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04/04/1972 - City Council RegularPIINUTES OF P.EGUIu'.P, NIEETIAIG OF BOIP.D OF SUPERVISORS EAGAN TO[~1NSHIP, DA:COTA COUPITY T~IIP'IdESOTG April 4•, 1972 A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Town of Eagan, Dalcota Cocnty, Minnesota, was held on April 4, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. at which all members were present. Clerk Alyce Bollce announced that the first order of business way to elect the Chairman in view of the absence of iormar Chairman doEnq IClein and tr,~: election of new Board Member [•Jilliam Rydrych. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor P.ahn be, and he hereby is, duly elected as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to serve until the next Annual Pieeting and election or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. Chairman P.ahn thereupon presided and appointed Supervisor Uselmann A as Vice Chairman to preside over parks and utilities matters and appointed ~uoervisor Rydrych as Vice Chairman to preside over plattings and zonings, police and fire, reserving unto Chairman F.ahn roads and bridges. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman ahn, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board of Supervisors be, and they hereby are, duly approved and adopted unanimously as presented. Chief of Police Martin DesLauriers appeared on behalf of Police Department business and recommended the purchase of an additional squad car. Four bids were received.for a squad car. The lava bidder was [•Jestdale Ford in the amount of $3,531.00 according to the bids attached to these minutes. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman Ptahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, the purchase from 4Jestdale Ford was authorized. The Chief of Police DesLauriers also submitted an application from Jane's Sauna for a special use permit to continue operation. The Town Attorney had no objection to the application, Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was RESOLVED that Jane's Sauna be, and hereby is; approved ror the issuance of a special use permit in accordance with the appti~ cation and the agreement presently in effect. Application was made for renewal of the special use permit for the Nursery School at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded Chairman Rahn, ths' special use permit renewal was authorized, There was no Fire Department business, Mr. Bill Branch, Utflity Department Superintendent, appeared and reported that there were some rusty water problems occurring in the To-,anship and he cited the contractors for tampering with various valves at the Cime of installation of their developments and recommended that the ordinance provide for a $300.00 fine for tampering with the water valves in the future. No formal action was taken. There was no Park Committee business. Mr. Neil Black, Eagan representative on I,ASAC, the Sound Abatement Council, appeared and made three recommendations with regard to future activity of Eagan Township in this respect. Upon motion made by ^upervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the three suggestions of Mr. Black be, and they hereby are, duly approved. The following building permit applications were presented: Frederick Christopherson temporary 8 x 10 sign for the Day Care Center on Cedar ?venue. Application of Metbarr, Inc., for a 12 x 16 sign for Easy Street Apartments on the corner of Silver Belle Road and Highway ~r13. Upon motion of Supervisor Uselmann, seconded. Supervisor Rycrych, it was RESOLVED that the temporary sign for the Day Care Center be approved to September 1, 1972, and -2- it was further RESOLVED that the application '`or the sign for Easy Street Apartments be tabled to the April 18 meetinu. The Town Engineer next presented a proposed future street pattern for the area bounded by Highway ~r`13, Lone Oalc P.oad and Pilot P.nob P~oad. There were a number of interested residents who appea~:ed and requested the Tocm Engineer to prepare copies of the proposed street plan. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED to authorize the Town Engineer F.osene to meet with the interested citizens regarding this plan and to reconsider same at the June 6, 1972, meeting of the Board. Chairman Rahn next convened the public hearing on the application of Blue Cross to rezone part of the I~[-~~ of Section 17 and the ~,~~ of Section lb near Blue Cross Road from A, t~gricultural, to C-2, Commercial, R-1 and R-6, Residential. It was noted that the E:dvisory Plannin; Committee recommended approval, Several residents appeared in opposition to the C-2 rezoning. The matter was discussed. Upon motion made by Uupervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED thaC the public hearing be continued until the E,pril 18 meeting of the Board. It was suggested that Blue Cross represen- tatives meet with the Partc Committee on April 10 and that they consider the possibility of R & D zoning instead of the requested C-2 zoning. Chairman Rahn next convened the public hearing on the application of Land Planning & Engineering Corporation to vacate three utility easements in Section 14 consisting of ilescott Hills l~ddition South on Yankee Doodle P.oad. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, aye Chairman Rahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the application be, and the same. hereby is, duly approved and the necessary documents for vacation be executed by the appropriate Town officers. -3- Chairman 1',ahn next convened the public hearing on Public Improvement Project AIo. 65 consisting of proposed water and sewer improvements in erections 19 and 30 west of Cedar Avenue. The Town Engineer delivered his report. No one appeared ici opposition to the recommendation. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor P,ydrych, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it caas P.ESOLVED that the report on Public Improvement Project i`Io. 65 be, and hereby is, duly approved and adopted and the project ordered in. The application of Land Planning ~: Engineering Corporation for building permit on Lot 1, Block 1, t~7escott Hills l~,ddition for a 16 unit condo- minium and townhouse project was submitted in the form of tcao applications. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Co:~mittee recommended approval. Upen motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the applications be, and the same hereby are, duly approved subject to the submission of final plans and specifications and approval of the Town Engineer; also subject to the approval of the Town Engineer and the Town ~:ttorney of the Home Owners Agreements to be submitted by the applicant and further the $40.00 park contribution; and FUP.THEP. RESOLVED that the ordin- ance T1o. 6 be amended to include condominium ocm ers and associations respon- sib le to the Town for the parlc contribution and the adherence to the ordinances and resolutions of this Board to the same extent as the owner-developer. Mr. Allan Levin and Jim Dole appeared on behalf of the application of the Alden Corporation for plan approval for a proposed R-6 multiple resiuen- tial complex developmenC in the Nt•1'~ of the Nfl'~ of Section 14-27-23 at the intersection of Yankee Doodle Poad and Lexinton E.venue South. It was noted that the :advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chaii~nan Cahn, it was RESOLVED that the -4- proposed plan of development be, and the same hereby is, duly approved subject to the approval of the Town Engineer upon submission of preliminary plat and final plans and specifications and a time schedule on the completion of con- struction and further subject to the approval of the Park Committee regarding recreational facilities, Mr. Bill Stewart appeared on behalf of the application of P.adio station LJPBC for a building permit for a 500 foot radio tower in Section 31- 27-23 south of Cliff P,oad. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Committee recommended approval. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the building permit application for a radio tower be, and the same hereby is, duly approved subject to the approval of the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal .viation agency and subject to submission of plans and specifications for construction of the tower to the To~+m Engineer and his approval thereof. Mr. Jerry ICingrey appeared on behalf of the application of Cooperative Power «ssociation for a building permit for the construction of overhead trans- mission Lines on the east side of Pilot ICnob Poad from 6•Jilderness Pun P~oad south to Cliff Road. mended approval. Upo Chairman Rahn, it ~,~as duly approved subject of the Town Engineer. Mr. Kenneth It c~~as noted that the ._dvisory Planning Committee recom- n motion made by wupervisor Uselmann and seconded by F~ESCLVED that the application be, and the same hereby is, to the approval of County Engineer Gabiou and approval ~',ppelbaum appeared on behalf of his application to approve a plan for the grant of easements along the east side of Donald Avenue over the P.obert Karatz :~.ddition to correct a survey description along Donald Avenue. The application was in the form of a letter request. The Board was referred to the Advisory Planning Committee minutes in this regard. Upon motion _g- by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P,ahn, it was RESOLVED that the request be, and hereby is, duly approved subject to the approval of the Town ~;ttorney in the form of a letter. Chairman F.ahn next stated that there were four vacancies which existed o~- the :advisory Planning Committee and called for nominations for replacements.. He indicated that the vacancies occurred because of the expira- tion of the terms of Don Christenson, Ted tlachter, Jon PRarble and Herb Polzino The following members were nominated to fill the vacancies; namely, Joe Harrison, Roger Sperling, Jerry Leimer, James Fischer and I~ierle Lundsten in addition to the four members of the Planning: Committee whose terms expired.. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was P.ESOLVED that .each Supervisor would have four votes and the four nominees with the most votes would be appointed ~o the Advisory Planning Committee. The vote was taken and tallied and those nominees receiving the most votes and thereby appointed to the Planning Committee were Polzin, tlachter, Marble and Harrison. Upon motion made by Supervisor P,ydrych and seconded by "upervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that Polzin, ?tlachter, Aiarble and Harrison be, and they hereby are, duly appointed to the 1'.dvisory Planning Committee to serve for a two year term or until their successors are. duly qualified and appointed. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman r,ahn, it was RESOLVED that Dr. R. L. Erickson be, and he hereby is, duly reappointed the Town Health Gfficer for a period of one year. The matter of the proposed acceptance fog parts property of a parcel from D.C.R. Gorporation on I.ahn P,oad adjacent to the Cedar Grove Construction Company's Outlots A, D and E was continued until the E`~pril 18 Board meetinU -6- as the Town F~ttorney reported there has been no further development on it because the survey had not been completed, The 'Town F~ttorney discussed with the Board the various option a;ree- ments that had been prepared and executed for acquisition of park sites in accordance with the park plan and requested authority to make surveys in those particular situations where there was a portion of an individual's land being acquired and leaving a balance which needed definition as to boundary line. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it s•~as P>EOLVED that the Town s.ttorney be, and he hereby is, authorized to order surveys for those part properties requiring same to determine boundary lines for the park area and for the remaining lands of an owner. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chai;anan P~ahn, it was P.ESOLVSD that the application of P,oger Derrick and Earl ~Iarotzlce to rezone ten acres in the Id!;?'~ of the SEA of Section 36-27-23 from .., Aricul- rural, to R-1, Light Industrial, be set dorm for Public Hearing on the proposed rezoning and preliminary plat approval for Tiay 2, 1972. fsnd upon motion by supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman•~•Ralin, aye Supervisor P.ydxych, it was PESOLVED that the Preliminary P.eport for Project 7E submitted by the Town ~ngineer be accepted and FU%THEP~ RESOLVED to set do~•~n for public hearing on T~1ay 2, 1972, at.8;04 P,rM. at the Town Hall Public Improvement project Ito. 73, Carriage Hills Apartments, water and sewer improvements. The application of Beure'-Co./Hillandale for four sign permits to be located at the intersections of Blackhawk Road and Highway ; 13, County P.oad 7`30 and Blackhawk P.oad, Cedar Avenue and County P,oad ;~30 and along Cedar F.venue near the Chicago-Northwestern P~ailroad track was submitted. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor %ydrych, it was Pd±SOLVED that -7- i the sign permit application be, and hereby is, approved and the permits ordered issued for the balance of 1972 to be renewed on January 1, 1973, sub3ect to approval of the Building Inspector as to siEn location. Chairman Rahn abstained. The Town Engineer then requested that a public hearing on Timbershores Third and Fourth Additions Public Improvement Project No. 95, water and; be set down for May 2, 1972. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor 1'.ydrych, it was P~E~OLVED that the public hearing on Timbershores Third and Fourth .dditions be set far May 2, 1972, at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Ball. The Town Engineer presented the final plans and specifications for Public Improvement Project T1o. 83, Part.l, Central trunk sewer west of Pilot Knob Road and recommended the taping of bids on Y4ay 8. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by supervisor Uselmann, aye Rydrych, it eras P~B~OLVED that the plans and specifications be, and they hereby are, duly approved and accepted as presented by the .Town Engineer and that the bids be taken thereon on May 8, 1972, at the Town Hall at 8:00 P.M. Upon motion made by supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the Town, upon the recommendation of the Toren Attorney, cease .all further legal action contesting the pending incorporation hearing before the Minnesota PIunicipal Commission; and rURTHER RESOLVED thaC a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the i•1inresota rlunicipal Commission. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman F.ahr.., it was P~ESOLVED that the Town !attorney be, and he hereby is, sutho~-ized and directed to prepare a procedural sheet for conduct of applicants under the Town ordinances with the aid of the Tgwn Engineer. ~u- ~uperviso~ Rydrych requested that a special meeting of the Board, Planner John Voss, the Town Engineer, Chairmaw of the Park Committee and Chairman of the Planning Committee meet on April 11 at 7:30 F.M. at the Town Ha11 to discuss overall planning for Eagan Township. Chairman Poahn directed that a special meeting be called and the persons invited to attend be notified Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Chairman r~hn, it was RESOLVED that the Toran Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and ~uY ~ ~ s~src ~~ directed to prepare plans and specifications for use in the Board meeting room. The Board directed the Town ClerZ; to charge an additional $50.00 per year for the sign on the Cedar Grove Treatment Plant property to be added to the regular sign fee. The Board articulated the new connection fees with regard to water and sewer hookup as follows: If the improvement is completed prior to July 1, the property owner will have until the encl of that calendar year to connect at the old connection fee rate.. If the improvement is completed after July 1, then the owner would have until the end of the following year to connect at the old connection fee. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P,ydrych, it was RESOLVED that this connection policy be, and here'~y is, formally approved and adopted bq the Board. The Town Cleric presented application for abateLnent of the park land dedicated by the Falconshire Development in section 15-27-23. Upon motion made and seconded, it was PESOLVED that the request be, and the same hereby is, grant- ed and the appropriate town officers execute- the application and forwar~l,t,~- the county. The petition of Mr. Frisbee for lateral sewer to serve the Oak Chase Development was presented. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, aye Chairman P.ahn, it was P.ESOLVED that the -9- request be turned over to the Town Engineer to prepare a feasibility study and report to the Board. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVEb that all bills as presented be, and they hereby are,. duly approved and ordered paid and tdarrants #1052 through 1054 and ~,~7658 through 769a be issued in payment thereof. Upon motion made by ^upervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor iydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, author- ized and directed to write to the A4etro Sewer Board in reply to the letter received from the ewer Board regarding the temporary closing of Cedar Avenue, Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. Dated: April 4, 1972 Q~'L,.,~ /~.~~.~:-~ ~ ~.~1.v1...J T