717 Castleton LaneCITY OF.EAGAN Permit Na: ''5 ? Date: 3830 el1ot Knob Road B!P No: i'9Date: -•? `' P.O. Box 21199 ' L = ? Eagan, MN 55121 ' Owner. Site Address: f7astletan IxEre rH 37 _:i l? ?-aiiebY idg=: pli,..,Knr• : 1.lev Plumbint: MWCC: _ City Chg: _ Acct. Dep:_ Permit Fee: ? Surcharge: -Kt? Misc.: EtC. SEWER SERVICE PERMIT with the Clty of Eagan CITY OF EAGAN 3630 Pilat Knob Road P.O. Box 21199 Eaqan, MN 55121 Owner. ° t 1? I Site Address: 717 ` Permit No: Date: Meter No: Size: Reader No: Date: 2-9-88 L10 ii1 Zoning: '.1 , No. of Units: t I agree to comply wtth the City of Eagan Ordinances. Conn.Chg: ?50.00Fd Acct Dep: 15. 00pd Permit Fee: 11?. _'Ovd Surcharge: .500 Tr. Plant 2 04 . -002d Meter. :? ? pQIpd WATER SERVICE PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Permit No: 135i' Date: 3830 Pqot Knob Road B/P No: ''?`? Date: "- '- --' f> P.O. Box 21199 g " • Elgan, MN 55121 MWCC: '-) • ? Oyd Zoning• City Chg: -'•?'? •'??P-,4- No. of Units: Acct. Dep: ?? •''C-"' • i, ,,; ., 10 I agree to comply with the Gty of Eagan Permit Fee: Ordinances. Surcharge: Misc.: By SEWER SERVICE PERMIT . • BLDG. PERMIT N0. 01-3210 Bldg. Permit ? 01-3422 Plan Check ` 01-3445 Surch./Adm. 01-3446 SAC/Adm. 01-2155 Surcharge ? 277=3860 J Road Unit 20-2275 SAC 20-3865 Water Conn. 20-3868 Water Trmt. 20-3716 Water Meter 20-2252 Acct. Dep. 20-3713 Water Permi 20-3743 Sewer Permi 79-3866 Sewer Conn. +1--3855 Park Ded. TOTAL rlcir ?? CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21 •199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMtT Receipt ? To be used for Est. Value I ?'?9?`? Date ?UARY I 'l4 5t 9 ,19 Site Address f1t 9.?ADILbi U/y LwNb Lot lc, Block 7 Sec/Sub. ??? Olt ST014ESH Parcel No. ? 114ame THE ItQ`i'TI.GlN Ci0 iMC # Address P.O. 80?? _ g ° City t)SSEO Phone 571-0304 Name 5AML Name _ Address C ity _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication and state that the informatlon is correctand agree to compfy with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and Citx of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee ' . ' ' fltc OFFlCE USE ONLY ' it3 "ite Sewage Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well Type of Const Yia City Water ? (Actuaq (Ailowable) * of Storfes ?_ Length Depth 48.33 S.F. Totel Foatprint S.F. 0 APPROVALS FEES 4 w4'oo Assessments Water/Sewer Permit Surcharge -54. 0 Police Plan Review ?J • Fire SAC, City . lm. ? Engr. _ SAC, MWCG Planner WaterConn. ?? Council Water Meter ?? ? Bldg. OH. _ Road Unit ? APC _ Treatment P1 ?V Variance _ Parks Copies TOTAL A Building Permft is issued to: th ditf th t all work st1all be done in accordance Building Official on e express con on a applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinancea. CITY OF FrAGAN Permit No: ' ? Date: 3830 PINi! Knob Road Meter No: -? Size: P.O.Xox 21199 Reader No, date: :S - 2- g- ? Eagan, MN 55121 Owner nOttl.u SlteAddress: 717 7 :ills o4 Conn. Chg: ?? U ?` ' ' ? '?Z?g?U?il?'?iBS i. Acct Dep: t.? . ?0!" Ia . t r tiR _ .. ;. 1 PermitFee: Su rcharge: UD4'Y ^? a16* "Wy with the City of Eagan Tr. Plant l Ordtnsnces. Meter. !}E`- Misc.: ? gy ati WATER SERVICE PERM btLs1C,TI?,.?JED FOR DECK 6/20/89 CITY OF EAGAN TII4 GdOD?31N 3830 Oilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 432-3517 pHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMI7 Receipt ? ' ?'. 1450 To be usedfor Est Value lLW?W' Date -°'? 1 119= Site T17 Oe'Site Sewage Occupancy MWCC System _ Zoning On Site Well _ Type of Const City Water _ (ActusQ r? (All w bl ) o a e * of Stories Length ` Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. Lot ' Block Sec/Sub. Parcel No. a Name W =3 Address a Ciry Phone ' a Name 0 ? ? Address ? City Phone ?¢ ?y WW Name ?Fo Address ? = City Phone ? W 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State ot Minnesota Statutes end City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Permittee APPROVALS FEES Assessments _ Permit WatedSewer _ Surcharge ? Police _ Plan Review ? + Fire SAC, City ? Engr. _ SAC, MWCC Planner _ Water Conn. Councll _ Water Meter ' Bldg. Off. _ Road Unit APC _ Treatment P1 Variance _ Parks TOTAL A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with all appllcable State of Minnesota Statutes end Ciry of Eagan Ordinancea Building Official •_ Permit No. Prrmlt Holdsr Dats Telsphone i? plumbing : H.V.A.C. Electric °-°- Softener 1?k 3- aJu SCir y Inspectlon Date Insp. Comments Footings 1 rP • Footings II -' Foundat{on Framing l Roofing Rnugh PI . /!/ Rough Htg. isui. Fireplace Finai Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final cert occ. ?aIZ4 l??/f L;ei? fAll Temp. LP 6 t e?•« z' ?. is- Deck Ftg. Deck Frmg. ? id Well Pr. Disp. (Itr#t#ira#e of (Orrupanry titp of (Eagari lovartmrni ot IWIding jwrr#ina This Certifrcale issued pursuant w the requirenrerrts af Seckon 306 of the Uniform Building Code certijyrng chat at the lime of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various orrlinances of 1he City reguJattng building construction or use. For the following.• ? U?t'.?jG?, eias. ?i ro. :14574 u? a?ra?? - - Oocupaoc,y Tym Zoniq Diurict Tyyc Com1. %'fl Op'OUOfB1Yb1(IB ME Ta4-m:i•?i?.? Addw •{J. 1R:'. _ - r.:A.; Buldiag Addrm Date: '11R1. 22, P &ulding OtGdal " POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE _z--s-0D Site Address ? Lot_Zp _Block "Z SeciSub Name ? 2 ey u Addressi ?ILZL'?!t ?C .?Nn t? o c City , .v.Phone g!9T2 ^rs=?`? ? 'Name ' j ? c Address O City 9256r` f` Phone FEES COMMlIND FEE - 146 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MIMIMUM - COMM/IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - 50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYON?3 $1,000.00) 4 1 4??.? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE FOR: CIN OF EAGAN , .. •-G-7- . . . , . - - ? ,s ? . . PERMIT # , `4? PLUMBING PERMIT RECEIPT # y .2- CITY OF EAGAN , 3$30 PIIOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: se= pHONE:454-810U y? BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Res. New A== Mult. Add-on Comm. Repair Other RES. PLBG. ONLY - COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: 74 N0, FIXTURES TOTAL ._-di Water Closet - $3 00 S ? C c- Bath Tubs - $3.00 /,- cc Lavatory - $3.00 C' Shower - $3.00 -? E Kitchen Sink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - 13.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 , Floor Drains - $1.50 ?-??- Water Heater - $1.50 C, Whirlpool - $3.00 _,,;LGas Piping Outlets - $1.50 - • ? ` (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 yY_Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: STATE S/C: ,s ?- i ? GRANO TOTAL: f'/"- ?,? ' • • • PERMIT # ?-- ` -' , MECHANICAL PERMIT C ' EIPT # CITY OF EAGAN RE ?r 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: • PHONE: 454-8100 Site Address Lot Block Sec/Sub gLDG, n(pE WORK DESCRIPTION New Res . m Name Mult Add-on g Address Comm. Repair . c Ciry , Phone Other FEES Name HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24 00 RES ? c AddreSS . . ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU - 6.00 p Ciry Phone (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CON3TRUCTfON) 50 EA GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM - 1 PER PEkMIn - 1 . . T1fPE OF WORK COMM/IND FEE - 1a/o OF CONTRACT FEE Forced Air M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE R CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES Boiler M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON & Unit Heater M BTU REMODELS - 12.00 Air Cond. M BTU R MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 Vent CFM (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES Gas Piping OuUets # $ - BEYOND $1,000) Other FEE S/C: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL: '- FQR: CITY OF EAGAN . ::...,?.?.:: . _. . ?_,:_.. .. .?:::::?_. . . •..?. ._..:.??.,L.: „__ _ City PERMIT # ? PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # - ? 3830 PILOT KN08 ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 DATE: PHONE: 450-8100 i BLDG. TYP? WORK ?ec/Sub ?- Res. ? New Mult. Add-a ? Comm. Repaii Other NO. FIXTURES Water Closet - $100 Bath Tubs - $3.00 Lavatory - $3.00 Shower - $3.00 Kitchen Sink - $3.00 Urinal/Bidet - $3.00 Laundry Tray - $3.00 Floor Drains - $1.50 Water Heater - $1.50 Whirlpool - $3.00 Gas Piping Outiets - $1.50 (MINIMUM - 1 PER PERMIn Softener - $5.00 Well - $10.00 Private Disp. - $10.00 Rough Openings - $1.50 FEE: ? Name c Address p Ciry 1•-- Phone, , FEES COMM/IND FEE - 146 OF CONTFiACT FEE APT. BLDGS - COMM RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDO - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM - RESIDENTIAL FEE - $12.00 MINIMUM - COMM /IND FEE - $20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES SIGNATUFE OF PERMIT FOR: CIN OF EAGAN ?? oq g RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?, ?s 5? p? ? ' CITY OF EAGAN ?j??i'(? ' 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Construction Reauirements RemodellRawir Rayuirements • 3 registered sde surveys showing sq, tt, of ?ot, sq fl of house, and all mofea areas • 2 copies of plan (20%maxtmum lot coverage allawed) • 1 set of Energy Calculadons for heated aamtions • 2 copies ol plan showing beam 8 rmdow ;2es, poured found desgn, ela) • 1 site survey for extenor addi6ons & decks • 1 set of Energy CalculaUOns • Indica[e d home served by septic system `or addihons • 3 copies ol Tree Preserva6on Plan rf lot platted aker 7l1193 . Rim Joist Detail Op6ons selection sheet (51ags with 3 or less umis) . f ? ?O DATE VALUATION oo > 13 500 SITE ADDRESS -7 / 1 l GiN' (&fnl? MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _ Y e"'OV TYPE OF WORK 0 G FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPLICANi STREET ADDRESS b s`?7• CITY STATE M(4 ZIP TELEPHONE#CELLPHONE# (00.("7y7? FAx#959-888-8? PROPERTYOWNER _If llCI1b PL 0 1TELEPHONE# W_/'33S 634V COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ N1[N\tS0"I'.\ R[;L1:5 7670 G\"1'P:GORI' i NIIVNLSO"r.1 RUL1:S 7672 (d submission type) . Residentlal VenGlatlon Category 1 Worksheet Submitted • New Energy Code WoBSheet Submitted . Energy Envelope Calculations Su6mitted Plumbing Contractor: Plumbuig system includcs: Mechanical Contractor: Mcchvnical svstcin includr,: Sewer/Water ContracTor: -- Air Condiuoning -- Hcat Rccovcry Sy'stcm I hereby acknowledge ihat I have read this application, state that the with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan O f Signature of Applicant Pee: $90.00 P'ce: $70.00 is correct, and agree to comply OFFICE USE ONLY Watcr SoFkcner Water Heater No. of Baths PllOf]C # _ I.awn Sprinkler _ No. of'R.I. Baths Phone # Phone # Certificates of Survey Received - Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 This request wid 1g8 ?months ?fm1m y?+ O 3 ^ ?{Q? k ) ?-n 6 ?' `lV.t?(Yl^,l Requesc Udte Fire No. V Rouph- i IrispecUOn R mr ?qead NowoWdl Notrty InsPec- 3-1 ?- 6 es ?NO 1or When peady ? Lroensed Eleancal Convactor I hereby request inspectmn ol ebove ? Owner elactrical work installed at: Strt Address, Box or Foute No. CiTY ? ? ecuon o. Towns ip Name or No. Fange No. Cou Occupd IPAIN ) Phone No, Pow r u lier Address El?trical, Contractor IComp y ?amel _ _ Cnntra or's License No. Contract or Ow Maijunq A ddr I n) ing Instal /// J ? ? Aut r¢SIgna[ure ICon ctm/Owner Mak,ng InstallatioN Pho n?e Nu'mber / ?J??G - MINNESOTA ST?p BOARD OF ELEGTNICITY ? TMIS INSYEG i iUrv ntuu[Ji w?ll NOT Gr.ggs•Midway B(dg. - Room N-191 gE ACCEPTED 8Y THE STATE BOARD 1821 UnvversvIV Ava.. St. Paul, MN 55104 l1NLE55 PROVEN INSPECTION FEE IS Pbone 16121 642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee-ooooi7-S 1 See instruc4ens tar comolelm9 this form on Deck oi yellow roCV y ,?/ y"/ D ,9396 3 "x' Below Work Covered by 7his Request AtlJ XeO. TYpa oi BwlEmg APOliOnCes Wued Equipment Wired Home Ranye Tem{wrary Service Duple.x Water Heater Lightiny Fixture5 Apt. Bwlding Dryer Electne Heatin Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unloader Industnal Bldg. Air Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tdnk Farm offiei peci v tn" l5nenifyl 1 I $pCCIly 1hC! 01hL'f Compute Inspection Fee Below p Fe 91 ServweEnbenceSixe tt Fea FqAders/SVblaxders N Cvcwts 0 to 200 Amps 0 to 30 Am S 0 m 30 Am s Above 200 qmps 31 to 700 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swimminy Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_Amps Transrormers Irri ation Booms Partial."Other Pee $igns Speciallnspection 5 OT E , Remgrks ? ? ? 6> ? 11 Rooeh-in Dnte t I. the c1 , . y? Inspector, heroby 3 .it y tha<,he above Final ns0aclion hea been rrede. This raouast volE 18 montlia irom This request void 18 months f"m C:>` D 9 3 $ 2 8 Rep st Date? ^ Fre No. Ro h-m insoeaion L/ ? ? I ep ?retl? L?Rently Nuw ill NoUfy Insper- ? ` ? Yes No ?r When ReadY U LicenseA Elec[ncal Contraceor I hereby repuest inspecLOn ol above ?Owner eleetncel work installed xt SGeet Aadress, Bot or Rovte No. [ ectmn o. Towns io ame or o. Range No. Cow tY ? Occ ant IPRINTI Phone No. Pow Sup0lier Address Elecv al Contractor ICampany Nam - ? Cont actor's l.cen?e N ? MaJirig AtlJre Contractor Owner kt n tallationl ? Au r¢e,?l Sfgnatwe IC ntrector Owne Making histallanon) Phone Number MINNESOTA yMTE BOAND OF ELECTRICITV f THIS INSPECTION NEQUEST WILL NOT Gr-pgs-Midway Bldg. - Noam N-197 BE ACCEPTED 9Y THE STqTE BOAND 1821 Univars,tv Ave.. St. Peul, MN 55104 UNLESS PflOPEN INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 1672) 6420800 ENCLOSED. 0 Jr/??' REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION EB-0'00/01-06 1 See instrachens for comDlatuq this lo?m on be ?Yck o1 veilow coCV. ?? MikT38 2 8 "X- Below Work Covered by 7his Request AAd BeD- Typa oi 8uilding Applmntne Wired EquiVmenl Wved Home Range Temporary Service Dupit;x Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Apt. 6uilding Dryei Electric HeaLn Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. Air CondiUoner Bulk Milk Tank F2rm otner peci v ISnecJVl t nr SPeufy Othcr Other Compute lnspecUOn Fee Below p Fee Service Enbance5ixe h Fee Fyptlets/SuAleatlers p Fae Circwts 0 to 200 qm s 0 io 30 Am s 0 to 30 Am>s Above 200 Amps 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 qm s Swimmfng Pool Above 100_Am s Ahove 100_Amjn Transtormers Irngation Booms Pdrtial.'Other Fee Signs Sueciallnspecuon 5 TOTAL flemerks '•°°d"-•'• -- -- I. the EIecTRee1? I Inspectar, hereby cervty thet the above insoecao?, nas eeen Final fove,AA meea. mia raaoeal .aa ?. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 P,Ilot Knob Road, P.0.,9ox 21•798, Eagan, MN 55721 PH ON E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT To be used for SF DWG/GAR Receipt Est.Value $104,000 Oate N_ 14579 o9 S ?5 FEBRliARY 1 Site address 717 CASTLETON LANE Lot 10 Block 7 Sec/Sub. HILLS OF Parcel No. a Name THE ROTTLUND CO INC ; Address P.O. BOX 383 ° City OSSEO Phone 571-0304 ,p Name SAME ?Q Address : City Phone Name City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this aDPlication and atete correq?f ndegreetocomplywithallapplicable State of Minnesota Statute nd City of agan r inences. Signature of Permittee THE ROTTLliND CO INC ,19 88 OFFICE USE ONLY gp]I?ite Sewage Occupency.- R3 - MWCCSystem Zoning Rl ? On Site Well Type ot Const Vtt_ Ciry Water -2L- (ACtuaq __Vn_ (Allowable) # ofStories - - WT Length Depth LA 7'3 S.F. Totel Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES 00 $ 604 Assessments _ Permit . Water/Sewar _ Surcherge 54_ SQ Police Plen Review 0 Fire _ SAC, City 00.00 Engr _ SAC, MWCC 550.00 Planner _ WaterConn. 550.00 Council _ Water Meter 67.00 Bldg. Off. _ Road Unit 325,D0 APC _ Treatment P1 706 _ 00 Veriance _ Parks Copies TOTAL $2,756,50 A Building Permit is issued to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance wit all appllcable ate of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinancex Building Oflicial o ? ??- / S ? alk SINGLE FAMILY DYELLIAGS 2 3EfS OF PL9NS 3 REGISTERED 3ITE SOBYEYS 1 SET OF EHERGY CALCS. 1989 SIIII.DIIiG PERMTT AF'PLICAiION CITY OF EAG9N (145elq) 141LTIPLE DiiEI.LINGS 2 3SfS OF PLiNS ffiGIS'P&EfED 3I=B 3tiA9BY3 - (casce xrrH MDC Dav. ) 1 SET OF F.REAGY C[I.C3. MULTIPLE DNELLINGS RENP6L OBIT3 FOR SALE OBITS C018MERCIAL 2 SBlS OF 1RCHI2ELTUAAI. 3 3THDCTQAAL PLANS 1 38T OF SPECIFICATIONS 1 SET OF Fa7ERCT CALC3. f OF IJlfITS MOTEt iDDRESSFS FOH CORNER LOTS - COPTRACTOR/HOMEOfiNEA !l03T DE3IGB9iE iiHICH IDDRFSS IS DFSIAED. NO CHANGFS flL.L HE ALLOiiED ONCE BUII.DIIiG PERMIT 13 I3SQED.. SEWER 8 iiATEA PEAMIT FBES ApD lCCOUNT DEPOSIT FEffi iiILL Bfi I31CLt1DED YITB THE BOILDIN6 PERMTT FEE, PAOCES3IAG TIME FOR SEWER AAD IiATER FEAMITS I3 TWO DAYS ONCE ! PEAMTT AAS BEEN COMPLETED INDIC9TIAG A LICENSED PLIkIDER. PENALTY @PPLIES bIHENs PEAMIT IS NOT PSID FOR IN SAt9E MONTH IT IS REQUESTED. LOT CAAPIGE IS REQOESTED ONCE PERMIT IS ISSITED. ?UN 16 1989 ?' "l?????? To Be U,?ed For: ?c,? Valuation??=l?uO Date: Y/6 /$5 Site Address 717 C-946n Lwo e Lot 10_ Bloek nq Parce2/Sub 16alW?j- 4 9" Owmer Address 717 C,sWeI Lw,? City/Zip Code &L ?µ - Ss123 Phone C R8- q38Y Contraetor _1-,.,-. Go?d ? Address 7316 I(q 3=J City/Zip Code ? Phone Y32--3s/? l?reh. /Engr . Address City/Zip Code Occupaney Zoning Actual Const Allor+able # of atories Length r4 ' ' Depth 114 S.F. Total Footprint S.F. On aite sexage On aite well _ MWCC System _ City water _ PAV required _ Hooster Pump _ EPPAOVAIS Planner Couneil Biag. orr. Yarianee FEFS Bldg. Permit 26 ov 3ureharge ,yv Plan Aeview SAC, City SACO MWCC Nater Conn Nater Meter Acet. Deposit S/N Permit S/i1 Surcharge Treatment P1. Aoad Unit Park Ded. Copies ? So SOBTOTAL Penalty TOT9L nC? Phone 0 ?¦**s * PIONEE_R._ * engi* eering- * uf4o SuRVE YOHS • CivLL [nciN[t w5 LAND tLANNCHS • L11Np$[4Pf /1NCH1717CTS 2422 Entcrprise Orive 61endoia Heights, h5N 55170 (612) 681'1914 Certificate of Survey for:`! OL UND CQMPANY ? . 5?., I NORiH ? y(9d ? 9 SA <??Q V 3 J{` i5? h'' , ?a9s4 i \ ? _ __._. _Y• \ ?.9 0979 .? ? o .e <1 o k %.. , ?? ao99 ?;T• 0 1 Jsa .89153 `'S?A v?? ? • n ° . ? ?/ oO ?5 ? 6, a? 4?. Ihy? ? ?tf911 ? 11 f 4-? f Op,a , 5'97z . goo.o Deno(es exrshn flPVafion ? aovosfo NOUSE EL[?RT10NS . yoo.o Dtnoles propc??d Elevoiion jowest Floor Flevati-an ----"-Deno/es Drzrrnoje E Ulihly Eascment denofes Drqinage Flow Qrrows Top or Block Elevah'on =`?? r i,"I o penoles monumenf (a oro42 5/ob Elevafr0l7 = 899 93 Bearin?s shawnare assumed LOT /o , BLOcu 7, Nttcs _oF STONEBRIDGE DaKOTA COUNTY, hlrn'NESOTA 6Ufl1EC"7_ 7D LASfA1ENT5 OFlIECORD I hrrebv ctndy tnat Ihn is a Irve and correct rr"nemu.on ol a ?urreY ot Orz [wvnGa?<. ol 1'+e aSavr d•iS?.WA I d s??A of the iocs•lon? o7l/a?lI bu,ldinps. Ihereon, and dl v,s,Gle CnUOichmMil, d*nY. IrOm w on y?.0 IaM As wr.sved br m< t?+•1V?tlA. e1,rA D. 19?„?r v JCOk' 1 -?n0 = 41/ isf? u ucc...o 14 19{ ? APFLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CONNECTIQN x NOTE: PAID= OF £FFE AT TSME OF ' ; xrrracaxiaa DOs rxrr corr ; t SPiN1E APP%iVAL OF PIItPIIT. ? r a*, INSPYXTION OF SBM APD/OR WATER + ? ? IKSTAIdATIOKS WIId. NC7P BE c[`F7]tncn ,*k (!NPIL PF7thIIT F1AS BFTld APPROVID. : CRV OF GC1gan (PLEASE PRINT 1) PROPERTY ADDRESS: a;7 262/ t at. e?ir r r.Fr:nr DE^,CRIFT3vN: IF EXISTING STRDC7LRE, DATE OF ORIGINAL BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE: PRESENT ZONING/PROPOSID LSE: Q CONA9ECtCIAL/REPAIL/OFFICE Q INDTISTRIAL Q INSTIZ[PPIONAL/GOVII2NM.fiPr 2) ? NAME: ADDRFSS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Nbnt Year R-1 SINGI.E FAMILY ? R-2 DUPLEX (34ro Units) Q R-3 TOWNIOUSE (Three + Units) ( Lnits) Q R-4 APARTMENT/COAIDOMZNIUM ( Onits) PHONE: t(. 9 ,? _ 3) NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: MASTII2 LICENSE # 4) o"m NAME: <- ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE: 5) ?? • o..t ?e a CONNECTION TO CITY SEWER [--I CONNECTION 2O CITY WATII2 a OTHII2 6) Ij Active Expired Not recorded St Ia n?f itiaT *****************?*********?*********+:e***+******************:r*?+*********************************** * THE GOLD COPY OF THE PERNffT WILL BE SETTr DIRFS.'1LY 7O PUBLIC WORKS TO FACILITATE METII2 PICK-UP. ? ?*. PLEASE ALiAW 7W WORICING DAYS FYll2 PROCFSSING. SONIDDNE FROM TfjE CITY WILL CONPALT YOU IF TfmE * ARE ANY PROBI,ENLS. *k ,?******:*******+***,r*o,?+**k?***+****,r**++**************??**?**+,r*???****r+*?******+,e?*****+*?***?**? FOR -CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # ISSLED . Pd w/Bldg. Permit FEES: $ $ ?0-5-D SEWER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE) $ $ WATER PERMIT (INCLUDE SURCHARGE ) $ c?•7, 0--Z) $ WATER METER/COPPERHORN/OLTSIDE READER $ $ WATER TAP (INCLCDE CORPORATION STOP) $ $ SEWER TAP $ $ ?SDT? ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - SEWER $ ACCOUNT DEPOSIT - WATER $ 5-5C ' GrD $ WAC $ ?i 5-0 ' oZo $ SAC $ $ TRLNK WATER ASSESSMENT S $ TRUr7K SEWF.T2 ASSESSJWFNT $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK SEWER $ $ LATERAL BENEFIT/TRLNK WATER $ $ WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE $ $ OTHER: S o-D TOTAL o S ?- RECEIPT RECEIPT DOES UTILITY CONNEC TIOIV REQOIRE EXCA VATION IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY? Q YES 'IF YES, THEN A" PERMIT FOR WORK WITHIN PDBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING Q NO DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDITION. SUBJECT TO THE FOLL OWING CONDITIONSo APPROVED BY: TITLE: DATE: 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 ? C, 1 ? 651•681-4675 New Cons}roction Reaulremenis Remodel/Reoair Reaulremenfs > 3 reglstered sfte surveys showing sq. fl. of lot, sq. ff. ot house and all rooted areas (20% maximum lot coveraae allowed) D 2 copies ot plans (show beam R window sfzes; poured fnd. deslgn; etc.) > 1 sef ot energy calculatfons > 3 copies of free preservatlon plan M lot platled afler 7/1193 DATE: -? ( DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: 7/ 2 copies M plan 1 set of energy calculations for heated addNlons 1 sMe survey tor exierlor addMlons 8 decks CONSTRUCTION COST: LOT: ?t" BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. #: Name: ?? Phone #: G sg PROPERTY ?as? Fini OWNER Sheet Address: ?/ 7 ?F?S"? ?'?p N ? ?cJ ? City ,?i?r 4?.? State: /C? Zip: 1)!2 3 Company-,4?eo :57 /o? .?? Phone #: (Qiz ,?????4` 5"O (area code) CONTRACTOR Street Address: License #g015F! 4?p. ?tJD p Cify 0 rGC /,C44- I-,n,J State: ?1111rv Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone #: area code ( ) Street Address: Registration City State: Zip: Sewer & water licensed P;enalty applies when addx63s,-changeNbru I hereby acknowledge that i have'.read thl Skate of Minnesota Statutes`?and Cify of Etic ' / ? ?. Certificates of Survey Received _ change is requested once permit is issued. state that the information is conect, and agree to comply wffh all applicable Stgnature of OFFICE USE ONLY Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No li . , • ? ? ?, ? ? Not Reqwred ?? 1988 BUILDING PEtiMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN ; SINGLE FAMILX DWELLINGS ? ? I13CLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTI ICATES OE SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATSONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS # OF UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OE ENERGY CALCULATIONS CONIMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCEIITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS JF,(v ?A ? 88 To Be Used ror: $(?L FAmiw% bwc1.L,,.Valuation: _T te: 1-2-d-"88 Site Address Lot lU Block ParcellSub Owner Address P O, R•-?X 3,fi3 City/Zip Code ?5-b S3(o9 Phone ? ? ?- p 3o W Contractor 6qMg Address City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. :?Pun E Address City/Zip Code Phone !t ) Dq? pQ0" On site sewage_ MWCC system /? On site well City watet i/ PRV required _ Booster Pump _ Occupancy 3 Zoning 12-1 Aetual Const V-N Allowable Y-N # of stories Length 4 S,0b, nepth 48.33' S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEES Engr/Assess Permit Planner Surcharge Council Plan Review B1dg. Off. ?Zb SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks° Copies TOTAL c -? a Y,QI.UA-T ?bNti , GARAG 27-)C2.2 = yYy t- 3`bXZ?= ?jY?Xiv = t3`632 I sr ?-? _____--_--•--- a?.,,,, 13Aij I017 X4U-? yy-7yK z,?b FLoIA, "tiAj - is /ti?3 Xyy= yc113Z ?--- /Q ? S'Zv r 1 ** * * PIONEER * engineering. 0 9J, A <I?x 4'!- u.+o suAVrrows • uva [ LI1H0 PIANN[R$. LANp5C4PE N«? Certificate of Survey for: TNG ROTTLUND coMpQNY I 71 . \ i Q, ? r ? rn a^ n ? P / 0 ,0 ea?? ./ . ?/ \ \ \ x. ? . M1V? 6Q \ ! \ \ \ ?' jS? ? ? *9 ? , 'I'll A S O-0 ? D8 ?, pJ O CJ b? 1h /` ,op aaa? is? ~ e9 ? F 04`9a . 89) z ? 900.0 Denoles exishn¢ flevafion ? . 900.o Denoles propoHd Elevottorz ------Denoles Drainoge ? Utilrf}' Easement benoies Dr4ina¢e Flow /arrows .? . , 2422 Entcrprise Orire Mendota Heights, MN 551I0 -:f? NOt77H PROPOSED NOUSE E!£VATIONS Lowest Floor Elevalt-on ? .G Top oi B1ock Elevati'on _ SqCl,7 Ga?a?z 5/ob Elevafion = 899 33 o Denofes monumenf g earin1`s shown ore assu m ed LoT 10 , Bc.ock 7, NtLtS oF STONEBRIDGE QaKOTA CouNTY, M+n'NF_SOTA SV81EC7 70 EASEF1fNTS OFlIfCORD I herMV CerUly tMl thit ?f a irve end correci .c0*e.e"181.on 01 alu..rr ot ine bovnGa"tv ol l?e &JOVe d:.?s/? betl Ir d. 1•'A O} Ibt lpca•.On? 0?1/1?i1 Wildinqs. tAereon. and dl v,vble enc.mcnmentf. ?1 onv. Irom n on wd Iald. Ay w•vevtd bv me ?n. "`tlAr ?A O. 19 ?S_R, AScale : trn ` ?f? c••I ? ? _L..!`.o Ite91 3 ? 'r ? r '9 ? ? \ Z \ \ . / / (672) 681-1914 'q.3 ? ? 6 g975? , priiz.r! i ? •?11'1 !?? • ' . EXTERIOR : ENVELOPE AVERAG{E "U" COMPUTATION \ . , ? owNsx d p?-r Lv ti D L O - ? sizE nnnxESS CONTRACTOR DATr. J:??D-78S PHONE S71 -O30 l Determine working square footage of each. 1. Total exposed wall area ..... 2'-1-`?7 ? sq. ft. x .Z 77,17 2. Total roof/ceiling area ..... sq. ft. x' (02{o °??, -6 3 _ Total exposed wall area above floor a. ToCal wall window area ...................... .••••• «?r b. Total door area .............................. .... c. Total sliding glass door area ....... ............ d. Total fireplace wall area ......•................... e. Total wall framing area (avezage10%) .............. f. Total net wall area above floor .................... 17/5 ' g. Total rim 3visC area ............................... 2$`? Total exposed £oundation area = ? G 2- h. Total foundation window area ..... ...........••,••s• ? i. Total net foundation area above grade .,....•.•••.••e• ? Determine "U" value o£ each wall segment. a. 1'27,:?f X„U" b y? m jozeo6, b. X,lUll ,07 = 3.?t Z C _ X ?lUll ? a . . . . .-. LL. x IIUlt e. x"u" .045 7 Z f, 171s X."U„ .05`z = -7?2003 ? &, z 0 54 X tlUll .0510 a //, 3 (C7 . h. g"U" i 5 3 XIjUtj eo,76 3 ......................................Toea1 If item ll 3 is the same as, or less than item 111, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. ' , Total exposed roof/ceiling area = / 6-,3 Z Total gross roof/ceiling area = /G 3 Z , j. Total skylight area ........................ 6 k. Total roof/ceiling framing area ............ 6 2 1. Total net insulated roof/ceiling area ...... 96 y Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. J. SO X iiUli 2e6 / k. 6 2 x„U,l 6a2-7 = 1e67 i. 1?6`f x „v,t p2S = 2v-,i0 4 ..................................... Total = 2 g.'-/ ( If total of l14 is the same as, or less than I12, you have met the intent of SBC.6006(c)1. , To utilize the total envelope system method, the values established by the sum of items 1i3 and ll4 shall not be greater than the sum of items !11 and ff2. 1. 277o17 + 2. 2?,?3 = 3oqeoc) 3. 2/S`•S6 + 4. 2P?.YJ = 24f3,2 ? , UnLI, , Iiui:s=: U's'e 10% of opaque wa11 area for . ` izame construction I+IALL xzc. 1I]. ? . f? :• ? ' . i•uy? .7 0l n . . Const1uctiop 4 "•4 ' ; R-Value 1. Tnterior air('film ' 0.68 2• 'lP 13 9- D ? 4 S ' .3. lx? s-rCoS , 9. 25-/32 SNTGr 2.OC? ', 5. ?/GY.Ii(s UVC/C FEGT l a 2 ro ' ; 6: Exterior air fi,lm 0.17 • • TotaJ. . v, °og-7 . . ( 1. Interior air film 0 68 2. 13 QZ' . 3. X(iGe- "&!1A e-4•?.r?s? / % bCJ • 4. z s/3i ?ryr?- 2 0G ,. ' S. S/IJ??(iG OVEK ,F. ELT J oZ (? jP 6. Exterior air Eil.m 0.17 ' - Total 23,6Z ' 2 Interior air £ilm 0.G8 z. ' iAvsv?L- . . 12 x- t2'i..rii } ?d •ZS g (4 .'2 S F-I't-'C?- 2 mOCc e 2 (c . Exterior air film 0.17 Total 2$,OS ?• . ' .. . . ? f • • i r . , . v? . 0 r -j. . 1. Interior air film 0..68 z. /?-?? ?.vsvc ?? va 3. 2,r?1 1'u2 2 i r? ? 4. I2'?ca.•?r, /.LFf 5. 6. Exterior air film 0.17 Total /3e/3 • ' - " v e O•7 G? . , .? - /rr -j:77 . ?<< , (ll FIC. 114 = • !(( I ? ? _ !C[ a . •,?. , , . ,. , ? . . .?? ,? •` . o? ` • ' ?? // ( .? . • FPAtiE iInLL . . ?. 113 '. I?` r t I F ,`~ •• . 0 i . t o . ! .. . • i? ? , ? p??? . 1• ?? ? ? ? ??? ??e? • . . ',ROOZ'/CEILING ? . '? ' ? , ??7rii ? ? ,',,il'i ? t i • , t ? ,' ' , .? _ ? ' ' ?? t? I• y„ Const•rucL•ion . ' . ? R-V?li ic r " 1. ? Interior ai.r film 0.61. ' z. W f? „ vYT? 't3 P-D SS ?:.3. 3£?,?0 ; ? • ?IIII?I ?L; . V?nl 4, ExterJ.oz aiz film (still , 0, ViI7T.' 1? I +?? 11l ? . . -'^' Total 3°(eg0, • , ?`\? s ' L..:/ `:/ •" ?` ?.? ' ' . . ' , ? ? . , . . . ? • (J -' °01S? . . ' '• ' . . . , • ? ' ' ' ',' . . ' ? . • . . ; , . i,. . , ; • Vented HeaC £low•' • . . • ? . 'i ? . • . • up ? ?. ?• , ?.. ' • j ' . ,, ' ' : ' ? ' , • . ; ' ., • , , , i . ? ?.? ? ? ? • . FIG. ?I5 ?? ? ? ,. ! ? • ' • , . ? ? , , ? •? ' ' • ? . . . . ? • , • uy ?4'l??- , • ? . . . ? ' .. ' 1 ' , . ? • ? ? . • . i Interior.air film 0,G1 +??rt;?.•...?-???.si.r..?'%_.'.C'ti.?u_?.?nc,=,.en?,e:e?, . . --? . ?. Z. S??i. C?YT? f3?? 5 S . 3. ovC-2 7IZU55 4., Ertcri.or ai.): film sti 1 U. . Tot-a1• n n ? • ' • • 3(or-I? ?I ' 1 I ? ? _ r (?/1??? • . ' v = •O ' . 1? . .. 70 •' `?J `?J ? 3 , ?- •. . , n . ? , ? . . . . , , Neac floar up . . ? ? ( •venCed ? . . ., ? i ? • .. . ' ? I • ,FZG. 116'..i.. ,,. ,. ; , ?, . , , ', ? ? . t ? ' ? .. .:. --- -F- ? : . . . . . + . 3 ?y ? 5 , • . . ? ?' ., . 1r?. Tnsi.de ai.r £ilm f. O.GI ? e • ? ? 5?.1.?4.?i-r? . . I • ??. ? ?nl .9.},?°1`--?`-1-.?? ' , " 3 . ? ' . • ` ? ?I:9M1?.Q:?Z?•..•:..?-??.??Y?::' ?4?\yt???r? ?• 2 4• ' ??.?1????.i????'?'? • . ?. ?'?? • t ' S. Outside air fiLn ' 0.17 ' Total •? , • .. \ , ?- . , ?' . . • . ? I '? .. '?` . • ?' ? . .. ? ' . + ? ' , •': ' i • I •__. .C' , , ", ' ? • . -. ' . , , . . , • ;,? '.. •' . , •(.NO23-?,*?p?? .' ' NoecUse additioi)al sheets ?? •if more apaco ie • ? ?•' •, ? I• eeded for cletaiJ.s and calculal•i.ons. i ? . ' ?I{enC ' . . ? . . _ . . • , • ?flow up ? - ' . ' . . .. -- ? • • ' ?. . . . , , , . .. • ?r?,'???i : . , . .; r:' . . . _c: 8??7c7 loF] 4444 :=5I13N C:4NaRY *XN* - _.C.=.: 1.15 LOADING Top CAtl Live 520 Bot Chd Live 0 Version: c4.3 7/29/87 Top Ch6 Oea] 200 Bot Cntl Dea7 2 Total 722.0 PLP *ftMM DEPLECTION5 MNYI{ •' .. ., _ . ,. ..-. , lt' '' , . , . Max. lSve Load (2) Defiection Ss .32' et T5 ' .- , - - -^??I - - . - - , . Maz. Total Loed (1*2) Deflection Sa .44' at TS - - VOEF-443 (16.25'/.44') MaX. Uplitt (1+21 Se .32' at TOR - .- , ._ Max. Total (1+2) Harx. Deflec:lon is .12' at 87 ---- 77P ;:•.: BOTTPM CHORDS ---- ---------- d'-6 H?MB'c53 ---------- *Ngq Sl1PPORT REACTIONS (lOS.) K?KM ' `;7n-T: 3I2c GRnOE 6RnCING uE8 # SI2'_ 3na0E 6'nACING Joint: 03 B"v , ". T:9 ? 4x2 ?400-2.ODF Continuous 1-2 4x4.5 2400-2.00F qeaction: 5956 5956 ' :. E? 2:4z2 ?400-2.OOF 10101O.C. 3 4x2 Z400-2.0?F ?' 3.5' 3.5' Br9 Hidth: + ' p 4-5 4x3.0 2400-0.ODF i ? . i, - locakion:- 1.50 196.50 . iaz. TG :SI a: T4-T5: .99 6-7 4x2 2400-2.OOF i ,ax. dC =32 a= _3-84: .65 13,8-9 4x3.0 2400-2.01IF plate Location Tolerances: .25' width, .25' langth or 5X af Sength/uiOth +ax. 'aet 151 a: 'ae6 fi: .37 SD 4x2 2400-2.ODF 'r' lndfcatea that a p1aYe is in a ROTATFD orientation. ' ,ii-12 4x'4.5 240D-2.OOF lype; HYURO-AIR PT 206A. . ApprovaL• BOCAtBO-88; DIL1Hit20602 . NOLLIN6 YALUES fPSZ per pa1r1: SP: 400 SPF: 330 DF: 400 HF: 400 20 GA. PT PLASSS 138 PSI GRS (M11I) - 1. YROVIDE A COPY OF THIS DRAWIAG 20 TflE SUILDING DESIGNER AND THE TRUSS EHEC2IOH C092HACTOH P$ZO% SO ,. ' FABRICATION. 2. PLATING GONFORMS TO TPI* RULES. ALL PLATES ARE PT PLATES WITN SLOT DSRECTIOHS PARALLEL TO SH6 CHORD UHLSSS .- OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLOT. - ' 3. RECOMMEND 2%6 STR6NG8ACK5 (ON 6DGE) SPACED AT 16 FEET O.C. AND FASTEABD TO EaCH 2HUSS WITH 3-10D HAILS. STRONGHACXS TO BE BE ATTACH6D 20 WALLS AT SH6IR OUTE& ENDS OR RSST8AIH6D HY OSHSB MEA1P5. 4. FOLLOWING CHORDS ARE ODUSLED: C 1-C10, C12-C16 , , ,.. . „ . 5. wu-owru'i W655 APE DUVBLEfl: w4,w$,w6, w) .`. 6. f9u-owi.ic, WenShg?C_ ThtPC.Ep: wl, wz) wq,w1L . r ZYxzb ?d .2.5:610 :9X1'4 PTN r2.5x6t1 7x13 r 2%2x(? 111 7x9 r2.5x6 '°JXIZ+i.YTH r2.5x6w aL'T? w f VG! Av tperb/ eertHy ma cM: p+aa. aood- ??ropa.:W::??bi ma a wdermy 6Tm suparrfcial BnJ th8 1 am duy flCgisteretl Pr0- SBSsiprol Fnpinear undef qIB 19n ef NIB $PoO! OT 11fR001pU. .?,,, -ei plane, 10 ce inwrporateo mto builtling tlesgn a[ tne s0ecdication ol bwlEing designer Brecin S? g awn i510r lateral supporl pl mtliviEUal web members only AOOrtional temporary bracmg to insure stebiitly tlunng consirucbon is 1 res0onsibihty o11ne ereclor qGdihonal permanent bracm9 07 tha overall sbucNre is the responsibiLty of the buJtlmgHesigner. Des i antlmaterialsarematcartlancewithla[est eaihonsofNDSanE/orTPlspecd¢alions Forgeneralgmeanceregartlingtabncalion 0ttt 1- IMPM w•CAM sty tonvol. storage. tlelroery erecbon anU branng, consutl Ouality pontrol Manual, BraNng ol WooE Truesee, anE FecommentleE Catle Of SlanCard Praclice available Irom Truss PIa121nshtute, 583 D'Onotno Dnve Matlison, WI 53'!19 SEE REVERSE SIDE Fpq OTMEFIMGORTpNT DESIGNINFORMATION. JAN 5 1988 i ' ii CUSTOMER JOB#: 71892A LoLLTIVluoVi SvPPORj AUG 101987 pIGHT ENU HT: 1-52 HYOFdCY•AIR FN6lNEERlW0,INC. W_ r :.r '.'.; 9x12L PTH 7x14 SYzxS ?•14 9x121 PT+I ' - , I ZI ZL1II. 23-1 2314b 23'?b 231tb 'A 6 21 ?'19 yy ?Ig 49'/8 4c.14 4'12. 4t,