August 23, 1972
A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Town of Eagan, DI;ota
County, Piinnesota, was held on August 23, 1972, at 7:30 P.P4. at which alI a:~m-
berc were present except Chairman Rahn.
Vice Chairman Uselmann presided. The reading of the minutes of the
pervious regular meeting of the Board of ^upervisors was unanimously waived.
Dale Everson appeared on behalf of the Partc Committee. Additional
equipment for the Part; Board tractor was discussed, Upon motion made by Super-
visor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the
ParTr. Committee be, and it hereby is, autho-cized to purchase four attachments
for the Park Board tractor at an estimated cost of approximately $3,200.
Vice Chairman Uselmann then convened the public hearing regarding
Public Improvement Project No. 101, sewer and water to the LeMay Late area in
Section 10-27-23. T:r. IZeith Gordon, Assistant Tocm Engineer, presented the
-report on the proposed project with an estimated total cost of $139,700, all of
cahich would be assessed to the benefitted property. Plumerous residents appeared
both in opposition and in favor of the proposed improvements. I~iessrs Donald
Grant, 1275 Towerview Drive, and Kent VariMeter, i30S To~+~rview Drive were
opposed to the improvement. The Engineer informed them their area was difficul*
to pict; up and if not included in this project, it wculd be more costly in the
future and it would possibly be necessary to install a lift station. Aleverthe-
less they requested they be ott~itted from the improvement.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
P.ydrych, it was RESOLVED thai the Town Engineer c~~ould restudy the proposed pro-
ject and revise his report with alternatives to the area ter be served to be
presented on September 5, 1972; and I'UP.THER r:ESOLV.CD that the public hearing
be, and the same hereby is, duly continued until September 5, 1972, at 7:30 P.P~.
at the Town Hall.
Vice Chairman Uselmann next convened the public hearing on the appli-
cation of New Totan Development, Inc. to rezone property in the PJE'~ of Section
29-•27'23 from A, Agricultural, to R-6, Multiple P.esidential. No one appeared
in opposition to the application. Upon motion made by Supervisor Rydrych and
seconded by Supervisor Uselmann, it was RESOLVED that the subject property per
the application be, and the game hereby is, rezoned from A, Agricultural, to
P.-6, iylultiple Residential, subject to development from the general concept as
presented by the applicant, the density as presented, and further subject to a
substantial start of the proposed project on or before July 1, 1974., and that
if such conditions are noC met or a continuance thereof not be applied for and
not granted, then the subject property to be deemed to automatically revert L-o
A, Agricultural, zoning.
Vice Chairman Uselmann next convened the public hearing on the appli-
cation of New Horizon ~Iomes, Inc. for approval of the preliminary plats of
Timbershores 2nd, 3rd and 4th Additions. It was noted that the Advisory
Planning Committee recommended approval of each. II?'. Robert Berger, Presidents
appeared on behalf of the applicant. There ~~~as no opposition to the applica-
tion. Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
i;ydrych, it was RESOLVED that the application for preliminary plat apprraal of
Timbershores 2nd, 3rd and 4th Additions bA, and the same hereby is, duly
Vice Chairman Uselmann then convened the public hearing regarding a
change order to Public Improvement Project P1o. 3C, sanitary sewer ac:3 ws~er,
to the TJettlaad and Lange properties. Mrs. T.'ettland and Mrs. Lange appeared
in opposition to the project because of the cost. Upon r:ution made by super-
visor Uselmann, seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it t•~as TiESOLVED that the change
OYder to Public Improvement Project Pdo. uu be, and the same hereby is, duly
Vice Chairman Uselmann then convened the public hearing regardin;
Pu'ulic Improvement Project TIo. 97, sewer and t~~ater for Sections 8 and 9-27-23,
Tyr. Robert L. Johnson appeared on behalf of the project to serve the P.obert ?„
Johnson t)arehouse located hest of Trunlc Hight~~ay ~~1~ between Sibley Terminal
Industrial Parl: and the TZeadowview Addition. T~i-rs. Charlotte Lemke and son
appeared in opposition to the application to the e~;tent that it affected their
property. Assistant Town Engineer Keith Gordon presented a report. Upon moL~on
made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor Rydrych, it was P,I;SOLVID
that Public Improvement Project Ido. 97 be, and the same hereby is, ordered in
for sewer and water to serve Sections 8 and 9-27-23 w:~th the understanding tha~*
the extension of the sever and water lines be terminated prior to extending to
Lot 5, the Lemke property, so that no assessment would be made against the Letckf.
property for the improvement.
Vice Chairman Uselmann ordered that the proposed recommendation of
the Dakota County Traffic Engineer for cost sharing.of a traffic signal at
County Road ~~30 and Cedar Avenue South be continued for consideration until the
next Board meeting on September 5, 1972.
Town Cler1; Bollce then reported that no job description had been
received from the Town Auditor with respect to the hiring of a Town Assessment
Clerk and requested that the matter be continued for consideration until the
nest meeting of the Board on September 5, 1972, which was so ordered by Vice
Chairman Uselmann.
The Town Attorney presented contracts for Public Improvement Project
Tdo. GSA, sewer and c~~ater improvements, to the Vogelpohl Apartments. Upon moYi~n
made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by ,"_upervisor r~ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED
that the contracts as presented be, and they hereby are, approved and ordered
e<;ecuted by the appropriate township officers.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
1:ycTry~h, it was P.ESOLVT;D that the following public improvement projects be se::
for assessment hearings before the Board on September 19, 1972, at 7:30 P,1~.
for the following projects:
1. Sanitary sewer, storm sec~Ter and water improvements relating
to Public Improvement Project No. 73.
2. U~treet and storm sewer improvements relating to Public
Improvement Project I~To. 66.
3. Sanitary sewer, storm sec-per and water improvements relating
to Public Improvement Project No. 77.
4. Street improvements relating to Public Improvement Projects
Nos. 65 and 75.
5. Sanitary sewer and caater improvements relating to Public
Improvement Project No. 72.
6. Sanitary sewer and water improvements relating to Public
Improvement Project PTo. 53, Part 3.
7. Sanitary secaer, storm sewer and water improvements relatir..~
to Public Improvement Project Pdo. 69.
S. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water impro~~cments relating
to Public Improvement Projects Nos. 70, ~0 and a7.
9. Sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water improvements relating
to Public Improvement Project No. I34.
10, Street improvements relating to Public Improvement Project
PIo. 62, Part 1.
The Town Attorney then reported to the Board about his recent contact
i~~ith the counsel for the Metropolitan Sewer Board regarding the payment for t~~.e
Cedar Grove Treatment Plant and also the proposed hoolcup of the Cedar Grove
sewer system Co the new Seneca Sewer Treatment Plant. Upon motion made by
~uper;risor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor P.ydrych, it was RESOLVED thaL-
the Tot~m Attorney and the Town %ngineer be, and they hereby are, authorized a~~~{~.
directed to meet ~,rith the offir_ials of the PMetropolitan Sewer Board to t~_y to
negotiate a settlement of the phased out Cedar Grove Sewer Treatment Plant.
Upon motion made by Supervisor. Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
P,ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that the "no passing` zones recommended to be estab-
lisped on Blackhawlc I;oad by Chief of Police iiartin DesLauriers be, and he hereby
is, authorized and directed to establish these zones with appropriate suns and
martcings .
Town Cleric Alyce Bollce reported that the South St. Paul City Council
had requested the support of the Eagan Town Board in its opposition to any sub-
stantial change in the alignment of proposed Interstate 35E. Upon motion made
by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor I',ydrych, it was P.ESOLVED that
the Board be of record in tating its unanimous opposition to any substantial
change in the current proposed alignment by the Tiinnesota Highway Department of
Interstate 35E through Eagan Township and a~ previously proposed in its con-
tinuation through northern Dakota County and into the city of St. Psul.
rir. Stan Olson and Lloyd Hinton appeared on behalf of P1.O.I.S.E. and
presented a proposition to the Board that it join this environmental organiza-
+~ion as a member to oppose excessive jet aircraft and industrial i:cises. The
matter was fatten under advisement.
Upon motion made by Supervisor Uselmann and seconded by Supervisor
^ydrych, it was P~ESOLVgD that all bills as presented be, and they hereby are,
approved and ordered paid pursuant to warrants ri-'g232 through `3233 and ,~r•lllg.
Upon motion made and seconded, the reeting adjourned.
~aLed: August 23; 197?_ ~ r:.r- ~~~-r-C~-~- ~_