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4000 Cedar Grove Lane 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMTT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 Nevr Construction Reoui2ments ? 1a regYstered site surveys showing sq. tt. of lot, sq. ft. af hause; and all roofed areas (20%mazimum lot coverage allowed) T, D?wc W. r177 /h, ? I /? coPies of plan showing 6eam & window sizes; poured found design, etc. * 1 sel of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan If lot plaked alter 7M193 Rim Joist Defeil Options selection sheet (buDd'mgs with 3 or less uniGa) Reno aVReuair Reauirements 2 wpies of plan 1 set of Energy Calculafions (or heated add'N'orce 1 site survey for additions 8 decks Add'rtion - indiceM ilal-site sepfk sysfem bp -?aQ? -. LAg5\ LA PIP -taaal 0,10. 50 4YN?17ai2 -ro 5t, Office UseOnlv' ??5,""q? CeROfSurveyRecd =N-- Tree Pres PWn Recd _ Y_ N, Trea Pres Required _ Y_ N On-si[e Septic System _ Y_ N s?o 72yG4 oioo--?-Niq Date _IC) / _Lj / `_ ??0 2N G SG Construction Cost 3 Site Address cr_?a C ?1'COntl. InYia ??1 . UniUSte # C lG??(e 2 Description of Work MV) ?? IC 4nr?,1v 1??.?A M16v?'?4 Multi-Family Bldg ? Y_ N r Fireplace(s) _ 0? 1 _ 2 PropertyOwner (..ennQ(" 7 ,. Telephone#(C?S1 L CA (' Contractor Address Slis zna;on ?c?? Ql?? c,Ty w& 2 State i? L N• ! Zip 5?AI Telephooe #(Cisl ) 9 9^3W COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING ? Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residentiai Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (Jsubmissiontype) Submifted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In The IasT 12 months, has the City oF Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan8 ']( Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber ('°CAL - RyA?1 Mechanical Contractor L3"eAt " kY0.n Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone #(GSI ) Telephone#W) -?O'1cx*ja Telephone #((?,V) ?q I? "G3?I lid I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requues a review and approval of plans. ?JCaI4?isr. "?C Applicant's Printed Name A4j4JL ApplicanYs Signature OFFICE IISE ONLY Sub Types .f . ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bidg fir' 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt- SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 DS-plex O 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screenlgazebo) 13 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y Ot _ N ? 25 MiScellane0u5 Work Types • . ;a? . . , . : Er'31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 DemoAsh Interior ; ? 44 Siding ? 32 Additan ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement •Oemolition (Erit7ie Blilg) - Give•PCA hantltiut to epplic?n! Valuation Gl 23 Plan Review. 100% or ?25% Census CoiJe 4?c to i' ' SAC Units I # of Units ? # of Bidgs . .( Type of Const 3G $1 ' °. Occupancy iP3rt3, Zoning -P?) Stories 'Z. sq. Ft. 9s? Length 3FI ' Width ?Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) Footings (addition) ? Foundation Drain Tile ,Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final 1./ Framing ? Fireplace ? R.I. -Air Test WFinal ? Insulation MCES System City Water GS Booster Pump - PRV Fire 3prinkisred, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? FinaUC.O. _ FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining WaII Approved By: %Lc 1-a+,c` , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge " Plan Review,2s% - w MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total . Lo? 4?? FiN?sk?d «,aas " p?° [i Lln?ni?s?e[? (oQd ,.. ..MAiN .171Aor' .s111 9;. ? L .?G? 89?. ?CAye. b, 6a14 Jec-k a, 06 o ------ _ ? 99, 6a3 • ' ? Wlehaek C9WLIAIICE REPORT Minnesota EnerpY CeAs Iptneek BefeWare Yeroion 9.0 COUNIY: Hennepin STpTH: Yinnesota TANE: 2 CONSTRUC7ION 'trvE: SinOls FanilY d1TE: 8•74.2005 ppTE OF PLANS: 9-8-04 PROJECT IW'OIbMATIOM: Syvit tolleetion Nieels R1dge EdO? Ycxxo Cc?as Gco.,c L,n. cowaxr nOUwnnon: Lennar Corp. 11DTES: ? racsnisy untt (4's°) CONPIIANCE: PA55E5 1 ? I 1 ? Parmit U ? ? --- ? ? Checke0 by/Cate ? I 1 Requirea Ua s 604 Your None = 400 90,8% Bettsr Snan Coae Area or cavity Cor+t. G1w"/0oor Periieeter A-yaluo R-Value ------- U-YSlue W? ._...-........--- ......--'^ •--._......•-------------'--...........----' CE=L=aGS 962 98.0 0.0 29 lb1t,LS: Mfaed Frme, 18' O.G. 9?52 19.0 2.0 182 fd,qZiNQ: W3ndow3 or- Doora, Abovo GraCe 258 0.350 90 DOORS 42 0.330 1b FLOOR9: Over tlneondisionea Space 414 30.0 0.0 14 sUe Ftcons: unneatsa, 'rt.o• insui. l16 10.0 70 HvAC EdlIPAIENT: Furnaee, 80.0 AFUE ........................... ----------------------------------- ------ ...--'--.__ CaMpLspuoCE STA7EMEn'r: nre OroPosad bu11dinp aesign qescri.bad fisro is eonslssaM r1M !he Mii1dL+9 Plaos. RPeeiticatians, and othwr ealeuiaeions aubsitted ritA the paemit aODlication. 1TS proposed buildinp has Deen deai0ned te mnat the requireeents of the Yinnesota Enarpy Ceda_ 'C?S ` o-! 7 BY31Aer'lOlSSQMrDe t6 LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: ?T? I Z 3 F? ? IOGJ< I IU? CaJS ?? G?G' DATE OF SURVEY: ? LATEST REVISION: Y a Oz ?' ? .S ? ? ? ? ? d a c m L U ? a ¢ ? ? ? J ? ? ? ? 0 ? 11 1 DOCUMENT STANDARDS . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company • Building Permit Applicant • Legal description . Address ¢COb?¢oOz??fO????00(? ?'P£c7.r'?jro??-?n. • North arrow and scale . House Type (rambler, walkout, split wlo, split entry, lookout, etc.) • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % • Proposedlexisting sewer and water services & invert eievation . Street name • Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) • Lot Square Footage . Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin ? r? ? • Property corners ? ? ? . Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ? '0 ? • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes 'W ? ? . Adequate footing depth of strudures due to adjacent utility trenches p jg ? • Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed ?1j ? ? . Garage floor ?' ? p . Basement floor ? ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkoullwindow) ? ? ? . Property corners ?? p • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if aqpiicable) ? '( ? . Easement line ? ? ? • NWL ? ? ? . HWL ? ? ? • Pond # designation ? ? • Emergency Overflow Elevation ? ? ? • PondlWetiand buffer delineation y ? . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS )6 ? ? • Lot Iines/Bearings & dimensions ?'0 'p • Right-of-way and street width (to back of cur6) ,pJ ?? • Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) Z ?? • Show all easements of record and any?Q utilities within those easements ??? • Setbacks of proposed structure and fdey d setback of adjacent existing structures ? ? • Retaining wall requirements: Reviewed By: Datef?.f? G:lFORMSlBuilding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 „??Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR :Lennar DESCRIBED f1S :Lots 7,2,3, and 4, Block 1, NICOLS RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, City af Eagan, Dakota Count , Minnesota and reserving eosements of record. 9-39 9iVSTALL ERO BLANKCT OR c° t1 r V! By ` Date y 831A Q , EAGAN ENGWEEKING DEPT. Op D C???9e ry Q%: o ? P C???9e oU,t° ?? O OQ ? ? C \a Ri o?"?4 N ti ?• ? C?rO9e o p\ p 9 o D\ ?QC ? c ¢ohah 00 .,w ? ? Op•e ? 66.00 RetPWOlI? ? 640.3 / 3?' 31 n G. / hODe 2Q.? / o¢ 3? y 645.4 QIoZu ? hnry' ? h M• D ?o. o n 0 / '? o0 35, v 644.2 / o¢ Q)` ? i ryDe? ED / 11 k qj ?p p? ? ? 836. . ~° 60-44_t ? 0 / O cA 844.2 / ? ? ? 845.4 i ? p i ? / 0!/T40T A Droihoge & Utillity Eosement ProPosed i /°ver oll of Ovtlat A ? Nome Tob= (840.3?? ? i / o i , , ; / - ? PROPOSED ELEVATION S U L2 L3 L4_ - BENCHMARK, Top of Foundation = 835.3 836.3 837,3 TNH?Ce arvae r.&?dar Grove Prkwy Garage Floor = 832.0 833.0 834.0 835.0 EI=821.26 Basement Floor = 832.1 833.1 834.1 s 835.1 • Aprox. Sewer Service = 820.2 821.2 822.2 824.1 , Proposed Elev. MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Existing Elev. _ Drainage Directions = Front - House Side - Denotes Offset Stake = . SCALE: 1 inch = 30 raat Rear - Garage Side- JOB N0: HEDLUND ' HEREOY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPftESENTATION O5R-496 OF THE BDUNDARIES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERtt AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNOER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION ANO DOES NOT PURPORT TO 60DK: PACE: PLANNlNC 6NGlN86RlNC SU1?V6'Y(NC SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCftOACHMENTS, EXCEPT A HOWN. 2005 Pin Ook Drive 1 ??_7/ Eagan, MN 55122 DATE 0 1 1J? CAD FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 P E D LIN REN. IAND URVEYDR Niclos RidgO Fax: (651) 405-6606 N SOTA LICENSE NUMB 14376 ; Br?a?a,q :4c6a3 q+ 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION pP,a `?>0 City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 7 New ConsWCtbn Reouiremenls RemodeVReoair Reauirements INfice Use Onlv ? ??3 registered sAe surveys showing sq. R. of lot, sq. fl. of house; and all roofed areas 2 wpies of plan CeK of Survey Recd _ Y_ N (20% maximum lot wverage allowed) T pp,e i.J, i tl-7 .3yJ i set of Eneryy Calalations for heated addPoons Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N. ? 1.7copies of plan show(ing beam & wiMow sizes; poured found design, etc. i site survey for additlons & decks Tree Pres Requlred Y _N ? 1 sel of Energy Calwlations Add'NOn - indkete tl onste sepfic sysfem On-site Septic System _ Y_ N 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan N lot platted after 711/93 Rim Joist Detail Options seledian sheet (6mldings wM 3 or less unAs) l o Q-_?yq l?lJ lo Il+f < Date I t.) /_11- /ct, 5 Construction Cost 1$ 3pi 5T T Site Address CcA a 4l . UniUSte # cl"1'ioQ? ) 10 `.5('j ' CIO— i CQ? S Description of Work Tcliwh ('I ame Multi-Family Bldg ?S Y_ N ? Fireplace(s) 0 , I V 1 _ 2 Property Owner LQ, ?\r10.t i Telephone iF (_,s( )? S 9' ?38 S Contractor C.Cd1A f ? _ Address ? ys C C`?(" lJ't ?pit. Tr• ? City w 0. State A N Zip 551011 Telephone # (GS' V-Cl COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING ? Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category , Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (4 submissiontype) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master planZ ?51 Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: licensed Plumber GCIN2' h.yaA i Mechanical Contractor i tyql\ Sewer/WaterConiractor ?+?Y"s ScNi??s Telephone #((41) Telephone #((rs() T `o Telephone#<41) Djc0l I hereby apply for a Residentia] Building Permit and acknowledge that the informa6on is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application fot a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work wili be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. 0? ApplicanPs Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg 9( 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? OS 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 LowerLevel ? 24 Storm Damage ? OB 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types „ ''? 'G ,. :•: ... , , . H/ 31 New . ? 35 Int Improvement , ? 38 ,Demofish Interior ?, '44 , :Sio ing ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement •Demolttion (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to Applicant s Valuation 1-1 '! Plan Review 100%or ?25% Census Coiie SAC Units I # of Units I # of Bldgs ". I_ .. Type of Const Occupancy u Zoning 7 Stories Sq. Ft. ? Length 3R' ?•'? a Width IZ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) Footings (addition) ? Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing ,? Fireplace ?R.I. ?Air Test ---F-inal ,-' Insulation MCES System 2 s City Water Booster Pump -' PRV ? Fire Sprinklered ,. `. ho . REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. FinaVNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Approved By: ?L ?- , Building Inspector --------='--- ; ---------- fi-------------------------------------?------------- BaseFee Jcie• Surchar9e , ' •• , - . . . , ?? ..`, n : . l:ln?i??_zl,ec{ Plan Review 15 %, ,. • bN1 fkirJ . F(ov? ??'?,s? e ?C MC/ES SAC ? . • " • + Lj ?; Ik 1? City SAC ?A5 P- Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit 8 Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total SS5 ?, IRo ODo c-ti 7 q`/ I I ? MNehsck CCWLIANCE REPORT I i 1 Minneaota Enerpy Code ? Panait 0 tB4cheak Sofiwaro versfon 3.0 ChaCked by/Data C91ANTV: Hennepin STA7E: Yinnesota ZONE: 2 CONSTRUCTTON TYPE: Sln91e FmilY DAT£: 6-11-2005 OATE OF PLax4: 9-6-04 PpQlECT INFO?WTYDM: SuMit Colleciion Nicola NidBe a? do?. G.a? C?.1-n • CONPJWY INFOAMATION: Lennar Corp. ? NOTES: Rusnaoro unit <4S%) COMPL=qNCE: PASSES Raquirod Uw a 587 Your Hose - 369 37.74 Better Than Cade AMa or Cavity Cenf. tSlatinp/door PerLoetar R-value A-Value U-Value UA -----'---...----°------------------------------------------------^ - CEILYNGg 962 98.0 0.0 29 ryA{,LS; NIOOO Fraee, 16' O.C. 9208 79-0 2.0 180 GLAZTtaG: Mindars or poora, Above lirade 778 0.350 62 DOOpS 42 0.360 7S FLOORB; Ovar unoonditionati7 Spaae 447 80.0 0.0 74 SLAg FLpOps; Unneatea, ".04 insul. 114 10.0 M HVwC ECUIPYEMT: Furnaae, 80.0 AFUE ...............••--...__......----__-_-•-.......--'-------........ . CONPLLWCE STATEMeMT: 1he proposea buildinp daaipn deatriDed here is oonsistent cAe bulldie0 plans, speeitieasions, aed oiAer caleulations submitted with tha peroit applicatipn. The propoaetl buildinp Aas been Eaaiyna0 t0 aeet ihereqninmeats pf the Nlnrrosota Enerqy Coee. BuilAer/Oasipner 6l'?""`??.f? Date ?? "? 'OS s ? Y ? Oz ? 0 p?' ? ? 0 ?' ? ? D D ? o Z ? ? ? ? R? d ? c R L U a a ¢ ? ? ? ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? i 1 LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTfAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?>> c!i 'C, I. . Ir I II l'rr.l: ?: r?nL? 71'd AL?a- PROPERTYLEGAL: DATE OF SURVEY: LATEST REVISION: DOCUMENT STANDARDS • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company . Building Permit Applicant • Legal description • Address ?-COO?4.ooL?<fOOQ-??o0(? CPI??Ctr'?j/'oc?2 ???. • North arrow and scale . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) • Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % . Proposedlexisting sewer and water services & inveR elevation • Street name . Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) • Lot Square Footage . Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin p X ? . Property corners p?? • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions 0 '0 ? . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes r ?? • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utiiity trenches p 0 ? . Watenvays (pond, stream, etc.) Prooosed ?j ? ? • Garage floor ? p ? . Basement floor ? ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ? p ? . Property corners ? p ? . Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) p pj ? • Easement line p 0 ? . NWL p 'P ? • HWL p p . Pond # designation p ? p • Emergency Overflow Elevation p g D . PondlWetfand buffer delineation y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District y ? • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS z ? ? • Lot Iines/Bearings & dimensions ' p ? -p . Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) osed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than Z', porches, etc. P ? ? ? . rop (i.e all structures requiring permanent footings) ,e( ? ? . Show all easements of record and anyf,utilities within ihose easements tback of adjacent existing structures ?d ? ? ? se . Setbacks of proposed structure and sfdey o{j p ? . Retaining wall requirements: / Date Reviewed By: G :/FO RMS/Bu ilding Permif Application Rev. 11-26-04 Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR DESCRIBED A5 :Lennar Lots 1,2,3, Count Mii and 4, Block 1, NICOLS RIDGE 2ND ADDITIDN, City of Eagon, Dakota iesota and reserving easements of record. ?; f? 01 0; ? m: 4 ; .. ...%'. N = aNsTALa ERo: B9.G'?NKGY OR c ? ...s;...._.... _.. y39 9 ? ? 66"?? RetPWoll? ? 840.5 / 2po /? ` 30 y 845.4 / ?_ r?S ? o ? ? Y 844.2 / ? ?• / ad C???9e p oQqZ 3D O ? \p 4`och¢N ti ?,• ? o ? o?/uc Q1 ach¢ N /? ry• / Go?o L 9e o a= D e i°0.c ? tik?aN \ ¢ u C??O9e ? p\ vS o o D? ?QC ? c ¢oh4 h r t i i' r gy / Dace EAGAN ENGiNEERING DEP'f. Praposed Hame Tob= <840.3 ? QQ.,w ? w 844.1 oe / 644.2 ? / 1O. / /l OUTLOT q OrmrSoge & Utillity Eosement /over all oi Outlat A ? ? / ? / ? PROPOSED ELEVATION S L1 L2 L3 C4 _:. BENCHMARK, Top of Foundation = 835.3 836.3 837.3 838.3.7 THH@Ce arva e r. edar Grove Prkwy Garage Floor = 832.0 833.6 834.0 835.0 EI=821.26 Basement Floor =832.1 833.1 834.i, 8:35.1 Aprox. 5ewer Service = 820.2 821.2 822.2 824:1 . Proposed Elev. -? MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Existing Elev. - Drainage Directions = Front - House Side - Denates Offset Stoke = • SCALE: 1 inch = 30 feet Rear - Garage Side- JOB N0: HEDLUND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE ANO CORRECT REPRESENTAiION OSR- 496 DF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE A804E DESCRIBED PROPERtt AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND DOES NOT PUftPORT TO BDOK: PAGE: PLANNlNC 6NClN66RlNC SURV6'YINC SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEPT A HOWN. 2005 Pin Oak Drive '?] Eagan, MN 55122 DATE ?Q/?45- • -? CAD FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 F EY 0. LIN REN, LAND URVEYOR Niclas Rid Fax: (651) 405-6606 N SOTA LICENSE NUMB 14316 9e 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New ConstNCtion Reauirements ? I i3 regislered site surveys showing sq. ft of lot, sq. tt. of house; and all roofed areas (20°k marimum lot wverage allowed) 7', OA?Jf G?, 117--,- /1+J ? I Q coPies of plan showing beam & window s¢es; poured found design, etc, v t set of Eneyy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan H lot platted after 711193 Rim Joisl Detsil Oplions sdedion sheef (bulldings wNh 3 orless un'rfs) RemodeUReoair RenuiremeMs 2 copies of plan i set of Energy Caiculafinre for heated add'Rions i sfle survey for additions & decks Add'dion - indkafe Hon-sne sepfic system 4?' 1a133 , go,?c c? ?Dlo1. Lv9 Otfice Use OnN CeAofSurveyReal _Y _N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N, Tree Pres Required _Y _N OnaeSepticSystem _Y _N R#raa--?-yy Date i C), // G? Construction Cast Site Address C:JJ : Ln . UnitlSte # 2ff Description of Work T07Wy... ?6W11,4L r - Multi-FamilyBldg ? Y _ N, Fireplace(s)?'_ 0 )C 1 _ 2 Property Owoer Let.pAe Telephone #(?j L o Contractor l . ? M ` Address S?5 zn??p`(t } I tbv?Ap u? ? F ? CttV ?.?J 6?v2A State Zip SS?q Telephone #( fi,S"/) .Z 8?` 33g S COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING X Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilafion Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J su6mission type) Submitted Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 monThs, has the City of Eagan issued a permiT for a similar plan based on a master plan2 \? Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber GCAZ' 1`YQA. Mechanical Contractor ?? - Sewer/Water Contractor ,?A -'S :?CC Lc6$ Telephone #((40 TGI"Icw Telephone # (GS! ) T?pj"low Telephone #(6,5,) :)y(0"V3q1 I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ApplicanYs Printed Name App icant's Signature . OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? Ot Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool 1211' 02 SF Dwelling ? OS OB-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 Ot of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screenfgazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 79 LowerLevel ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Wo rk Types 0? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement .? 36, DemWish Interior, ' ? 44 ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish Building" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 ? 34 Replacement 'Demolitlon (EnGre Bldg) - G ive PCA hand"out to edplfwnY ^ ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 37 Ext. Alt- Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 MuKi Misc. Siding Fire Repair WindowslDoors Valuation Occupancy R-3j U MCES System Plan Review 100% or ? 25°h Census Code ` 1 O( ? Zoning ?? 17 City Water SAC Units 1 Stories ? Booster Pump # of Units ? Sq. Ft. S? PRV ? # of Bidgs Length Fire Sprinkleied .., us? . Type ot Const .. .. '? ? Width REQUIRED IFTSPECTIONS ? Footings (new hldg) / Final/C.O. _ Footings(deck) _ FinaUNo C.O . Footings (addition) ? _ Plumhing Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof Ice & Water Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final ? Framing , / Siding Brick Stucco Stone Tireplace ?R.I. ?AirTest mal Windows ` _ ? Insulation _ Retaining Wa ll Approved By: A&,Le , Building Inspector Base Fee . _ . , ? ..,. ; . .: ?L?L?? /a ??n `T?0 Surcharge' Plan Review 2,-?;% : „ a. . ' ,. %-fu av,?.. ..F/ai4;. , .. . . jq? MC/ES SAC ` uWe r 35.? City SAC n ISFi 2F1 G E ?c 604 Utility Connection Charge k ?? GUU ? S&W Permit & Surcharge ? Treatment Plant 9% ? 93 License Search Copies Other Total 1? WcAsck CG1PLIN1CE REPORT Ylnneeeta Emtyy Code YN[ncok 9ottwaro Yer6lon 3.0 cqom: HOnnepin STATE: MlnnBeotO ZOME: 2 CpNSTpUCTXON 7YPE: Sinple Faoily DATE: 8•14-2005 ppTE OF PLANS: 9-8-04 pqWECT IMFOIIWTwm: Suo1t Collsotion Nicols Pidqe Eayen ycmbf G?or Gco.m 71.++ . cwaun iNFWAAnaM: Lsnnar Corp. NOTES: ? Evsrost Unie (qlz?) COIRLI/WCE: PASSES I ? I - ? ? Pee?wii N ? I ? ? CheCked by/Oate ? ROquiPSd W - 582 Your Hoee - 371 35.9% BetSer Than Gotle wrea or CavitY Coas. Glazin9looor Perineter R•Value A-Yalue tl-Value -- . UA --•" ' ...-----"•• .. " .................... ...........................' 962 88.0 0.0 29 CEIlTN6S LS: WooA frara, 18' O.C. 5144 19.0 2.0 ttuLL 176 . (iLAZING: Windo++a er Doora, Ahova GraQe 180 0.350 67 42 0.350 13 DOOfls pLpOtg: Over Uneondicionsd Spaoe 433 30.0 0.0 14 SL/4g FLOpRS: Unhea[a0, 72•0' insul. l18 10•0 70 HvAC Eq11pHENT; Furnaee, 90.0 AFUL . ..... .,.-.-• ........................•-----. ......................... .'-'-.... . OpMpLIqNCE S7wTFl1ENT: TNe proposed buildinp design deserJ.0e0 hera is eonaistent rith the bulidlnp plans, speeitScaSfoes, an0 oiher ealeplstions aub.itead rith tAe pormit applieaeion. The proVosed duildlnp has bean Arements of Yne w.nneaate EnerOY Ceela. eesiqnaa tc ?aat tne qn DaLe /0171ar - Buildar/OaSipner ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESfDENTIAL ? ? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: ?` i 0iu4^ "" """" , DATE OF SURVEY: lc LATEST REVISION: _ d a> c R z U Q O z 9 ¢ DOCUMENT STANDARDS ,Z ? p . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? . Building Permit Applicant ? ? ? ? ? J • Legal description . Address ?600b?¢`?oZ??fOO?f,?oo6 CPr'?er????e ?». -Z ? ? ? • North arrow and scale . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? ? ? ? ? • Directional drainage arrows with slopelgradient % G 0 • Proposediexisting sewer and water services & inveR elevation y? ? ? ? ? • Street name . Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) g p X I 1 • Lot Square Footage p yf 1 . Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin p p ? ? . ? • PropeRy comers Top of curb at the driveway and property line e?ctensions p ? ? . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes res due to ad)acent utility trenches d f t r ? ? • ru u s Adequate footing depth o p pj p . Watenvays (pond, stream, etcJ Proposed ,il p ? . Garage floor ? ? ? ? ? . ? . Basement floor Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) ?f ? ? . Properry corners ? ? p • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) p )? ? . Easement line p ;9 p . NWL p ;? ? . HWL p ? . Pond # designation p ? ? . Emergency Overflow Elevation 0 Z p • PondNJetfand buffer delineation y . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District y ? • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS ne, Add- )j ? ? . Lot Iines/Bearings & dimensions p R( 'p . Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) osed home dimensions including any proposed decks, o?erhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. P ? p ? . rop (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ,PJ p ? . Show all easements of record and anyi utilities within those easemenfs tback of adjacent existing structures d ? p ? se . Setbacks of proposed structure and idey ? ? ? . Retaining wall requirements: Reviewed By: Date % S G: /FO RMSBU ilding Permit Appiication Rev. 17-26-04 , ??Eni Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR :Lennar DESCRIBED AS :Lots 7,2,3, and 4, Block 1, NICOLS RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, City of Eagan, Dakota Count , Minnesota and reserving easements of record. ? N:y f? 3L ?j y@QpS?BEpi??tl.W?, pEYF. ?O?{AILd-3YVi??7 OR C / J? ? ? aro9e o ° D S o4 S3 B'Q o i O Qi ''Q o N DO i r'Or o v 0 o r p 9e ry D Q S` p 3° $ o o ? MOa..-£ ? D ue I N? Corp9 o yrFp A! ? 833. a 6J4. ? 2 oge p D v . ...' .,.. 6. ? ? o D ? j 834.6 «l,s p? ? h a y° ? s w ' ::_ (?`O a o ? ?n' ecR . , 3z 3r 835.7 ? N6.98 hro 37. ?o000"w ?o zp0( 66..0 837.3 l ? i i Proposed i WE % Home ? To6= (F0.3 ) ? . i ? i ? By, , , Date EAGAN ENGWEERIIVG DEff. % PROPOSED ELEVATIONS L1 Top of Foundation = 835.3 Garage Floor = 832.0 Basement Floor = 832.1 Aprox. Sewer Service = 820.2 Proposed Elev. _ ? Existing Elev. _ Drainage Directions = Denotes Offset Stake = • A ??.(.,',.__•. ,..... , 830. 9.39 ., .,,?;???.....??.....8?. 5.7a Go / / ss' 00 R t won ? 540.3 ? ? / 3? ? 845.4 060 / 00 / - '0 844.2 / ^ Ct)' ? -.- 8441 O / O / '111 44.2 / / I r 845.4 / OUTLOT A Droihage & Utillity Eosement /over ati a/ putlat A ? / L2 1-3 ? '„14 BENCHMARK, 836.3 837:3 , 838.3. TNH@Ce orva36-e r.&edar Grove Prkwy 833.0 834.0 $35.0 EI=821.26 833.1 634.1 , 835.1 821.2 822.2 824:1 ,,, -. -'-:- ` MIN. SETBACK RE4UIREMENTS Front - House Side - ear - Garage Side- SCAIE: 1 inch - 30 faet R JOB ND: g/EDLUND I HEREBY CEftTiFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION 05R-496 OF THE BWNDpRIES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERN AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND DOES NOT PURPORT TO 77177 PLANNlNC 6NClNB6RlNG SURVBYlNG SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEP91? Z Eagan,1MNa551D22e DATE 10/.?/D?] CAD FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 F EY D. LIN REN, LAND URVEYOR Niclos Ridge Fax: (651) 405-6606 N SOTA LICENSE NUM6 14376 Bn -I ai35 : 495i.U9 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION '(7p City Of Eagau 3830 Pilot I{nob Road, Eagan MN 55122 l? ?at 3?1 :?? •?? Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 JU? a Lo9 New ConsWdion Reauirements I ,3'reg'stered sBe surveys showing sq. ft of lol, sq. ft ot house; and all roofed areas (20%maximum lot coverage allowed) To Dil.v?( w - i ' 57,-A+ v ?.Ycopies of plan stwwug beam & window s¢es; poured found design, eh. 1 set of Energy CalculaGons 3 copies of Tree Preservation Poan N lot platted atler 7/1193 Rim Joist DeteB Options selecNon sheet (6uldings wAh 3 or less units) RemodeVReoair Reauiremenis 2 copes of plan 1 set of Energy Calwlatlons for heated additbns 1 site survey tor additions & decks Addiffon - indicate if arsRe sepfk sysfem 54- vJ " "I ?4 (1 ?- Ofice Use Onh CeRO(SurveyRecd _Y _N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N, T2e Pfas Required _ Y_ N On-site Septic System _ Y_ N k--w /ao7yy Date / OS Canstruction Cost tS? RYS Site Address CO4 ?DV'C Ln . UniUSte # 14-'sCA DE MLirl-f.' ;?nqa c)H? C) I Kli"l. I . ,-_ Description of Work T c Cv'tc Multi-Family Bldg ? Y _ N Fireplace(s) _ 0-k 1 _ 2 PropertyOwner ?'1??o -, f Telephone#(Wn) ?fi Q'J3 OS Contractor LC^!\ \ A W Address aY71A. L d3Ad Ue Cit3' State ? N Zip S0Telephooe #(?iS?) 38 S 338 S COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTfi Energy Code Category x Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet (J su6mission type) Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7672 . New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted In the last 12 months, has the CiTy of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master planZ >?_ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber (rGAZ' f1YG1h Mechanical Contractor lStAZ ''M1.VAlI Sewer/WaterContractor &kav"S SC(ViCGS Telephone #((of( J ??How Telephone#(4j) ?VHOW Telephone #((41 I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and ap oval of plans. 'a?n2ai. ?•? ????-- Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 18-plex ? 20 Pool C9/02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 03 01 of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 OS-plex O 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? OB 04-plex O 12 12-plex Plbg_Yor_ N ? 25 Miscellaneous Work Types Gd" 37 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alteration ? 34 Replacement Valuation cic ? ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 EM. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 35 Int Improvement , O; 38 'Demolish Interior, . ? t44 Siding ? 36 Mave Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair ? 37 Demolish Building' ? 43 Reroof O' 48 Windows/Doors 'Demolition (Entire Bldg) -Give PCA handouCto applicant ' Plan Review 100% or ?25% Census Cocle `10 ? SAC Units I # of Units I # of Bldgs Type of Const Occupancy --? Zoning -}> L Stories Sq. Ft. Length Width ? Footings (new bldg) _ Footings(deck) Footings (addition) ? Foundation Drain Tile RooF Ice & Water Final ? Framing ? Fireplace ? R.I. V'Air Test ?Final _k/ Insulation MCES System ?s City Water -wrT S Booster Pump '- PRV ' Fite Sprinklered - ? iiLc? REQUIRED I SPECTIONS ?FinaUC.O. FinaVNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco _ Stone _ Brick Windows _ Retaining Wall Approved By: 10- L- , Building Inspector --------__•-'-------------------- • ---------------• Base Fee Surcharge ? _ • • • ,. Plan Review , • .. ,: „ a MC/ES S4C „ , . City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total ?nWEZ?z??l t'?his?c? . b? • , /A_ 'UnAn4ec1 " . . i'L RDO? .Frytis{?Pt,Q rt l?ECk- +P la,3so 6/S 5/, 1q:?. a4,891? `I9, 673 e 1?scAoZ_ • , . Mlehaek CAIAPt.IANCE REPORT Ninneeota Enerpy Cods Mlcheok 9oftwaro veroian 3.0 Cp{rAiY: Nennepin STAiE: Yinnesota zONE: 2 (kNSTpIICTION 7YPE: Sfn91e FamilY D11TE: 6 • 1s-20o5 DJ1TE 0F Pt,ANS: B-B-Os pflp,lfCt tlFORWTION: swrie Colleotioo nioels Ridpv eparl qp(' Ce?" Cs<%:V-M 1-1A • oawanr irrtOMwtioN: Lennar Cerp. !Wl'ES: ? CasaaCe IMAt t4-S'j) COIIPLIANCE: Pn88ES pequired UA ¦ R" Your Itono n 400 8M BsLtlP Th8D COde I ? 1 ? ? Por'mit I ? I ? ? Cheekad tfyl113ate ? 1 I 38. Arra or CavitY cant. alaZie9/naor PeriaeTar R-Value p-Value U-Value .....•.-... -. UA - ?-----------------------------•.••.•_•----- -----. CEILIN63 962 98.0 0.0 29 yALLg: INOpp FraW, 78' O.C. 8262 78.0 2.0 182 0.350 CZING: Windoe?s or Doora, Above Grade 258 OOONS 42 0.350 75 FlA0R3: Over Uncontlitioned Space 414 30.0 0.0 14 SLAB FLOON3: Unhaatad. 72.0' i"SYI. 778 70.0 70 HVnG ECUFPNENT: furnaCe, 90.0 AFUE ---------------------- -'------'-- -"'" ....................................... Cq1pLiMICp gTATEMENT; TMB proposed Iwi, dsaign desoriDed nere ia oenslStetlt 1r1th tM0 buildLlp plae9, speoifieaLlona, antl o'tlror CsleYlations aubmittetl rith the penit appliea[ion. The proposed has been aeeiqnad io waat th* Irv"nTs ot tAO Yieaeaeta Enepy Ceda- ?? 1 ?? r _ Date O i pna as guf,idey F ? LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDfNG PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERN LEGAL: 3`?' I C_K I IU; CoIS 1? DATE OF SURVEY: I6 LATEST REVISION: _ m rn c R L U a O Z a a DOCUMENT STANDARDS ?? ? . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company ? ? ? . Buiiding Permit Applicant ? p ? ? ? J . Legal description • Address ?-OOb?¢oo? ? ?OOQ- ?00? [?P.(?,ct? ?j??J?_ Z-n_ „g ? ? ? ? • North arrow and scale • House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) ? ?? ? . Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % ? p ? . Proposedlexisting sewer and water services & invert elevation ? ? g? ? ? . Street name . Driveway (grade & width - in RNV and back of curb, 22' max.) p r . Lot Square Footage ? ? t . Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existin p ? . PropeRy corners ppr ? • Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions p? p . Elevations of any existing adjacent homes ?? ? • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utdity frenches p ? ? . Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed ?tj ? ? • Garage floor ? ? . Basement floor ? p ? . Lowest exposed elevation (watkouUwindow) ? ? ? . Property corners ?? ? . Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicabfe) p ?f ? . Easement line p ? ? . NWL p ?3 ? . HWL p ? . Pond # designation p ? ? . Emergency Overflow Elevation p jg ? . Pond(Wetland buffer delineation y ? . Shoreland Zoning Overlay District y ? • Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS e Z"0 Ad d - )? ? ? • Lot Iines/Bearings & dimensions p y1 'p . Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) . Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decY.s, oveshangs greater than 2', porches, etc. ? ? ? (i.e. all structures requiring permanent footings) ? ? . Show aIl easements of record and any utilities within those easements A ? ? • Setbacks of proposed structure and dey d sefback of adjacent existing structures Sj ? ? . Retaining wall requirements: / / J //?S?t t D a e Reviewed By: G /FORPJiSlBu ilding Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 Surveyor's Certificate SURVEY FOR :Lennar DESCRIBED AS :1-ot5 7,2,3, and 4, Block 1, NICOLS RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, City of Eagon, Dakota Countv Minnesota and reserving easements of record. o+. o 7t ?i .__ ..,__. ....... ............ _., i ? ? 432 6. Q z 31 ` 31.9 w D y? ° C v E\ ,_. .s.??.Y..,?.,......831.8 ?v v?o8e $ 02° ? s,00 o- a`?3,,,a ? INSUHR.14 [:!I'>O BLANKET GTi c i? r (f, f a' 1 ? / 66.Prvposed / ?? Ret Wail B4D.3 ? ? \zp' ? 2' N Cvr q o D 6 ?9e oN ¢ S 3 0 832 ..t2o OO s 4`o3r?`a ec O o p? 0 ? r ! ^) 33. o °.. ?0 N GOr m o D? O9e o o¢ ? 3 p 836. . ? ? a ct o<?Q ?. C 54 Dec?, p r0 Coro ?? Op ^ ^ n cy 6,p He o- 0 0 o i56'? LJ oa rJ* m . a '0 844.2 4a ? c D eck " hro 837. , ? oo 0O••w /o zp.00 tv 6a aas.a ? 045.4 ? v 844.2 / n ?O / ?44.1 / ? ? ? ? / / OUTLOT q Oroihoge & Utdlity Easement /over oll o/ Qutlot A ? / f t ? ? ' / C i Proposed Nome B Tob= CQ4? Lo y? - ; EAGAN EIYGINEERING DEPT. ; PROPOSED ELEVATIONS L1 Top of Foundotion = 835.3 Garage Floor = 832.0 Basement Floor = 832.7 Aprox. Sewer Service = 820.2 Proposed Elev. Existing Elev. _ Drainage Directions = Denotes Offset Stake = . . _ ? L2 1-3 ". L4 ;. BENCHMARK, 836,3 837:3 838.3. ? TNH@Ce arva&C-edar Grove Prkwy 8310 834.0 835.0 - E!=821.26 833.1 834.1 , 835.1 - ` 821.2 822.2 '824;1 MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENTS Front - House 5ide - ear - Garage Side- SCALE: 1 inch = 30 feet R JOB NO: IIEDLUND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT iH15 IS A TRUE ANO CORRECT REPRESENTATION 0SR-496 OF THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERtt AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNOER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND DOES NOT PURPORT TO BDOK: PACE: PLANNlNG 6NGINB6RlNG SURV6YING SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, E%CEPT A HOWN. 2005 DATEL/LSL.2 ' . CAD FILE: Phone: (651) 405-6600 F EY D. LIN REN, L4N0 URVEYOR Niclos Ridge Fax: (651) 405-6606 N SOTA LICENSE NUMB 14376 !^ Address: 4000 Cedar Grove Lane Permit: 72126 Zip: 55122 LoY: 01 Block: 01 Subdivision: Nicols Ridge 2nd r/ra?? o? THE FOLLOWING ITEMS NERE/WERE NOT COMPLF,TE AT FINAL INSPECI'ION ON Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from siding Permanent steps - ara e ? Permanent ste s- main ent Permanent driveway Permanent as ? Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ? Sod/Seeded lawn ? Trail/curb dama e Porch Lower level finish Deck , Fire lace • Verify with your builder that roof tes[ caps from the plumbing system have been removed. . Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potenUal exists. • Call the City's Engineering Department at 651-675-5646 pnor to working in right-of-way or installmg irrigation system. ? BUILDING INSPECTOR: PiFE imeCl No. 37a vea i y000 /? 1 1 ?e a.? d Slte a?s: C e? p ? l??o v e4.ct„ e Lot ` Block ! s?d /?l ? On Aprl 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I BuNding Requirements for fnsulatlon protection, air tighlness, and ventila6on, was adopted. As a resuN, the City ot Eagan is requiring that the tnllowing information be submitfad priorto issuance of a Ceroficate of Occupancy. ? Thia shuchn kconshyctedlo fftt mihimwn rePdrdnenta d tlre AOn Enargyr Coda, ChOiar 7670 OR _ This ?ruchae: ?caUfeln?ed ?o tr?eatfnrna resV?h?s ?ik6tlwRS o1 Ch?t? 7872 at 7674 AVPLJANCE GA6 ELEC MANUiACTURER 610QEC BN3 VEMTINGIYPE WaterHeaoer GGM O 146O'? 65 Pow Y Fumace ? t 58mc- _' 64ow 46S Drpr Y• ' oCsR 8 w w EXNAUSTSYSTEM IOCAitON TYPE M013EL CH6Ys VENTED Ys No KibNen kiichen d N" C'o -+ 1 BetNoom 1 ?? Qp? (o 70 X ee9voom 2 (,??r L?„l CCA? X BaUmoom3 X BsMrean 4 3ea F oa'. • C, PANFVI V ? 80 X Odrer Own?e' G 20 X FIREPLAC LOCAiION 6AS WOpp MANUFAG7UREA MOpEt. B'fIPS DiaECf AThBOs ? 0p? X I herebY acMnotWedpe fhal Iha ebava Irdarmetlon is rxnect and agree fo mmply wlth fhe MfnnwMa Errergy Coda and City d Eagen rawwdrwta signmum L e.,n\Ax CwMwr rlanre -- JUL g 6 2006 Date -_ nf 4 This fonn 1s tl+e ra5panslDil((y ot Ihe Generel CmrbaQOr. , I '72-42°t Address: 4002 Cedar Grove Lane Permit: -72-132 Zip: 55122 Lot: 02 Block: 01 Su6division: Nicols Ridge 2nd THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WERE/WERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPECTIO\ ON v U Yes No Comments Final rade - 6" from siding Permanent ste s - garage Permanent ste s- main ent Permanent drivewa Permanent as ? Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slope ? Sod/Seeded lawn TraiUcurb damage Porch ? Lower level finish Deck ? Fire lace • Venfy with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the City's Engineering Depar[ment at 651-675-5646 prior to workmg in righbof-way or installing irrigation system. J '/ / BUILDINGIVSPECTOR: ?FL h?GMeG?- 1%; rio. 37z oea yG02 Cec?ar/' ? Sitead?'ees: l?rov Lti„e Ld81odc? subd mtQ11 On Aprl 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I BuNding Requlrements for Insulatlon pratectbn, air tightness, and ventila6on, was adopted. As a resufl, the City oi Eagan is requiring that tha following information be sudrnided prior to issuance of a Cerdficate of Occupancy. 2< This *wAm fs oauh4ed to mmd mMimwn reqkawte of tlm Aiqn EneW Code, ChepEar 1670 OR _ 7tia stucbue: I" construcUed b meetmote wAprclMe reqyUements oi dnpters 7672 a 7674 MPI.IANCE GAB ELEC MiA1dUiACTURER dICML BN3 VENTINGt1'PE warerHeaoer GGm o 196oO 65 PQ'w Y Fumaoe ? f 580NC 0" GW A' S Dryer ? ^ ()l-,s 8 " W EXHAUSTSVSTEM LOCA110N TYPE MODEL CFIN's VEIJTED Kil*Ian klWw nJ - G?1 ewtnom , o064% (o -?o x seIeaom2 l,a,..Li.d cGO.A X BaUmom 3 ?1 ?/w ?c'CGd? ?o X ean+room 4 3e4 F one •c, v( V Q ;1 100 x Otlrer Ownck' FIREPLAC LOCAiION ffAS WOOp MANUFAC7UIiEp d10pEL 87U'S DIIiEM ATAeOs X po? x MAKE? NR MODEt TYPE CENI'a i1 ??Gc t Nw I hereby ecknowledga thnt fhe abova intormation is correct and agree to oomply wiih the MMneeota Energy Coda and L1ty M Eagen fequkermte. ? kk-^ Sign re L Gf?A4P Cartparqr Nano ,JvL g 5 2006 pate - _- nf 4 This k" la ihe lasponaibRy oT fhe Generei CcrNeaor. Address: 4004 Cedar Grove Lane Permit: 72132 Zip: 55122 Lot: 03 Block: 01 Subdivision: Nicols Ridge 2nd 129- o k THE FOLLOW[SG ITEMS R'EREIWERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL I\SPECTIOiY ON Yes No Comments Final grade - 6" from sidin Permanent ste s - arage Permanent ste s- main ent ? Permanent drivewa ? Permanent as ? Retainin = Wall or 3:1 Max Slo e Sod/Seeded lawn ? Trail/curb dama e Porch Lower level finish Deck Fire lace • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing systcm have been removed. . Turn off wa[er supply [o lhe outside lawn faucets before freeze po[enlial exists. • Call the CiTy's Engincering Deparlment at 651-675-5646 pnor to working in right-af-way or installing irrigation system. J UliILUING I\SPECTOR: ??? ? NO.372 p02 . ?r Sltea?s: ` 06y ce?pr ?ro?re ?c?Ne(.?t ? ?ook? subd ?I? Q1a ??0??, . ?- On Aprl 15, 2000 (he Minnesohd Energy Code, Categoty I Bu'dding ReqUirements for iRSUladoa protectlon, air Gghtness, and ven6lation, was adopted. As a resuN, the City ot Eagan is requiring that the inllowing information be submited priorto issuance of a CeNficafe of Oceupancy. 2< TMs educdaa kconsbLoted to meet mlNmum requkanents a) tlre Va Ene1gy Coda, CfVter 7670 OR , Thia struafure: ?gconsinmted b meatmor?s testrictlre req4hem?sta d ChapGars 7672 or 7674 APP4IANCE GA6 ELEC MANUFACTUPER MWEG 9TU9 VEMTINGTYPF WaterHeater [Gm 0 `?? 65 ?rY Fumaoe v (?amlcr 58mc - ? 64ow i A 5 Dryef ? - o%,s e ? EXHAUSTSYSTE1A LOCAliON 7YPE MOOEL CRN's VENM ? uo KikOen kitchen N ?'0-+ 1 8etlraom 1 ^4n mr% ?v 70 X aeenm x "« Ll..+ cbo?,n X BaUroom 3 -J%ea P/..r ?COb.h ?o X Wo°", S.4a F,.e c PANFVIIVQ03 O x °om ownJe Co 70 x x f MAKE1? aIR MGOEI. TYPE CfRTa O ' '? ?CX t Ny,r I herabY aclwwledge fhel Iha ehove InfarmeAion is oorrect and agree Fo wmply wlth fhe MMneaota Energy Code and City oT Eagan "141kanW" _._,??? JUL 8 5 2006 SignAi(re ? Paoe L e.r.nAc' QaRpanY Name • ThiS tonn 13 the rosponaibilily oT Ne Generol CotNecWr. ? Address: 4006 Cedar Grove Lane Permit: 72135 Zip: 55122 Lot: 04 Black: 01 Subdivision: Nicols Ridge 2nd :?,a$,Gb THF, FO[,LOWING ITE?I5 WEREIWERE NOT COMPLETE AT FINAL INSPEC'PION ON Yes No Comments Final rade - 6" from siding ? Permanent steps - gara e ,/' Permanent ste s- main ent ? Permanent drivewa ? Permaneat as Retainin Wall or 3:1 Max Slo e ;/ Sod/Seeded lawn ? Trail/curb dama e ? Porch Lower level finish Deck Fire lace • Venfy with your builder [hat roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potenrial exist5. • Call the City's Engineenng Deparunent al 651-675-5646 prior to working in right-of-way or installing irrigation system. ? BUILDIhG INSPECTOR: M?' ' - "" C-P,- i ? Slteadr8mu: `C,D`p Ce?pr l?.rov??c?hZW v Blaok l n+o. 372 oez a? Subd. ?tt_ )??q? • ri On AprN 15, 200D !he Minnesota Energy Code, Category I Budding Requirert+ents tor fnsulaaoo protectbn, air 6ghtness, and ventilation, wae adopted. As a resuk, the Cdy of Eagan is requiring that the tollowing information be submitbed priorto issuance of a CeAificate ot Ouupancy. 2<Ttas shjdna 0 corzhcGed to mea mwmm mqdmnx* of iha Mn Energy Code, crapfer 1670 OR _ Thia ?e: I?i he consU+uted m meet more restri?hne ?aqy?elTl?ta oil?ap6ers 7W2 a767a AFPUANCE GA5 ELEC MANUiACNpER NOpEL 9TU3 VENTIN6T'PE WawrHeater eem O 14000 W pa-wY F"ma° ? r 58mC -? a» f}QS °ryer r' C-V EXNAU9TSYSTEM LOCA110N iYPE MOOEL CFM's VENTED Ys uo Rimhen kiidren N ^ Ce-+ I 6earoom 1 nw6e Cw+. Oo.q% Co 70 X aawoOMz "« Ls.d cc,N,n x BeUroom9 '2wa F/+r (?c'c?ckd\ (o X Ba«m"' 4 3eJ : a", • L V( V 62 7 i too x othw Cwnck' Co ? X FlWkAM LOCATION OAS WOOP MANUF/CiURER MODEL 'B'fU'S VENi1NG DIRECT ATR90s x OqV x MAICE? aR IqODR 7YPE cEM'e 1 ? - ?? ?.^/cx I-vb t Nw I hereby acknowWpe that Ne a6ova fnlaertion la corract and agrae fa oomply witFt the MMneaota Energy Cade and Cily oi Eagen raq*em"• Sign ire L GAA0.f Corww Nam [JUL 2 5 2006 pate nf 4 rhia ionn Is the rosparisibllily cf the General Caweetor. Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r For Office Use 1 Permit* City of EaEd I Permit Fee: 3 I y I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: 10 Phone: (651) 675-5675 1 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 1 Staff: I I 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: r Lr Site Address: Wc -W06 C ett~y 64yue . &t-u((_ Unit C m Name 6) iLel . s -1C~~I,iG4l y- ( t L` Phone: Resident/ r p > f Owner Address / City / Zip: SO t(, Applicant is: Owner ` Contractor ms`s r• - Type of Work Description of work: ~~.~~'~(~IT 1-4/1 ! ~2 rlt✓ Construction Cost: Ji Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No ) Company: Ne- iL' t S Viii' f `f ( c' Contact: u` ( fc I f [=J ; 1 f Contractor Address: / e G` cl- city: `C- State: Zip: Phone: j 3 7.;~.~'9f Y M/,/ License 1 ( .Z 2 Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting` documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. } x - Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's SignatL e fi Page 1 of 3 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink � For Office Use ` � � ���� 0 � Cit of�a a� i Permit#. j � � , � Permit Fee: ���� � 3830 Pilot Knob Road � Eagan MN 55122 j Date Received: � Pho�e;(651)675�b675 � I Fax:(6511675-5694 � Staff: 1 � I I....�.������.���������J 2014 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATtON c� e�da.r G��.�e t..� �a��► +r�N Date: t�'� l�"` �� Site Address: ��c�C� '" ����` ���{"��O�P Unit#: Name: Phone: Residentt Q���� Address 1 City/Zip: ! Applicant is: Owner Contractor Type Cf UVOr�C Description ofwork: e�c d..����ron�j V��.e.� ` Construction Cost� �0 C�O Multi-Family Building: (Yes /No_) ' Company: i c�.l t�`Contact: �('C �t�"'� ��_ _ �- Address: �J J.�' I�t�'f` �T • City: L--�"�-(-� CQt1�1'BCtOC ���� � � �, " State:��J Zip: �S�1_ Phone: CD i�"�'f t�°���Email: d° License#: Lead Certificate#: If the project is exempt from (ead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA UNLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes,date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer 8�Water Contractor: Phone: Mt?TE':Ptans and supportin�;dacuments tft�rt you sub�mit are consider�al to be�t�blic i�#v�rmafior�. Pot�icrns o� t�1@ lilfQt71►.9'R�10li/ile'#j/bB C/8S5�f1�a'1S t!Q#t plf�1!'C;�f JlC?11�11'�V%t��S�i�.'C%ftC/`I@itSQtC1S'�i�l'f iAIQiIIt��i!@�Y�%t�f+B;.(il�j/f4 ` ; canclude tttat m� are�trad,e s+�criers. CALL BEFORE YOU [31G. Gall Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protedian against underground utility damage. Cai148 hours befor�you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. 1 hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that ! understand this is �ot a permit, but only an application for a permit, and wrork is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the cass of work which requires a review and approva!of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota 5tate Building Cade must be completed within 180 days of permlt issuance. . ,.:� x ��-f�� }�t�I't'lCc�1� x,/�G��'�_ .,�/ Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 of 3 ' i r EEET' ? * EAGA EAGANJI � p�,. Date Received: -(q-1 /_ 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 JUN Iii( '' (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 FAX: (651)675-BY 9 e Staff: J 2019 RESIDENTIAL BUILDIN IT APPLICATION Date: 06/19/19 Site Address: 4000 - 4006 Cedar Grove Lane Unit#: WER,S ,; 'del' -5<ao 6, a Name: Nicols Ridge Summit Homes Phone: } Resident/ 7100 Northland Circle, Suite 300, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 i Owner Address/City/Zip: P Applicant is: Owner ✓ Contractor Description of work: replace entry stair treads and risers, install bracing for treads Type of Work p i 7800.00 Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes ✓ /No ) Company: Keran Home Services, LLC Contact: Tim Keran Contractor Address: 265 Fillmore Ave E cit,. St Paul MN . 55107 651-334-68% R State: Zip. Phone: Email: CR593945 License#. Lead Certificate# If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: I 2006 construction COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING in the last 12 months,has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? I Yes No If yes,date and address of master plan: ! Licensed Plumber. Phone: i I Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer&Water Contractor: Phone: I I Fire Suppression Contractor. Phone: NOTE:Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as nonpublic If you rovide apecfic reasons that would ermit the-city to conclude that ffie1 are.,trade secrets- You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in - • a « 'th the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and -•rk is not to st• hout a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approal of� -• x Tim Keran /'`r" - ,,�►j Applicants Printed Name Ap•fit"-"'r ,to i . ��(), 4o�� L f , q� ( 73 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES ar6 r-ov-� (_.q ,,p Foundation _ Fireplace — Porch(3-Season) _ Exterior Alteration(Single Family) — Single Family ` Garage — Porch(4-Season) __._ Exterior Alteration(Multi) _ Multi _ Deck Porch(Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Miscellaneous 01 of-t Plex Lower Level T Pool Accessory Building 'K -- - — WORK TYPES _ New — Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building' _ Addition — Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior _ Alteration Demolish Foundation — Fire Repair _ Windows _ Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window Water Damage — Retaining Wall 'Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation 0'3 Occupancy MCES System Plan Review Code Edition ii*11 u if SAC Units (25%_1 00% ) Zoning (0 City Water Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Suppression Required Type of ConstructionWidth REQUIRED INSPECTIONS �-t' Footings(New Building) Meter Size: Footings(Deck) Final/C.O. Required Footings(Addition) Final/No C.O. Required Foundation Foundation Before Backfill HVACService Test Gas Line Air Test_Hood Roof:_Ice&Water Final Pool:^_Footings Air/Gas Tests Final Framing 30 Minutes 1 Hour Drain Tile Fireplace:_Rough In Air Test Final Siding:_Stucco Lath Stone Lath Brick_EFIS Insulation Windows Sheathing Retaining Wall:_Footings_Backfill_Final Sheetrock Radon Control — Fire Walls Fire Suppression:_Rough In_Final Braced Walls Erosion Control — Shower Pan Other: Reviewed By: ______424_,Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES C Base Fee 007 1111111 Surcharge 141;a11-11' f e.2. Plan Review / �� MCES SAC 191 Z i S rill/P/1 City SAC Utility Connection Charge r 1/04/d S&W Permit&Surcharge 11 i Treatment Plant �L'r\ 41 Radio Meter Read Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 3