Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan Township Building Permits in 1968 - 1/1/1968 Eagan Iwp. Bldg. Permits Issued In '68 Dur,ng 1968, Eagan Township issued the follow-ingbuilding per- mits, according to Alyce Bolke, clerk of Eagan Township, Eagan Township issued 208 single family dwellings in 1968 for a total of $3,634,900; seven apartment buildings (181 units) for $1,282,000; three moved single dwellings, $38,500; 11 industrial buildings, $2,150,500; 68 residential garages, $113,724; one service station, $45,000; one office building (Minn. Hosp. Ser- vice Association) $5,740,259; four public works buildings, (ad- ditions to Eagan Town hall, fire hall and utility building and pump- house) $183,625; two schools (Rahn Elementary and Pilot Knob Elementary) $2,601,008; one mercantile building (Pizza Hut), $40,000; nine non-residential buildings, $11,050; 12 other structures, $225,855; 21 house additions, $43,523; three other additions, $45,000; one office ad- dition (Coco Cola Co.) $180,000; Eagan Township issued a total of $16,364,944 building permits during 1968.