10/20/2008 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved as amended November 17, 2008 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN. MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 20, 2008 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 20, 2008 with the following Commission Members present: Thor Anderson, Phil Belfiori, Bruce Goff, Laurie Halverson, Duane Hansen, Dorothy Peterson and Ryan Zipf. Member Jennifer Dahlquist was not present. Staff included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Superintendent of Operations, Cherryl Mesko; Superintendent of Parks, Paul Olson; Water Resources Coordinator, Eric Macbeth and Campus Facility Manager Mark Vaughan. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Zipf moved, Member Halverson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 Member Peterson pointed out a typo on the first line of the September 15th minutes under the Directors update, it should read, "..enjoy the parks and trails". Member Halverson moved, Member Hanson seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of September 15, 2008 as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson noted several park maintenance items in preparation for snow. She pointed out that one of the newer projects this fall is a fabric shade being installed near the Band Shell in Central Park along with more trees being planted to help with additional shade during events on hot summer days. Director Johnson encouraged folks to come out to the Halloween Hodgepodge event at the Eagan Community Center on Sunday October 26 from 4-8 pm and reminded the public that the Old Fashion Holiday at Holz Farm Park will be hosted the first week in December from 12 -3:30 pm. Other projects noted were the rinks at Pilot Knob, Woodhaven and Lexington Park which are being modified and improved. Pilot Knob Park will be used for the upcoming hockey and ice season and also as a premier wiffleball location since wiffleball leagues have been quite popular over the last couple of years. Director Johnson concluded that the Library is doing very well in the Civic Arena mezzanine and has been working cooperatively with Recreation staff during preschool story times and teen activities. CONSENT AGENDA Member Zipf moved and Member Halverson seconded with all members voting in favor that the City Council approve the following recommendations for Norton Heights development: 1. This proposal shall be subject to a cash parks and trails dedication for the newly created Lot 1. 2. This proposal shall be subject to an Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plan at the time of building permit application for Lot 1. 3. This proposal shall be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site water quality ponding. Advisory Parks Commission October 20, 2008 Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS Close Public Comment Period for Public Art Request Director Johnson provided a brief background regarding the September public art request where the Advisory Commission officially opened a 30 day comment period to review the proposed art. Recreation Supervisor Julie Anderson presented the tile mosaic art project which was to be completed by the community during a workshop and when finished it would be moved periodically around various sites within Eagan. A 30day comment period was opened up starting September 16`h to provide feedback to the APrC and City Council, which would help them decide where the mosaic would be displayed. Although there was publicity given for the project, no comments were received by the public. Member Peterson asked how close the project was to being completed. Director Johnson responded that there was more work to be done so the public would still have an opportunity to participate in the project. Member Peterson then went on to say that according to the policy, once they close the 30 day comment period ends it is then recommended to go to the City Council for their approval. She then asked if it was up to the Commission to determine the location where the project should be placed or could they just recommend rotating sites. Director Johnson responded that it would be appropriate to say rotating sites based upon staff recommendation. Member Peterson moved to close the 30 comment period and recommend that the City Council approve the Community tile mosaic project to be displayed temporarily in a park or other public space on a rotating basis as staff and Commission may determine. Member Zipf seconded with all members voting in favor. NEW BUSINESS Trapp Farm Park Cell Tower Request Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks, presented a proposal for T-mobile to place an antenna on one of the existing Highline Towers in Trapp Farm Park as well as leasing some ground space for a small building and access road. Superintendent Olson explained that there were two parts to this negotiation: • T-Mobile would lease from Excel for use of the existing Tower. • The City would negotiate with T-mobile for ground space for a building and small access road. Pending the Commission's recommendation to poceed the City will work with the City Attorney, the Consultant and T-mobile to develop a lease that will ultimately go to the City Council for final approval. Superintendent Olson laid out 12 conditions of this lease: 1. Prompt restoration following the construction. 2. Notify and work with City Staff. 3. Adhering to applicable City building and property management codes. 4. Prepare a Landscape Plan. 5. Gravel for use of driveway (City will suggest grass pavers or some other underground system that will support traffic.) 6. Appropriate erosion control measures, installing a swale to capture any erosion sediment along the road. 7. Maintain the access road in the condition that is appropriate for use of 8. Repair/replace the existing bituminous trail at the discretion of the City. 9. Plow the Trail. 10. Provide appropriate signage. 11. No hindering of Public use of the Park, park activities or the trail. 12. Provide the City with notice of any activity that may exceed the bounds of the lease. Advisory Parks Commission October 20, 2008 Page 3 Member Peterson asked if these 12 conditions should be part of the motion. Superintendent Olson agreed. Member Zipf moved that the City of Eagan enter negotiations for a lease with T-mobile for ground space in Trapp Farm Park to include the terms and conditions included in the staff report. Member Halverson seconded with all members voting in favor. Terra Glenn Revised Wetland Replacement Plan Coordinator Eric Macbeth presented a proposal to satisfy a previously approved wetland replacement plan through withdrawal of wetland bank credits versus continuing ongoing efforts to create on-site wetland. He explained that the new proposal would replace the original 5000 square feet of wetland impact with about 5800 square feet so there is an increase in the replacement for the wetland in the woods as well as the replacement for the area along Hunt Drive, which is increased from what was originally acquired. The final result would be that the developer would withdraw wetland credits to satisfy the replacement in the woods for that impact and then transfer the balance to reimburse the City's wetland bank account. Member Peterson asked if the pond that was mentioned in the workshop is working the way that the wetland is supposed to work and questioned if this is a positive for the City. Coordinator Macbeth stated that it is functioning for storm water purposes however water is infiltrating in the site rather than ponding. Member Belfori moved to approve the replacement of the onsite wetland mitigation with banked credits as indicated by Coordinator Macbeth. Member Peterson asked if this recommendation would go to Council. Macbeth stated it should go to Council for recommendation in November. Member Peterson asked Member Belfori if he would agree to an amendment to the motion that forwards the recommendation to the Council. Member Belfori agreed. Member Hansen seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Superintendent Mesko explained that the enterprise facilities have been integrated into the regular presentations to the APrC so that they are aware of the regular activities, operations and challenges of the Community Center, Cascade Bay and Civic Arena. She noted that the community center had provided a recent update and then introduced Campus Facilities Manager Mark Vaughan who would present an overview of the Cascade Bay and Civic Arena operations. Manager Vaughan provided an in depth overview of the 2008 Cascade Bay season. Some of the highlights included attendance, season passes and revenue. It was noted that daily admissions generate the highest percentage of revenue but that there was a slight decline in Season Passes sold. Manager Vaughan expressed concern with the escalating utility costs and will continue to look for ways to bring those costs down. Member Hanson asked if Cascade Bay participates in an energy audit plan to keep utilities down. Manager Vaughan explained that they are looking at several options. Looking ahead in 2009 Manager Vaughan stated the focus would be on providing the best value for the public's limited disposable income. Member Halvorson complimented staff for providing a safe and fun environment. Member Peterson asked if there are any plans for new elements in the next year or so. Manager Vaughan stated that there main focus right now is on the utilities, good service and good value. Member Zipf asked if there are any concerns with the Apple Valley facility and the new features they are adding. Vaughan responded that it may affect Cascade Bay at first, but feels the difference that will keep visitors coming back will be the atmosphere, added value and great staff at Cascade Bay. It was also noted that Cascade Bay is a destination of choice for many groups, which has been a growing element of the water park's success. Director Johnson thanked Jennifer Nelson for the positive way that she coordinates the group rentals for Cascade Bay. Manager Vaughan continued presentation highlighting 2008 Civic Arena expenses, revenue, skating school, adult hockey leagues, programs and services, dry floor events and rentals. He noted that like Cascade Bay the utilities for the Civic Arena are high and they are looking into ways to slow the rising costs. The Civic Arena has seen increased traffic by 3000 per week since the Library has moved into its temporary spot in the mezzanine and has brought positive comments. In 2009 the focus will remain on energy conservation, more programming of weekend ice in the summer, daytime skating rentals, private rentals, mezzanine promotions, Arena softball and kickball promotions, sponsorship packages, and continuing the Home Show. Member Goff asked if there has been any cost analysis done between using the arena Advisory Parks Commission October,20, 2008 Page 4 specifically for dry land vs. ice time as far as how much revenue is generated between the two. Manager Vaughan said he has not done an actual study but when the turf is in there are some cost savings particularly with the compressors and ice resurfacer. COMMUNICATIONS There were no Communications items for the Commission to review. ROUND TABLE Member Thurston mentioned that he was approached by a neighbor who suggested staggering the archery targets at Walnut Hill Park instead of having them all in a row due to the increased usage in August and September. Superintendent Olson responded that the targets themselves cannot be staggered because they are cemented in, but the shooting stations are staggered and they are marked by a wooden post. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Halverson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. 5. 09 Secretary Date