05/30/1972 - City Council Special MIrIUTE; OF A SPECIAL P~ETING OF BOAI.D OI! SUPERVISORS TOtiA1 OF EAGAN, DAItOTA COUTITY, c~?IcINESgTI~ May 30, 1972 A Special I~ieeting of the Board of "upervisors, Town of iagan, Dalcata County, rlinnesota, cvas held at the Town Hall on T•Iay 30, 1972, at 7:00 o'clock P,Yi. at which all members were present. Chairman ".ahn presided and stated the meeting had been called to discuss the park dedication in Cedar Grove Ito. 7. A letter had been received from Cedar Grove Construction Co. dated liay ~0, 1972, setting forth the terms of transfer of the park property. It was also of:~ered that if there was an excess of black dirt alter completion or their removal operation, Cedar Grove would stockpile the remaininn black dirt to be spread by Eagan Township. Upon motion made by Supervisor U~elmann and seconded by Chairman P.uhn, it c~as I?ECOLVED that the oif-er of Cedar Grove per ?cs letter of rTay 30th be, and the same hereby is, approved and accepted provided that the excess black dirt be stockpiled by Cedar rove on the site. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor U;~elmann, it was P.ESOLVED that the Agreement with lrlme~ Scott far a Gravel Pit Permit be, and hereby is, approved and ordered executed by the Town. At 8:00 o'clock x.T•i. the Dakota County 3oard of Commissioners together with the Dakota Gounty Highway llepartment held an informational meeting con- cerning i:oad and Bridge matters. P.epresentatives of Eagan, Apple Valley, Mendota, i'.osemount and Inver Grove Heights were present. Chairman ties Vane presided. The present and proposed policies relating to road construction in the Gounty were discussed. It was proposed that a consultant be hired to do a study of the needy of County roads at an appro.timate cost of $35,000. The above communities all went on record as being in ravob of having the ^,tudy made. Bonding for County ~.oad improvements versus cash payment, as present policy, was also discussed. Appropriation of l;osd'and Bridge funds to the com- munities was also discussed. Tt was the gene::a1 feeling that if this rebate was cancelled at the present time it would create a financial burden on the various communities. PIo formal action was taken, and the meeting adjourned. vated: Play 30, 1972 ~-~- ~~ ~~-~'-~- -2-