08/26/2008 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2008 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hunter and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Service VanOverbeke, Director of Communications Garrison, Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson, Deputy Police Chief Johnson, Police Lieutenant Pike, Police Chief McDonald, Chief Financial Officer Pepper, City Engineer Matthys, Fire Chief Scott, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Superintendent of Streets Struve, Superintendent of Enterprise Operations Mesko and Chief Building Official Schoeppner. City Attorney Dougherty was also present. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5, Nay: 0 II. PRESENTATION ON CARRIAGE HILLS REFERENDUM PUBLIC INPUT MEETINGS AND DISCUSSION OF THE REFERENDUM BALLOT QUESTION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting the purpose of tonight?s discussion is to receive a presentation by consultants of the Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) summarizing concepts voiced by residents at two public input meetings that were held to discuss potential uses of the former Carriage Hills Golf Course site should the referendum pass this November. Hedges also asked the Council to discuss and provide direction on the language for the November 4 referendum ballot question. Hedges summarized the recommendations and discussions of the City Council?s Open Space Committee. Hedges introduced Mr. Rusty Fifield of HKGi ,who summarized the feedback received at the two public input meetings held on July 15 and July 29. Mr. Fifield summarized the meeting process, input received and the matrix that was prepared following the meetings that outlined the land use options voiced by residents who attended the meetings. Mr. Fifield added that all ideas collected at the meetings have been shared with the City Council. The City Council discussed the feedback from the public input meetings. Mayor Maguire noted that there clearly was no consensus around specific uses for the property should the referendum pass; however, there was consensus that housing was not desired on the site. Special City Council Minutes August 26, 2008 Page 2 City Administrator Hedges highlighted the memo from the City Attorney and the City?s bond counsel, with options for the wording of the ballot question. City Attorney Dougherty summarized the three primary components of the question that the Council must consider, those being: the funding amount for the referendum, the purpose of the referendum, and formal notice that passage of the referendum will increase a resident?s property taxes. Mr. Dougherty also added that if the referendum question states the purpose of the land use, then that purpose must be adhered to should the referendum pass. Dougherty noted that informational material that goes to the public before the referendum is not legally enforceable as to the land uses suggested, unlike the ballot question, which is enforceable. The City Council discussed the wording for the ballot question. Councilmember Hunter noted that the City should be careful not to imply that the City will be acquiring the land to run as a municipal golf course. Upon further discussion by the Council, it was directed that the proposed ballot question should note that the three uses proposed for the site would be public facilities, recreation, and open space uses. It was also noted that the question should be revised to reflect general obligations in a principal amount not to exceed $10.25 million. City Administrator Hedges noted that the attorney would work on the formal language for the ballot question, given the Council?s direction tonight, and bring the question back for formal Council consideration at the September 2, 2008 regular City Council meeting. The City Council discussed the next steps once the ballot question is formally approved. There was City Council consensus to develop a visioning statement as an educational piece for the public that would specify possible uses for the land should the referendum pass. There was City Council consensus not to bring the visioning statement to the Open Space Committee; rather, the Council wished to bring the discussion back to the Council as a whole. City Administrator Hedges noted that the visioning/education piece could be further discussed by the Council at the September 11 Council workshop. The City Council recessed at 6:55 p.m. The City Council resumed the Council meeting at 7:05 p.m. III. REVIEW PRELIMINARY 2009 GENERAL FUND BUDGET City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the 2009 General Fund Operating Budget process began in May, with proposals from Department Directors due on June 20, 2008. Hedges added, per the direction of the Council, Department Directors each prepared three budget scenarios ? status quo from 2008, a 2 percent increase from 2008, and a zero percent increase from 2008. Hedges noted that at the Council?s request, a preliminary ?check- in? on the proposed 2009 General Fund Budget was held at the July 22 Special City Council meeting, at which time the Council directed staff to reduce the status quo budgets to a 4 percent level with options to get to a 3 percent level through the use of departmental prioritizations. City Administrator Hedges then summarized the proposed operating budget, noting that the budget is Special City Council Minutes August 26, 2008 Page 3 proposed at the 4 percent level as directed by the City Council. Hedges pointed out that most of the reductions were made in general government, with limited reductions made to public safety. Hedges added that there will be challenges in the years ahead with continued levy limits coming over the next two years, which could result in a possible impact on public safety in 2010-2011. Hedges summarized the proposed preliminary tax levy, as well as proposed budget expenditures and revenues. The City Council discussed the 2009 proposed operating budget, including the reductions proposed to get to a 4 percent level. Hedges pointed out to the City Council the proposed reduction in winter trail plowing is the result of moving the program away from contractual services and instead providing the service in-house. Hedges noted that by providing the service in-house, the result will be slower response to trail maintenance during the winter. Hedges also noted the overall market value increase that resulted from new construction within the City; however, Hedges added that there is a downward trend to market values on existing property. Hedges informed the Council that the 2009 preliminary budget including $650,000 of funding anticipated from the Market Value Homestead Credit. Hedges summarized the impact of the 4 percent budget increase on the average Eagan homeowner, noting that on an average Eagan home with a market value of $275,828, that homeowner would see a $10 tax increase in 2009. Upon further discussion of the levy and proposed budget by the City Council, the Council directed that the preliminary tax levy, preliminary 2009 General Fund Operating Budget, and preliminary Truth and Taxation dates be brought to the City Council for formal consideration at the September 2, 2008 City Council meeting. IV. NOISE ATTENUATION ORDINANCE DISCUSSION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that as part of the 2000 Comprehensive Guide Plan, the City established a goal to consider the adoption of a noise attenuation ordinance that would apply to all new construction within the noise exposure zones and/or buffer zone, including construction that is not subject to development approvals. Hedges noted that to-date the City has considered, but not yet approved, such an ordinance. Hedges added that as part of the Consent Decree that settled the lawsuit filed by the cities of Eagan, Minneapolis and Richfield against the Metropolitan Airports Commission, the cities were required to consider the adoption of such an ordinance related specifically to new residential construction within certain noise contours. Community Development Director Hohenstein summarized the issue of a noise attenuation ordinance, noting that the City of Eagan considers aircraft noise impacts as part of decisions related to applications for new development within the Met Council?s MSP noise exposure zones and buffer zone. Hohenstein added that, where appropriate, the City applies noise attenuation construction standards as part of the approvals of such developments. The City Council discussed the public policy questions associated with the formation of a noise attenuation ordinance. The City Council asked staff to gather additional information as to how many parcels would remain within the noise contours in which new construction would apply. The Council voiced their consensus that they wanted to focus on new construction as Special City Council Minutes August 26, 2008 Page 4 opposed to additions/remodels. The Council also requested copies of the noise attenuation ordinances of Mendota Heights and Bloomington. Lastly, the Council asked if noise attenuation standards are applied, what would be the additional cost to home owners/builders to carry out those requirements. The Council asked that this item be brought back to a future workshop for further discussion. V. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. VI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. VII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.