4681 Alta PtCASH RECEIPT . CITY QF EAGAN 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 19 wEcEIvec FROM AMOUNT $ I Bt DOLLARl I oo ? CASH ? CHECK 1rOR Z/ / 'B_ & Z c ? . White-PeYen CoPY Yellow-Postinq Copy Pink-File Copy Thank You ?f ? ?-?( , ?, B Y ? ? CI7Y OF'19AGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 379,5 Pilot Knob Rood PERMIT NO.: fagan, MN 55122 DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: Owner: _ Address: Site Address: ' Plumber: Meter No.: Connection Chorge: ?r Size: Account Deposit: Reader No.: PermiY Fee: I agree !o eomply with the City of Eagan Surcharge: Ordinances. Misc. Chnrges: ' Total: By Date Paid: Dote of Insp.: Insp.: CI7Y OF ykAGAN 3746 Pilot Knob Rood Bagon, MN 55122 Zonirg: Owner: Address: Site Address: PI umber: I agree fosomply with fha Cify of Eagon Ordinanoes. By Date of Insp. SEVVER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: eCJ Connection Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Charges: _ Totol: Date Paid: CITY OF, EAGAPI 3795 Filot Knob Road Eo,jon, MN 55122 Znninn• WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: . Na. of Units: OM/r1Pf• Address: Site Address: Plumber: Meter No.: 11 Si7o• Reader No.: I agree to eomply with the Cifr of Edgon Ordinonces. By Dote of Insp.: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surcharge: Mix. Charges: Total: Dote Paid: I nsp.. ? CITV OF EAGAN 3745 iilot Knob Rond Eassn, MN 55122 Zoning: Owner: Address: Site Address: Plumber f I a9rse to comPip with the City of Eogon Ordinnneea. By Dote of Insp.: I nso. - SEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Connection Glarge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surchorge: Misc. Charges: - Totol: Date Poid: CITY OF EASAN 3795.Piiot Kno6 Rood Ecgon, MN 55122 Zoninn, WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No, of Units: Owner: Address: 5ite Address: Plumber: Meter No.: Size: Reader No.: 1 ogree fo aomply wieh the City of Eegae O?dinonees. R? Dote of Insp.: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Chorges: - Totnl: Date Poid: CITY OF EA6AN 3795 APifot Knob Rocd Eogan, MN 55122 ' Zoning: Owner: Address: Site Address: Plumber: I agree to comply with the City of Eagon Ordinances. a., Date of I nsp.: SEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Connection Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Charges: - Totol: Dote Paid: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Keob Road -Eagon, MN 55122 Zoning: f?wner. Address: Site Address: ' Plumber: Meter No.: Cian• Reader No.: 1 agree Fo wmply with the City oi Eagan Qrdinancea. By Dote of Insp.: WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No. of Units: Connection Charge: Account beposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Chcrges: - Total: Date Poid: cI EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3745' Pilot Knob Roed PERMIT NO.: .• faean. MN 55122 DATE: Zoning: No. of Unlts: Owner: , Address: $ite Address: j Plumber: - I aeme to eompfr wkh tha CiFy of Eogon Ordinanees. BY Date of Insp. Connection Chqrge: Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Charges: Total: Dote Paid: CITY OF EAGAN Additioip U:LA?E.?4 !P-P 3rd Adda__Lot 1 Rik 6 parcel #10 63982 010 06 owner-14T, ;, Street 4680 Stavern Point 5tate Eagan, MN 55122 ? Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment. Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STOFM SEW TRK ? 1982 246.22 5 246.22 C007616 12-23-81 STORM SEW LAT ? CURB & GUTTER ' I SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT I WATER CONfV. SUILDING PER. SAC 525.00 20369 s8so PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Ridgecliff 3rd Addn Lot 4 Rik 6 parcei #10 63982 040 06 Owner1t- '= rL-?tR?1-kStreet 4684 Stavern Point State Eagan, N 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN 5EW TRUNK 1 r el O11 2 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SE1M TRK ^ 1982 246.22 5 246.22 C007616 12-23-81 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. sAC 525.00 20369 8 8 80 PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Ridgecliff 3rd Addn. Lot 2 Rik 6 parcel #10 63982 020 06 Owner Street _ 4681 Alta Point State Ea.g.an, MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF, STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1980 31C1 under arcel O11 2 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 19$0 11C1 under arcel O11 2 STORM 5EW TRK 1A0 1982 246.22 S 246.22 C007616 12-23-81 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' 510EWALK STREET LIGHT 20369 $880 WATER CONN. 305-00 20369 818180 BUILDING PER. 6063 sac 525.00 20369 8/8/80 PARK CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Ridgecl? ff 3rd Addn _ Lot 3 eik 6 Parcel #10 63982 030 06 Owner Ld' :ldL-:-`Streec 4685 Alta Point State Eaga.rl, MN 55122 ' Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STFiEET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 24 . 22 5 246.22 C007616 12-23-81 S70RM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT Rd. UNIT 185.00 WATER CONN. 305.00 20369 818180 8UILDING PER. 6064 sac 525.00 20369 8 8 80 PaRK BUILDING PERMIT SItE /4ddreSS -'t,". Tr`"?•, Gi Lot Block Sec/Sub. T;jdr'Pc' i1'fc Porcel # -,"'.zcOTC3.Cd - CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rood Eagan, MN 55122 N2 6065 PHONE: 4548100 Receipt # ?-- - - n-_ oWe Nome 3 Addre 0 s Z0 °v u? Name eame Addreas Cir_y - Name _ Address I hereby ocknowledge that I hove rend this application ond state that the infortnation is correct and agree to comply with all opplicable State of Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Erect [3 -:' Occupancy ' ?. Alter ? Zoning PD Repair 0 Fire Zone ' Enlorge ? Type of Const. Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front ft. Grode [] Depth ft. Anorovols Feas Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire E?i9• Planner Counci I Bidg. Off. _ APC Permit 5urcharge Plan check SAC Water Conn. `? • Water Meter Road Unit Total 1, S+gnoture of Permittee I A Building Permif is issued to: - on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all upplicoble State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Buildirq Officiol pasM # DaN luaad POnnMtee Plumbing /? S f L? - d Mechanical p?/ U // - d,S P?c, ?Vle,??/ INSPECTIONS DA7E INSP. Rouflh-I n Firrol Footings ?--/? Dote Insv. Date Inap. Foundation Plumbing ? Frnme/ ins. 1-2-111 Mechanica I Firwl P" Remorks: 0-3 -)76 //- 5i 8a ?? ' • CITY OF EAGAN . 3793 Pilot Kno6 Road No. ' Ea9an, Minnesofa 55122 Phone: 454-8100 - - PERMIT Dote: Site Address; 11-25-SO 4684 Stavern Pt. lot ? Blvck p Sub/5ec. \ INSPECTQR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAVU FaR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single 1 Residentiol I Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I . .' i .i _ i , ilOiukJav2a iz41L?@y Name - New/Alter./Repnir. ? 1i! Address -., Cost of Installation `?2tOTL?I:?I City Phone: - Permif fee ` Name Surcharge g Address 4637 CY1j.CCif'O ?1JC: . e 3 .,., . _ , City Phone: . Total This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work shall be done in accordance with all npplicable State of Minnesoto Statutes and City af Eogon Ordinonces. Building Official No. Phoee: ?IS4-B700 INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW PERMiT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS _ Dote: Receipt No.: Single I SItE AddfB53' 46 ' y • Residential Lot Block Sub/Sec. M„iri Res., Comm./Ind. I 'r .? , Ncme 1?'r` n T:r,ormson ro " oir New/Alter /Re . p Address - - Cost of Instollotion ? City -Phone: " Permit Fee Name Surchorge Address ? , City Phone: ` Totol This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work sholl be doru in ottordcnce with oll applitable Stote of Ahinnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. cirr oF EAGAN 3795 Wlot Knob Road Eagaw, Minnesofa 55124 Official Rspipt , '? PLUMBING PERMIT Pwmk No. CITY Of EAQJW -?? . ,, F« F!ll in rwmberod Vscer S/C - ? , Typa ar Prlra MpiWy Tot ? . 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address LotBlk. Tract 4. Owner . .....? ._ , .,y . ? ._ 5. ContractoRL • ° - - _ _ ? T?? F Phona , - ? 343 6. Address 7. CitY SUte Zip 8. BuildingType: Residential E] Commercial O Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New b Add O Altar ? Repair ? 10. Describe ? • t " 11. No• Fixtures Water Cloaet No. Fixtures C l/D i f Bath tubs ra RSpoo n ield S k i T Lavatory ept c an f S Shower - o tner I I w Kitchen Sink e Urinal/Bidet O h Laundry Tray er t Floor Drains Drinkinp Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outleu 12. I hereby certify that the abovs information is true and corroct, snd 1 agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Siyned: - for • i • Rouyh Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbercd and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 CITY CF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eogan, MN 'i5122 PHONE: 494-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Ts ?e used /er Site ,4ddress Lor Block Sec/Sub. UdZeikiif Parcel # . W Name 3 ?? 0 p Nume Address ? r;.,, vti,,..e Name _ Address I hereby ocknowledpe that I have reod this opplicotion and state thot the information is correct and agree to comply with oil applicable State of Minnesota Statutes und City of Eogan Ordinonces. Receipt # N° 6062 Erect ? Occuponty Alter ? Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone Enlarge 0 Type of Con . Move ? # Starles Demolish 0 Front ft. Grade p Depth ft. Avprovols Fees Woter 8 Sew. Police Fire Eng. Pionner Countil Bldg. Off. APC Permit Surcharge Plan check SAC Woter Conn. Water Meter Road Unit _ Total • ? ?? Signature of Permittee I A Building Pertnit is issued to: on the express condition that all work sholl be done in accordonce with oll applicable Stote of Minnesota Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Officicl P?* # Oaib hnod pvsletM Plumbing Mechanicol 7 3*7,2 17f 9--,fe INSPECTiONS DATE IMSP. Rouqh-In finol Footings DaFe I Insp, pote Inap. Foundotion Plumbing I Frome/ins. 7- r/ Mechanicol Finoi Remarks. f . cirr oF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Road Ea9an, Minnesoia 55122 No. Phom: 451-0 100 ? 1 -' - PERMIT Dote: 9-16-80 Site Address: 4610 `'tEiVP_T_] Pt. Lot ' Block Sub/Sec. =?icigel??Ji.' ' INSPECTQR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single Residential 20924 of lr plex Name QI'Tiri ThOLipSOri tlOtAeNew/Alter./Repoir ` IIX 1712 ?;on?:: r_s CTSr.1. ? Address Cost of Instollation Ci ?nnet?mk?.. ; . Pho?: ' tY Permit Fee .s Name '4,n? ?Van Surcharge Addrcss -. ' . . O`?c,.;n?;- ' City Phone: Totol ' This Pertnit is issued on the express condition thot oll work sholl be done in accordance with all oppliaoble State of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eogon Ordinences. Building Official •, } ? ??? No. Dote: Site Address• Lot d c ? Block Sub/Sec. , t Nome Address City Phone: Name INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LA1N FOR ALL INSPECTIQNS Receipt No.: Single I Residentio! Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair. Cost of Installotion Permit Fee SurcFarge .5( ` I Address o .,.- i? . ' . City Phone: Tota I This Permit is issued on the express condition that aIl work shall be done in accordonce with oll applicuble Stote of Minnesoto Stotutes ond City oi Eogon Ordinances. CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagen, Minnesota 55122 Phone: 454-8100 PERMIT 20.00 Building Officia) ! J BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF 3795 Pilot Knob Rond PHONE: i $ite Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. ,• 1--PCliffo 3 Parcel .# u-*1Z'e, oWc I Ncme 3 Address -1 O . m Name _ i?0 Address ?- r..,, Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicution and st, the information is correct and ogree to comply with all ap State of Minnesoto Stotutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances. MN 55122 N2 6064 Receipt # -- Erect ,Q Occuponcy ? Alter ? Zoning Repoir ? Fire Zone _ Enlarge ? Type of Const. Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front h. 6rade ? Depth ft. Approrols Fees Water & Sew. Pol ice Fire Eng. Planner Council 81dg. Off. APC Permit Surcharge Plan check - SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit TOYal s 7 )71 ry i ? Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that oll work sholl be done in atcordance with all opplicoble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. Building Official hemM # aaN Issesd Pwwifhe Plumbing drQ ? Mechonical _ 72 INSPECTIONS DATE IhISP. Rouqh-In Finol FoOtings Date Insp. Dote Irtsp. Foundntion Plumbing Frcme/ins. Mechaniwl Finol Remorks: 10-,3 - fo / /`Al 'S° e5At, Na Date: CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rood Ea9aw, Minnesota 65122 INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION Phone: 454-8100 REQUIRED BY LAW PERMIT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS 11-25-30 r Site Address: " .1tR ' Lot Block 5ub/Sec. Nortx r„i '-- 7'ilOT' : 3 G?1 ? Address City Phone: . ' _ Name Ap?i . ? ? Address ' City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition thot oll work sholl be Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eagan Ordinonces. Receipf No.: Single Residential " New/Alter./Repuir Cost of Instollation Pe?mit Fee f " Surcha rge Totnl done in accordance with all opplicable Stote of Building ptficial ' . , cirY oF EaGAN ~ 3795 Pilot Kaob Road Eogan, Minnesota 55122 NO' Phena: 454-8100 PERMIT Date: Site Address: .._ita [ v. Lot Block u Sub/Sec. Pldge`'lifre Nome 0 Iin Thom-D 9 oi? I-ion'' e Address - 2 IAor?:inq Crerd. ? - ` ;OSL?fS? Rqll. _ City Phone: Name ?',F: !U Ryr. r g Address -? ' .. • - , . . ; *' a .I' e 0 V City -. ,.. ,, - • . - ? Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition thot all work shall be Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Ea gon Ordinances. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single I Residential Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair Cost of Installation Permit Fee c ,.?..,..,e Tota! ' done in occordance with all opplituble Stote of Building Official .- .? CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pifo! Kno6 Road Eogon, MN 53i 22 W 6063 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # - To be nsed for Est. Value Dut e , 19 Site Address Erect ['j Occupancy l.ot Block Sec/Sub. - - ; - - " ? Alter ? Zoning PaTcel ,# "? t•? Repair ? Fire Zone Enlorge ? Type of Const. Nome r' Mave ? # Stories W z 3 Address ?n Demolish p Front ft. ? Ci Phone Grade p Depth fr. ? Name _ a ?? Address f- r:.., Water & Sew. Police Fees Nome ?? I Address Eng, _ a'? City Phone Planner _ Council _ I hereby ocknowledge that I have read this application and state thut gldg. Off. the information is cArrect and ogree to Comply with all applicable APC - Staie of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinnnces. Permit } 3 Q«Q Surcharge ' Plan check ' SAC Water Conn. ' - Water Meter - Road Unit Tota! Signnture of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: - on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordonce with oll applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. 8uitd7ng Ofticial Parmk # DaN lauad PanrlfMe Plumbing ' - f6 - Mechonical INSPECTtQNS OATE INSP. Rough-In Final Footing5 pate Insp. Date Insp. Foundotion Piumbing Frame/ins. - ,2- l'- 7- Mechanical Finui Remorks: -60 // - ? ?6 No. "'171 CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilof Knob Read Eogen, Mieneseta 55122 Phone: 454•8100 " PERMIT Dote: 4681 Alts Pt. (11-25-10 ) Site /Wdress: ldceciit'f'e ? Lot Blxk Sub/Sec. Nome u'?"?? . _•'_c?'?30P_ _70::]tV3 . ??•, - . . °e Address ? ?• _ ? , ??? Ciry Ph . _? one: J.rl, , r Nome p? ? Address City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll wo?k sholl be Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single Residential ? Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New/Alter./Repair. Cosr of Instollatlon Permit Fee c...?f,.,.? Tota I done in occordonce with oll npplicable Stote of Buitding Official ? No. Date: 5ite Address: cirir oF eACaN 8795 Piiot Knob Road - , Eagan, Minnesofu 55122 ? Plwwe: 454-8100 ?L = PERMIT 4681 -4.1 Lot '; Block 6 INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single I i i Residential ` _ - Sub/Sec. ? Multi Res., Comm./Ind. Name tDI'2'iri 1'h0L'Tp80A New/Alter.lRepoir AddreSS lry,: ?icpki; s Cost of Installotion ?- •? - City .; ??-?1?? taI1k8" , ?`-2! . Phane: ' 3? Permit Fee . Name n?nz Ryan Surchorge ` . ? Address 1%+r11 : ?,•t _ City " . ' . Phone: . . Totcl This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work shall be done in occordante with ell applicnble State of Minnesota Stotutes ond City of Eogon Ordinances. Building Officiol ? ' CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: `''" i1' 1 M? + 3830 PilOt Knob Road Permit Number. Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT: i?,i: ? <<i???, ?, V I' V I1 p t a PERMIT SUBTYPE: Wi1 i ! 1; , } Ft r i(? V 1 N f; Rt MAf+R I Nt; t Lt;fif 4t-84 :: i AVf RN 4o 1 ( l 0 1 4 1 4 f.fRi nt ia Pt ti ni TYPE OF WORK: fit ''•t !, I t` i t i?M r Rf- rA I IZ (ltm?f INr, ) 4f,41. At tn IT1 r1Ilt 4 1 Permit No. Permk Holder Date Telephone k ELECTRIC PLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE FIREPLACE AIR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ? ?.?fN-S ClTY OF EAGAN PER1UIiT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob RoBd Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 ? . . . ,. G SITE ADDRESS: ,a APPLICANT: I? , , ? , r? ?• 1 i ?: ? r , , ,:r; ;, ,,? , ?l?, j ????? i 1 ? f i ;i:i? t?• 1. ? k;r. ! i6i l PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: 1; . CftTMroYfI'LUr MU{;1 nI' LN?;f'Fl'?I lr Ht"FnldF 1;001 .fRt !?dO ? . _._.. Permit Holder Date Telephone # PLUMBING NVAC inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS FOUND FRAMING ROOFING AOlJGH PLUMBING PLBG . AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING ' GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD I FIREPLACE pr! /U FIREPLACE AIR TEST h ? FINAL PLBG • FINAL HTG ORSAT 7EST BLDG FINAL DOMESTIC METER IRRIGATION METER FLUSH MAINS CONDUCTIVIN TEST HYUROSTATIC TEST BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL O This request void D ??i - 18 moAths from Dat o this [tequest Fire No. S S4py "72 I, Licensed Electrical ontractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- c in instaued at: ? Ny- eet Address or Route No. ity 64c1" ion Township Range County_.Dw-<94 Which is occupied by CAIA4 r,?. Is a roughin inspection required on [his job? No ? Ye aK,. Ready Now ? Will CalV, Power Supplier Address M-??f,4 G-i-dri El l C i )lJ4s7 ' P ectr ca ontracto r Contractor s License NO s Mailing Address (COm any ?ame) ? l ? FT::- A th d Si i (EI r( al tra< or Owner Making This InStallation) /? ?- o" 5sb5- u or ze gnatu re Phone No. I (Electrical ontractor ar Owner Makin9 This Installatlon) 1gd? /F?, I? 2?? = 33 ? ' ? ? f? 1 F?M V ?" ?'? ?? This inspectian request will not 6e accepted 6y the l ? ?? ? ? ? State Baard un ess proper inspection fee is enelosed. minnesota acace ooara or eieccrtci[y ' Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N191 ? U 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 65104 - Phone 297•2111 ` rREQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ;T v CHECK BELOW WOAK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST EB-00001-02 84972 Type of 6uilding Ne Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ved Foc Check Equipment W¢ed For Heme ? ? Range Temporary Wiring ? Duplex ? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fix[ures t. Bldg. ? ? ? Dryei ? Elec[ric Heating ? mmercW Bldg. ? ? ? Fumace ?. Silo Unloadcr ? Industria] Bldg. ? ? ? Air Conditioner ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Fatm ? ? ? LisC List Other ? ? ? }e1e?s? ) ? OtSers? Hexe COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW J Selvice En[nnce Size: # Fee Feedeis&.Subfeede[s: Circuits: # Fce 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am res 0 to 30 Am eres fi-W 101 to 200 Amps. 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am ies .0 Above 200_Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Transformers RemoteControlCirc. Partialorotherfee Signs Speciallnspectian Minimum fee 55.0 Remaiks TOTAL FE ' ,,?0 I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the,a6ove has been m>ade-? , , i_. aa-ali) (Final) __ This request void 18 months from i rus cequest void ] 8 months from Date of this Request_ ? Fire No. S 84974 I, asPLicensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- calwiringinstalledat: Yeevv P?wrr .et Address or Route No. City Ewlj on Townslup Range County wcjw Which is occupied by UN-l(°i Is a roup,hin inspection required on this job? No ? YescK, Ready Now ? Will Cal(;@? PowerSupplier 960 Address 1W'N°IV" Electrical Contractor /J E?-(_ C?M?G Contractor's License Noh375)q - (COmpany Name) Mailing Address Authotized Signature .?ra i; c-'J? rL,? r-? ? ? . i1 t ? ' )? e?':JK ? ' R6, al ontrac r oI Ownet Making Thls Installation) p? /l.ii Phone No. O /p '_ C;Y o-S ?r or Owner Making This Installatlon) . QG ;J ? This inspecvon request will nat 6e eccepted 6y the State Board unless proper inapection fee is enclosad. mmnesota 5ta[e tloartl ot tlectrfcity Griggs Midway Bidg. - Room N791 EB-00001-02 ??iversity Ave., St. Paul. Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2711 l"FE'EQUEST FON ELECTRICAL INSPECTiON ^ o? CHECK fi'ELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST 1?1 %3 8 4 9 7 4 Type oP Suilding New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wired For Check Fquipmrnt W'ved For Home ? ? Range Temporary Wving El , Duplex ? ? WaterHeatet ? LightingFix[u[es ? t. Bldg. ?? ? Dryet n?( F.lec[ric Heeting ? mmercial Bldg. ??? Fumace ?51 Silo Unloadet ? Industrial Bidg. ? ? ? A'v Condino ? Bulk Milk Tank ? #Farm ? ? ? Lis[ List p Other ? 0 0 &e1ers1 ? _ thers} 1 COMPUTE INSPECT[ON FEE BELOW ti L/";\I I I I J) Service Entrance Size: # Fee Feedeis&Subfeedeis: # ?e^ Circuits: # Fce U to 100 Am s. 0[0 30 Am eres 0 to 30 Am eres 101 to 200 Amps. 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am exes Above 200 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above lOQ_Amps. Transformers RemoteControl Circ. Partial oc othet Cee -' Signs S eciai Ins ection Minimum fee $5.00 Remarks TOTAL E,V :?fa{X I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that (Final) This request void 18 months from has been ra :Date" ?'02 Dafe 3- lY-i- This request void lO 18 tnonths from Date of this Requesi Fire No. • 4013 I, a icensed E]ectrical Contractor ? Ownei, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal glring installed at: Street Address or Route No 4*on Township_ 1Vhich is occupied by _ P3Ir T- c,tY MGki Range County bw'^?7/3 '_T1TbMP5zn? Is a rouglun inspection required on this job? No ? YWC" Ready Now ? Will Cao( Power Supplier Rcw Address MP-h 146-1-07) Electrical Contractor Contractor's License NoII-31OVS Mailing Address C, (iL( ILL. EI¢Ctrit2l tra oror0 nefM4kln9ThlslnStallatiOn)?,??0 ! Authorized Signature Phone No. S (Electrlcal Contractoi or Owner Makl 9 Thls Installation) ?? (??'?? ????? ???'j.?? This inspection request will not he aecepted by the ?° State Board uniess proper inspectian fee is enclosed. m?e wau aow?ncny Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N191 iI0 1821 Upiversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2111 /, a 5 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHE9K BELOW WORK COVERED BY TH1S REQUEST EB-00001-02 4013 Type of Butlding New Add. Aep. Check Appliances Wiced For Check Fquipment Wired Fo[ FFome Duplex ? ? ? ? Range Water Hea[er ? ? Temporaxy Wixing Lighting Fixtures ? [. Bldg. ? ? ? Oryei q Electric Heating mercial Bldg. ? ? ? Furnace Silv Unloader ? ustrial Bldg. ? 0 ? A'v Conditioner ? Eulk Milk 7'ank ? Faim ? ? ? ' List ( List Other ? ? ? Hehct3? tie?s? COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW t4 Sevice Entrance Size: # Fce Fceders& Subfeeders: # Cixcuits: Fce 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am eces 0 to 30 Am eres : 101 to 200 Amps. 31 [0 100 Am res 31 to 100 Am res A6ove 200_Amps. Above IOU Amps. Abovc 100 Amps. Tiansformers Remote Control Ciic. Pa[tul or othet fee Signs Special lns ection Minimum fe Remarks TOTAL F E,,f7Jb I, the ElecMcal Inspector, hereby certify that (Rough•in) (Final) ? been made. ?W ? / This request void 18 months from BUILDING ??ERMIT APPLICATION To ba used 10. 1 of 4 Plex est. value 38,000 Site Address 4680 Stavern Pt. Lot 1- Black 6_ Sec/Sub. __?sj$g.ecl_i £fP 3 Parcel # >>nraonrAPd z Name Orrin Thompson Homes ? Address1712 Hopkins Crsrd. _ `? 0 Name Address S97Ile ? Cit H? w Name w ? _r-, Address I heieby ocknowledge thot I hove read this application ond state that the informotion is correct and agree to comply with all opplicable State of Minnesota $Tatutes and City of Eaqan Ordinances. N° 6062 Receipt .}k ? Erect f} Oc[upon[y R ; Alter p Zoning pT) _ Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? Type of Const. V Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front P4 ft. Grade ? Depth 21F ft. ADprowls Fcea Assessm?t* 5-5-80 permR 110.50 Water & Sew. Surcharge 19.00 Police Plan check 55.25 Fire SAC 525.00 Eng. WaterConn.3Q`J.00 Planner Woter Meter 60.00 Council Road Unrt 185. nn Bldg Off . . APC Totol 1,259_75 SignMUre of Permittee ? I A Building Permit is issued to: Qrpi n T}nTenn HnniaS on the express condition thm oll work shall be done in accordang$ with all oppiisqq{e $tote of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. cinr oF eacaN 3795 Pilot Kno6 Rood Eagan, MN 35722 PMONE: 454-8100 Building Officlal CITY OF EAGAN ' 3795 Pi1M Kno6 Road Eagan, MN 55142 N2 6063 , MHON& 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # Te be ueed for 1 of 4 plex Est. Value 38, 0oo Date $-$ , 19-8a_ Site Address 4681 .Alta Pt. Erect anc Occu R3 fj; y p Lot 2 Block 6_ $ec/Sub. RIdgaOli Ffa 3 Alter ? Zoning PT) Parcel # unz'ecorded Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? Type of Const. rc Name OTTlri thompson Homes Move ? # Stories 3 Address 1712 Hopkins CT'STd. _ Demolish ? Front 2L? ft. ° Ci Phone 544-7333 Grode ? Depth 21i ft. 0 Name Approvols Fees i 013 Addreu S3TRe ok..., Name _ Address I hereby ackrwwledge thot I have read this application ond state that the information is correct ond ogree to comply with oll applica6le State of Minnewto Stotutes ond City of Eogan Ordinonces. AssessrAat -S-- 5_8n Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Plonner Council Bldg. Off. APC Permit ll fl '5(1 Surcharge 19 nn Plan check 55 25 SAC 575 nn Water Conn. 3115 no Water Meter _.60 .,.00 Rood Unit 195 rotol 1. 259.75 Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: nrrin ThoIIlpGOn HomeS on ihe express condition that all work shall be done in accqRlance with pll,oDVllcable State of,Minnesotn Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. 8uilding Official .? CITY OF FAGAN Iriclude 2 sets of plans, 14 1 sit,e plan w/elevatians & BUSLDING PERMIT APPL7CATION 1 set of energy calculations. 7b Be Used For ?E.SJy-r.Nc-P Valuation?3??pp,op Date 3"ut.y 31?. 1980 Site Pddress: j/48l f}L-Sq Qj. OFFICE USE ONLY Lot a- Block 6 Sec./Sub. B1QGE?4?1F? Erect x OccuPancy TH1RD Alter Zoning Parcel #: ?r?, i p,,• ta?/:? i Z n Fi 3 Repa r re o e Enlarge 'IYpe of Const. t/ Owner: _ ri # St Nbve o es Pddress: a Division of U. S. Home C r DemoliSh Front City/Zip Code: " [ ht KinS CROSSROAD • r?iNrJETONKA A;I"JN s Grad@ Depth ft. 57Q Phone #: 54'{-1333 9PROVALS FEES Contractor: ORpin.-i THOMP?N HOi;ES- AddreSS: a Division of U. S. Home Corporation t 1 .. II,p UrtJbtMUAU City/Zip Code: NINN:.70NY.A. MINN. 55343 Phane #: Arch./Eng.: Pi3dress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Assessimnts ?'Pe?nit ? Water/Seaer Surcharge Police Plan Check 6%5132- Fire SAC gg, Wates Conn. 3 oS Planner Water Metes (DO Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC 'InT'AL This request void 18 months from Date of this Request Fire No. m• 4014 I, Licensed Electrical Contractor OOwner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal Win-ng instatled at ?t Address or Route No. 1?(J d? ??? PVI? ? City 618? ction Township Range County k--1-P4- Which is occupied by ti Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? Ye?` Ready Now ? Will CaIL[;L'T Power Supplier ' `* Address rl44`OOJU'" Electrical Contractor &U- &_EGj?` r? Contractor's License Noi?A5,5 (CPany Name) ?, t Mailing Address r6 (Electnc I on tor wner Makin9 Tnis Installatlon) Authorized Signature Phone No. U N/ (Elet[rical Co racto o? Owner Making Tbis Installatlon) j?( n j?j'[3 Inl t? t5 ?C ????? ???? This inspectian request will not be accepted hy the ?3 State Board unless proper inspection fee is enclosed. mmnnsoia a.ace ooara or nacniciry Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N197 iversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - Phone 297-2111 QUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REOUEST T EB-00001-02 4014 Type of BuOding Ne Add. Rep. Check Appliances W'ved For Check Fquipment Wired Foi Home U k ? ? Range ? 7emporary Wving ? uplex o ? ? Water Heater ? Lighting Fixtures C9 L Bldg. ? ? ? Drycr ? Electnc Heating ? mmercial Bldg. ? ? ? Furnar.e Silo Unloader ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? A"v Conditionei Bulk Milk Tank ? Fqrm ? ? ? Lis[ Lis[ Other ? ? ? Otheis? Heie ) z° thers? ere 1 COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Q /.,.u I1:II I-V 101 to I Above 200 Amos.l I II Above 100 Amos.l I II Above 100 Amua.l I I Remarks I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that TOTALF•Ea? JD has been ma e. n..m, /3 _ a - F -) (Final) This request void 18 months from CITY OF FAC',T?N Include 2 sets of p]ans. f? ?v ' 1 site plan w/elevations s -T BUIIDINC; S•FR=rAPPL7CATION 1 set of energy calculations. 7b Be Used ior ????-j p-r-Nr P Valuation a 3?.e,reb _ Date 3"u?y 3? 1980 - ? Site Address: y;(.@O ST9V6Rw Q'r. Lot 1 Blocl: b) Sec./Sub• R14G j.lF_M Erect X_ Parcel #: T H i RD Alter Repair Oaner: Enlarge - Nbve Pddr25S: a DiviSion Of U. S. Home C r D271UZ15tl i L KINS CRCSSROAD City/Zip Code Gtade : • rruarJETONKA A;iNN st?,?g OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy Zoning Fire Zone 3 'Iype of Const. v # St,ories Front ;2 ft. pepth R< ft. Phone fl: 5`i Ll- 13 3 3 APPROVNS FEFS contractor: 9RRJN TN9A4PS0A! I-19-M-C-S Pddi25s: a Division of U. S. Home Corporation 1712 r.r u.o Urt nV City/Zip Code: MINNE70NKA, MINN. 55343 Phcne #: Arr_h./Eng.: Acldress: C'ity/Zip Code: Phone #: Assessrents Pesmit water/Sewer Surcharge Y9 ?- Police Plan Check ??''? Fire SAC ? Enq, Water Conn. ,3 os?" - Planner Water Meter ? Council Road Unit /7F S4?- Bldg. Off. APC RO'PAL CITY OF EAGAN , 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eogan, MN 55722 N2 6065 PHONE: 454-8100 . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Receipt # ro ba woa fo. 1 of 4 plex Est. Volue 3$2000 Dare 8-8 is$Q- Site Address 4 84 Sta,VPx'n pt Erect [X7C Occupancy R? Lot-1? Block6_ Sec/Sub. RidgPn1iffa 3 Alter ? Zoning Pn Porcel # uxirecorded Repair ? Fire Zone 3 Enlarge ? Type of Const. TJ rc Nome (lrri n Thnmpenn Hnmac Move ? # Stories - Z Address 1712 HOpkiriS Cx'Srd, Demolish ? Front 24 ff. ° Ci MinnetonkaIMphona 544-7333 Grade ? Depth ?' - fr. " Name APProvals Fees F ?? Address ? r.., Name _ Address I hereby ackrrowledge that I have read this avPlicotion and state that the information is correct ond agree to comply with all applicable $tafe of Minnesota Statutes ond Ci[y of Eagan Ordinonces. Signature of Pertnittee Water & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Plonner - CounCil _ Bidg. Off. - APC - Permit 11U.7U Surcharge 19.00 Plan check 55.25 y,C 525.00 Water Conn. 305.00 Water Meter 60.00 Road Unit 185.00 rotal 1,259.75 A Building Permit is issued ta: Orrjr,ThQTgpgop j-j?eg on the express condition that all work sholl be done in acco(r?/ once with all-applic ble State of M/innesoto Stotutes and City ot Eagon Ordinonces. Buildin9 Offitiol ? ?`'??? ???Cr"i1-1 C b(?,5 CTTY OF EnC'?ADI Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/elevatians 6 BUIIDINC; F'EFZMIT APA?.SCATION 1 set of energy calculations. 7b F3e Used For ValuationA 3-1, 1 pp,op Date S"uvy 31- 1980 Site Tddress: ? l0 8 y g'('79ve-" Pr, OFF'ICE USE ONLY Lot Blor3c (o Sec./Sub. j?14_GE£41t_Es Erect X OccuPanc7' Pa1'c?l ?: TH1RD Alter 7oning Repair Fire Zone 3 Oaner: Enlarge _ 7Ype of Const. ? i # Sto Nbve r es Pddress: a Division o1 U. S. Hom= C r Lerrolish Front ? y ft. City/ZiP COC3e: • KIr:S CROSSROAD MItJNETONKA A'irJN Sr Grade Depth ,2 ft. . 34? Phone #: 54 4- 133 3 APPROvALs FEES Contractor: (aRRlNTHOXA-PS9NH9fF,-ES Pd[3.Ce5S: a Division of U. S. Home Corporation -J..vr na CML)?,?IIIUAU CSty/Zlp COCle: . MINNETONKA, MIhN. 55343 Phone #: P.rch. /Eng. . Pdd.ress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Assessirents Pesmit l /D Water/Se?.?er Surcharge ? >9 ? Police Plan Check SS ? Fire SAC ?;2?5_ gnq, Water Conn. 3 63` Planner Watei Meter /od -? Council Road Unit / rrS ? Bldg_ Off. APC TO'PAL CITY OF EAGAN 3795 dilot Kneb Raed Eagan, MN 55124 PHONF: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION N4 6064 Receipt # To be ased for 1 Of LF p12X Est. Value 3$,ooo Dete g-g , 7980- Site Address 4685 A1ta Pt. er"r }a Occupancy R3 Lor 3 Rid?ecliffe 3 Biock 6 5ec/Sub Alter ? zonin9 PD , unrecorded Repoir ? Fire Zone 3 Partel # _ Enlorge ? Type of Const. V w Name OT'Tlri ThOIICpSOri HOID2S Move ? # Stories ; Address 1712 Hopkins Crsrd. Demolish ? Front 24 fr. ? Ci Phane 544-7333 Grade ? Depth 24 ft. ? O Nome - Approvals Fees ?r u Address Name same I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informotion is corred and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes ond Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Woter & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner - Council - Bidg. Off. - APC pemit 11u.7u SurcFwrye 79.00 Plon check 55 _ 25= SAC ?`Z.5 - o Water Conn. M 5 _ on Woter Meter Hn- nn Road Unit 185- (1(1 Total l -959 _75 Signature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: OPT'lri ThOm]JSOri HOIII2S on the express condition thot oll work shall be done in otcor£Jqnce with all appljcablg Siare of Minnesota Statutes ond City ot Eagan Ordinances. Building Official CITY oF FJ+GAN Include 2 sets of p]ans, 1 site plan w/elevations 6 SUIIDIN(; PERMIT APPL7CATION 1 set of energy calculations. 3)r? - 7b I3e Used For re Valuation??i Date S"u?v 31?980 Site Fddress: q6$S prL'y-9 QTi Lot 3 Block (o Sec./Sub. R14_G L1FEs Erect L_ Parcel q: THi RO Alter ??zn r_.?%?.?- Repair O.mer: Enlarge - Nbve Pddr2S5: a Division of U. S. Home C D21Tt711S}'1 1/12 RIP:S CFOSSRDAD Grade C1ty/ZlP COaO: - MINNETONKA A•I"JN a,,343 OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy Zoning Fire Zone 3 'Iype of Const. v - # Stories Fiont ?y ft. DePt, 2y ft. Fhone #: 544-1333 APPROVAIS F'EES Contractor: gRRIP! T#OA/+PSBP! ?'9{d',? P,ddre55: a Division of U. S. Home Corporation 1 .VI NJ l. R C1iy/Z1F7 COd2: MINNETONY.A, h11NN 55343 Phcne # : Axr_h-/FSn4- c _ Pc3dress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Assesgrents //.,41, Water/Sewer Polioe Fize FnJ - Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC PPSmit Surcharge _ 19r Plan Check SAC \?2 WatPS Conn. Water Metes / o Road Unit 6- ZC7I'AL CITY USE ONLY L BL ? RECEIPT #: SUBD. DATE: 1996 MECi1ANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Ne 'construction Add-on fumace Add-on air conditioning Add-on air exchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: S- FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-on/Remodel (existing residence only) 20.00 ? ? HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24.00 Additional 50 M BTU 6.00 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL o? U.5' o SITE RDDREss: ? a .:.k OWNER NAME: \ c,..?k ? ?C ?c..( PHONE #: b-O`1qy INSTALLER J J STREET ADDRESS: \1113 CITY: ? \/l 2.1t\.\ 2 STATE: mN ZIP: S SDM PHONE #: (lo_) vvi?? !?'OJ?C 7 6(V CITY USE ONLY L BL $UBD. RECEIPT #: DATE: 1996 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55722 (612) 681-4675 Piease complete for: ? all commercialCndustrial buildings. ? multi-family buiidings when separate permits are = required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee Q 1% of conVact price, whichever is greater. • Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of gffmjs fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME: (iMPROVenneNrs oNLv) INSTALLER: ADDRESS:_ CITY: PHONE #: SIGNATURE TELEPHONE #: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR PERMIT ? ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: BUILDING 028756 09/11/96 SITE ADDRESS: 4680 STAVERN PT LOT: 1 BLOCK: 6 RIDGECLIFFE 3R0 p.I.N.: 10-63982-010-06 DESCRIPTION: (RpOFING) ? Building-,Permit Type ??$uildLng W+o,r,k Type Census Code ? r ; m ^ •?._.? ?. e..,.ti n ,..` . y` 1 Yd ?3a s MULTI. (MISC.) REPAIR 434 ALT. RESIDEN7SAL REMARKS: INCLUDES 4684 STAVERN PT (LOT 4) 4681 ALTA PT (I.QT 2) 4685 ALTA PT (LOT 3) FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $3,000 Base Fee $74.75 Surcharge $1.50 Total Fae $76.25 CONTRACTOR: 6 & G ROOFING 11677 HALL AVE NORTHFIELD MN (507) 645-2531 - Applicant - ST. LIC 16452531 0009369 55057 OWNER: RIDGECLIFFE ASSOCIATION 1745 KARIS WAY EAGAN MN I I hereby acknowledge that I have` read this app'1.Ycatio'n and statie thet rFie ' information is,cot'reat and aqres,etg_comply with all applieable State of Mn. Stetutes and Cityof Eagan Ordirf`ances. APPLICANT/PERMITEESIGNATURE ISSUED SI NATURE oo 3830 PILI T KNOB RDN 55122 lt 1996 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681-4675 NewConstrucUonR r , t 9§p}? fiyRemodeVRP•°alr Reai ?g e? :?,y „ ? , ?,••xv,•` • v•'XL•r???.t .. - .nFr*?.•'•??+1i'f??.`•;r:A.l ? 3 repistered site surveys 2 copies of pfan - .. ; ? .r • . " : ,. ? 2 eopiee of plans (indude 6eam d window sizes: poured tnd. desfgn; etc.) , ? 2 stte surveys (ezterior additlona &'decks) .. ? 7 energy calculatlom '? 1 energy alculationa for heated addilions ? 9 copiee ol tree preservatlon plen if lot platted after 7l1/93 - ' ' • . . requlred: _Yea No -' ' . . DATE: u ?n ?? CP Co CONSTRUCTION COST: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: t? te,- yr L"' q 6 kPi 4-y?K STREET ADDRESS: `t `aX L LOT ?J BLOCK SUBO./P.I.D. #: , ? ?- - C:.:uz,'.xk` . ? ??' PROPERTY ' Name:ya c?" ? Phone #: _ - ? ? ; • ? OYVNER . . ? Street Addr-ess• ? •'" "?" ?" _ :1: . . ..._. __._...._._ ?.:" . : - Ciry:.'??" '? . _ --• ? State: _ ..._. Zip- CoNrRACTOR' ' ??gaj Company & K Phone . :. : ' . - . . t e ? . . ? 7 ?? ?i? .? ..e , . ? ? ? ? U e . ?N' . ,. # ' . • - _ et address g?,, str . ,- f e. , • . Fb? cense U _.......?,.,y.,_ . ; -,-City?., _,?,--,?,,:,_ ?` • ^r?::?it_L+'?1? ', ,., •?„ ' i ^ 4' ? ?: ? -: ?_ . ARCHITECTf - -- COfitpe(1y: zP lon2-#' , ENGINEER - . ?.:?.._, ...,. .. .?,?. - ?F Name: Registration #: -?_ , ' ' . _4......_...w.__ +'3AR ?`J4P,'."?l•?P . ' Street Address• • ..._._?..__. .r.t•..,. t.aty+l?:. City: _ State: - _ Zip:>i?:J•?•?,??,j . Sewer 8 water licensed piumber. . Penalty applies when addre§s•charige:and lot change are requested once permft is issued. • •; -r-•- M- •?t '" ?" ??'"" I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptica8on and state that the i rmation is.corzect_and ,agree to.`.comPly: wft ? applipbie State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ?? Signature of Applicant: - OFFICE USE ONLY - Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes _ -.. '. ? .. .. .. . ____ ._ _, No No _ -+.? •: ?.? OFFICE USE ONLY . . . ., . ,.... , BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ?-01.?Eoundation::.o=•06<<:Dupiex ? 1]•.?.Apt./Lodging ?.?.. 0 16 eX - :. _ ii .t-t , :. ; ??• I"'.?''. ? c„ . ?t ... irvf?n ,, .. , .-?i.n,GfM!"`'+F.?.:#t;,?E,'??'T,a?, 0 02 SF'Dwelling' a-'07°4-plex '?"??' o" 12 ?Multi'Repair/Rem. a 17..',.... ` Swim Poo(';H'' .: :: ?•., ^?- ? 03 SF Addition ?. OS 8-plex? 13 Garage/Accessory 13-20 Public Facility ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace ?.21. Miscellaneous 0 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _-plex ? 15 Deck ?. _... .?> .. •-- WORK TYPEy . ------ --?_?.?.? . _? -?,f •?..... -} _'_. ?., '.:..?.). ! . :'.. ? . . _. , .'.1 ?Zi., . ? '... ... _.. 0 31 TNew ? 0 33 Alterations 0 36 Move ? 32 Addition - o .-. 34. _Repair o .. 37 .._.Demolition _. __. . . _..... ...... ?...? - GENERAI: INFORMA'TION _ 8 . - . ---, -? . . ?. ?,.._.W . Const. y(Actual) Basement sq. ft.? .-MCNVS-Sy§tem- (Allowable) Main level sq. R City Water UBC Occupancy -. _ ?. ;:??.t;? »sQ•_ft. . . . Fire Sprinklered ••T?^,=r,e-;,.;, Zoning sq.ft. •?. -'PRV? :?+??.• ?4} # of Stories__ -Booster. Pump ' Length sq. ft. ? Census Code. , Depth-._.___ Footprint sq. tt., SAC Code, , " - --._ ___ ___..,....._.,Census Bldg \' '•`.?";°` ?'; .;?,, ,,?? '?, r, '.?, ?Census Unit- -? . , ...,..,-._ ?? ,.+. ?»-p.-. . ??. ? ?f , I-;t ? '? - 1 t x?' i t I •,? ? APPROVALS ?_??? ???lkAl 1?`aTiance , -. ?: r.4?+?? .?..??? •..? •_aV??YV?^ 'YINl?W ?wi:.?W.??:ye.?..?'w,.+N.+?.?VFU.r+n?i?i . u:MnY'iW?4LL+ h?H\Y . .? .. Permk Fee 7 Valuation: -•._.?.-Surcharge- .. Plan Review ..._.+-License-.--,_..4i .___....?.?__...??.?:•_.._:.:E? . __,.w.... :?rr:r??? : MC/WS SAC , - --?-=,CitY.SAC:_.._M Water Conn.` _?. Water Metera;x- ,...? ? ?Acct. Deposit - -____u._ .::??_lc- .__.----____.._ __..._.._---•--____._ . S/W Pertnit ,., ,,;,SIV1l:Surcharge ; ,. ??_ ?,,s,,?? ? • Treatment PI. ?_..-.-.?__ , __.-...._...v?..__.. __._.,..? •: ?scl;,??•? t -_3.z?.?,?t,_;??.,,• ?.,<i,?.. . . . . . . . ? =.^.i) ?r?oL•?]£? _1:':'u+.:.r,. Road Unit.. 's#iParkaDed:: h.,-'f-.Y,,;;., a.i •4;'? •? ??? .i 13 ?'>Il 9>?. ?R.'11?!}+v`Y'?'f'?? C?u11S. -. f Jl? ??i'? ?n?`?.'M+?Y:l7fll'w' ?.4?:: C?.1 1 Trails Ded. OtFier ?' • . . ,? . ,M .,. , -- Copies-.- Total: ''. %O p-'. ? .^ SAIi SAC Units ..__.._ u:s:a .;;. . - - . . .,.. '.?y _ , , .r.?, _ . . . . , . CiTY I)F E:AGAN f;ASH:I:Efi: S iERi'SINE1L NiJe i`?i UA'1'E. 08/25/38 'iIML: 15:02.47 ID: NAME. RTf.HFlRD J. WAI._TER :3290 9001 4684 ST(-tVERN FT 50.00 2155 :3001 4684 STFlVGhN f'T 0.50 T'o+.a:l. F:ucn:i.p+, Mno,.ent : 50.50 CRO9@,652 lJ;;[-R tn: naNr.v v CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 PERMITTYPE: suzLoiNe Permit Number: 0 3 2 9 9 0 Date Issued: 0 8/ 2 5/ 9 8 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-63982-040-06 DESCRIPTION: 4684 STAVERN PT LOT: 4 BLOCK: 6 RIDGECLIFFE 3Rp Bu?}.-1ditSg jPermiC Type Building'W'cs;rk Type Q?ensus Code " FIREPLACE ALTERATION 434 ALT. RESIpENTIAL REM6FMiv/FLuE MUST BE TNSPECTED BEFORE CpNCEALING. FEE SUMMARY: Bese Fee $50.00 5urcharge $.50 Total Fee $50.50 r T p - HpplicanL - WAQY TpER"eCr 'ONQR'ACTING 18618013 7420 COLUMBUS AVE S RICHFIELD MN 55423 (612) 861-8013 TTZAVC-1rRPATTY 4684 S7AVERN PT EAGAN MN 55123 (651)6$6-0448 ? I hereby acknowiedge tFrat Z haveread this information is correct and agree,tQ aomq].y Statutes and City-of Eagan Ordinances. APPLICANUPERMITEE SIGNATURE PERMIT ?applicetibn and.state Chat the with allapplicable Stete of hin.? ? . . ? ISSUED BV: SIGNATURE I CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PII.OT KNOB RD - 55122 1998 FIItEPLACE PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 DATE: 6,2 I /7 C/ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _ Construct new fireplace ? Install gas iasert onlv Other Name: ile -7Y Phone #: Lut First 1/ s AnDxESS: 116 8L/ 55t64 vc e-,J P7` LOT: BLOCK: ?O SUBDMSION/P.I.D.#: ?ic?q? A A ?r? ' APPLICANT (circle one only): OWNER CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaGon and state that the information is conect and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. PROPERTY OWNER FIREPLACE INSTALLER GAS LINE INSTALLER Street City State: Company: Street g-D C,- _9 ?, PERMIT FEE: $50.50 _ Alterations to existing ? Install gas line onlv , Zip: Phone #: e6 /-M?3 # City et C q(-4F`,S- Sta- Zip: S-S-r/.-7? Company: Phone #: S;m,sh,re? ? S /k?4 f'3 07A-? Street OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMiT TYPE O 14 Fireplace WORK TYPE ? 31 New O 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repa'v GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code. 434 SAC Code Ol REMARKS Chimney/flue must be inspected before concealing. 2004 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City OfEagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConsWCtion ReouiremenLS RemotleVFteoair Reouiremenls I? Office Use Onlv 3 registe2d site surveys showing sq. ft, of lot, sq. N. of house; and all roo(ed areas 2 copies of plan Cert of Survey Recd _ Y_ N (20%maximumbtcoverageallowed) 1setofEnergyCakulationsfurheatedadditions TreePresPWnRecd _Y _N, 2 copies of plan shovring 6eam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. 1 site survey for addNOns 8 decks T2e Pres Required _Y _ N 1 set of Energy Cakulations AddNon - indicate Aansife sepNc system On-site SepUc System _ Y_ N 3 copies of Tree P2serva6on Plan'rf lot platled after 711193 Rim Joist Dehail Options selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less unifs Date `??) / 10 / 20? Site Address ?(a??j , ?{ (dgl} Coust(r?uction Cost OQU- ? 0 S? v? v vl '(' "h UniUSte # P-?- Description of Work Muld-Family Bldg _ Y_ N Fireplace(s) _ 0_ 1 _ 2 Property Owner R C• Q 1- ? r 5} a SSp CJLCd4clephone #(?7 S:4 7? `??l 1' ?'?3 ? Contractor ?j (? Address 1 a"a L}`) ^Y\ -k State -(V-1 1'\? C cS--Q-M a u`? S City? u Y v\' S\J l 11 Y-- Zip k3:;? 33? Telephone # ( °f S COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 . Residential Ventilation Category t Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Have you previously constructed a building in Eagan with a similar plan? fee applies. Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7672 • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Y_ N If so, 25% plan review Telephone #( Telephone #( Telephone #(-?'?=) ? r-'): I'? IJISi _ L('I,' ,..?? . , ? . . . ?r. I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and aclrnowledge that the inforniation i's complete an4?accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City! of Eagan and the Stat ? of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a pernut, but only an application for a permit, and)'waFk-is-xiet-to siart?ithout a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval ofplans. 14 Applicant' Printed Name Applic t's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 AccessoryBldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ent. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 EM. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screenlgazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 38 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building• ? 43 Reroof O 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 ReplaCement •Demolidon (Entire Bidg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuatlon Occupancy MCES System Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) _ FinallC.O. _ Footings (d'eck) _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Footings (addirion) _ Plumbing Foundarion HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tesks Final _ Framing Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ AirTest _ _ Final Windows _ Insularion _ _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total Building Inspector ?00CA S? RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PeRnmT aPPUCarioN ? CITY OF EAGAN ? p 0 5 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. ??5 1?o 1/ 208 45 Date Site Street Address HAWKINSON, KAREN UIIIt # , 4680 STAVERN POINT EAGAN, MN 55122 Property Owner (651) 452-1080 Telephone # ( ) Contractor. NorbI om PL.l,mblnC) Telephone#((pJy) g2'7-?I0?3 Address 2-qV5 -10Lr"held ?+V. Sa City YYt aI5 State 1?1? 11? Zip ;?-5l'0g i O V C Oth T A li er wner ontractor _ he pp cant s: _ Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alteretions to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installation of a water softener andlor water heater at the same time. !f you are installing only a water softener and/or water heater, do not complete this section; move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _ Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: / Water Heater Water Softener $ 15.00 / _ new v rep;acement Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 I ?) 5R Totai $ I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the intormatlon is compiete ana accurace; mac cne work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City' of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not o start without a permit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the event a plan is required to be review a d app ov d. A; jeffrev L. NorMorn, ? ApplicanYs Prin d Name Applicant' S' na ure f-22o ? 2006 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERnnir APPLicArioN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. C_? _ ., l ) / ,. ? I $1s.S° Date ? I ? I Site Street Address 14 ???+ UNt # Property Owner 1?? t n Telephone #wr?)?-t`_7 Contracto ? a , Telephone #( I? ) ?j? Address City A-l IC??Lf'1 _ StateL?? \ Zip ?(??j ? The Applicant is: _ Owner ? Contractor _Other Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00, _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes instaliation of a water softener and/or waler heater at the same time. If you are installing onlv a water softener and/or water heater, do not complete lhis section; move to the nexl section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _ _Septic Syslem Abandonment _Water Turnaround (add $130.00 if a 5I8" meter is required) Other: Y Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new ? replacement Lawn Irrigatfon _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $5 "50 - - - I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permil, work is not to start without a pennit and work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the euent a plan is required o be reviewed and approved. . ApplicanYs Printed Name A IicanPs Signature C.R. WINDEN 8 ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS Te1, 645-3616 CERTIFICATE OF SURV*:Y 1381 EUSTIS 57., ST. PAUI, MINN. 55108 FOR: , U. S. HOME CORPORATION N .- ? /,G? P?' ? \ .fl ? LZ P \ F?? Op , . 0 25 O C' ` L?7 Scale: 1" = 20' . ;fl O \ C?.0'0 o Denotes Zron O S? ' CP Y?\ /// '? 20 O Sa d? 22, \0 C7 ? A `0 <? A N 4??? a . ?. N 137 > A V?? ? ? v O 0 , `- z o ?°, ? `' ??j / ? ? '\o o Zn ? L O t ??. ? y2 \S .L.\ -7J?/? ?/ ^\ 00 `n 2 ?- Note: Buildings shown are proposed N ?'"?`\ 25 9 0O As of this date Ridgecliffe N\O Third Addition has not been recorded. Lots 1 through 4 inclusive, Block 6, Ridgecliffe Third Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. i i WE HEREBY CERTIFY T1iAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE SOUNDARIES OF THE LAND ABOVE DESCRISED AND OF THE LOCATION OF ALL BUILDINGS, IF ANY, THEREON, AND ALL VISIBLE ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, FROM OR ON SAID LAND. Da[ed this_22LiLday of JuLv A.D. 19Sp C. R. WINDEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ? By J)/??a-LMJ Surveyor," Minnesota Registration No.169¢2          î þ ý ÿþþ  ýüûûüýûû     úþþ ùíîû   éé    âä ÿ  ÿþ÷  üûúùø÷ ö ÷ ÿûùø÷  õùø÷ Ýÿö ÷ ó òñ  ÿ÷  ÿûÿ  îû÷ø ð  üïû ö   ÷í ÿì ì  ø ïû ÿ    ÿú  ÿëì  øêéû  ûÿú ÿ÷  ÷  þ   ë ú è   ÿ  ïû úøòÿ  é øì ÿë ÿ ö æääëãäëäã öú  üûì ÿ æëãâëâã çû ýâë  õô ÷ óò ÷÷ ß ìß ù ì  ù ìøÝîÿ àëöí òí ä ÿ í þ ôàãã óãñ ã ì  úøò  ììí  ìÿ÷÷ÿ ìì é ÿ    ÷øòì÷÷ú ü  éô ÿüû ÿøéþ î ÿë ÷÷ê   ü û ÿÿû øü û PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Mechanical Permit Number:EA109554 Date Issued:03/19/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4681 Alta Pt Lot:2 Block: 06 Addition: Ridgecliffe 3rd PID:10-63982-06-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Furnace Comments:Questions regarding electrical permit requirements should be directed to State Electrical Inspector, Mark Anderson at (952) 445-2840. Lisa Skogen 5660 Memorial Avenue North Fee Summary:ME - Permit Fee (Replacements)$55.00 0801.4088 Surcharge-Fixed $5.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Timothy G Olson 4681 Alta Pt Eagan MN 55122 (651) 681-8201 Hoffman Refrigeration & Heating 5660 Memorial Ave. N Stillwater MN 55082 (651) 439-5770 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use } f Permit L/?55 I City of Eapn I Permit Fee: a 50 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: ^ I 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ~D l Site Address: q 6C-41' Unit i Name:~496-ectj-ppe is ,6z_ E Phone: Resident/ JgZ s Owner Address / City / Zip: lqf 1..- 'L 1 e~ 14 2-,/ Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: y e -,;-6& I Construction Cost: *~Lr0 U O Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No Company: r/I l4lg o `lax 1/'I~ Contact: 7t Contractor Address: l G hel~~ _ City: Aoa0 4 State: Zip: Phone: License 42 3 S'-O 611, 7 Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? F _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: . w~ NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of I the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to it conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aooherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x 7)1-* 1"', Applicant's Printed ame cant's Signature Page 1 of 3 Use BWE or BLACK Ink r----------------� I For Office Use � � � Permit#: � ,J� � I �lt� Of ����Il � //� a � � � Permit Fee: d lJ� � 3830 Pilot Knob Road � � Eagan MN 55122 � Date Received: � Phone: (651)675-5675 I I Fax: (651)675-5694 I Staff: I I I 2015 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERIMIT APPLICATION ���t `���� A Date: Z T Site Address: �L��p� '�v�°r'f'! /"F" Unit#: �, � � � '� ' � ��'��'�� � Name:�G�`Q�L P�p+ ���� Phone: Res�dent/ �� W�jjg� � Address/City/Zip: � � a ,a.: ������;�:� � �;� ���'���� � a ,���� Applicant is: Owner Contractor � � � � µ � �� �� � l � � Description of work: '���h -r1 Type.�of Wor : �����`�`'��� Construction Cost: ���b Multi-Famil Buildin Yes /No ,�.,_. � ,: .�..._�: Y 9�( � ) "'������ �� � L�,_ �, �-n r7 ' � �� Company: �/'���Yl. �7[L�t�- _`�ir yN Contact:�yt. �'yl��len ���� � — � ��4� $��D �""" ��:�ct GG��- � ���;�k �� � Address: City: � � �Gontractor� — � ��� � � 5 K 3� _��. �09 �� � �� ', State�/n Zip: �S Phone Emaii: � �� �= ^,, `�� ` � � - License#:/v��O�I'�I� Lead Certificate#: ,��.. ; If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTIIVG A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan 6�ased on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: x � � ��� �•� �; �NO�TE P/ans and�suPpar#�ng al'acume�nts f af�ou sub►rr��`arQ ca,�s�dei�e�d to�be{` �r�it�c�nfot�r►a on �Pot#o,txs o� th�rnforinaf�Qn�may�`be c�ass��ed as�no -publ���you rar�afe`spe�r��� .eas� ���at a��d� �#�he�Cify � � , � ��� �. , �,� .E. ; . r.-��:` �, =a�������, �������,:.;;� oncluale�thafthey�re radersecret � �� �; r CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qoqherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of�plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota S1:ate Building Code must be completed within 180 days of ermit issuance. x �`��-- x Applic nYs Printed Nam Ap icant's ature Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA167084 Date Issued:02/23/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4681 Alta Pt Lot:2 Block: 06 Addition: Ridgecliffe 3rd PID:10-63982-06-020 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Timothy G & Alison L Olson 4681 Alta Pointe Eagan MN 55122--264 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature