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1600 Blackhawk Lake Dr
CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagiart, MN 31,121 ~ X20 W O PFWNE: 681-4675 BUILDING PERMIT - Receipt SF D */GAR Est. Value $246,000 Date JAt'ttiARY 2# 18 ~To be used for Site Address 16W 11.Ak"AWK x,AU DRIVE 12 Block Y Sec/Sub. BLALKKAiDK GLEN y~FlcEusE oNt. Lot I FEtiS Parcel No. 3RD Occupancy. : ).(.1 ; . : *!'Si.Att Zoning . i?erm'e, Ncarlde (Actual) Cons(, Surcharge 1279 NORWAY PT #1 Plan Review - ?".00 (Allowable) ~ ' Ad # of Stories ~►•Q1i~ j cay Zip Length 91 License --~W~- PhWe 587±'T Depth 3A SAC, City; J 1 S.F. Total - - SAC, MCivCC cc WNSTWU16-Flu" cu 1`11e S.F. Footprints Add 90 ;A1R1,'Q3t' SY Water Conn On Site Sewage Clty' PAUL zip 55118 On Site Well Water Meter 0`6i " $65-2-636, Mwcc System Ph" 667 Acct. Deposit City Water W0i1Ct?t1Se PRV Required XX _ S/W Permit I hereby alckriowlege that I have read this application and state that the Booster Pump S/W Surcharge information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes an ity of agan rdi nces. Treatment Pi v :350000 Signature of PermitAPPROVALS Road Unit_ ~"ri Cl`," 3 Planner A d~ilding Permit is issued to: :ti' Park Ded. GQ s, on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of ,Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. Off. Copies l Building Official Variance TOTAL Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # PLUMBING ~ - a 7 WAC e(L, tL ~~a $ j ~v05 I-n EELECTRKZJ~ S3, 5 ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Z-~ Z. Foundation Framing Rooting Rough Plbg. -2. Pb Rough Htg• IG 4 1- Isul. G 17 2 P Fireplace 7/ t Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Pbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter fv& l1 s Engr./Plan i Bldg. Final C ~g C Deck Fig. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. :y,.~v} ~.,.gv°...-,~.,yn~.. -.._.R~,r~3^P+y-" ,r~,..N,wrer.a~+ zl' Y ~i CASH RECEIPT CITY OF EAGAI-`,,t% 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 * DATE 19 y RECErvEO Ir1,, r$~.. r FROM A AMOUNT & DOLLARS 100 O CASH CHECK r , ~V < 46-11 FOR V j FUND OBJECT AMOUNT i j 1 I t BY 017042 whill C ._Pink File Gapy * g Odw Cer`flcate bxs ed pdrsuant to the requirements of Section 346 of the Unform 1r f go Ok ecertifying that at the duce of issuance this structure was in co X6 me, various or&#ame(of the City regulating building construction or use- For Wng.- SF '/M - 20060 W47 tic x6 oW„aorewaa M 13'L'It li2.7.2 N11 .F.AtaI~ l Add= X12, $C UuG WLq sau POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE I ! r I ,Andress : 1600 BLAM19 9 LAM DRIVE Lot 12 Blk 1 Sec/Sub G1 EN 3RD These items were/were not complete at the time of the final inspection. Date: 9/3/92 Yes No Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps - garage Permanent steps - main entry velo Permanent driveway Permanent gas Sod/seeded grass Trail/curb damage 1,7 Porch V ° IP1$ G~ Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. IIECKI`-FOX3M1E11 White - City copy Yellow - Resident copy Pink.- Contractor copy 'SEWER4 WATER PERMIT OFFICE USE ONLY CITY 01F EAGAN METER # PERMIT DATE 01/29/92 Pflfat ItnOb Rd.' L O f~~ 121 CHIP # 0 PERMIT # Eagan, MN55122-1897 METER SIZE 5 ~ P SK B.P. RECEIPT # 0-0/ 1/28/92 ISSVt DATE -q:l :7~ S.P; RECEIPT DATE ~ DATE t'RV BOOSTER PUMP SITE ADDRESS 1600 :PELACt~AiIK LtUCE' !?RIVE ~ PERMIT REQUESTED LOT --12-BLOCK, 1 SEC/SUB RLAyqK11A N % SEWER WATER TAPS . APPLICANT: COMM/IND RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: CITY, STATE ZIP' R NEW EXISTING PHONE: JANECKY. PLUM$INC Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed PLUMBER: Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. ADDRESS: 720 PONTIAC PLACE Credit WILL NOT be given 'for Deduct Meters. CITY, STATE M13NU0TA FIEIGltT3 ZIP 55120 PHONE: I AGREE T LY WITH CITY OF OWNER: - - MICHAEL HCALLISTER EAGAN ADDRESS: 1960 CTHARLMN ST Sttta CITY, STATE " Y6-' PH NE: t?R 865-2 SIGNATUR H METER I SUED A TWO WOYOs FOR P4. SSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTION . FOR STORM SEW PEfMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. 1 "rS"'ru'T.ZF'741 SEWER & WATER PERMIT OFFICE USE ONLY CITY Of 6GAN METER # PERMIT DATE 01/29/92 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. 12 Eagan, MN 55122-1897 CHIP # PERMIT # ' r METER SIZE B.P. RECEIPT # DATE ~t 1/28/92 ISSUE DATE B.P. RECEIPT DATE -1 _/2&Z-92 $I_ PRV -BOOSTER PUMP { SITE ADDRESS 1.600 BLACKHAWK LAKE DRIVE PERMIT REQUESTED LOT 12 BLOCK 1 SEC/SUB BLACKHAWK GLEN 3RD X SEWER X WATER -TAPS APPLICANT: ADDRESS: COMM/IND RESIDENTIAL CITY, STATE ZIP NEW -EXISTING PHONE: JANBCKY PLUMBING Lawn Sprinkler Meters are to be Installed PLUMBER: Ahead of Domestic Meters on Water Line. ADDRESS: 720 PONT AC PLACE Credit WILL NOT be given for Deduct Meters. CITY, STATE MENDOTA HEIGHTS ZIP 55120 PHONE: 454-9297 f I AGREE TO C LY WITH CITY OF OWNER: MICHAEL M`%ALLI.STER EAGAN ORDI ANCES ADDRESS: 1960 CHARLTON ST CITY, STATE y w8 OR 865- b36 ZIP 559 t K PHONE: SIGNATURE WHEN METER ISSUED PLEASE ALLOW TWO WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING. CALL 454-5220 FOR INSPECTIONS. FOR STORM SEWER PERMITS, CONTACT ENGINEERING DEPT. DATE: JAN 29, 1992 RE: 1600 BLACKHAWK LAKE DR (MCALLISTER CONST CO) X Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed. It will be held at the Public Works Garage (3501 Coachman Road) until the meter is picked up. BE SURE TO CALL PUBLIC WORKS (454-5220) FOR YOUR PERMANENT WATER TURN ON. Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property cannot be completed for the following reasons: Your Sewer & Water Permit for the above property has been completed, but the meter cannot be issued or occupancy allowed until further notice. COMMERCIAL PROJECTS ONLY: Please pay for meter at City Hall. Meter size must be confirmed by Bill Adams or Dirk House (Plumbing Inspectors - 454-8100) before issuance. WARNING: BEFORE DIGGING, CALL LOCAL UTILITIES - TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, ETC. - REQUIRED BY LAW. CONTACT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WATER TURN ON POLICY. Secretary, Building Inspections Dept. T-~' !71_P__ 1,~q r,,t% 85 A 0-P 2 3 5 9,z~ ~a Request Date Fire No. Rough-in Inspection Required? ❑ Ready Now )Will Notify Inspector 1~J 'Z XYes ❑ No When Ready? 12~licensed contractor owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Address (Street, Box or Route No.) City Section Township Name or No. Range No. County ' K C -rA Occupant (PRINT) Phone No. qSj-p`7U I K CCiS'; EA-_ Power Supplier Address earEc~, Ir1~i c~r'~ Electrical Co r (Company Name) Contractor'. License No. X1,4 EL E'~T21 roc . C~~l.~ z(S 9 Mailing Address (Contractor o~`''ner Making Installation) L11. PNI Sal ti Authorized Sig`e (Contractor/Owner g Installation) Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room S-173 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 642-0800 ENCLOSED. V!~y~ REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-00001.08 5 ► See instructions for completing this form on back of yellow copy. /-v J 23359 `X " Below Work Covered by This Request 4_•~ F.-Add Rep. Type of Building Appliances Wired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./Industrial Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Other (specify) Contractor's Remarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below: # . Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps v3 I 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 Amps Above 100 Amps Signs Inspector's Use Only: TOTAL Irrigation Booms L)E'CTED Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORD IF NOT Other Fee , '.SC7 COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MON S. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in / Date certify that the above inspection has Final Dat _ J been made.. OFFICE USE ONLY This request void 18 months from I 2000 FIREPLACE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD - 55122 651 681-4675 Date: 16 ` Ql' L Description of Work: _ Construct new fireplace -Gas -Masonry Alterations to existing Install gas insert only Install gas line only Other a 44Ak LPXP bU job address: Lot: Block: ' SubdivisionM.I.D. Nac kW w k G ita 3r4 Applicant (circle one only): Owner Contractor Permit Fee: $60.50 Name: Phone ~Q 1" PROPERTY Last ( First f~, OWNER QU L)w,,- a~ Street Address: ' 1 < ~N `~'~C} City aj(a State: Zip: Company Phone (area code) FIREPLACE t INSTALLER Street Address: 3g City State: ! v Zip: C- ~ Company: Phone (area code) GAS LINE INSTALLER Street Address: City State: Zip: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Mimrpsota Sta es and C gan Ordinances. ign tune - • CITY OF EAGAN 2 ~ O ' 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 681-4675 Receipt # q- O (.7Q To be used for SF DWG/GAR Est. Value $246,000 Date . JANUARY 28 19_22 Site Address 1600 BLACKHAWK LAKE DRIVE Lot 12 Block I Sec/Sub. _BLACKHAWK GLEN OFFICE USE ONLY FEES Parcel No. 3RD Occupancy M-1 $1,151.00 PAUL LOSTETTER Zoning R 1 Bldg' Permit 123.00 Name (Actual) Const Vim- Surcharge Ir 1279 NORWAY PT #1 (Allowable) 748.00 w Address Vim-- Plan Review EAGAN 55123 # of Stories 5.00 0 City ZIP Length 41License 100.00 Phone 687-0523 Depth 34- SAC, city cc Name ~ M^ALLISTER CONSTRUCTION CO S.F. Total _ SAC, Mcwcc 700.00 Address 1960 CHARLTON ST S.F. Footprints 675.00 On Site Sewage Water Conn Cfty W ST PAUL ZIP 55118 On Site Well 95.00 Water Meter Phone 451-8070 OR 865-2636 MWCC System XX__ 30.00 O City Water Acct. Deposit V License # PRV Required S/W Permit 30.00 1 hereby acknowiege that 1 have read this application and state that the Booster Pump StW Surcharge • 50 information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of 300.00 Minnesota Statutes an ity of gan rdinances. Treatment PI 380.00 Signature of Permitee APPROVALS Road Unit A Building Permit is issued to: ..ALLISTER CONSTRU^ O CO Planner Park Oed. on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all Council 5.00 applicable State of Minnesota S lutes a dy of Ea an Ordinances. Bldg, Off, Copies Building Official .•~s ' Variance - TOTAL $4,342.50 19 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN REQUIREMENTS: SINGLE FAMILY 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS, 1 SET ENERGY CALCS. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS. # OF UNITS RENTAL FOR SALE COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS. PENALTY APPLIES WHEN TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE DR LOT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. To Be Used For: Valuation: Date: P5 Site Address 60z) F ICE USE ONLY Lot ~ Block 4 C, Qpv ° FEES Occupancy R-3 M-1 Bldg Permit Parcel/Sub Zoning N Surcharge 2 Actual Const v- N Plan Review 72 V_ , Q Owner L061_ C - Allowable v - N License Fee S'00 # of stories SAC, City /va , v 6> Address ® Length SAC, MWCC 70D, v 0 Depth 3 y' Water Conn. a n . City/Zip_ Ailt S.F. Total Water Meter qc ov Footprint S. F. Acct. Deposit 3a, ov Phone & -0523 S/W Permit ,40 On-site sewage S/W Surcharge Contractor On-site well Treatment Pl. 3 c o, v0 &z~, MWCC System Road Unit ~ ddress Q City water Park Ded. PRV Trail Ded. Clay/Zip Gl1 Booster Pump Copies SUBTOTAL P°ione ~!V ~'y 7 U License APPROVALS Penalty 63,x, Planner Lot Change Council TOTAL r Arch./Engr. -Bldg. Off. 1-2 _ Variance Address C2 - 11,6 City/Zip Code 0j Phone # CSC--~ ?yd S ~,~6b Sewer/Water. Licensed Contr.Processing time for sewer/water permits is two dcVs once area as been a rove . agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (Si nature df~,fermittee) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. VALUATION GAR G ~ A $ 5 MT, L) 6 3Z !57 3 6 3LJIK z2-) 67 20 S. ~ti x 3 : ~.zs~ Iboqus3=85~.~~ 3/4 - S~►2 Soo " $ ~5 3 2 0_---~ t r f ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~17~ Fntrrlttier' [hive PIONEER MettrMla Ihiglttc, MN 55120 LANOlVRVCvf~R!• CIViI [NGINEER6 * eng * per ng.. t l{NnPl11NNC111•Lt1Nt11f nrf MCIIItfCit (617) 6f11 1914 Certificate o1 Survey tor. 1 AUL L 0 STFETTER o NOR M ~9 ( a LAKE Sg t31~ S 4/ V~ 810,6 o Z ~y'•z ~ ,5.00 , li„ tv ~ \ o = O ° 46 ~ I ~I ~ ~ s p ~'y~ e 1 svy31 g'~5 gr~4,Z m ~7.or - `14.01, ° X I ~ / ~ rn c ry --r,~'i / / N B'/3,8 / ~ ri ~f7 ~~.3f~ ,0 0 ~ N G~,.r. j PYn L4~ff ►'1~~ M I M l~ l N~ `t 3. `i 1 ~ f-~11 pn,M~ W N y0. 13 47.ot ~R I S N ~s~ro.. F ° cn h) 0 X R3G,S `I $.o 12.0 rA M Vl / 83~, s X N ~i ~e 1 ) ~ 12 ~ s~t,r g3s.8 I S3'i~9 ~ ~ o o $39,~ 6 k 1SO.00 .g 9 E ~ 1 mac.»..».na.stir / ~ v'° -~t . - ~ is :7 R 9vCl.0 Oenvl-_s Exis/itlO flrvaliorr PAPPUSEU IlausE ELEVq__1~& 1004.6 iUu es hr a ed ElFVO/ioit low~~ yr %%rv~ 7i~rr ~ s 3 sue. a3 - - - - - - - U~'r~ofes U►ta//av P r' U/ili/y EcrsemFr ~1 Tvp 0, ' Mork 11mil i of 7 _ au. 00 vft?OfeS "l Flo Oiteclion GatYle Slcr(~ L/('V(Y o/) . 515,5e, o Oe"4s Monut'ier?l &Writt -5 show~t atr crssc/n»l aC ik~~s 1471TW bb 4- LOT 12 ,BL OCI~_I BLAcKHAWK LEN 2%PD A DDW. DAkorA CWAlry MINNESVrA 1 hrrrhy rerMy 111x1 11111 lttrvey• Plan nr rrllmt wxt nrr'pnrrrl by me nr rmtlrt my rlitrrt ~ut.rrvl:imr nn thll I mn ~InIV "r•gktr•rrrl I and Surwy r smilov the lxwt nl the STele nl Mlnnetnte, Dxterl thit.~ 3 ' rley n1 _-_,d'^ rQ ` `1 n,h. 19 9~4so Scale :1 ' ~,40 t1r,t,ft,t t, S~V1r tt 1 . t1Yr: ttrl 11 f 4 S _ CITY OF EAGAN EXTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE 'U' COMPUTATION OWNER: L_O Sfe-4-r" , Patti /M 2rgard:, - SITE ADDRESS: / ~P~ I u G~L ILI~T.(//L L- G~-" 77.~ I' ~GL 9 fn CONTRACTOR: MG,4/1/S1tCr eon- l1-1 DATE: 112319y PHONE: L~g-7 Q S'Z 3 ~5/-- 8070 Determine workings square footage of each: 1. Total exposed wall area ► oaf sq. ft. x .11 = 1 2. Total roof/ceiling area sq.:ft. X' '6026 Total exposed wall area above floor `l a. Total wall window area .•••............,r......•.... 5 35 b. Total door area S 2. EsC~ c. Total sliding glass area d. Total fireplace wall area e. Total wall framing area (average 10%) s 7 C,7 f. Total net wall area above floor (Q 9-71 Total rim joist area a 1 Total exposed foundation area L) k' he Total foundation window area i. Total net foundation area above grade.............., f S Determine 'U' value of each wall segment: a. 5 3~.` 3 x ' u' be S a l e x' U' = f Z . c. 2 9 a d'l Go x' U' 11>zl I o y do x ' U' e. . y~ 61 ~ x 'u, f. 2(0,2__-) f~aT- x tut g. 1 x'U' c~2 = IO,aa he x 'U' 3. Total Sol 191.S If item #3 is the same as or less than item #1, you have met,the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. F; Total exposed roof/ceiling area 3. Total skylight area k. Total roof/ceiling framing area 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area************.** 0, OVER Determine gut value for each roof/ceiling segment: X 'ut k. QL X tug 1. ~~~afJ• 3 X gut .tea _ a~•~~ 4. Total If total of #4 is the same as or less than #2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(01. Alternate Building Envelope Design To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of Items #3 and #4 shall not be greater than the sum of items #1 and #2. 1. ~C) (~G• + 2. ~L/a,13g 3.+ 4. 3l L/o. :r 2 i SINGLE & DOUBLE FAMILY HOMES 1984 ENERGY CODE REQUIREMENTS q On or about March 1, 1984, the following energy code requirements should be calculated and included with a building permit application. 1. Roof - ceiling assemblies -,R-38 U = 0.025 Average 2. Exterior walls & rim joists - R-20 U =0.11 Average 3. Floors over unheated spaces - R-20 U = 0.05 Average 4. Exterior overhangs will be considered as exterior wall. 5. Foundations (all exterior walls) - Minimum of R-5 insulation. 6. All insulated areas must be separated,fromithe heated space by a well-lapped or sealed vapor barrier with a minimum perm rating of 0.1. A 4 mil. polyethlene sheet or equivalent meets this requirement. A Kraft face R-19 type insulation will be accepted in the rim joist areas. Air chute.baffles are to be placed in every rafter space.. GUIOELIIIE TO (R) FACTORS rP011 A;MRAC MANUAL OF TYPICALLY USED PRODUCTS - Interior Air Film (Nails) (R) Exterior Air D. G8 Gypsum or plaster board 3/8" 0.2 Film (halls 3 ) 0.17 Gypsum or plaster board Interior Air I/2.. 0. Film (Vented Ceiling) 45 Exterior Air Film (Vented Ceiling) 0.61 Gypsum or plaster board 5/0" 0.56 Interior Air Filn (ttcn Vented) q} 00.61 Plywood 3/8" .61 Plywood 1/2" 0.47 Exterior Air Film (ilon Vented) 0.17 Plywood 3/4" 0.62 0.93 Aluminum Siding Sheathing, reg. density 1/2" 1.32 0.61 Sheathing, re g, density 25/32" 2.06 Aluminum with Backer 1.82 Nail-base sheathing 1/2" 1.14 Aluminum with Backer 6 Foiled 2.96 s 1/2 x 8 Lap Sidinn (Wood) 0.81 Built-up Roofs 0.33 7/16 x 12 hardboard Siding 0.67 Asbestos-cement shingits 0.21 Asbestos Sidings 1/4 Lapped 0.21 Asphalt roll roofing 0.15 Stucco (Orc",n and Finish Coat) Aspahit Shingles 0.44 3/4" Hood Subfloor or Sheathing 0.94 Insulation: 2-2 3/4" Fiberglass 7.00 1/2" Plywood .brathinq 0.62 Insulation: 3 1/2" Fiberglass IF.OO 1/2" Particle br-rd 0.66 Insulation: 6" Fiberglass 19.00 WOODS: BLOWING WOOLS fir, pine t similar soft Woods 1 1/2" 1.89 Approx. 3" 'I 9.00 2 1/2" 3.12 Approx. 4 1/2" 13.00 3 1/2" 4.35 Approx. 6 1/4" 19.00 5 1/2" 6:87 Approx. 7 1/4 24.00 ::'t"` Approx. 14" 30.00 Approx. 18" 40.00 - All other insulation materials must be Filled verified (R Factor) (R) Vermiculite . 8" Concrete Block (S L G Reg.) 1.11 1.93 12" Concrete Block (S 6 G Reg.) 1.28 3.15 _ 8" Light Weight 2.18 5.03 12" Light A.eight 2.48 5.82 veerrnl!eeaeaAai4ea,~,saaeea~tre • NOTE: (ti) x Area Square Feet All Windows (w/Stores 1" to 4" Space) ,56 Removal Double Glazing (ROG) •55 Thermo or welded 3/16" air space .69 1/4" air space .65 1/2" air space .58 (Other windows specifically tested can use better ratings) 1 3/4 Solid core door .46 w/storm, wood ,31 w/storm, metal .26 Pease SteeiDoor Insl/tl/OL 7.45R .13 Sliding Glass Door, Wood .65 - Metal .715 MINII` MH "U" VALUE AND R-FACTOR AT ROOF, WALL, RIM tuND CONCRETE BLOCK: I Fide insulation baffles in every j ter space. Koop CEILING Its Et o P~ VAS ~ O T 1 R All FJU 6 o sus' ~v6- Cl :3 AIP FILM . (STILL 11Z ° oz 5' TOTAL fz 8 z WALL • Q tN T~PIo(' Cn~ VA U_ . w AtfZ _ FILM ' 9 Q X12 ` G`(P•' _BD . S' ~.~7 2 a INSULATtoN SizJr l • o 9Gb t~ ti I~tA ~N4Tc. StDt~(x : g l I to ~~~t'``'►.9 ''ll EX:=i lot= Htz F1Lt"~ .1'7 • • • tl ~ ? V= cam . •llr TOTAL tR~ • ` i2 ►L ItIT I'loP, LC • i3 51~i ` ~NsUc.ATtct~ ~,•g : o=c, ~l, tic G .2 Fitz- tZtt-'t %IjatsT : j , g 0 • ~ ~ ~'1~~'?r'ITE sto~r+G , g ~ • ~x~[•ctZlD1Z . AM FILM r ~ ~DAIOO •U~~ tN Eta IZ A►rz F • ; ~ ~ ~ Is © I 111-1 I -a 4 203 Al r _ - t•-"1`-.~ i 1~~~1 ~I a Df, t AN • - ~~i yc `C~`•t~jL . f 11R FILM h; n. It UN t - tZ ` To1p~ Floors over unheated spaces must have mininu.-a R-factor of R-20 (tuck-under garages). Floors over outdoor air (overhangs) Must have a nininum R-factor • of R-33. . 1l STATE OF MINNESOTA SHEET NO. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION - - BRIDGE NO. w~ DESIGN COMPUTATIONS jMADE BY 1 G ~~61 "~G.M- L.ll t CHKG. BYt D. h l~ i G 3 g DESIGN OF T DATE r s'~~ ~p 41- . 4o 2 GoN i /Aj Lt 0(A_'; ! 6p &7 ~ S'G'o4INC=~'~t c_ -t- LnNg ; 39 250 LL~S ! ,~rr'~4 ~us.r<-'~e ~i 14 i oa «rL 'I ,_j r, Y ,.c PAUL W. LOSTETFER State Aid Bridge Plans Engineer ,i ~traactiaxes i ~aticn Building (ol~ Ireland Blvd. II,,i Work 612-296-318, FAX 612-297-2070 ALLOWABLE LI VE LOAD FOR 12 SPANCRETE (LI TE) 4'-0" WIDE SECTION----NO TOPPING----I" STRAND COVER MMENT PACITY 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24125 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34135 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 SERIES CA 1.0-L-12510 111.8 518,t47 388 339 297 262 231205 181 161 143 127 113 101 89 79 1.0-L-12608 122.6 - 496 32 378 332 293 260 231 205 183 164 146 131 117 104 93 83 - - 1.0-L-12610 151.8 84 128 379 338 302 270.43 219 197 178 161 145 131 119 107 97 87 1.0-L-12708 162.6 523 463 411 367 328.94 265 239 216 195 177 160 145 132 120 108 98 89 80 1.0-L-12710 199.7 4914.49 412 377 341 309 280 255 232 212 194 177 162 148 136 125 114 104 95 87 80 - 1.0-L-12808 211.1 - 4 60 4 22.388 359 330 300 2-73 ?-50 228 209 191 175 161 148 135 124 114 105 96 88 80 l.0-L-12810 257.3 431 397 368 34-2 318 -97 278 Z42 7.22 .04 188 173 160 147 136 125 115 106 98 90 83 r ALLOWABLE LI VE LOAD FOR 12 SPANCRETE (LI TE) 4'-0" WIDE SECTION----2" STRUCTURAL TOPPING----I" STRAND COVER 1 MOMENT $ SEPIES cnmclTY 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34135 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 _ 1.0-L-125101- 130.7 513 14 4 387 338 297 261 230 203 179 158 140 123 108 95 83 1.0 - L -12608 T 14 2.9 194 431 378 333 293 260 230 04 181 161 143 127 112 99 87 1.0-L-126101 175.4 184 428 380 339 302 271 :42 218 195 175 158 142 127 114 102 91 81 i.0-L-127081- 187.6 - - - - U4 64 413 368 329 295 265 239 215 194 175 157 142 128 115 103 92 82 1.0-L-12'710-l' 228.9 -496 469 4213_80 43 311 282 256 232 211 192 175 159 145 132 120 109 99 89 80 J~ 1.0-L -128031 24 13 4 69 14 4 406 367 333 302 275 250.228 208 190 173 158 144 132 120 109 99 90 81 1.0-L- 12810T 293.7 4 22 402 383 365 49 323 296 272 250122912111194.179 165 151 117 lU6 95 85 1 rti W 1 N~ d LoST►F 4T I 2 s r * PRESTRESSED MEMBER DESIGN a~* garage M1 CONCRETE PROPERTIES PRECAST PART COMP.TOPPING DENSITY (PCF) - 149 150 AT 28 DAYS: F' C (KS I) - 5. 000 3. 000 EC: (KS I) - 4244 2320 AT RELEASE: AGE(DAYS) = 1 F 4 C: I 0-:.S I) - 3.500 EC I (KS I) - 3550 ACCELERATED CURE SECTION DATA COMPOSITE SECTION: PRECAST TOPPING COMPOS. TRANS. TOP WIDTH (IN.) _ 48 . oOO 48.0o0 48. OoO J STEM WIDTH (IN.) - 1E,. C)00 BOTTOM WIDTH(IN.) = 48.E:x:0 TOTAL HE I GHT (I N = 12. 000 2. 000 14. 000 _ TOP FLG.THK.(IN.) = 1.625 BOT.FLG.THK.(IN.) = 1.375 AREA (IN.2) - 313.4 96.0 409.4 338.5 A MOM.OF INERT.(IN4.)w 3231 8615 8019 Y OF C. G. (IN.) - 6.246 7.e29 7.551 SELF WEIGHT(K/FT) = 0.324 0.100 0.44 VOL. /SUR'FAC:E RATIO= 1. 76' AGE AT CASTING TOPPING 29 DAYS ~ I P5: ~ , PPfu~ 29 SPAN AND LOAD DATA L(_ - so (FOOT AND f::IF' UNITS) LENGTH = 27.5 , LEFT END/MEMBER TO RIGHT END/MEMBER 27.5 EFFECTIVE SUPERIMPOSED LOADS: SCE I~Sf k ~fvGC~ UNIFORM DL LL Xi X2 .0001 .2 t:) 27.5 AGE AT APPLYING SUPERIMPOSED DL(DAYS) = 35 WORKING LOAD: (INCL. SELF-WT.) DEAD LOAD FULL LOAD t S`(~ x 4 27,s po 0 REACTION: LEFT = -4-5.835 +8.585 RIGHT = 4.5.835 +8.585 MAX. POS. MOM. +40.117 +59.023 LOCATED AT X = +13.74' +13.750 ,a REDID. ULT. MOM. = +88.304 K~ PRESTRESS STRAND DATA USE . 8-- 1-/2-INC:H - 250--K STRANDS STRAIGHT PROFILE -.CJ..•:`lf N_•f't iJ h.~1 -:.1 `[F".HIVLO 11JC' 0 0 STRAIGHT PROFILE Lk, b~, LOCATION OF STRANDS FROM BOTTOM (IN.): z oC ~ LEFT END: 8 @ 1.25 s RIGHT END: SAME 23 INITIAL PRESTRESS = .65 TIMES ULTIMATE TOTAL ULT. STRENGTH = 288 KIPS LOCATION OF C.G7.S.: FROM LEFT SUPT.(FT.) FROM BOT. (IN. ) 0.000 1.250 7. 500 1. 250 STRESSES (F:SI) LEFT FIGHT IN SPAN TRANS. PT TRANS. PT (X-=13.75) INITIAL: TOP/P. C. -0.274 -0.274 +0.011 BOTTOM +1.417 +1.417 +1.12:' F FINAL: (X=13.75) SELF-WT. ONLY--TOP/P. G:. -0.163 -0.163 .4-0.2o5 BOTTOM +1.079 +1.079 +0.713 FULL DL--_------TOP/TPG. +0. 000 •4-0. 0Q0 +o.000 TOP/P. C:. -0. 163 -0. 163 +0.205 BOTTOM +1 . 079 +1 . 079 +0, 713 FULL DL+LL------TOP/TF'ia. +0.039 +0.039 +0.142 TOP/P. C. --0. 128 -0. 12:8 +0.331 BOTTOM +1.019 +1.019 +0.499 PR. LOSS RATIO: INITIAL o.101 o.101 0. t_i89 FINAL 0.276 0.276 0.249 ALLOW.STRESSES: INITIAL =+2.1()()(COMPR. );-(").354(TENS. ) FINAL =+1.350(C:OMPR. ),TOP/TPG. •4-2.250 (COMPR. -0. 848(T),P.C. ULT. MOMENT r Mu REDUIRED (FT. E':.) = 88.3 Mgt PROVIDED - 241.3 AT 13.750 FT. FROM LEFT SUPT. STR. DEVEL . LENGTH (FT = 6.617 (SEC 12.9, AC -,I 318-83) O. k; . SINCE CAPACITY IS : 2.o TIMES Mu NORMALLY P,EG•ti" D . DEFLECTIONS (INCHES) LONG-TIME REFL. FACTOR = 2 AT RELEASE: t: 1 DAYS) 0.394 UP SELF-WEIGHT: [8 DAYS) 0.534 UP WITH SUPERIMP.DL: t 35 DAYS) IMMEDIATE 0. 497 UP LONG;-TIME 0.658 UP 07S ~/2'x 12 /43 20 INCREMENT DUE TO FULL LL: IMMEDIATE 0.075 DOWN LONG-TIME 0.245 DOWN 05 T- E _T ) E4 NOTES FLOOR DIAPHRAGM FLOOR JOIST TO 13E NAILED FOR BY OTHERS 1. MAXIMUM WALL LENGTH DIAPHRAGM SHEAR, WITHOUT A CONTROL <CAUSED BY FIORIZ. JOINT = 50'-0" SHEAR "V") TO BE , C. FLOUR SYSTEM AND FLOUR DE T 'ERMINED BY SLAB TO BE IN PLACE OR U rHERS. WALL BRACED BEFORE 2 x 6 TREATED f:J BACKFILLING. d SIMPSON A34 WOOD PLATE W/ ANCHOR W/4 3. SPECIAL REVIEW REQ. FOR MIN (2) A.B. WITH 8D NAILS HIGHER WALLS. ONE WITHIN 12", ^ EACH LEG MATERIALS EACH END NS. & F.S. OF JOIST 1/2 " 0 x 15" A.B. 1 CONCRETE.' 3000 PSI 2 28 DAYS W/<1) NUT & WASHER 16 O.C. AGGREGATE'. FTG - 11/2" MAX R_ 32" O.C. OR SIMPSON WALLS - 3/4 " MAX MA6 ANCHOR 2 32" O.C. REINFORCING.' ASTM A615 GRADE 60 SOIL: GRANULAR LIGHTCLAY EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE (Ytq) = 35 PCF HEAVYCLAY - y EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE SLOPE - <Ycq) = 45 PCF GRADE AWAY _ FROM FDN. !II,_T II H = 8'-0" HIGH WALL VERT. (N) 8 8 10 10 STEEL. W ( ) 95 45 35 45 <3) - #4 HORIZ. VER SILT , NONE #4216 NONE NONE _ V 373 373 373 373 ` <PLF) ' t/2 t/2 s t H = 9'-0" HIGH WALL CLR 8 8 10 -10_ FLOOR% <IN) SLAB ' (W) ) 35 45 35 45 3 VP- ' STL. R #41216 #41212 NONE #4e16 g" x 16" FTG <i1IN> ° E V FTG TO BE SIZED O <PLF> 473 473 473 473 BASED ON SOIL L DRAIN CONDITIONS 2 EACH SITE TILE & DETERMINED BY OTHERS WALL SECTION 1-22 1 23 Y t, k, k t+ Y k, k d x x T W SHAPES W SHAPES d x x T ~ rW Dimensions Properties t, k Y k br ~ ~bf =•l I Web Flange Distance I Nom- Compact Section Plastic final Crrteria Elastic Properties Modulus Desig- Area Depth Thickness t, Width Thickness T k k, Wt• b, d rT d Axis X -X Axis Y Y nation A d tW 2 b, t, per 2t f,' t fyA ZX Zy Ft + W + 1 S r I S r In.2 In. In. In. In. In. In. In. In. Lb. Ksi Ksi In. In.4 In.3 In. In.4 In.3 In. In.3 In.3 i W 18x°3118 91.5 22.32 224 1.520 112 005 12 1 `2.740 234 15/2 31/1A 1? e ` i j 311 2.2 ~ - 14.7 - i 3;26 0.68 6960 624 795 132 2.95 1 753 207 x>283183.2 21.85 21' e 1.400 1 "a 11.890 11 2-500 /z 151/2 33'16 t -""8 1 283 2:4 - 15.6 - 3.23 0.74 6160 564 8.61 704 118 2.91 676 185 -'2581 75.9 21.45 21'.4 280 1'., 11.770 11',. 2.300 2 X15: 3 1',8 258 2,6 - 168 - 3,19` 0.79 $510 514 8.53 628 107 2.88 611 166 234' 68.8 21.06 21 1160 1 5,5 11.650 11 a 2.110 2'', 5 2'. 1 234 ~ 2,8 - i 18,2 - 3.16 4.86 4900 466 ~ 8.44 i 558 95.8 2.85 549 149 211 62.1 20.67 2TA 1060 11i,6 ~;h E 11.555 j 11", 1.910 1 1b 2°;, 1 211 30 - 19.5 - 3.13 0.94 4330 419 8 35 i 493 185.3 2.82 490 132 192 56.4 2035 .20'6 j 0,960 'i1 11,455 i 11, 1.750 ti,. 15 211, 192 3.3 - 21 2 3.10- 1.02 3870 380 8.28 441 76.8 2.79 442 119 .175 51.3 2004 .20 0 890 11.375 11 a 1.590 1a,o 15 2;S 175 3.6 - 22 5 3.07 1,11 3450 344 8,20 391 68 8 2,76 398 106 .158 46.3 1972 .19"', i 0810 11-300 1 ir4 1.410 1'ii6 15/2 2'/e 158 3.9 - 24.3 - 3.05 1.21 3060 310 8.12 347 61.4 2.74 356 94.8 1,143 42.1 19.49 19 72 0. r 30 i4 •2e 11.220 111/4 1.320 1 Yie 15'/2 2 pie 143 4.2 - 26.7 - 3.03 1.32 2750 282 8.09 311 55.5 2.72 322 85.4 x 130 38.2 19.25 19'/4 0.670 "A 6 3/e 11.160 111/6 1.200 13/16 15/2 1 % 13/10 130 4.6 - 28.7 - 3.01 1.44 2460 256 8.03 278 49.9 2.70 291 7617 W 18x119 35.1 18.97 19 0.655 5/e 5/ie 11.265 11'/4 1.060 1'/is 15'/2 13/4 15/16 119 5.3 - 29.0 - 3.02 1.59 2190 231 7.90 253 44.9 2.69 261 69.1 x106 31.1 18.73 183/4 0.590 °/,e 5/,e 11.200 11'h 0.940 5/,s 15'/2 15/e 5/ie 106 6.0 - 31.7 - 3.00 1.78 1910 204 7.84 220 39.4 2.66 230 60.5 Q x 97 28.5 18.59 185/6 0.535 9/1s 5/,e 11.145 11'/6 0.870 % 15'/2 18/18 '/e 97 6.4 - 34.7 54.7 2.99 1.92 1750 188 7.82 201 36.1 2.65 211 55.3 XA r' x 86 25.3 18.39 183/6 0.480 1/2 Y4 11.090 11'/8 0.770 3/4 15/2 17/le 7/e 86 7.2 - 38.3 45.0 2.97 2.15 1530 166 7.77 175 31.6 2.63 186 48.4 x 76 22.3 18.21 181/4 0.425 7/is '/4 11.035 11 0.680 "As 15'/2 13/6 13/16 76 8.1 64.2 42.8 36.0 2.95 2.43 1330 146 7.73 152 27.6 2.61 163 42.2 s1 W 18x 71 20.8 18.47 18'/2 0.495 1/2 '/4 7.635 7% 0.810 13/16 151/2 1'/z '/e 71 4.7 - 37.3 47.4 1.98 2.99 1170 127 7.50 60.3 15.8 1.70 145 24.7 x 65 19.1 18.35 183/6 0.450 Me 1/4 7.590 75/a 0.750 3/4 151/2 1''/16 7/e 65 5.1 - 40.8 39.7 1.97 3.22 1070 117 7.49 54.8 14.4 1.69 133 22.5 x 60 17.6 18.24 181/4 0.415 Me 1/4 7.555 T/2 0.695 "/,6 15'/2 13/8 t3/1e 60 5.4 - 44.0 34.2 1.96 3.47 984 108 7.47 50.1 13.3 1.69 123 20.6 x 55 16.2 18.11 181/4 0.390 3/e 3/16 7,530 7'/2 0.630 5/e 15/2 18/,6 t3/,e 55 6.0 - 46.4 30.6 1.95 3.82 890 98.3 7.41 44.9 11.9 1.67 112 18.5 x 50 14.7 17.99 18 0.355 3/6 3/1e 7.495 71/2 0.570 'A6 15/2 1'/4 13/,6 50 6.6 - 50.7 25.7 1.94 4.21 800 88.9 7.38 40.1 10.7 1.65 101 16.6 ? W 18x 46 13.5 18.06 18 0.360 3/e 3/1e 6.060 6 0.605 5/e 151/2 11/4 13/ie 46 5.0 - 50.2 26.2 1.54 4.93 712 78.8 7.25 22.5 7.43 1.29 90.7 11.7 ( I'i x 40 11.8 17.90 177/6 0.315 5/16 3/16 6.015 6 0.525 1/2 151/2 13/,6 13/18 40 5.7 - 56.8 20.5 1.52 5.67 612 68.4 7.21 19.1 6.35 1.27 78.4 9.95 3 Vi 3 3 x 35 10.3 17.70 17/4 0.300 s /i6 6.000 6 0,425 7/i e 151/2 11/e /4 35 7.1 - 59.0 19.0 1.49 6.94 510 57.6 7.04 15.3 5.12 1.22 66.5 8.06 b' W 16x100 29.4 16.97 17 0.585 8/16 5/16 10.425 103/6 0.985 1 135/6 1"A6 15/16 100 5.3 - 29.0 - 2.81 1.65 1490 175 7.10 186 35.7 2.51 198 54.9 x 89 26.2 16.75 163/4 0.525 1/2 1/4 10.365 103/6 0.875 7/e 135/6 18/ie 7/6 89 5.9 - 31.9 64.9 2.79 1.85 1300 155 7.05 163 31.4 2.49 175 48.1 x 77 22.6 16.52 16'/2 0.455 7/1e '/4 10.295 10'/4 0.760 3/4 135/8 17/16 '/e 77 6.8 - 36.3 50.1 2.77 2.11 1110 134 7.00 138 26.9 2.47 150 41.1 x 67 19.7 16.33 16% 0.395 3/8 3/16 10.235 10'/4 0.665 "/,6 135/a 13/6 73/16 67 7.7 - 41.3 38.6 2.75 2.40 954 117 6.96 119 23.2 2.46 130 35.5 j W 16x 57 16.8 16.43 163/6 0.430 7/16 1/4 7.120 7'/e 0,715 "A6 13% 13/6 '/e 57 5.0 - 38.2 45.2 1.86 3.23 758 92.2 6.72 43.1 12.1 1.60 105 18.9 x 50 14.7 16.26 16'/4 0.380 378 3/16 7.070 7'/s 0.630 576 13% is/16 13/1a 50 5.6 - 42.8 36.1 1.84 3.65 659 81.0 6.68 37.2 10.5 1.59 92.0 16.3 x 45 13.3 16.13 161/6 0.345 378 3/18 7.035 7 0.565 8/16 13% 1'/4 13/16 45 6.2 - 46.8 30.2 1.83 4.06 586 72.7 6.65 32.8 9.34 1.57 82.3 14.5 ~ x 40 11.8 16.01 16 0.305 571a 3/16 6.995 7 0.505 '/2 13% 13/18 13/1a 40 6.9 - 52.5 24.0 1.82 4.53 518 64.7 6.63 28.9 8.25 1.57 72.9 12.7 x 36 10.6 15.86 15% 0.295 5/16 3/18 6.985 7 0.430 7A6 13% 1Ye 3/4 I 36 8.1 64.0 53.8 22.9 1.79 5.28 448 56.5 6.51 24.5 7.00 1.52 64.0 10.8 N I aFor application refer to Notes in Table 2. W Shapes in shaded rows are not available from domestic producers. I AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION -n i 2.63• 2-62 = Fy = 36 ksi BEAMS r y 36 ksi BEAMS W 16 W 16 W Shapes W Shapes Allowable uniform loads in kips Allowable uniform loads in kips for beams laterally supported for beams laterally supported For beams laterally unsupported, see page 2-146 For beams laterally unsupported, see page 2-146 W Designation W 16 Designation W 16 16 40 36 31 26 Deflection Wt./ft 100 89 77 67 Wt./ft 57 50 45 Flange Width 1 103/e 10Y, 10Y, In Deflection Flange Width 7 s 7 7 7 51/2 51/2 In. 111.0 .0 10.9 10.9 10.8 7.50 7.50 7.40 7.40 7.40 5.10 5 6.00 1 ~u 28.1 25.0 21.9 19,3 14.3 12.7 11.4 10.2 8.80 126 113 .04 9 286 253 216 5 125 101 .06 10 277 246 212 1185 5 8 .12 6 135 11 252 223 193 168 .1 7 203 178 160 141 128 107 87 .08 12 231 205 177 154 ,1 .19 5 9 8 183 160 144 128 112 93 76 .10 Al 68 •12 r-~ 13 213 189 143 ..22 26 9 162 143 128 114 99 .15 G 14 198 163 175 152 132 10 146 128 115 102 75 61 89 15 185 164 142 124 30 11 133 117 105 93 81 68 55 ..19 16 173 153 133 116 •35 .39 12 122 107 96 85 75 62 51 .22 26 17 163 144 125 109 13 112 99 89 79 69 58 47 .30 r 14 104 92 82 73 64 53 43 39 T 18 154 136 118 .44 19 146 103 .50 129 112 98 16 97 86 77 68 64 60 56 50 47 41 38 20 139 123 106 •55 16 91 80 72 .44 t T►' 93 ,61 44 36 21 132 117 101 88 .68 5Y17 17 86 75 68 60 53 22 126 18 81 71 64 57 50 42 34 .66 23 121 1107 gg 2 1 84 .74 19 77 68 61 54 47 39 32 92 81 .81 20 73 64 58 51 45 37 30 .68 Y ai 24 116 102 88 77 .88 a 21 70 61 55 49 43 36 29 LT 25 10 98 85 74 .96 Y LL 22 66 58 52 47 41 34 28 .74 M c 26 107 94 82 71 c 45 39 33 26 .81 23 63 56 50 1.04 .88 v' ra 308 92 82 88 76 66 1.20 `II Co 24 61 53 48 43 37 30 24 .96 71 62 1.38 u° cn 25 58 51 46 41 36 1.04 32 87 77 66 58 1.57 26 56 49 44 39 34 29 23 34 82 72 62 55 1.78 27 54 48 43 38 33 28 23 1.12 36 77 68 59 51 1.99 28 52 46 41 37 32 27 22 1.20 X 38 73 65, 56 49 2.22 29 50 44 40 35 31 26 21 11.29 .38 /v 40 69 61 53 46 2.46 30 49 43 38 34 30 25 20 1.48 31 47 41 37 33 29 24 20 1.57 32 46 40 36 32 28 23 19 1.67 33 44 39 35 31 27 23 18 1.78 1(R/7 34 43 38 34 30 26 22 18 ' 35 42 37 33 29 26 21 17 1 1.88 99 1 36 41 36 32 28 25 21 17 ro ,T 37 39 35 31 28 24 20 16 2.22 38 36 34 30 27 24 20 16 ! 39 37 33 30 26 23 19 1 2.34 40 37 32 29 26 22 19 15 5 2.46 Properties and Reaction Values Properties and Reaction Values S., in.3 175 155 134 117 3 92.2 81.0 72.7 64.7 56.5 47.2 38.4 For V kips 143 127 108 93 For S,, in. 102 89 80 70 67 63 56 R, kips 58.6 48.7 38.9 32.3 explanation R, kips 35.1 29.6 25.6 21.5 19.7 18.4 15.8 explanation R2 kipslin. 13.9 of deflection, 12.5 10.8 9.39 of deflection, R2 kipslin. 10.2 9.03 8.20 7.25 7.01 6.53 5.94 see page 2 32 R3 kips 90.6 72.6 54.6 48.6 37.9 31.1 24.4 21.4 19.5 15.0 R4 kips/in. 7.33 6.04 41.3 see page 2-32 R3kips 4.59 R4 kips/in. 3.14 49 3.28 41.76 32.15 29.30 216 82 21.77 R kips 107 3.47 R kips 6 92 71 53 load above heavy line is limited by maximum allowahle weh she ar I oad above heavy line is limited by maximum allowable web shear. ALLOWABLE MOMENT (1.0 kip-ft. increments) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N W O O i N N w Co ? A Cn Cn 0) Of V V Co CAD (D (D O O (n O Cn O Cn O (n O Cn O CA O (n O 01 O (P O (n O N... :Ego F...~ i........ . rn .}...a I?..+..ro' A+.. w.+IN..+....+IA..+..Q x I~+....+... . +I Im.....~ ;m...in;.l.. Co in...m;.Im........I m..... m... - F...I......... D (O) ;o v A 0 W v N v N N I;n , N A. • . r I - J Ix xbZ I . I Z9xbzm• . 1. I. M..I .....Iv......... m....lm....i:...:... Q ao N. AB':gJM. I... S9.BiM I' tlj~.p~• I .It% lv;~ I T. jP +X I I.........~Z xg2Pt N~ I ?9x .l ZM . I I F---'- . £L . I % ZM_• '.......1 - I..........N..................I.... a C 89rti X CI I. r. I+....+ nxmi ~I Co ~ . . . . . 19x9 I M. +l +89 bZM+ Cc z Lti~j..:,~.,.......::j. ~.......~.........m...... m F- j , 6Bx91M z > N II+Z3ztZMi.+..E.+1..:+::..+~....+•... +I...+....+....+ z Im - ► . C y r ry 6LxZ I M: . . f- . . . i. . . . F . . g9xb2K ......1~...... ~ . I I o t A .+....~....+....+.I...+:... +..r~+....+....+I.. 1 ( z o Z BgxIZM.......... rT I.. £LxiZM.......... LxbZM I _ .y•r~ y n 1 59 x8 y r....... .I..~._ J r-.. 66xbIM U. .I.....~f • .I ......£ax1 ZM.... Q+ ....+...Bx+ZM 1...'+....+....+ IT z ..~r.:+l....+.. I Ix........im........ .........I.I . r......... ................7 ..Ix rci r ~.I........ IIm....... 9L%bZM.... _ _ r 1m.. Io U .....~v ~~,•r•+I'r7v~.'.}....}.~f,+'........... .~~..I O C) N ....I. .yJ<r. +I .lv + Z O . . ..+J .~`...I...... .K • ~6x~'<'.M+.. ~t r 0 9xg1M C" i~ r- _ g9xbZM M j0 . bBxLZK T _ . I r g6xbi:M N r. ~£Bx\ y.... i. 9Lx8\ i. r. • • - . f II v N _ T.... _ . Bx8 N + i y. .........I' I. tigXLZM „~6x\ZM. b6xbZM~ : ` ~ 6xLZM~~.....,~ p6xOfM• T y. ~~y _ _ : • zp~M . CA) t~.66; . £0\xbzM. N LLx9\M.. I........ - b6 . 06k$£M J.... ' 0) +....+.I...+i~ ..y _ 66x0~M • j-.! . 1 ~ ~ _ ...,t •801x0£M-, T, C.0 N 1 y ggxg \ N`:....- . y Z 6g LZ ! I .6x6 \ M x9 _ Co renwwrw`r~rw~ ALLOWABLE MOMENT (1.0 kip-ft. 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TOTAL NEW CO;NST REPAIR/ADD ON 15.00 5 ADD ON SHOWER 3.00 REPAIR WATER CLOSET 3.00 BATH TUB 3.00 LAVATORY 3.00 45- -OWNER :NAME : 2 5 S A Af LI-` KITCHEN SINK 3.00 / ~ LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 (o SITE ADDRESS: ` /.r~~iLGlG/fQ ~UlC ~16~1 l~~'c v-e-- HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 _,2, WATER HEATER 3.00 (e FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 to _ _4 0 e- G 162 GAS PIPING OUT. ( (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 INSTALLER:\) g ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 1,50 ADDRESS: yS~' L X ~7 ! OTHER _ WATER SOFTENER 5.00 CITY:_ ZIP: PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 _ U.G. SPRINKLER 3.00 PHONE W. TURNAROUND 15.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 /l ATURE 0 PERMITTEE TOTAL: COMMERCIAL PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH.DWELLING UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION: OWNER NAME: CONTRACT PRICE: SITE ADDRESS: 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR TENANT NAME: EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. SUITE $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. INSTALLER: CONTRACT PRICE x 1% $ ADDRESS: STATE SURCHARGE $ CITY: ZIP: TOTAL: $ PHONE FOR: (SIGNATURE) CITY OF EAGAN CITY OF EAGAN FOR CITY USE ONLY SOc~~s" 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PERMIT # PHONE: (612) 454-8100 RECEIPT # 2 HNCA;>'R DATE : RD;.''AI 1 PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION FEES NEW CONST ADD-ON MINIMUM $1S.00 ADD ON HVAC 0-100 M BTU .00 REPAIR ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OWNER NAME : iCL4 O's e. OF 1 PER PERMIT 00 SITE ADDRESS : . 6 Gt /G~C / ~ SUBTOTAL: &~nJ Ie_ STATE SURCHARGE: LOT: BLOCK SUBD. _ TOTAL: Si4~ ,df INSTALLER: Li~Z S ADDRESS : 124 Savage, MN 5537f3-jj22 _A 81 Rhode Island Ave. S0. S ATURE F PERMITTEE 894-000r ~,s 11 ~~e-rv via cep CITY: ZIP : ('5-es~ Off- CJ 4- C-a i-r7 e, PHONE P0#~tRCIAL/INDUSTRIAL: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. CONTRACT PRICE: FEES OWNER NAME: It OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE - $.50 FOR SITE ADDRESS: EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED PIPING - $25.00 LOT: BLOCK SUBD. $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. INSTALLER: CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ ADDRESS: STATE SURCHARGE $ CITY: ZIP: TOTAL: $ PHONE (SIGNATURE) FOR: CITY OF EAGAN dad coNsERvATIDN EASEMENT THIS INSTR ENT is made this -I day of r 1988, by and between SIENNA CORPORATION, a Minnesota corporation ("Grantor"), and the CITY OF EAGAN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Grantee"). The Grantor, for good and valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the Grantee a permanent conservation easement, as that term is defined in this instrument, over, under and across the premises described in the attached Exhibit "A" ("Subject Property"). 1. Grantor, for itself, its heirs, successors and assigns, agrees that the following are prohibited, without prior written consent of the Grantee, on the Subject Property: A. Constructing, installing, storing or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to buildings, structures, fences, walkways, clothes line poles, and playground equipment. B. Parking of recreational vehicles. C. Vegetable gardens. D. Storage of firewood. E. Clear-cutting or removal of native vegetation. 2. Grantor, its heirs, successors and assigns, may establish and maintain a lawn in the conservation easement area, as well as other plant material which is approved in advance in writing by the Director of the Eagan Park Department. 3. Grantor, for itself, its heirs, successors and assigns, further grants the Grantee the right, after giving the owner or occupant reasonable notice, to enter upon the Subject Property at any time to enforce compliance with the terms of this instrument. 4. This Easement is supplementary to the platted drainage and utility easement and does not supercede or replace it. GRANTOR: SIENNA CORPORAT ON, a Minnesota corpotatio Sy G Tohn Hankinson, Vice President GRANTEE: CITY OF PAGAN 8 y its ,Mayor t i by It City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" An easement for conservation purposes over, under and across the southerly 25.00 feet of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block 1, Blackhawk Glen 3rd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. ALSO: That part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, said Blackhawk Glen 3rd Addition lying southerly and westerly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of the above described southerly 25.00 feet and the southeasterly line of said Lot 9; thence North 79 degrees 45 minutes 33 seconds West, said southeasterly line has an assumed bearing of North 41 degrees 23 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 177.71 feet; thence North 29 degrees 23 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 91.49 feet; thence North 26 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 141.42 feet to the northwesterly line of said Lot 8 and there terminating. xrR. , F 77m 7 \V $ t JIL Ors ,w O ^pp tat !l , i{fi G,l'>G,PJ-• i• •'''rrt'~ 4 ttt~f • ~ 'R :1 e~ M"•-e 'i! ~7 tom' t : f'PLEjrf".,s- °w 't~ .{1.• 2 OUT L 0 T t+'+Ep CONSERVATLON EASE NT a PR 1 ^k Nea'aJ'JJ'r / sCL<tart a<LOrf ~ae!!~ f J.a f~}.~'+ 1s::-*:!~ t III rf J NaYli t7•~ ~ {g ~pNrrttJTJRr cM a t.ot • \ y ARG/Qf[t1 fM4 CASEMENT PtOP9i°~ ' f,ife r, an! pa[L E 11~(, sn eas~senc far tnti pa[pases o.er, acraaf LnL: of Lat. 4, alaca 6LJCCi I'.C GLEC )v7 J77ti tC9, acc0[dr,t t! c1a c,ar:f recar fa) plat tlertal. Olt a:s C:-.-:Y. "l~"'<<'<, tyl,i ' - at tRe tal la~lni dascrl94! ►1ne: 'r ' a: tlent< il,M+~h Ca.:enc Lni at tAe 6-t:aast a l! c"'of 2)Lil~-:Ir )S - ao 1! l . Ya:tn tl S ai .Iel Daarlnt of oi(nnln of L): L Ila Ilns sac an is fast clan; cRa stat R: LS OIiLI f' pes aL;d a. dtstalce of 29.00 feet ca cr.e v as Sf +(n'LCa+ - c d=;: o Ee dacrlStJ; t.1 YartR 73 aee an JS L•a` a Jtat n.e of IiS-4 .Ai fast cRa,ca afyo'.'•) (eat 4ed: eea 26 fracas SO secle(a mast ! Jts: L• co c1e sRorel Lne of Blactln•7 Lata !^1 c~R°~ra te:+~,n,-t Ln._;.' .,.,.....,-..+•~•"„"~'r,•, r~ ge 9, I U 2007 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMiT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construction Reauirements Remodel/Repair Requirements Office Use Only 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists Cert of Survey Recd _ Y - N (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions Soils Report _ Y _ N 1 Soils Report ff proposed building is to be placed on disturbed soil 1 site survey for additions & decks Tree Pres Plan Recd - Y _ N. 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. Addition - indicate if on-site septic system Tree Pres Required _Y _ N 1 set of Energy Calculations On-site Septic System _ Y _ N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 7/1/93 Rim Joist Detail Options selection sheet (buildings with 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form Plans are considered public information unless you state the are trade secret and the reason. Date ~7 / / O? Construction Cost c,B 00U 01 Site Address 6 a Bl 4Ckit,1wk tgkg 'pyy Unit/Ste # Description of Work Y, A., af° Multi-Family Bldg - Y 2!C N Fireplace(s) - 0 _ 1 - 2 L SP Property Owner KU ( 4d f er Telephone # (W Contractor RICK'S ROOFING & SIDING INC. 256 CLEVELAND AVE. SW Address bi €u11 BRIGHTON MN 55119 City State 651-633-6395 Zip Telephone # ( ) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Category 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category • Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet New Energy Code Worksheet submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Y - if yes, date and address of master plan: } Licensed Plumber Telephone # ( ) Mechanical Contractor Telephone # ( ) Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone ) I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. 016A I O /0/4, Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature 117 Vt JUG 16 2007 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ❑ 01 Foundation ❑ 07 05-plex ❑ 13 16-plex ❑ 20 Pool ❑ 30 Accessory Bldg ❑ 02 SF Dwelling ❑ 08 06-plex ❑ 16 Fireplace ❑ 21 Porch (3-sea.) ❑ 31 Ext. Alt- Multi ❑ 03 01 of_ plex ❑ 09 07-plex ❑ 17 Garage ❑ 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ❑ 33 Ext. Alt - SF ❑ 04 02-plex D 10 08-plex ❑ 18 Deck ❑ 23 Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ❑ 36 Multi Misc. ❑ 05 03-plex ❑ 11 10-plex ❑ 19 Lower Level ❑ 24 Storm Damage ❑ 06 04-plex ❑ 12 12-plex ❑ 25 Miscellaneous Work Types ❑ 31 New ❑ 35 Int Improvement ❑ 38 Demolish Interior ❑ 44 Siding ❑ 32 Addition ❑ 36 Move Building ❑ 42 Demolish Foundation ❑ 45 Fire Repair ❑ 33 Alteration ❑ 37 Demolish Building* ❑ 43 Reroof ❑ 46 Windows/Doors ❑ 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Description: Water Damage Yes Valuation Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (new bldg) _ Sheetrock Footings (deck) Final/C.O. - Footings (addition) Final/No C.O. Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof - Ice & Water y Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Final Framing - Siding _ Stucco Lath - Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace - R.I. -Air Test -Final _ Windows Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By: Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total