10/10/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF TOt~N BOARD OF SLt?'::RVtSJ~RS VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COITNTY, MINNESOTA October 10, 1972 A special meeting of the Town Board or Supervisors was held at 9:OJ o'clock P.M. at the Town Hall on October 10, 1972, immediately following the ~~ljaurnment of the continued 1973 Annual ToeJn P~eeting. The Town Attorney presented a form of Parlc Ordinance designated Ordinance No. 39 which was discussed in conjunction with the suggestion pre- viously received from the Parlc Committee. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it eras P.ESOLVED that Park Ord:i~:anc iio. 39 be, and the same hereby is, duly approved and adopted and ordered pub- lished according to law. ParYc Committee Secretary Barbara Schmidt presented a slate of proposed new Parl: Committee members to be appointed in accordance with the provisions of new Ordinance No. 39. The Board determined that the matter s~xould be glaced upon the Agenda for the regular meeting of the Board on ~:~ctober 17, 1972. The Town Attorney reported on the status of park site acquisitions and requested authority to have a survey made of the ICehne and McCarthy propF~• cis and to proceed with the acquisition of the three Thomas Lake pr~pertie~- '~p!~Z motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by ChEirtnan Rahn, it cr:z P,i~C(;~`~r:?~ that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized to obtain cr.~.atever surveys are necessary to the acquisition and closing of the purchase ~~f. tha ICAhne and McCarthy properties and to proceed to obtain options on the Ti.as~as Lake properties. T~.e To~•rn Attorney reported that he had requested a meeting with *ar~tro alitan Sewer Board Chairman Richard Dougherty to discuss the pay~uanL t_,r .;?.F_ Metro Sewer Board to Eagan for the now obsolete Cedar Grave Sewer Trestm4n` Plant. Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Usclma.nn, it was RESOLVED that the Toy-~n Attorney be, and he hereby is, directed to arrange a meeting with Mr. Aougherty and his staff and representatives Rahn ar~d Uselmann from the Town Board to meet on the matter of Cedar Grove Treatment Plant, preferably at 11:00 o'clock on a ~~~eelcday morning. The Town Attorney reported on the status of negotiations with the 1'e:~.;~sters Union and stated that the Union had requested mediation with the Mate Labor Conciliator. Supervisor Uselmann requested the Town Attorney to prepare proposed amendments to the Final Order of the Piinnesota P4unicipal Commission incorporat• ing Eagan as a village September 1, 1972, for consideration at its October 17th re~t~lar Board meeting. The following building permit applications were presented: 1. Building permit from George Ohmann, Jr., 1370 Cliff Road for an addition to his storage building, 32' x 32', estimated cost $1500. Ap•- proved by Chairman Rahn and Supervisor Uselmann. The Town Clerk presented a request from LaHass Corporation to up;;r~a~~ R~.ac,lchawk Road northwest of Highway 13 adjacent to the LaHass Corporation qun~- iers. Chairman Rahn referred the matter for Further study to the Town Enbineer,- Upon motion made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned. i~sted; October 10, 1972 -2-