06/12/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES Or SPECIAL MEETING OF SoE;~.D OP SUPERVISORS 'POt^IN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUi1't'Y, iIIi~]NBSOTA June l2, 1972 A special meeting of the Board of Seapervisors~ jointly with the Parlr. Committee, was held on June 12, 1972, at 7:30 P,ii, at t'he Town Hall, at which all members were present ezscept Sbpervisor Uselmann, Chairman Rahn presided. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board of Supervisors was unanimously waived. All members of the Park Committee c•rere present along with Tor. John Voss of Urban Planning & Design, Inc. Mr. Voss presented a proposed bad~et to cover the cost of ark land acquisitions-and development which was taken ua~ler advisement by the Board. The Town Attorney reported on the status of the John 0°Toole property with respect to the one portion which, upon title examination, revealed that it was subject to r`estrictiarns limiting the use of the property to one single ~ata~,l,y residence and thereby precluding its use for park purposes, The Toern Attorney stated that the restriction could be removed Ly a registration action and the practical method of doing this would_be to obtain a wafver from all of the resi- d ants in Che platted area aFfected by the restriction, Upon motion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Ryt~rych, it eras RESOLVED flint the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to negotiats with IZr. O'Toole the expenses of the regigtratiori fiction with full authority on behalf of the Tawn to absorb arty o~ al l.,af the costs therefor in order to expe- dite this park land development., The Town At`'borney further reported on the Cedar Grove No. 7 park situa- tion~ it eras noted that a let~~r •~ accordance ~•~ith previous meetings ~,r.i,th Cedar Grove representli~Cives had beeA received in which ail items were covered • c. . .. 5. .,nj F ~ t ! ~~ ~ except the matter o£ the payment of the road assessment in the approximate amount of $8,000.00 and the water lateral assessment in the approximate amount of $3200.00. The Town Clerk noted that the minutes of a previous meeting at cyhich these matters were talcen up only reflected that Cedar Grove would pay the road assessment but not the water lateral assessment adjacent to the park site in Cedar Grove No. 7, Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and aecocnded by •• Chairman Rahn, it ryas RE60LVED that the Town Attorney be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to respond to the letter dated May 30, 1972, from Cedar Grove Construction Company to the Board of Supervisors regarding this park site and to confirm that the road assessment would be psid in full on or before August 31, 1972. Mr. Voss and members of the Park Committee then discussed with the Board the status of the options for park land acquisition in the second phase, No formal action was talcen. The Town Attorney reported on the status of the "phase one" acquis~.- tions and requested formal approval Co complete all purchases of those properties naw under option except the O'Toole property. Upon motion by Supervisor Rydrych and seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney oe, and he hereby is, authorised to proceed to close the purchases of all the "phase one" properties now under option, except the O'Toole property, and to draw the approp~~~~e funds far final payment. Mr. Eldon Hugelen, representing Urban Planning and Design, Inc., on behalf of the Park Committee, presented a site improvement plan for each of the "phase one" park properties which were discussed at length by the members of the Park Committee and the Board and which were informally approved. The question of t•~hether to vacate Beam Lane, situated between the Burns and Poppler graperties was discussed. It was pointed out that the road w 2 ~ is not publicly used to a great extent and in order to connect the two properties for this park site it was suggested that the road be vacated as platted. Chair- man iahn directed that the matter be placed upon the agenda for the regular June 20th Board meeting to sera public hsar~ng for the vacation, if necessary. The Town Engineer discussed the utility situation in the Cedar Grove ITo. 5 parts site and the proposed improvements for this parts area. Upon motion by Chairman Icahn and seconded by supervisor I;yd~ych, it was RESOLVED that the To~ln ~;ngineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to prepare a pre- liminary report on storm sewer service to the park site in Cedar Grove I~7o, 5, and further to matte additional studies on the improvement layout for the parts site. Ens to the improvement planning, it was inr"ormally decided to not include the ball field located in the upper left corner of the site plan temporarily, subject to review later on. IIpon.motion-made by Chairmanzltahn and seconded by Supervisor I'~ydiych, it cvas P.ESOLVED Chat advertisement for bids be made for parlc development and improvement on the Phase Z parks which the Town has purchased. Bids are to be received at 3:00 P.M. on July 14, 1972. The Town Engineer next discussed with the Board the proposed hoc',cey tints to be constructed adjacent to the Pilot I:nob school. He reported thaic the storm sewer to serve the proposed area for improvement would be in the estimated amount of $3,000.00 and the necessary regrading approximately $2,000.00 and that no financial help could bs expected from the school district. The Tocan Engineer further reported that an appropriate field study and the accompanying office worts would be in the amount of approximately $500.00. Upon motion made by Chairman Cahn and seconded by ^upervisor Rydrych, it was r.ESOLVED that the Town Engineer be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to prepare a field study avid report on the proposed hockey rink improvements adjacent to the Pilot Knob "shoot. -3- It was reported to the Board that i-ir. Tony Caponi was reque~tin~ that before any~parlc improvements be made on the proposed park site adjacent to his home appropriate fencin" ~e used to separate his property from the park, It was pointed out that this had been discussed with I-ir, Caponi at the time of the negotiation for the purchase of his property for the proposed parlc but that no specific agreement as to the type of fencing had ;peen agreed upon, Upon :aotion made by Chairman Rahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it eras RESOLVED that before any development of this park site be done, a woven wire fence be installed to separate the park site from the remainder of Mr, Caponi'. property, The Clerk presented a letter from Yfir. Frank Haase, 1539 McCarthy P,oad, requesting water service to his property. Upon motion made L-y_Chairraan P.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was .T'.$SOLVID that this request be referred to the Town Engineer for study and preparation of a preliminary report. Statements were received €rom Urban Planning and Design, Inc, in the amount of $3,G50.00 for par;: development plans and from T. D, Chapman Constluc- tion Company for Estimate 1~3, Improvement 84 in the amount of $46,717.11. Upon motion made by Chairman P.ahn and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, the statements were approved for payment. There being no further i;usiness, on motion, the meeting caas adjourned. Dated; June 12, 1972 ~~~ ~~~ -~- --- y4 -