05/09/2006 - City Council SpecialSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MAY 9, 2006 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM-EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER AGENDA I. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA ~ II. CITIZEN REQUEST RE: STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS III. CONSIDER WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE REQUESTS ~$ IV. PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN (CIP) V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD VII. ADJOURNMENT Special Council Workshop Agenda Memo May 9, 2006 II. STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT REQUEST -NORTH RIDGE DR DIRECTION FOR CONSIDERATION: REVIEW FLOODING CONCERNS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION REGARDING POTENTIAL IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS. FACTS: • On October 4, 2005, the City experienced a significant rainfall event of 5.4" in 24hrs that approached the City's 100 yr (1%) design standard (6"/24hrs). While numerous intersections and low points throughout the city were temporarily flooded, there were reports of 2 structures along North Ridge Dr. that incurred flooding from separate backyard low points • During discussions with the affected property owner, it was learned that the property at 3865 North Ridge Dr. also incurred basement flooding during the July 2000 Super Storm. However, this was unknown to the City at that time and was not included in any of the subsequent communitywide storm mitigation improvements. • The property owner (Tom Sandish) has requested that the City address these past flooding issues and provide improvements to eliminate future occurrences. Staff has performed some preliminary analyses and identified designs options with cost estimates for discussion and consideration by the Council. • The property owner has requested a level of protection greater that the city's design standards for storm water management (8"/24hrs) with a specified maximum elevation. City staff will present the details of these options and provide comparisons to City Standards. • The July 2000 Super Storm mitigation improvements have totaled ~$9.3 million to date and financed as follows: State grant - $5 million; Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund - $2 million; Home Acquisition Resale - $0.79 million; and Water Trunk Fund - $1.5 million. The Finance Dept. recommends that any future projects relating to the July 2000 super storm event be financed through the Water Trunk Fund. ATTACHMENTS: • Fact sheet, pages ~o ,_ and ~_. • Preliminary construction drawing, w/o page number. • Aerial map, w/o page number. NORTH RIDGE DRIVE -STRUCTURE FLOODING Issues: Two (2) residential structures (3865 & 3849 North Ridge Dr.) were impacted by flooding from high water elevations in their rear yards. Category FB (Low entry above the 1% rainfall HWL and EOF but below the required freeboard elevations) Existing Conditions: • Low Entries Two homes (south end) have low entry elevations with potential impact from the same backyard low point: 0 895 Knollwood Ct. - 886.84 (walkout) 0 3865 North Ridge Dr. - 885.6 (walkout) One home (north end) has a low entry with potential impact from an "Emergency Over Flow" (EOF) from a backyard low point. 0 3849 North Ridge Dr. - 887.35 (walkout) • Normal Water Level - NA (dry rear yard low points) • 1 % Rainfall High Water Level (HWL) - 885.29 (south) - 885.25 (north) • October 4, 2005 Rainfall Event (HWL) - 886.94 (south) - 887.97 (north) • Applicable Freeboard Criteria - 2 feet above HWL; 1 foot above EOF Actual Freeboard - 0.3' (south) - 0.35' (north) Meets City Freeboard Criteria? South - No North - No Existing Emergency Overflow: South -Not Available North - 887.0 • 8" Rainfall Event HWL: South - 885.9 North -Not Applicable Special Considerations: Apipe was installed to drain the low area in the backyard of the affected residence to the storm sewer in North Ridge Dr. During the October 4, 2005 rainfall event, the storm sewer system outlet draining into pond JP-20.5 on the east side of North Ridge Dr. was clogged with debris limiting the system's capacity. In addition, runoff from backyards to the north caused by a clogged pond outlet (JP30.3)even further to the north, compounded the reduced capacity of the clogged storm sewer outlet resulting in the observed flooding. The backyard low point receives direct runoff from several adjacent backyard to the southwest and to the north. No street runoff is directed to this affected area. a Description of Basic Improvements: The proposed basic improvement (Option #1) involves increasing the outlet capacity of the pipes that drain the southerly backyard low point to its ultimate downstream pond outlet on the east side of North Ridge Dr. The improvement proposes to increase the existing pipe sizes from 12", 18" and 21" to 18" & 30" along this route. Options #2 & #3 provide for an additional separate and secondary parallel pipe dedicated to drain just the backyard area to Pond JP-20.2 with no interconnection to the existing drainage system. The only difference between Option #2 & #3 is the alignment route as shown on the attached preliminary Plan & Profile drawing. All designs are based on the homeowner's request at 3865 North Ridge Dr to provide protection for an 8" rainfall event and maximum water elevation no greater than the existing ground elevation 10' away from its walkout entry. In addition, the EOF elevation between the north and south flooding areas should be lowered to provide a minimum of 1 foot of freeboard elevation between the low entry at 3849 North Ridge Dr and the highest elevation in the EOF located in the rear yard area of 3853 North Ridge Dr.. This EOF can be lowered to 886.35 without affecting the size of the improvements required for the south flooding area while still providing the needed flood protection to 3849 North Ridge Dr. The estimated cost of lowering the EOF based on this analysis assumes the backyard area of 3853 North Ridge Dr. would be regraded. A detail field survey has not been performed for this scope of work. If regrading the EOF is included, a more detailed field survey should be conducted to refine the cost estimate. Post improvement affect and cost estimate at south end (3865 North Ridge Dr.~ • Existing low entry elevation - 885.6 • Existing elev. 10' away from low entry - 884.5 • Rev. 1% Rainfall High Water Level - 883.6 • 8" Rainfall HWL with Improvement - 884.4 • Improvement Cost - (Includes 20% indirect costs) Option 1: $132,000 Option 2: $ 90,700 Option 3: $ 98,300 • Meets City's 1% Freeboard Criteria YES • Meets 8" Rainfall Criteria YES Post improvement affect and cost estimate at north end (3849 North Ridge Dr.~ • Existing low entry elevation - 887.35 • Existing EOF elevation - 887.0 • 1 % Rainfall High Water Level - 884.2 • 8" Rainfall HWL with Imp. - 885.3 • Rev. EOF max. Elevation - 886.35 • Improvement Cost - (Includes 20% indirect cost): Meets City's 1% Freeboard Criteria YES Meets 8" Rainfall Criteria YES $15,000 3 Special Council Workshop Agenda Memo May 9, 2006 III. WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE PLAN REVIEW DIRECTION FOR CONSIDERATION: REVIEW AND COMMENT ON PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND DIRECT TO THE JUNE 6, 2006 COUNCIL MEETING FOR FORMAL ACTION. FACTS: In 1998, the City Council adopted a Winter Trail Maintenance Plan that allows the Council to annually review and reconsider the extent of the trail system that is maintained during the winter months. This review has been directed to be performed at the first available workshop after April 1 each year. There are 2 separate Citizen Requests (CR), one Business Request (BR) and 1 staff identified Additional Consideration (AC). Each request references the degree of compliance with the Council's current Policy adopted in June 1998. ATTACHMENTS: • Staff memo, pages ~_,a~ ~_. • Location maps, pages Q through • Council Policy, pages ~ through City of Eagan MEMO TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS THOMAS L. HEDGES, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: THOMAS A. COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: APRIL 21, 2006 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL SEGMENTS TO WINTER TRAIL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BACKGROUND In October, 1996, the City Council implemented an experimental trial program for maintaining sidewalks and trails during the winter season on a select segment consisting of 3.8 miles primarily serving walkers to the elementary schools. They also adopted a policy and an ordinance requiring certain property owners to maintain the adjacent sidewalks. In the spring of 1998, the Council evaluated the program and considered expanding it throughout the City. Staff was directed to inventory the existing system (105 +/- miles), evaluate the priority uses of the sidewalks and trails, prepare a draft plan (46 +/- miles) and present it to the community for comments and suggestions. At a special workshop session held on May 26, 1998, the Council reviewed all the comments and modified the draft plan to address the needs and desires of the community. This final draft plan (54 +/- miles) was then presented to the public for final review and comments and subsequent Council adoption on June 2, 1998. Since then, the City Council has added approx. 8 miles of trails to the system (new construction along collector/arterial road upgrades meeting the trail policy criteria.) The current program consists of 62.4 miles of the total 126.5 mile system. (This does not include the internal Park trail system.) COSTSBUDGETS The origina11998 annual budgeted cost was estimated at: $180,000 (53 miles @ $3,400/mile). The 2006 approved budget is: $74,800 (62.4 miles at $1,199/mile). The last 5 year average annual cost has been: $62,920 ($1,008/mile). The highest cost year was the winter season of 2000/2001 at: $150,558 ($2,413/mile). The previous low cost year was 2002/2003 at: $17,264 ($277/mile). The cost for the 2005/2006 season was: $88,600 ($1420/mile) CITIZEN REpUESTS: 1. Citizen Request #1 *Consider adding trail way located on the west side of Pilot Knob Rd. from 4397 Pilot Knob Rd. north to Balsam St. Rational: The requesting resident would like their children to be able to walk to Balsam Street on a maintained trail to reach the bus stop located at Balsam and Sequoia . Additional 1160 eet (see map) Additional estimated cost 267.00 1,160 f~ x .23 = $267.00 Does not meet City Council Policy historical precedent. The City has established a policy that currently allows for plowing only on one side Major Arterial Roadways. Does not meet Petition Criteria set forth in Council Policy -Winter Maintenance of Sidewalk and Trail ways 10/15/96, (No petition) Winter Trail Maint. Additional considerations 4-21-06 Page 2 2. Citizen Reauest #2. *Consider adding sidewalk on the south side of Oakbrook Terrace between Johnny Cake Ridge Road and the beginning of school property maintenance along the Deerwood School Southwest entrance. Rational: Residents in the Oakbrook Neighborhood would like their children to be able to walk to the neighborhood school on a maintained sidewalk off the busy street that connects to the south side of the school. Additional 994 eet (see map) Additional estimated cost 229.00 994, f~ x .23 = $229.00 Does not meet City Council Policy Criteria - "Petition" (No petition submitted) Meets City Council Policy -Criteria #4 ("Local School Walking Route"). These are trails and sidewalks that are relied upon by the school districts for designated walkers under their bus transportation policy. ADDTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Business Reauest - BR #1 In conjunction with the addition of the trail ways that will be installed as part of the rehabilitation of the Waters Business Park during the 2006 construction season, the Council may want to consider adding the following trail way segments; • Consider adding newly constructed segment of 8' bituminous trail on the west side of Lone Oak Drive from Lone Oak Road to Lone Oak Parkway (approx. 2,850 feet). • Consider adding newly constructed segment of 8' bituminous trail on the southeast side of Lone Oak Parkway from Lone Oak Drive to Northwest Parkway (approx. 1,950 feet). Additionally, two segments of sidewalk currently exist in this area as part of a future network: • Consider adding existing segment of 6' concrete sidewalk on the south side of Lone Oak Parkway from TH 149 to Lone Oak Drive (approx. 1,200 feet). • Consider adding existing segment of 6' concrete sidewalk on the north side of Northwest Parkway from TH 149 to Lone Oak Parkway (approx. 1,150 feet). Rational: Business representatives located in the Waters Development area have requested that these trails be maintained during the winter to provide paths for employees to use for daytime exercise. Additional 7150 eet (see map) Additional average cost 1 645.00 7,150 f~ x .23 = $1, 645.00 Meets City Council Policy -Criteria #2 (Community Collectors). "With 2 traffic lanes and safety lane/shoulders or 4 full lanes of traffic with volumes greater than 3, 000 vehicles per day and speed limits from 35-45 mph ". Winter Trail Maint. Additional considerations 4-21-06 Page 3 2. Additional Consideration - AC #1 Denmark Avenue (Wescott Rd to Duckwood Drive) • Consider adding newly constructed segment of 6' concrete sidewalk on the west side of Denmark Avenue from Wescott Road to Duckwood Drive (approx. 2,750 feet) Rational: This request includes the portion of sidewalk that will be constructed during the 2006 constructions season (Wescott to Crestridge) and the existing portion (Crestridge to Duckwood). Winter maintenance of these sidewalks would connect currently winter maintained sections to the north with areas to the south. Additional 2 750 eet (see map) Additional estimated cost 633.00 2, 750 feet x .23 = $633.00 Meets City Council Policy -Criteria #2 (Community Collectors) "With 2 traffic lanes and safety lane/shoulders or 4 full lanes of traffic with volumes greater than 3,000 vehicles per day and speed limits from 35-45 mph ". Please let me know if additional information is necessary to consider these requests. Qom-, , ~~~ Director of Public Works Enc: Location maps CC: Tom Struve, Supt of Streets & Eqpt 7 J.C.R. r CT n ~ o m ~G~~ TERR 00~ ~~ C R #1 P~~ROOK~ ~ O 9'~ ~~ ~,~ p~~` ~'~Y CLEMSON pR. p ~ O~ ~~ ~ J VO eq y~OR cT Citizen Requests f w Winter Trail & Sidewalk Maintenance w 0 Route Considerations for 2006-2007 O DEERWOOD CT~~'Q~2 CASHELL GLEN PATH a pp0 J z ~ ~, N ~ m r ~~ m p~ ~~ oc y,9~ T~ ~T ~'o ,90 0 W Z Z O J ~ a u. O ~_ L ~-- w w Z ~ a w ~ _ cn w w Z ' SIGFRID Q _ ~ STREET w ~~ w J ~ O ~ Q CLEMSON CT. a ~ HEMLOCK CR. w ~ BALSAM p E. B~ O ~ -' Q CLEOME Y J ~ AUBURN CT. O 2 ST. O PON,D'EROSA CIR: WAL'FRID ST CR #2 City of Ea~aIl 340 170 0 LLIS LI 340 Feet N ~ Plowed In 2005-2006 -rrr~ Citizen Requests- CR #1, CR #2 P2tparedby CiryolEaganStreetDept., SH File: La..IcmLstreetsltrailslplowrteslci6zensl~ll_route considerations 06 07mxd 9 CR #1 Winter Trail Maintenance Consideration o 115 zso aso 4397 Pilot Knob Rd N to Balsam St Feet ~D CR #2 Winter Trail Maintenance Consideration o ,oo zoo aoo Oakbrooke Curve to Blackhawk Middle Parking Lot Feet m -~ c z Z O .A m o! w c~ z 0 o: v_ wySSSF R~ ~ %RO r NO . SS 0 w O . RD. 26) U il Waters Area Winter Trail & Sidewalk Maintenance Route Considerations for 2006-2007 09 'f'A ~~~ z ~ J City of EaQa>i 340 170 0 340 Feet ; \ N Tom"' Business Request - BR #1 Llate: 4/3/06 Prepared by City of Eagan Street L~pt., SH Fle: L:I...ICmistreetsVrails~Olowrtesl Waters8x11 routeconside2tions 06 07mxd la 0 295 590 1,180 BR #1 Winter Trail Maintenance Consideration Feet ~ Denmark Area O '~ Winter Trail & Sidewalk Maintenance -~- Route Considerations for 2006-2007 ~~ ov~kw o ~ ~oz ~ ~ pUC ooh ~R ~ o~ ~ Y . ~ m r ~ Z ~ O 0 CRESTRIDGE LN. m U J W w 0 UN CT. ~• v ~~~ O~ DENMARK CT. G~ ~. R ~Q oENMP ~2ORFS~FN WESCOTT RD. CT ~ •~. 4~ rD C7 WESCOTT RD v m ~ w~ o ~ DU U ~ GJ\G 4~ ~ ~~~~ Z DEERCLIFF LN. G~' ~ WINDCREST AVE. ~ ~F~ ~~ Plowed In 2005-2006 City Of E8Q8Il ~~ Additional Consideration - AC #1 340 170 0 340 Feet a N Date: 4!3/06 Prepan:d by: City of Eagan Street Dept., SH File: L:I..Icmistreetsltrai/slplowrteslDenmaAc8x11_route considerations 06 07mxd ~` Z ~ ~ 0 1= ~~ ~ ~..~~ ~~ Q . CANANGER ¢ _ ~ ~a'~ z ~ ~~m,, U ~ z 0 FLICKER ~ o ~~pN N w ~ ~ ~ CIR. ~ O ~ ~OEP ~~-~~ 6P ~ J _ ~ v W O Y ~ ~ 1NG pUR Kp~STq E G.~ M v ~N. ~ po 13 Wescott Rd to Duckwood Dr i~} AC #1 Winter Trail Maintenance Consideration o 155 s,o szo Feet CITY COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: Winter Maintenance of Sidewalk and Trailways. DATE ADOPTED: October 15, 1996 REVISED: Revised: June 2, 1998 Basis: The City of Eagan has received continued requests to have the sidewalk and trailway system maintained year around. In addition, the trail system plan element of the 1995 Park System Plan states "Prudent decision making regarding snow plowing must consider the actual amount of trail use gained given the level of investment required". After evaluating two seasons of winter maintenance on a limited segment (3.8 miles) of trails and sidewalks, the City Council decided to expand the program to meet the basic needs of the community and also modify the previous policy. Purpose: The City of Eagan has developed the following policy in order to respond in an orderly, consistent, and fiscally responsible manner to the desires of the community for a basic Winter Trail and Sidewalk Maintenance Program. After reviewing the extent of sidewalks and trails that exist within the community as of 1998 (110 +/- miles), the City Council has determined that those segments that meet the City's basic criteria shall have priority for performance of winter maintenance. After evaluating the cost associated with acquiring the specialty type equipment and the additional personnel resources necessary to provide a reasonable level of service expected by the public, the City Council has determined that this new public service will be provided through private contractual services. Criteria: The following criteria will be used to determine whether a segment of sidewalk and/or trailway should be included in the winter trail maintenance program: 1. Maior Arterial Roads. These are thoroughfare roads with 4+ lanes, traffic volumes greater than 5,000 vehicles per day and speed limits of 45 mph or greater. 2. Community Collectors. With 2 traffic lanes and safety lane/shoulders or 4 full lanes of traffic with volumes greater than 3,000 vehicles per day and speed limits from 35-45 mph. 3. Neighborhood Collector Streets: Local streets approximately 1 mile in length with 2 traffic lanes and 2 safety lanes/shoulders, traffic volumes less than 3,000 vehicles per day and speed limits of 35 mph or greater. 4. Local School Walking These are trails and sidewalks that are relied upon by the school districts for designated walkers under their bus transportation policy. 5. Other: The Council's discretion will be used to designate other segments as necessary to provide continuity, designated recreational loops, etc. Operational Policies Specific operational policies are hereby adopted to implement a Winter Trail and Sidewalk Maintenance Program on a uniform basis. This will allow the City Council to evaluate the effectiveness, economics and acceptance of this program as necessary to determine the appropriateness of discontinuing, maintaining or modifying the program on a regular basis. 1. Sidewalk and trailway snow removal will be performed only after a minimum of 2" of snow has accumulated resulting from a snowfall event. Accumulations resulting from drifting and/or depositions resulting from public street snow removal operations will be performed as determined necessary by the City. City-wide snow removal operations will begin within 24 hours after the cessation of the last (in case of multiple back-to-back storms) snowfall event and/or when deemed necessary by the City in coordination with public street snow removal operations. The City will attempt to complete all snow removal operations within 24 hours after beginning depending on the event and weather predictions. 2. Snow removal operations will be performed with equipment and operators retained through a private contractual service agreement. 3. The level of service will be limited to what can be provided by mechanical. equipment. Due to the limitations of mechanical equipment and trail irregularities, pathways may not be cleared or maintained to a dry pavement standard. No hand work will be performed by City or contractual personnel. Surface irregularities and slippery conditions may result. No ice control (sanding or salting) will be performed by the City or contractor. 4. It is to be expected that snow can be plowed, blown, swept or dumped on public right-of--way and easements on either side of the sidewalk/trail as needed for the best efficiency of operation. 5. Reasonable attempts will be made not to deposit excessive snow in driveways and/or private sidewalks if is operationally or mechanically controllable. However, the removal of any snow deposits that may result will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner and/or occupant. 6. The City will not be responsible for sand, salt or incidental plow damage to turf or driveways, nor irrigation systems or any landscaping improvements located within public rights-of--way or easements. Any related repair will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owners and/or occupant. 7. In order to perform snow removal operations, pathways must remain free of any obstructions (i.e., vehicles, refuse containers, play equipment, implements, etc.) until the pathway snow clearing operation has been completed. If obstructions are encountered, the City's operation may skip the affected property frontage and the subsequent removal will be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner and/or occupant. 8. School districts will be expected to perform snow removal operations on those segments of public trails and sidewalks adjacent to their property as necessary to accommodate designated walkers according to their bus transportation policy. ~~ Plan Adoption• The sidewalks and trails designated to be maintained by the City of Eagan will be so referenced on the most recent map adopted by Council action and kept on file in the Department of Public Works. Process• The plan adopted by Council action on June 2, 1998, incorporates approximately 54 miles of the total 110 +/- mile system. With approximately 50% of the system not being maintained, it is anticipated there will be requests for other segments to be added. Due to the cost to add additional segments to the overall maintenance program, it is necessary that a need and benefit be demonstrated to justify the expenditure of additional funds. Subsequently, no segment will be considered unless accompanied by a petition of 50 properties lying within I/4 mile of the segment to be considered. All requests will be considered only once per year at the first regular Council meeting in April for possible inclusion into the following season's program. G:11/TC/MISC/W interTrailPolicy i 7 Special Council Workshop Agenda Memo May 9, 2006 IV. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 5 YEAR CAPITAL IMROVEMENT PROGRAM (PART ITI -INFRASTRUCTURE) DIRECTION FOR CONSIDERATION: AFFIRM or REVISE THE DRAFT 5 YR. CIP ('07-'ll, PART III PUBLIC WORKS INFRASTRUCTURE) and DIRECT IT TO THE JUNE 6, 2006 COUNCIL MEETING FOR FORMAL CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION. FACTS: • Every year, the City Council adopts a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for the Community that becomes the planning guide for initiating and programming various capital improvements. It is comprised of three parts: - Part I -Major Community FacilitiesBuildings - Part II -Major Equipment - Part III -Infrastructure (Parks & Public Works) • The Public Works Department has completed the preparation of its draft CIP, Part III (Public Works Infrastructure) for `07-' 11 and would like to review it with the Council and incorporate any comments and/or revisions before presenting it for formal consideration and adoption at a regular Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: • Copy of the 3 ring binder of the 5 yr. CIP ('07-' 11) was previously provided under separate cover. • Summary of Proposed 2007 Program, pages ~_ through ~_. l~ Proposed 2007 Improvements ($11,205,744) (2007 - 2011 Capital Improvement Program) LOCATION DESCRIPTION ARTERIAL & COLLECTORS 1. Hwy. 149 (Hwy 55 to IGHts) 2. Wescott Rd (Pilot Knob to Denmark) 3. Deerwood Dr (Blackhawk to Pilot Knob) Upgrade to 4 Lanes with Median & Trail Overlay Full width mill & Overlay LOCAL STREETS ($1,505,500 1. Killdeer Addition (Joyce Ct) Overlay 2. Sheffield Addition Overlay 3. Thomas Center Dr (Cliff to Thomas Lake Rd) Overlay 4. Fawn Ridge 1st & 2nd Additions Overlay 5. Westbury Addition Overlay 6. Lexington Square Additions Overlay TRAILS ($331,155) 1. TH 149 (TH 55 to Wescott) New, East side 2. Thomas Lake Rd (Thos Center Dr to Highline trail) New, West side 3. Diffley Rd (Rahn to Balckhawk Rd) New, North side 4. Coachman Rd (Yankee Doodle to 800' south) New, East side SEALCOAT ($366,589) 563,983 Sq. Yds (Mist locations) Surface Maintenance INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS ($1,925,000) 1. Balckhawk Rd & Deerwood Dr. Signal, New 2. Blackhawk Rd & Silver Bell Rd Signal, New 3. Cliff Rd & Thomas Lake Rd ~ Signal, New 4. Diffley & Rahn Rd 5. Balckhawk Rd &Diffley Rd 6. Lexington Ave & Northview Park Rd 7. Wescott Rd & TH 149 Roundabout -Design and Right of Way Acq. New Right Turn Lane, Signal revision Signal, New Signal, New ~q LOCATION DESCRIPTION STREETLIGHTS ($41,000 1. Galaxie Ave.& Berkshire Dr Upgrade 2. Galaxie Ave. & Covington La. Upgrade (2) 3. Galaxie Ave. & Skyview Ct Upgrade 4. Galaxie Ave. & Safari Pass Upgrade 5. Gemini & Neil Armstrong Blvd. Install 6. Johnny Cake Ridge & Highline Trail xing Install 7. Johhny Cake Ridge & Covington Ln. Upgrade (2) 8. Lone Oak Pkwy & Northwest Pkwy Upgrade 9. Kensington Tr. & Lexington Ave. Upgrade 10. Deerwood Dr. & St. John Nuemann Driveways Upgrade (2) WATER TRUNK DISTRIBUTION ($50,000) TH 149 (Wescott To Azalea Way -IGHts) 1,000 ft new watermain WATER SYSTEM OPERATON & FACILITIES ($40,000) 1. Pull & inspect Wells #3 & #17 Rehabilitation SANITARY SEWER TRUNK CONVEYANCE ($0) NONE ANTICIPATED SANITARY FACILITIES & OPERATIONS ($145,000) 1. 5000 ft @ misc locations New sliplining for root and infiltration control STORM TRUNK CONVEYANCE ($1,384,000) Lebanon Hills Regional Park Trunk Storm Outlet STORM FACILITIES & OPERATIONS ($20,000) Pond BP-18.4A (Life Time Fitness) Silt Removal GTC/CIP'07-11/ProDOSed 2007 Improvements ~ 1~