4294 Beaver Dam RdcITY oF EacnN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road 5506 P. 0. Bo4 21199. _ PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MQ!- 5512) DATE: 5-30-84 zonins: R1 No. of units: I Owner. SOIlS CODBt Address: Site Addresr 429 Beaver D8m Rd L20 B2 SuA C2iff Plumber: Loren Browx? Plbg Meter No.: Connection Charge: ? '?Q pd Size: Actount Deposit: ' P Reader No.: Permit Fee: ? p 1 ogroo M oomptp wilh Ihe Cit?r of Eagon Surchcrge: •? p? o.dieanoes. Mtsc. cnnrges: 63. Q pd ?net?? 8y Date of Insp.: Totai: Date Paid: Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN ;. ? SEWER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road 6695 P. O. Boxt27199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN- 557 DATE: ` Zonirig: No. of U.nits: Owner: 30t1R COIIst Address: Sire AddrQss• 4294 Beaver am un Plumber. ??en B='oiu Plbg - 1 egres to con+py wilb tbe Ciry of Eagan Connection Charye: . ?+25. Q?I pd Ordinencet. Aooount Deposit: 15.00 p a Pertnit Fee: 10.00 B d Surchcrge: .50 p d Bv Misc. Chorges:. Dote of I?isp.: Total: Insp.: Date Paid: -$„ - •- - - -^'?-.?4'?!?9?"'"!"r`r*?y."?r'!f'?? ?`'"s?lr'j? "?,L'e'.??pq{?"°°-?•"~.f- -•-? ?1 'T PLUM6IFIC PERMIT For Olfia We Only CITY 4F EAQXN p„?"wT#TAM dVr%? CONTMl4CT 38= PIl.OT KNaB ROADp BAiAAW, NW 05121• R'? (EIl?:? PRIM PH4NE 454$1+00 b14ft: , !,& SILe Lot. ? Name ? Addre ? C+kY , , ._..,, ? ,, ? oky , P ; r F°EES ` COMM:lIItO.) FEE -1%OF CONT-RACTfEE APT. BLQdS. - CdMMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNNOOSE & CONDO- RES.-RAfiE•APLLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM.IND./FEE $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT .50 (ADD $. C PER EACH t,000 ERM17 F , ? SIGNATURE OF PE RMITTEE BWVr ,irE FLMprriom Res. Mult.??' Add?n ?Comm. qepair •,. r:`.. . Other ' -°-??-, RES. PLBG. ONLY - CaMPLETE THE FOUVMN[3: NO. FIXTURES TCYTAL water ciosee - $3.00 $ Bath Tubs - $3.00 _---- .. Lavatory - $3.00 ?.- •°° e? s??? - $ 3.0 0 gu ? T1rinaUBidet - $3.00 - Laundry Tray - $3.00 . Floor Drains - $1.50 Water HMer - $1.50 wnidpoa - $&oo Gas Pipirig Outlets - $ 50 (MITIIMUM -1 PtEl??RMI''} Softener - $ ?0 weo - $1o.c? Private Disp. - ?1A.? Rough Opery'ng ,4 E . ? , ?PiRPAT FEE: , STATES S/C: ?. GRAND TOTAL: FOR: CIN 4F EAGAN ' - - -. .. - . . . ? ` f ' 4r'? C#Uom' ' . ?` •?-',?s 3830 Pilot Knob Ropsd?,?. ?P u.?C.-?1???t 2??'1y-f99, Eagan, lY?l ?'12i N?' : ?`?74?C? 4PF'Y100 , . '110KDING PEitM1T Receipt # - --- - ??_? ?' - ; d ier SF I)FIG/CAR E?. Val? 65, 000 p?e 1?ARCH 26 19 84 ?w ' ? ...._? .?.?? 44eAddreas 429 4 BF,AVER DAM RD. Erect If Occupancy R3 i.ot 20 91ock 2 Sw4ub. SUN CLIFF Alter p Zoning 10-72975-200-02 Pisswi Nq. Repoir ? Fire Zone 1kDVAI3CE DEt?. Enlarfle ? Type of Const. Name -MO`'° O * Stories AddrassEDIA1A 7700 XFRXES Demolish p Length.9,9. Ctty . Phone Grode p Dep#+ Sq. Ft. Neme SONS CONSTRUCTI4N Aaproweb Address ' Assessment City YA Phone 452-4721 Woter & Sew. -- NamB GEORGE MANSTELEIaY Address 9001 - 3 5W FRONTAGE RD. Citv BLOOMINCTOl?h4n. 1 htreby atkrnywledge`thot 1 have reGd this opplicotion cnd stata that Oe in(ormotion is torced d cgree to ly ' "oll oppliccble Stute of Minnesota Stotut 'ond C?yr/of nances. 5lqnoture of Permittes A 8utlding P•emit is issued to: 50 S CONSTRUCTIOId all work ahall be done in accordonos witfi,y?i oppi? f_Minn i? i Police Fire Enp. Plonnix ? Counqil ' Bidg. Qff. APC 32411. .< .s ?? 2. D?! Plan eFeck-?^• aQ ; ?fl?aober Conn. ??• ? ? WetorUeter-?63,• 00 --260. 00 ;. *Add : Unit Totnl _..?.__ on ft exprmn eawiNien Ow ; Stotutes crd Ciry of Eapan Or? ouihlinC Officitd ,?P ; . ?Jb ftrmit Me. ftrmit MoleMr Nfw- Pwmit Na. Nader Pkimbktg ?f3??d c ?P I h 5-?-? Kv.&C. w.a ? ? cbc&W . lf"PogftA a0 aw?. od ? w F..d.p ? RowesWa+ ?" S ? !louoh P?bp' ? .? ' . tfl?' f . ? • isi?l ?Yq. FMql NYAC P%rA 5 ? Oammm LAmmm"n- - ? - Pr. cww , - Raceipt 3 MECHANICAL PERMIT Parmit No9 J 3? CITY OF EAGAN h??-? ? F« ' 1. Fill in numbered spaces Type or Prini leglb/y Date 2. Installation Cast 3. Job Address Lot ?Blk. -'? T?c4 4. Owner p oN G/ScN Sc,tiv 5AIrv e} 5. Contractor Na a/5 !7 Qa Phone 3vcf 7 6. Address 7 Z't`f r3fiv5ol( // W Lv SU . 7. City k IG6f /?ld 8. Buiiding Type: Residential 91 9. Work Description: New 16 State f*,rln rp 55 Z 3 Commercial 0 Institutional O Add O Alter 0 Repair ? 10. Describe Fuei Type 13 11 No. Equipment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air 5Z I ooG No. Eauiument CFM Ai H dli Mfg. 1- Q iviuoX r an ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlsts ? 12. t hereby oertify that the ahoue information is true and oorrect, atW l apres to aomply withWi oninanas???es g4verning this type of rvork. bmosetlarw. Dste _ 'bnsp. -Dete h"p. rat is Yrrw prr"k whm rwr*med *-A appraaMcl. _ ?? ?tiw i-' . _ . M - i? ??.r? ?? • " ?T ? ??,. . • . . . M?• . ? . _. . .. ? ... . _. . ?? . . " y ..? 4 y s/c Tot. 1700. o0 ? Pf. T #ar+r* F&. 41 ; '- CtTY OF PAGAN c..? F?e Fill in numbered spaoes s1c ? 7`ype or Prirat legibly Ta#. ?t. 9. Date t.t 2. Ins#allatian Cost ? S. Job Address L.ot Blk,vrf- Trast ' 4. OAiV178C sy I . r., . ?r ' ?• % . `i ! ! 5. ?"rofttI`w1'AI'C LL t4 ^a ti ?? ' fY ?i PhUINE Addf e55 x . ? ? • =? _?_ 7. CFty 4iU r) State & Building Type: Residential EC Commerciat CI lnstitutiarral CI 0. Wrark Description; i;few El Add ? Alter CI Repair 0 `t$. Qeseribs Fi u s 1Nater Cioset Ba#h tubs t.avatnry I(iteien S'(nI€ Fixtur2s Cesspool JDrairrf ield SeRtie Tank . Softner weIf ?" • , ? CASH RECEIFT ? ? C1TY t3F EAGAN ` P. 0. B(>)( 21-199 EAGAN, MIN"ESOTA 55121 ? 3 ? r C... ADAT? IMc¢?vaa / . ? r PRf9M , . ANfOUNT I ac;.?? ?Qo ? CA$H 1 '.?? `? L? ?i' "? ??' .r'^'?", ',-.?: . • . , . .. - ..f?? - r ??? . . / ?!I ? . . ? ? PVWp ? ?C?iFS49v - .. J AMfluMr , , ?+' A A . . . . . . . . ' 4 # l?1 } .?_. . *.N. CITY OF EAGAN RemarksJ??'J,''' ??V ?I?`'?? Addition MM CLIFP W Lot 20 Blk Z Parcel? a owner •street 4294 ?VER DAM RQAD seate E? ?SS 3 Improvement Date Amouni Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. 1 1970 690.05 69.01 10 STREET AESTOR. ?Jjj 1981 2030.40 203.04 10 1015.20 C010 OQ 6-2 -$ GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK G?q 197D 76.54 3.06 2S 2.$ SEWERLATERAL Zqi 1974 44.21 2?95 is 1 8.93 *. Sawer Lateral H51 1981 4419.74 441.97 10 220 .$0 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 19$1 IO WATER AREA ZO 1973 93.5?"J 6.24 IS 12.56 STORM SEW TRK " 1971 322.29 16.11 $Q 8o.64 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ROAD UNIT 260.00 #42165 3-26-84 WATER CONN. 470.00 BUILDING PER. 8913 SAC 525.00 PARK . CITY OF EAGAN ?T p 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 jr • 8 PHONE: 454-8100 J- BUILDING PERMIT Rece?Pt .# d?I c? To bs wed im SF DWG/GAR Est. Voiue $ 65,000 Dote MARCH Z 6 198 4 Site Address 4294 BEAVER DAM RD. Erect 8 Occuponcy R3 Lot 20 Block 2 Sec/Sub. SUN CLIFF Aiter ? Zoning Rl Parcel No. 10-72975-200-02 Repair ? Ftre Zone N A W Name ADVANCE DEV. Z Address 7700 XERXES 9 City EDINA Phone Name SONS CONSTRUCTION ?? Address 4370 RAHN RD. ? City EAGAN phone 452-4721 ? W Name GEORGE MANSTELELY ?? Address 9001 - 35W FRONTAGE RD. ?W CityBLOOMINGTONphone Enlorpe ? Type of Const. V Move (] #k Stories Demolish p Length 40 Grode p Depth 9 9 Sq. Ft. Approvals Fees Assessment _ Water & Sew Police Fire Eng. Plonner ? Council ? Permit 329.00 Surcharge 32.50 Plan check 164.00 SAC S25 00 Water Conn. 470.00 Water Meter 63.00 Rood Unit 260.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this opplicction ond state thot gldg. Off. the information is correct d ogre to co pl ??? aDPlicabl@ APC Total $1 ,$4 Z.50 State of Minnesota Statut and of nances. r $ipnoture of Permittee A Building Permit is issued to: SO S CONSTRUCTION on the express conciition that all work sholl be done in accordance witly*1 appli te of Mlnnesota Statutes ond City of Eagon Ordinances. Building Official C .. ft 3 2 2 a + ? ? T C + 1 6!e ° + 5 2 5 a + ' 47C•+ 0 + ? 6 t 1P4205* ? l ? ? r ;, 'i CITY QF EAGAN Inelude 2 sets' af pZans, .. Gertificate.: of: SurveY & . . BUTLDING PEPItIT RPPLICATION 1 set of enerry ca1.c[ilatioi'ns. ° ZL7 Be Used For Valuation ?, ?v``0-zrta Date Site Pddress - p?5l??.? OFFI{E USE ONL.Y . Lot Bloc3c Sec. /5ub. .5G Ar Erect )C Occupancy Parcel #: ? ?ei ?..00 Alter Repair Zoning r Fire.Zane. Owner • i? ?v' A N C l? ? ? ??e ?-'YIe af Const. Nbve #.5tories Address: +7,700 Yei /es DetroTish Front - ? - - --- ft' City/Zip Code: Grade Depth y'y ft: Phone # : APPRM7ATS- FEES: ' . Confractar: 56 ti 5 ?0'4-j stA?..o7k-+!E,0 Assesstnents ? Permit 3PLff Address : ? wa?.er/s?r surcharge Pal.ice Plan Check / 6 ? C:ity/Zip Cacle: ?5-4 6- A V Fi:re SAC / Phone YS ) L/7 ; Eng' Water Conn. p ? `- . - Planner Water Meter (P3 ?/ / Arch. /Eig. t ?F ra? C ?` e Couricil Rraad Unit Zw- Adaress ? . Off. !l? ? 4, 1/ ----:.- City/Zip Cac3e: ?L0d J-, Fhone #: TOTAL CiTV oF EacaN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P., O. Box 27199 PERMIT NO.: 5506 Eagan, MN 55121.,? DATE: 5-30-84 iny: Itl No. ot unin: 1 ner: S611S COriSt ?ess: 5tte Address: 42 Beaver Dam Rd L20 B2 Sun Cliff y,?„?r; Loren Brown Plbg ?ter No.: 3414 8/ 7? Connection Charge: 470.00 pd iize: Acoount Deposlt: 15.00 pd teoder No.: 1? fS 1- 63l n t pe?mit Fee: 10.00 pd egree M eemPlg wltb t6e Ciyr ef Eegon kdinn ly )ate of Insp.: ? Surcharge: .50 pd Miac. Chorges: _ 63.00 nd mete- Totui: Dare. Paid: inap.; 0 0 C. R. WINOEN a ASSOCIAtE$ 1NC: V f ? l ANO suIIvEroRS TiL sas• 3646 1391 EUSTIS ST.. si, iAUli MINN. 55100 FOR: SON'S CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY o ? ?- ? Q-19 % s . No ? , 6e J' 0??ry ry It> q> 0? Q/ / 0R S,7 1 tri a[ 4' ?c°c°?? i ??`•' ?' .?p ? c(' \.' . /O `'6 el 7* ., b- , s pose / Finished Ground E1. qq---- nenotes.Direction /?c Of Surface Drainage Vertical Datum - N.G.V.D. 1929 • ? Lot 20, Block 2, SUN CLIFF FIRST ADDITION, Dakota Countv, Minnesota. cale: 1" = 30' O Denotes Iron Monument 1 A?. /q0' ,? NOTE : 17il1 () Dw o Denotes Wooden Stake Proposed Garage Floor EI. 894.73 ?8944 ) Denote Pro d ?' ?? ? WE MERElY CERTIFY TMAT TMIS IS A TRUE /1ND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF TME SOUNDARIES OF tME tAND A60vE GESCRf6ED AND OF TME tiDCAT10N OF ALL euIICINGS, If ANtf, TMEREON, AND ALL VlS16lE ENCROACNMENTS, IF AN1f, fROM OR ON SAID IAND. darvd tbii 12 ?h der of MarcA A,O. 1084 C. R. WI DEN ? ASSOCIATES. INC. br 3wrveyror. 1Ninnewro Rpistro?een Ne.77 IM19 ?i S ?1 y/?/, /??qf 1y¢ S? ? in IcU' L% Pv P Al r .he 0 r. ( yU G ??r/C £ ? Y..? EXTERIOR EPJVELC:'E AVERAGE '`U ° COiI??.;TATIQ:I OW-Lm SITE ADDRESS 5 Li C4NTRACTOR?.?S ?'l3>t1ST??GTl4n.7 DATZ P HOIIE S? - Aetermifle working square footaae of each. 1. Total exposed wall area. . . . . /??? o tq. ft. x .19 ? i?/• ? 2. Total rooflceiling area . . . . fOG ?o sq. ft. x .04. . Total` exposed Wall area abave floo'r a. Total wa31 windocr area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J'?/?8 b.,-.,T4t. a1 door zrea ........................ e. `Total siiding gZass area.;..........,...:..? ct. Total fireplace wall area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c7 _ e. Tat a1 wall frariing area (average 10%) . . .?8? • f. Total net- wall area abave floor ....... S. Total rim joist area .... .............:. ?. . Total.exposed foundation area h. Tota3..foun3ation w•indow area .........: a : i. Total' net foundation area above -&rade .!lG• , Determ3ne va3:ue, of each wa3.1. se ,. Pnt. re ? . • a. /3/$ x Ut: ' ? X atUr. m . d 9'/ . b . C.? X nU:: SS ? _3 • . . I? . D X U" Cv?? °' p e.? X .2 ? . '•.? f. 1yzj4,0L R aB,y ?. / x "U,` ?<?G4 ? `• ? h. ? x .•UI. . o . o ,. , ' . . / • ?- i, ?f? X 'Ujr ,. . . _ , . . ;.? 3-.-? • ..t:.a ?s??a? .? • • • •? ? ? • a_.'-s ? • •-• s.a,s ? rr?? s . ?.• • s• .Totao3?•? ' . If ltera #3 is. the same as, or less•' than item #I, you have met the intent.oP SHC 6006(c)2. AL ??3? • G ? ? .?-t'? r ?3 -? ? 3.. . ..o,,e.ld,,?.? .ua.t.? C? C?l • ? Sl,? c ? r`.?W J . - ? ? . . . • ? . r . . ,, . ?". . . . . . . . e,` r _? . . . . . . . , . r .. ? - Total exposed roof/ceiling area J. Total skylight area .................. O ? k. Total roof/ceiling £raming area (average la• O?s. l. Total net insulated roaP/ceiline area ....,.. ? '- Determine "U'.va2ue for each roof/ceiling segment: ?• b X t'tJR O s p ? k. OG. X??U" . DyS = ? 8 .: ?l....... ..;w :. ........... ..... .............. TOt83. a v??-'?' If total of fk. is the same, as, or less than 92, you have met the intent of SHC 6006 ( c)1..940*: A 3 4/2• G?? A lternate: Huiiding Envelope Des ign To uti?3ze the total.envelope_system nethod, the values established by the sum of` ltems #f3 and #4 shall not be greater than the sum. of items 91 an3 #2_ i ? i 2/84 , ' CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT 16 - SEWEA AND/OR WATER CONNECTION (PLEASE PRi1Vi) 1) PROPFRTY ADDRESS : _ 45 c),Fc '07h"} IEGAL DE.SCRIPI'ION • . . - ? (Lot/Block/Subdivision or Tax Parcel iEXI32" Y`:G STRL'C'17-112E, DATE OF ORIGi dAL :Ju'ILDD, IG P? ?ST TSs?"?aNG'°: ;•:.`?•?.__. -_._ , ? P2.S=71171 --^`iI:;r/PROPCSr..D. U5E. J8r rt-I SuNQZE r???.ILY C? R-2 DUP= UNITS ) p R-3 TGA11HOL?5E ('Tf3RF" + LMTS) ( UNITS) [3 R-4 ApAR'Il'fl.E27'I'/CON1DaLT.Nl'L'yi ( LNZTS) Q CdMNERCIALJRETAII.,/dFFICE p 2MUSTRIAL ? INSTITUTICNAL/GMT-?? 2} APPI:ICP-NT ., (PLEASE PAINI) . ADDRESS : ? ? d IIAI? ? kG 4 CI'1'Y, STATE, ZIP: FAr64 Ai PHOiVE : 3) pLC= =PLEASE PRIHT) FOft CITl' t1SE ONLY NANTE: ? . .ADDRESS: PLUM S LICENSE: : acti ve CITY, STATE, ZzP: ' 7 Q Exp.ired I t PHONE: PLUMBER LICENSE Q Not F. R rd atr nitia 4} Q=ANT/a+,T1`jM f (F'LtASt NH1RF) .. NAME: b? n.' 6 L S vA.' ADDRESS: ??-At A) czTY, sTATE, ziP: ??,&AA) pxorrE: qS'> 5) INUICA`F'E WHICH FEP,NIIT IS BEIhG REQCIESTFJ): . ? CuV'NmcrION TO CiTY SETr7ER ? . COmE7GTI0N TO CITY 6VATEFt Q M'I'M ( PLF.A.SE DESCRI BE ) 6) L'VDI??T'?' aZ: . ? P=E f:pLa APPftQVED PERti1TT FOR PIC'r:-UP :BY ONE OF ABWE . Q PLF'ASE 1iAIL APPRdVED PF,RbLIT M 1, 2,? 4 A6QVE , - (Circle one) 7} SI? DATE: , MR rre G44wt4MeAW?r pq IM ne M.s ww:,s,-:a,Ei,i as is s.. ?`'?. . . . .. .. . .y? `W--ac s? ?. FDR CITY U5E 0'N-LY PERMZT " TSSUED ' FEES: $ . ?.?zX. SETr?E?, pERMTm, ,(.I?NCLU'DL SURCH??Gi) ? / ?, ?? . • WATER FERl!4IT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE ) WATER METER/COFPERHORN/OIITSIDE READER $ WATLR TAP (INCL'JDE CORPORATICN STOP) $ SEWER TAp ACCOUNT GEPOS IT - SEWER ACCOUNT I3EPOSIT - WATER - $ ??7 g • e^-? WAC SAC ? $ TRUtiIK ?dATER ASSESSP4EyT $ TRIJNK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRi3NK SEWER $ . LRTERAL BENEFITfTRUNK WATER ' $ ' OTHER Y. . .? $ TOTAL AMOUNT. PAID/RECEIPT t DOES iJTILITY CQNNECTIOIV REQUIRE EXCAVATION IiV PUBLIC RIG"rIT OP WAY? ? YE5 IF YES, THEN A"FERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC RQAD.WAY" MUST BE ISSUED SY THE ' NQ ` ENGINEERING DIVISYQIV. LIST AS A CONDI- TIOCV. .. SUBJECT TO TFIE FOLLOWTNG CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY: t T.ITLE : DATE : _ . '? ?.?•rt ?s-? ?ar ?+? rrt ?s? rs .. PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA137540 Date Issued:07/08/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4294 Beaver Dam Rd Lot:20 Block: 2 Addition: Sun Cliff 1st PID:10-72975-02-200 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and house wrap and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Michael K Hewitt 4294 Beaver Dam Rd Eagan MN 55122 Minnesota Exteriors 8600 Jefferson Hwy Osseo MN 55369 (763) 391-5514 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature i i r For Office Use �� s ?` ,0 t A :::':: ; �` ,Y ee: Dei,--- --„ ,,‘',,2 ,. .._ 14ECE1VE Dale Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 1 EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 DEC 0 2 2019 (651)675-56751 TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)6755 94 Staff: buildinginspections(cilcityofeagan.comBr _ 2019 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: \\,--ao-ilSite Address:, a.- 4 1 , / / i� �� _t as` - 'd, Tenant: �r'A...4 Suite#: 1111 II Reside D.N4 er, Name: 1 A .14____ I Phone: jp r 0-�1L$ f ` ' (iiCiZi : 0.',13-,..,,,..,.-,4.-0,,,,r,..,0%+ Address City Name: MILBERT COMPANY dba CULLIGAN WATER License#: WC641376 CG'•- .- tOr,`•� Address: 1801 50TH STREET EAST City: INVER GROVE HEIGHTS . State: MN Zip: 55077 Phone: 651-451-2241 , Contact: BILL MILBERT Email: gloria.abas@culligan4water.com New Replacement Repair Rebuild Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Typ:e';of Work . : — — Description of work: Water Heater _Lawn Irrigation( RPZ/—PVB) y Water Softener Add Plumbing Fixtures (_Main/_Lower Level) i Descr•iption ^_Septic System • Description: - -New ` Connection to City Water from Well __Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES ,. $60.00 Water Heater,Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes State Surcharge) $60.00 New fixtures, adding or removing piping(includes State Surcharge) $60.00 Septic System Abandonment $100.00 New Residential (fee collected with Building Permit) $115.00 New Septic System (includes County fee and State Surcharge) $60.00 Connecting to City Water from Well” + $290 for Meter and $190 for Radio Read = $540 *Sewer&Water Permit also required for connection charges TOTAL FEES $ 60'0 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher Slate Ono Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locales of underground utilities. www•gopherstaleonecall.org You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's wobsito at www.cityofeaean.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate: that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Cityof Eaga that I understand this Is note erns gpermit,t, but on y an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be In actor ant wit he approved ptai In the c s,e of worklwhich requires a.review and approval or pians. r I Clc , x x 2 Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature Page 1 off-2