4208 Blackhawk RdCITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Sec ' tion 29 Lot- /. Owner Street `????-% ? ! J { i . ?{ .? •- ! T' ? state EAGAN MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RE5TOR. GRADING ; ' SANSEWTRUNK ;.wo ?.? _ ?•4?C? ? ? . ..,. m-oo .,.. t , 9 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1977 3 0.00 • ??- ' _,r STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER 51DEWALK STREET UGHT WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. SAC PARK CITY OF EAGAN 37lS Pilot Knob Rood Fagon, MN 35122 ('11 K PHONE: 4 54-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # 7o ba used for r1F.l?4QL7 'I` ON Est. Value Dote 7-21 Site Address &2C1$?3Z k k?k Rd- Erect ? Occuponcy Lot 15/0 Block 05 $ec/Sub. s?C?(.YX ?_fb Alter Q Zoning Parcel # rC? 0z4oo C)(0 Os Repoir 0 Fire Zone ' Enlorge ? Type ot Const. W Nome,^?tgt?f L', ?i.1Rs+cnra Move ? # Stories 3 AddresrSr±3. BIc1,& . Demolish x5jX Length 0 city- ,?',t, pattl phO1e 296_ 6rade ? Depth Sq. Ft. NameTliamoncl 5 W rec_kin?r? Tnc Approvals Fees ?? AddressR 2 + '?nX 179 `s-Tivtt-hinann oL___ 19 7_1 1'14 °C (Vome _ W Z r, Address z W /"7-. I hereby ocknowledge thot I have reod this opplication and state that the information is correct ond agree to comply with oll applicable State of Minnesota $tatutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Signoture of Permittee /1 Building Permit is is?w ell work shoil be dor?r ir; Building Officiol ? Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner Counc+t ? Bldg. Of? APC Permit 11 5. dn Surcherge Plan check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Total , n n__. to: on the express tondition thnt Xbrdanyp ryitM?"oll upplicable Sfate of Minnesoto Stotutes ond Ciry of Eogon Ordinances. Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder P Disp. Sewer Electric Inspection Date Insp. Other Footings Foundation Framing Rough Pibg. Rough HVAC Insulation Finat P1bg. Final HVAC Final Water Describe Location: Well E l Sewer l Pr. Disp- I cinr oF EA"N N? 8274 3793 Pilot Keab Rood Eogan, MN SSi22 , , PHOI+AE: 454-8100 BUiLDINt? PERMIT Receiat ?t 3-2 3 1j, To be wed for DEMOLITION Est, Vo?ue Dcte 7-21 , 19 83 Site Address 4208 Blackhawk Rd. Erect ? Occuponcy Lot 010 Blxk 0 5 $et/Sub. Alter p Zoning parcel # 1 C7 C)2qoo b/D O?S Repnir ? Fire Zone Enicrge ? Type of Const. W Nome State of Minnesota Move p # Srories ? A???'rans . B 1 dg . pe,7,ol;5}, ox Length Ci St . Paul pf,ane 296- Grode p Depth Sq. Ft. $ Name Diamond 5 u? /lddress R 2 , Box ?- r:... Hutchinson Nome _ Address py,one 327-3133 1 hereby ocknowfedge that 1 have reud this opplicotion and state thot the in4ormation is correct and ugree to comply with oll oppiicable Stute of Minnesoto 5totutes ond City of Eagon prdinonces. Assessment Woter & Sew. Pof ice Fire Enfl. Planner Council Bidg. Off, APC Permif ?p 1 -j . vv Surchorge Pinn check SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter Rood Unit Totol $15 . 00 Sfgnnture of Permittee I A Building Permit is i t, on the express tonditiory thal oll work shaU be do i a rd 4 oppiicable S te of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eopon Ordinances. BulldinQ Officiol ' Wrecking Inc Approrals Fees 179 CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION To Be Used For Valuation Site Address : ?C? • Lot Otb Block rj S Sec. /Sub. SJCa. t"D Y\ -al Erect Parcel #: /D C1 '--7d d 0C 0C)-s Alter Repair (7wmer : ?Tq f ? 4-P ? , ?r N ? S6 ]?'C? Enlarge Mnve 4-1 Address : ?'00'-';jot)i404;otl ? Demolish, City/Zip Code: 64 Grade Phone #: -?) C? ? - APPROVAIS K,?& t 9'7- 7 L Include 2 sets of plans, 1 site plan w/el.evations & 1 set of ener_T 7 cal.culations. Date 4"- zV / 120 OFFICE US ONL 7 Occupancy Zoning Fire Zone Type of Const. # Stories Front ft. Depth ft. Contractor: rn t3 s5 Z.-t? NP?C9 , n4 1.cr ASSessments Permit Address : f3 6k / 7 ``r -Water/Sewer Surcharge ?/ Police Plan Check City/Zip Code: /'?i-t ,5?'?5 Fire SAC Fhone #: Eng' Water Conn. Planner Water Meter Council Road Unit Arch./Eng.: Bldg. Off ? Address : APC City/Zip Code: L Phone #: 'I'O'rAL - ,_ . . • , - ? - - - - .- , ? . . . - :; : . : .. • , . .. . . , ?.. . . -. _ . , .::-., ..- .., . . .. ;. .. , . . "r _ . . . . . . - ., .,. . . . _ . . . . , ., . . : . .-. . . - .' ? ._. . . _. ..,:?..:... _... . . , . ... . . .- ? -.. ? 1..? :. . . .., . . . _ ... .. ?.•.. ? . .,r .? : CITY OF EAGAN / Re rk . ? ? ma s I Addition S8Ct+10I1 Z L , 9 0t . ? Owner Street rfl. State improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Reeeipt Date - STREET SURF. ° STREET RESTOR. GRADIIVG SAN SEW TRUlV1C 1976 180.00 7.20 25 SEWERLATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA 1977 80.00 i STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT ?e.v. CURB & GUTTER SipEWALK STREET LIGMT ;=f ' WATER CONN. 'k '}'' ?UILDING PER. SAC PARK ? :???_-- - -- - Ik _ _ _ . .. . , _ .• . . __ . _ - CITY OF EAGLIN . . .. ? _ _ _ Remarks _ _ ,. . , .?_ .. . .. , . . _ . . . .:>.. _. . _. ''' % ''-?? r?-- /, ?--v .•^rC? Addition SeCt+10n 29 Lot Blk parcel ? ? 02900 01 0 05 Owner1?"4t t ? 11 dl. Street State n f ?/??j. K1.? ? ?Q! ?l;`10 ? Improvement Date Amount ,4nnuai Years Paymeni Receipt Date ? STREET SURF. STREE7 RESl'Qfi. ?. _., GRaaiNG SAN SEW TRUNK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT , CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET I.fGHT i . ' WATER CONN. BUILDINGPER, SAC , 19701 160.001 7.20 00 oF eagan 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EA6AN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 December 27, 1982 Dorothy L. Voit 7500 Cahill Road Apartment #101 rLinneapalis, tmd 55435 BEA 8LOM9UIST Mayor TMOMAS EGAN JAMES A. $MITH JERRY THOMAS tHEODORE WACH7ER Council Membeis THOMAS NEdGES C1ty AdminisfiratOr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Cierk Re: Dwell.ing and out building at 4203 Blackhatik Road, Eagan, 2TI3 55122 Parcel #10 02900 010 05 Dear Ms. Voit: Our records show that you are tlie owner of the above referenced vacant buildings. These buildings are in need of closer supervisian as the windows and doors that were once clased or covered are now in need of recovering vr securing. In order to eliLn:inate a future hazard, please take immediate steps to resecure the buil.dings. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. SincereZy, Dale S. Peterson Chief Building Official CC: Officer 0'nrien, Eagan Police nepartment Parcel File DSP/bar THE LONE OAK Ti2EE. ..THE SYfiABOL AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNfTY ?? ????? ??? 0-'5? g. ,."L PAIIL H. HAUGE & ASSOCIATES, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 9808 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN (ST. PAUL), MINNESOTA 55122 PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEY SMITH KEVIN W.EIDE DAVID G. KELLER Mr. Thomas A. Colbert Public Works Director 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 February 15, 1982 AREA CODE 612 TELEPHONE 454-4224 Re: I-35E -- Dorothy L. Voit Tit1e RegistraCion -- County Road 30 and Blackhawk Road Dear Tom: I have received a copy of an application ta register title to a small, triangular piece of property at the southeast corner of County Road 30 (Diffley Road) and Blackhawk Road. The owner is Dorothy L.Voit and apparently the property is being purchased by MN/DOT under Right-of-Way Plat #19-39. I'm enclosing a copy of a letter from Lee W. Mosher, the attorney for Ms. Voit, indicating the only reason the City was named as a party was because the property borders on Blackfiawk Road. Also enclosed is a copy of the property involved and a part of the MN/DOT Right-of Way Plat #19-39. I would suggest that you place these documents in a file regarding the T?5E for ?. . future reference and that no further action be taken. ry trulytyours, ( f` ? Paul H. Hauge skk enclosures . . . RUSSE LL, RUSSE LL 8z McLE QD ATTORNEY3 AT LAW 202 TMORPE BUILDING 8066 WAVZATA BOULEVARD GOLDEN VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55426 BRUCE E. RUf9ElL TELEPNON6 JAMES H. RU86ELL l6121 54E-5663 R. JEFFptEV MCLEOD LEE W. MOHMER 9 February 1782 Paul Hauge,_Esq. 3908 Highway 13 Eagan, Mn 55122 Re: Application of Dorothy L. Voit to Register Title, Dakota County District Court File No. 92927 Dear Mr. Hauge: In response to our telephone conversation on Friday, February 5, 1982, regarding the above matter, I am sending you copies of certain documents. I enclose the following: l. Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 19-39. 2. Detail from right of way plat prepared by State of Minnesota. 3. Map prepared by me showing the location of the property being registered as well as the loca- tion of the four parcels excepted from the legal description we are using. • I understand that the City of Eagan was included as ia defendant because the property being registered borders on Blackhawk Road. I am aware of no claims for back taxes or assessments against the property in question. I understand that the property being r2gistered was taxed as gart of Parcel 45. If you have any further questions, please contact me. Very-"truly yours, J r? f/ yLee W. Mosher LWM/ps Enclosures 2642 cc: Dorothy L. Voit I C57'Y1 l.wd? ?-t`f HAII'GE, SMITH & EIDE, P. A. ATTOE2NEY5 AT LAW CEDARVALE PROFESSIONAI.BUILDlNGS 3908 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEY SMITH KEVIN W. EIDE ]F7CMKWX?eqRM Lori M. Bellin Thomas A. Colbert Public Works Director Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Mr. Eugene VanOverbeke Eagan City Clerk Eagan Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Rnob Road Eagan, MN 55122 RE: Tscherne Assessment Agreement Dear Tom and Gene: AREA COD! 612 T6lEPHONE 454-4224 Enclosed is a letter from Daniel Beeson with regard to the Tscherne Assessment Agreement. If any of the information in the agreement is incorrect, please let me know. Very truly yours, HAUGE, SMITH EIDE, P.A. radley Smith BS:ras Enclosure ??-? { ? "- ?' I LAW OFFICES LeVander, Gillen, Miller, Anderson & Kuntz 402 OROVERS BRNK BLDG. 0 633 SOUTH CONCORD 5T. • P. O. BOX 298 SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55075 • TELEPHONE (612) 451-1831 August 20, 1985 Mr. Bradley Smith Attorney at Law 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Tscherne - City af Eagan Assessment Agreement Dear Mr. Smith: HAROIE) LEVANDER ARTHUR GILLEN ROGER C. MILLER HAROLD LEVANDER, JR. PAUL H. ANDERSON TIMOTHY J. KUtJTZ DANfEL J. BEESON ROBERT T. LUND JRY R. STASSEN This letter is to confirm our recent telephane conversation in which you indicated that you had recorded the assessment agreement with the Dakota County Recorder's Office. Further, pursuant to the written aqreement, the assessment was deemed to have been levied on March 5, 1985, in the ar.tount of $11,000, and that interest will accrue on the unpaid balance at the rate of 10.5% simgle annual interest from and after NSarch 5, 1985. The assessment wiZl be paid over a 15 year term with the first installments appearinq upon the Tscherne's 1986 real estate taxes. Thk?;,should finally conclude this matter. Yours very° tfu.1), d Dani&1 J. Beeson t DJB : egd ; F2?345 ? cc: Jay and Lesley Tscherne . CITY OF EAGI1N I)/11'n PRUCfiSSING PORM - Nli1V ASSESSMENTS DATE ? A CODE UIST(tIC7 PL11T LOT ULOCK C/D D/P I lISSF.SSMP.?lT 1 -- _. t- OEM 1'ItitlCif'11L 11'10UMT ['n1 D ? ?'11C1'QILI?1?LJt1T K ?? -- ??s K 00 K K i K - N ? ? 7b/ 1/' K / - Y. 1 ? +? 1 ? Y, 1 Y, 1 . , . Y 1 Y, 1 Y 1 - 1 12 . 13 14 1(3 19 21 22 23 7•1 25 26 37 41 51 60 ll/P l'UlM IAU-15-l1 CITY OF EAGAN DnTn P(20CESSING FORM - NIiIV ASSESSMENTS 1 - - - DATE __g/ 25 X? - CODE DISTRIC7 PL11T LOT DLOCK C/D D/[' 1 _ l1SSF.SSMP.tJT 1 . -- -- - ? t?I:t?7 1'ItitlClf'nL n'1UUtIT f'nJ n '? ?11C1' I K Q L..l?S?1.ItiT? i K ? ? „ t ? K 1 K 1 . -T. # i K K 1 i . K I Y 1 Y, 1 h 1 Y, 1 K 1 ? ? . K 1 • Y, 1 Y 1 1 12 . 13 14 10 19 21 22 21 7•1 I.5 26 37 4 51 60 0/E> l•ului Ino-ls-n CITY OF EAGAN DA'I'n PRUCESSING FORM - NIiW ASSESSMENTS ----- - CODE DISTRIC7 i'L,11T LOT DLOCK CjD D/P ? l SS iJl:W 1'1111lCihllL 1 F,S5MP.tJT ! !1'1UUt1T ['11I n _.I'11C1'(? ILI?1n11?! T K y,?? K _`_- ?-,- K K K K , 1 1 1 1 1 Y. 1 Y 1 k 1 Y 1 K . 1 Y 1 . Y. 1 y 1 . I ,sI 1 12 . ll 14 18 19 21 22 23 7•1 J.5 26 37 4 51 60 ll/[' l'UIU1 InD-15-l1 ' , CITY OF EAGAN DnTn PROCI:SSING f'ORM - NIiIV ASSESSMENTS f1ATF ?1/n - lo%•??- CODF DISTRIC7 PL11T LOT ULOCK C/D D/P 1 - 11SSFSSMFtIT 1 --- -- - s _._. t?f:w 1'(t1NCif`/11, n'tUUrIT rn f n K _._.I'11 C 1' 0 I L1'?t 1 ?!J t i T?,? K tC x . . z ? K a-- K 1 K , 1 Y. 1 . . K 1 k 1 Y, 1 K . ` . 1 ---?---_ Y, 1 K - 1 Y 1 - 1 12 . 13 14 1E3 lh 21 22 23 7•1 1 .5 26 37 4 51 niE' FuM Nno-15-n CITY OF EAGAN D/1'I'A PROCI:SSING FORM - Ni;IV ASSESSMENTS DATE_,?.S'/s?? CODF bISTRIC7 PI,11T LOT OLOCK C/D D/[' 1 nSSF,SSM!'NT i tIt:W 1'RitlCif'l11, n'1UUt1'1' hl11 D K //??h/y?•)/^//^/ / ?" ?/ G' CA ? ? ? ??j . - . _ - / / L ?' / ? K s _ ?/ / • / ? /? ?? ?? ? K 1 _ -.L?G?_ ? ? K ? ? K ?L?. - ?o9r?n ? ??T 1 ? " ? fiL-5o0 a K- Z ? ? - ?--- -575 , gT9 . 9.:).-- r ? r, ow) L -- - - , Y 7 K 1 • . ' . K 1 Y, 1 Y 1 1 12 . 13 14 lE3 19 21 22 23 7•1 1.5 26 37 4( 51 GO l1/P l'UIU1 IAU-15-A CITY OF EAGAN DnTn PROCI:SSING I'OIZM - NIiN ASSESSMENTS _----- DATE CODF DISTRIC7 PL,nT LOT ULOCK C/D D/[' 1 l1SSF,SSMrNT 1 tJf:W i'(titlC1I('AL n'fUUttT ['n1f) K °' _._C11C1'QILl?t-1?l.lt? ?.• --? . K ? ' Gl 1 K 1 K 1 . . ? K K 1 K , 1 I Y 1 Y, 1 F, 1 Y, 1 K 1 . ? . Y, 1 , Y, 1 Y 1 - 1 12 . 13 14 la 19 21 22 23 2•1 25 26 37 4 51 Gn D/P I'uiu4 InD-15-n CITY OF EAGAN Un'1'n PROCI:SSING FORM - NfiW ASSESSMENTS ,. _----_ _ - - -- DATE, CODE UISTFtIC7 PL./1T LOZ' ULOCK C/n ti/I' 1 1?SS NEW 1'ItItICI['n4 I F.SSMGNT 1 !1'tUUtIT i'111 D " K 1 ? K ? --_?. K . -?.-- 1 i K 1 i r\ ? K ? Y . 1 . Y, 1 K 1 Y. 1 K . ? . 1 K 1 • Y, 1 Y 1 - - 1 12 . 13 14 18 19 21 22 23 7•1 1 .5 26 37 4( 51 Gn n?E? t•ui?r?? InD-15-n . CITY OF EIIGAN On"1'/1 PI20CI:SSING FORM - NIitV nSSESSMENTS , DATE. CODE bIST(ZIC7 PI,nT LOT ULOCK C/n d/P ? l1SSF,SSM17.tJT 1 -7-- tJI:W PRI???if'1?L n'1UUtlT Pn1 D K K . 1 K 1 x ? . . i K 1 I Y, 1 i K 1 Y, 1 r K 1 K ? ? Y, 1 Y. 1 . . Y, 1 Y. 1 Y 1 - 1 12 . 13 14 lEl 19 21 22 23 7•1 1.5 26 37 4f 51 G? n/P t'uiui MnD-15-n CITY OF EAGAN DATA PRCCESSiNG FORM - LOC9.I, IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMTS . D/r" FYIR'f F . 'REVICUS HATCA # CURNEfIT BATCH # DATE ?;?,?;.?,? ?t ; p?i :,?f a ELK ' C G%:' FaCTCL ?,3 AS?f: OEtIG?JAL NEd. PRUJCIPAL C?1R?:lT YEA., BEG DIST A P (! ? ` D k P.iSMT NAME # PRI.iJCIPAL AMOUil-i PnID AMOu'PIT YR TO C A P 5 FACSOR mf. 1 T Y 2 3-7 i2 1:?.-li 19 2? ?4 25 27-36 37-40 /+1-?? 51-6 1 1 78 9 80 I 13 zl 23 26 . 70 72 77 Z ?9qq ln 007 9eo D'to o s 1 ?9 SJ' ? f 1,9Y 6 1 r 6 F 6 p ' 6 F 6 F -, 6 F ` . b F 6 1 " b F 6 F ' 6 F ' 6 F . . . 6 F 6 F 1 .6 ( F I A .,. 1 _, ; , .......... ..?_.,?r._.. ..,..,..,?. ,A.,,,. „ ??cz1! Do? ??:-??S c cz 11,4 ?- ?CD ? y -..T rnv Qr-cf1Rn I /yLV . r.*._. ?- ,?L ?.p ??1 v? ?LAck++.4wK ? r? 1 i. 1F' ? YIl ._,-- vp 7` d d= ?E- J?LaNCL1Ec s???/ oF S ??lvl/ ?/-g _,I ?, . ? 2 I ?ARCEl1DENTIFICATIBLFDO I pIST PLAT LOT ,f 10 029?0 ifid 05 SUBOlVISION: EAGAN T4WNSHIP LAST GRANT Fp & MARTCK J VOIT 46 ?- 0 c ?o j? , ;RIPTION AND DELtNQUENT TAX RECORD ?u?G? ??L PROPERTY DESCRIPTION S SEG PANM YEA LOT igEU S€CTICN 29 TNN T R NGE 23 pT CF NW il4 OF E 1 4 C M IKT CEN SAR # 30 8 E LIN TN RD RUNNING N S ON CEN SQR # 30 209 FT 20 fT W 209 FT TO E LIN TN RD . tl ON RD 209 FT T 2? 27 23 :e Attn. n '•?. Lou's Robar s gD,o ' F z,?r ?LS O fT NL 5E"C --?-'?? 09? ? ?? ???v? ?LA???+?wk 7 j?LONG= E'Ly Ir?W ?? ? H 4- 1,E;S -7 I L?/ Gt ? ?L, ? -r ,y 0 / 9--? y / Q? i DAKOTA COLSNTY NAME f DESCRIPTION AND DELINO,UENT TAX RECORD ??? PROPERTY DESCRIP7tON JUGGI ? ` YEI PARCEL IDENTIFICATIQN TE SUBDIVISIOW: _ D13TRICT S - OIST PLAT LO'r BLK iCO ?ECTION Z?J TNNGE Z3 f id 0290tf 410 05 1 EAGAN TOW?'SNIP PT QF NW i/4 4 C M TA???.? ?? ?AST GRANTEE It?T CEN SAR # LIN GEO ?!!ARTC1? J VOIT TW RO RUNNING ON CEN SAR ? 30 20 FT W 2043 F? TO E LIN TN RD . gp 43222 Gear e Yo3t Aff . of Sur . !? ON R D 2 0 9 F T T 8E 29 27, 23 ..-,u___. D -- Do oth L. Voit ESS ate Attn. n?`. . te s Roba s ? Al»,D : A>- °9 D0X? ?L19S IYAA' 01/ 7 .?f} R N L tb. ?"p E°a'°9 ? ? ,??Ly! ?i vV iLAc Ro4w ?r o ?/? sV ,???1 ?v ??/ `? ?¢ ? o N?? l-L'i W H!C l4 AGAN NVLIGt UtmPAN f (v1EN (- ? u? K.., i r,,..,.i N-ti.. ..urr r?ACAKu unin ?w?...u:?. unw ocrc?vrn ??.wal'? i? ci.. phonep Ala?m? REC'Q ........, ? _., pate Fieported Time Reported 11"tion GndNumbbr? Radio0 Mall? pN?np VNwlp I A8816N ?AI la ane.? AARIVE INCIDENT Place Committed CLEAP . i;OC11T10N 4208 BLACKNAWK_ ``? Rr?n Ttu W3 0 4 PMONE _ COMPlA1NANT ' ADDRESS PHONE PORT D18PQSITION ARRE8TS IneM.lArr.p RN. Oth. Apen.p CIRD/Arrpt? UnfaanMd? Aduf10_,Iuv.0- pFFICER Q!? , Nensc,l AsNabd/Advised? Exc./CLROO CmHlnwdl7 iothp._Nogoo ASSIaN 11ING'YD dY OllW': OOA/UTl? InntivoO TRAN8 TO ? 1 ? I iU011. A?Ik' Ufdc.O .h+v. Porp.O-. ? "?as Now Sqwd or ? Wba RtCd. Bsdqe N Tims Asip. , TinN Arr. Time Clr. INC?OENT D11TE N ENTERED ARREST C.J.R.B. LIM UQr.. t1118 . ' , UOL PFIvPERfiY ' NBR ISN UOC 'Status NBR ISN UOC Steiu• ? ??.[.I 43 sl? 4fl m?sl tt dbw afi aoowt tht lm. Key ARREST: NAME O.O.B. AjbWiH aoaqn. »o oc mH4110w N rMr n w? 1 M.?Y Fr M1.O..I+h I? - 0 e wlnr o a? M TIRE, -w"h.w-.. w..+nr..a+. r...?r u rw,. r i?. w W,ft e-w. ti r?.. ft o. 1446076 p! IM.?IY yi 6 l0 m.u' R i" n'?e'??•"? n 12D „" ? u 29+ '9~ wAmwAx DAKOTL C0. CAST lFON 40 ??? N. AT 1/4 CORNER I I I ? i ? Vr N , I I?' . ?Nt I ? I 11. M. M rMS w w?- w ar 0 ti "ea wv ? ? a v. w?++r •.r?w ..? w w ra r. I- ti+.r r r.? n. ra ?IM Y M+wrw ?r? ? 0. I Il t/A???F. ?r w.? w w+wnw w ti1 w r??w w+nwnw .a.M? . L-6. .»..+w. ? v,e ...? a.... . ?.ft.* .-,ft .r.....Y... - «..., ift,. l h' M? f??MY ?41 ti M? N 1Yyi? /? ? M IN?Y 4M+I / UIl01i t0.CyT IIIOM ?or. ?T xc. sa. WNI, STATE PLUs 0970 TO 9971 ' YJOIrt IUi 1 f•10 ? ?, NF Cdl. R[.if Tpl1 ' ' it?.u rn w u iqTM lIK C.11 -?•-_._._•---- , . .., . ? .______. ? • 5 .._r.. ,???c[L .s? 51 VAPCEL lSBR/w • i 45 ASO ? ilaIH ao ue f 4 •0 , !.S• •, ?0' 2ifti,110? Z ?tr PARCEL I?E t.c. I uA.4se? , r? n PARCEI ISD ?? ? e/? 20' 0110T1 C0. CLCCiRIt a•COa . VIIIITY EASE o-?x . a2,NO,O, C I TY '°° ?p?; 1 NW!/4-NE114 !!7 dr v,RceL 450 ?t ux ?rr . 10 ? ? 4? OF PNOPEPT7 Li. I PARCEL 408 OF PAltCfl 410 PARCEL ISO? ??'•, 46 10 s= MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT N0. 19-39 STATE PROJELT N0. 1982C35E•3901904 •- IN 1HE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 29, T.27 N. A.23 W.. AND FN TtiE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF SECTION 28. T.27 N.. R.23 N. OAKQTA COUNTY. ?1lNNE50TA X . i --- ?• .--uH.e?' xi u n ---- .. ... . .. _. ._.'_ ?.._ ' ! Tt I. f ?s lC ? ? . _,.. . _ . . ._ _... .. I -el a lIK - .. ._ I 121 DAKOTA CO. CAST IRON ?• Z IpN. AF I/1 CIXtNER 1? . I 11E CONIANS01194 61PY3ItllfARN 6 VO411r 01312M1IHO 114 00M! I canw OF mw w«rv'o a rm. ryw rc n ro p cr m rt amH us? ; w r.?. rr c+vae b a. w r r..w ov+ww ???.? i'+a ?+r 9? Ait W 0 aiM wbv+ d- itt lt alre I- 11as? 21n?q Q IC ti Om?rY O?t M1?a. P?? 4 K.ew iKn? :969 ?a1M ML'3 -z W Wu .m 1...? lmwe .d w.?. ?.+. e?s?4 ow iee Nim- .b.. GF'y? Ldf MOrFRiY tlW E Y wiia-Nw1i4 r 65737 ??cwr PIIT 19•39 ? NEi/4-NEiI, - sio i r h+.?.rvr r te.pwn , I 1 / o.e 4 a w 4.+`. a?.?...?. n....r, IMq?HN W ryp?b?'wYwrnieslyrrMl?r.?Gry _ . -. - ???.? ?i fA ?^R? u?! ti t?w k Y? Y` d W?rY P?. F or ??on?nr i M?ls1,r, 1? A.1n WLti Sm.v? 2 4tsi IN!l Va4?m t w S?a?n'Wf? N I?W w?.'P A wst1 fn0o ed YyC w M! i[ ?tl f? Fr ?P?i tir 'I?' U?I4C n M1 1? ? Oti M Mph ?kM? ? ~ SEE/4-NEI/4 ? /I M??urM?.ud.hw/r.M.rr..r?s?+.,.w?rw?b ?wN?Y(NH? Mir???ayl?len?Ia.nwNWt isa , I h I II a EAGAN ?I ypK AT 14 CORNERN : (\4o ? ?vn sEiia-Nw1/a T Q $i"tl/4-NEI/4 o?y OAKOTA CO• CAST IRON ? A?CEL 40 i WtL Ai 1/l COANER 4 sa, c,u, JS C ? ? cocr. ro.EN ? ? 9 as•«. 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OAU' ft/4NEl/1;EC Ik /4NM4/4SC 29 a.?; O.OT 12-t-g6FEE ISN RtGHT OF WAY THOMp$ M. 11lLLAtUS ' (N SECTIONS 28 8 29 A NY1l4NUt/1SEC Ei RNEI /15EC ILOTS I -li bll( MALLaRp PaRK TH(Ai1 ApDIT;AN 28rI.41 0,02 ?2-I•86fEE ? 2 I ? {t5-6t1 ISi.!!? 1:31 Jt, e:a?:i u,t?' it ;oi p? ,' CONYENTIONAL Sl'N8Q15 R1?U1 3 ?t1.{4 40 } 320 , 1t1?12f . NS1.S0 li1?13 ?!„ ' ,I?r+u` Ws?wi.?fr...? -?..iAfi.._._-.?.. m•?,?o nw•w?:e ?s?,io i ?? u,l rsro.ti' ?i e?'?? ' o..?". ..w?..w?.. ,.; . w. ?. ,?.a.+ ?,. o _ "71•11 N.II 1}111 fl .... .?._. ....? OtM? - T(ipi W. Ii109 1?? M MM ? . ?rnn.er.,., _.__. - - -_.1ti-?,._. ?nwroe...---•^+i . . ..,. .,.. , . . O;SRaN:[S fMOMn M R[i 54.10 (}C.IVIE [7TIUNStt VKYC34 • ea. p. $7eat • 9Ff IC[ p COIMISr 11tC?MCl1 ,?j? . GWMTY.YINM. INIFNClY fflllfir TMif fyif R1S ` MAS EN t{l[0 IM iK;T Otf{CC t ??i?r , r,Mi on ? ? ,?N . ., . . . . ry,Af M. 141% S.P. 144:i 1x•aWoO4