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DATE: ' Zoninp: " No. of UMri: Owner_ 'rcntiar ?'i?wt??t Addron: Sift Addross: ''altic Avc.: .._ . . , 4 : ;t _ - '.s Plumbe?: - `, C?i T" ' 1.'_ i? !T: ' ,r ; : ? fis• Meftr No.: ' '1? ion Chorge: _ SiZE:9/l?? ?C[/C ? ? ? Mnnclt• ReOdlf Na.:,Q 7-4 6 riil IiVI\[ • GL.CLIlL?4.?5 ? - , I 1'eTT7? TQ ?..?..,? o..?,?,.?, ?. ? ?IR?? . ? ? . Totol: , Br - 1 ? oar. Paid: Dace of IrKp.: I,W; CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 . PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 pATE; ` Zoninp: ' No. of Units: Owner: ' -• r ' i 2;: 11ddr. Sits Addremq PPlumber. Mehr No.. Connection Chorye: SIZQ: AcooUnt L/CposiY. • J'J T•; ' Reoder No.. Pertnit Fee: - ?r91 1 ym lo aoseplp wN6 !iM Cilp oi !Ne¦ Surdharye: Odi? Mtsc. Cho npas: TotoL• BY Date Poid: Dote of Insp.: Irnp,; ? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 Eagan, MN 55121 Zoninp: ,°•Owrnr. Address Site Ad Plumbei I ym f0 0mply NMb 1hf CRT OF &WA OrdL.se... eV Dote of I rnp.: ?.Ofl?1lCt?Of1 a1Gf?: 4 , 5• ;.,' .. ?,c,counr oepoWr: Parmit Fea: Su?charps: Misn. CM?pes: Totol: Dote Pald: SEWER SERVlCE PERMIT . PERMIT NO.: DAl'E: No. of Units: CITY OF EAGAN rrC) 1?558 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE• 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # Tobeusedtor SF DWGJGAR Estvawe $68,000 Date SEPTEFrlBEi7 2 19 85 Site Address 3 568 8AI,TIC AVE Erect ff OccupanCy R3 Lot 26 Biock 4 Sec/Sub. HA14PTON 4-iTS Remodel 0 Zoning pD Parcel No. Repair ? Type of Const Vn Addition ? No. Stories ¢ Name FRONTIER MYDWEST HOMES Move ? Length 40 ; Address 3`?08 SIBLEY MEM HWY, BLDG E?molish ? Depth 4? o V r c a r.r i c A_ n A!b2 Int. Impc ? Sq. F? 15 ¢ W W ?Z U? Q= ? W Address Assessment Permit - City Phone Water & Sew. Surcharge Police Plan Revie Fif@ .00 .00 00 SU 00 00 - Phone Council RoadUnit & -7 U, Iherebyacknowledgethatlhavereadthisapplicationandstatethatthe BIdg.Off. 8/29/8 Tr.PI. 156, information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordinances. APC Parks Signature o} Permittee`??g =1- ? t'? ??- ------• - Var. Date Copies Total $2.124.0 ' A Building Permit is issued to: FR01i''1'IE12 i:tDk7EST NUMES on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State ot Minnesota Statupg and City of Eagan Ordinances. 1 - Building I I PKmN No. I Ptrmk Molder I Dats I Telephons N I h Plbp. h Hty. lacs Hly. Plbp. Finsl Occ. Fty. Frmy. ' MECHANICAL PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 5 ACT PRICE: -•-50U. UU pHONE: 454-8100 Site AddrQss _ Lot ? ? Name _ m Address c City - Name sroncier c Address 3908 Sib: 0 City r asdi; TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Vent Gas Piping Outlets # Other 80,000 M 8TU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM FEE -- " S/C: TOTAL: $26• , •.-- -- - - .? . PERMIT # RECEIPT # DATE: WORK DESCRIPTION Res. '` n Mult Comm. Other ::h New Add-on - Repair FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU - $24.00 AdDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 ADD-ON AIR COND. 0-24 BTU - 12.00 ADDITIONAL 6 M BTU - 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - 1.50 EA. COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - 10.00 MINIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000.00) SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE FOR: CITY OF EAGAN . PERMIT # PLUM8ING PERMIT RECEIPT # CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55121 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE PHONE: 454-8100 r? ?IC A Site Ad d BLDG. TYPE WORK OESCRIPTION . , Lot -? Bloc Sec/Sub i' f+ -t'D 1_ S x X Res. New ? Name t'!v Z C )1 E0 7 N Itl J C H Mult Add-on m ? Address 3 OD F Comm. Repalr U G r A r city ?= N Phone 5A -6 omer ' f r C!)) r' f, Name ? FIXTURES ?TOjI,L i 00 '; , W t r Clos t - $3 3 Address 3` `b r 07e ) 01' i Aj1 a e e . Bath Tubs -$3.00 '' - p City Phone 4154-C 33 ? Lavatory - $3•00 ' Shower - $3.00 FEES =Kitchen Sink - $3.00 z ' COMM/IND FEE - 1% OF CONTRACT FEE Urinal/Bidet -$3.00 _ ?-Laundry Tray - $3.00 ? MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE _ $1p,pp MINiMUM - COMM/IND FEE -20 00 Floor Drains - $1.50 J C' • 5TATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - •? Water Heater -$1.50 • Whirlpool -$3.00 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES ?Gas Pipin Outlets -$1 50 BEYOND $1,000.00) g . Softener - $5.00 Well $10 00 FOR: CITY OF EAGAN Private Disp. - $10.00 =Rough Openings - $1.50 . ' ?' FEE STATE S/C: L GRAND TOTAL: ? .' ? BUILDING P? To be used for Qu,: CITY OF EAGAN a16e23 ? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt # :600.00 Date !!AR 2e 19 91 SiteAd5rss " "" ""'•"' °.- Lot Block Sec/Sub. Parcel No. W Name - o Address ritv Name - Address Clty - Phone Phone Vw W Name ?W ; Address < W City Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the intormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State ol Rmlrlinn (lHirial .1NLY ? Minnesota Statutes and qqy ot Esgan Ordinances, Signature of Permitee ? DAVID B013MM A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all woric shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnesota 5tatules and City of Eagan Ordinances. .,?OccuF,:,.,? FEFS ! Zoning i - ?= . i 18000 (Actuap Const - Bldg. Permit ? (Allowable) - .50 Surcharge ?Y oi stories - , _ Length ? Plan Review i Depth - SAC, City ? S.F. Total - SAC, MCWCC _ S.F. Footprints - On Site 5ewage _ Water Conn _ On Site Weil - Water Meter _ MWCC System - Acct. Deposit _ City Water - PRV Required _ S/W Permit _ Booster Pump - S/W Surcharge _ Treatment I APPROVALS Road Unit Planner - park Ded. Council Bldg. Ofl. _ Copies S • Variance - P TO7AL PeKmit No. PamR Hoider Date Telephone # WATER .? SEWER . ? PLUMBING H.VAC. ELECTRIC Inspectlon Date Nisp. Commsms Footings I Jdg. Finel Deck Ftg. 'Deck Finai ' Pr. pisp. I • i .? . M i BUILD ING PERMIT To be used for DECIC CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 Receipt # Site Address 3 S68 ILALTIt' AYE Lot --2f- Block _ik Sec/Sub. H?WpTON NEIGHt'S Parcel No. W Name DAVID 6 RBDECCA HQESC?isl?l ; Address _ 3568 ULTIC AVE 0 Clf ??H y Phone 830-8715 Name _ Address Name _ Address Phone Phone I hereby acknowlege that I have read this application and state that the intormation is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesola Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permitee-,--1 . ? A Building Permit is issued to: DAVID OX iiEaECCA HOSSCH1 on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State o1 Mmnesota Statutes and City o1 Eaqan Ordinances. Occupancy Zoning (Actual) Const (Allowable) 8 oi stories Length Depth S.F. Total S.F. Footprints On Site Sewage On 5ife Well MWCC System City water PRV Required Booster Pump APPROVALS Planner Council Bldg. OH. Variarice OFFICE USE ONLY I" FEES ib' JW1 Bldg. Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC,MCWCC Water Conn Water Meter Acc1. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI Road Unit Park Ded. Copies TOTAL zs.so 4..x , Permk No. Permit Holder Date Tebphone # WATER SEWEti PLUMBING H.V.A.C. ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation . Framing Roofing Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orstat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Piumber Const. Meter Engr./Pian Bldg. Final Detk Ftg. Sei? S/ Gt/?O oedc Final P/f Well Pr. Disp. ?. . _ CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Kn4b Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (fi 12) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: . .... a:r:i I ?+ nvf ii:lql> I??If Hf:. J t.?}? I'-. PERMIT SUBTYPE: I lo1 r%ra 1 N,, 11siI1 i M P L Ftli 'ECTION RECURD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: H ili 1,1 iai ri ( t, I .' ) ?I ;6+ ?t: I •. TYPE OF WORK: I hd',111 A 1 IirN I I N A I ?. . Ik /1'•; I 4F At i r Rn 1 +;lry I i 1 IiAkKS: Sf WAkATF i?f I;M i f r, Fiiil Kt 00 i I:I 11 1 1 ik ANY I't lIlql+! NLi I:?It t I f i {k!i_A) 4J014M ? ? Permit No. Permft Holder Date Telephone # S/W PLUMBING • HVAC ELECT O ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing uoz Roofing Rough Pibg. ! 4?4 Rough Htg. l5ul. Fireplace , - c' -4 Final Htg. Orsat Test Final Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notity Plumber Canst. Meter Engr./Plan Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. CITY OF EAGAN ' NQ 19090 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE: 454-8100 ^ ?? ? 3 J Feceipt # c To be used for DECK EsL Value $1,000 Date Me1Y 21 , 1991 Site Address 3568 BALTIC AVE Lot 26 Block 4 Sec/Sub. RAI4PTON HEIGHTS OFFICE USE ON?V PefC81 N0. Occupancy IL-2 FEES Zoning w Name DAVID & REBECCA HOESCHEN (Aduap Const Bldg. Permil 25.00 o Address 3568 BALTIC AVE (Allowable) - - 50 Surcharge . City EAGAN phOne 830-8715 X ol Stories 16 1 Plan Review Lengih o Name SAME Depth 14' SAC Cit i U Address S.F. rotai - y , SnC, MCWCC ? City Phone S.F. Footprinis - W t n C On Site Sewage _ er on a • ?w Name on site weu W M ti ?? AddreSS MWCCSystem - - ater eter a W City Phone Ciry Water _ AccL Deposit PFV Required - SNJ Permit I hereby acknowlege Ihat I have read ihis? lication and state that the Booster Pump - SnN Surcharga information is correct and agree lo corr? y ith all applicable State ot Minnesota Statutes and y of Eagan (din ces. Treatment PI ? ? Signelufe Of Pefml a ???? ? APPpOVALS Road Unit R REBECCA HOESCHE A Building Permit is issued to: DAV Planner - park Detl. on the express contlilion thel all work shall be done in accordance with all Council _ applicable Slate of Minne ota Stalute and City of Eagan Ordinances. eldg. olf. - cOP'" i ? '? i Buildin9 Official L?.4.Q1f?L1 Variance - TOTAI zs.so ?ms requesl void 18 rtqn[hs }rom // / C62101 R ??e Fire o. Requir In s0ection E]Reatly Now Notilv In50ec- ? I es ?NO ' When Feady ? Licensed Electri"l Contraclor 1 hereby requas< inspection of above ? Owner elecbicel work instalietl et: St eet AdAress, Box or Hqu/e No. cit?# ecbon o. TownshiD Name or No. Panpe o. County.? . Occ nnt INT) • Phone No, Powe? Aadress Elecirical ConVactor (Company Namel KEIVDRICK Eii=:CT[iIC Conhacmr' License No. ??y MailinB Jdll??s4V {4o, fgc?l?!..JjM??aLl? gl?iK1V1? ?? rr lation) Au fed t t ?O lationl Phone Number MINNESOTq STATE BOARD OF ELECTNICITV THIS INSPECTION qEQUEST WILL NOT Grigpa•Midway BIAg. - Room N-197 BE ACCEPTED 9V THE STATE BOAND 7831 University Ave.. St. Poul, MN 56104 ? UNLESS PROPEH INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (614) 642-0800 ENCLOSEO. REQUEST FON ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-oooqoi-os It See instructions tor complet inB this fwm on beck Of Vellow cooY. C R 7 1.(?1 "X" Below Work Covered by 7his Request . INwvLAAtll NeD.] Type of BuiltlinB I APPlianeee Wired ? Equiumeni Wired ? k Fee ServiteEniraneeSize B Fee Feedars/Subfeeders? N Fee Circuits 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 30 qm s 0 tn 30 An%35 /All Above 2Amps 31 to 100 Amps 3to lU0 A s j SwimminPool qbove 10DAm s Above 100_Amps 0 Transforrs Irn - tion Booms Partia6"Other Fee I ?•°' ? Signs ISVecial Inspection ?S, /l ? emarks c?( OTAL FEE Nouph-in e 1, the Elecvicel ? ?a/% Insoectoq hereby tertify the t ihe xbove Final i Date ?I?? ? nsoecti vn has eeen ? mede. TMS reVUest voltl 1B monlh irom ?v ra 9a- 3 4 3 5La ? ? °? RequestDate / . g?-in Inspecl n e iretl7 XfleatlY ?w ? Will Nolify Inspettor ?s ? ? When Reetly7 I [D licensed contractor )(owner hereby requestinspection of above electncal work at: Jo0 AtlCreas (SlrBet Box or FoNe No.) 3S 8,C??/ i c v Cily ? ? Seaion No. TownsMp Name w No.. ' Ra?ge No. Counly 14W261 - Oceupanl (PRINT) ,0'0?v Rs c?&N PAOne No.??,y o ?s 5 •?o9a Power suvWie. naaress E18chkal ConVaclor (Company Name) CoMractor§ Liceiqe No. Meiling AOtlress (COnhactor r irg Installetpn) 3S ?i c Ae - AulhorixeG Si ure (COnVacl r ki InstelW4anl Phone Number e 30 -,?7/s vsa-?o? MINNESOTA SiATE BO0.H0 OF ELECTNICITY ' THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT prlpyrNpEway Bldq. - RoOm S477 . BE ACCEPTEU BV iHE STATE BOARD 1821 Unlrnflry Ave., St. Poul, MN 55706 . UNlESS PFOPER INSPECTiON FEE IS Plqne (612) 8424800 ENCLOSED. - (?d 9? es REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION % ? See insVUClions for cromplefing this brm on beck oi yellow copy. M ?D w `" Below Work Covered by This Requesf .? 38435 "7C ? ?? e !%". Hep. TypeolBUilding AppliancesWired EqulpmeniWiretl Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Eledric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (SpeCify) Comm./Indusirial ' Furnace Farm Air Condltioner Olher (specify) ConVecbrS Remarks: Campute Inspection Fee Below: # Olher Fee # ServiceEnlranceSize Fee # CircuNS/Feedars Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps a to 100 Amps Trensbrmers Above 200 _ Amps ADove t00 _ Amps Signs Inspecrors use ony: TOTAL s?_ IrrigationBOOms Special Inspection AIarMCOmmunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN "ONT% I, lhe Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in ? ? certif that the above ins ection has Y P been made. Final oate .?1 OFFlCE USE ONLY ' Tnis request voitl 18 montns irom -S ? i0 2 g i'o Repuest Date 2 3 ? ' I? Fir No. Roul In eclan Peq retl Inspection ReaOy han Rougn-ln (YOU musl cBll inspeqor when reedy) ? Naw Iliy Inspeclor - v Ves ? No Oale Peed IEl licensetl contractor'il? ow?ner hereby request inspection of ahove electrical work at , Job Adress iSVeet B oa or Rou te No.I pity / ; / ? / R/ ??` lfl?we Section No. Tawnship Name or No. Range No. Cqvny OcaOant (PRINT) 4 Phone No. 3719149 e/lJ • POwer SuODlier Atltlress !/G / c ' Elech¢al ConVactor (Company Name) Conttatlors License No. /"` W l? Mailing Atldress (COnlractor or Oner Making Inslallation, S 0 . s? ? e 10CA-1 Authonietl Slgnat onlrador;pwn r Making st Ilation) Phone Number -ys ?090 MINNESOTq STATE BOARD OF ELECTqICITY TMI$ MSPECTION flE?UEST WILL NOT Grlgga-Mitlway Bltlg. - Poom 54]3 r I BE ACGEPTED BV THE STATE BOARO 1831 Universfly Ave., SL Paul. MN 55104 ??SR UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION iEE IS Phone (812)64Y-0800 ENCLOSEO. `j/? REDUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION »r'°." ? g?€A, EB-OOOODOB See InshudionS for compleling Ihis brm on Oack ai yellow copy oc aa r? r pV 025 O -''X'i8elow Work Covered by This Request ew Add Rep. Typeof BUiitling_ AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Servica Duplex Water Heater ElecUic Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Management Comm./Industrial Fumace Other (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner ONer (specily) Conhacmr's Remarks: Compute fnspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEntranceSize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0[0 200 Amps 0 Po 100 Amps Trensformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs inspeaorg use only: .? TOTAL ' Irrigation Booms ,q ? ? y? s V Special Inspection ?v AiarmiCOmmunication THIS INSTALLATION MAY. DE CQNNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 1 S. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby if th h Rou9n-m ? cert y at t e above inspection has been matle. F??ai ? ? oa?e OfFICE USE ONLV ??? C? ? This request voitl t8 monms Irom BUILAG PERMIT RSSTIIFNITAT. To be used for TNIRRTOR TI CITY OF EAGAN NO 1$823 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55727 PHONE: 454-8100 G Receipt # Est. Value $600.00 Site Address 3568 BALTIC AVE Lot 26 Block 4 Sec/Sub. HAMPTON HEIGHTS Parcel No. " acupaocy Zoning Name DAVID HOESCHEN fACtual)COnst w ; Address 3568 BALTIC AVE jAllowable) ° City EAGAN Phone 830-8715 4 59 eorstodes - Lenglh o Name OWNER Depih , ?a Addf8S5 S.F.Total ? CItY Phone S.F. Foolprinis On Slte Sewage Name onsrceweu Mit Address MwcC System i City Phone ciry water PRV RequireU I here6y acknowlege [hat I have read Ihis plicalon and stale Ihat the Boostar Pump information is correct and.ag?ee to com y with/all applicable State oi Minnesola Statutes andCitv.oi Eaoan Ortlinance's. . OFFICE USE ONLY FEES Signature ol Permitee n?L`??-C?y??`T -? APPROVALS A Building Permit is issued lo: DAVID HOESCHEN Planner - on the express condilion ihat all work shall be dona in accordance with all Council applicable State ot M.i/n?neso""ta S?platutes ayndy,C,/ity of Eagan Ordinances. Bldg. oif. - BuildingOlficial-1Variance - 1 ' l Bldg. Permit ! o.V Surcharge Sh Plan Review snc, cny SAC,MCWCC Water Conn Weter Meter AccL Deposit S/VJ Permit 5/VJ Surcharge Trealment PI Road Unit Park Ded. Copies TOTAL SH.SO 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) 41 y3yy? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 42i?.z5 New Conahucflan Reaulremenh RemodeVReuair Reaulrertrenb D 3 repltlered eite wneys ahowing aq. IR of bt, aq ft. of house 2 copies of plan and gfl rooletl areaa (20% maximum lot covemae allowed) 1 sel of energy calcu1011011s br heated addiflons D 2 coples of plpna (show beam d wlntlow alzea; poured tnd. deaign; etc.) 1 afte wney lor exteda adtlitlona 8 tlecks n i aet W energy calculaHOns n 8 coples of hee preaervatiai plan if lof plattetl afler 7/1/93 DA1E: CONSTRUCTION COST: ?? DESCRIPfION OF WORK: Amove A?7 C-/ se??gz??e'z? STREET ADDRESS: 35?We ,i4 11-i% .OW, LOT: ? BLOCK: q_ SUBD./P.I.D. #: Name: */*CS47Xe,? Z;?V vC phone #: 17-1t?'"?- ?0 9D PROPERTY last Fint OWNER Sheet Address: City RA?'n State: ?p: Company:DS??J.S??r Ta.? ?T Phone a: 4? - (area code) CONfRACTOR streat naaresa: P'/01 ucer,se a;K- ?7 Fxp. 3/3i r a y sra?e: /f/1 zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone Y: ( Sheet Address: ReglshaHon q: Clly State: vP: Seweriwater licensed plumber (if Installina sewerlwater): Phone #: (? I hereby acknowledge fhat I have read this applicalion, sfafe fhat ihe infortnatbn is coffect, and agree to comply wilh cp appAcable Stat of Minnesola SMlutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes - No - Not Required -CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ? & ?( 3?8'U?&I N G 029157 03/25/94 SITE ADDRESS: 3568 BALTIC AVE LOT: 26 BLOCK: 4 HAMPTON HESGHTS P.I.N.: 10-31900-260-04 DESCRIPTION: B,ff3.ldin-g`?-eermit Typs Pwilding Wo?rk 7ype U °r REMARKS: BASEMENT FINISM ALTERATION ????? ?? a(agun SEPARA7E PERMI7S ARE REQUIRED FdR flNY PLUMB2NG pR ELEC7RICAL WORK FEE SUMMARIF Base Fee $35.00 Surcharge g,50 Total Fee $35.50 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - A p p L i c a n t- HOE3CWEN qAVID 3568 BRLTIC NVE EflGAN MN 55122 (612)830-8715 I Mereby acknowledge that I heve read this applieation and state',Chat the information is correct and agree to comply with a11 applYcable State o'f Mn. ' Statutes and City ofi Eagan Qrdinances. jooua 'D APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATUR? F -ISSUED B SI U?? ? INSPECTION RECORD CITY OF EAGAN PERMIT TYPE: 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: Lo r: 26 6 L 0 C K: q APPLICANT: 356$ BALTIC AVE HOESCHEN HAMPTON HEIGHTS (612) 630-8715 PERMIT SUBTYPE: BASEMENT FINISH TYPE OF WORK: BUILpIMG 023157 03/25/94 DAVID ALTERATION INSPECTION FRAMING .. . INSULATION .. ROUGH IN PLBG FINAL REMARKS: SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ANY PLUMBING OR ELECTRICAL WORK ? L - -- ° - -I _ _ ? 151 CITY OF EAGAN 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 681-4675 -t? ? r?D -- ? I i SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date oK? Valuation of work Site Address: dplo STREET Sl1ITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT ? BLOCK ? SUSD. U ? P.I.D. # /?? /T?/?1 .CS Descri tion of work: ' ?k AO 199/yf J?IV 481t l The applicant is: I8f Owner ? Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name ?SG?iP/V /?i?fiii/J Phone e30 Property LAST FIRST y?v -?9? ? Owner Address ,?4-6 tf i9?*916 AO+e'- STREET STE # C i ty AlGN/t/ St ate /AW Zi p Company Phone Co ntractor Address License # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber . Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aPplication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? ? ? ? Signature of A l9cant: ?` ?,?? iZ ?G?'?'?. • % % pp ? .e ? OFFICE USE ONLY :k wft B UILDING PERMIT TYP E ix •.w? ? 01 foundatian ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 17 5wim Pool ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory 0 18 Comm./Ind. ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add'1. ? 15 Deck 0 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 31 New El 33 Alterations O 35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Dccupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Planning Engineering REGIUIRED INSPECTIONS ? .s;te rl Wallboard Basement sq. ft. lst F1, sq. ft. 2nd F1. sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-slte sewage Building Variance 13 Footing EI Final El Framing ? Draintile MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Assessments Y3 Y o/ -?-- 0 C3 Insulation ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Pl. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: Yalmiim: $ SAC % SAC Units CITY OF EAGAN p N 12558 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Boz 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receiptp TobeusedtorSF DWGIGAR Est.Value $681000 Date SEPTEMBER 2 ?g86 SiteAddress 3568 BALTIC AVE Erect ? Occupancy R3 Lot 26 Block 4 Sec/Sub. HAMPTON HTS Remodel ? Zoning F'D Repair Parcel No ? 7ype of Const. Ul.l . Addition 0 No. Stories a FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES nnove ? Length 40 3 Name nddress 3908 SIBLEY MEM HWY, BLDG EDemolish t I I ? ? Depth ?? S Ft p . n mpr. city EAGAN phone 454-0433 nstall ? q. . a 0 i 013 a : U? W W ?z x? UI Q W Name SAME Address Ciry Phone Name Atldress Cify Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota StaWtes 2nd Ciry of Eagan Ord}n3Wcey. Signature of Assessmeni water & Sew. POlICE Fire Eng. Planner Council Bldg. Off. 8/2 9/ 8 6 APC Var. Date Permit $ 337.0( Surcharge 34.0( Plan Review 168.5( saC 575.0( Water Conn. 500.0( Water Meter 63.5( Road Unit 290.0( Tr. PI. 156.0( Copies Total $2,124.0( A Building Permit is issued to: vr tcviv rlr,x i7luVMa 1 ntjisab on ihe ezpress condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all ap ?plt?abl9 State?f Minnes ib a Sta{ nd of Eagan Ordinances. Building Otticial ?e ? ?? / e 4;;6, S? ??, t "S m P. HOESCHEN 1986 gpIyDING PEBFIIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NUTEe 9I.I. CONTBACTOES MOST BE LICSNSED tiITH THE CITY OF EAGAN COFAIERCI9L INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONSJ $2,000 LALVDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: Single Family Site Address 3568 Baltic Avenue Lot 26 Block 4 Pareel/Sub He1MPTON HEIGTHS Owner Hoeschen, Dave & Rehecca Address 3485 Greenwood Court, S SINGLE FAMIILY DiiE[.LINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SIIRVEY 1 5ET DF ENERGY CALCULATIONS Gkomm Valuation: r4=1D Date: $-15-86 OFFICS USE ONLY City/Zip Code Eagan, MN. 55122 Phone 454-3665 Erect ? Oceupancy Remodel Zoning ? Repair Type of Const Addition # of Stories Move _ Length go _ Demolish _ Depth Int.Impr. Sq Ft Install APPROVALS FES3 Contraetor FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES Asgessments Permit 51 Water/Sewer Sureharge _ 4-6.04 Address 3908 Sibley Mem. Hwy. Bld E g• Police _ Plan Review 16 Fire SAC ?? City/Zip Code Eagan, MN. 55122 Engr Water Conn sgw- Planner Water Meter 63, Phone 454-0433 Couneil ad Unit Bldg Off eatment P1 1 fp Areh./Engr. APC arks 9arianee 'Copies Address TpTgT, ? a City/Zip Code Phone # NOTE: ADDRFSSSS FOR CORAER IAYS - CONTRACTOR/HOMFAi7AEE HQST DESIGNATE iiHICH ADDRESS I3 DESIRED. NO CHANGfiS WILL SE ALLOWED ONCB BDILDING PERHIT IS ISSDED. ? ..?ivca.vLr? nvc.???c ? ?.vuil.u?.?..i.i?i ....?.. .. ,?.. -? TaCnl cayoced roof/ccilinq nrca 'otal s;:ylight area ............................ `otal roof/ccilin, -."raming arra (;ivcr.c,gc 10e)... 'otal net insulate3 rooE/ccilin9 area........... Determine "U" valuc for eacii roof/cci1in9 segme.^.t M. X n, cj9. L x x 4 ........................ If total of ;p-0 is L-he sam SriC 6006 (c) l. ? ... 'LbLal v e as, or less t_han $2, ycu i-iave met the inCent oP Alternatc Buildina Enve].one Des 7b ut.ilize the total envelope'system method, the values establishecl by tne s:Lm of i_tems 0 and 1l4 shall not be greater than the sum oi items ;1 and 1i2. z. 77.:7.015 i z. ??.T7 3. +4..??.? ----? ? 6 JI' l•??on?in u,?ll nron f?,r ???'? r.c,n:,truct fun ... .. . . ... ....... Ni.i1 FIU. Ill FIC. 02 r?? --'--Q ?,. TOPVI?1J OF r• iuUL? WnI,t, f -'•,---0 ?> o '°-.-' ?. -.- ?' ? ? A ?' ?\1lCP } ?'`'•. i • +:/ . ,,. •o. u 1 q I , I.,; I qkpA?:>n 13 `r . w , t s-a eanV*f a , • - - 7. tx? _ }?- ??q G. t'>:?,•? ?„r .,? ? I;'; „ • u.I . ? 1 ICrrli,r ni!' :!Im Ci F. .O? O.GlI z. V- It.Lr.x ..??? ......._? _ 4f __...--.i?? 3. m _ d. M14_P ,it[41?L..-- G. -----._... ----..._ ,-I'ut.a1 •??. ?i f . .......__..-.- z. -.'-' . .. ?•6 3. 4 . ?-?.Me" "- U . s. ?LseYt1?..?l?Ehd6?L.___ __-. .---•lA? _"'.___"_'_"___'___ __-.'.-G,:',- _' ? ? z • w 't;?pt.QC.14. s. _. Y_`y ?..'.a _. _. .. 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UN 't Wt?idc . ir. fil:nU I?? ??j,?li?ll.?/ 1btal . ' to .1-02 Zn;idc air Eilin 0.61 ? . . ' 2. . a Ycct flov up , j vented 3- ? . . 4. • . , ' " . . . ' ' $. Outsidc air fiLn 0.17 ? . .YXC_ f6. . _. • . _, . ' : •rotal ' 3 O v 1. Snside air filrn 0.61 ? - r •.c -:.'._-?1 2. . ? „?a? '•?'.;.._..•1_, . . =r, 3. , - ?? _?i??" ?':: .: • _ •. ,-?. .•.,?--,?'i^?= :; ..• J; -.?' . ?' 4' -- ?_•.-?-y.'J'?. Cu[sidc air film 0.17 ;? ?- •''.' ? ? . ,?? To W 1 . . ? t-O / . • ' ?•? '-' . • • , • •. • 2:0:1-YII,-1Z:7 ?. ? Ytotc- Uso ad3ltional ''heets if morc ,pacn i: ,pecdcd far detail> and ealcu?atians. ? . ? ffent ? - • . . - ; . • tiow un - - ' ' • •, , .? • . . . ' Pt ._ ?e? • • • r . •' arijr, ?, rrrrc??, ? ?: ?jRl C K -- ?1 RE ?L?..? • `?', 2 r?y1- ol m!ailur, wtill nren fuv. ` ??irnrtv, qGntdrucl?lun i ; ? . • _ t ? ,, ? ., ` ?, inhr• :i ? , -,. . . _?• ?. , . .. . .'. . ?„ . . .... . . . ?_ ? \? ?? 4, •_.AiR. ?P.?[?__ __.... foa ?;' 5IC a ir ri 1 AI.I ' FIC.'.II1 TG;'VI?:ii OF FltAflE 1V71i.L U.GlI •:- ? , i. 2. ? --?•-?--- -- ._ _. . ? i ; ; ? I , i . --• ---' - ?- ?_ --'------------ ' ?? ? ? ? ' • , 4 . - - - .. .. _.. . _ i .: 'Po Lal . :. i : i , J . . ' ' ?,t?°t si• ? j4V '~ F L 1 lnta?iur_ai.c.;i4iu....?------._.-(l.,`? : ,?------------- l-rnLa( ? ?f ? ?? _?? 6. Y,xtrrfor nir I ? lrn 0. 11 4- --^-`-- 1.? ?? ".' ( - ----(!? j t ' '_ . L, i ? ' ? • _ , ?L-? , ? . .,1,.C? . , ?` ----•-----{_? y ?. , s y . 1t _. . -.. _ . .. ?'/ • 1{? ? 'p' ?'--------•-Q I . ? A. . _ _ . _ _.. __ _._ -- _ s : l'N , . -T .-. • . - ._. ..._ _ '."'_ _'? ' ,P. • ?'. `, ' . _' ? If)' r ... ' .. ?•-.. . G. !:..l?.i?i??:? .?ii ?i rt (,.ll . ,'i".. , _??, %i •?' ?' . ? .... --..--._'- .....?. ..._ ;Icln: ..__--"--- , i. • ' 4 ? RA f / ( -- . . ' i -?i ? <? ? ?-? ?' ' ' • ? ?? I I 1 _, -r I? r ? , , , i ?,.° `? ? ? 4 ?'? ?' 1 4? ? ???., -- y • , ? ? l F.2` y? ? '!R < ir. wt ' f' I ' ' I ? .? I!r ?`>$?urYtis2 ANNkt: i J ; V ? 1 I ' I{ I . f? I r?4? ? t Y ;ndlcat ?y ?" , ' va1<< uCUCIi nncl i1..Iqn. .. 4._. .) ._. , PLA Q -* ; . Likie4 L FT, EXposED W,4LL ?L-OGf?. ; ?? t Y ? t'5?.. t'?.'?.S ?- ? , ?§ o i ??• ??'a,. , ?:uLL. I 1 35+L -t 7m tG4 = t4Z. ? r lZIM:''' 14Z, H ( ?.0'?4. S ?- 'fG f (o _. ?Ki?005eb WALL. A?.EA ? ?3LocK_', ?jol. °?s !C , S : Gr ?,'tiEEc?t.,S K. S Pul.L I -L X 0 F, P, ?z??, : 14 t. ? J ? ? 14 810MA BURVEYINO BEFiVICE9 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan. Minnesota 55122 Phone: (612) 452-3077 CERTIFICATE FOR: HOME PV4bERS ? UNbbEVEIOPFRS * AEAtTUNS ?i COMPANIES MODEL : L.,AN Gq 5'r F.:A, 9GA LS ? 1N=4.6! + 25 ? I? i i O: Z - > ? Z v ? J ;J:;. i m Q' e 4 ? •?-; Z5 ,.., I u'fiuTY ?AS M'T? t_oT 2to / f\I?I 0 WAYNE D. CORDES - iQ6i5 - _ I roy.l.?i E n ?O`? 957Nc ?? ? ? IOI._ , _ . Lo'r ,j-7 oqa.Pt 0_0.1u E.. ?- ----- ?_?-? ris.e pRA11?lAUE Iv'r `, -r r •? I?5•.25 N _LEGEND" O Opnotes Ircn YaK.nent ° Oenotes Woai Hub Set x0520 Aenotes Existirg Spat Elevation („ :M ..) Lkrates Proposed 5pot Elevafion ,„?Denotes Dra inege D i rec t i en -PRGffRTY DESCRIPf1GN1- LOT? , BL(X'K 4_ HAMPTON [iEIGHTS xcordirg to the reca-ded plat thereof; Dakota Countv. Mimesota pROPO5E0 GARAGE FLODR ELEVATION= 857.0 PROPOSEO Top ofBPlock ELEVATION! ??57.3 PROPOSED BASEMENTYFLOOR ELEVATION- SS`?3 wla Propesed Bascmw.} lewex Fleer Eiev, = 549.3 NOTE: Verify all floor heights with Firo! House Plans. IFI 1 hereby certity thet this survey. Alan or report was prepsred by me or iwder my direct svpervisim ard that ! em a duly Re4isfernd Lard Surweyor under the laws af t State of Mimesota. Date: $/1,1916 Wa D Cardes, Mirn?. Reg. No. 14675 Y^e ? fqoqo ? ? 1991 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MITLTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PLANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQIIESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSUED. NOTE: ADDRESSES DESIRED. FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER M[JST DESIG NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT T DRESS IS ? C!' -? `__-' ? PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE IT HAS BEEN COMP PERMIT MUS S SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. ?iAY ? Ll To Be Used For: PeC/? Valuation: ? Da , 7_Zj Site Address ?Shg ,Q,,y/iir A= . Lot ?6 Block Parcel/Suh pnyp,-pti ww4eTS• Owner /,fjJU//7 /lPhPr'l'tl Aggde'A/ Address G City/Zip Code dn*("/ &A ) y,$d Phone ?90'$711rDIF5- 5/5'.?-70ADh?Contractor (y(,VNEyL . Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone # OFFICE USE ONLY Occupancy ?-T- Zoning Actual Const Allowable # of stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On site sewage_ On site well MWCC System _ City water _ PRV _ Booster Pump _ APPROVALS Planner _ Council 81dg. off.ts.,$Zr-9? Variance FEES Bldg. Permit , Oo Surcharge : 5 G Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/w Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trail Ded. Copies SUBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL 5 ? --'<(?s.1 e A.4e, ? agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (Signature of Contractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. L ?-.?. . 9cAI.E S I":4?i 25 ? I i r. ? I i u] NItn: z I\j ? }- ?q ! J ;o`.. ?' ?` I M ? i ? e? f ?'b Q EYI NO VICEB Memorial Hfghw ay nnesota 55122 12) 452•3077 CERTIFICATE FOR: NOMEBUROEpS ? LANOCI(VELOPFAS ? pEAITURS ? COMPANIES MODEL: LAr.IGqS'C OF& L,i'r ,2y ??? _ .._i.&y.l.5 y..$11e1910..0.1IT E jO ? - k ---- ? r' - - - 13.0 r1.5.0 ?rz?INAUE ° ? C,?y ??Iq• _j/ i? ?? -? U71 ll? Y ?A?J1'7?7? LoT 2(o I '"?rv.o . . • . { . /'_ N -?-?-?--?- ?i- r Asf.e i 1a 5•25 Dn - y8$?.0 'tP r? N I? WAYNE D. CORDES - 14675 r -LEGEND " 0 Aenotes lran Maxm.nt p Denotes Wocd Hub Sef „ esz.o a,notes Existiry Spot Elevafion =N ) Gbnotes Proposed Spot Elevation ?.---Denotes Orainnge Directicn -PRnPfRTY DE.SCAIPTIGN- L0T ?, 9LCrK ?4 HAMPTON IIF,IGHTS accordirg to tir recorded plaf thereof; Dakota Coun}y, Mimesofa -r ?•? y..i ? ? "`np6mn'nrin?aaw'" I ? . PROPOSED GARA6E FLOOR ELEVATlON= ;857.p PfdOPOSEO Top of p8lock ELEVATION- 85 ?•3 PROPOSfO 8AS£+MENTv"FLOOR ELEVATIONF SSq,3 Wlo f'ropoee.d 635arhe4 lewer Fleer FJGV, = 541.3 NOTE: Verify all floor heights wifh Firel Nause Plsns. IFI I hereby certify tlat thia sur+ney, Pfan or report was prepsrod by ms or urder my direcf supervisim and that ! am e duly Regiefered iard Surveyor uder the laws of f Stete of Yrrraesots. 0a'l,µ- 0- Dete: $Iylero Wsyne D. Cardes, Minn. Reg. No. 14575 1991 BIIILDING PERMI?PLICATION CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS MULTIPLE DWELLINGS COMMERCIAL 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF PLANS 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL 3 REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS REGISTERED SITE SURVEYS - & STRUCTURAL PIANS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS (CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT.) 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCUTATIONS 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCS # OF RENTAL UNITS # OF FOR SALE UNITS PENALTY APPLIES WHEN: TYPING OF PERMIT IS REQUESTED, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY LAST WORKING DAY OF MONTH IN WHICH REQUEST IS MADE. IAT CHANGE IS REQUESTED ONCE PERMIT IS IS6UED. NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL SE ALLAWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. PROCESSING TIME FOR SEWER & WATER PERMITS IS TWO DAYS ONCE A PERMIT HAS BEEN COMPLETE?. PERMIT MUST SHOW A LICENSED PLUMBER. (-Ppe' -4. ?_ To Be Used For; Valuation: Date: 31AZ Site Address 3S6 ? g4H/G'4&? Lot '-'P6 Block y Parcel/Sub JffBMpTpAU 11e10#7-s Owner Abe GF'HF/iJ Address 3SlD?i'' /?.4/bG AUP - City/Zip Code _ "(qij/V /fj"V Phone ? /IS/ ?3C?--7 g7/S ?l D Contractor (J°6jjAj&e, Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. _ Address City/Zip Code Phone # &D0' USE ONLY FEES Occupancy Bldg. Permit J 18,4) Zoning Surcharge _ Actual Const Plan Review Allowable SAC, City # of stories SAC, MWCC Length Water Conn. Depth Water Meter S.F. Total Acct. Deposit Footprint S.F. S/w Permit S/W Surcharge On site sewage_ Treatment P1. On site well Road Unit MWCC System _ Park Ded. City water _ Trail Ded. PRV _ Copies Booster Pwnp _ APPROVALS Planner Council Bldg. Off Uariance 3 - z )-9/ Q4 SUBTOTAL Penalty Lot Change TOTAL #F, "i-aH S71A a? 3,e p LEV ? agrees that all work shall be done in accordance with (Signature of Contractor) all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. . CITY OF EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT . . SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTION *R7PF': PAYMF.KKr QF k'EE AT TIIM OF APPLICATION m? ? ? APPFZM OF PEIOUT. ..... __________.-.-------- - -- P ease Print ?1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3568 Baltic Avenue, Eagan, MN. 55121 LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: Lot 26 Block 4 Hampton Heights tLOL/tilOCK/JllAQ1V1510II OL"PdX YdrC01 lll $) .. IF E7QSTING SZRL'C'!L'RE, DATE OF pRIGINAL BC'II,DING PEftMiT ISSL'ANCE: - Mon Year - _ PRFSEDTP ZONING/PROPOSID LSE: ? C0i41ERCIAL/RETAIL/0FFICE Q IPIDL'STRIAL 0 INSTI'IVTIONAL/GOVERNMENNT ? R-1 SINGLE FAMII,Y Q R-2 DLPLEX (iko T-Inits) 0 R-3 2DWNEiOIJSE (Three + Uni.ts) 0 R-4 APARZPg3V'P/C0NIDOMINiIIM ( [fiits ) ( [fiits) 2) NAME: FRONTIER MIDWEST HOMES CORPORATION • ? ADDRESS: 3908 Sibley Memosial Hig3iway Bldg. E CITY, STATE, ZIP: Eagan, MN. 55122 PHOf7E: 454-0433 3) • u?: ?• NAML: STAR PLAMBING Far City Use Plumbers License: ADDRESS: 1018 Mound Springs Terrace Act1ve ? CITY, STATE, ZIP: Bloomingtoa, MN. 55420 ??? . Nat recorded PHONE: 884-4149 MASTER I,I(ELVgE# 3329 St?tial 4) ?.?u•_,??..i? -24AME: Hoeschen, Dave & Rebecca -ADDRESS: 3485 Greenwood Court South ' CITY. STATE, ZIP: Eagan, MN, 55122 pHONE; 454-3665 • 5) t.? r• r• •a• :n • ? - ?? ? COND]E7CPION 'lO CITy gE«St ER CpNNE7CTION 'IC) CITY WATER a OTHER 6) '? • •?- ? PLFASE HOLD APPROVID PERMIT FCR PICK-UP BY ONE OF P,BOVE ---•- -- .-- ri PL£ASE MAIL APPRUVID PERMIT 2t7 1, 2, 3. 4. ABOVE (Ciscle one) 7) rr• • ?'?<-o?io?`/ ?' '' ,?.:-??-fS[? nzpncriorr oF sF,Wmt Arm/cR Wk7Et IpS'rA7.r_am20I1S WILL NOT SE SCHED- UI,F9 ilDfl.'IL PERMIT HAS BFII? APPxovID. : FOR :CiTY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSUED ? 0 L, c Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ ?GS o $ SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ ?-G $ WATER PERMIT (INCLODE SURCHARGE) $ 10,?j-S?J $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLL'DE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ $ ? ACCOC'NT DEPOSIT - WATER $ ;J CJ D - Cr-o $ WAC $ SAC $ $ TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT $ $ TRLNK SEWER ASSESSMENT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRUNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRCNK WATER $ °a--Z) $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SORCHARGE $ $ OTHER: $ /.3 `Ir ` .S-D $ TOTAL . RECEIPT - RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNEC TION REQUIRE EXCAVATION IN PCBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? ? YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST SE ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING Q NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SIIBJECT TO THE FOLL OWING CONDITIONS: APPRQVED BY: TI2LE: DATE :Y ? ? ° ° 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rE?iT arrLicaTioN VCity Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Construdion Reauiremenfs 3 reglsfered site surveys showing sq. ft of lot, sq. ft of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allaxed) 2 copies of plan showing beam & window sizes; poureA found design, etc. 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservatlon Plan'rf IM piatted afler 7/1193 Rim Joist Detail DpGons selection shee[ (huildings with 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechaniral ventilation fortn RemodeVReoair ReQUirements 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists t set of Energy Calcula6ons for heated adtlitions 1 site survey for addNOns & decks AddiUon - indicate if on-s'rfe septic sysfem 6fflce"Ils"e onlv CertofSuW¢yRq 00 Y rv`N 7teePresP.lanRacd =Y=LJ. , Tr,eePresRegmred i ,.,Y Oii-SI,teSeppcS?stem '.,..=YN ?j l? Date CG /l`/ (? ?Y /J /' 6? Consfruction Cost 7 SiteAddress Unit/Ste # Descrip[ion of Work "UN O Multi-FamilyBldg _ YN Fireplace(s) _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 `4?f '9 ?QQb` Yroperty Owner??s rrl i c I lko- Telephone # (66-1) ??76W - ). 76 Coutractor Address C - A City State + ? )n Zip ? Telephone # (K;j /) ??-? 616 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 Cateeorv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residentlal Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • New Energy Code Worksheet (J submission type) Submitted Submitted • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _ Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber Telephone # ( Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Telephone #( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a pernut, and work is not to start without a permit that the work wi11 be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval ofplans. 1,11,2al"ia t'Applicant's Printed Name App1icanYs Signature ? ? ? . : ?.?. , , .. . . . .. ., , .. 1994 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDEIVTIAL) - _ CITY OF EAGAN - 3830? PILOT KNOB RD' - , EAGAN MN' S5122 . (612) 6814675< PL,EASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMII.Y DWELLINGS. AISO, FOR T'OWNf30 'E?;AHiD CONDOS WHENPERMTTS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH `UNTT.. ? , _-_.____.--_--------------------------------------'_?__ NU. FIXTURES TOTAL, EAG• / SHOWER . .__. . . . -.Y .. . 3.00 ,, . / WATER CLOSET 3,00 '.` BAT'H TUB 3.00 ? LAVATORY 3.00 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 LAUNDRY TRAY 3:00 HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER FEATER 3:00 - . FLOOR DRA11V 3.00 , GAS PIPING OiJTLET •minjmum - i 3.00 = - ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 ° - WATER SOFTENER 5.00 ° : PRIVATE DISP: • netcty. uQ 20.00 U.G. SPRINKLER • eome maa ooost. P' 3.00' ' ALTERATIONS • to ?tins 20.00 , WATER TURN AROUND 20:00 _ STATE SURC'HARGE .SU TOTAL: a0 ' S? STTE ADDRESSs -OWNER NAME; CI'1'Y:: l6 A"i/?/ STATE: .h /1l ZIP CODEs - PHONE #: (4/02) ?v?o? -/S?o S . 1?/.l/11?in • nJ i??,t?mJ sTGNATURE O ERMITTEE MAR -22-2013 04:50A FROM: TO:6516755694 P.1 41101/` City of Evan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit#: 1_(] Permit Fee: l'/) C) Date Received: Staff: 2013 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 0 Please submit two (2) sets of plans with allcommercial applications. Date: 511-413 1-(0(Z 13 Site Address: � (o (Z L L- � Tenant: Suite #: J Resident/Owner Name:TOW fl1\ // 1 id F -e--) Phone:�J' l- 1459 -" 15L0 AA '' Address / City / Zip: 2 2 m'v /ZZ Contractor Name: <-1 S F[-ela-+Iik0 4 ACV Cie,vd . License #: Address: l NE_ ; i E_ NZi vtie1 L. J'6S 2City:QcII. •J State: rm.)Zip: .55421 Phone: /1:J—1S I — /t 1• Contact: Md pOixas Email: OGt-V`t° . d 40145CUi1A-4 (.ril A atR-, Leo Type of Work New )( Replacement Additional Alteration Rion "�Deme Description of work: It$ -&.0 �V�tNt7�L £Li' \( Ct�1X11CtCs., tl4-Uv-v P"JC. NOTE: Roof mounted and ground mounted mechanical equipment Is required to be screened by City Code. Please contact the Mechanical Inspector for Information on permitted screening methods. Perm It Type RESIDENTIAL Y Fumace COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improvement X. Air Conditioner _ Install Piping Processed _ Air Exchanger _ _ Gas Exterior HVAC Unit Heat Pump Under / Above ground Tank (_ Install / Remove) Other _ _ RESIDENTIAL FEES: 560.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes 55.00 State bumed out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (Includes Surcharge) ; 00 55.00 State Surcharge) = $ `` TOTAL FEE 5100.00 Fire repair (replace COMMERCIAL FEES: $70.00 Underground tank installation/removal 555.00 Minimum $1 million, please call for Surcharge Contract Value $ x 1% = $ Permit Fee *If the project valuation is over = $ 5.00 Surcharge` = $ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (661) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. CaIl 48 hours before you Intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.uooheretateonecaltorq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete end accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work wi be in accordance with the approv . Ian in the case of work mnl "ch Lequires a review and approval of plans. x Applicants Printed Name S IM • AAA Pc,beAftS Applicants Signature FOR OFFICE USE Required Inspections: Reviewed By: Cate: Underground Rough In Air Test Gas Service Test In -floor Heat _ Final HVAC Screening *' City of Eaaall 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: / / /(� Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2016 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Unit #: Resident/ Owner Name: Me fl) Me L. eg- Address / City / Zip: .j vS 816,4G 4t/'/,,, Applicant is: Owner / Contractor Type of Work > Description of work: T,r—rn 'e'€Ot Contractor Construction Cost:60 ‘9 .-00 Phone: Li',,' SI Multi -Family Building: (Yes / NoA_ ) Company: S'ti,p Ui&.b4,n /4644-e =h'iOroVcn-m -ertrt Contact: Address: 3.)-- t921 /4/2P. City: Lf 14/e CQ adq State%11e) Zip: 61117 Phone: lo. ; j' - %Email: ler2C-W-e/✓e%— ' License #: 6 6 — 6 3 7 '7 Lead Certificate #: If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Mechanical Contractor: Sewer & Water Contractor: Fire Suppression Contractor: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-publicif you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude thattheme r are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.qopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x /C tit" hr-erS x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Sig /*tiv,0 Page 1 of 3 PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA161949 Date Issued:06/19/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3568 Baltic Ave Lot:26 Block: 4 Addition: Hampton Heights PID:10-31900-04-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Thomas J Mielke 3568 Baltic Ave Eagan MN 55122--123 (651) 452-1549 Bruckmueller Plumbing Inc 3992 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-6696 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA161949 Date Issued:06/19/2020 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3568 Baltic Ave Lot:26 Block: 4 Addition: Hampton Heights PID:10-31900-04-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Standard Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Thomas J Mielke 3568 Baltic Ave Eagan MN 55122--123 (651) 452-1549 Bruckmueller Plumbing Inc 3992 Pennsylvania Ave Eagan MN 55123 (651) 686-6696 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA175804 Date Issued:04/15/2022 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3568 Baltic Ave Lot:26 Block: 4 Addition: Hampton Heights PID:10-31900-04-260 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Thomas J Mielke 3568 Baltic Ave Saint Paul MN 55122--123 Renewal Andersen 1920 County Road C West Roseville MN 55113 (651) 264-7052 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature