November 23, 1971
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Eagan Township, Dakota
County, Minnesota, was held at the Town Hall at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on November
23, 1971, at which all members were present,
Chairman Klein presided, The reading of the minutes of the previous
meting was unanimously waived. Chairman mein stated the primary purpose of
the meeting to be to discuss with the representatives of tha Police Department
an increase in salary.
Police Ghief Martin DesLauriers and his assistant, Pete Popgler,
appeared on behalf of the Police Department to discuss wage increases for the
police Department. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by
Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that in accordance with the guidelines under
Phase II of the Federal G~Iage Program, all police officers be, and they hereby
are, granted across the board raises in the amount of $50.00 effective N~o~ember
15, 197],; and FURTHER RESOLVED to raise the salary of the Chief of Police to
$1090.00 per month; and FURTHER RESOLVED to increase the salary of Virginia
Knight to $540.A0 per month and to pay the Police Department part--time secre-
tart', Marlene Adam, at the rate of $2.45 per hour] and FURTHER RESOLVID that
the part-time police officers be paid up to a maximum of $3.50 per hour in the
discretion of the Chief of Police; and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney
be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to revise and update the budget
schedule of the Police Department and resubmit same to the Board of Supervisors,
Chief of Police DesLauriers presented a form of resolution for
"Project Alert". Upon motion made by Chairman IClein and seconded by Supervisor
Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the resolution regarding Project Alert be, and the
saM.e hereby is, atsly apgrovsd and adopted as gresente3 and a copy thereof
ordered spread upon the minutes of this meeting.
Chief of Police DesLauriers requested the Board to consider declaring
a nobparking zone on Rahn Road between Beau de Rue and Bluestone except for
official business by the Fire Department end other Town officials. No formal
action was taken. Chairman Klein directed that the matter be set down oa the
~1ge*_t9.a for the December 7th meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
Rahn, it was RESOLVED Chat the application of Inland Construction Company far
rezoning part of the SW~ of the SEA of Section 29 from A, Agricultural, to R-1
and R-6 lying East of proposed 235E be set docvn for public hearing and noticed
according to law far the December 7, 1971, Board meeting at 8:00 F.I~q. It was
noted that Chairman Klein abstained From votinb on the motion.
The Board discussed cancelling the regular Board meeting scheduled for
December 21st and in lieu thereof scheduling the second December regular meeting
for December 14th, which the Board informally agreed to da.
Upon motion wade by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded. by Supervisor
Ra~~.n., it was RESOLVED that the contracts covering Public Improvement Project
No. G9 be, and they hereby are, duly approved and ordered executed subject to
the inclusion of appropriate insurance certificates from the contractor,
The Board directed the Town Attorneq to examine the proposed Public
G7orics Contract and report to the Board on it at its December 14th meeting.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
Rahn, it was RESOLVED that in the future all public improvement contracts awarded
by the Town to individual contractors be accompanied by the Affidavit now re-
quired by law for submission to the Minnesota Department of Taxation before
final payment be made to such contractors; and FURTHER RESOLVED that this
Af~:idavit shall bs i.n~.:luucd in the Town Engineer's bid requirements in all
future contracts.
Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor Rahn,
it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and hereby is, authorized and
directed to prepare the amendments to ordinances as outlined in the Town
Attorney's letter of November 16, 1971.
Upon motion made and seconded, it c~~as RESOLVED that the proposed
Inver Grove Heights A4utual Secaage and Water Service Agreement be submitted to
the Town Engineer for study and report to the Board at its December 7th meeting
and that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to send a copy of
the proposed Agreement to Inver Grove for its study.
The Town Attorney next presented to the Board his letter concerning
the proposed Cedar Grove Sewage Plant purchase by the Metro Sewer Board, Upon
motion made by Supervisor I'.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed
to attempt negotiations on the basis outlined in his letter.
The building permit application of G~lilliam Dahlke om`Cliff Road for
a building permit to construct a hog shed, 20' x 24', at an estimated cost of
$7.050.00 was presented. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by
Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the building permiC application be,-and
it hereby is, approved and the permit ordered issued upon payment of the appro-
priate fees therefor,.
Upon motion made by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor
Uselmann, aye Rahn, it was P,ESOLVED that Change Order No, 1 in the amount of
$1b,717.57 and Change Order Ido. 2 in the amount of $6,685,'35 for Public Improve-
went Project No. 49, Part 2, sewer and water, be, and' they hereby are, duly'
apprcved and ordered in.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
Rahn, aye Klein, it was RESOLVED that the final estimate on Public Improvem~-it
Praj:.et No. 63 in the amount of $14,899.08 to serve the Ballantrae d.evelogment
be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and ordered in.
There being no further business, upon motion made and seconded, the
meeting was adjourned.
Dated: November 23, 1971