January 25, 1972
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota
County, Minnesota, was held on January 25, 1972, at 4:00 o'clock P,M. at the
Town Hall, at which all members of the Board cJere present,
Chairman I:lein presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous
meeting was unanimously waived.
Chairman Klein stated the purpose of the meeting to be the considera-
tion of the sewer and c~~ater bond, park bond and fire hall bond issues, and the
park acquisition program.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is, authorized to
advertise for bids for sale of sewer and water public improvements bonds in the
amount of $954,000.00 to be sold as one issue, and park acquisition and improve-
went bonds in the amount of $700,000.00 and bonds for the new fire hall in the
amount of $122,000.00, to be sold as another combined issue. The bids are to
be opened on February 15, 1972 at 8:00 P.M, It was noted that the fiscal con-
sultant from Juran and Moody, James Olson, was present and presented his report
and projection on bond retirement which was received and approved.
The Town Cleric presented the proposed contracts from the Town Engineer
and Urban Planning & Design, Inc., for estimated engineering and planning casts
for the proposed park areas to be acquired under the park acquisition program..
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that the proposed contracts presented by the Town Engineer and Urban
Planning & Design, both dated December 14, 1971, be, and they hereby are, duly
approved and the Town officers authorized and directed to execute said contracts
and to approve the expenditures for such engineering and planning as contained
in said contract.
The Town At~orney next presented the Option Agreements for the purchase
of the Country Home Heights properties from TIr. Poppler and Miss Burns, which
were, iC was noted, executed by the optionors. Upon motion duly made by
Supervisor Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the
Option Agreements as presented by the Town Attorney be, and they hereby are,
duly approved and ordered executed by the appropriate Town officers and the
payment of the option moneys specified therein hereby authorized.
The Town Attorney next requested authority to complete the purchase
of Cedar Grove Construction Company's Outlots A and B in conformance with the
previous agreement negotiated, including the land trade and the additional cash
consideration pursuant to agreement between the Town Attorney and Sean Parranto
on behalf of Cedar Grove Construction Company. Fiscal Consultant Olson and
the Town Attorney advised the Board that until such time as the park bond issue
was sold and the proceeds for the acquisition of park lands received, the Town
could "borrow" funds from another account in order to complete the transaction
during the current 1972 fiscal year, provided that the funds were repaid during
this year. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
P.ahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, duly author-
ized and directed to complete the purchase of the Cedar Grove Construction
Company's Outlots A and Bin conformance with the previous negotiation and that
the funds be supplied from another account as deemed appropriate by the T~
Treasurer and Town Clerk for this purpose; provided, however, that the funds be
replaced out of the proceeds of the park bond issue during the calendar yEar 1972.
Mr. Jerry Hagemeister and Mr. Tony Roszal: appeared with respect to
the appointment of a realtor to represent the To~~~n in acquiring the partc sites
contained in the first phase of the park acquisition program. After discussing
the situation with both parties, the Board determined that acquisition of the
sites through negotiation should first be attempted and if that failed then
the Town Attorney would proceed with condemnation proceedings. Upon motion
made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rahn, it was RESOLVED
that Mr. Tony Roszak be, and he hereby is, duly appointed as the agent of the
Town to proceed to acquire through negotiation the first phase park site lands
within the limits established by the authorised site purchase prices as speci-
fied in the Summary, copy of which is ordered attached to the minutes of this
meeting; and FURTHER PESOLVED that Mr. Roszak be paid the sum of $100.,00 per
parcel to negotiate the purchase whether the purchase be consummated or not.
The Board directed Mr. P~oszalc to consult with the Town Attorney as to the method
of procedure and for the Town Attorney to cooperate with Mr, Roszak in the
acquisition of the subject properties.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned.
Dated; January 25, 1972
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