4298 Beaver Dam RdCity of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 4298 Beaver Dam Rd Lot: 19 Block: 2 Addition: Sun Cliff 1st PID:10- 72975- 190 -02 Use: Description: Sub Type: e- Reroof Work Type: Replace Description: House & Garage Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: If there is no ice protection inspec acceptable in lieu of inspections. Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 Contractor: PERMIT City of Eaan BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature Construction Type: Occupancy: Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: on prior to final, you must meet inspector with ladder and flat bar. Pictures are not Owner: Jeremy A Ellis 4298 Beaver Dam Rd Eagan MN 55122 $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Issued By: Signature Building EA084679 07/28/2008 ePermit - Applicant - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State ******************?******************** CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 765 DATE: 08J14/00 TIME: 15:11:21 ID: NAME: NORBLOM PLUMBING CO 3212 9001 1904 S POINTE T t; 30.00 2155 9001 1904 S POINTE T 0.50 3212 9001 4298 BEAVER DAM 3a..00 2155 .9001 4298 BEAVER DAM 0.50 3212 9001 3542 COACHMAN R 30.00 2155 9001 3542 ,COACHMAN R 0.50 3212 9001 4134 BLUEBRRY K 30.00 2155 9001 4134 BLUEBRRY K 0.50 Total Receipt Amount: 122.00 CR135779 , . USER ID: JAN 'q CO`Y Un`ONI.Y L. 81. to: sUW. , eAM .?.?.?....?,,...: . 20Y 0 PLtrAUrm - PzRmri mas? cITr or &%"x ? 30U Pis.ar IMS- Rn MAcaw, . ru 55i2a . Plson oomplote for: > 04* bmNy dwelliW > *mMoma arrd ombs wiwrrpwm?ts aao eswkW fiar ndt Imik Y baalcflaw pMnnW for unde,gowimd Wktdor sys'twn 4 ? - . ' . . ' . .4.'. . - f' , m ? ?? ?ft - ???m ? ? ?'? y Xn tub &00 ? ' Fb?r d?in 3. x audet ' rnbftwn -1 Iiot wwS ' 3. Kdchen sink - 3-00 -x ' . . ?C* X, ?? ? ? ? .+?+? i .k• 3.? •.?.. e., ?, - ?i m a1 uek*ul • ft 7 m ?nm?t 3 it , RP n?+u 30.%- R6wh nin 1 ic? h"r 00 3' x - - ? LI round sprinMer !f t!eMm unftr aom:truation :. Und 1'OUMd sprin ?f !F 30.00. -X?. < ' V*W ik88t 3.0- . . ,; • a .. ., . YV1W h'88W &00 `X. v11dw di0ft11l1' I? Wnder c1'Mn1lB#on X_ Wafiw soi'Cener K 30.00 - tutnsrourid , 30.W,,. x'? •..- ? . . ? ? ` Surcm ... : ....?.>. ? • Rmstnder: Ca11 for iftpsaftns of gbmftfw, i.s. "~ 1111jilftl*M?.:??+?r?. ?wUti***Q? i'a?"?r?d it 4 ft o~s raspoeutbwlr m noith tM aamtv owM tfaf ft Citv of B?err nmmv qpentlonal ar+d nud pemUt vmkS GIv : Q S ' RGf7 . . . S M-f1V IM 4IF????+?RM TJRiR'iA, 1MONSM922 - . - . . ? .; `.?r . . OlAIPIER NAME: . ? (mf) 45&0W TEUIPbQIV?'? ? r M ?r 1?1&TR1.C:ERNAAA£: (?'.? z- STREET ADaRES9: CI1'Y: AJJl! This request void 3- ?'? g u ?,???? d•b o 18 months from / q q157s Request Date J Fire No. Rough-in Inspection Repuired7 ?'Fieady Now Q WiII Notify. InsPec- tor Wh R d ?Yes No en ea y lyLicensed Electrical Contractor 1 here6y request inspection of a6ove ? Owner electrical work instalied at: Street ddress, Box or Route No. ? ?'2-t? & ? ? ! City / ?Ml ! } i,.. /t. . ection o. Township Name or No. Range No. County Ay -19-, Occupdnt (PRINT) 4 4 Phone No. , . ? 4.-?, Power Suppiier o4eeq 9 /-,-- Address le?qz^ Ele rical Contractor (Company N el - Contractor's License No. Mailing Address IContract r or Owner Making Instailationl - Authoriz d ignature Contrc /O nar Making Insta ation) f??' Phone Number MINNESOTA STATE B01CRD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Room N-181 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 7821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 1612! 297-2711 ENCLOSED. 3ST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION „ ee-ooooi.o? ? ' See iostructions for completirm this iorm on back of Yallow copy. 1 A I •'"X" Below Work Covered by This Request ? Add Rep. Type of Buiiding Appliancea Yrired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Neater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. Bui Iding Dryer Etectric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Farm Other peci y Other ISuer.itvl t er Suecify Other Other ompute lnspectron Fee Below # Fee Service Entrance Size t! Fee Feeders/Subfeeders ii Fee Circuits 0 to200Am s 0 to30q s 0 to 30Am s Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100_AmpS Transformers Irri tion Booms Partial•'Other Signs Speciallnspection $ TOT L EEE Remarks , a in v Rough-in DaSe I, the Electrical C Inspector, here6y certify that the above Date Final inspection has been dthfa request void 18 montha from this request void .3 {.-1-l' 1?,37 •?? 18 rtpnths trom A 46 578 z S0AJ C4..1 FF l(s liequest Date 3 ?? ?z / Fire No. Rough-in Inspection Required? ?Ready Now ll Notify, Inspec- tor Wh R 7 [? Yes ? No en eady K Licensed Electrical Con2onctor I hereby request inspection of above Owner + eiectrical work instalted at: Street Address, Box or Route No. City 1.2 / ?yA'tJ e, Coloi. I ..? ection o. Township Name or No. ange No. County Occupant (PRINT) Phone No. a 4 fT E3 ?'`t=?f Power S plier Address EI, tric I Contractor (Company Name) Contractor's License No. c) ? L Mailing Address (Contrac or or Owner Makinp Instailation) Aut ized ign ture (Contra 1or O ner aking Insta tion) Phone Num er ? ?? ? MINNESOTA STATE BOAR OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldgt - Room N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55704 UNLESS PRdPER INSPECTION fEE IS Phone (612) 297-2111 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION es-oooo??oa , See instructions for completing this form on hack of yellow eopy. "X" llelowv Work Covered by This ftuest lje4 Akid Rep. Type of Building Appliances UYired Equipment Wired 4 ' Home Range Temporary Service Duple • Watar Heater Lighting Fixtures Alpt. Building Dryer Electric Heatin M Commerciai Bidg. Furnace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air Conditioner Bufk Milk Tank Farm Other SPeciFy Other (SUer.ify) t er Specify Other Other Compute lnspection Fee Below tf Fee ServicefntranceSize p Fee Feeders/SubfBeders # Fee Circui[s /Q,yC. U to 200 Am s 'D 0 to 30 qm s 0 to 30 Am s Above 200 Ampsl =v 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimmin Pool Above 100-Amps Above i0o_Am s Transiormers irrigation BoorrFs Partial•'Ot Fee Signs Speciallnspection n TOTA EE Remarks ( ? > r Rough-in • Date ?, ihe H Inspector, hereby certify that the above ' Final ?tq-? inspectian has 6een ? made. Tlnis reeuest void 18 months trom ir CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE P ? 3830Pilot_I?nok,Road ?? ' P.%O. Box 2719 PERMIT NO.: 3-15=84 'Eagan, J)!IN 55 V DATE: ?I Zoning: -L??-1 - No. of Units: Owner. Addross: Site Address: Plumber. Meter No.. Stze; Reader No.: I egres te eomolp wilb lhe City of Eogen OrdtpeneM ev Date of Insp.: ?.onnecnon t,narge: 15.00 Deposit: 00 . Permit Fee: !?F .50 - ? . -? Mlsc. Charges: ii Totai: Dcte Poid: ? Insp.. j? CITY OP'EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilat Knoli Road 6534 " P. O. BoK 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 551'1 DATE: 3-I5-84 li Zoning: 1 No. of Units: Ownor: Stt,phat1 Nmes Address: ° Site Address: 4298 Begvcr Dan Raad L19 B2 Sun Clfff lst ` Plumber:- WeIIZeI Mech I 3-6-54 41636 10000 • ?'a 1 eyroe to eempy wNh !be Cilp of Eogan ' Connection Chorpe: 425.00 pd ! ? Ordinan?n. Atwunt Depoait: 15.00 P 10 00 Pem?it Fee: . p ° Surcharge: I BY Mise. Chorqes: $ Dcte of Insp.: Totcl: !i Insp.: Date Pald: '! ? _ .. ,. ?. - ..-..??.--=--?.x.-..-- ,.> ..?-Q. _.......-...-.....,? CITY OF EAGAN ?Q ?8?? ?., 3830 Pi{ot Knob Rqad, P.O. 8ox 21-199, Ea?n, MN 55127 • • PHC?NE: 4548100 ? BUILDING PERMIT Receipt _ te 6. .,.d for SF DWG/GAR Est, yal„e, $ 71, 0 0 0 pte MARCH 6 1 q 8 4 - ?. site ddress 4298 BEAVER DAM ROAD Eroct ?j Occupcr?cy R3 Lot ?9 Black 2 ceds?b. SUN Ci,IFF 1S'1' Alter ? Zoning Rl (PD) Parcel No. 10-72975-?.90-02 Repolr ? Fire Zorro N/A , STEPFiAN IiOI?'IES Enin?pe ? Type of Cortst, V 14340 PILOT KNOB RD Move ? ,? Stories ixg Neme c??APPLE VAL. Phone 423-3322 ??ish p I..cngth 46, p Depth ?.?L,'?q, F?. Approvoh Fees F Name S?ME -- - ?U Address ? City Phone Nane _ Address City _ Phane Assessment Water 8 Sew. Police Fire E+D• Pionner Counci I Permit -_tii.14,,?35Q 8 Surchor9e :5 Plan check 173.00 SAC 525.00 Water Conn. 4 5 0. 0 0 Woter Meter 63.00 Road Unit._.-Z6Qs00 1 hereby acknowledga thot i hcve rocd this application ond state thot Bidg. Off. fhe informotion 1s corceet ond ogree to comply with nll opplicoble ?1'?'? .r,0 Stcte of Minnesotc St?utes and City of Eogon Ordinnnces. APC Totol 5lpnoture of Permittee ,.? A Bullding Permit is issutd W `?, -?`'•-'1 1?,--?`z`;,?c r r--GG?.? on the exp?as coriciitinn thwr pll wasrk sholl be done in accordonee?9ith oll opplieablr;Stota of Mirynesoto SMtutes ond City of Eagan Ordknonom BuNdiv Offieiol L . . . . .. . . ','?? ?r . . . : ? `?. . _ . _ ... ..... .? .,_._. f......_....i Pwmit NM. Prrmk Hotdor Mira Penoit No. HohN? N"mbi"9 1 GtJC ?T ILvJLc. 7 a 8 wo ? ?• avn 3 a ' sma 4 3?•? memom om kw o&.. P..fA?r Y - fuawMMbm ?t? FFU"W N6 Final FtY11C F+nd ?' •m. ? ya wd„ n..m.r. Lacedon: . ? ? swm. Ift DWP. PCtSUlDtNG PCR4lIT ? ._ Pern?it Na. Ct7'Y t)F EAGAN _ee a?Q 00 r Fi!! In rwmberecr xpacw S/C ? Type or Prlnt legibly Tot ...7 a.Sd ' f. Date 3 ? 2. Installation Cost S a $. ,lob Address ?? 8?`idP?' 6•?n??ot ? / Bik. ? 7ract #.. Orrtiu ^J7'C,C,V? "+`YN ? / ;- ?. Contracto?r Gflell2Cl M«h? Ph one Al5•2- /SIoS Address 34 00 ?. 7., City State M^? Zip SJ /2Z ?y Builcking Type:. Residential & Commercia! ? Institutional ? t :'; $. VVctrk Description: New [Y Add O Alter ? Repair ? s?•° Fixtures ¢?? , WMC Ckd8'I ? Plath wr,s Lswatary SF?c??naar r f??' .• iQbdon Sink ; . .. „ a No. FiXtUreg e??/Drainfieia Septie tank Softner ? - Well ??? ? e W ? ? Pe MECHAMtCAL PfRMIY ? c i ? rmit No GlTY OF EAGAN ? Fse $ 20.00 ? fill in numbesed spaces SfC ;,50 Type or Print legibiy TOIL $ 20. 54 ' 7_ Date 3-29-84 2, lnstallatian Cost ? ? ? ' -' J = ' J.. f 3. Jab Address 4298 Beaver cBtk. C14, t Lot 'Fract ?-i 4. Owner 8teph-Ars EiOsnes, Ir?G. . 5. C.ontractar K1eve Heatinq & A/C Inc. Phone 941-4211 6. ,4ddress 13075 Pioneer Z`rai2 7. City Edest prai rie State M3.rsn.es6ts . Zip 55344 . $, Buiiding Type: Residential AD Cammercial 13 Institutiona! 0 g. Wprk [)escription: New Add 0 Alter GI ; Repaar 0 'IQ. Describe idew hotise hE!atfTSg Fuel Type i3att}rsl G4a 11. ?. ? IVo. ? Eauiament 8711- M. Ea, Farced Air LMUIOX MOdI3I tVa. Equipment CFM : Air Handlin Wg,Gj21p3E-$2, 82,000 B g Boilers x Ventitng Mfg' Mech. Exhaust llnit Heater Mf9- tchen hood. 2 batth far19 Other Air Cand W9. ? Gas, I?iping 4utlets Furr?ac? Iy Reaipt NECHANICAL PERMIT Psrnnit No. ` •}i `??_,,, ? ?- ` I? CITY OF EAGAN FN F Flll in num6ened a?sces g/? . 50 A ?? Type or Prinf legiblY T+d1. 5 5_ 5D ? 1. Date 4-19-85 2. Installstion Cost s 1665_02 ,._ 3. Job Address 4298 Beavmc DaeLotBlk. , 4. Owner mike Anx%dWm S. Contractor Kleve Heatinct i A/C Inc. Phone 941-4211 6. Address 13075 Picaser TraiS ? 7. City Eden r°rafri+e State !°iinnesota Zip 55344 8. Building Type: Residential M Commercial O Institutiorrat O 9. Work Oescription: New ? 4Vdd0= Alter k) Repair ? 10. Dascribe Add H,/C ta eiciating hcuse Fuel Type ElectxiciLv 11. No. Eauioment BTtJ - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Eouioment CPM Air Hsndlings Mfy. Balers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Uflit HB8L8f Mfg. Other I Air Cond. Leniwx il;x3el - Mfg. Rs16-31I - 2? Tons Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby cartify that the above informetion is true and correct, and 1 ayres to comply wit?ail ordlnances and codes governing this type of work. S'igned: ?ifor I*ugh . Fi 1 Inspections: Oate Inap. Date?? InsP• ? This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464$100 z ;d ? C1TY 4F EAGAiV , P. Q. BOX 21-199 EA6AN, MINME T 55121 e c rE ?-. t9 ,'? nRCaveso AMOUNT J f U?.24fu_P .8? DOLLARS ? f o 0 E) CASH `Q-Ct9'ErGK .. ? FUNO -- CODE AMOUIVT ,/ ` 1L? _...-__.....r /r`. ` 1S / _ ._. U ii?i3-7Thank ? h... C. - _ ? W11ita-Peyan Oopy ? YeNow-Poaxino t7apyr: . Piwk-FiFe!CoqY CITY OF EAGAN Remarks UIV" t ?-,) -?J t Addition MN CI'IPF 1St' Lot 19 owner - sYreet 4298 BLAVBA Blk 2 Parcel -19MMM ft- DAM ROAt? state AN lT 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. 1970 690.05 69.01 10 STR E ET R ESTO R. gli 19$1 20$0.40 203.04 iQ 1218.2 C0087$7 5-4-84 GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 197V 76.54 3.06 25 30.64 C008757 5-4-84 SEWERLATERAI 2 974 44.21 2.95 S 11.$7 C00$7$7 5-4-84 * Sover Later$i s 1981 4419.74 441.97 14 2651.86 c008757 5-4-84 WATERMAIN *WATER LATERAL 1981 1 WATER AREA lb 1973 93.5 .24 15 18.79 C008757 5-4-84 STORM SEW TRK 1971 322.29 16.11 20 96.75 C0087$7 5-4-84 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT - ! WATER CONN. 450.00 if of BUILDING PER. 8870 SAC u t1 PARK ' CITY dF EAGAN WATER SERYICE PERl1AiT ,M0 Pilot.*km%b Roed 5345 P. O. Beox 21799 PERMIT NO.: Eagan„MN 5v?`f21 oATE: 3-15-84 Zonin9: Fi 1 No. of Units: 1 Owner: _ Stept-ian Hoines /lddron: 5t Addrcas: 429$ ueaver Daui Road L19 BZ Sun Cliff lst t,,,,ber; Wenzel Mech Meter No.: ?? 3 Connection Chorge: 450.00 pd Stze: qcoou„t peposit: 15 . 00 pd der No :[@? 3- mnit Fee: 10.00 pd ?°' t°eo'- '?t?i ?•?AS ??'nrge: .50 pd Ctwrges: 63.00 nd meter Or?wenas. i:?=???'ni? I: ? ? •- ? e ? B!( E f-1 ?Na gy e'' o Dot+e Paid• Dote of Insp.. v- Irnp.: R CITY OF EAGAPI N• ? 8870 ? 3830 Pi(ot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-198, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # ?G, To be uted foe SF DWG/GAR Est. Vclue $ 71,000 pate MARCH 6 , jq 8 4 site Address 4298 BEAVER DAM ROAD Erect ?j Occupnncy R3 19 2 SUN CLIFF Lot Block Sec/Sub. 1ST Alter p Zoning Rl ( PD ) Parcel No. 10-72975-190-02 Repair p Fire Zone N/A V Enlar9e ? Type of Const. ac STEPHAN HOMES Name Move Q # Stories - Z Address 14340 P ILOT KNOB RD. per„olish p Length 4 6' City APPLE VAL. phone 423-3322 Grade ? De th ' k 45 t F p - - q. t. , o Name S?E Approvols Feea H ?? Address r City _ ?Wa!!! Name _ Phone Address City Phone Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Plonner Council I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ond state that Bldg. Off. the information is correct ond ogree to comply with oil applicable APC - State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinances. Permit ? 3 4A - 00 Surchcrge 35.50 Plnn check 173.00 SAC 525.00 Water Conn. 450.00 Woter Meter 63.00 Road Unit 260.00 Totoi $1,852.50 5igncture of Pe?mittee I /1 Building Permit is issued to• on the express condition thnr oil work shall be done in otcorda% e h all op ' State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eogan Ordinonces. Building Officiol ,?, -t g.t'a-l+.L J VY-7 ? GTTY O?' FAGAN TncZude 2 sets of plans, 1 Gertificate of Snrvey•& . ^ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIQN 1 set of energy calculati.ans. /j 0 0t7 Tb Be Used For Valuation Date Site Address &ilm OFFICE USE ONLY Ibt ? Block. .? SeC./Stib. scr- t OccuPancY Parcel # : ( j U - 62.,,Alter Zoning Repair Fire ?one Owner: Enlarge `I'ype of Canst. Nlove # Stories Address: City/Zip Code: Phane #_ Gbntractor: Address: 2113 City/Zip Code: ? ??- ??- --Phore #: .x3 -3?.? ?-- Ar'Ch. /tn[J. . Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: I3emolish Front ft. Grade Depth ? f t- APPRONTALS F EES Assessmen.ts Pernit iqater/Sewer Surcharge 3e ? po?ice Plan Check 17-3 Fire SAC ' S? Eng. water Conn. //4'p aO P3.anner Water M,eter ; - C;OUI1C11 Road Un-t '? ra 6 ---- Bldg, Off. AFC TOTAI, ?? S,;? - f J 1 v ? . 1 -. ?• !? .ir ?? ?,Q h qP/0 ? s P 44 ? it . .? ?? . . 5? ? .4S'?s 3,, ? ? ? •? kr `? ?--- ?A? N44E ? .• ? H „• , ., • ? ?? ? ' f ? ti AQ I .7 ?.o °P ? N n 44 ' ° e•o ? ? .k .-, ? ' i ti• " o / 41 ??" ; ,••? •o ? v o ? L ? ? ? '?,. • ?t So? o ,„' ? d,? • 0 ? ? pE,?Gf?1PTi01?I , ? MEWL ?jGALL? 1" s 3D' A LL 8 G AKtNLh A"UMED o pE1Jor" I014 M0Ul#MMf LaT f 9 ? V6oW-Jr- w-) ,uu 4c.IFF lcticur ADbtTIoN, OAK.OTA-. CDVI•tTY, MlA11JE+oTa I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervis3.on and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the Statp of Minnesota. Z?? LeRoy . Hohlen 10795 Registered Land Surveyor No. ? ? 2/$4 ' C I'I'Y OF EAGAN / ` AFPLICATIQN FOR PERMIT - SEWER AND/OR GdATER CC3NNECTION ' (PLEASE PRINT) PRDPERTY ADDRESS: 47qA Raaarar. Ttam Rd T.TY;AT. ??IPTIpN: r.o _ 1 1oc,k 2 Suncli.ff (IAC:,/81ock/Su,bci3.yv'?sa.on or T'aX Parcel I.D. Number) .rF i:+Ll??Y.+•1 Sli.=:E, n??'+ :i^ y•7T?•r?-ir? ^r•71,. _.""'? ? FEF?•SIT I=;::......_.. :.'e? PRESMU -_,l'NI?:/PR0I'4SED tISE: E7 R1 SINGLE FAMILY E3 Rz 2 DrrnLEX (TWD t.NYTS ) E3 R- 3TO&EMSE (TUIEE: + UNITS ) ( UNITS ) 13 R 4 APARZMV'.C/CMIDQMIlN2[}M ( UNITS } ` p CCRMERCTAL/`RETAIZ,fOFFICE G IMT35TRIAL f Q 3NSTITUTICNAS.fGC1VIIZIZEUr 2) RpPLICANi+ PLEASE PRFNT ) NAME: STEPH-AN CONSTI2UCTION AD1?RESS: 14340 Pilot Knab Rd CSTY, STATE, ZIP: Apple Va]:l.ey, Mn 55124 - PHQNE: , 3) PU.AKBER NAIVE: PLEASE PRINT) FQR CITY USE ONLY PiUNSERS LICEMSE: ADuREss: ; ° wENZEL nnEcHANieaL y ? Active CTTY, STATE, ZIP, 3600 KENPEEBEC aFiIVE, EAGAIV, N11NN. 59122 ? Expired [?] Not of . ecord PLUMBER LICENSE # 001445M2 4 zitaft ni ia ' 4) OC7CC..JPAN'Tf? 0 CC I'AME: ( P?L E R SE PR I N T) S -An fiQ1Z fgstr11G :L3 L1i3 i ADnRESS : . . . . . , s a.me as # 2, l CITY, STATE, ZIP: ? PHONE: . I E 5) INOICA'1'E WHICH PEFtMIT TS BEIW, P;EQJESTIID; Ej CDiqNECTION TC] CITY SEZrIER (D G`OMpC`PTON M CzTY WA`I'ER a' C7II'EiM (PIEAS£ DESCRIBE) b) ]SIDZCNTE QNM: PLF'.ASE FiOID AFPRdVID PERMIT FY)R PICK-UP BY ONE OF ASC7CTF PLF'ASE MAIL AI'PROVED FERKIT ZO 1, 2, ?34' 4 ABOTE (Circle ane) , 7) SI&NAT[1RE: QATE: Y' F O R C I T Y PERMIT # ISSUED ?..._?, FEES ; $ $ $ -?? $ $ ?-- $ $ $ $ $ $ ? $ U S E O N L Y SEWER PLRMIT (I:IGLGDE SURCHARGE) WATER PEW"IZT ( Ii+TCLUDE SURCI3RRGE ) WATER METER/CQPPERHlJRN/OUTSIDE READER WATER TAp ( INCL(3DE CORFURATION STOP ) SEWER TAP ACCOUNT DEPQS IT - SEWER ACCOiJNT LIEPOSTT - "GIIATER WAC 5AC TRUIITF{ WATER ASSESSMENT TRUNK SEWER ASSESSMENT LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNR SEWER LATERAL BENEFITJTRUNK WATER 4THER TOTAi, AMQUIVT PAID/RECEIPT DC,}ES UTZLITY C(]NNECTI(3PI REQ[3IRE EXCAVATION IN PIISLIC RTGHT pF WpiY? YE5 IF YES, THEN R"PERMTT FE?R WdRK 6JITHIRI PUSLIC ROADWAY" MCiST HE ISSt1ED BY THE ? NO ENGINEERING t]IVTSIQIaL. LTST A.S. A CCl-NDI- TION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CpNpITTONS: APPRQVED BY : --?? = `. • ? TITLE. DATE 0*411-40 wft lm+Me:m okm 4f a`) ?ti) c dfOp Plan te_ /4f? + ?. ' NEAT L088 CALCULATIONS ??? otal Weat Loss_ -F _e6 x 1.1 6 ?f v? n otei Btu input ( All windows & dooh m waathsrstrippad Room I Lath. // Wth '" Ht. '" Fi. Roo'1+ I 1-2th. Wth. Ht, ` t? ?? ` W?tn ot p?rw -- -°-- Niiqhl o1 pftnr - No. 01 I hN Linselti. of tnck Ana p. tt, _r? ., •? raoon 14con Coef. BTU ivotion Wmdawt ?7 'rrolwe WlOnpt 178 -f,rvx, sldowt 71 , WW ", a ooa.. '°s ? E xp. w.n , 7 li„q ? p ,rt 7 10 ul 81u. "' Rnem ( Leth_?°• „Wt10.] ••• Nt. t?' ••?? FI Na. W'dt?' qf rN M?pht oi No.of 1 a llr»dlt. o1 cnek Ans .11. _.. -?_ i , > ? i / Idoon I r' /dwn CoN. BTU ,.+,irrnwn Wimfowt 47 , .? .? tte ) 46 niatrnion 8lDoon 71 di OOws 2 48 _ ..? E xp. W?tl 7 c- 6 T fOl l r"ir1 Btu. 1/17 F i Room I Lath. ?•• Wth. ••? t+T. •••? No W`dth ol pam He t 01 Pan", No.of 1 t1 LImNTt. ot enek Ana sy. fe. IdppA CoN. BTU -- t,ltrvtwn Windows 47 ionstion W/Dom lis .1,motwn S/Doon 71 .N w.li r? E ip Wall ' _dinq 6 w•? 3 5 10 v?sl Bw. No. W?th Ot ne He?t of pone No. ot R " Linallt. ot crrek ra . It. loo«. /doo„ Cot1. !TU Inl{Itntbn Wlndows 47 Infun.aon wrooors t ib Inflltntlon 8/Doon 71 ExP. Wall Glw at Doon 413 Not EYp. Wall 7 Gfnep 6 FIcKw ?a1 a TotN Bw. . . Roem I Lath_ . •• Wth. '" lit. ' No. Wbth p} M HoIqht p1 No,o1 I lt LHrNtt. 01 Cfstk ne , h. ? ldoott rooon co.l. aTu Intlltntbn WlndoNn 47 Intlltntfon WlDaort 118 IntNMtba S/Ooon 71 Eup. WeII G bu 8 Doorf 48 Not Erp. Wall 7 Csllinq 8 F loor 3 6 TotN 8tu. . -- ? F1. Room LOth• - •• Mhh. '" Nt, ` No. W?th of puw Heipu Of para No.of i n LlMSlft. ot cvack Ana q. ft. /doon /doon CoN. ` B:? _ Inflltratlon Windowt IMfHnt{on W/Doon ??- InflNwtlon SlOoon 71 -- r- .. Exp. Wall ? a aN s ooor• 49 Not Exp. Wall 7 Gllfnq 5 Floor ?31 5 Totd Btu. . 1? .. f .a?_? -ly??'? ? 1 N?rnq.... ; /. ! „1 .-? ?e. ?.` _ Addaeq ___ '} / ,?? -I 7,? r ? f J L x? J`' f'/ 7T N T 1,11 Heat i.oR4 . ? x ? mToti I Btu Ir? ut ` HEAT L088 CALCULATIONB I __ _.. __ ?__- ?--- ? ?.? ? p All windows & doorr aru vwsthurttrlppiad _ / I i. , ; , " _.._._-_. Room ? Loth. ? . " Wth. /. S'--• •• Ht, ,• i FI. /?e? _ Roan I Lotn. rt • "wlh_ / • •• H? • ?iih4th _a1 p?n? Hoiphl of prn* Na.ol I to LkniNft, of eraek An, p, k. _- _..?L? , ? ? •._ ? ? ? O -l/ . rdami /dDM BTU , f J 11ir1Y4n wf nodom 47 iZZ7 :i. ,?nww wlDows 118 ?? ,?•a?cnSlOoan 71 ?a 8 D?? '? t-3 tti E xo. Ylfall z l aidirrp B ? v 'low 7 10 _ocrl Biu. ? Na Wideh NadYht No.ol Llnalft, rra 72,750 ai pom oi s 1 hn od' cnck . ft. ?. 3 ? /doon Cwl. RT1i Infl9tratbn Windaws r f 47 ?• Infiltration W/Daowo 118 Infiltration S/Oaon » ErP. Watl G uu a Daan 48 1 ? NM @xp. WeII 7 ?- 7 Cf111np 6 . A 4 Fiow T3' B Toul Btu. ? FI. Room I Lach. .?; • ,•Ihfth. Na. ??? 01 nf HeIpht of pwm No. of 1 ss L neH1s. cr n«a na , fe, Pdppft idcon Coaf. BTtJ Infiltrotlon WindooM 47 Infiltration WlDoon 118 tnTihretion 8/Doon 71 Exp. Wall Glsa A Ooon 48 NatEND,WeII ] 1 Glllnp F loor 3 ? TatiO 8tu, / FI_ a. I? Raorn I Lath./,• - ••1RIth. " l+It ' ?a ' Widsh 01 pam Nei?t of pana No.of I n li it. af erwk Ares q. it. 2 ,doom - ldoon Cwt. I H: ` Infiltration Windaws inflltntlon WlOoat n ? 41 1181?? inliNrstlan $ICfOW7 Exp. Wall -- Giau & Doas - ? 48 Not Exp. Wail j •? ? ::i F Gilirg Fww 3 1 5 TotalBw. ; xa 200 7 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERnniT APPUCaTiorv ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete fvr modifications to existinq residential dwellinqs. -Date Site Street Address ?3?- 6!919 41'?,X Z4t22 pl Unit # Property Owner Telephone # (4g;s4 ? Contracto Telephone # (9'.:5A c990?-l??S'S3Q Address c ity, ;qw,q,js-,& c State_ rJ Zip ?" The Applicant is: Owner & Occupant ? Licensed Plumbing Contractor Septic System _ New _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Includes County fee $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Fire Repair (replace burned out fixtures, etc.) $ 90.00 This fee a plies when extensive lumbin re airs are made to a buildin . Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures to . main level lower level. This fee includes installation of a water softener and/or water heater at the same time. !f you are insta/ling onlv a water soffener and/or water heater, do not complete this section; move to the next section and place a checkmark next to the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment _WaterTurnaround (add $136.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) ' Other: XWater Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 , _ new _1X replacement _ Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ ? , CJ I hereby appfy for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in accorda e with the approve lan in the event a plan is required to b reviewed and app ved. f?? ? ApR 0 9,2007 Appticaht`s Printed Name / Apoficatt's Signature 2007 RESTDENTIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION - City Of Eagan .• 3830 Pi1at Knob Road, Emgan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for: single family dwellings & townhomes/condos when permits are required for each unit C) . ? .-- CJA-?-? Date?_/?? Site Address 1 39 <? 1,y??Y_ _r Unit # Property awner Telephone # (?? ) ?;V7:? Contractor Skreet Address 9 E t Stat City _N? ` Zip ?20 Telephone # (?.?? ) ?? ~? ? UC1? Sond #: Expires: The Applicant is Orvner ? Contractor Other Fire repair (replace burned aut app6iances, ductwvrk, ete.) $ 90.00 This fee applies when extensive mechanacal repairs are made to a building. Add-an or alleration to existing dwelling unit $ 50.00 ? furnace _Additionai -YReplacement Nevw air exchanger X air conditioner heat pump ather State Surcharge 5 $ .50 Total ? !5LSD I hereby apply for a Residential Mechanica.l Aermit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in canformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an applioation for a permit, and wark is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in aecordance with the approved plan in the ease of work which requires a review and approval of pl ? 4 Lwc Applicant's Printed Name Ap i ant's Sigrtature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA135600 Date Issued:03/25/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4298 Beaver Dam Rd Lot:19 Block: 2 Addition: Sun Cliff 1st PID:10-72975-02-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please leave printed pictures of house wrap on site for the final inspection. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Jeremy A Ellis 4298 Beaver Dam Rd Eagan MN 55122 Craftmasters Remodeling Inc 2495 Maplewood Dr, Suite 314 Maplewood MN 55109 (651) 757-4100 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature