08/15/2006 - City Council SpecialAGENDA SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY AUGUST 15, 2006 3:45 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOMS 2A & 2B EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION II. POLICE CHIEF INTERVIEWS III. OTHER BUSINESS IV. ADJORNMENT City of Ea~a~ Nemo TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: AUGUST 11, 2006 SUBJECT: SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING /AUGUST 15, 2006 A Special City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 3:45 p.m. in Conference Rooms 2A & 2B for the purpose of conducting interviews for the three (3) Police Chief finalists. Attached without page number are copies of their resumes and sample questions. The recruitment process for the Police Chief position began with the usual advertisements in late May and early June and a date that was determined as Friday, June 16, in which applications/resumes were to be received by any and all prospective candidates. The City Administrator and Human Resource Manager Lori Peterson reviewed all the applications, reducing the number to fifteen (15) candidates. After reviewing a summary sheet on each of those candidates, highlighting specific work experience and other indicators of leadership abilities along with any other specific interests relative to the Police Chief position, it was determined by the City Administrator that eight (8) candidates would be interviewed in the first round of interviews scheduled July 19 and July 20. Only six (6) were interested in interviewing; those interviews were conducted by the City Administrator, H.R. Manager, Director of Administrative Services and the Burnsville Chief of Police Bob Hawkins. A second round of interviews was scheduled for Monday, July 31, which included the City Administrator, H.R. Manager and all three (3) Police Lieutenants. There were other parts of the interview process which included all Department Directors and other police personnel. Upon completion of this interview, which included four (4) candidates, three (3) finalists were determined as candidates to be interviewed by the City Council at the Special City Council meeting on Tuesday, August 15. Consistent with other Department Head interviews, it is expected that the City Council will deliberate on the three (3) finalists following the interviews and, if there is a consensus on a candidate, the City Administrator could contact the candidate in advance of the August 15 regular City Council meeting. If there is agreement reached by both the candidate and the City, formal action could be taken by the City Council to approve the new Chief of Police at the regular City Council meeting. (During agenda adoption, the City Council would need to amend the agenda to include the Chief of Police appointment.). If there is some reason to delay action to appoint the Chief of Police, this item could be scheduled as an action item at either the August 22 or 29 Special City Council meetings or held over to the regular City Council meeting on September 5. Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator