December 8, 1970
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota
County, Minnesota was held at 6:30 P.M. on December 8, 1970 at the Town Hall
at which all members were present.
Chairman Klein presided.
Police Chief Martfn DesLauriers appeared before the Board and recom-
mended that as of January 1, 1971, a new police sergeant be hired at a salary
of $930 per month ($50 over a patrolanan's salary) and a part-time patrolman
to be paid $3.50 per hour for an average of $100 per month.
Discussion followed as to whether the Town in its current budget could
afford this additional expense in the Police Department, whereupon the Board
requested the Town Attorney to render an opinion and report to the Board at its
December 15th meeting on the matters of deficit spending, emergency powers for
raising additional moneys and taxing limits of the Township.
The Board was next informed that the Hfgh-Site Apartment group desired
to proceed with the grading and foundation work on their apartment complex
immediately because of pending weather conditions. Upon motion duly made by
Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that High-
Site, Inc., be, and it hereby is, granted a partial construction permit for
grading and foundation work for the High-Site Apartments in Effress Addition,
Section 10-27-23.
Thereafter the Board adjourned its own special meeting and met jointly
with the Park Committee.
Mr. James Olson, the Town fiscal consultant, of Juran & Moody appeared
before the joint meeting to explain the funding relating to the proposed park
bond issue. Mr. Jahn Voss of Urban Planning and Design also appeared and pre-
sented a proposed I~tJD application, which he discussed along with suggestions
for completing the application, including the obtaining of appropriate appraisals
of the proposed park lands for acquisition. The Board and Committee jointly
referred the application and the matter of picking the two appraisers required
to Mr. Voss and the Town Attorney to be confirmed on December lSth by resolution.
of the Board. Further, the HtID application was referred to the Town Attorney
for review and recommendation to the Board at its December 15th meeting.
Upon motion, the meeting was adjourned.
December $, 1970
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Town Clerk ~~ ~~