1046 Boston Hill RdParcel Files Cover Sheet Unique ID: 1978 1046 Boston Hill Rd 104507605002 cirY oF EaGaN iNATER SERVLCE PERIIAIT = 3830. Pifot Knob Road , _ 'P.0..0*1t 2099 PERMfT-P10.: E14.65 ? , .040ati, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning: 8? ;No. of Units: 1 C3w11@t': Marvjn GanrgP R7rl rca - AddresS' SiteA;ddess:; 104f; RoQton Ii31.1 R'+ad 1.5 B2 L"#?gitF3? sq, 1; . Plumher Rt-ax Z? l .?'? D.S- `?" AAet?rRlo.• .???r?:.-?-=T-= n He?n "?ha? 2 k ?Zpi.: t?/I1SP.+F [" ?Li(T!l.t???.' . S .?`i AR??..? : R$a dr Na,,.RqA 7t?'r; r?,,??.? ??-t??C? 9A?A ?. #?ree #rr ?y witn the Gty ot Ea cM- S ? ,.°??' ?__ ?By DaW Pald: "• ?r ? Z,4 ? .. . , ?? . . ? , .. .. m . , . _ ?CODE AMOONT? Thank You ?.:.- ,B White-Payers CoPy Yellow-Posting Copy Pink-File Copy ? .f•,. .,n. ; a, a 5 -b - B L,A G. P R;I IT 'N i3 . .Z .t . =Jr? ?o1=??16"0d?,.' per's?'1 01-342?, ? ?Plan Check 01-3445 Surch. /Adm, 7S' „ c 01-3446 SAC/Adtn. 01-2155 , Surcharge ? 17-3860 Road Unit ,;' 20-2275 SAC ` 20-3865 Water Conn. Uc_? 20-3868 Water Trmt. D 20-3716 Wat(?r Meter G?--? i ; 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permit 20-3743 Sewe'r Permit /Cil ? 79-3866 Sewer Gonn. . 11-3855 ?ark Ded. ? TOTAL ~ SEDGWICK HEATING & AIR 35- 75 44(7US E NEATING TEST REGOR6 AD[3RESS t.# e0JQ0 CITY • ?14 ?t ?? "OCCEJPANT OWIUER ' I?x1I'Fz?/ `HEAT LOSS ?""---- DA'FE.i-1i'G?.-iNSfi. E _ ' SQLD 6Y ' INSTALLED BY Electrical {Nork By OT?f .?5 Gas Line By TYPE OF HEAt : GA, FAX- HW____STEAM SPACE HTR. UNIT1iTR; t}THEF# GAS f7ESIGN CONVERSiQN, MA?E it v w r-i -1 MAKE OF BURNER Model Model Serial Max, BTl! Rating INPt1T ts'p 4> , MAICE OF FURA}AGE Model ? COIVTROLS - , , THERI'JIOSTAT y 3 Hest Flug Vent Size Valve SX ,o)C =-,pk- _ KIND OF LINER SIZE Limrt T`EVt!?Cf.? , Draft Hood De"S,f Cil*?j? R696laiut \1 S u Limit SettEnn Filters Size ' Numfaer ? Fan Setting "'j'} Ly1?' Chimney Location lnside '' dufsids Pilot Type - Chimney Construction f' t?.YY.LS S $,__ ` Pilot Make C461 4Tb'X Pilot Modei Smoke Bomb Wiring oie,? f'Ftot Timing J?S 7AN7" Uraft ;Test Tog L.W. Cut Of# Door Pressure l.'tghtirig Pressure 3_ f, Percent CDz -7 `ss Date Tested Input CFH ??'? Percent 02 1b?b Company Testing , Staek Temp. .7450 Percent CO: -tJ QNF- IUame of Tester _ Form'235 ? . ? . . : .. ,- ?'. ? a. ?? b,ra?? ca?srrue??,n +? 7 oek ?;,?? . s, ? cir?r oF ?asN .?-,...:., N 13226 ,,.,,3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 7411 99, Eagan, IIAN 55121 ' PHONE: 454-8100 BURDitdt"`a PCNMIT Receipt # } ?`?.?r?+t?ed for ?'i?'' DWC1GAR Est. Value $73 i QOO Dat? ?'? Bk?U ?i , 19 87 Site ? In46i gC1S`"i?N- ZIJ[LI? RD Erect CC? Occupancy ?? 1ot.?- Bdock 2 Sec/Sub. L???NGTON SQ Remodel ? Zoning 2ND AI?D ParCBi No Repair ? Type of Const. v . Addition ? No. Stories ? Name A?iARV Il3 GEd1RGE $I.DRS ZNC Move ? Length 36 3 BOX '4 2 $ Demolish ? Depth ° Address w?t? 332-30 PRIIyTC?' Cit ? Int. Impr. ? ? Sq: Ft. y I YKin2 Ins[aII a Name SAME ` Approvats Fen Z ? ? Address Assessment Permit • ?0 City 'Phone Water & Sew. Surcfla?rge 3 6 • ?'?. Police Plan Review 204• 50 1 Z N;ame Fire SAG 6,25.00 ? Address En Water Conn 525. W 4D g. . a? Ciry Phone Planner Water Meter 67.00 Council Road Unif u" 305.00 i hereby acknowledge that I have read this appiication and state thatthe informat' n' t d I h ll li bl S f B?dg. Off. Tr. PL ?'$0•0a i o ?o ?s co rrec an agree to comp y wt a appcae tate Minnesota Statutes and ryof Eagan Ordi ces. APC "?? Signature of Permittee 31 ?-`V, Date ? -?-X '? sEL?•??'? Parks Copies_ Total *W-' 352 . 00 A Building Permit is issued to: MARVIN GEoRGE BLDR5 INC on the express conditian that all work shatl be done in accordance with all applicable Sta,t of Minnesota Sta4Utes,aqo City of Eagan Qrdinances. Building Official " Permn lfo. Permft Flolder Date TNeptwrro # PN+mbing W.V.yi:C. Electric - ? $oftenqr Inspeclioe Date Insp. Comments Footin9s I ? ! FaWings 11 Foundation Framing Roofin9 Rough Pibg. Rougt Hty. lns,d. A&Z ?. q. Fireplsce 7 t'A, ?Ob'? G61 T•,r ?dC ? Fltial Htg. Z 149 Ffnal Pibg. Bldg. Final cen. occ. Z ?p Deck Ftg. Deck Frmg. Well Pr. Disp. ?' . ? ? 41111 PLUWMG T EAGM ? ?- PIL.OT KWO CITY tiF . EAGW NO ;' . Ct?NTRA" PRtM` PM01*464-111"Ill ; , . Sits ?'i Block `r ? .. (l?, A . . ... . .PIow ? . ? Naffw . IlC:s 1110 . . . ? . . . Mut . . ? ti .. . ? ' {9161. L w Addrom ? W67ffw11. ? C ? .18AdAJ. rIRTnRi? CIty . +. ? NO fk f id f ? . . . . cbmw - s ? ? c L- BsM Tubs ' ?p Q 2;,.c c t ?? PNYt!?16 • y. a o t City - - -?•E?9 J s1?? - S&M ' ? Sirtk - $100 YGitch+ar ? FEES -UdnsVW" - litdD FEE -1% OF CONTI€."f FEE 1 ?mdry'T - ` AAt4M" --- RESIDENT1A1. FEE - $1C1A0 1 Fbor Draim - $11 Zt3 ? - GOM1iAtM FrtE - 2040 ` j water Ho" - $1.50 .? . STATT? SURCHARGE PER PERO;AIT. - •50 1Nhi . «? - (AQU M SJC IF PEF"T PFtiCE (3+C1FS i Gas • OUUU - $1.,5D ` BEttONfl $1,000M} ner = $5.00 ??:.,?? ? ? ` s ' $4116 ? sIGNaTURE cF kRMr?E Fift FdFt .?"eF? ? VAOM p4 #C 5!?: ?r. . . .. :...,"?` pwm w. N : 0 # .?.?•. 1 , , . AAECHANICAL P a? ? ,.? n? , 3830 PILO . RECEkPT # CITY OF'?AG ?a T tCMt)B ROAD EAGAN Mt? 55122 p qTE CONTR??CT P?t1CE: • ? , , , : PH N ; O E: 454-8100 Site Address ' BLDC; ? I/PE Lot 64ock - Sec/Sub Res ? f+}ow ri . ? ? Name SEDG I HTG. & AIR C WD. Mult Add-csri ?s Address 8910 WEPiTWORTH A . Comm. Repair ; G = City MINNfAPj? ? ' 2 Othe?? 88?- ? FEES : Name . . . I II ? A ? ? RES. HVAG 0-100 M BTU ' c Address ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU ? p City Phone (RES. HVAC ENCLUDES AlC CMd NEW , CC?NSTRUCTION) ' GAS OUTLETS (MlNtNtiM -1 POt Pg%W't) G` Tl(RE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1a/o OF CQIdTRACT FEE ' t z Forced Air 1A M BTU .?1 APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLMS , Boile T O W N H O U S E & C A N D C IS -- F i E S. E i ATE A 6' F'(;#E$ :. .., ,, r M BTU MINiMUM RESI{)EdTIAi. FEE -A4.L ADt3-C3hf ;& ; Unit Heater, M BTU_ RE 1-S ? Air Gond. -a341 U MtIWAAlJM C(?MtIvIERGI. FEE ST,?TE SUt?Ci?RGE PE#? ?°M?.P?+11T Vent. ? ?? ? (AEMD $50 SfC !F F'IERMt'f" PAM Gas Riping Duflets # _._?_,:?L? $ _?• BEYYrrO1VD $1,000) (3iher ? .? FEE'. r 4?? 3lC: SlGNATURE OF PERNI a 4. " ?. TOTdl.: ? FOR: Cll`Y €?F; E,4 , . , . ,. u, .. , .. ciTY oF eaGAN _ , . , VI?aTER SERViCE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P.O.Box 24199 PERMIT NO.: 8465 Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: 2"'19"87 Zoning: 'Ri No. of Units: 1 Owner. VlSrv'312 Ceorge Sl drfi Address: SiteAddess I046 Boston Hil]. itoad L5 B? t.exingten Sq T7 Plumber: Star Pl'u,min,g,_ ; F Meter No.: Gonnection Charge: ? - ; Size: Account deposit: ? ?.'tlpd Reader No.: Permit Fee: in.onpd ` i agree to comply with the City of Eagan ' Surcharge: -? ? Ordinances. Misc. Charges: 38n.nnpd-TF ? : TotaL' 67 tlrt..a _ _ : By - Date Paid: • _ , Date of Insp.:' lnsp.: ? ; crnr oF EAGaN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT r 3830 Pi1ot Knob Road ` 9616 P.O. Box 21188 PERMIT NO.: F Eagan, MN 551 DATE: 2`-13"S7 ? Zoning: No. of Units CeoTge Bl r ? drs. Owner. Address- : as c3n 1046 a g 4II ? Site Address: Plumber: ar I'lumbing ? 525`00pd 1 agree to comply with the City ot Eagan Connection Charge: Ordinances. r Account Deposif: 15' 00pd 10• ?0pd Permit Fee: ` 50pd Surcharge: By ' Misc. Charges:- " Date of Insp: TotaL• ` E Insp : DatePaid: . This reQUest void 18 months from ? ? 07`67 $ 2 /"-? ,.-,,t? RequesiDate' ;Fire f40.. Rouyr-in Inspecti, n? ? ? Re ? . ?ReadY Now ?DYf??Notify, InsPec- e ? s No tor When Ready icensed Electricai Coittractor I hereby request inspection of above ? Owner electrical workinstalled at:- Street Address, Box or Route No. Cit ,???? /?}., ?/ / ?c? -47 ? ection o. Township Name or No. Range No. County.. . Occup nt (PRINT) ?Lftf?'! ? 16e:C`%fae, Phone No. 3-3.;1 - Power* upplie?r ,? ,(,,_ / yl:? Gt. ?C=' / Gt Addres "? ! Electri al Co iractor.(Company Name) 1?C. ?/ ? ? ec-° L L, Contractor's License No. 9 Mailing Addres (Con?'tractor or Owner Making Instailation) , P, 4) ° ''] . ?./lJx "?/ "'? . OY/ t? 1:5???./l4. •:. . Authorized Signature (99ntractor/Owner Makinglnstaliation) :.. ??L:? . ; . . . 7ne Number . S190 MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL"N07 Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room N-791 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION PEE IS 1$21 University Ave., St. Peul, MN 55104 Phone (612) 297_2111 ENCiOSED. i,?' ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 0 7 ? . ?See instructions for completing th.is form on b8ck of yellow copy. "X" Below Work Covered by This Requesi w E6-00001-04 W; 717,?ZS No. Add Rep. . Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired ' - Home Range Temporary Service, Duplex Water Heater Lightiiiy Fixtures Apt. Buiiding Dryer EJectrlc Heatin Commercial Bidg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Miik Tanl< Farm other pecify. .. . ocher(Specify) ther Specify Other OYher [_mmnurp incnnrrinn taa rtAinini k ' Fee ServiceEntranceSize # ?.Fae Feeders/5u6feeders # Fee Circuits.: " O to 200 Amps O to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am s Above 20Q_Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimminq Pool Above 100_Amps Above 1C10_Am s Transformers frrigation Booms Partiai,`Other Fe Signs Special Inspection TO Rerru3rks . .rl? Rough-in Date 1:???? I, t ectrical Inspector, hereby. ? ae tif ??thatthe?ab ? Final . A ? f Date ? ^??5? ? y r ave . . . inspection has ?been ? made. This request void 18 months from " CITY OF EAGAN ? c , 3830 Pilo1 Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N- 13226 ' PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING P?RMIT Receipt # avgm A To be used tor SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $ 7 3, 00 0 Date FEBRUARY 18 19 8 7 SiteAddress 1046 BOSTON HILL RD Erect ? Occupancy R3 Lot 5 Block 2 Sec/Sub. LEXINGTON SQ Remodel O Zoning R1 Parcel No. 2ND ADD Repair ? Type of Const. V Addition ? No. Stories 5 8 °C Name MARVIN GEORGE BLDRS INC Move ? Length Demolish ? Depth Z 428 o Address BOX Int. Impr. ? Sq. Ft. city PRINCE'?'? 332-3034 mstau ? Name SAME Approvals Fees U¢ W W ?Z U? ¢Z Q W Address City Phone Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police Name Fire Address Eng City Phone Planner Council _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and statethatthe Bldg. Off. information is correct and agree to comply with siII applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and of Eagan Ordi ces. ,?- ?PC- , Date Signature of Permittee ? ?-p ? Permit $ 409. 00 Surcharge 36.50 Plan Review 2 0 4. 50 SAC 625.00 Water Conn. 525.00 Water Meter 67.00 Road Unit 305 . 00 7r. PI. 180 . 00 Parks Copies 2 0 0 3 5 2 Total , . A Building Permit is issued to: MARVIN GEORGE BLDRS INC on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable Stat&of Minnesota Stg!'ute;i aq@ City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official RESlDENTlAL 1 -5T7 , 25 --? ? BUILDING PERMIT APPl.ICATIt3N cITY aF EncaN . 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, IEAGAN UN 55122 ? 651-681-4675 Now co?,?Lruction r?ghgSo • 3mgMerea sb swver$ snowi,e sq. ft of +ot, sq. ft or rom; and SM roolea areas . 2 copi.s ot plan , (20% maxmn wt coverage Wowed) • t set of Enersy calculations for neaed addWm • 2 copies of plan showiryg bew & uindaw, sizgs; poured found tiesign, etc.) . t ste survey for eottedor addWm & dedcs . 1 set of Ene-rgy C,alWat+m . Irbicb I tmrre mved bp soptic sysEem kor addtm • 3 copie.s of Tree Rmmtion Plan 'rf lot aefted after 7/1l93 . Ran Joist Detal Options setection aled (bidgs vvhh 3 ar less unRs) DATE YALUATEON 21?1? SITE ADDRESS O &6ktI MUtfi!-fAMILY BLpG ..,.. Y eN .--? TYPE OF WORK FfiRER1ACE(5) ,_,. 0-, l- 2 APPLICANT STREET ADDRESS O J? ?!Z C1TY t??.STATE 1^_.,A/Z1P?...nV TELEPHONE # :5?63"6?I-03? CELL PH4NE # FAX # PROPERTY OWNER ?j tVI Ze 7ELEPHC3NE #651 -,?14 C26C-?? COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTfAI BUlCDINGS C)NLY Energy Code Category ? MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 MI ?? ' (?l submission type) • Residentiai Ventilatlon Category 1 Workshee# Submit?d • FNOV ??e "?19ta ? #ted •Ene?y rn??e c?a,iaaons s?,?itced 2 1 2007 Plumbing Contractor Phc?ne # Plumbing system includes: Water 5o€tener La.wn Sprinkler °? e: Water Heater N No. of R.I. Baihs No. of Baths Mechanieai Cantractoc Phcne #t Mechanical system includes: Air Canditianing Fee: $70.00 N Heat Recovery System Sewer/Water Conhactor: Phone # f hereby acknawledge tMat I have read this appiication, state that the inforrnation is correct, and crgree to eornply with ail applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. - Signaturs ofAppltcan# _ ? ._....?.... . ?...._ ...................:............ QFFICE USE QNLY Certificates of Survey Received T Tree Preservation Plan Recelved No# Requited tJpdaited 4J02 OFFICE USE ONLY O 01 Foundation 0 07 05-plex D 13 16-piex O 20 Pooi 0 30 Accessoryr Bldg ? 02 SF Dwefling 0 08 06-plex Q 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) C! 31 Eatt. A#t - Multi 0 03 01 of _ ptex C] 09 07-plex O 17 Garage ? 22 ParchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Att - SF ? 04 02-plex 0 10 08-ptex ? 98 Dock ? 23 Parch (scresned) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-piex ? 11 1 U-plex la 19 Lawer LeYel `? 24 Storm Damage 0 06 04-piex 0 12 12-plex Pibg_Y or - N ? 25 MisceBaneous ? 31 New ? 35 int Improvement 0 38 Demotish (tnterior) ? 44 Siding 0 32 Addition ? 36 Move 81dg. ` ? 42 Qemolish (Foundatian) ? 45 Fire Repair ` ? 33 Alteration' 0 37 Demotish {Bldg}* ' ? 43 - Rsroof ? 46 ; WindowslCkoors O 34 Replacement '"Demoil#ion (Entire Bidg oniy) - Give RCA Mandowt to applicant Valuation fJccupancy MC/ES System ' Census Code Zoning City Water SRC Units Stories Baaster Pump Nbr. of Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bidgs Leng#h Fire Sprinklered; Type of Const Width REQUIRED lNSPECTIC3NS Footings (new bldg) FinaUC.O, FOOLlrigS (dCCk) ? F12ktUN0 C.O. _ Footings (addition) Plumbing Faundarion HVAC _ Drain Tile 4ther Roof Ice& Water Final Paol Ftgs AirlGas Tests ? -Final Framing ? Stone Siding Stuceo Fireplace _ R.I. , - Air Test Final Windows (newlreplacemcnt) ? Insularion _ Retaining Wall Appraved 8y , Building Inspector Base Fee - -- Surcharge Ptan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Suppiy & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Piant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies : Other Tatal , CITY OF EAGAN APPUCATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION ?***********************?********?*? ? r10TW3t PAYMENT OF FM AT TIME QF ? * APPUcAMoN noFS Nar oot4STIzvTE ? ? APPROVAL OF PE'EtMIT. x* ? INSPDCTION QF SEWM ArID/OR 11 * ? ? I1eTAILATIONS W.Lm N0r BE `ScnED- * ? * UIED UN'1'II. PERMT HAS BF..FN * ? ? APP!Rl3VM. * ? * *, .... ********??**********?r**************? . , P ease Print) ? 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS : .?/?1 "I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r. n, , IF F.XISTING STRL'CILiRE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BL'ILDING • PERMIT ISS1CAtVCE: a(> -- - (Nbn Year PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID LSE: Ca4?EE2CIAL/RETAIL/OFFICE 6A-1 SINGLE FAMILY a INDL'STRIAL 0 R-2 DCPLEX (Tao L?nits) . n INSTIZL'TIONAL/COVaUZg;NT R-3, MWNiOLSE (Three + Units )( Uni.ts ) • ? R-4 APARZ2'lE1,T/CONIDOMIIVIL'M ( Units) 2) NAME: . • ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: ? PHONE: 3) • u ?: ?• For City L1se NAME: / _ Plumbers License: AADRESS: O/d f Active CITY, STATE, ZIP: F.:xpired Not recorded PHOIVE: ?.. MASTER LICENSE# 3 p`7 Stat?-Initial 4) [a'a__ k4_: NAM: 1 _ ADDRF,SS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: . PHONE: . -5) :? v ? t «: • ?• : a • i . ?, CONNEC.'TION T0 CITY SE.WM ? CANNECTION M CITY WATER OR'fM '•' • 6) ?? ? ? ?,? r? Q PLF.ASE HOLD APPROVM PII2MIT F'OR PICK-C1P BY ONE OF AHOVE -- -- - . PLEA.SE MAIL PROVED PERNLIT Zr0 1, 2, 3 4. ABpVE ? {Circle one} 7) r ?. u• ? ? ?,?? . . . . 4 7• .?lY' 1.}: YLU tr ..., . . ? .. - - -. _r i ? . . ,ill:-"I F4R CITY USE 4NLY PERMIT # ISSUED $-- -? Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: ? $ _ ,`o " ? $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLLTDE SL?RCHARGE) $_ zo ' ?-D $ WATER PERMIT (INCLL1DE SL'RCHARGE) $__ 7, $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OL'TSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLLDE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ ' SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $_ -? $ ACCOL'NT DEPOS IT - WATER $ S 2, .5? ! 0 -0 $ WAC $ I $ SAC $ $ TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT I ''$ $ TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT j $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SLRCHARGE I $ $ OTHER: $ TOTA L RECEIPT RECEIPT I DOES LTILITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A" PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PLBLIC ? NO I RQADWAY" MUST BE DIVISION LIST ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING AS A CONDITION , . . SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING dONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE : ? " ??' 7 x? rrrnraaVDOr e. INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & S'fRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET nF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, ? $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND 1?noc-3 To Be Used For: Sinnl p, Fav Valuation: Date: Februagy, 10. 1987 Site A.ddress i n tLr, R, Lot ? Block PareellSub _ _ L_exmnaton Sa. 2 Owner Marivn George Bui].ders-?; In Address Box 428 City/Zip Code Princeton, MN Phone 332-3034 Contractor Marvin Geo?rc?e BuiJ.ders Address Box 428 City/Zip Code Princeton, MN 55371 Phone 332-3034 AY'Ch. /E11gY's AdCjT'eS9 City/Zip Code Phone # OFFICE OSE 0NLY Erect ? Oceupaney Remodel Zoning ?-? Repair Type of Const Addition # of Stories Move Length Demolish Depth 30 Znt.Impr. Sq Ft Install APP'R09ALS FEES I rftsesaments Perm3.t 4C?( . Water/Sewer Surcharge ? Police Plan Review 204 Fire SAC (Cl 25. Engr° Water Conn 525? Planner Water Meter (,,7• Council Road Unit aS. Bldg Off Treatment P1 18r'>, APC P3rk3 VaY°iariC@ COpi@9 TOTAL Q"5 ,`7.. 1JOTE: AI?DRESSES FOR CORNER I.ATS - C(9PITRACTOROHAME06iIdER M[IST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESi IS DESIRED. NO C GF.: ti1ILL BE A1.LOWEI? ONGE BUII.DING PE T IS ISSiBED. ?J r : ? Sc 4C? , r42- 6 a 'AN ? o.* 40a•uua- 36•5U+ 204°50} 6 >`.?•tlll+ 525 • 0 0+ 67 ° Ou+ 3 U 7 ° 0 0 + 180•uu} 2' 352 • U0* f` , v YrY1?rI1M? t''"W a m+ainMw Lywim/ 0 SeN Txrry 0 Lan/ Swwywy 0 Lrw/ P1pwy c•rti:icist• Maio Othq 6) I WU 6676 Nphvrsy Na !6 N f. 01mn"polir. Mmiwwu 66432 SowriOHw smif10 9WnwdM1. 111nMlau Yu7 ot 19urvoy !or M G?o , 8cu kler.s - n ? \ .` h 8j"ic,? \. ? $?3'0 ?"??7 Q1V7,411L t700 ? R ? ??3, 9o h 6 ., N ?q3• ?4•13'27 yy-?3'6 Qr 2?? q, 08.00 v • ._ - 4 ?..?.. .. _ ? :? ? - _ -. ?q3• w /1 ? •' - -T lo a 00 0A 1 Tcp o?' a ' j ? - F°k???ro? ? ?S '¢ ,M !h? 6• 9r, 7' s S?t1 • / ? ? N O ?;.?y ! ? . v ? ?q?'z?o ? o? ' ?,5 5/ _ I kfb S??• ?'? ? ? 41 54.01 S ArAP1o'oo"W t- M ?RTN ? ---- - - - - - Oenotee Drainoje i Ufi l iy Eaqemeh} 8earlnqs Show arre Assuw&d. PAOPOSEO EIEYATIONS o (?rwtts I ron Mbnu?nt. o QMtet 1 Q'Q1 Founda t10n Top of Bl ock 8 9 G, o Conter SLke. t.owest Floor s se, 5 qoo.o0enotes Existing E1evatian. 6?nqe Flpor 8 95.'7 -`-"-' ,.-- Dmt*s t9! rfctlaN o# S.urfiau Drainage. LOT 5 , gLocg 2 LEXING TC.?N SQLJAqE2ND.-ADDITIOAI . 5U b j erl fo d rain ak ? uti /i fi ease men f S UAKoTA Cpunl7y, MIAuN. I b...by ...tuy lAe# Mla M• #?w GMW sorrrs? rep?oNwtaNow da gwvaY N#M Awwdwies M twe ob*V dosrl?«i Mwr, wwr ot tM I0401lew &?f _,1) ?r1111wq??wwy ?w1 a11 vialbb mwsroeslwrmwts, i/ Mpy, fn+w 4r r ? bw11. As swwq" ?r wir /M1s /?a"'-upy d A.S. 14Z, . Ii14141811AN •NOINNERINfi, INC. 1 n'c = 30 ^e Goglooo-1s?'s?? werA?o. ,.... ...,...,?.... .... ?.?,........vw e?Vv;0 o YQ MINNF.SOTA STATE BUILDTNG CODE DIVISTON , EXTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "°U" CbMPUTATION OWNERTMQVa?N cZPnf. (C)F- SITE ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ?A 1?P V?,J C"DATE PBONE Determine working square footage of each: 1. Total exposed wall area..... 1 16C) sq. ft. x rA - ?- : . 2. Total roof/ceiling area..... sq. ft.x ,, ,.. Total exposed wall area above floor a. Total wall window area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I b. Tntal door area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?--/a c. Total sliding glass door area. . . . . . . . . . . a d. Total fireplace wall area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -°°-- e. Total wall framing area (average 10%) . . . . . . . f. Total net wall area above floor. . . . . . . . . . . 4 g. Total rim joist area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total exposed foundation area = 1I-5 ? - h. Total foundation window area . . . . . . . . . . . . i. Total net foundation area above grade. ....... ?r Determine "U" value of each wall segment: a. l ? VJ X "U" b. g ,oUli # ?? ? ?• ? ?'j c . ? d- X ifU li d. _ X f9Ull ...--?.. e. ?aO X "U" f. q !5` X "U'. _g' X fluef r V? e ? ./r ?'?.? h. X goUt$ -- ? ? '??' f • ' 15 X StUll__!?L? " --7e ?'`7 3. TQTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? 2 (D, () DI.-' .1 f item 413 is the,same as, or less than i[em #11, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. Total exposed roof/ceiling area C-? (o?- ,j . Total skylight area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?- - k. Total roof/ceiling framing area (Average 10%) .... ? - y 1. Tatal net insulated roof/ceiling area . . . . . . . . -1 ?...? Determine "U" value far each roof/ceiling segmenC? p 11u }?11 p J. k. ? a S X„U,. ,CQ('0 C-?-I X PtT71P I bS/ ? ? 4 . TdTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ -3 (0. / 'I :f total of item #4 is the same as, or less than item #2, you have met the intent of '"?'F'.,C 6005(01. Alternate Building Envelope Design ;'o c,tilize the total envelope system method, the values eetablished by the sum of items ;':3 and #4 shall not be greateg than the sum of ftems #1 and 412. ? + z. 3c? + 4. 30 ? _ a. ? _AT LOSS CALCULATIONS Oed- HEATING&AIR i . r , eONDITIONING CO. • MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Weatherstrips A.S.H.V.E. ConBtruction No. Insulation y??ndows poors Guide Ret r e Out. Wall Int. Weil Ceilinp Rool Floor Kind How Applied Yes-No , Yes-No e enc 19 • , . F1. T?</ O? RO°fn Le^8th 8 Width Height ` FI. fl ocxn Leng th Wtdth Height YJindnws and Doors-Crackage and Area Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area No. o ana Heipht of an? No. oi li hts Lmael It. ol r Aren aq, ft. No. yV ?drh of aree Hoipht of ene Nn. 01 li hts lineal fl. of crack Area sa• It• Coef B tu Coet 8 tu ` Infiltration Infiltretion Glass A:x , Glasa Exp. wall Exp. well Net exp. wall Net exp. wall . Int. wall Int. well Ceiling q?p,7 Ceiling . Flow . 5 F?ocx . total Btu. Total Btu. Required sq, (t. E.D.R. or sq. {ns. W.A. Leader area Required eq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. Ins. W.A. leeder erea ( FI ?a Room Leneth Width p Height FI, Room Length Withh Heiyht YJindows and Doors-Crackage and Area Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area No. y??dih of ane Heiqht of ane No, oi Ii hts lineal ft. o} r c Araa a. fl. No' y,? of i one oH10fltl fichts ol cHi k? srei a iL as , Coel 8 tu Coef 8 tu Infiltr etion s !? ? z- j Infiltr8tion . Gless ? 51 L Glass Exp. well Exp. weil Net exp, wall (o L Net exp. wali Int. wail Int. wall Ceiling Ceiling F loor F loor • Totel Btu, Totai Btu. Required sq. tt. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader ereo Required sq. It. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader area F1, ? Aoom Length ? Wicfth Height ?. FI. Room Length Width Neipht Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area Nq. yy .dth of an Heiqht • of Ane No, ol ` N hts linool ft. of cr k Arou 6. fL . ' NO' tAlh y{ Uf ane N"nqbt uf pnu No. ol 1i hts lonoal (L of crack Aren sq. fL ' Coef B tu Coet B tu Intiltration ?C 11!7 s InfiltrAtion Glass ?? 5d d b Gless Exp. wall Exp. well I Net exp. wall ? p7. Net exp. wall Int, wall Int. wall Ceiling .1 l d 50?0 Ceiline Floor ? ? Floor ' Tutal Btu. a 6? Total Btu. Requiteci sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader area aoquired Sq. 1t. E.D.P. or sq. ins. W.A. Leeder srea _7?1E' 1-E X i'clC'rpd 16- Spdf tueI:6 . : ' HEAr Loss cALcuLATiorvs NEATING$ AIR CONDITIONING CO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Weatherstrlps A.S.H.V.E. Construction No. Insulation VlTindows Doors Guide Refe?ence Out. Wall Int. Well Ceilinp Roof Floor Kind How Applied res-No Yes-No 19 • , • Ft. Room length 3 wiacn 20 Height '%7/ FL fioom Length / 7 Width 7 Heieht Yiindows and Doors-Crackage and Area Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area No. W, d?h ol ana He, pht ol e?a No. ol li hts Lineat It. of cr k Aren s. It. No. W?d?h ol ane Ho?phl of ens No. al li hts Lmeal It. of crack Aree sa 11. 20 ? i c- ? 5? 1,01 4 ' ,D /9 zo Coe( 8 tu Coe/ B tu Infiitration 8 4/0V,:4 Infiltretion g 7 / ,6 Glass ,?bj od Glass 14740 Exp. wal Exp. well Net exp. wall (o ? Net exp. wall • F fo /O int. wall Int. well Ceiling Ce{Un9 • / q 4/7 Floa • Floa // totel etu. vr ? ?Totai 9tu, Required sq. ft. E.O.R. or sq. Ins. W.A. Leader erea Required sq. it. E.D.R. or sq. Ins. W.A. Leader erea F1. ? I,V Roam lenpth Width Heipht FI.jkQ a? Room Length /L/ Witlth ?y Height YJindows and Doors-Crackage a Area Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area No. ?N1drh o ane Heiqht of ane No. of 11 hts Lmeal h. of r ek Araa a• ft. No' Width ol one NiuqM el »nn No. ol It hts Lmeal p. of cr ck Aree s• h• 4,0 /?. 4/7 600 Coel 8 tu Coel 9 tu In(iltretion 4jl, pao Intiltration ? ?7 Glass G18ss 5p 50 e?"Jr00 Exp. well Exp. wall Net exp. well 11,1,4 Nst exp. wall ?? !o O Int. wall Int. wall Celling 30 Cei1?nQ F Ioor ?Q gL F loor S Totel Btu. ? Total Bw. O 2 iiequired sq. (t. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. Leader areo Required aq. ft. E.D.R. o? sq. ins. W.A. leader area oom Length Width Heleht . F1. Noom Length Width Height ? Yiindows and Doors-Crackage and-grea Windows and Doors-Crackage and Area No. yv, d' h of sn Hs, qht • ol ane No. ol li hU l1neol h. .1icrack Aroa s. It. ' No. W ut an H?,?qbt ul nne No* ol h hls L?nenl 11. of crac Aren s. It. L /G e20 / ' , ? PD 3 5r yo Coe! B tu Coet 8 tu Intihration 5 1/7 1 '?Z 7 In/ittrAtipn Glass 50 Glass , Exp. wall Exp. wnll Net exp. wall Net exp. well 7 p ? 40 Int. wall Int, well Ceiling • f ? ?'? Ceiling w 910 FlOOf ?2 s ? F I<N)f Tutal 8tu. ,. Tptel Btu. n-..:...,t .... t! c n 0 ... ,.- ...- w n I ....a.._ .,_.._ Rr--tuir"(t r_r, (t F 171.11. nr su__in_.^.___NL !? t nrtrSnr arwa , ?e; \?i ? V e , i I APPLIANC? I p F R FMg_hE_TE.SS Attach fo gas ftne adJacanf to regurator ? Heating Contractar ConlrolCed Air Fttg 8 WC I j NamQ of Taster Date I I . ?... r????y?11,T.1'LYYE?t7. ??'E4a?T:Y?4T.T?'ST*TL ?S. :?•. Job Address Heating Coniractor Controlled Air Narne of Tester Date Percem Oz h ? . ; Rercent C02 Percent CO Stack Temp. ?0?9 , City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 1046 Boston Hill Rd Lot: 005 Block: 002 Addition: Lexington Square 2nd PID:10- 45076- 050 -02 Use: Description: Sub Type: e - Furnace & Air Conditioner Work Type: Replacement Description: Fumace & Air Conditioner Comments: Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to Mar k Anderson, State Electrical Inspector, 952- 445 -2840. Cindy Lilienthal 2 1210 Eaton Ave Farmington, mn 55024 651- 344 -4253 cilienthal@controlledai r.net Fee Summary: Contractor: Controlled Air 21210 Eaton Ave Farmington MN 55024 (651) 460 -6022 X253 Surcharge -Fixed ME - Permit Fee (Replacements) Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Applicant/Permitee: Signature PERMIT City of Eaan - Applicant - $0.50 $30.00 $30.50 Owner: James G Leitch 1046 Boston Hill Rd Eagan MN 55123 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: 9001 0801 Issued By: Signature Mechanical EA075672 10/26/2006 ePermit