the proper financing under alternate bid No. 1 and the
approval of a lease agreement with Alexander Construction Company.
Upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the
hearing on the application of Rauenhorst Development Corporation for approval
of the preliminary plat for Eagandale Center Industrial Park No: 4 be, and it
hereby is, scheduled for July 21, 1970 at 8;00 P.M.. at the Town Hall.
The Town Attorney reviewed a proposed settlement of the railroad fire
claims with the Milwaukee Railroad and recommended that the matter be held over
until a later Board meeting because no proposal was made on the 1970 fire bills
sent to the Railroad.
Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the pre-
liminary report covering Cedarvale water trunk extensions consisting of Project
~~57, Part 1, be, and it hereby is, approved and that a public hearing be
scheduled on the project for July 21, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
The Town Engineer submitted a revised sanitary sewer master plan for
the Township and upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that
the sanitary sewer master plan be, and it hereby is, approved and that it be
forwarded, together with 19b9 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Report to the Metropolitan
Sewer Board for review.
The Town Attorney indicated that Mr, Virgil Schaaf in Burrview Acres
requested a letter from the Board indicating that no improvements on the 33 foot
street that he intends to dedicate will be commenced by the Town until the
property owners request such improvement. Upon motion by Klein, seconded by
Rahn, it was RESOLVED Chat such a letter be prepared by the Tawn Attorney and
forwarded to Mr. Schaaf.
The $oard then discussed the proposed resolution relative to the loca-
tion of I35E in the vicinity of Blackhawk Lake.. It was noted that the Board
had taken a position in April of 19y0 that abridge span the lake lather than
earth fill and after considerable discussion concerning the impact that a
rerouting of I35E to the east of Blackhawk Lake which could cause considerable
delay of up to five years, and ugon motion duly made by Rahn, seconded by Klein,
it was RESOLVED that the resolution be adopted and executed and a copy be for-
warded to the Minnesota Highway Department.
The application of the Dakota County Electric Cooperative for a
building permit for a substation on Deerwood Drive was next submitted. It
was noted that the original plan was approved subject to the acquisition of
an additional 17 foot right-of-way from the applicants. Upon motion by Rahn,
seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the building permit be approved sub-
ject, however, to the acquisition of SO-foot right-of-way bordering the
applicant`s property on Deerwood Drive.
The Town Attorney submitted a proposed vending machine ordinance
No. 3S. Upon motion by Rahn, seconded by Klein, it was RESOLVED that the ef-
fective date of the ordinance and of the license would be July 1st of each
year and a $10.00 fee would be charged for vending machines with a fee of 10~
and under and $15.00 per year for those vending machines requiring a fee of
over 10~.
The Town Attorney then submitted a proposed pipeline easement over
the Chicago, Milwaukee Railroad tracks near the Gopher Smelting Plant. After
review and upon motion by Klein, seconded by Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the
pipeline easement be executed and that it be forwarded to the Chicago, Milwaukee
Railroad for execution by the railroad officials.
Upon motion all the bills were ordered paid.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Dated: June 30, 1970.
Town Clerk