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12/14/1971 - City Council Special
MINUTrS 0? SP CIAL MrFTIiVC OF BOARD G" LZ:tsZECiORS T0~'N OF EAGAN, i2,~i0TA C0~'NTY, t~IINP3~S0A DecemSar 14, 1971 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Pakota County, Minnesota, was held on December 14, 1971, at 7:00 F.i•1. at thc~ '"'•:r*.c•:i nail at which all members were present together with Mr. Branchs i'~jblic ',Si~T~~:3 Superintendent, to discuss salaries in the Public Works Departner.:_, Chairman Klein presided. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman I:lei::a aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that effective November 15, 1971 a $l~0,00 a monr_h cost of living raise be authorized for all maintenance employees escep,~: those on six months prubation. Upon motioa by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that effective November 15, 1971, Pu'~lic T.~Jorks Superintendent Branch's salary be raised $60.00 a month and FURTFa~.R 1~ SOLVRD that Foreman Robert Shockley's salary be increased to $825.00 par m.~nrh and the Inspector, Mr. Peterson's salary be increased to $825.00 per rcc±~.th effective November 15, 1971. This increase will put them in line with fore~m~n avid inspectors' salaries in neighboring communities. L'pon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Su;servisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Pamela Hoppe's salary for part-time secretarial work be raised to $2.50 per hour effective November 15, 1971. Upon mo*ian merle by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Board of Supervisors' meeting of December 7, 1971, be, and hereby are, unanimously approved with the follo~air.~; corrections and additions: 1. The second full paragraph on Page 5 dealing with the puz~lic hearin c:~ t.:.` ~p;~iication of lnl~tr,:~ C~~nstniction Company for a 3~e~.ori*'.~; sE~ou13 reflect the fact that Chairman Klein removed himself from the Board prior to the proceedings for the reason that he had a personal interest in the rezoning. 2. The last paragraph on page 5 dealing with the mobile ho:~,~ P<~.:.°:. ^.ri1:~t for t•?a11 Corporation should reflect that Chairman Klein rer!^tr ia•~,~s:~~.f from the Board prior to the proceedings .for the reason t~~t :~a hod s personal interest in the matter. Felice C:iief Martin DesLauriers appeared on behalf of the Police c,~<.-•. t~e*~+. and presented the applications for the grant of aid in the joint ~~•~:?.~_~:~ facilities. Chief DesLauriers indicated that they had received t!~e c~~~i.a:at2 of cost fi•o~x the Planning Consultants as follows: MidG~est Planners $18,500.00 Sp-r:in.gsted, Inc. $12,500.00 Mr. DesLauriers further indicated that the joint study committee recommended the acceptance of the bid of Springsted, Inc., and that Inver Grove Heights .~nd Rosemount had passed resolutions to that effect and Chief DesLauriers •:+;.:e ted that the Board pass a similar resolution. Upoa motion by Chairma;. i~_ca~<t, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED to ptcceed with the bid of Springsted, Inc., and that the Police Chief was ~„xthorisc~.d to appropriate $225.00 as the Town's share of the cost at this t:L^te~ Chaixraa:x Klein at this point indicated that he wished to formally commend Officer Peter Poppler of the Eagan Police Department for ristcing his life in the line of duty. Upon motion by Chairman Klein, seconded by Supervisor Use?mann, aye Supervisor P,Ghn, the Board adopted a resolution, a copy of which is attached to the minutes, and directed that a copy be sent to Officer PopplPr an~3 to the Eagan Police Department for insertion in his record. -2- Chief LeRTaa~sri rs then discussed the problem of snoz~obiles anc~ tl~e recent ccjns~~:3i*~tc that they have received. Supervisor Uselmann inq~~ re~~. r.: "~ ;rLerh:~~ an absolut:P curfew would solve tae complaint problem, Uron*sotir~•~z b,~ ~~,~.~~: ~~f.s,~r Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED to ser_cl a r~*~n;~ of the snowmobile ordinance to the two newspapers serving the Town r~'i.*_t.~ ~~.~i .Aca:orapanying statement that if the snowmobile complaints don't stop t-~^.:. tj~:: ~= a'~_'ci ;•ra.ll consider banning them from the streets entirely. There was no Fire Department business. Superintendent Bill Branch of the Utility Department appeared and rAq~_icstec z~±?.ssion of the Board for members of his Department to issue tic1cets i„ uz::c;3~.~~1s. Upon motion by Chairman Klein and seconded by Supervisor L'selm:3~n, it eras RESOLVED that the members of the Utility Department ba grarteut t;ie power to issue pa-rlcing violation tickets to snowbirds. Superintendent Branch next brought up the problem of the railroad crossing at Eagandale Boulevard in Eagandale Industrial Park No. 1 just South of Highway No. 55. He indicated that there were several instances of prope~ry c?:~mage caused to vehicles as they crossed the tracks. Upon motion by Chairman ?:..uin, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was PESOLVED that the 'gown Engineer ~~.~ the Superintendent of the Utility Department contact the railroad to wori: cst a s©:Lution to the problem. Chairman Klein next convened the public hearing on the application of GJill.mus Properties, Inc., concerning rezoning of 205 acres in Sections 28 am 29 lying South of County Road 30 and East of proposed I 35 E from C-2 and R-6 to revised C-2 and R-6. Thomas ti7illmus and Mr. George Nason appeared on behalf of the applicant. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee reco~•ended approval. There was no opposition to the application. Upon motion by Chairm_a~ ?:'.ein, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOI;J?~.~~ Tat tS~e application for rezoning of 205 acres South of County Road P1v. 3O an•i _3- tact of p-.-opr. ,^ed 135 E in Sections 28 .?n:~ 29 tae, and the same hereby is, ds?.y ~~I,~*xavF.d r ~~rsuant to the proposal submitted and attached to the ap^?,ic2 ~ i.or Chairman Klein convened the public hearing on the application o: ?-?rs. Clarice McRae to replat and rezone property in Letendre Second Addi::aon :+r.,d approximately 14 acres East and North of Highway No. 13 on Yankee Do~~;7.~. R~E~. Mr. Don Christenson appeared on behalf of 'the applicant. It was*+~~_sJ _'a. _~t- the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Supervisor Usel~~;ar.~n. indicated that he had received a telephone call from Mr. James Kennedy r~garclti.:; This matter and Mr. I:ennedy had indicated that he was against the reduction ir_ tree ~.nt size and the replatting but that he was not against the rezoning regae.t ;~~::. F~::~'.ge: Slater inquired as to who was going to be the builder, and TZr. Ch.istenson indicated that no decision had been made on this matter. Y~iN. Dunne A~:derson indicated that he would litre to see the lot size remain at I1~ feet but that he also was not against the rezoning. There was discussion by the Board members as to the lot size and upon motion by Chairman IZlein and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED to approve the rezoning and replatting to BS foot lots with the understanding that there will be an effort m~~~e to add footage to the Northerly five lots so that they are over 35 feet. The Chairman next convened the public hearing on the application of P.ai~nan Vogelpohl for approval of preliminary plat and reviled preliminary pl.ar. fir the apartment complex near Silver Bell Road and Highway No. 13. Mr. Jay Pallatt with the Apache Engineering Company appeared for the applicant. Mr. Pallatt indicated that they were asking for approval of rev3.sion to the origir_al planned unit development and for approval of the preliminary plat. It was noted that there was no objection to the proposal to increase the density on the project from 15 to 19 units per acre. Upon motion by Supervisor ~?~~lnar.n, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED than: -4- ~~ the revised plan and preliminary plat be, and hereby are, approved subject to the applicant working out an appropriate park contribution. Chairman Klein next convened the application of Cedar Grove Con- struction Company for final plat approval of Cedar Grove Additions No. 9, 10 and 11 in Section 20-27-23. Mr. Jean Parranto appeared on behalf of the applicant in regard to Cedar Grove Additions Nos. 9 and 10. Upon motion by Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann it was RESOLVED that the final plat for Cedar Grove Addition: No. 9 be, and the same hereby is, approved. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor RaF~.n, aye Chairman Klein it was RESOLVED that the final plat for Cedar Grove Addition No. 10 be, and the same hereby is, approved. Mr. Jean Parranto and Mr. Bill Jensen of Suburban Engineering, and Mr. Harris the landscape architect, next presented the proposals for Cedar Grove No. 11. Mr. John Malecki, representing the area resideat~, asked a number of questions regarding building type set-backs and whether or not the Cedar Grove Construction Company and the Board of Supervisors had not gone back on their word in connection with this project. Chairman Klein ind3~ted thaC the Board had not gone back on its word and that A1r. Malecki had given an improper interpretation to accounts of what he had believed to have happened. After discussion by the Board and upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was ~830!I,VED that the final plat for Cedar Grove No. 11 Addition be, and the same hereby is, approved. The Town Clerk indicated that she had three letters from Cedar Grove Construction Company requesting utilities gs follows: 1. Sanitary sewer and water to Cedar Grove No. 8 Addition in 1972; 2. Sanitary sewer and water in Cedar Grove No. 11 Addition in 1972; 3. 4Jater pipe to model townhouse during this year in Cedar Grove No. 11. 6 The Clerk indicated ~~ that Cedar Grove Company had requested that the Public Hearing be waived on all three in as much as they were the only property owner. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, secon~,~ by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that. the requests be referred to the Town Engineer and that he prepare a feasability study as to the installation of the utilities. The Board indicated that the Public Works Contract had been reviewed and completed. Consideration of the proposed Inver Grove Heights water and sewer agreement was continued until the aexC~meeting for the reason that Inver Grove Heights had not responded to the proposal. The report by the Town Attorney regarding the proposed purchase by the Metropolitan Sewer Board of the Cedar Grove Sewage Treatment Plant was continued until the next meeting. The Town Engineer indicated that he will present a preliminary report for the trunk sewer project known as Improvement Project 88 at the January 4, 1972, meeting. Upon motion by Chairman Rlein seconded by Super- visor Uselmann it was R8S0'LygD t~CS+t_a public hearing on Improvement Project No. 88 be scheduled for January 18, 1972, at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared regarding the temporary sewage treat- ment plant on his property. The Town Engineer presented a proposed letter to the Metropolitan Sewer Board from the Town and upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein,i t was RESOLVED that the letter as presented be executed and sent to the Metropolitan Sewer Board. The Town Engineer indicated that with the development of the Vogelpohl property there will be a need to change the grade of Silver Bell Road. The Town Engineer therefore requested authority to prepare a prelim- is~axy report regarding the grade of Silver Bell Road and upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be authorized to prepare a preliminary report as to the feasa~ 6 bi.lity of changing the grade of Silver Bell Road. The Town Clerk indicated that she had received a litter from the new Dakota County Surveyor, Mr. Bernard H. Larson, outlining the new programs that he would propose'. beginning in January of 1972. The Town Engineer indicated that he had been in contact with the County Surveyor and had indicated that he would cooperate in any way to be of assistance. The Town Clerk presented a proposed fee schedule for permit requests. Ugou motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Klein, aye Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the fee schedule be adopted and is effective on applications received after January 1, 1972. ThA new fee schedule shall be as follows: Rezoning $150.00; Preliminary Plat $75.00; Final Plat $5.00 for each the first 10 lots, $2.00 per lot thereafter; Special Use $50.00 (initial) $25.00 (renewal): Variance $25.00; Plus any additional engineering or legal fees. The Town Clerk requested authority to purchase a calculator and estimated that the cost would be up to $700.00. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be authorized to spend up to $700.00 to purchase a calculator for the Town. The Town Clerk eequested that all license provisions which require bonds be amended to provide for them to expire on January 1st of each yeas. Upon motion of Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was RESOLVED to amend all license provisions to provide for their expiration ~n January 1st of each year. The Town Clerk requested authority to hire a high school student over the holidays to help catch upon back work. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmarn, seconded by Supervisor Rahn, aye Chairman Klein, it was P.ESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, and hereby is, authorized to hire a high school student for help over the holidays at $1.25 per hour.. 7 Upon motion made and seconded all bills as presented were approved and ordered paid according to the Vouchers Numbered as follows: Vouchers Account 7071 -- 7175 11-010-22 950 ~-- 962 11-010-73 Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting '~nas adjourned. DATED: December 14, 1971