03/28/2006 - City Council Special/,,- SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL RETREAT TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2006 5:30 P.M. MOONSHINE PARK RETREAT CENTER AGENDA I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION II. DISCUSSION RE: 2006 CITY GOALS III. OTHER BUSINESS IV. VISITORS TO BE HEARD V. ADJORNMENT Cily of Ea~au Mzmo TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 24, 2006 SUBJECT: MARCH 28, 2006 CITY COUNCIL RETREAT A City Council Retreat has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m. at Moonshine Park Retreat Center. Dinner will be provided. The following is a list of discussion topics for the retreat that have been suggested by the Council andlor individual Councilmembers. As is always the case with Council retreats, the agenda is to be determined by the Council, and therefore, the Council is welcome to discuss any additional items you may have on Tuesday night. I have provided a brief overview of each of the items below and where the discussion topic originated. Discussion Items for the March 28 City Council Retreat 1. Discussion with Fire Chief Mike Scott At the request of the City Council, newly hired Fire Chief Mike Scott has been invited to attend the first part of the Council retreat in order that the Council can discuss with him goals and initiatives for the Fire Department in the coming year. Chief Scott only plans to stay for his discussion with the Council, as there will be no other members of the management team present, with the exception of City Administrator Hedges and Assistant to the City Administrator Miller. 2. Open Space Discussion • Open Space Referendum • Impact of McCarthy/Wensmann Litigation • Open Space Task Force I have heard from many Councilmembers who have expressed an interest in further discussing the issue of open space in the community, including the desire and/or issues associated with a referendum, the effect of current litigation on the City's open space options, and the potential need for a taskforce to look at the issue of open space in the community. 3. Local Government Plans Mayor Geagan requested that the Council discuss the various types and structures of local government plans available to the City. March 28, 2006 City Council Retreat Page 2 4.2006 City Goals Enclosed on page ~ are the 2005-2006 City Goals adopted by the City Council in 2005. The goals are included should the City Council wish to discuss and/or make any modifications to the goals for the remainder of the year. 5. Transition to Dakota Communications Center (DCC) Mayor Geagan currently serves on the DCC Board and has requested that this item be added to the retreat discussion list in order that he can provided an update on the discussions that have taken place to date about both the facility and the transition plans cities are making to prepare for the opening of the DCC. 6. Joint Meeting with the Burnsville City Council Councilmembers Fields and Maguire have had the opportunity to meet with members of the Burnsville City Council in recent months to discuss the BELT facility and other communication initiatives. This item is added so that they can discuss a recommendation for the Eagan and Burnsville City Councils to schedule a joint meeting as Councils as a whole to discuss the following initiatives: • Consider Size /Make-up of the BELT Commission • Long Term Funding for BECT • BECT Offering Services to Other Cable Systems • Status of Broadband Planning in Both Cities -Possible Joint Efforts 7. April and May Meeting Dates-City Council Workshop and Advisory Commission Interview Dates As the Council discussed at the March 14 City Council workshop, there is a need to review the list of upcoming workshop items and determine workshop dates for the months of April and/or May. The following is a list of workshop items needing Council consideration during the next 2- 3months (April-June): • NE Eagan Traffic Policy (before joint meeting with IGH) • Proposed Rosemount Air Cargo Facility • Trunk Highway 3 Discussion • Carrier Pigeon ordinance /Review other cities' ordinances • Winter Trail Maintenance Requests • Joint meeting with Burnsville City Council (Burnsville is proposing Monday, Apri124) ^ Consider Size /Make-up of the BECT Commission ^ Long Term Funding for BECT ^ BECT Offering Services to Other Cable Systems ^ Status of Broadband Planning in Both Cities -Possible Joint Efforts • Dynamic City/Technology Working Group Check In March 28, 2006 City Council Retreat Page 3 Also, since there are 28 Commission applicants, most of which arrived the day of the deadline (March 17), and each interview is to last 15 minutes per Council policy, the result is a need for 7 hours of scheduled interviews. Given the number of applicants, it is suggested that the Council consider scheduling a second night for commission interviews. Currently, the Council has set aside Tuesday, Apri125 for one night of Commission interviews, with appointments being made at the May 2 regular City Council meeting. If the City Council has any questions about the discussion items being proposed for Tuesday evening, please feel free to contact me. City Administrator 3 2005-2006 EAGAN CITY COUNCIL GOALS Secure funding sources to expand Eagan's transportation infrastructure to meet the transportation needs of the community. 2. Encourage land use opportunities for the creation of a diverse mix of housing options. / Research and compile data on Eagan's current housing stock and future housing needs. / Address and enhance Eagan's reputation in regard to providing a fair and unbiased housing stock. Implement the City's comprehensive City-wide communications plan to enhance local government's responsiveness to Eagan citizens and businesses. 4. Pursue future green space initiatives. Pursue economic development opportunities to preserve and expand Eagan's tax base, and promote the revitalization of Eagan redevelopment areas by: Cedar Grove Redevelopment / Identifying specific land users / Researching funding alternatives / Evaluating housing options and their TIF impacts / Exploring a future transit hub in the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area. Hi Zway 55/149 Redevelopment Area / Supporting redevelopment initiatives to ensure the continued success and completion of the Highway 55/149 TIF District. SE Ewan Development/Redevelopment Area / Develop a Master Plan that addresses retail service needs and mixed residential uses 6. Actively pursue measures to mitigate and communicate the adverse impacts of increased airport noise on the City of Eagan. 7. Research and pursue opportunities for improved service delivery to best meet the current and future needs of the community, recognizing the constrained fiscal environment in which the City operates.