4661 Aspen Ridge Cir&LiSTIi+I YitJTtJAL IN1URI"zCE i.OM°A`?Y 10 SECC!t#D STPEET N-c 040 FnX 4a1 10l2? ? ^CP HO?4£5 INC 860.9 LYNDALf AYr S STE 1019 BLOP`RINS7;11`! M'3 5 54?iJ 01 1 Mc-RCiAL LIA9ZLITY A?4EMQEp 01 HEARTMAPN IMSt]RA'dCE . 330 CE'+ETRAL AVc' PII HtJ'X 449 FARIBRULT :1N 55021-0449 RECEIVED INSt1RED AfEA3T5 °H7t?7= (SC,?)334-5577 #13£?0r OlOC rtrOV ; ? GLAIM5 P,EP1]RTIN[ : 1-833-321-9392 ------------------ ------------ - --- - --------------- - -------- THIS DECLARATION RE,°L4tF5 ALL YRF-YICl;IS I3EGLA:4ATIIIyS GF=ECT3VE 1112012404 CHAitCr-S BASZC C3?TIOINAL TOTAL FIJLL TERM $3-17.0:1 $.00 43'97.00 d43U5TNENT AWN nJE a54.k)G Al]'31ilFLETc lOLATIn'1 LEGAL L{3CATION OF IiiSURED PRG+°F2TY OUR PRFMISF.S - tQO SEC 731P RGF CL3U"iTY 01 35 027 23 pAKrTb pZ DAK'.?TA 03 DASCOTR 04 DA KiJTA 05 DA;Y;TTA 06 DAKOTA *07 D.9f9TA SEi FAH ACRES tITY/DESCF.IP TdON STATE ZiP t3tCP RLD6 RES 10.00 EAGAN 19N 55121 S3kii 14 EAGAN.__ N9Rd 55121 ' 4852 ASPE ?I P<iUfF LIR lQT 3 SLK ? , !;__S3V`-?PPI*1TE DF EAGAN 2ND ADOt9 ??N ,) MM 55121 __ 4ib1?ASPEN RIDGE LI3? lOT 7 BLX 1 flF t3A7CPOINTE D'F EAGAN ZND ADDN EAGAN MN 55321 4585 ASPE?d CIR Ll 91 aAKP9I"JTF EAGAN mN 55121 4673 AS?EPJ CTR LDT 4 BlK 1 OF OAK°nIN3E 0c EAGAN 2NO ADON EAGAN M!N 55121 4653 ASPEN nlt3£E LIR LC1T 9$Lif 1 QF OAKPLJINTE DF EAGAN 2W ADON EAGAN "Fi 55121 4649 ASPEi RIDGE CIR LGT 10 HIK 1 OF OAK4'i1INTE O'F EAGAN 2AtJ ADC+N WAmeansnotapplicahleandnotinclude4 DECLAAATION CCNTINUE'J !'IN' PAGE 2 -'^-'--' 2000-327--200 At3ST.N HUTi?AL INS1JRANCE1 CGM?ANY 10 SFCE3N11 STREET Nc P() Pj?7C 401 MIN*IEAPfJLtS t33NNc 57TA 55440-0401 OIICY 2 A iN5U4?? : fICP HOMES INC ------------------------------ C13MMERCIAL LI?SFLIFY C.tJYERAGE - COi?E SEOIP T4I5 ?[tLIi.Y A?F'LIES 7'_l ALL KNil4lN LC3LdTIC1'JS ANP EX9t3SURE5 i3E5CRI75ED HER=iNs OWNEDv QENTEDs OGCU°IEDv OR GC7NTt2OLLED BY THE INISURE:-I AT THI: START ilF TKF POLICY °FRIOP F`lR : COV LsMs3 LTAnILdTY (SEN=RAL AGG32E3ATE) CIIV L*'1 LI#9.ILITY (EACN i3CCURRENCE) C13Y ?1 M=iIICAL PAYMENT5 (ANX ?.'3NE ?ER5[fY) COY 0 iI?E LEGAL LIABILITY (EAGN OttURREtdCE - OUF TO?AL LIMIT UI+iDER THIS CDYERAGE• SVBJEC7 T'7 ALL PROYISInNS) CC?Y PPERS'?tdl4L AND ADYFRTISING iAJ,)tAtY L313iLITY (FE?R ON€ QsRS'iiM [TR S7R6A4eliZATIL7N) LIMIT OF L^L.# INSURAMLF PREMiUAS 2 s 53O0 sDrJ9 Isn00tOG53 51000 SOsQ00 ls 0OOs OOL? 30370 001 PREMISES RFAL ESTATE DElELOPMENT PROPERTY - 01 43.40 U? 7E3 10 RCRES 1 EAGM TERR,901 01003 442 PREMISES D}1ELtI"7G - O94E-fAIMILY - L=-SSOe2'S 02 59.00 RISK 1 EACN FE7R,R,ff77 01003 003 PREMISES DHfLt3NU - OtVE-FA?RILY - LESSi7R`S 03 59.00 2I S 3C 3 FACN TER,^ti402 01003 404 P!?E,NI5r-5 D€iFLLING - O`+E-FAMItY - LESSOR•5 04 59.00 ZZiSK 1 EALtd 7ERRIz3? #41003 905 PREMISES DY3ELLI?'.6 - n?dE^FA'±ILY - LESSL3R'S Qa 5Q.00 RISK 1 EALH 7ERR102 0I003 J11 PREMISES DkEllI"I6 - ONE-FAMZLY - LESS£iR•S u5 59.00 RI SK I EACH TERR#II2 01003 012 PREMISES D3dFLL;3#G - nt,iE-FAMiLY - tES50R•S 06 54•00 RISK 1 EACH TERRX02 # 013 THE I?95JRED IS A COf? PORATION ? WAmeanSnotapplica6leandnotintluAetl. uFCLARAT jsyjM CONjINj)ED fjjtj PAyE 3 2000'327--200 ^, .._ --if.r1 i ALISTLN MUT'uAL LMSU`.ZA'v-'[ CL'''?A i$'f a <r ? ? 10 SEC^Nn' STPEET VF PO Ei`J]( 40I 4,,'1 3 h?I ?P+tEAP£2LIS '?IP2??ESC3TA 5544t1^-04b31 DLICY S11 ft-Oi366?(25? i9117/20Q012 ;9,L'"d7H 10/27/2DST1 sMMERCIAL LIABTLITY Ai1ENL1EU tSi INSUREO : ^C° NOME5 INC ------------------------------------------------------- CDl9;9ERGIAL LIA4eLITY F:NE)7jRSEM£MT SECTIttN - ED I7 I O3+! Ft'3RM # Bj+1Lt?"BER ENDt3R5E??ENT MAP!E A-cl .°L?LtCY JACKE7 C-2 09-97 CO?lME2CIAL LIkBItITY ASRE"lDATOR7 EPJD. CL-100 1.0 C3MM9't PflL7CY PRDVISIDNS CL-257 2.0 A'Mc4tL'ATC]RY ENtIf,RSENENT - SiIMNESBTA Cl-300 1.0 "MEMaAT17RY ESVi3flR5El9ENT CLO142 0_'-99 A?!EMi?ATf1RY Etdni3R5E"ENT - k]iNtdE50TA 6L-600 1.0 COMMERCIAL LiABIIITY CI34 {PREPlISES [3SVLY) G1.-994 2.4 PiJ14ITIVF UAMAGE EXLLUSLLN 6L-917 1.0 CALEN'JAF. BATE t3R TIME FAILURE EXCLilSIflN GL-lla 1.0 At3DITiONAL FNSI3RED 9 001 AP?LIGA:}LE TO SEW. ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ? 6L-904 1.0 P`RSO*aAt £ ADdERTISING I4JllRY LIAS LDV ALL GL-402 l.fl C3AiTRACTliAL LIABILITY LQYERAGE ALL MqPT6AGtES A'?:D1CR DTH`R INTERESTS'-' y?^ ? 01 nCP tlOPOES I'VC ALTERNA7E PAYEE A604 LYIDALE AYE S STE 202 HLt3OB4INGTf7N MN 59420 02 Ci7Y tdF EA6AN STATE OR POLI7ILAl SUBDIYISIL'd (GL-11O) AT7!M: LRASS K°fUTSf;P3 3830 ? ILflT KNOB RC1 EAfAN MN 55122 $;vD ITS OFFICFRS AND AGENTS LOtATIOA! 1 YCIU° PRF"9IUN HAS BEEN 'ILLED TO Mfl3tTGAGEF I3 WAmeananotappliw6leandnotincluded. Fj1fAL ?a45r- QF i3FClA?ATIG:N ----°- ?tC-000 2000-327--200 Address 4661 AS°EN RIDGE CIRCLE Zlp 5$122 IAt ? Blk I Sub OAKPpINTE OF EAGAN 2ND THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPEGTION. Date: / - ZC . O/ Yes No Inspector: Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) Permanent driveway Permanent gas Sod/Seeded grass TraiUcurb damage Porch Basement finish 7 7 Deck 1 ,7 Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exisfs. Contact engineeting division at 681-4645 before working in [ight-of-way or installing underground sprinkier system. ? White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contraaor Copy . ? ? Site address: l??? Lot 1 Block L Subtl. ???? On April 15, 2000 the Minnesota Energy Code, Category I Building Requirements for insulation protection, air tightness, and ventilation, was adopted. As a result, the City of Eagan is requinng that the following information be, submitted priorto issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. ? This structure: is constructed to meet minimum requirements of the Mn Energy Code, Chapter 7670 OR _ This structure: will be constructed to meet more restrictive requirements of Chapters 7672 or 7674 APPLIANCE GAS ELEC MANUFACTURER MODEL 8TU'S VENTINGTYPE Water Heater ? 14 rll ..?_ Fumace _ ?1 Dryer ? Q L ?, Fa (o(a ?. ? EXHAUST SY$TEM LOCATION TYPE MODEL M's VENTED YE5 NO Kitchen i kitchen A 3 S? 0 n? . Batfiroomt . ? ?0 C) Bathroom 2 Bathroom 3 8athroom 4 Other ' FIREPLACE S LOCATION GAS WOOD MANUFACTURER MODEL BTU'S . 3. VENTING -PiRECT niMOS F MAKE-UP AIR MODEL TYPE CFM's L,,?an:n• DO j/ I hereby acknowledge that the above information is correct and agree to comply with the Minnesota Energy Code and Gity of Eagan requirements. Vl .cATA 4 Sigriature 1Y 0eVt4Wl? mo pany Name Date ' This form is the responsibility of4he General Conhactor. . ' CITY USE ONLY LOT ? BL PERMIT #: ?? TO l SUBD. ' AII 2K4 RECEIPT H: RECEIPT DATE: I I~IVO Q 2000 MECfii4NICAL PEftMIT (RESIDENTIAL) ctrY oF Ensnx 3$30 PILOT KNOB iiD E/46AN 1NA 551 EE 13 ?d Date• 651-681-4675 Complete this secrion onlv if you are installing HVAC in a single-family dwelling, townhome or condo under construction and not owner/occnQied. • HVAC: 0-100 M B T U ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU • Gas outlets (minimum of one required @$3.00 ea.) $ 30.00 6.00 (v, 08 State Surchazge .50 Total $ lk-60 Complete this section onlv if you are remodeline, addinp to, or rea[acinP an exisring singie-family dwelling, townhome, or condo. Please indicate if it is a new item, alteration, or replacement. _ New Furnace _ Air exchanger Reminder.• CaU jor final inspection. SITEADDRESS: bW.I hO{' OWNERNAME: V Li' rLV U INSTALLER NAME: rl UA STREET ADDRESS: 5D CIT'Y: 6Wf,i,f 1 _ Replacement Other Air conditioning Other Fee $ 30.00 State Surchazge .50 Total $ 30.50 PHONE #: (AREA CODE) ?brrs #: ? _- 5 `27?7 {?1 (AREA CODE) STATE: AW ZIP: ) 1 Z VU1a,? I??? ?,?,. - - , SIGNATURE OF PE 11TEE i ,., . i_ 2 L BL CITY USE ONLY sueo. 1 RECEIPT #: RECEIPT DATE: II-1-b0 PERMIT # qwb 2000 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT HI70B RD EAGAN, tM7 55122 651-681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when pertnits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURES EACH # TOTAL Alte2tions to existing dwelling - minimum fee Describe: $ 30.00 Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floordrain 3.00 x = $ 3 Gas piping outlet • minimum =1 3.00 x = $ 3 Hottub/s a 3.00 x = $ 13 Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ 3 Laundry tra 3.00 x = $ 3 Lavato 3.00 x = $ Septic System newrrefurnisned `r9qUiR3 MPC IIC. 75.00 x = $ Septic System etandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ new instellationJrepaidrebuild 30.00 X = $ Rough o ening 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ 3 Undefground Sprirlklef Hdwelling is under conswction 3.00 X = $ Undergroundsprinkler rfexistingawauing 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ 3 Water softener If dwelling under eonsWCdon 5.00 x = $ Water softener N exisnng dwenin9 30.00 x = $ Water tumaround 30.00 x $ State Surchar e .50 -> -> -> $ .50 rotal -> -> -> -> $ .5"a Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. ---------•-•------------------•-----------------------------•--------•-• •-•------------ --------- --------------------- ------ ----------•-- I hereby adcnowledge Mat I have read this application, state that the iMOrtnation is eorrec[, and agree to compty with all applicable Cily of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanYS responsibility to natity the property owner that the City of Eagan essumes no Ilabitity for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and meintenance acfivities to the facilities consWded under this pertnit within City property/righ4of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: _ I" 1 0? ? Jau ? STAT : /'7,--\ ZIP: SS7 ? 9 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TELEPHONE#: ?Sb? 33q-(wLf u (naea cooe) CITY'OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 681 DATE: 09/15/00 TIME: 09:31:13 ID: NAME: JOSEPH P VARLEY CONSTRUCTION 3716 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 114.00 3713 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 50.00 3865 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 840.00 Total Receipt Amount: 4,758.39 CR137310 ? USER ID: JAN *******************************?**?**** CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 681 DATE: 09/15/00 TIME: 09:31:10 ID: NAME: JOSEPH P VARLEY CONSTRUCTION 2252 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 30.00 3210 9001 4661 ASPN RG CR 1,161.75 3866 9379 4661 ASPN RG CR 100.00 3422 9001 4661 ASPN RG CR 755.14 2275 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 1,089.00 3446 9001 4661 ASPN RG CR 11.00 2155 9001 4661 ASPN RG CR 0.50 3743 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 50.00 2155 9001 4661 ASPN RG CR 65.00 3868 9220 4661 ASPN RG CR 492.00 CR137310 ** CONTINUED USER ID: JAN ** CONTINUED 2000 BUILDING?iM APP IL CA ION (RESIDENTIAL) j _; New CoruhueMon ReaWremeMa D 3 repislered sNe wrveys showli ma g( rooled area: (20%rps D Y capiat of planf (shOw beam D 1 sel of enerpy ca9euloMais n 3 eoples d heg'txeserv9W it DATE: DESCRIPiION OF WORK: CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 45122 651•681-4875 p. R. d bt, tq tl. of hou5e lof platled Mer 7/1/93 dzes: poured hnd desiyn; etc.) ct L-l --I 5 ? .3? 2 copiea o( plan 1 set W energy oalcWaMons lor heafed addlMoru 1fHesurveyforexNdorComtlons3 decks CONSiRUCTION COST: srnEET nDDRESS: 'tb C LOT: -= BLOCK: SUBD./P.I.D. t: /n .5-3 77b C) 7G C> / Name: OG 10 727 ?/C?C Phone t: ?l.?c ' g0/027 pRppEary last Flrst OWNER D 1 ?. YitJ D f? L L l?r/(?? Sfreet Addreas: 2 6i? CHy State: ? ? zip: I ' ?o N 4? i-UC . . Company:?s'r-^?kl. ?? V?f12?`7-? Phonee: 07 -,Z?71L 603!?.4 CONiRACTOR 41?L 1-v rea code) Sheef Address: /lo 0 0 b L? D-3 lf / L l.E tlcense ??exa.? o Clty ? / ?t ULT Sfate: /11 ? zIP: S- r?p ?- / ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Ncme: lJr2o o 1= l!Z cAn e /t 1? Telephone S: ( (o "7 27 meet nddress: Q ?9 ?>-- Qc, c.-I A Ul3fegistranon u: Gly '.S 7" ./?fF V L Stafe: 4i1 J V Ztp: py{? ` (/?j/ p?vN1.alIrJG ? 7Z, r` /?/7? Sewedwater Iicensed plumber (H installina sewer/watar): A/ ."? +J/ ?! I Phone #: (6S?) i nereby acknowWW nar i nave read n,is appncanon, dare nwd me mtomwnon b careet, Cnd agree to comply wHh aq app@cable Sfafe of Minnewta Stalufes and CMy o} Eapan Ordinancea. Signalure of Appliconk ?? f..?a. . Certificates of Survey Received Tree Preservafion Plan Received -RD ? OFFICE USE ONLY Yes _ No Yes _ No :?? ot Required AUG 2 8 2000 OFFICE USE ONLY w ? ' BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex O 13 16-plex 0 21 Poroh (3-sea.) O 31 Ext. Alt - Multi 'SW 02 SF Dwelling O 08 06-plex O 17 Garage O 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) O 33 Ext. Ait - SF 03 01 of _ ple?c O 09 07-plex O 18 Deck O 23 Porch (screened) O 36 MuRi ? 04 02-pieu ? 10 OB-plex 0 19 Lower Level O 24 Storm Damage ? 05 03plex O 11 10-plex Plbg _Yor_N O 25 Miscellaneous O 06 04-Plex O 12 12-plex ? 20 Pool O 30 ' Accessory Bldg. WORK TYPE K 31 New ? 36 Move Bldg. O 43 Reroof ? 32 Addition ? 37 Demoiish (Bldg)' 0 44 Siding O 33 Alteration ? 38 Demoiish (Interior) O 45 Fire Repair 0 34 Repair O 42 Demolish (Foundation) O 46 Windows/Doors • Give PCA handout to appiicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATIOJd SAC Code # of Stories sq. ft. No. of Units Length sq. ft. No. of Buildings ? I_ Width ? Footprint sq. ft. Const. (Actual) Basement sq. ft. z- Census Code . fng (Allowable) Main levei sq. ft. MC/ES System UBC Occupancy ,, M.c. ,4 sq. ft. / City Water Zoning sq. ft. Booster Pump PRV ? Fire Sprinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Stucco/Stone APPROVAtS Planning Building ?C,? Engineering d Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ ?itb Surcharge Plan Review Mc es s ac Y 3? ? + ?'? = 3 sj ??U , City SAC Water Conn S! ?-' 7 3? . Water Meter y? ?? ? /11 R"&?I ? Accc. DePosit S/W Permit S!W S h uro arge Treatment P Park Ded L Trafis Ded. Other C i ? ,00 op es % Totai: ? TI/ Y SAC Units % SAC - r. y 2000 NIlNIVESOTA ENCRGY CODG j 1-2 l7rmily Residenlinl Dwellings i "COOK13001(" WORKSHCGT Applic;nu N:uuc I'hune Dule Plans must be clearly marlteJ wiW: ? insulaliMt R-V:dUCS, Stu[emenf of Cnmpliance: 'ILrprcry?aralLuilJu?gJai?i npr?mlal ui J'A E 5 D 1 M o V 612- 881- o! ?7 '25•0 ??Yiiiao„? ????? skyii6,,t u-v.aue, , dhese duuunaus is ?waumn %viUi We builJuig pl?ms sp.kitia4iuns imd oW T npplicant Comp4u,y ? sV.c and type of equip,nent, , , mindwiais sunmiuM,vdh Wapern,il ocG G r ?j ?j (? 1' M' ?..?../ HII? locntion ol' intenor air bnlricr, vapor relarder tI \VII1fI W215I1 I1:It1'ICC, applic:uiai. 'ILeproposacl buildinghrsba? dai?ed lo max tlm rcyuirnnmts uf lhe hli?uicsuta I?nergy Codt. liuilduig Addrcss: L.dT 7 BL1( 1 ? eqiiipmen[ controls. ASPEN tCk:?,F- U GLz-dA Pr>1N - n>>iica[« MININIUM RIjOUCRENTG NTS fnr °'Gnlchnnlc" C)nlinn• laitq Doors I-3/4" SOIId lY'OOd Of Il7;ISlllll110 U-V:iluc of 0.40 Ceiling R- SR (insidation pcdormance :it winlcr dcsign condilions 1leatiiig system cfficiency: ? No % AFUE l-uuud:uion I/2" instd:rtCd glass in tN'ood or vinyl frantc, \Vindons* or maximum U-valuc of U4SI found.lliou tivall insulalion IZ-10 (if a dil'I'crCnl R-valuC is uscd, ad jusl thc rcquircd avcragc %vindow U-valuc by Rimjoisl R-10 "Includc foundatiou %viudoo tot:d squaR lootagc iu , cmn Ictin g [hc ?vorkshccl on ihc ncm arc . Ploor ovcr uuconditioncd s acc R-30 calcidation of WindmlDoor Arca. Windnm and Dtmr Area IUO s 400 +- / 0! _ As '% uf Exposcd Wall Area WinJmv/Dour Ama Gross Wall Area 17 I%u WindowlDoar Area I wrNnow u-vnLuE: -3--1' Snnrcc: NFRCX_orCnJeDcfaulftablc .? MAX[MUM AVrRACT WIIYllOW U-VALUES I?OR R-10 rOUNDATION WALL [NSULATION & 90 % AFUE FURNACE Cl?eck Wall Tvpc Used Masimum'Potal Window and lloor Area .is Percenta c of Es osed'?Vall: 7o%< 12°L 14°? 16°'? 180L 20% 22°6 24% 26°5 280,'0 Wa11 7'v c: Maximum Avera e Window U-value: '? x,l, I{.I:i intiulal.iun, < Iti-i tihc;Uhin • 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.2tS 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.17 0.15 2x4. It- I,S in.tiulul.ion, > k-5 tihc<uhing, 0.37 0. ;17 0.39 0.37 0.37 0.33 O.;SO 0.27 0.25 0.23 2s4. I;-13 intiulal.iun,> li•7 nhcol.hing, 0.87 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 O.:S(i 0.:33 0.30 0.27 0.26 '!sG. H- 19 inwulal.ion. < li-G sheaU.hing 0.37 0.:37 0.:17 0.37 0.3 ? 0.32 O.'l'J 0.27 0.24 0.23 2x(i. I{- I'.) insulal.ion, > It- i tihc:ilhim, 0.37 0.:37 0.39 0.:37 0.37 0.37 0.35 0.31 O.Y.:) 0.27 '_'x(i, It-'L I insuktf.ion, < li-b tihcaLhin g 0.37 0.37 0_37 0.37 0.97 O.:iCi 0.31 0.29 0.26 0.24 'LxG, l:-'L I insul;il.ion. > li-u shcaLhin g Q37 0.37 0 iS7 0.37 0.97 0.37 0.36 0.39 0.30 0.28 NU'I'Is: II' fuundhition wall insulul,iun iti cilhcr Icss Ch.in R-10 (buC noC Icss I.han IL5), or H-19 and abovc, t.hen usc Lhe tables ,appropriaCc for thosc valucs. Residential ventilation two-step worksheet 2000 Minnesota Energy Code STEP 1: submit coov tvith nermit annliratinn Buildin address: L 7B? Completed by G C 1 o City, Zip: Date: b ' :2S ' OC) House conditioned floor area (normally including the basement) a 0 0 sq. ft. Number of bedrooms _3 . Ventilation quantity Total ventilation requirement (conditioned floor area x 0.05) 150 cim. Optional: total ventiiation may be split between peopie and supplemental quantities: Peopie ventilation (# of bedrooms x 15 cfm + 15 cfm) cfm. Supplemental ventilation total (totai - people ventilation) cfm. LE-1J N OX M O DfE.L 20 o S Q List fans to provide mechanical ventilation GE?`1 ?AL- R! R TD^ q) K +-F£4T FX_?JCo?? Fan location or descri tion Iry-t7RKjE Dc.CTR,?L C EAC*j g Y FAN PURPOSE people ventilation or su lemental ventilation TOTALS AS DESIGNED cfm cfm cfm cfm or eAAM cfm cfm cfm CTM cfm ?1111 STEP 2: Submit upon completion of svstem verification MEASURED ' cfm cfm cfm cfm cfm intake pERFORMANCE or cfm cfm cfm cfm cfm measurement required i t?Ws and exhausts from the building with design air flow of 30 cfm and greater. Ventilation equipment requirements (check to confirm compliance) Ventilation system sized to provide the design air flow People ventiiation fans listed for continuous operation and sound rating does not exceed 1.0 sone (surface mounted) or 1.5 sone (ail others) Optional: heat recovery venUlator (HRV) HRV meets Canadian standard CSA-439 (indicated by iisting in HVI Directory) (optionai manufacturer cold weather performance certification ?. HRV meets UL standard 1812 or equivalent HRV has a permanent label of net air flow and sensible recovery efficiency Distribution, instailation, and certification requirements All ducts outside the interior air barrier sealed with UL181 or equivalent product Controls for peopie ventilation are readily accessible and labeled if RVS ductwork is connected to furnace ductwork, controls are installed to run the fumace blower as required by code to distribute outdoor air to habitable rooms 5199 Page 10 11 coF eagan Name: /"I(?? ?I?V 'f Date: ?Z ? C7 Site Address: Telephone #: -D 9 Rim Joist tail Options As outlined in the new Energy Code, buildings constructed with three units or less require that rim joists be put up according to detail options shown below. Please circle/highlight the option you will be usiug. # 8 Other : LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION N. PROPERTYLEGAL h DATE OF SURVEY: c-ia H ? w LATEST REVISION: cz ? 0 DOCUMENTSTANDARDS 0 a ? ? • Registered Land Surveyor signature and campany ? q ? ? BuildingPermRApplicant ? Legaldescnption ? ? • • Address North arrow and scale m?,d ? House type (rambler, walkout, spfit w/o, splR entry, lookout, etc.) o ? Directonal drainage arrows with slopeJgradient % ? • Proposedlepsting sewer and water services 8 invert eleva6on ? • Street name p',o o : Driveway f?o ? Lot Square Footage ? ? ? • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existina v? ? • Sewer service (or Proposed) ? ? : Properly comers ? ?? r Top of curb at the driveway ? O • Elevations of any ebsting adjacent homes ?V? Adequate footing depth of shuctures due to adjacent uUfiry Venches Prooased ? o ? • Garage floor ? ? ? • Firstflaor V ? ? • Lowest exposed elevation (walkouUwindow) m/ ? ? / • Property comers ? ? ; • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA ('rf apllca? ? Ep /o • Easement Gne ? ? ? . NWL ? lR? ? • HWL ? ar' ? • Pond # designation ? e/o • Emergency OveAlow ElevaGon m??d ? ??a ? m/?o ? e( o ? ? e' ? DIMENSIONS Lot lineslBearings & dimensions Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks, overhangs greater than 2', porches, etc. (i.e. all sVuctures requiring permanentfootings) Show all easements of record and any City uGtides within those easements Setbacks of proposed structure and sideyard setback of adjacent exass6ng structures Retaining wall requirements, ` ' - Reviewed: NQ March 7999 CRA1G9LpGPfWr.FM * PiCNE6R * enginee? * * 7? * Certificate of Survey for: 625 Highway 10 N.E. Biaine, MN 55434 (812) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 OCP HOMES, INC. 4661 ASPEN RIDGE CIRCLE. EAGAN LOT AREA =11,946 SQ. FT. HOUSE AREA =7,975 S0. FT. COVERAGE =16.5 % HOUSE TYPE=SIDE LOOKOUT p .Q?Qv J 4YQ?? BENCH MARK TOP OF PIPE ?Q?? S ELEV.=940.77 , Ir,i s??s.20 ? Q Z v ?h ??, , ? ? (? F l . ? 7 I (y9:2' 3.0 //TRE? LWE x N 941 92 's.oi yo`I$??FiN ,S .0 ? 4\ 4 940. C) 1. , 6O• ' V` / . ? V ? $p? M 1 ? 940.1 77. N y y ?` 935.6 .26. 1. 39.6 ` ? wl v x 16.00 938. ? 10?? . ?? 9350 -3? $20.00$? za.,3 W a DROPpS 38 .? p? p?(? ! 7? G i 9.1?EW fY93 ?512 3e.4npOW / 933.7 933.7 4 ^C)?a 935.7 EXISTING 939. R` 58. s3e.iN HOUSE ? 938.1itt , ?< 11 Z w a S83'42'42"E 6 24?.0? ?'? Qw ?J9.5 a ZZ BENCH MARK lxa ? TOP OF PIPE ?w . - -? ELEV.=938.79 ttI? 4n ? ?{{{{ `1 AA. ? ?/ V, IJ V B ' I?ate ` EAGAN ERTGUiEERING DEPT ? 6? - PROPOSED HOUSE ELEVATION_ NOTE: PROPOSED GRAOES SHONN PER GFAOING PLAN BY: PIONEER ? LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: 93' / NOTE: BUILDING DIMENSIONS SHONTJ ARE FOR HOR120NTAL ANO VERTICAL LOCATION MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION: %yy 3 OF S7RUCNRES ONLV. SEE ARCHIIECNAL PLANS FOR BUILDING ANO I yl7 FouNOnnor+ oiuensiaNS. GARAGE SLA6 ELEVA710N: NOTE: NO SPECIFlC SOILS INVESTIGATION HAS BEEN COMPLEIED ON 1H15 lOT BY 1HE q3`6• 3 SURVEYM2. iHE SUITABILITY OF SOILS TO SUPPORT iHE SPEGFlC MOUSE TOB @ LOOKOUT ELEVATION: PROPOSED IS NOT iME RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SURVEYOR. NOIE: THIS CERi1FlCAlE DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW EASEMENTS OTNEFt THAN % 000.00 DENOTES EXISTINC ELEVAPON THOSE SHOWN ON iHE RECORDEO PLAT. ( (300.40 ) DENOTES PftOPO5E0 ELEVATION _-_ DENOTES DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEAIENT NOtE: CONTRACTOR MUST 4ERIFY ORIVEWAY DESIGN. - DENOTES DftAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION NOIE: BEARINGS SHONN ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED OATUM ? - DENOTES MONUMENT ' --^o- DENOTES OFFSET HUB WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO OCP HOMES, INC. THAT THIS I`_' q iRUE ANL: CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE BOUNOARIES OF: . LOT 7, BLOCK 1, OAKPOINTE OF EAGAN 2ND ADDITION DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCHROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, AS SURVEYED 8Y ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION THIS iBTH DAY OF AUGUST, 2000. cirnic/'-1Al1NFFR ENG EE G. P.A. SCALE : 1 INCH = 40 FEET '' B Y: e' 79 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendota Heiqhts, MN 55120 (851) 881-1914 FAX:681-9488 REcEivEO auG 2 8 2000 s n Le? cb?7 (SEE ATTACHMENTS) Development ORKpO l N TFi QF ejh&A?,} Lot Number -7 Block Number ? Address ?tb6l 135FEfJ RID6E GPUl,E Builder Tree Protection Requirements: Tree Fencing Oak Tree Pnining (Immediately seal wounds during April 1 to July 31) Therapeutic Pruning _ Retaining Wall Other: Replacement Trees: ?- Attachments: - c Additional Notes: Not Required As Follows: Yes No H:l9hove12000fi1e\treepras\Tree Preservadon Plan Summary-2000 rw.. ??G ALM ?oneJ ??????? ell DATE _f-. , Sep.13 00 09: SOa 952BB48398 Tree Pr .SPrva ion Plan Oakpointe of Eagan Lot -2, Block 1- aN() 9528848398 p.i Poat•fCFaxNote 7671 ?e? pa Pa°yes? To CS From / M ? °° - G G ?? ? PMne M LG T?p Ph F9XR e'E'e G;qL,G Tp °*r 9fs VQ./?[, 66 / ?-?J? l'?ro /LJ (Site Plan Attached) Address: `f" OwaeG OCP Homes, fnc. Ul1d f' Joseph P. Variey Construction 8609 Lyndale Ave. So. #101 B 16800 Shieldsvifle Bfvd. 8loomington, MN 55420 Faribault, MN 55021 881-0127 507-334-6034 Sianificant Trees on LoC _ None ? Significant Trees: (Numbers Per Tree Survey) # ' TVIDe Size Retain or Remove 37S Ile. 04.1e .z „ /ed771f/-U 3 7 6 ?. Oi9.i? Q" /1 is TW! 4?? 387 2 , a.(? ?o „ .Q6r?iQi.v AWS41o 19ti3 Proc iv ur s: S€ Tree Fencing ? Oak Pruning (April 15 _ Retaining Wall ? Therapuetic Pruning _ Other: R la e n Trees: Not Required _ As Follows: Note& .,. ? ( G f? uly 15) -- ??p ?g /Q?/!?OUL`? rL?.cf l rZ? ,Gy?Fi ' ? , \ J { , ry 1 - ? ? ?? % • ?? . ? ? . % . . 10 ? . . . ? , , . I} ?. N ?\ ??,? ' -•...`? Xw ? . Jl . I ? ? v ? ` y ` /% ? ? ? . /' ???? ? - i r';l- ? ?? •. ?? . `. ? ? .' , - - ?'?? ?'? ?}. ? ?? / ?? ? ? `' ??? ?d•? '? ? `-?' ;' ??????i ?: ,. ? ? -.. 4:r' , _ - ? 3 Q dl ??? I ?i' ? G Yi ? ? ,? ? ? ? ? . `I . • z?d B6E8488ZS6 eOS:60 00 EtldaS 86£8088ZS6 k-90 ,6° City of Balan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (657) 675-5675 Fex:(b51) 675-504 ?9, S??-.1 ; ---- , , ? PwTgl? ? ? Flermit Fee: ? ? Daoe Heoeived: k lD c1 i ? I Sta?t: ? - ! i _^________ J 2008 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION petB: 10 '1 JUS site Adaress: suite #: 7enant: t`? RESIDENTlOWNER r,?,a: l ee ah?:(n51-?fo3,-aqc Address ! City / Zp: qppfu:ant is: _ Oxner -x Carh'aacr TYPE OF WORK Description of wark: ` I?YL Gce? cooswcdon Cast: 5?9 19,40 Mutti-Famih suildng: (yes_/ No .i11'•???? CONfRACTOR Name: ? Licenm V. Address: ?? citr-?k311«..??- Stahr: ntLzip: !S6082. Phone:??l'?I?1•`1?1J ContadPerson: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY !F CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Hules 7670 Cateaarv 1 Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Resida,6Wvwmlana,.cam9oy r waksneet ?• New ErergY coae wokaneoi o S? : SutxniUed ?e9 rY (J submission type) . EneW Emmiolm CmwtaMm &rhmitted In the last 12 moMhs, has Sha City of ES9an Iseued a Perm@ tot e Sim119r plan bee0d on a mOSter Plmt? _Yes _No If yes, date and address af master plan: Licensed Piumber: hkehankal CaMractor. 9ewer 5 water Contraetor Pltone: rtweby adawx7edge that tlAs infortmgon is canple4e arr1 amuata; mat tlie woric wIB Oa in corAamanM v!M the ordnenas and caEes ot ft Ciry at En2f1: 98t I Undd81811d C96 i6 IW[ ffpBrtIft bU[ ONy 2fl appiIC8110t1 for 8 PfRi11L 2M work iS fIM t0:8i6ff Wb1IXR 8Permit; 00 tll! work V/IA b8 hf aaaaencs,xim ahe epproved qem m ft ease m work whid, requves a reuiew ana approval of dans. . x?-ckt?t M??C1k x A -- Aaali?'s a?„sed r? a??+rs s??are Pepe 1 of 3 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Lot: 7 Block: 1 Addition: Oakpointe of Eagan 2nd PID:10- 53776- 070 -01 Use: Description: Sub Type: Work Type: Description: e - Water Heater Replace Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Comments: Fee Summary: paul gavic 1424 3rd St N Minneapolis, MN 55411 PL - Permit Fee (WS & /or WH) Surcharge -Fixed Total: Contractor: Gavic & Sons Plumbing & Water Special 12725 Nightengale St NW Coon Rapids MN 55448 (763) 755 -6468 Manufacturer I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Applicant/Permitee: Signature PERMIT City of Eaan - Applicant - Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: Serial Number Remote Number Owner: Lee S Tischler 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Eagan MN 55122 $50.00 0801.4087 $0.50 9001.2195 $50.50 Issued By: Signature Plumbing EA084114 07/09/2008 ePermit Line Size PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA150185 Date Issued:06/25/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Oakpointe Of Eagan 2nd PID:10-53776-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Stephan F Sheehan 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Eagan MN 55122 Tony's Appliance 2090 County Road 42 West Burnsville MN 55337 (952) 435-2442 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA151269 Date Issued:08/16/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Lot:7 Block: 1 Addition: Oakpointe Of Eagan 2nd PID:10-53776-01-070 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Softener Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Allow an 18" minimum radius clearance to the water meter from all appliances (i.e. furnace, water heater, water softener). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Stephan F Sheehan 4661 Aspen Ridge Cir Eagan MN 55122 Dakota Water Treatment 17484 Goodland Path Lakeville MN 55044 (952) 953-4643 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature