Newspaper Clipping - Newspaper Clipping Scan - Eagan Schools Patrols Rewarded for Service - 5/28/1970 Thurs., May 28, 1970 SUN- RICHFIELD BLOOMINGTON SUN-MINNESOTA R VALLE JIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII VIII IIII IIIIIIIII I I I IIIIIIIIIII VIII IIIIIIIIIINtI I I111111 IIIIItII I1111111111IIIIIIII VIII I I VIII VIII I VIII IUI IIII1 1 1 1 1 1 1III III I I I I III I I I II I I I IIII1 1 1 1 1 1III III IIII Ittll I Iltll IIII I I I I II I I II I I III I I I Ittl V I II I II IIII V I I I III I I II II I I VIII I I III I I It111 1 1 1 1 1Itllll I I I III I VIII 111111 II I I I III I II I I III I I III Illltl V I I I II1 1 1 1 1 1 1 At First Picnic Sc r~,~~ 1 Eagan School Patrols Rewarded for Service: Eagan's first school police picnic, sponsored for 128 stu dents May 20 at the Jack Bu twin Camp, was a rousing'suc- cess, Police Chief Martin DesLauriers reported this t n k .L week. y~ THE SACK R r 1 " Donations from Eagan busi- I nessmen financed the picnic. f , l favorite at these two The Eagan Mrs. Jaycees pur- school poop h chased all the games and food • , 4 and also served the lunch. 1 P Douglas Dahlen, 2096 Garnet Lane, Cedar Grove, won the grand prize, a bicycle, for find- ing the hidden medallion. Transistor radios and cam- eras were awarded to 16 other students who won a round of games during the afternoon, including Bradley McAllock. Mark Domka, Sheryl Kirchner, Marta Spence, David Ander . r3 son, Paul DesLauriers, Linda Sell, Robin Smosal, Susan Lundquist, Peggy Erickson, Mark Rogers, Patricia Dolney, / y1 Danny Koppen, Bruce Rasmus sen, Kevin Stransky, and Kar- .1 en Maloney. X41 Every youngster attending F the picnic received some type of prize and enjoyed the lunch prepared and served by the , Mrs. Jaycees. Chief DesLauriers and his me,r "oiced their appreciation >r, ' a ~r(is we, ,k to everyone who con tributdd to making the picnic ay success. % ` SCORES OF HAPPY KIDS-Nearly 130 in fact nessmen at the request of the Eagan Police-Depart- enjoyed Eagan's first school patrol picnic at Jac., ment. Lunch was prepared and served by members Butwin Camp on May 20. The youngsters enjoyei of the Eagan Mrs. Jaycees. Police Chief Martin Des - games, food and prizes, all donated by Eagan busi• Lauriers reports the picnic was a "rousing success." t dye., - 4 a: A ell. Igo- MIA ~ Y r 4 `r r m t~ -:mod ~ ~t~'~.'~.r"~° f4~ '`ar' ~3 PROUD WINNERS of prizes at Eagan's first annual school police.picnic were these boys who have A TRUCKLOAD OF PRIZES and goodies was distributed, to 128 members of the I guarded the lives of their fellow students during the school police during the picnic sponsored by the Eagan police department and school year. supported by,local" businessmen and the Mrs. Jaycees.