4205 Braddock TrParcel Files Cover Sheet Unique ID: 2015 4205 Braddock Tr 105210002001 Sm TWN kvcOkO CITY OF EAGAh1 PERAAIT TYPE: 3830 Pilat Knob Road Permit-htumber: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1 $97 ` Date Issued: (612) 6$1-4675 i SITE ADDRESS: APPLICAtdT: 4206 6f????)OCC, 1,R NOR'tttVIE4J ME##D#?WS (612) 489--31.9:1 ' PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: ' . :? r.i?"? ..#?'.???'?:?;.,. ? i.. . . . ? . .. . . ... . .. . . . . ? . ... ? ? ? . At.Ir RAT I ON .?.. ;.., ; . .?. ? . . . ? ?. .: ? . ? . . . . . . . . ? ? I I f, "'if.P I V.y .. #?.{?tf?? . ? . f?'f' `.'':.t #,??? ti?.a . ,... 9 ? V71- 1ta5. Tel one Ei.EC"Tfkfc ' PLUM?f'a HVAC ?.. ? oalk am ? FOOTtNes ??? ? `• ? ? ? ,. . FRAWNG .? ? 1 MOOFM ? ??e ?. ?• ROUGH ?? . .. . fIOUSH .. iJ44?e ? 7EST ks : - INSUL . .? ' #; , . GYP BC3AFlD - ,. . . . ? FIREPLACE ?>. f'WPLACE t4#Ft M3' FiNAI FlOG ,. - F1RjA[. HT+G t3RSAT . 7EST BI.Of?r EiPtAL ? BSMT R.I. BSh1T Flt+t?E. C1EGK FTG "., [[7ECK PINAi. z>. 4a r '¢.'•, 1'o be nsed fior ? site Address lat _..Z ?. Block ISecl, Parcea No. Name, ? ? ? Address -.ANS City Phone +??AW 8 Name 9.1 Address Ci#y Phone NSIl18 Address a? city Phone 1 hereby acknowlege that I have read tFiis applicadon and state that the informadon Is correct and agree to comply with all appiicable State of A+linnesota Statutes and C' ,of Eaga Ordinance Signature of Permitee A Building PermM iS iseued to: on the exprom condition that att wprk shaJi be done in accordance with all applicable State of Mlnnesota Sfatutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Offictaf -? 14, ? 44 ' _ . ? , ¢: . c . ?3ec?ipit . occupanc Zoning (Actual) Const t!Ulowabb # a sco?ie ? Depth S.F. Totai S.F. Fwtpdnts On Site Sewage On Site Well MWCC System Cily Water PRV Required Hooster Pump APPROVALS Pianner Council Bldg. Off. VazianCe Acct. Deposit - '? ? S/W Permit - S/W Surcharge ? Treatrnerd PI ? fll? Unit a? - Park Ded. Cooes ? TOTAt I?? r Permit NCL Rarmft liatder 00e Telophonm #. YVATER ' SEWER%.N PLWMa H.VAC. EIECI'FUC - ?m ckft buRL C4mmonts ?ootin9s ? ?rn e . Foundation Frartdng Rocting Raigh P(bg. Rw+9h Ht9• isut. Firepiace FkW Htg. Orm Test F1na1 Pmg. Pft. tnsxetor= nkotify Piumbw Cost AAetw FirIW Dedt Finel F Wep Pr. mn. SSyI` _f. it. _ } . ? J' y ?'?r•f ! ,'?`af U:.,:i Y ??1?^,.,?6??I??J'9i`?1r A`$deT.?rfiti?:, ?N ^• F • ? ?,? Yi? ???? . ?%. ? I ?il/??? ?1? ?', '?? ?y 4?,7? 3"?93 ! 'Ift I _ Ta be 1I?1? st. Value i 83 ? Doo. 2& ??19 ? : 5ste 1??iress O?r? o? sca ..; Enecr Ju' tccuparIc+r R`3 ? 1 Idt3???e+?' ??lQrto9? ' tot ? Bl ock A?ter ' Zonf??g °? i [? 9 . , . Pqfce! # . Ftepmir Enlarge ? Type of CAnst. ? 3471 W. 173rd Et A?tess , Move p # Start q; ? L7errwttsh C; tA11gth 0 ' _,-?- ,a Jo d? 55352 ? 492-68 44 -612A Guode , Q DiptFt-Sq. Ft.___,_ ? .. ?p ?y?? a ry q ? ?4 lAQ?9??6 YV?ALoeY ?6p? ? , ' S+McO -?Kc?dyesa ??kS?. ?. 190$h St • Assessn9eitt y r i ? 2 - ' ior $+akf? Ph" 447-6128 Wctter & 5evr. P r 1 Surchorge ' ° I a 123.50 Pl q? o ice qn check, ? Fire Sp1{"i ? ?.?, ? ? z Atfd?ss ?np. Water Gonn.'?50. {'1? ? ? ' Cft Planner 60•00 WaRer AAeter j? ' CoUrcil ?..,...?._ r , . • fll j ! Rbod Unit ' 250 ;, 1 heneb? acl?t?? dge that 1 have racd'this apptication and stote thot 0I4. Off. ?...,...,,_.._.> ` ' I tlne .infofmsi?io(14s corrett and agree to comply with a(1 appllccbfe - Stats ??i?;at?esa?ta 5t?tutes; pf Or 'rwr?ces. ?. APC .5? ,7 Total I . Sipe??r? ? 'Pe?rn?'?4d " ;? , i . A Buildif?g, P?erntlt ,is issued to: O?AAstrtiC$?.OY?:??O , ISG ,' ? on the eacpresa cbndttion :that ?F , dl! wmrk sFu?11 bX dbne i? cceordante".with ai ' F?tatut? or?d Ctty o( Eagcn+ C9rdirwncea .. ; ? qt)fficFot ? ,.? ?, Permit 11kL Permit koteEer 1VJiC. Per?hit No. Hotder PIU°IA„8 H.v.ac. Vn? ? 40- Cr? 2?0?'3 ? q- oaob is v- cWee. ro=28?? inga [FnImgh an I?te l?w odher r?tian iAB Rft el ?f irtolation - fiRa! Plbg. S ? Finat HVAC Y P6ia1 ? .. W? Dasxi6e Locetiorr. Sewer Pr. Dbp. ;F k- Receipt 3q PLUMBING PERMIT ' Permit Wo. CITY OF EAGr4N Fee ?a ' 0 Q ' FIJI in numbered spaces S/C Type or Prfni legibly <-- Tot 1. Date l6' "` 2( Installation Cost Z 2 " c"; /v r ? (A+ 'r° Job Atldress 0 5 7 Cot,- aBlk. Tract 4. Owrter „ 5. Contractor PC: Mf-GfT Phone 1/0!7 - . :; . : 6. Address 116 9 e i :'j 7. City State Ojs a;+c Zip 5T 3J> - 8. Building Type: Residential NI Commercial ? Institutionai ? '$. Work Description: New l? Add 0 Alter C7 Repair 0 Describe __? _- ---- ---- ---- 11. -.-? ? ? ={ 12. I hereby certify thet the above informatian is true and crorreet, and Iagree to ? comply with all prdinances and co !V901 'Signed: erning this type of,work. for Rough _ Final inspections: Date InsP. Date Insp. - - = ---= - - - - - " s you? r This i m t w h r? nu bered and approved. : 1 ?; APProved??(.?.d, CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Na• Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cosspool/prainfield I_ Bath.tubs Septic Tank ? Lavatory Softner Shover WO{ KitEF?en Sink ? Urinai/Bidet ther Laundry Tray IL [-" Ftoar Drains Drinking Ftn. y Slop Sirtk Gas Piping Outlets rJr?_. ? ( 4 Rewipt MECHANiI ctsY 01 fiN in nun 7?l?l?e er F 7. Date 10-25"83 2. tnstalla 3. Job Address 42D5 Bradd("-*c TE 4. Owner ??? ?MRS PERMIT P_ermk No. am Fee ?d spaces S/C 50 Tot. 20.50 Cost 1600•00 `r . Z BFk. r T????A ??, 64.15 ? 6. Contractor Ra N• W"T,%-R Phone 82+7 k YI: ! . F 6. Address 4637 G b3.caga ime. '?tso. ? MN. 1'?18. State?d? 7. City Zip 55407 8. Building Type: Residentia! [N Co?Y9mercial O Institutional 0 j 9. Work Description: New E Add,jl,yl Alter 0 Repair 0 ? 10: Describe ISSt-cLU forw$ al?','6atiriguel TYte Nat G-aB - 11. f 12. 1 hereby certify that e above inform8?tion?? ? ue and correct, and 1 agree to comply wiihr nan? d ?r g this type of wrork. ?gn? for, - - - ? Ro? '€inat Inspec?Eions: Date 1nsp. Date - Insp. - Tl?isis -your? ?aermit when numl?red and approved _ Approved .? --EITY OF EAGAN 464-81? IVo. ? ??ment BTU - M. Eai':,! Forced Air So 0W Mo. Eauiament CFM Ai H ndli : a Mfg. r a ng Boiters ' ? • Mfg. l. Mech. Exhaust tlrsit Heater Mf9- Other Air Cond. ' 1it{fg. Gas. Piping Outlets ?? Cities. Dijzital Quali Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. ? CASH RECEI10,Z4 CITY, OF EAOAN . ; ., ? ?..; r?785 P14.OT KIV04RI0iA6 ? SiAGANa MINiai;56122I :? AMO, '1!' $ 4*4 /,IJQ' ' DO?..LARS loo ?? ? III ? . ;p casw ? i CHI?cK j ,P4 ,"fw?. r . . . . .i? . ? . V ?-- i FVND. CODQ ?? IAM,OUNh' i ? r I I , n , ?? 1 f ? I l ?? Thafik L u ? ite-PaYersiGqPY':. t ? ll i Y Ilow-;Ppsting CoPY c cIrv OF eaGaN WATER SERVICE PERIVIIT 3830 Pitot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: 5154 Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: I0-27-$3 zoning: R; No. of unirr. 4 owner. ICay Land HOses ndd.ess: Site Address: 4205 Bx°aaidACk ?7C LZ $1 Ntyxthyiew MOadotts Piumber: t:C :'=iCchaniCal Meter No.c Connection Chorge: 450•0Q j? Size: _ Accourrt Deposifi Reader No.: Permit Fee: x?• ?? ? 1 agree to comptY willt the City of Eogsn Surcharge; . SQ ?lti Ordlnoneot. M1sc, CFwrges: 60.0 0 1ld metCt Total: By Dote Pcid: Dote of Insp.: Insp.: cITY O; EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road, i MIT NO • 6241 P. O. Box 21199 P R . Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: 1?} ZT-?i3 Zoning: Ri No. of Units: 1 Owner. YSY E.antl Iicn@3 Address: Site Address: 4205 Bradclt3MCk Tr L2 B1 14drt Vie W ft&4ft§ Plumbert DC MeChaY":iC11 9-L2-?3 33780 ltla.f)Q pd I sgree to eompy with tUe Cihr of Eagan Connection Ghar9e: 425 00 pd . . . 0?dinanees. AccouM Deposit: Permit Fee• 10.00 ?d Su?chorge. 50 pd By Charges: Misc . Date of Insp.: Totol: I risp.: Dcte Pald: BUILDING PERMIT N° 8501 Receipt To ba used for SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $42,000 Date September 22 _, 1q 83 Site Address 4205 Braddock Trail Erect Xg Occuponcy R-3 lot 2 Block 1 Sec/SubNorthview Meadows Alter p Zoning R-1 Parcel .# oc Name Key-Land Homes W Z Address 3471 W. 173rd St. ° T---}__ «"., ,.,., ,.,. 111> r,., LI JVLLLdIl JJJ_JG rh01'le 47G?U[)4C)?44/-U1 o Name CLA Gonstruction Co., Inc. ?? Address 6451 E. 190th St. ? ?ity Prior Lake phor,e 447-6128 Name _ Address I hereby ocknowledge thot I have read this oppiication ond state that the informotion is correct ond ogree to comply with all applicobie Stote of Minnesota Stotute Cit of 5oga Or ?nances. Signature of Permittee d , , nstructia?Go., /1 Building Permit is issued to: C A Co? ali work sholl be done in accordance with ol?7opplisoble p of._lylir CITY OP EAGAN 3796 Pilot Knob Rood Eogon, MN 35122 PHONE: 454-8100 Repair ? Fire Zone NA Enlorge ? Type of Const. V Move ? # Stories Demotish p Length 40 , Grade ? Depth 42-6 Sq. Ft. Approvab Fees Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Plonner councii Bldg. Off. APC Permit /-`+r vv Surchorge 21.00 Plon check 123.50 SAC 525.00 Water Conn. 450. o0 Water Meter 60.00 Rood Unit 25o . nn Totcl $1676.50 on the exp?ess condition thrrf ond City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officiol This request void 18 months from 1 A 3q 5'i Y 3;Z "s-o Request Date ' {?? -- ? Fire No. I Rough-in Inspection Required? [?Ready Now Q,?p4iil Notify, Inspec- tor Wh R , MY-eS E]No en eadY 04-ePaense(i Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspectionof above . ? Owner electrical work installedat Street Address, Box or Route No. City ?c n 7.14 ection o. Township Name or No. Range No. County - ? ?- Occupant IPRINT) Phone No. C r L Power Supplier f) Address 0 ? f ? yg Electr al C? ntractor (Company Name) Contractor's License No. E L 1:.... ,'? L. 1'1 G_ 0./ -t 0 Mailing Address (Contractor or Owner Making Instailation) 16 Authorized Signature act ?Owner Making Installation) . ?? .. ? .. Phone Number 0) MINNESOTA STATE BOOrA'D OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS` Phone (612) 297_2111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ,i-.,. EB-00001-01 ' See instructions for completing this form on back of Vellow copy. A ??I4.,? nR "X" Below Work Covered by This Request dd Rep. Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Dupiex Water Heater Lightin,y Fixtures Apt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldy. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bidg. Air Conditioner Bulk Miik Tank Farm Other SpecifY Other (Sper.ify) ther Specify Other Other Compute lnspection Fee Below # Fee ServiceEntranceSize # Fee Peeders/Subfeeders it Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am s Above 200_Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 100_Amps Above 100_Amps Transformers frrigation Booms C3 Partial,'Other Fee Signs Special Inspection $ ? T F Remarks or .. ..?r. !' ? +? ?O" Rough-in ` Date , lectrical .nspector,hereby " rtify that the above Final ` Da1e i? nspection has been ' y. made. This request void 18 months from CITY OF EAGAN Np 19770 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 : PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # ?••- ? ? To be used for DECK Est. Value Date OCT 3 , 199j- Site Address 4205 BRADDOCK TR Lot 2 Block 1 Sec/Sub.NORTHVIEW A OW OFFICE USE ONLY PBfCeI N0. Occupancy - FEES Zoning W Name ROD CANEDY (Actual) Const Bldg Permit 25 _ 00 Address ?+205 BRADDOCK TR (Allowable) _ - . 50 o Surcharge • City EAGAN Phone 452-6313 # of Stories _ 14' Plan Review Length o Name S?E Depth ? SAC Cit Z 0 ,Q Address S.F. Total - , y SAC, MCWCC ? Clty Phone S.F. Footprints _ C W On Site Sewage - ater onn ? F W Name On Site We11 M W ; Address Mwcc syscem - ater eter o Acct. Deposit a W Clty Phone City Water _ t PRV Required _ S/W Permi I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the eooster Pump - S/W Surcharge information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and ' Eagan Ordinances of Treatment PI Signature of Permitee ? I) APPROVALS Road Unit L A Building Permit is issued to: R(111 f'.ANF.i1Y Planner - Park Ded. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with ail Council -- 50 applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Oft. _ Copies , Building Official n 0.4( Variance - TOTAL 26.00 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Aiidition ? N0RTHVIEW MEADOWS Owner Street - Lot 2 Bik 1 Parcel 4205 BRADDOCK TRAIL ?„to EAGAN NIIV 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF, '911 1984 76.75 7.68 10 69.08 A013818 5-3-84 STREET RESTOR. GRADING EWER LAT 1981 15.89 .79 20 12.73 A013817 5-3-84 SANSEW TRUNK -?"j 19$1 138.48 6.92 20 110.80 " " SEWERLATERAL TRK 1984 275.22 I8. 15 256,$$ it g' 11 SEWER LAT 5-71 1981 22 . 28 1. +1,vy 20 16.36 "11 rr wATERMAiN $ 1984 70.67 4.71 15 65.96 WATER LATERAL 24 1981 18.65 .?Y ,.9-3 20 13.69 WATER AREA 57 1981 138.48 6.92 20 110.80 WATER LAT 3 1981 29.52 1.48 20 23.64 " STORM SEW TRK 1)0 19$4 392.32 39.23 46' 313.86 STORM SEW LAT DRATNAGE 1984 33.97 3.40 10 30.58 ' CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD UNIT 254.00 38780 9- 2-8 WATER CONN. 4.50.Qp it ft BUILDING PER. $50 SAC 525,00 it u PARK CITY OF E?AGA Remarks I Additionoy?'/ ? az ?'' Lot ? Blk / Parcel Owner Street /'? State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. J ?jc ?, STREET RESTOR. GRADING ?/ ,? . SAN SEW TRUNK g / v," .9?- O /O. $O SEWER LATERAL a.y 8 3 ? g .-Q,ecd -1577 WATERMAIN ,71 6 ,9/,0 ` WATER LATERAL .,r. WATER AREA r ys' , q?- ,8p t GU -e- 'tr3 y7 STORM SEW TRK , S/(v g? ' STORM SEW LAT 8 3 . .3R 5? CURB& UTTER ' a . SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN T Ir_elude 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevatians & ? - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION l set cf energy calculations. Zb Be Used For ?*Va uation Date cS -? 45- /YX.? Site Address q.?,OS OFFICF, USE ONLY rAt ? slocac I sec./sub. ?2?? rh.VO?zect ?X, ocncy Paroel #: Alter Zoning ?T Repair Fire Zone Oamer : ? ,? »??f? ?-?e 7.'yAe of Const. , ?? Move #, 5tories Ac7dress: ,? r l? /?2 5'T. Demolish Front yD ? ft. City/Zip Code: ?.??ji?tJ Al 2 Grade Depth Prone # : y9? - 41c Y6 APPROVALS FEE5 Contractor: C-44 .Zv'<: Assessments Permit [?later/5ewer Surcharge s? ? . Address: /°5??50 ? fcfCj ??? Police P1an Check City/Zip Code: y? l_ G.4? /Pr'°? Fire SAC j gzg, Water Conn. ? Phone #: Planner Water Meter GD? Council ad Unit o?S?- Arch./Eng.: ,rvl' Bldg. Off. ? Address: 1:5% "Z APC ' City/Zip Code • ? s (? Phone # : 9 31 `IiOTAL? G? `1 Lo ? usuieswr? ;I North Oftice - 571-6056 ? 1 Q(?} MOIN?<RINO ; 6875 Highwsy No. 65 N.E ?l I% MinMapWks. Mu?nesota 55432 u ne ? ? -- ---- !; South Office - $90-6510 ? Civel. Munlnpn? dl fhvrrunmrnral EngmeermK ;j 12350 R+ver Ridge Btvd: a Land Swvtring • Innd P/anning • SuiI ?rsrin,K ?! Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 { Cartilica?Q KjMlr?l rott BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES 10' Q FOUNDATION CORNER STAKE. •aW•ODENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. ,,,,-DENOTES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE. , ? ' A, f \ '?, ?? a?- ? pp ` r ? ` r• v1 ? ? ?- s q ?y g . ?N'^' •.,,),i ' f9'47.? 45-- ` p.33 ? K pS? v / °•?\ 2 -? o f ?? • ? 10 4=P1?- / 30 ? %Q5, ? O ? Z0.b, .??-,? ? `O?O ? 00 e;,•? ?" ? ? O \ ? ??;•? ?? O^ \ r 466.0 =;CFG?ED ELEVATIONS L . ?isT'.?FL coR 7.,,- pF SLOCK j+" : =ro,-,?osed Elevation Shov, Per -?v0opment Pl an by Suz?urban ~i'q-neering, Inc. Datee 8116,182 np?ei :,ec1 7/15/83 . ? i+:v DA?o'T,? L0 7- > / a ; i I hereby certiFy that this survey, plan or >oport 4as 9f eo7kr ac -,r `? ar under •y ?;Pe-t suqe^vision and that I a+ a duly Registered'laed SurveYOr vndRr tho ': "'the S?ate of Winqr,c+..•. Dated this $t daY aF Ht.&is, RAgis 'Y Jii: k!yo,r ? •a?. '.a. "o. 1G??? rucn,sned All RiqhiS F?e6C,,r.+1 HEAT LO;S CALCULAT9UidS ?icFD; ?{i.ocri?ra'c'rora;'n`nir'v`niEsoTa°s5aai sai=seii Weaihes.str''p' ? Consiruction Na INSULAT1ON Ga;?e a0°nwvton R/iadows I Doon Referaace Ont. Wa11 Iat. Wall Cediag Roo# Floor Kind How AppGed _1(es-I+c t Ye 19_,..: 7.1 ; Roesrn 1 l.enO..? /h Widch 1j eig#,r Windows an Doorr-Crackage aad Arta Ns. W1dth ot-DSne -HsLitrt of Dart@ Alo. et lfghq Lla"ltt_ et enck Area xp. R, / ,,r; z O 4 ?S V ? ?/'? ? V . Coef. Btn Infiltration 41-7 Glaas ! Fsp. wall ?s - Na ezp. Wau Int waQ ' Caling •'"- Floor . ? ? Tats! Btu. , Required sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ins. W.A. L.eader ana 0 -4 eoLqh, Room L.ength 9 I Width Height I -iaal lftu. ? o, ? Room l,ss U wmcows a pa uoors-4.racsage ana nrea No. Wldth ot pass Ht et p?aa 14o. tlgtitr LIaea1 t? ot erack Ar« p. tt. Coef. Btu 1n61tratioa $? B 6 Gtss. 09 7 7. Exwwa //, S O X? Net esp. wall InL wall Ceiling P {?, 6avt?', !. Floor j , ,. Toal &w Required sq. ft E.D.R. or q. ins. W.A. L.eader area ? FI.1 Roos 1 t.ength Width Height - Infiltntioa Claa Ems.? . - NK csp. wall #at.wsll Ceiiiag Floor Total Sta Reoaired aa k. Required sq. fL ED.R. or sq. ins. W.A. l.sader area ot so. ins. W.A. l.cader uca HEAT LO,3S CALi:ULAi`iC)NS aoa,DvLC:G±L",iNGTON,.VIINIVE50TA'ssa3i 881 saii 'Weatkqstrips A'S' ' Construttan No. INSULATION _ Guide I Windows I Doora Refereace Out. Waq Int. WaU Ceiling Roof Floor Kiad Yes-No Yts-No 19_ - n I,??' Fl" I)r a.4 k, ?+Roo?n l.?ngth 4) ?/-z,.Width /.6 ?iz.Eie?ht Fl-I ?m I ?? l Windows and Doors-Crackaire aad Area W' dowi nd Dooe?-Cka No. Wfdth of Dane He16ht of Dane Iro. o[ lisht• l.lnaol tt. of crack Area ap. tt. . 8 U. J o v /: I . 1 • .S Coef. Btn lnfiltratioo '? 147 3 &+ Glass ? -Z„ F.xp. wall -}? 1( 216 Net exp. waU Z,'Z,, Int. wap Ceiling Fioor -fotal Btu. k. ED.R. or sq. ias. W.. l.eader area C,l . Room l.,eogc6 l.2 Wi? 6 and Doon-?Crael?affe and Area Nw Wfdts ot psne Nslebt o[ pan. Na llsots Linul tL of ertek Arq p. tR /v bOCi. RR Iabltratioa Clsu Exp. wal) S. 6 Nec e?. wall 444 1 Int. wail - a?- O O Ceiling o2 brj' 5 ? ,() ? Floor --- Windows and Doorr-Crackaae and Ares ro. Width of Dan• HNght or Wnt No. ot II8Ats Llneal tA of craek Ares W. tt. Coef. Bcu lnhltratioo ,2 Q C1ass E?cp. wall Net exp. wa11 [nt. wal) Ceiling /,? Floor -- Total Btu. ? ?, ? J ? - -? ",? , R^ ? 1 ..1? ? R!f _ ?°°mr'gtcx' [31 HoMr A?lied -li,.,width in a ?ac ?e sna wrea Ne. wlaee ot wps xNSSe of paas P!. of Ilsha tdq.at tL at csack Ana q. tt Coef. Bca lnfiltratioQ ? 9 54 Q GJau / ?? c9' Idn, Exa wvl 10.54 S Net e:p. wap .? ? InL wap Ceiliag /64, Floor - -? Total Bm. R«uhvd •q. fL En.R. or s,. i,. wJL La.&r .n. I ?,' ? -----, At Fl.1 ?ozi -e r. Rom I tant& i1 wAh ? [-ei& Wiadom and IJOOn--4.iacra ge am wres I?ta Wid st ysww N? K a 1igbb Lluat ot emck ANs q. tt. I Y7 11 . . p 0, V" . 2 InGltratioe ? Glaa Exp. wd tvec ezp. 3 19 Iat. wall Ceilin6 / >( Floor - .6'' Total Bcn. S Required sq. k. E.D.R. a sq. ina WA. Leader ares ? Room I Lengeh / Qlidth c4 ? Height c?"'i W1RdlOWf aRd DOOm-CfiCkige iDd AJtl Na WiAtl? ot Osns, HNgRt et paeie a et Ittbts LInsaI [t of cract AeN q. tR _ Coef. Bsn Infiltratioa -:?- Glau ExP, rraU NK exp. wall. Z„ InL wslf Ceiling ? -?• ..... .?' . - Ftoor N ? Total Bcn. l.2'/ 49 /_ Required sq. h. ED.R or sq. ias. Q/A area . 1991 BII ING PLiCATION CITY OF EAGAN ' SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MULTIPI.L DWELLINGS CO)INERCIAL 2 SETS OF PIAN5 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTtTRAL 3 REGISTERED SITE'SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS • & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.)1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY<CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF.FQR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WM: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BtJT NOT PICKED UP BY LA,ST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/H4ME4WNER MUST DESTGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS' DSSIRED." NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED nNCE BUILDIJG PERMIT IS'ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PFRMITS IS"TWO bAYS UNCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. To Be Used For: lIeC< Valuation: ` Date :Cj- a(?-q ? Site Address 5'?,05-,O'eAcfc?Ce TP-• OFFICE USE ON'LY Lot 'c;L Block ? zEES Occupancy Bldg. Permit Z$??a Zoning Surcharge ,Sb Parcel/Sub Actual Const Plan` Review ? r?,??? Allowable &AC, City Owner K??? `Y # of stories SAC. MWCC Address Depth !2 Water Meter S.F. Total Acct. Aeposit City/2ip Code Footprint S. F. S/w Permit ? 3 (3 S/W Surch?.rge Phone On site sewageTreatment Pl. On site well'. Road Unit Contractor MWCC System ? Park Dati. City water ? Trail Ded, Address PRV Copies -S"U Booster Pwnp City/Zip Code SIIBTOTAL ` ¢.PPROVALS Penalty Phone Planner Lot Change Council TOTAL aD Arch. /Engr. h't-?S et ? Bldg. Of f.(-p 3_R1 QS Variance Address City/Zip Code Phone # . SewerjWater Lieensed Cantr. 1?-v-?- agrees that all wark shall be done in accordance with (Signature of ontractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. - • Ii %? • - __ urea w n II No?th Ott{ct • 571-6066 OIMtERINO i; 6875 Hignway No. 65 N E ?=._ c: Muw+e apWia, Minnesota 55432 Crvrf. MunuilwP fl Envvro+vnrnral £nxinernn,q South Offics -890-6510 12350 Rwer R.dqe Hwd LIE] Lnnd Sunyring •(Qndp(anning • Surl ?i•sunY ?, Burnsvdle. M,nnesota 55337 ? CQrf? ?Cq1?Q o?' .Sv?Y? or C. ?..4. OoA Isr'avc Tr ? Ov. y ? BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES 10' Q FOUNDATION CORNER STAKE. •00•aDENOTES PROPOSEO ELEVATION. ` ,,,,-OENOTES QIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE. , , A 4.--? 1oyl po ..-=?? ? -?'? ,: \ ? I D ? . S ? t ? ?N, IW ?i? • ? \ ~ / ?33 a ?? ?'?? ?a o \ + Z {'01?? .? / - 10 ° • Q, ?? 30 .a Q-- s ? ?¢/'? `*s ? !y P \ ? P? • ? ?a?•5/?b" \% :. o O ? _?-CPG:ED ELEVATIONS a=RA.GE FLOOR 967, L ':?t-ST FICOR OF BLOC;; ?r : ro?osed Elevation ShoY ^ P,-r -?N? topmenC Pl an by Sui urban ?--'c-neering, Inc. [3atee 8/161/82 llP??i:;ed 7/15/83 ? . ` . . ...ra . . , ? ...:?. s . : : .:?: _ . , .... _ ... _ D.4 A vo-T , Lou 7- , , ,, 7w ;- . ?. ? L07- 4" ' & .,-;? k > I hereby certiFy tAat this survey, plan or -opQrt w%s o? ec??- ?f •? 16 ;;r under •y ?"re••: suqa^vision and that I a4 a dulr Regiatered land Survavor ts%der ths Ae S`ate ot Minnr c+..- l t Dated this -8{`1 day a', - ,a •• ?It.?ris? Re?i... ? ?d ae Yo - - ?e. 'oQ. 'o. 1C_tiJ I Nut Pubhsned A11 Niyhts Etr.sr, .,d • - ` "? ' "'"'?' "°" ?°^°'- r-?^??^?^°? ??^ ? . h ? ? ?.?. ? ,? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.a 10-52100-020-01 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: 4205 BRADDQCK TR LOTs 2 BLOGK: 1 IVORTHVIEW MEAqQWS BuxLDxNG 028634 0s/26/96 DESCRIPTION: ' REMARKS: I FEE SUMMARY: REsxnING Permit T'ype SF (IWISG. ) G??.r.k TYpe ALTERR7IQN de • 434 ALT. RESIDEIVT'IAL VP1LUT"1 I IVN Base Fee $87.25 Surcharge 2.00 Tatal Fee $89.25 $'i p VJ YJ YJ . CONTRACTOR: - Appla.cant - sT. LIC.OWNER: BEAUCLAIR CQN57 14893191 20060411 GANEDY ROCI 1852 CHA75WQRTM 5T N 4205 BRADDOGK TR RqSEVILI.E MN 55113 EFIGAN Mld I (612) 489-3191 APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE D BY: IGN RE ? . tr :e i?.t ??? s t r? :?: ? F ? ? t r i. ? y•. t a T•` •,. f. t t ;:.. r,, ?^. .! ?_: % ; , i?1(?` ,.;...?(i i;;, :? ;.?y ; ,!}•?? r;:?;:. y"r:.:kt::' .., ... _i .., `<?:-`?"(":. ?; X.??::?i l?.R?..'•?...:;5:l;l;l;C (.,t_t(.t!!:::;y.. ?.. E . y ?;::';.0 900i h.`:kf?l??? l.:?l;`.t•"•tT;l1:ll;:?';;('.'. ''" .. y ( ... ;:.? r:?!ar 900t ,?'s.jJj'?r.:? ?;!?' '!"7t €. ?.. .,_}.,.? ' ` r ......... :.?,'.i.....1..,-f.:.:?? ( .. ?• 7, .i .{. t }. ? t , 'y dAa ?rr..?;e.,:ti •} ? {;??;r;' ?: .i. ??,," 2 r.? i.} t.:f:) ...?_..i:f 1'? rr.?;°•?::?•?ry•t. ^:.;:;..?i ?; FI . ..:,Yi ..?... r}r? ..... . ,...t°` . . . .. .. .. .. "?+"6?:.'??")•::?•t:.:i ,,. , ?... t.. _. _. .. ,. .. ':::v ?..,v.?^? iS '-'"... .?.f??;1 ?'?lt':I!';l{°'t ?;i:F:?.4:?.je?.t:iir?..A,.?..,: .? i?t '?f??•?? ?I?.?v 4?:?.t:J:??.f:?•.1T?RT •;'.,..,...:y,.r..iiv.C'....,:.{.?n?i?:;h`:?;;?k:?,:k:?4,::.1?M.:;.:,..,:?k:, .?:?;r:.#..?..??.;•;...::....,..`?:? f ? C1TY OF EAGAN as-' ? ?? 3830 PILOT KN48 RD - 55122 ?%? 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 689-4fi75 New Gonstruction Reauirements RemodeURenair Renuirements ? 3 rcgfstered aite autveys ? 2 copies of ptan ? 2 copies of plana (indude beam 8 wirKbw sizea; pourec! ind. design; etc.) ? 2 site surveys (exteriw addftions 8 dedcs) ? 1 energy calculations ?' 1 energy catcutatians'for heated additions ? 8 copies of bee p?eatnvaHon ptan M Iot petted a!!ar 7t1193 rsqirircd: ` Yes No DATE: 'f CONSTRUCTION CCJST: , 3 Q=,T.. ? 41 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: DU S/ d IaE? STREFT ADDRESS: C? 02 /rJ ?/ . L<dT ? BLOCK ? SUBD.iP.I.D. #: ? ?..? ? PROPERTY Name: OJ ?2,,,Je-f j Phone #: OWIVER , ,M. ?.T Stree# Address• + City. ?. oto-0."1-- State: 2?P' CoNTRACTOR . Company: „ -e?t r ?aj,3r° ?l3?vs T Phone #: Street Address: CAet`7?e,ao?-- License #4006'0411 J ,? City:. Le-)'eul"116; , State: 2ip,_??-_`?__,L?-? ARCHiTECT/ Company: Ahone M - ENGlNEER Name: Registration #• Street Address• City: State: ? Zip' Sewer 8 water iicensed piumber. ..... _.... ' - Penalty sPPiies when address change and lot change are requested once p+ermit is issusd. ? I hereby acknowiedge that i have read this apptication and state that the information is correct and agree to compiy with all appiicable State ot Minnesota Statutes and Gity of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Appiicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received Yes No Tree Presetvation Plan Received Yes No OFFICE USE ONLY ? _- , BUILDiNG PERNtiT TYPE n 01 Founda#ion o 06 Duptex Q 11 Ap#./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish o 02 SF Dwei{ing o 07 4-piex o 12 Muiti Repair/Rem. a 17 Swim Pool - a 03 SF Addition o 08 8-plex o 13 GaragelAecessQry o 20 Public Facility 0 04 SF Porch o 09 12-piex o 94 Fireplace o 21 Miseelianeous a 05 SF Misc. 0 10 _-ptex o 15 Deck WORK TYPE a 31 New o 33 Altera#ions n 36 Move n 32 Addition o 34 Repair 13 37 :L?emolition GENERAI INFORM ATIOM Const (Actuai) ? Basemerrt sq. ft. ? MCtWS System ? (Ailowable) Main level sq. ft. ? Ci#yr Water UBC C3ccuPancY sq. f#. Fite Sprinklered Zoning sq. ft, ? PRV ?. # o# S#ories ? sq. ft. Booster Pvmp length , sq. ft. Census Cvde. Depth ? Footprint sq. ft. ? SAC Cade Census Bldg Census Unit ?. , APPRQVALS Pianning Building Engineering Variance ` r Pe mi# Fee .? ? Valuation; $ r S u ct?a?e .? Plan Review License , MC/WS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit SNV Pemtit S/W Surcharge Treatment PL Road Unit Pat1c Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies , -r ? F9• a 5 otal: % SAC SAC Units ' ._CitV oF czt1gciA1 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 BEA-BIOMQUiST EA6AN. MINNESOTA 55121 tv!avor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOMAS EGaN jAMES A SMIiH; January 25, 1984 JEaav rHOMas FHEODORE WACHTER ? . . . . . . . . . . C.ounctl MemGets . TNOMAS HECGES . . . . . ... . . . . . .. CiryAdmirusira#or... . EUGENE VAN OVE2B€KE Cify CtPrk LORLEE DURAND , C O NORWEST BANK SOUTH ST PAUL 161 NORTH CONCORD EXCHANGE S ST PAUL MN 55075 Re : I,ot 2, Blo+ck 1, Iqarthview 14eadonrs -- Fldod, Plain This letter is in respanse ta your telephone call`thi's date re- questing fload plain designation far Lot 2, Block 1, Northview` Meadows. In accordance with a flood plain map dated August 11, 1978 fur- nished to the City of Eagan by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said Lat 2, B1ock 1 is in an;area desig- - nated as zone symbol "C" (area of minimal flood hazards). The Community Panel Number of said map is 270103 0001 0002. If you have any questions, pl.ease contact me at 454-8100. Sincerely, Edward'J."Kirscht Engineering Aide EJK/jach ? ? ? ? , ? a ? ? 1 1; ?..?THELOIN?EOAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTHJN 4UR COMMUNITY i PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA116981 Date Issued:10/14/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4205 Braddock Tr Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: Northview Meadows PID:10-52100-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Ben Hilde Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Rodney Canedy 4205 Braddock Tr Eagan MN 55122 (652) 452-6313 Millersberg Construction 208 County Rd 1 Dundas MN 55019 (612) 839-6783 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA151167 Date Issued:08/13/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4205 Braddock Tr Lot:2 Block: 1 Addition: Northview Meadows PID:10-52100-01-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Rodney Canedy 4205 Braddock Tr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 452-6313 Bruckmueller Plumbing Inc 3992 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-6696 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature