06/13/1972 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF SPECIAI, MEETING OF BOAP.D OF SUPERVISORS TOt~IN OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTX, Mlllr]ESOTA June 13, 1972 A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on June 13, 1972, at 7:00 P.M. at the Eagan Town Hall, at which all members c~ere present, The Board met with a representative of CES Vote Recorder. System to jiscuss the proposed purchase of CES Vote Recorders foa the Town, Discussion was had concerning the legality of removing ballots from Dakota County to Hennepin County for the purposes of counting the ballots after an election. A determination should be made before purchase. The Board was also concerned about the method of payment in the event that a determination is made to go ahead with the purchase. A conditional sales contract a~as dis- cussed as one possibility. At 7:30 F.M. Chairman Rahn declared the receipt of bids for the $1,181,800 General Obligation Improvement Bonds in 1972 be closed. The Clerk opened the bids from the following: First National Bantc of Minneapolis at a net interest rate of 5.4231% Dain, Kalman & Cuail at a net interest rate of 5.44055% Bane Northwest at a net interest rate of 5,65177% Jol:n Nuveen & Company at a net interest rate of 5.4967% The Chairman requested Jim Olson, of Juran & Moody, to reviec~~ the bldg and after tabulation ant upon motion by Supervisor Rydryeh, seconded by Super- visor Uselmann, aye Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the low bid of First National Bank of Minneapolis be, and it hereby is, accepted and approved and further that the checks presented by the unsuccessful bidders be returned. Mr. Bill Schultz and Mra Jeffry Adam appeared on behalf of the Eagan Volunteer Fire Department with prppoaed specs covering afire alarm system for the Fire Department. After review and upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, secs onded by Supervisor Rydrych, aye Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the Town Engineer be authorized to prepare the final plans and specifications and to prepare an advertisement for bids to be published in the legal newspapers which bids will be received and opened July 7, 1972, at 300 P.M. at the To~•~n Hall. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the necessary documents relating to the $62,000 Equipment Certificates for 1972 be, and they hereby are, authorized to be executed. The Town Attorney discussed a proposed change in the Inver Grove Heights-Eagan Utility Agreement covering the mobile home park in Traver Grove Heights. After considerable discussion, upon oration by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be authorized to prepare the final draft of the agreement to provide that payments pursuant to the contract for water an~1 sewer trunk charges be retroactive to the date of authorization of the contract approximately in January of 1972 and that all lateral charges should be paid within 30 days from submission of a statement by Eagan; in addition, all connection charges for water and sewer shall be paid within 30 days of connection and in the event that they are not so charged that the legal maximum rate of interest on the unpaid balance be retroactive to the date of connection. The Boaxd then discussed the proposed acquisition of an easement over the McCarthy property at the Southwest corner of Deerwood Drfve and Pilot Knob Road. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, the TooJn Attorney was authorized to negotiate the easement and report back to the Board on June 20th. Ted Wachter and Joe Harrison of the Planning Committee and Neil Coates of the Park Committee appeared in response to an invitation o£ the Board to ..2- discuss the proposed land use plan. Mr. John Voss suggested in light of the fact that so few Park Board and Planning Board members were present that the meeting be delayed. It was proposed that the Land Use Study Committee consist of the three members of the Board, the Chairman and two members of the Park Committee and the Chairman and two members of Che Planning Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED that the Land Use Study Committee consist of the foregoing members and the Clerk be requested to organize the Committee through the Park and Planning Committee Chairmen and that the Committee meet at 4:30 P.M. on the third Glednesday of each month. The Board next discussed at length the proposals of St. Paul City Councilman Lc~u Levine appearing in the Twin Cities' newspapers on Monday, June 12, proposing that airport runways be constructed in Eagan as an alternate plan to Che North or .youth airport site locations. Upon motion by Supervisor Rydrych, seconded by Chairman Rahn, aye Supervisor Uselmann, it was EESOLVED that the. Board of Supervisors be, and it hereby is, on record, strongly disap- proving of the Levine plan and recommending that it not be considered by MAC or the Metropolitan Council for reasons including the following; 1. The adverse impact on slowing down the construction of I-35E. 2. The large number of apartment projects that would necessarily be removed. 3. The large number of high quality single family dwellings that necessarily would be removed. 4. The sizable industrial and commercial buildings including Univac and Blue Cross which appear to be in the direct path of the proposed runway. 5. The expense in acquiring the property would appear to greatly exceed the estimated cost. 6. The large amount of utility construction already developed in the area. .,3. 7. The increased noise potential that would necessarily result from location of the runways in Eagan, The Clerk was directed to write MAC and Metro Council officials an+d the news media. Supervisor Uselmann next discussed a meeting of the B-E•B officials of which he is a member, with Metropolitan Council staff members concerning sewer charges for the B-E-L' region. It was suggested that the Town Accountant review the proposed charges and in particular the metropolitan benefit charges proposed to be spread over the metropolitan area for ;interceptor coats. Upan motion the meeting adjourned. Dated: June i3, 1972 -4-