Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Old Black Dog School and Slater Farm Threshing - CITY & COUNTY 144 11th Street E, St. Paul, MN 55101 1661 Cope Avenue E, Maplewood, MN 55109 CREDIT UNION 1420 Yankee Doodle Road, Eagan, MN 55121 8500 Hudson Blvd N, Lake Elmo, MN 55042 A Union of Equals." ne,44,L~LC~Lyct+ t ~1, tea- ~ sy 651-225-2700 1-800-223-2801 www.cccu.com r x< s~ i t •x. PICTURED is the Old Black Dog school of 64 yeHwyg 13, St hPaul. located on the present Thos. E. Kennealy place, Bob Allen Sr., secured the picture from Mrs. Susie Zeller (third from left in the front row) a student at the school at the time. The school, a frame building, consisted of one room for the eight grades taught there. Notice the wooden platform entering the school house, the high top shoes and the bow ties. The school burned in the late 20's or early 30's and the same night another school burned, indi latt ing somebody probably set fire to the building . Pict from to right in the front row are: William Bradshaw, Marie Bradshawoe Kan, Susan Scott, Mary Wenzel, Paul Wenzel, Albert Wen, nealy, Elizabeth Barry, Eddie Barry now Rev. George Scott and William Wenzel. Second row: George Wenzel, Alice Hause, Mayme Slater, Edmund Slater and Mae Kennelly. Third row: Howard Pepin, Clifford Pepin, Mollie Scott, Jimmie Scott, Lodie Hause, Jos. Slater, Tom Slater, John Slater, Jas. Kennelly, Tom Kennelly, Lucy Barry, Ann Barry, Della Pepin and Catherine Barry. Fourth row: Elizab~ clause, Mary Barry, Olga Wenzel, Nellie Scott, Elizabeth Kenn( Bridgett Scott, Teacher Miss Mathilda O'Brien, trustees, Jai Slater, Tom Kennelly Sr., and Mike Barry. ry I ixe• ,.;i ='wx r °'~''`"v\ off ~``t.' a~; er . m9w "IM TM? ~ ~ ~ aka" a. `g • ~ ~ AP - W w t#x w.,xxra ,n V7 .41 3 x~a~aRl ~ * s~' ~ ~s~ z'~• ~ oaf q ~ ~ s.t'` ca ~ yn a & xra gas Left to right: Henry Heuer (de- Grain threshin, as it was done ceased), George Scott, Sr., (de- 59 years ago, is depicted in the ceased, woman is unknown but above photo brought to the Tri- the baby in her arms now is John bune by Thomas G. Slater of E. Slater, West St. Paul; boy is Eagantown. James Y' Slater, Eagantown; his The above scene was taken in father, James Slater (deceased), the yard of James Slater who died boy is now Thomas G. Slater, in 1941; the farm now is occupied Eagantown; man leaning against by Eugene Slater of Eagantown. water barrel is Pete Small, form- Those were the days of big erly of Mendota. The other men on straw piles and small separators. I the picture are unknown. The boy The straw was carried from the ! sitting on the separator post is separator by an elevator instead George Scott Jr., now residing near of the present-day blower. Fort Snelling. It was not possible to identify The se~,arator was hand-fed all i:he men on the photo. How- and the engine was one of the ever, he identified most of the first stean,~-power machines to be persons standing on the ground, used in thy' county. as follows-