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1680 Blackhawk Cove
?J d ?? C 1 Tlf of EAGA N BUILDING RERMIT Owaar . .??:?:?: : ??........ ?'?`: :?"C.`- '" ....................... . . ....... F _. ..... ... . .... Addreea? IPresen!) ...................?u :`.:` .._........_.... :y?•• ?? :l:::: ?.. Suilder ....d.:-??.l:r::?::`?:...... ?:? .:................................... Address ... `?.? ?.........1.}..?`.f.Z....-C?-- -?-•--- -,72?-•-......:??..:?:.`.--? DESCRIPTION .;;¦ Na -3597 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Mianesota 551a2 454-8100 Dete ... :?.. .'?:?....J:?a. Stories Ta se Usod Far Fronf Deptl? Hstghf Est. Coat Pe:cnft Foa Rsmarlu ??? ?=-? ?? ? . c ?- _ _ 5S? s -`?` ? `f`? , s? ?` L?CATICN 1 "l %" ? Slreat. Road ar ??; J ?_ ?' ?? ?.l-??.?-?`???-,:?".? -?-ts_.? L0? 2310CK AO?Ition Gr TSSCt ? ` ?/ ??-•-d...?--??e_?- ?c:f?_l ``°??i TEais ger:sxi! does aot autho:ise !he us0 0# ataeets, roads, alleys ar sidewalks nor daes i! give 3he ownsr os hi? agant t7?e xight to create any situation which is a nuisanae or which praseats a basard !o the heallh. snfely, eeaveniance and geaexal welfase to anpaxe in the eommunity. THIS PERMIT MUS'P 8E KEPT ?N THE PR?1?4I$? WHILE TH? WORK I5 Tl? PAOG ESS. 3his is to cearlifp, tlsat.. ?7.,......?:_ ?:?:: _' ...------- • .ba? permission to ezect s.. . ' : ? ? _ -? .......upou - •••........---•• ........ . . . . . ....................... 3he above described premise subjecf to fh?provisioixs of all app?icable Ordinar?ces for ?be Ci{? af Ea . ......................?....__i?? :?..??::`:'h._ ......_.....----............ Per ..... ...._..._1!:? :.?? t:... `_!?::?' ???':;;":'?...... ............._................ ?-- • •...- --- . ... , Mayor $uLldieQ Insp??e3ox ??? TILUGE.OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Ropd PERMIT NO.: _1$14 Eogae, MN 55122 DATE: 8(29/75 Zoning: R} No. of Units: 1 Owner: _'f nar+t+ cnn st- Address: O Site Address: r ? Plumber: ___?yp M.?, +r?D Meter No.'°? Connection Charge: 320- DO V[1 - Size: Account Deposit: Reader No.: MaR Permit Fee: 10_00 pd I ograe to c ply wit tfie Villoga of Eogan Surcharge: 5C) ?d Ordinan Miac. Charges: _3.6?00 od _ ? Total: /,? -3 G --?-?'.•-_'2' _ By Date Paid: Date of Insp.: Insp.: viLuorOF EAOAM SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Rood PERMIT NO.: 2573 Eagan, MN 55122 DATE: - 8/29/75 Zonin5: - Rl No. of Units: 1 , Owner: Ricl,ard J_ Barth Donst Address: Sice Address: 1680 Blackhawk Gbve Plumber: um- Murr Pltmtbincr I o9ree to eomplr with tht Villoge of Eoyen Connection Charge: 425.00 pd O.dinaeen. Account Deposit: By: Date of Insp.: Insp.. Permit Fee: 10 00 pA Surcharge: Misa Charges: Total: Date Paid: Receipt Z MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No-,?Z? -? CITY OF EAGAN Fee ?n ? I2_ 1 FiN in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legib/y ?- Tot. 1. Date Z-l ?Z 2. Installation Cost q)20,0 Q S 3. Job Address W Lot Z Blk. ? Tract <<< S 4c k aw X L?oUC I 4. Owner ? o 5. Contracto6s h?'('6,l e- C o? Phone '77?0(7) 6. Address C_O`. 7. City State AAIJ Zip Sj2 8. Building Type: Residential 0 Commercial El Institutional O 9. Work Description: New El Add El Alter ? Repair ? S 10. Describe ? b I QC? N-lE nA7 Fuel Type AvQA160, 11. No, 2- Eauioment 8TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM Ai H dli : ?' Mfg. r ng an Boilers Mfg, Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. ? Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with ali ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed Rough Inspections: Date Insp. for Fi al ?-T?ir?l Date 7??_ZInsP- 7 ` This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8700 CITY OF EAGAN Remarks 1, 1 ";` , - Addition B1.ackhawk Hills Addn.. Lot 2 sik 1 parcel 10 143$0 020 01 Dwner . Street 1680 Blackhawk Cove State Eag-an? M ?55122 CL? '2 i D' i Improvement Date AmounY Annual Years Payment Raceipt Date 4TREETSURF. ;;6,i 1976 313.2 10 S'i REET RESTOR. GRADING 5AN SEUU TRUNK 1 307.99 12.31 2 • SEWERLATERAL ?- 1972 $ 234.92 20 F WATERMAIN * WATER LATERRL 1 20 WATER AREA * STORMSENJ7MJgt, 1972 20 STORM SEW LAT STM SEW TRK 1983 979.00 65.27 15 C11R6 & GUTTER 51QEWALK STREET LIGHT waTeR coNN. 320.00 1011 8-28-75 PER. 330 -7 5AC 425-00 ? PARK czTY oF EAUAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Nlinnesota 55122 PE,RP3IT NO. : The City of Eagan hereby grants to ??-2y= Dluad4ag &_ fliat3" Iaa. °f Rri??mn?rst, t?+1 a Permit f or : ( Owner ) gohliq at ? pursuant to application dated wi?7? . Fee Paid: $20.00 dated this 24 day of 5ept. , 19 75. .50 s/c Building Inspector Mechanical Permits: Bid Total: r j ? S CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pi1ot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 PERMIT NO.s 615 The City of Eagan hexeby grants to Richard Bartl - contraator. pf 53,? - 1nt?1 Ave. So. St. Paul 55075 a_ PzuNID?- -- Pex*mit fnr: (CFwner) r$or?a F?????cr - at 1680 _ P,3.ackhawk Qovg_B& Pursuant to applieation dated 1(?,?-l5?'?5 Fee Pa:id: ?20=OQ dated -this „15t-hday of n,.t ,1 9-U .5o sfc Bu.i.lding I,nspector NE'Gi1e.X11Cal PGI'CI11t8: Bici `l'Qta1: ' • . ??rx p` + ,?? ;?.11't, Q ? ?. pm Ul ? 2 AP C;) ? - ! ? ? v Z ? n2 7 S • ,"-- C /r y O x FA ",? ?olxi,visr t4V ' Z U., --a-- ?? a ? _ ES1G1V 6Y S[?zG2/Lp? AN?80HLlf??+fC ?Ap ? : A *7 lIf[LTE flUx PI,UIES ffcIDtS: ST4P DE ZURE REGEN 93M)IMPI& A??MMEMOK SfiOPPT DEN SAUREN REGEN ik ;? 3 1,r •,? ;,..,p ,L,.f y.0 $TIPIO fk(?Il? ?AJM RESIQENTIAL BUlLDING PERMfT APPL.ICATiON CITY QF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNQB RD, EACAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Construction Reaulremems • 3 registered site surveys showing sq. ft. of lat, sq. ft. of house; and aN roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allawed) • 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poured found design, eic.) • 1 set of Energy Calcufatlans • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lat Matted afleer 711193 • Rim Jasl aetail OpUans selection sheet (bidgs wilh 3 ar less unils) DATE 6-r?-a; RQmodellRMir Reauiramants • 2 copies of plan . 1 set of Erergy Calculations for heated addiWns . 1 site survey for extenor alditions & decks . Indicaie if home senred by septic sys#em far addi&ons VALUATIOM A71 0 yo ? SITE ADDRESS 0!!?§ TYPE OF WORK APPLICANT &4:zC'/?4 G?k ca-)e MtlLTI-FAMILY BLDG ? Y C-"h FIREPI.ACE(5) _„_ Q _ i ._ 2 STREET ADDRESS CITY !&'Ll STATE^-$' ZIP TELEPHONE #?? 3 CEII FHONE # FAX # ??1? f?c4h4 TELEPhlONE# ??_ PV-1_4_2 PitOPERTY4WNER 47 ------------- ------------------------------- -.............................. -........... -------- COMPLETE TH1S SECTIQN FOR "NEW" RESIQENTIAI. BUILDINGS 4NLY Energy Code Category _,.. MINNFSOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY l MINNESdTA R[JI.FS 7672 (4 submission type) . Resiclential Ventilation Category 1 Warksheet Submitted • New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted Plumbing Contractar: _ PLumbing system includes: Mechanical Contractor. Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water CoMractor: - Air Conditaaning _ Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E?---9------- I hereby acknowledge that f have read this application, stafe #hat the information is ca and a ree to com?ly w+th all applicable State of Minnesota 5talutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Appllcant OFFICE i15E UNLY _ Water 5oftener ? Water Heater ? No. of Baths _ Phone # Lawn Spzinkler No. of R.I. Baths Certificates of Survey Received - Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 Fee: $70.(Hj OFFICE USE ONLY 0 01 Foundadon ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 af _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex 0 08 06-plex C] ifi Fireplace ? 09 07-plex 0 17 Garage O 10 08-plex ? 18 Dedc 0 11 10-plex 0 19 Lower Level 0 12 12-plex Pfbg Y or r N 0 24 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porcli/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Misteilaneou5 0 30 Accessory SIcEg ? 31 Exi. Alt - Multi Cl 33 Ext. Aft - 5F ? 36 MuIti ? 31 Neuv ? 35 Int Improvement 0 38 Demolish (Interior) 0 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move 81clg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) 0 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Altera#ion ? 37 Demalish (Bidg)` ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors 0 34 Replacement *Qemolitivn (Entire Bldg anty) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation Occupancy MC/ES System Census Cocfe Zoning City Water SAC Units Staries Booster Pump Nbr. af Units Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Canst Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) FinaUC.O. - Footings (deck) PinaUNo C.O. - Footings (addirion) ? Plumbing _ Foundatian HyqC _ Drain Tite Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Paol _ Etgs _ Air/Gas Tests _ Finat ? Framing 5iding Stucco Stone Firepiace _ R.I. _ Air Test - - Final _ Windows (new/replacement) _ Insulation _ Retaining Wall Approved By , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MClES SAC City SAC Water 5upply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanicai Permit License Search Copies Other Totaf MASTER CARD Permit No. Issued Issued To Contracfor , awner BUfLDING Z s ! PLUM8ING CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANif WELL ELECTRICAL ? NEATING GAS IhiSTALIING SAtJiTARY SEWER OTHER ' TI OTHER ? Ifiems Approved (Initial) Date Remarks FOOTING FOUIVDATIOIV FRAMING . r ? r(iF-cr F16UAL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLA710N I SEPTIC TAlVK CESSPOOL l3RA1NFIELD PLUMBING 1NELL SANITARY SEWER , ? y- I COMMEM1fTS: - ? Distance From Wel! SEPTIC CESSPOOL TIIE FIELD FT. Violations Noted on 8ack ??? OWNER (=2 C>C'. 1411? _I?f I If STRUCTURE AIVD LAND USED A5 . ? COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPURTS 70 BE USED OFlLY iN 6VEFtT OF OBSERVED VIOUITIQNS i'ERMIT NO. DATE OF INSPECTION C4NDITIONS OP CONSTRUCTION AT THiS IIJSPECTION ? tV0 EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. 1:1 ACCEP?ABLE 5U$STITUTIONS OR DEVIATI ONS. NON-CpMPiEANCE. BUILDER WILL C4MPLY 1:1 U WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ? NON-COMPI.IANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAlN IM?ROVEMEIVTS WILL BE DELAYEO BY CONDITlONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? REINSPECTION REQUfRED REINSPECTIOAI REVEALED DATE QF REiNSPECTION CHRTI FICATION - i certify that I have carefully inspected the a6ove in which I have no in#erest present or prospective, and that I haue reported herein all significant conditions ohserved ta be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, apprwed plans and specifications, and any specific requirs- ments for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. ? ALI. IMPRDVEMENT$ ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED CONUVYEIJ7S: BUiLDING lNSPECTOR DATE 23 s 1 I citV oF aa?i an July 21, 1995 11R GEORGE E BOHI.IG 1680 BLACICHAWK COVE EAGArr ivnv 55122 Re; Wsiver of Sabdivision AppIicatioa .AMEOENNNSL F 3, Blac& 1, Blac.khawk Hills Addition Dear Mr. Bohlig: THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODOR£ WACHTER Gouncil Membe(s THOMAS NEDGES City Administtatpr E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Cterk I recently received your letter expressing concems regarding preiiminary comments received from City sta.ff regarding your applicatian to realign the common lot line af the lats refereaced abave. This letter tivill attempt to respond ta those concerns as expressed. The staff's suggestioa that the twa lots be repPatted was offered ta sirnplify the resuiting titte of both parcels due to the lengthy and cumbersame legal descriptions cesulting from this Waivsr of Subdivision process. It wasn't anticigated that this wauld add any significant cost to yaur process, However, we do not dispute your cos# estimates. We would iike to cantirtae to encaurage you ta cotasider ceplatting tlne property as we feel it will provide additional benefit in clear title and property transfer. Mr. Milce Ridley can assist yau in providing additionat information for either process. Ttne second issue af ooncern pertains to the dedication af a pondin$ and drainage easernent along the Blackhawk Lalce shareline incorparating a high water level MWL) of 90 1 plus an additional 3' af elevation for a safety freebvard. I have dane some research on the history of wa.ter elevations on Blackhawk Lake and found tfiat both the normai water level (NWL) and HWI. have changed as the City has developed and refined its compreheiisive drainage plan. In the 1972 Comprehensive Drainage Plan, the HWI, elevation was 796. When this glan rvas updated in 1978, the H7VL increased to 797. With the subsequent revision and update 'rrt 1984, the HWL was increased to 801 based on new updated historical informa#ion regarding rainfaU in#ensi#}r and &equency from the National Weather Service and applying those standards ta this major dcainage district. The rnost recent plan update af 1990 reaffirmed thss 801 HWL elevation. These HWL elevations are the highest level that the iake is predicted to reach based an saturation der+elopment within the ttra.inage basin during a 140-year rainfall event. During all other times, the controtled water elevation (NWL) of Blacfchawk Lake has been established at 790.3. Mf7NIGPAL GENTER 7yE LUNE OAK TREE MAtNTEWAFlCE FACILITY 3830 P1L0T KN08 ROAD TME SYMBOL UF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMNiUNiTY ?? COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55i22•1897 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PMONE: (612) 681-4600 PHONE: (612) 681•4300 FAX: (672) 6$1-4612 Equaf QpportunltylAfT{rmative Aciion Employer FAx: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 TDD: (612) 454-8535 P'age 2 I can understand your concern with the 80I HWL elevation plus ait additiona.l 3' artd the irnpaet it may have on your praperty. Again, this additional 3' is only meant to provide a safety buffer to prevent constructian or deveTopment of structures that could gossible be adversely impacted by an uneexpected rainfalE eveirt. Whfle ttus is a standard on all new devetapmeirt, it is not necessary with your proposed Waiver of Subdivision and we wial be willing to waive this requirement. However, the plat of the Blackhawic FTills Aadition does not clearly define these HWL panding eIevations. That is why is was recommended that with this Waiver, it would be an appropriate time far the survcyor to accurately identify this elevation and incorporate it with your descrip#ions. Again, it is not anticipated that this witl result in any significant additional costs. I hope that I have been able to address your concerns in a satisfactory manner that will atlaw you to proceed with your application. If yau have further concems, please feel fiee to contact either Mike Ridley regazding the Platting Process or Mke Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer, regarding vur storm water management system Sincerely, " z L , , I ? e e Thomas A Colbert, P.E. ,,? Director of Public Warks TAC!'y cc: Nrke Ridley, Seniar P1anner NFke Faertsch, Assistant City Engineer REcEIv? ??? ? ? 1995 1680 Blackhawk Cove Eagan, Mn. 55122 July 12, 1995 Mr. Thomas A. Colbert Public Works Director City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Dear Mr. Colbert, SUBJECT: WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION I am the owner of Lot 2 Block 1 Blackhawk Hills addition in Eagan. Last year my neighbor, who owns Lot 3, and I determined that it would be mutually beneficial to us if we adjusted the lot line separating the two lots to better reflect the ways we use our respective property. The adjustment we proposed to make involved rotating the lot line on its center a few degrees to give about 45 ft. more lake frontage ta one lot and about 45 ft. more road frontage to the other lot. I hired Rehder & Associates to do the survey and submit the Waiver of subdivision application. At a recent meeting with Mr.1Vi'ike Ridley and Mr. Ed Kirscht I was informed of additional conditions, from your office, that would be reyuired. One was a requirement to replat the property as opposed to describing the changes with a meets and bounds description. This adds about $800 additional cost to an already expensive process to make what I thought should be a very simple cha.nge. The second requirement was an easement allorving the Blackhawk lake to rise to three feet above the 801 foot high water mark defined in the 1990 plan. This was a very disturbing request. It raises the issue of the lake level of Blackhawk Lake which has been a cause of some concern by the owners on the northwest end of the lake. At the time the property in question was originally subdivided the lake was substantially lower than it is today. I remember a study in the late 70's to deternune the lake level. There were a number of property owners concerned with lake levels above 795. A report by the City Engineer, Mr. Rosene, recommended a normallevel of 794 and a high water level of 797. I believe most owners would be happy with a 7971ake level and active management of the control structure to keep the lake below 799; but 801 plus 3 feet is totally unaccepta.ble. My purpose in writing is not the issue of the lake level but I felt I must relate the above to explain why I was shocked at what seemed to me to be a inconspicuous attempt to try to partially resolve a potential problem with the lake level. . What I am requesting is that we be allowed to make the simple Waiver of Subdivision reyuested without the conditions of replating and easements. I would hope that upon further review you could act favorably upon this request. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you at your convenience. I can be reached during the day at 736-3204 and in the evenings at 452-9627. Sinrerelyf George E. Bo4g CC Mr. Mike Ridley City of Eagan Mr. Ed Kirscht City of Eagan 1 f ! ,? ? ?? NA 3 40= ? 1 f ? v? -- / :'C7, ,3 `"? P.? Cr r r• , M8M0 TOs DIANE DOWNB, DTILITY BILLINQ CLERR FROMt ED RIRSCBT, SR. LNGINSERING TECH DATEs NOVEMBER 15, 1991 SOHJECTt STREETLIGHT ENFRGY COSTS FOR LOT 1, BLOCR 1, HLACRRlIWR HILLS 1BT ADDITION, JAMSB HELLZEW LOT 2, BLOCR 1, BLACIQiAWR HILLB iBT ADDZTION, t380RG8 BOHLIG LOT 3, BLOCR 1, BLACKBAWK HILLS iST ADDITION, LLOYD WASS LOT 9, BIACx 1, ROSEHILL ADDITION This memo is to inform your department to start to invoice the energy costs in the amount of $2.80 per quarter per lot with the next utility billing for the tollowing listed properties. Lot 1, Block 1, Blackhawk Hills ist Add. - 1690 Blackhawk Cove, James Hellzen Lot 2, Block 1, Blackhawk Hills 1st Add. - 1680 Blackhawk Cove, George Bohlig Lot 3, Block 1, Blackhawk Hills 1st Add. - 1670 Blackhawk Cove, Lloyd Wass Lot 9, Block 1, Rosehill Add. - 1691 Blackhawk Cove, Martin Schuetze The City will be billed by Dakota Electric for the streetlight energy cost for a streetlight that was installed recently in the Blackhawk Cove cul-de-sac. Edward J. Kyscht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch Ed Brunkhorst, Dakota Elec. Enclosure EJK/jf ity oF cngnn 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD TMOM°5 EGnN EAGAN, MIntNE50TA 55124-1897 MayO' PHONE7 (612) 454-8100 DAVID K- GUSTAFSON FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAME-A McCREA, TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE wAc?-IrEa Council Manbers April 11, 1991 c?in? ELIGENE VAN OvERBEKE CRy Clerk JOAN BOHLIG 1680 BLACKHAWK COVE EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Joan: I received your postcard that shared thoughts and concerns as to how the Eagan Foundation is being structured as a fund-raising entity for the community. I agree with your concerns and have raised these issues at each of the Foundation Board meetings that have been held since I was asked to participate on behalf of our City government entity. The concept of a community-wide charitable foundation for the City of Eagan was derived from the initial discussions between Dr. Thomas Wilson, Principal of Eagan Hiqh School; Mike Butala, First American Bank Metro in Eagan; and Mary S. Vujovich, Eagan Attorney. Initially they focused on the obvious needs inherent in the new Eagan High School. As discussions continued, they came to the conclusion that a community-wide charity should be the legal structure rather than a separate one-purpose charity. Like you and other residents, we have all been concerned that the foundation be designed legally to accommodate all potential community-wide needs such as the schools serving our Eagan residents, community center, pool, parks and recreation, senior citizen programs, and other potential community programs in Eagan. We specifically chose not to set up a separate foundation for each potential need within this community, thus, saving considerable legal and accounting expense and administrative responsibilities. The Foundation's organizing committee has debated this issue and has clearly made a determination that the public charitable organization will be called "The Eagan Foundation" and will serve the potential needs throughout the community of Eagan. Several business leaders who have regularly attended Foundation meetings agree that their corporate scholarship donations will be far reaching and not specifically earmarked to the high school students of one school district. As a result, the legal documents establishing the not-for-profit foundation, logo and all printed documents will refer to "The Eagan Foundation" and not specifically to the Eagan High School or any other particular community need. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..?HE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer The Board and other corporate/business/community leaders and participants have aqreed that special fund-raising earmarked fvr a specific use under the umbrella vf the Eagan Foundatian is pezmissible.- As sn example, Eagan High Scheol, Independent Schaal D15tr1Ct #196, is arranging for a golf tournament during the month of August and the pr4ceeas raised through the golf tournament will ga directlx to the high schaol for programming and other use purposes to be designated. 4ther charitable community efforts or organizations can also hold special fundraisers for particular needs within the City of Eagan (including the City of Eagan, Independent School Districts #191 and #197), under the umbrella of the Eagan Faundativn. In any event, contributions made to the Eagan Foundation will be considered by a funding allocation group and distributed acoording to need $nd without prejudsce ta any specific sahaal district. I share youx sensitivity ta the need for a sense af community and the difficulty our community shares in being divided among three schoal districts. We are not alane, the City of Hurnsville is in three school districts, Plymauth has no high school with a popu3ation exceeding 50,400, Stillwater is in three school districts, the City of Waodbury shares school districts within their community and I cau1d continue with many other examples. I wish there were an easy solution but having researched the issue and discussed the matter with the Commissioner of Education, deconsolidation and farmation of separate school districts is extremely camplex and castly. I know I am digressing from the issue of the Eagan Foundation but I wanted to make Clear the City's desire to encourage a sense of comrnunitX. I also wanted to prvvide some assurance tv you that we are considering many ways to pull our community together despite existing obstacles. Again, thank you for your thflughts and as a personal aside, I appreciate the c4ver of the postcaxd. Sincerely, ? Thomas L. Hedges ? City Administrator TLH/kf MR--c1tv oF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 April 4, 1991 JOAN BOHLIG 1680 BLACKHAWK COVE EAGAN MN 55122 Dear Jaan: THOMP,S EGAN Mayor DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PfNAELP, McCREA TIM PAWLENiY THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Administrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk I received your postcard that shared thoughts and concerns as to how the Eagan Foundation is being structured as a fund-raising entity for the community. I agree with your concerns and have raised these issues at each of the Foundation Board meetings that have been held since I was asked to participate on behalf of our City government entity. , The concept of n Eagan C unity Foundation was the brain child of ? Dr. Tom Wilson, rincip of Eagan High School, and Mike Boutella, of American Natio 1 B k(formerly Drovers National Bank) located ?'y? in the City of Ea n Like you and many other residents, I was concerned that the F undation either be specifically designated an Eagan High School F u ation or clearly made a community foundation benefittinq all t ree chool districts and other potential uses, such as, commun' y cen er, pool, City parks and other related programs. prclo,?.?? rg cow.w:?Qe- ?na5 The Foundation'sRcz=&-keP&-Tdebated this issue and has clearly made a determination that the Foundatior? wil called'i ?he Eagan Foundation% and will serve the?r`'????sJ"'''`° `'o +k^e c `-?--eity. Several business * leadersw ?, a?ve 6??,ee?t re??,lp attend4kg Foundation meetings and agree that?orporate?oya?Xons ? ?%My? et be far-reaching and not specifically earmarked td?'one sc?ool district. As a result, the legal documents establishing the not- ,uments will refer to for-profit foundation, logo and all printed dor the Eagan,Foundation and not specifically toVEagan High Schoolot, awy The Board and other corporate/business/ community leaders and participants have agreed that special fund-raising earmarked for a specific use under the umbrella of the Eagan Foundation is permissible. As an example, the Eagan High School, Independent School District #196, is arranging for a golf tournament during the month of August and the proceeds raised through the golf tournament will go directly to the high school for programming and other use purposes to be designated. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Q? 1 tY Equal Opportuniry/Affirmative Action Employer ? ? The City of Eagan, Independent Schaol Districts #191 and #197 and potentially,(Dthe n-fcr-profit community organizatians can also hold special fu raisers within the umbrella of the Eagan Foundativn. In ny event, centributions made to the Eagatn Foundation will e cansidered by a funding allocation group and distributed acc d?.a? to need and withaut prejudice to any specific schaol distric . I share your sensitivity ta the need for a sense of aommunity and the difficulty our community shares in being divided among three school districts. We are not alone, the City cf Burnsville is in three school districts, Flymouth has no high schaol with a pagulation exceeda,ng 50,000, Stillwater is in three school districts, the City of Wvodbury shares school districts within their communa.ty and I could continue with many ather examples. I wish there were an easy solutian but hava.ng researched the issue and discussed the matter with the Commissioner vf Educationr deconsalidation and formation af separate schaol da.stricts is extremely camplex and costly. I know I am digressing from the issue of the Eagan Foundation but I wanted to make eleax the City's desire to encourage a sense of community. I also wanted to provide some assurance to you that we are consiaering many ways ta pull our community together despite existi.ng obstacles. Again, thank you for your thoughts and as a Fersonal aside, I appreciate the cover of the postcard. Sincerely, Thomas L. Hedges City Administrator TLH/kF APR 11 '91 07:56 MARRIOT F00D 5ERViCE i i i I, i MCBIMILL_HQX 454-8363 i MxRY S. YVI4YIK:H EMr. Tnoinas L. gOeges Cf.ty Administrator NLAAOARh'rM.HORSCFE, j,'S{fan City H8].l ' 3830 Fiiot Krtob Rated ; Eaqari, MDZ' 55122 . rn re: Tte Eagan Foundatiort P.1f2 V uj o v I c x& t? oR s c H, P. A. A'YrY2itNEY8 .aT L.tiw AprlI. 11, 1991 Dear Ttrlm: ' re114w3.ng our discussiaa yesterdaay, x have a few srugqestions to i make to your pragosed letter ran thia goandation. CLs'fi PLAcs ! :L wouZd rovise your ental..re second paragraph a#' the letter to ? read as follows: I SuI7E 12D . The concapt of -a cammunity-wide charitable,fout?dation $ss? ?R?4 ?Rrvs ? fak tl?e Gity. af Eac?Bn was d8rived frem the initi?,1 cliacttonions 1oetwean • Dr. Thoms Wilson, Principal +af E Eaqan High Schavl, Mike Buta1a, Fixst Amerioan Bank EAGAN metto in EagaLn, and MarY S. Vujovich, Eagan Attarriey. yr =nitially tta?.r focused oxx the obvS.ou? needr. irherent ? M1mu&SDTA • iYl the oew Ragan High s+abool. As distuasicns ; contf.nued, t'hey caue ta the conalusxon that a 55122 comunity-,wi.de charity should be the legal structurv , rather than a separate o»e-purpose ahailty. Liks you and crkher rosidents, we have a17. be? aancert?ed that ?Ea-asz•7too . the foundation be designed legally tra accamodate a11 ; potential commnity-wida t??s xuch aa the+ sa5oal$ sexving our Sagan residents, oomm,unity aeanter,, paoi, ? parks and r+lcreation, iaonior citi.zen proqram, and , ? other patential . aontimunity px'o9x'ams in Eagan. we ` specai£ically chcse not tQ $et up a segarata: founAetion for each gotent#.al need within this cvna ; munity , thtxS, savinq considerable legal and accourit- . ing expense and administrative responribilit3es. ; I wmuld suggest the fo1lowing underlined ori.anges tv your third ' pSLL"ag7C'&ph a1sC7: ? The Foutndation's 5eecrd oranizing ccrm' t has ; debated thia #.Bsue and han clear].y made a determination that t,his public char3table ' organization wi.ll b* ca.].Red "The Eagan Fou.ndatiann and wrill serve the potential neec]s throughaut e? ?li; APR 11 '91 07!57 MARRIOT FOOD SERVICE • P.2f2 ? 3Wr . Thomas L. Hadges Apri1 110 1991 8age 2 three seheei: dlstrkdtA and the GOY the c=Mritv ot Eaaran, sevoral busineae leaderi; who have rpMlar?.?t attended Foundation tneetings agree that =Six corporato scholg d ti unet ba tar reachinq and not specificaily earmarked to the hiah schooi gtv, ents of ana schooi disttict. As a resul.t, the l.egal documents estab].ishing the not-for--praf it faundation, lvgo axad a11 priated documonta will refer to "Tbe Eagan goundatian" ancl not sgeoif ival].y to the Eaqan H3gh Soh4o1 o an,r cthar nart u nesd• Finally, I would amend yaur fifth paragraph to re$d aM followsz and-peteritie+3cy Othe= ceharitabYa comawnity Oi'foXtn or Qrqanizatiots can alsa hold speaial fundxaisers for 6 a?i?Ular peeds with?e c,'a.?y of Eaaan ( includ?g the City of Eagan, rndependent schaol Distri4ts 0191 ancl 0197), UU= rr#tkin the umbrella of The F.,a9an Faundation. Tn any event, unrestriated ,? unspMcif,ie$ cpritxibutions made ta Z'he Eagan roundation wili lae oenmidore?d by a #Vnd4ng a3AeMis#*n grottp and dtatributed = fulfili various 22=anitv qQal?. aooordi.nq to need and withaut arbitraxy pxejudioe to any speai.fi.c gm= eaheel dk#'tr&et. Cther than those oovmente, I thinlc your lettor alearly addreases the concerns af Mo. Sohlig and otliexs who have called you, Mike or me. Sfnce our baard has not PormalZy bcen created yet, I would change tnose referanoee to read "osganizing conrmitt+ee". Also, the netme we h$ve chosan aapitalizss the ti,xet word so that it seads "The gagan Foundationn. I hope this have been helpful. You write a heok oP d lmtter iri the faus qf o?hat could be a verY tauchy Situetioni Please aall if I can be of any additiottal 4timistance. Iad? g'ding ta hald yau to the proaise th$t z oaa plagiarise from this lattir in draftfng a lettor to the editor and also the Foundatitan'e brochure. Vory truly yQUrs, Larr_ rirm, ,P: A. Hy : Mary p?j ovf ch xSV't : , r CITY USE ONLY I PERMIT #: ??? J ? RECEIPT DATE: ESIDENTIAL NIECII"CAI. fIFItM1T APPLICATION c?rst oFsAsAx 3630 Pv.or xxos Etn EAfu4N MA 55188 ? 651-5$1-4675 Please complete for: ? singis family dwellings #ownhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: ? 9- -?S~O1 SITE ADDRESS: k UV- OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: (g5l Lt6A-9g'CQ? (AREA CODE) INSTALI.ER NAME: (1S V 1??SL TELEPHONE #: I? 5-Q M4?1\o5 ? {AREA CODE} STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: . Place a check mark next to the ermit work t e New residential dwelling unit under constructionand not owner/occupied $ 70.00 ? Add-on, modificatfon or alteration to existina dwelling unit $ 50.00 • rnace replaceme • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of wark: j_J, 1 r 'Q State Surchar e $ .50 Total $ S'b Reminder: Call for inspections. OF TTTEE SI6Ntt6Rf Updated 1/01 CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: RECEIPT DATE: APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR CObI1VMRCIAL M?CH"CAI. FTJI1T MPLICATTON af Y vg EAem S$SU PIL4T KNDS RD EAUEN, bI1V 551 2$ 651-6$1-4875 Please complete for: all commercial/industrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate permits are not required for each dwelling unit DATE: STTE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TENANT NAME (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY): WAS THERE A PREVIOUS TENANT lN THIS SPACE? INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CITY: WORK TYPE: New construction Interior Imiprovement Processed Piping Specify Nature of Work: PHONE #: - (AxEa copE) STATE: ZIP: Install U.G. Tank Remove U.G. Tank When instadling/removing undergrourrd tank, call 651-681-4675 for inspection by Fire Marshal and Pdumbing Iinspeetor. Fees: 1% of contract priee OR $50.00 minimum fee, whichever is greater. Underground tank removallinstallation = minimum fee Contract price: $ x 1% _$ (Base Fee) State surcharge calculate at $.50 for each $1,000 Base Fee TOTAL $ PHONE #: - (AREA CODE) Y N. NAME: SIGNATiJRE OF PERMTTTEE Updated 1/01 P 09/17/2013 08:32 FAX 10002/002 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use - I I j City of Ea p ; Permit HIM as 3830 Pilot Knob Road I Permit Fee: I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: M3 I Phone: (651) 675-6675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I 2013 RESIDENTI[A~~7L BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date' 3 Site Address: /6a V t ,1jKVe Unit Resident/ Name: ceo /V e- 4- o lJ Phone: /;/;t -;710 Owner Address / City / Zip: 4r a Aff4- kfFv i( of ve~ Applicant is: Owner Contractor S Sp . yf]gtaP Work Description of work: ~Q L Tf e o`Z 71`0 Construction Cost: 90.. 00 Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No Company:T ~l2SrxT G.~.cr6' u'C~ .1~ 36 - 0 X G O Contact. Address; LA- yyif H'e ~ ctor _ City: Coitt> ~cr 41 State: _Dp_ Zip: 5 /1 Phone: 1 496 ~Q "License 16 L 0, © 9 `r3 Lead Certificate /Lrh r 116, if the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: Tans and supportl cumfs tl sdtr+ atie Ctsrr blicn tfte lri;vrrnatlon my beffi easr~o _ # a c y ~ w Sermt the City to CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (661) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aonherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and worts is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit Issued In accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit Issuance. x ~c3f ~`C SF icJ Applicant's Printed Name App ' ant's Signature Page 1 of 3