October 1, 1970
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Eagan,
Dat;ota County, Minnesota was held at the Town Hall on October I, 1970 to
consider the adoption of certain assessment rolls as follows:
PROJECT X25 - Blackhawla Road Street Improvements.
nROJECT ~k29, PART 3 -Water Sanitary Sewer and Storm Lateral Improvements
on B laclchawk Road .
PROJECT 9k39. PART B - Coachman Road, Four Oaks Road and LeTendre Road
Street Improvements.
PROJECT ~~42 - Water Main Improvements along Commanche Road for B-E-B Sewage
Plant purposes.
PROJECT X45 - Street Improvements in the Oslund Timberline Addition con-
sisting of .dine Ridge Road and McCarthy Road.
PROJECT ~~ 25 (Change Order - Originally Project ~~47) - Street Improvements
on Rahn Elementary School Road.
PRO3ECT ~~58 - Sanitary Sewer Trunk Impxovementa in Sections 13, 14 and 15.
The Town Attorney explained generally the assessment procedure
in the Township and each of the sections was open to questions in the above
order. It was announced that written or verbal objections would be received.
Certain property owners appeared concerning the street improve-
ments on Blackhawk Road and no objections were made.
Concerning McCarthy Road and Pine Ridge Road street improvements,
Mr. Howard Pertains and NIr. William Poferl, property owners in the area,
appeared requesting that the Town contact the original developer of the
project, ~~.mberline, Inc., requesting that Timberline, Inc. pay the assess-
ments for street improvements. The Board directed the Town Attorney to write
Timberline, Inc. in this respect with the understanding that Timberline,
Inc. requested the improvements and in the interim sold certain lots to
private owners but that it appeared to the Board that the developer should
retain responsibility for all assessment charges for the street improve-
A letter was read from Nirs. Lawrence Mooney objecting to the
street assessment in the Timberline area particularly in relation to her lot
consisting of Lot 19, Bloclc 2, Timberline Addition.
Another letter was read from Mr. Melvin Braun objecting to the
truntc sanitary sewer assessments in Section 13 on the basis that speculators
and developers should pay the larger share of the assessments.
The Board recommended that the SW4 of Section 1!+ and the SEA
of Section 15 be eliminated from the sanitary trunk assessments in those
sections for the reasons that they are in seperate drainage areas and
financing would more appropriately not be a part of the balance of those
The Chairman closed Che hearing and indicated that the decision
on the adoption of the assessment rolls would be made at the regular meeting
of the Board on October 6, 1970.
Upon motion the meeting adjourned.
Dated: October 1, 1970.
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