3219 Black Oak DrAbb. City af E3$30 Pilot Knob Raad Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651 ) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 65 . (),2- C'adce_? r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o Permit #: o ? ' Rermit Fee: F ? E ? ? Date Received: ? I ? , Staff: I I I 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDIIVG PERMIT APPI.ICATfON Date: ?? Site Address: ? ? ? ? ?t.? GA ? ? • Tenant: Suite #: RESIDENTIOWNER Name: .11L. Phone: Address ! City I Zip: 3LA9 ??a- CgAK Applicant is: Owner 4 Contractor TYPE QF 1NORK Description ofwork: bf(,..K Construction Cost: Mufti-Family Building: (Yes ! No`("' CONTRACTOR =Ut License #k: Name: LJOITF, C7n- ;a`ayr Address: 7 9C?3 l??a &U' "i:Q-4Ai 1? Z13 City: M l1 rlf(n I _ State: kZlpti Zip: Phone: Contact Person: i?EGe- COIVIPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF GONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDIN{3 Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateqorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Woilcsheet • New Energy Gode Worfcsheet Category Submitted Submitted (4 submissian type) • Energy Envelope Calculatiflns Submiited In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a rnaster ptan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumher: t'hone: Mechanical Contractor: PhoRe: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phane: 1?CQTE. Plarr?. and supporfing riacuf»ents t?raf ;vori su1a?t?t?t,a?re considc:red tc? be publec ir?rrt?a?crt?. P±?r??r?ns Q? the inforrrtatror? rr?ay? he classified 4s ra?+o,?;pul?lic tf yt?q,?ra?ricls`speeirk reasQ?s thatrovoWpermft #he Cify to fhat fhe are ts, I hereby acknorvledge that this information is complete and acourate; that the wark w311 be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to srart withovt a permit; that the work wil( be in accardanoe with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ` i? ? X ?- 3? X . Apptican#'s Printed Name 1 L) Applicant's Signature Ll APPR 2 9 2008 Page 1 af3 DQ NQT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE • suB TrpEs ? Foundatian ? 05-plex ? 16-psex ? Accessory Bvifding ? Pool ? Single Family ? 06-plex ? Fireplace ? Porch (3-season) ? Lxt Alt. - Multi ? 01 of _ Plex ? 07-psex 0 Garage ? Porch (4-scasan) ?Ext Alt. -- SF ? OZ-Plex ? 08-psex -f4__ Deck ? Porch (screenlgazebo/pergola) ? Multi lhAisc. ? 03-Plex ? 10-plex ? Lawer Level ? Storm Damage ? 04-Piex ? 12-plex ? Misceilaneaus woRK rrPEs ? New ? Interior Irrtiprovement ? Siding ? tiemolish Builcling* 'Q Adctition ? Move Building ? Reroof 0 Demolish Interior ? Alteration ? Fire Repair ? Windpws 0 Demolish Foundation 0 Replaceanent ? Egress Window ? Water Damage ' Demolition (entore bui9ding) - give PCA handout to appiicant DESGRIPTION: ? Valuation - Occupartcy MCES SyStem Plan Review Code Edition . SAC Unats (25°l0 100°!0 ) Zoning City Wafier Gensus Code Stories Boaster Pump # of Unets Square Feet PRV # of Suildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Const. Width REQUIRED INSPECTION5 Footings (new bldg) Sheetrock ? Footings (deck) Fina[1C.0. Footings (addition) FinaElNa C.O. Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: _Ice & Water _Fina[ Pool: _Foatings Air/Gas Tests J,,.,Fana] Framing Sidang: _Stucw Lath -Stone Lath _Brick Fireplace:_R.l. AirTest _Final Windows Insulation Retaining WaBI Reviewed By: Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES: Base Fee Surcharge P1an Review MClES SAC City SAC Utility Connec#ion Charge S&,W Pertnit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies Total Page 2 of 3 CER TIFICA TE OF SUR VEY ?.V ON YEA HOMES Bohlen le I r? , ,.u veying & Engineering 34462 Foliage Avenue 4819 123rd Street W. Notthfield, MN 55057 n E Savoge, MN 55378 Phone: (507) 645-7768 D Phone: (612) 895-9212 fax: (507) 645-7799 Faz: (612) 695-9259 894x5 ?r2 sesx2 m U31 895x5 696x5 1 N N 89°52'55" E 109.04 896x4 QoS.,7 AUA.F : m w _- ,,._---- ------ ? ?4 ? I ?° I 895x$ W I 896x7 o ? 895x9 C l 896x0 ? ? ?' o ( 8 x4 N Z LOT 3 e95X9 4 z ; HLOCK 1 n i tij m I 895x9 W . 1 895x7 895x6 D w °o I °o cxn I O rn I I B95x7 I 895xJ agsxs n' 89fix ? ? «0 ' 89' 3:1 MRX#mUBI"! SlC?RA$ or g-,. l,? wa91 wi9? BC . ?1 V, ? o '7'4? $Q ?O? EX155?G ? ? 73 6 ? H?? $ggx7h8 ? ? 898xShe g9$x6 ?-- 1o ' . 897x9 ? ? 35.00 am6 ? b4.50 c:O ? I ? o ? ?o - ? ? I ? '' 896x3 m 16.50 ? in 7 897 895X7 895x8 89 i 1 Qa1 as5x6 : C)-- -------- ----------? x O 89!)x1 895X4 896x0 ayoxi 897x2t x° N 89'052'65" Fi 1 ? 8954 895x8 896x4 a94xa NOTE: VERTICAL DIFFERENGE BETWEEN PROP4SED GARAGE FLQOR ANp TQP CURB AT CENTERUNE PROPOSED DRIVEWAY =3.8 z C7? 50' R/W 25 ? ?I C? e? I 0 c? 1--3 I ,,.oo "0 ? ? I m 5 ? ? 9.57 I ? ? ° QRIVEWAY I it7X. ? >- 2.00 " 30.0 ? -4 no ? ? m w 23.00 0 'P n 897x2 897x5 10 25 - --- N ? m ¢ 898xOhe 896x8 A R °_? FTrx m ° 50' R/W 0? EY.fST€NG ? ?0(& PR GA G FLOflR ELEV. 900.4 PR4P SED 'TOP OF CQN? WALL ELEV.= 904.7 PROp4SED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEV = 892.7 ? DENOTES SERYICE L,OGA7'1QN PRDPERTY DESCRIPTIQN INV = 885.18 PER PLAN LOT 3, BLOCK 1, ORCHARD HEIGH35 AADDITION. -?-- DENOTES PROPOSED DRAIh1AGE CITY QF EAGAN, DAK4T,4 COUAITY. MINNESOTA. OOOX?I pENQTES PR4F'OSED ELEVATtON 00bX0 DENOTES EX[STIN? ELEVATtON LoT 3 AREA = 13747 sq. FT. 0 DENOTES WOOD HUB HQUSE/GARAGE AREA = 1860 SQ. FT. ' o DEN0TE5 IRON PIPE MONUMENT L07 COVERAGE = 13.53G I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGfSITER'ED L.AND SURVEY4R UNDEft THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: 7-7-03 4::? (REVaSED 7-21-03) LEROY H. HLEN, LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA LICENSE N0. 10795 . 7 " = 30' ??? SitB ?fGSS: 6i?- f ? 1.01 _ $IOdc _ Sltbd. ?c-c--"d k On April 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Ca#egory I 9uRdN Requiremen#s for insulafiian proWon, air tightness, and ventilation, was adopted. As a result, the City o( Eagan is requidng that the foNawing infamation be submitteci p+ior to issuannce vf a Cerfifica#e of Occupancy. ,.,.,._ rnis sWct,re: Is oonaMxled ro r?et minimum requirwwts of ft AM E.nergy Ca1e, cnapter 7670 OR Thar sinftre: Al1 be c,nnstrucled to meet more msbidive requirements of ChapWs 7672 ar 7674 MPWINCE GAS ELEC MAMUFACTURER IYIODEI. BNS 1EXrINQ T1(PE Water Heeter Fumace ? ? cL =Dr m 2? F.XIIAUST SYSTEM LOCATILIN TYPE MQDEE. CFM`s IfENTED YES No Kca,en Ilclen /ZX ,4 saboom t / ?- ? Iz eathroom 2 ? ?'? ? ? ?'`? Bathroom 3 8athroom 4 Otbher 0 a'(? ,tf 12 ? 0?00 FIF2EPLAC 5 LOCATION iiAS YYOOD IIF{?CTt1RER MODEL BNS 1fEl+f1M • DRtM'i ATM ° d 7LY- MAKE-UPlUR MQDEL TYPE CFkI's i hereby pcknowledge ihat the above mtrwaon is correa and agree to aompty mth ihe Minnesata Energy Cale and City o# Eaw requ nts. 7 ? ?,9 ?,? ? ?.? 4j-_ Gompany ame ' This form is the responsibiGiy of the Generat Contractor. Address: 3219 Black Oak Dr Zip: 55121 Lot: 3 Block: 1 Subdivision: Orchard Heights THE FOLLOWINC ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT CO'VIPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTION ON ff (,,, i,- Yes No Comments Final ade - 6" from sidin Permanent ste s - arage }t Permanent ste s- main entry Permanent drivewa ' Permanent gas Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ,)( Sod/Seeded lawn TraiVcurb dama e Porch X Lower level finish Deck x Fire lace • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the City's Engineering Department at 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or installing irrigation system. ? BUILDING INSPECTOR: ?---? ? CONTRACTOR: Gonyea Developmnet 50 Groveland Ter Minneapolis, MN 55403 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING M C ; Permit Applicatioa foe z-- City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Gonstruction Reauirements RemodeUReoair Requirements 3 registered site sunreys showing sq, ft. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas Z capies ot plan (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations tor heated addition 2 copies of plan showing beam 8? window sizes; poured found design, etc. i siie sunrey For additions & decks 1 set of Energy Calculations Addition - i?rd"reste if onsite septic system 3 oopies of Tree Preservation Plan it lot plattei after 711193 Rim,ioist Detail Optluns seiection sheet (61dgs wifih 3 or less units Cl J? sA la, 7? ??, 57V ?fl s? ?73, 7 7 G ?a? ??- Oft Use Or?l rF of Survey Recd s Pras Plan Recd Pres Not Reqd _ On-site Seplic Sysiem Date 0:2 I 0? Constructian Cost Z / ??? _ Site Address /??,??C ? [3?? UnitlSte # Descriptian of Work Multi-Family Bldg _ YOX N Fireplace(s) _ 0 K1 _ 2 Property Owner 60 ll `Q ? m Telephone # (?/2. ) 3776 Contractor Q /'.f?f s Address D 69,9t-J< Sta# e ZiP U City TelePhone # I/ ? Gt311APLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING E Minnesota Rales '7672 ? Energy Code Category - Minnesota Rules 7670 Ca#egory i .._. j {J submission rype) • ResidenGal Ventilation Category 1 WorksheeC • hlew Energy Code Woricsheet ? Submitted Submitted ? • Energy Envelope Calculations 5ubmitted Licensed PEumber 02 ? C4W?j ?elephone 1? Mechan. ?cal Contractor 07 ? Telephone # (26 Telephon ?! # ?? /' 7 -' Z- Sewer/Water Contractor ? ?' ? I?3? - ? .xJ accurate; I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit a.nd acknawledge that the infcErnation i campl0e, that the wark will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State af NN Statutes; T understand this is not a pernut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the wark will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approv of plans. Applicant's Printed Na e Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types O 01 Foundatian 71? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 0# - plex ? 04 02-plex C] 05 03-plex 13 Ofi 04-pbex Work Types /6- 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 ,4lteratian ? 34 Replacement ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-pdex ? 20 Pool ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) 0 09 07-plex C] 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck [3 23 Porch (screenlgazebo) ? 11 10-pfex ? 19 Lawer Levei ? 24 Stortn Damage ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N Ci 25 Miscellaneaus Valuation Census Code D 5AC Units Nbr. of Units Nbr. of Bldgs Type af Const ? 35 Int Improvement .0. 38 Dernolish (lnterior) ? 44 0 36_? ' M?iv' ? Bldg" ?v + CJ 42 Demolish (Faundation) ?45 ? 37 Demolish'(Bldg)* ?' 43 Reroof CJ 46 *Dernolitlon (Entlre Bldg) - Give PGA handout to applicant Occupancy MC/ES Syskem _ Zoning City Water ? Stories ?W Booster Pump _ Sq. Ft. PRV _ Length lg I Fire Sprinklered ? W idth ? ? Foorings (new bldg) ? Foatings (deck) Footings (addirion) ? Foundation Drain Tile ? Roof Ice & Water Final Framing Fireplace 4Q R.I. -,tAir Test k Final InsuIarion Sase Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connscfion Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Tceatment Plant License Searoh Copies Other Tatal r REQUIRED IN5PECTIONS ? FinaUC.O. _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing _ HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs as Tests ? Siding Stuccv X Sto _ Windows (new/replace _ Retaining Wall Final Approved By rZ , Buifding lnspector p h, 9 ? 30 Accessory Bldg C] 31 E7ct. Alt - Multi Cl 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. Siding fire Repair V1/indows!Doors f I D o I V r ? ? ? ? r?~ y 5' ` F;-t?? /)-o 4?? % 17c7j`' ?r quo s-.1i olYb i ! ?194q ' Site address: lot ? Block Subd. On April 15, 2000 the Minnesata Energy Code, Category I Building Requirements far irtsulation protection, air tightness, and ventilation, was adopted. As a result, the City of Eagan is requiring that fhe bllawing infarmation he submitted priar to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. This structure: is consVucted to meet minimum requiremen#s o# the Mn Energy Code, Chapter 7670 QR _ This structure: will be constructed ta meet more restrictive requirements of Chapters 7672 ar 7674 APPLIANCE GAS ELEC MANUFACTURER MODEL BTU'S VENTING TYPE Water Heater Fumace 64 AA Dryer EXHAUST SYSTEM LOCATION TYPE MODEL CFM's VENTED YES N4 IGtchen kitchen Bathroom 1 r A Bathroom 2 ?? ? A t- ? Bathroom 3 A Bathroom 4 Oz ? Other FIREPI.ACE S LOCATION GAS WODD IJANUFACT MODEL BTU'S VENTING DIRECT ATMOS a MAKE-UP AIR MODEL 7YPE CFM's I hereby adcnowledge that the above infflrmation is correct and agree to comply with the Minnesota Energy Code and City af Eagan require g ture Date Company ame * This form is the responsibility of the General Coniractor. t ? ? • REScheek Compliance Certificate 2000 Minnesota Energy Code REScheckSoftware Version 3.5 Release Ic Data filename: C:\Program Fi(es\Check\RESchecklBlack Oak Drive.rck TITLE: Orchard Heights COUNTY: Scott STATE: Minnesota 'LON E: 2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Single Family DATE: 06/16/03 DATE OF PLANS: 06l12/2003 PROJECT INFORMATION: Black Oak Drive Spec COMPANY INFORMATION: Gonyea Homes COMPLIANCE: Passes Maximum UA = 506 Your Home UA = 362 28.5% Better Than Code (UA) Permit Number Checked By/Date Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or poor Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1: Raised or Energy Truss 1 125 44.0 0.0 25 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1287 19.0 0.0 63 Window 1: Above-Grade:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E lSl 0350 53 Door t: Solid 42 0.250 11 Door 2: Glass 29 0.350 10 Wa112: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 1152 19.0 0.0 60 Window 2: Above-Grade:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 132 0350 46 Wali 3: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 225 19.0 0.0 13 Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 72 19.0 0.0 4 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry 846 13.0 0.0 47 Wall height: 9.0' Depth be(ow grade: 6.7' Insulation depth: 9.0' Window 3: Basement > 5.6 ft2:Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 47 0.350 16 Basement Wail 2: Solid Concrete or Masonry 171 13.0 0.0 13 Wall height: 3.5' Depth below grade: 1.0' Insulation depth: 3.5' Floor 1: All-Wood JoisUTivss:Over Outside Air 24 38.0 0.0 1 .1% ` Furnaee l: Forced Hot Air, 95 AFUE Air Gonditioner 1: Electric Central Air, 12 SEER Proposed and Maximum U-Factor Averages Proposed Maximum Average U-Factor Allowed t1-Factor Above-Grade Windows and Glass Doors 0.350 0•370 Includes Foundation Windows > 5.6 112 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building design describeci here is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with the permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 200014iinnesvta Energy Code requirements in RhiScheckVersion 3.5 Release dc (formerly MECchec4 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the heeklnspec i hecklist. ? Uate ?? ?? ? ? euilder/Desigrser : JUN-24-2UU3 I UE U? -'!j NIi ?'. ut --- - -??.. , ? y ncck option used: O Fuel burning equipment (completc schednles belo?'v) ? No fuei bntnir?g cquipment ? ?-?...?. , t"istRuctiow5 • EKHAUST / htAKE-UP AiR MUL-E Sirp I. Complete the Cvinbtutton EqcripmenrSchadrrl¢ belmv. nnfy equipmant Exhau't devices ovet 304 cfm Flow -with a Y(Yes) may be selected under the''Category, 1" elternate. Step 2, Complete E,rl?uu,rl/A1crkE•?rp ?firSch¢drile tin the ri,g,hc !f direct or power ? c vented or solid fuel atmospheric veat space licating equlpment is seltcted. .. r Space heatin$ - nonso aing - nonsoii (check all C3 Staled combu3tion ?.? Direct oc pow•ec venced Sealed combusiion Direct or po?ver vented . ?i•: , - solid fuel - °--r°....o...W ....- ' ., 1 ¦,cn«n ^ aoua sucl ". If acmosphericaliy vented solid fuel or direct or Fbwer vented nonsolid tuei space heating flow !s rernd•j%a r--?-? ??a;•,;dual exhaust devlGe which exceeds 380 cubic feet per mirtUte. 14-1sealed combustion ' O Direct or power vented 'Aemospherically veated . .?Z C] Atmo9 heritally vented •,1 Ca Atmos herlcell venced 1 0 Atmos herically vented I s ittstailed, Nen maks-Up air ta mgt Part C1. VENTIx,Ax`ION ? • ? VC, IYTIATIptY QUANTiTY -- ?'-`^ (Mechanlcal veacflatiea mu:.t be provided per the larger quaaticy ea lculated below) cubic toet x 0.005831winute ?EZ7Y eCm x 15 cfmlbsdroom) ? 15 tfm ? y;.) ? eln va?ume o hab(tablc rooms ' number ofbedrooms ':- •- • - " ' ` • - . I . -_..?_ .:?.':? • ?_ . ?, . Check meihod(a) proposed + O £xhaust Fan descriotlon or AS DEStQNEO 0 N F'AN aCHEDULE ? ,•, . Balanced (heat retovery veotitatpr, air c c . . . . :?.. !er. ttc.) 1 • - *V &A L+%7 • ? CFm + C5 Statement of Comptiance: The proposed buiiding deslgn rcpresentod in these documents is consistcnt with the building piu speciricatiens, snd other calcufations submitced with the pcr+nit application. The proposed building has bcen designed to mect tl requirements vf the Minnesota Energy Code. Applitant (print n me) Signature 0ate Yel phone u ber ? Part C2. VENTILATIl1N (Submit Part Cz vpon completion of aystem veriGcationl ?<__?_-__ .-----?-- -------.-?----- ._ ----- ---.------ - - - - - - - ----_- - ..------ -- lob Site Address: Fan dtsctiption or tocation tit£ASUABD Intake cCm cfm PFRFORMA) CEfi Exhaust 7-oo cfm cfm cfm 1' VentilatioA rate must be measured and verified when tkr perforniance option is used tn tieu of joints in the building conditioned envelope (Fram Parc A). Aermit T'umber TOTALS c Complinner Staitement: Instalttd vtntilatiunsysiem '• A comp•l;nnce with ti[N Energy Code and i5 siied to provide the cJcyign air tIo' ??rf???y?•. ,?- ?.?f?????? ? ??? c7 j ?, f . ??-^??G ?,..,?:......,_.... _.... . . .?- ? ? CER TIFICA TE OF SUR VEY ? F GONYEA HOMES Bahlen `Surveying & Engineering 31-462 Foliage Avenue 4819 123rd Street W. ?-Northfield, MN 55057 B E Sauoge, MN 55378 Phane: (507) 645-7768 Phone: (612) 895-9212 Fox: (507) 645-7799 Fnx: (612) 695-9259 ? 694x5 !r?/? r 895x2 T' O 0 O CD co C)1 0 O ? 895x5 836x5 x N 88°52'55" E 109.00 836x9 A95r7 8913x5 ? ---- --- ? I ---- ------- -- r b ° 00 I a 695x8 ?U K 10 896x5 L I 89fix7 I gg5x9 I 696x0 896X4` p p ] ? 98 ? ° ? LoT 3 895 g 3-1 t?,???t?'??r!?? ????2?s? ti Wclt ?o 10 Nous? w 13 3 ? ` B9ax he t3! , iaRYanP 898x61•J? l??J li1Q ? ? '+3 0 'd 4.50 ? ? ? rv ? ? I x 896x0 BL4CI{ ? i6.so z i assxa x Z ?1 I 895x8 n % 897x5 c ? ? (D I 8950 845x6 ? °o in f 895x7 ar? x a+ I 8950 895x8 ? ,i I 895x7 8960; 10`0 I 895x6 OI_ x ------ N ----------?__- ? I ? ? - ? I I i ?x 4? I 11.00 . SO' R/W 25 zn dCO ocO x OQ1 C C}1 ;q m m rn m ? ?ry w ? ? Y U 0 ? o ? 9.5% I y ORfVEWAY i ? O I N y 2.00 " 30.0 ? rn ? J im n. 1 23.00 97x2?897x5 (.T1 ? aaZ)xr oyDx4 896x0 " """ ?y?xlhe ° N 89052'55" E 157.56 L^ asaXa 855x5 895x8 896x4 EXISTING MOUSE m125 I ?I C) y ? ii 50' R/W 894x4 PROPQSED G,ARAGE FLQOR ELEV. 900.4 NOTE: VERTICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PROF'OSED PROP4SEQ TOP QF CONG WALL ELEV.= 900.7 GARAGE FLOOR AND TQP CURB AT CEI+lTERLINE PROPOSED BASEMENT FI.DOR ELEV. 892.7 PROPOSED aRIVEWAY =3.8 ? DENOTES SERVICE LOCATfON PROPERTY DESCRIPTION INV - 885.18 PER PLAN F.OT 3, BLOCK 1, ORCHARD MGHTS ADDITION. -?`- 'UENQTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE CITY dF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MNESOTA. OO?XO DEN(3TES PROPOSED ELEVATION LOT 3 AREA = 13747 sQ. FT. oaoxo DENOTES ExISTING ELEVATION HOUSE/GARAtE AREA = 1860 5Q. FT. 0 DENOTES w00D HU8 I.OT COVERAG£ = 13.5% a DENOTES IRON PIPE MMIOiVUMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY ME QR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THATI AM A DULY REGISITERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: 7-7-03 z (REVISED 7-21-03) LEROY H. ??, F,?}HLEld, LAND SURVEYOR MINNESOTA LICENSE NO. 10795 1 " = 30' FU RECEIVE? ?UL 2 3 2003 EAGAN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT LOT SURVEY CHECiWST FQR RESIOEHTIAI. BUILDING FERMIT APPUCATION PROPERTYLEGAL• I G Pc.l.tc.•J- I4.iql'?t? Add. ?A) t{ fjlu?e? Oo- DATE OF SURVEY: 9 " 1" 03, C-?. LATEST REVISIUN: -1 - aj-U 3 m m c R ? v O ? Q ? ? DOCLJMENT STANDARDS ? ? • Registered Land Surveyor signatu€e and company d? v ? 0 ? • • Building Pertrtit Appficant Legal description ? C] ? 0 • Address 0 ? [J • North arrow and scale l t t k ) t li lit t ro ? • , e en oo au c. , sp # w/o, sp ry, House type (rambler, walkou di t % ith l l i t5 ? ? • en nage arrows w s ope gra Directional dra ? ? • Praposedlexis#ing sewer and water services & invert elevatian ? D * Street name J pd ? ? t DnVAWdy l? 0 0 • Lot Squars Foatags ? 0 ? • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Exisfin-ci C? ? 0 • Sewer service (or Proposed) d 17 ? • Properly corners ?? ? • Top of curb at the driveway and property Iine extensinns Q? • ElevatiflrES of any exisbng adjacent homes ?t7 • Adequate fuoting dep#h of structures due to adyacent utilit}r trenches ? ?r ? • Waterwrays (pond, stream, edc.) . Pronosed ? 0 • Garage flaor ? Cl • Basement floor ? 0 CI • Lowest exposed elevatian (walkouUwindow) ?f C] Q • Properly comers ?? o ? Front and rear of hosne at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ? r 10 ? • Easement line Q 0 + NWL ? 0 • HWL 0 61 ? • Pond # designatlan . ? d ? * Emergency OaerFfow Elevafion D W o • PondlWetiand buffer detineation DIMENSIONS 0 0 • Lot IinesBearings & d6mensions ?? • Right-of-way and street width (to badc of curb) ? CI • Propased horr:e dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greafar than 2', parches, etc. (i.e. ait structwres requiring permanent footings) . ? ?? • Show atl easements af record and any City utilities within those easeirtents 4 ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent existing structures ??I ? ? Retaining wall requirements, if any . Reviewecl: ??l-I - z L/ - C'2 Name Date G:/FORMS1Buiiding Permit Applicatlan e , Use BLUE or BLACK Ink 1 For°Mee Use i 1 CityofEaaii ; Pen �4_3/ 3s3o Pilot Knob Rid DEDEIyED � Permit Fee* • p0S,4F1 I l ,Al *"f-A011n NIN 55122 j Date Received: 6-S'f' - 'Phone:(651)675-5675 1 � p 51016 7 � Fax(651)675.5694 fft- y I 1 meg.. I __ k _2017 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ® aIQ !2017: Slte Address:3219 Black Oak Drive, Eagan MN 55121 o Unit#: Bill Cam bell Name: .; .. . . P 6514545024 Phone: Address/city zip: 3219 Black Oak Drive, Eagan MN 55121 ;APPiicant`is: Owner X Contractor Description of work: Re roofing Construction Cost: 13,327.66 Multi-Family Building:(Yes /No X ) pally: Repair KingMike Holmes } Contac: 2524 East Hennepin Avecy. Minneapolis - Mholmes@myrepairking.com zip:55413 Phone: if 3- ail: EC 7`82-etati Lead Certificate ft. R1194201500320 po fl = ` ce tificretIon;please explain why: (7-417V,f-; ISILAFJEA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING e PEegan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? o r F ofmaster plan: Nh Phone: Phone: Phone: rY,r( ..y :7 r� - .. !.� 1;.� (� �1i 651)454.0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours :IA, >-•.• .1. - - - - tt • t the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of a:permit, and-work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in ,, $ =11`r and approval of plans. 14Innesota State Building t o ., corn••feted within 180 ,.. Mfr,;!, gna are Page 1 of 3 i : PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA157690 Date Issued:09/04/2019 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3219 Black Oak Dr Lot:3 Block: 1 Addition: Orchard Heights PID:10-54500-01-030 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - William J Campbell 3219 Black Oak Dr Eagan MN 55123 Renewal Andersen 1920 County Road C West Roseville MN 55113 (651) 264-4777 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature