Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - 33 Apartment Manor Proposed for County - 12/22/1960 M N V N ° C or n DECEMBER 22, 1960 N 3~0 Apartment Manor Proposed For County - GIs it t,i fie' ii 1~trss! C. K. Erikstrup, a professional, and in the January 1980 issue you will be cared for in the Man- engineer, R. 1, St. Paul 11, propo.- of Reader's Digest. i or hospital. ed to build a cooperative apart- Besides the 300 apartments, Apartments will be priced at ment manor soon to be located there will be a large beautiful $7,500 to $20,000 and you will on Lake Jensen, at State Aid lounge, with picture window, start paying $110 per month for Rd. 19 and Cliff Rd.. in north- where guests may be entertained; life care. This includes meals, ern Dakota County a sun deck on the roof; a recre- room service, laundry, use of rec- nt'r Mr. Erikstrup gives the Tri- ational area; a sewing room, reational facilities and hospital- 11, bune the following information:, where the arts will be taught: a tzation. However an extra $100 It will cost between 5 and 6 hobby shop, a chapel for all re- per month for hospitalization will t million dollars and will have ligions, which is also an auditor- be charged, 1 about 300 apartments for folks ium for entertainment; flower When a member dies, his past 50 years old. It will be known gardens, etc. apartment reverts to the manot as Joanna's Memorial Manor, A physical examination will be and will be resold, the proceeds named for Mr. Erikstrup's daugh- required before anyone may en- going to the benefits of residents ter, who died at the age of 23.1 ter. You must be fully ambulant, of the manor; for depreciation; The new building will be model-' able to care for yourself in your for benevolent funds or deficits' ed after the beautiful Willamette View Manor at Portland. Ore- I own apartment and able to go to due to inflation. gon, described .in the Saturday the dining room for your meals. Joanna's Memorial Manor'' Evening Post, October 24, 1959 [If you become ill after you enter, I be interdenominational.