930 Blue Gentian Rd - Ltrs SAC Determination Page lof8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (MCES) INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGE PERMIT Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 473 as amended and the Waste Discharge Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS) permission is hereby granted to ReyHan PGF 930 Blue Gentian Rd Eagan, MN 55121 for the discharge of Industrial Waste into public sewers within the community of Eagan tributary to the Metropolitan Council's Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant. This permit is granted in accordance with the application filed on November 23, 2008 and in consideration of the plans, specifications, and data contained in the application. Discharge Limitations, Monitoring and Reporting Requirements, Compliance Schedules, General Permit Conditions, and Specific Permit Conditions are contained in following sections of this Permit. EFFECTIVE DATE: URAFT EXPIRATION DATE: Issued by METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES General Manager, or duly authorized representative Date Keith J. Buttleman, Assistant General Manager Environmental Quality Assurance Department Page2of8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES A. Discharge Limitations 1. Local Pretreatment Standards The following Discharge Limits are based on Local Pretreatment Standards applicable to the total facility discharge, including non-process waste streams. See Attachment A. These Discharge Limits apply directly at the monitoring point specified in Section B. 1. of this permit. Any difference between these limits and the Local Pretreatment Standards listed in Attachment A is due to adjustment of the limits based on the ratio of total facility discharge volume to monitoring point discharge volume. Discharge Limits at Sample Location(s): Standard Sample Location Parameter m /L SP-01 Process Drain Trench Cadmium 1.4 Chromium 8.1 Copper 5.4 Cyanide, total. 5.4 Lead 1.4 Mercury 0.003 Nickel 8.1 Zinc 8.1 pH Max (Std Units) 11.0 H Min (Std Units 5.0 Local pretreatment standards for metals and cyanide are the maximum for any 24 hour period. pH standards are continuous and apply at all times. 2. Prohibited Waste Discharges Prohibited wastes are specified in Waste Discharge Rule 406 and include, but are not limited to the following: (a) Flammable, explosive and corrosive wastes, gasoline, fuel oil, lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, motor oil, or grease; (b) Wastes that are likely to obstruct the flow within public sewers: grease, fat or oil of animal or vegetable origin, solid wastes, garbage, guts, bones, ash, sand, rags, lime, metal, wood, plastic, glass, or yard wastes; (c) Wastes that are likely to cause interference, pass-through, or operational problems: slug discharges, toxic chemicals, poisons, dyes, or inks; (d) Wastes that are likely to cause a public nuisance: noxious, malodorous, or foam producing substances; (e) Hazardous wastes, as defined by Minnesota Statutes; and (f) Wastes generated outside of the Metropolitan Area. Page 3 of 8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES B. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements 1. Following are the specific monitoring point location(s), sample collection frequency, volume determination, sample compositing, and (if necessary) the calculation methods required by this Industrial Discharge Permit. Representative wastewater samples shall be collected at each sampling point (SP) by the Permittee in accordance with these requirements and Waste Discharge Rules 212, 213, and 215. These samples shall be collected once each reporting period on normal operating days. i) Monitoring Point: SP-01- Developing machine discharges to the main process collection trench of ReyHan PGF film developing room. ii) Collection Frequency: A grab sample shall be taken from each developing machine discharging to SP-01 throughout a normal operating day. iii) Volume Determination: The monitoring day and reporting period volumes shall be determined by incoming water meter readings. iv) Compositing Method: Grab samples shall be composited together using equal volumes from each developing machine sample into one sample representing the entire day. Results from the analysis of the daily composite sample shall be compared to Discharge Limits listed in Section A.1. for compliance determinations. v) Estimation of Total Facility Discharge Characteristics: The MCES Strength Charge is based on total facility concentrations for Chemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids, and the total facility discharge volume for each reporting period. The Permittee may estimate the strength characteristics as follows: Domestic waste shall be factored into process wastewater based on calculated volumes, 250 mg/l for Total Suspended Solids and 500 mg/l for Chemical Oxygen Demand. Process and domestic wastewater volumes for the entire reporting period shall be used for this calculation. Page 4 of 8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 2. Parameters Chemical analysis, in accordance with Waste Discharge Rule 216, of the sample(s) representing the waste discharged through the specified monitoring point(s), shall be performed for the following parameters: pH, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solids, and Silver. 3. Reporting Requirements a. The Permittee shall submit a complete Industrial Waste Discharge Report 1 time per year, according to the following schedule: Report Due in Reporting Period MCES office by January 1 - December 31 January 30 b. Permittees subject to EPA Categorical Pretreatment Standards shall submit an EPA Categorical Compliance Report with each Industrial Waste Discharge Report. C. Compliance Schedule The Permittee shall install additional pretreatment equipment and/or conduct necessary operation and maintenance to comply with the Discharge Limitations in accordance with the schedule set forth in: Not applicable D. General Permit Conditions 1. All discharges into public sewers by the Permittee shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the Waste Discharge Rules for the MDS and this Permit. 2. The Permittee shall not knowingly make any false statement, representation or certification in any record, report, plan or other document submitted to MCES. 3. This Permit shall not release the Permittee from any liability, duty or penalty imposed by local, state or federal statutes, regulations, ordinances or license requirements regarding waste disposal. Page 5 of 8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 4. The Permittee shall take all reasonable precautions to minimize all accidental discharges including prohibited slugs, spills, and bypasses. Plans for the prevention and control of accidental discharges shall be submitted to the Industrial Waste Section for approval within a specified period of time when required by MCES. In the event of any significant accidental discharge, spill, or bypass, the Permittee shall IMMEDIATELY notify the Minnesota State Duty Officer at (651) 649-5451 and report the facility address, and other pertinent information. In accordance with Waste Discharge Rule 412, the Permittee shall post a permanent notice on an employee bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees how to notify the Minnesota State Duty Officer in the event of an accidental or prohibited slug discharge. 5. The Permittee shall notify the Industrial Waste Section within 24 hours of becoming aware of any violation of the Discharge Limitations in Section A. of this Permit. 6. The Permittee shall pay applicable Permit fees, Strength Charges and self-monitoring report late fees assessed by MCES. 7. In accordance with Waste Discharge Rule 211, the Permittee shall not assign or transfer an Industrial Discharge Permit to a new owner, or a new location, without the written approval of MCES. The Permittee shall provide a copy of this Permit to the new owner. 8. In accordance with Waste Discharge Rule 214, the Permittee shall allow MCES personnel to enter the Permittee's premises for the purposes of inspection, monitoring, records review and other actions, as necessary, to verify information received by MCES and to determine compliance with the Waste Discharge Rules and this Permit. 9. The Permittee shall retain its waste disposal records, in accordance with Waste Discharge Rule 214, for a period of not less than three years. 10. The analytical results for all wastewater monitoring conducted during each reporting period, at the monitoring point(s) specified in this Permit or at points representing the industrial ,discharge through the monitoring point(s), including in-house sampling and analysis, shall be submitted with each Industrial Waste Discharge Report. All analytical results shall include the operating day discharge volume. Permittees conducting more than one sampling event, in. accordance with Permit requirements in Section B, during a reporting period, shall compute an arithmetic average for all parameters subject to EPA Categorical Pretreatment Standards. The average operating day discharge volume shall also be included. For pH, the minimum and maximum value in the range of measured values shall be listed. Page 6 of 8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 11. If applicable, the Permittee shall install, operate, and maintain sampling and monitoring devices in proper working order at the Permittee's expense. 12. The Permittee shall notify the Industrial Waste Section at least 60 days prior to making changes, such as: • moving, adding, or replacing processes or equipment, or • modification of the wastewater monitoring point, or • installation or modification of wastewater pretreatment equipment, or • any other operational changes that would significantly affect the volume or characteristics of the wastewater discharged. This Permit shall then be subject to modification or re-issuance in accordance with Waste Discharge Rules 206-209. 13. The Permittee shall be subject to civil liability as a result of discharges which violate the Waste Discharge Rules, applicable federal pretreatment standards or requirements, or any requirement or condition contained in this Permit. Further, any violation may also result in the Permittee being subject to civil and/or criminal penalties in the amount of $1,000 per day, 90 days imprisonment, or both. f Page7of8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES E. Specific Permit Conditions 1. The permittee shall investigate the development of a sampling location containing either the total discharge from Reyhan PGF or process discharge only. The permittee shall report its findings by January 30, 2010 and if a new monitoring location cannot be developed, the permittee shall detail out the reasons. 2. Service Availability Charge (SAC) is a "connection" fee levied by MCES since 1973 for new connections or increased volume discharged to the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). For industrial purposes, one SAC unit equals 274 gallons of maximum normal daily wastewater flow volume for process areas and maximum potential flow volume for commercial areas. MCES will be evaluating the SAC history for this facility in the near future to determine SAC liability, if any. 3. The Permittee is required to inform MCES a minimum of 60 days in advance of making any major changes in processes and/or production volumes. 4. Re Han PGF shall take measures to ' m chemical y ensure that an accidental spill their storage does not result in slug discharge to the sanitary sewer. Page 8 of 8 Permit No. 1423 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Attachment A MDS Limitations on Discharges 1 Local Pretreatment Standards (Applicable to the total facility discharge) Standard Parameter (mg/L) Cadmium (Cd) 1.0 Chromium - total (Cr) 6.0 Copper (Cu) 4.0 Cyanide total (CN) 4.0 Lead (Pb) 1.0 Mercury (Hg) 0.002 Nickel (Ni) 6.0 Zinc (Zn) 6.0 pH maximum (Std. Units) 11.0 pH - minimum (Std. Units) 5.0 Local pretreatment standards for metals and cyanide are the maximum for any 24 hour period. pH standards are continuous and apply at all times. 44 Metropolitan Council February 5, 2009 Environmental Services City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122-1897 RE: INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGE PERMIT NUMBER 1423 FOR THE FACILITY LOCATED AT: 930 Blue Gentian Rd Eagan, MN 55121 Attn: Thomas Hedges EncloVd is a copy of the Draft Permit for the site indicated above, for the discharge of Industrial Waste into the Metropolitan Disposal System. If you have any comments regarding the issuance of this Permit, please notify Metropolitan Council Environmental Services in writing within fifteen days. If no comments are received from you or the Permittee, the Permit will be issued as written. Please direct any correspondence to Michael Pliml , P.E., Industrial Waste Section. Sincerely, Leo H. Hermes, P. E. Industrial Waste Manager MCES Industrial Waste Section Enclosure www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101-1805 • (651) 602-1005 • Fax (651) 602-1477 • TTY (651) 291-0904 An Equal Opportunity Employer