06/27/1972 - City Council SpecialP4INtJTES Oi~ SPECIE-1L NIIETING 01i' B~JAI;D C~~ UPEP~VISOP.S
3une 27, 1972
A special meeting of the Board of ;."unervisors, TO~Jn of La; an, i?al:ota
County, T•Iinnesota, was held on June 27, 1977, at 7:00 P.Ii. at the ~.gan Tocrn
Hall at which all members ~~rere present.
r.t- 7:00 P.T. Vice Chairman Uselmann announced the convening of the
public hearing concerning Project P10. 94 consisting of storm sewer and s~reet
improvements to the following:
A. Silver Bell P,oad from Cedar Avenue to Highway ~F1~. It waU
noted that there trere no objections to the project but questions were aslced
by property owners in the area.
B. Storm sewer and street improvements on Deerwood D::ive from
Blackhawk P,oad to Pilot :snob Road. Then: crere ruestion., from p-~opelty
owners in the immediate area bui: no objections.
Upon motion by Chairman Ptahn, seconded by supervisor Uselmann, aye
Supervisor Rydrych, it was RESOLVED that Project i?o. 94. be ordered in and the
loc~rn Engineer be ordered to prepare plans and specifications.
Vice Chairman Uselmann next convened the hearing concerning Improvement
n'ro;ject 100 consisting of street improvements to Bu::rview E,cres and Harv_y
Addition, There were no objections to the proposed project and the hearing was
declati-ed closed. Upon motion by Supervisor ~`~yd~.-ych, seconded by Chairman Ltahn,
aye Uselmann, it was P,ESOLVED that the project be ordered in and that the Toc~ra
Engineer be ordered to prepare plans and specifications.
Vice Chairman Uselmann next convened the public hearing concerning
Project No. 9 consisting of street improvement; on Comanche Road and i~ennebec
Drive in Cedar Industrial Parts in the area of the Seneca Gaaste 6later Treatment
Plant. There were no objections and no appearances from affected property owners.
Upon motion by Supervisor Rydrych, seconded Chairman Rahn, aye Super-
visor Uselmann, it caas RESOLVED that the project be approved and that the Torn
'ngineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the project to be
submitted to the Board at a later time.
Upon motion by Chairman I;ahn, seconded :by Supervisor Uselmann, it was
PESOLVED that the abatement recommendations of the County Assessor covering the
Vernon I~. Plucker property, Parcel No. B35i7, be reduced from $1,600 to $5'~~;
and FURTHER PESOLVED that the abatement from $2,000 to $1,760 covering the
Veronica McLean property, Parcel No. 3019-M1, be reduced covering tares payable
in 1969, 1970 and 1971.
Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was
RESOLVED that a 3.2 beer license be granted to the Lagan Junior Chamber of
Commerce for the G~th of July Eagan celebration.
Upon motion by Supervisor Rydrych, seconded Chairman Rahn, it was
PESOLVED that three outdoor toilet facilities be authorized to be rented at the
Town's expense for the G-th of July Eagan celebration.
Supervisor Rydrych excused himself from the meeting at this time.
P~Ir. Eric Spring and Mr. D. H. La;ue appeared on>behalf of their appli-
cation fora variance for the construction of a single family residence on a
three acre parcel on the "v:est side of Lexington Avenue I~torth of Che Dale Vogt
property. The Board members explained the potential subdivision and assessment
problems on a three acre parcel. It was noted that there would be a 200 loot
frontage on Lexington Avenue. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by
Chairman P.ahn, it 4ras RESOLVEb th~:t. the appli nation :he.a~p~p:oved. fqr variance ,
subject, however, to the grant bar the propo~ty~owner9 of an additional 17 foot
easement for 50 foot half sight of way on the t~i~st oL Lexingtu:i Avenue for street
right of way covering the enure six acres.
'lhe Town Engineer next presented plans and specifications for the seal
coaling Project No. 72. Upon motion duly r:~ade by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded
Chairman Rahn, it was RESOLVED that the plans and ;specs be approved and that the
rroject be advertised with bids to be submitted and opened on July 11, 1972, at
x:00 P.ri. at the Town Hall.
The Town Engineer next presented the plans and specifications for
street improvements con^isting of Project Tto. 92 on Johnny Cake P.idge Road for
grading purposes. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by_Chairman Jahn,
it ~~~as P.ESOLVED that the plans and specifications be approved as submitted and
that bids be advertised to be received at 3:00 P.T~i. on August 1, 1972, at the
Town Hall.
The plans and specifications for the Vo~elpohl Apartment, Cedar `.venue
Trunlt Project PTo. 65A consisting of sanitary aetoer and water trunks in that area
wire nest submitted. Upon motion by Chairman ':ahn, seconded by Supervisor
Uselmann, it was T'.ESOLVED that the plans and specs be received and a.ppraved and
.:hat bids be advertised to be received and opened on ,J~ 31, 1972, at 3:00
P.M. at the Town Hall.
The Town i~nginee;: then recommended that a study by his office be author
ized to determine the amount of potential future state aid streets that could be
inclined in the AiuniCipal State Aid program in the event that Eagan is incorpor-
ated as a vi~.la~e prior to 1973. He indioatad that a village is authorized to
take ?.0% of its total municipal street mileage io be designated as state aid
streets. A determination would then be made a;, to the amount of money necessary
to bring the streets up to state aid standards and such findings would be sub-
mitted to the State Highway Department. The Highway Department pools the total
amount of requests and fund are distributed baclc to the comma~:ities proportiok~.~-
ately. Z;agan could, under present circumstances, receive approximately $50,000
to $70,000 in construction aids and $15,000 to $20,000 in maintenance aids per
year. He explained that the 1973 funding is being set up currently and the
Highway Department has suggested that Eagan submit potential figures as soon as
possible. Upon motion by Supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman l.ahn, it was
P.ESOLVED that the To4m Engineer be authorized to p-repare a study to be returned
to the Board for. review c~rith the possibility of being submitted to the Highway
Department in the event that the Town should become incorporated as a village.
The Town Engineer then presented a preliminary report regarding 2ro-
ject 101, T•icCarthy I'_idge water and sewer extensions. Upon motion by Supervisor
Uselmann, seconded by Chairman Rahn, it was i',ESOLVED that the report be accepted
and that the hearing be scheduled for August 15, 1972,. at t3:00 P.ri. at the Town
Hall and that notices be sent to the affected property owners as soon as possible,
The preliminary report for Project 102 consisting of Cedar Grove No,
5 area storm sewer trunk improvements was neat submitted. Upon motion by
supervisor Uselmann, seconded by Chairman P.ahn, it was P.E50LVED that the pre-
liminary report be and it hereby is accepted and that the public hearing be
scheduled for August 15, 1972,.at E: 00 P.T=i. at the Town Hall.
Supervisor Uselmann. next discussed the complaints that he had received
concerning gravel and earth removal by Rauenhorst Corporation on the Doehling
~~arm at the Southwest corner of Lone Oak and Lexington Avenue. He indicated
that earth had been removed from 6:00 A.N. to 10:00 P.M. within 200 feet of a
residential area. He suggested that a specific plan for aesthetic purposes and
for reduction of noise, dust, etc., be submitted by P~auenhorst Corporation for
purposes of future earth removal in the area. The Town Attorney and Town
Engineer were rerquested to contact NIr. P.aymond Dral:e of Rauenhorst Corporation
in response to his letter of 3une 27th delivered to the Board stating that such
a specific plan including noise abatement proposals, dust abatement, specific
times for removal of earth, .plans for the amount of earth to be removed and all
other requirements of the ordinance incit~ding Acquisition of a permit be
requested and that such requests be revie~red by the Board prior to dete~~mina-
Lion by the Township.
The Town kttorney next requested ~^uthorization from the Soard for cones
demnation of a 30 foot permanent sanitary sec~~er line over the Lawrence Menzel
property North of Highway X30 under Project i~Io. uu. He indicated that he has
been unable to acquire she easement after si.c weeks of negotiation. Upon meY.ion
by Chairman Rahn, seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the Town
Attorney continue to negotiate but be given authorization to commence condemna-
tion immediately for purposes of acquisition o: the easements.
Upon motion the meetinu was aujourned.
Dated: June 27, 1972 ~~~ ~~ ,~!.~~~~°~