570 Caylin Ct P6~_fvl, , ~ q -7 -7 City of Eagan C4, Cash Receipt -70 Receipt Date 1/7/2011 Receipt Number 166285 MITTELSTAEDT/CK41001 SAC FEES 9220.2275 2,100.00 SAC FEE 1 UNIT Total Receipt Amount 2,100.00 121197 6:31:18 4~- City of Evan Address: 570 Caylin, Ct Zip: 55122 Permit 93477 The following items were / were not completed at the Final Inspection on: Complete Incomplete Comments Final grade - 6" from siding Permanent steps - Garage Permanent steps - Main Entry Permanent Driveway ✓ Permanent Gas VI/ Retaining Wall or 3:1 Max Slope A& Sod / Seeded Lawn V Trail / Curb Damage AA Porch Lower Level Finish gA- ✓ Deck Nil- Fireplace IVA- • Verify with your builder that roof test caps from the plumbing system have been removed. • Turn off water supply to the outside lawn faucets before freeze potential exists. • Call the Engineering Department at (651) 675-5646 prior to working in the right-of-way or installing an irrigation system. Building Inspector: 1=:~ T, ti I ;hecklists r'1 G l ~~/L`7Mlr # ~3~(77 Energy I Water I Built Environment MEMORANDUM TO: Mittelstaedt Brothers Construction, Inc. W10881 435th Avenue I hereby certify that this plan, specification or Prescott, WI 54021 report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed DATE: July 8, 2010 professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. FROM: Ryan Mack, PE RE: Ballesteros Residence C-Ayan MaglC 570 Caylin Ct, Eagan, MN Date: 7-8-10 Ulteig Project No. 10.00793 Minnesota Registration No. 46673 Mittelstaedt Brothers Construction, Inc. requested that Ulteig review framing conditions for the residence located at 570 Caylin Ct in Eagan, MN. A previous drawing was issued by Ulteig for the main windforce resisting system of the residence. Refer to this drawing for additional information. The following are descriptions of the conditions and explanations of the corrective measures, if needed. 1. The roof girder truss over the garage has insufficient bearing at the front of the garage. A 2x8 is to be installed vertically to each side of the girder truss with full bearing on the wall top plates. Each 2x8 is to be cut to match the roof slope and fastened to the girder truss with a minimum of (7) 1/4" x 3 1/z" Simpson SDS self-drilling screws. Wall studs are to added below the 2x8's to block solid to the header below. 2. The roof girder truss over the garage has insufficient bearing at the rear of the garage. A 2x8 is to be installed vertically on one side of the girder truss with full bearing on the wall top plates. The 2x8 is to be cut to match the roof slope and fastened to the girder truss with a minimum of (7) 1/4" x 3 1h" Simpson SDS self-drilling screws. It is to be verified that a minimum of (4) 2x6 bearing studs are in place below. Add additional bearing studs as needed. 3. The adequacy of the (3)11 7/8" LVL garage door header and its support are in question. This header is structurally adequate to support its tributary design loading. At the end of this header nearest the girder, it is to be verified that a minimum of (4) 2x6 bearing studs are in place. Add additional bearing studs as needed. 4. The adequacy of the foundation wall and 16" x 8" footing below the end of the header nearest the girder truss location as well as at the rear of the garage is in question. The existing foundation and footing are structurally adequate and no corrective measures are required." 5. The adequacy of lh" minimum sheetrock both sides of the shared house/garage walls is in question. The presence of sheetrock on both sides of this braced wall line is acceptable and no corrective measures are required. r.ufeig.com a Frei 763-571-2500 a Fax 763-571-1168 a 5201 East River Road,. Suite 308 a Minneapolis, MN 55421-1027 New Construction Snergy,Cods Com~lii'.inoa Certificate Perl~LtOl,S~ui[sijagl~ttitiCafa,l►JwBdiagrcrUIImioslultlwpoNuilnaperm~eatlyYistytnlo~Uaa~t~itdo }~ntot7erttrtmoYos~ed- 1LebulldG~ ~Q0~1~{~CAIQi6i~tliFaan3J1]CICQi►Y~•b3e1j4fCJ'AniiSb~I~iZiDtWA111~aaiaplV~lUCFai' ~ - {O compontntsltttadin'eeb]eNtlttb& o / 7+tdGaYAddretrofll~aD~ruiaparbN~ulnRaait Cite t/~m~ooE•tttrtsidrttrtlt~tCantrxaierf} y .r+ ~~y /f,e~! ~~,~y},~~~.~~s~r riiNLitmssalNaa+ba _ 1 f Y i•~G , ']~lR'6 ! ' JJfi F~ fW?' R 1441 HC-i~ At IR M OPE i ►ai STEM 'iypoiCiso;k AliThOApply PAwve(NoFatt) ...W. ~Ar.~ve(~tt1~, fluff at~moilataatarat; a ~ othar•.syltYdtntnonEtorhagdovlcc~ . Q R ~ ~ ltistslutson Lvcatlan R': ,9 i ~ i~~ . s>i w° ~ ~ ~ tJiha•kktasAc9aiha~Ccoa FOnadwatWam A 2-m A J!T 717re1aloeaYDn:InlestorsxtetEorotl~¢ear~d 7P+RfltnoleroRS3ab ox~ ~radd'•' • ; • ; - _ . . altt(Bovadalloa} •10)WAI A Y:jtt~.e •r yip. 'ty~Rta~ocaiaon•tntoRoreaged~cr~►teiysE dw latawtlbo•Irite~oFo4 ad antrak` 6COEM.IVISAA1,11wa. v • t• ` •X ieTcv~ arctts- ]3aY'Vti7n darss or rsa rno I3aneus s7t ver rx e nods r _4•* LRtorFlr ,asstlirtod araxia r• fAllprictuos Hatrin oeRY agaU ator s:tclartes lightsmdonedoor U a C#•IANCCAL S'Y'STEMMS Sotom Coelia S m Notrequk dtpmrasxla4060 nrtftchncar ~8 (X9Iff nI $awowd ,w.,.; r•. i ; •.e~ s _ y~, h tlnc5edwi4Lwftvdde ice. J""=1.' • ; r ;3• i•.. ,H~ ]P , =rJ} I r' R'i"'I1~/~ t"J• L?Cpen ModeI'`~';,`-,'; • ''~,}wi:"' 'CHAT✓f ~1~'~'$' , ya,~/'~"•j~ J• ~ . ~ aa~ la ~ ~ ~ tin ~ Qtber.dcscn'lsn: BCPUS: ; RA& or Fm TM SO • ^ 'r t7F.t ' ?frr r. ~•r pLy s+ 'Yi, •u ,ti,. fi!ltttiln FiOC~iS3tlitG'~ISCfOI"S]lWfi a'~r4CitlrD~f C~dcaiatul' ' y ' _ + . . a ytir$S~ a • G•• `t' r ; ~ N~ f ~ t .s~'~ f!.! • AI4l13ot • swat; 1 "3 HUM CRkuI*d IEflldcn wotiaxlo>d: ~ Cbnb . • ~mtinaa~atott l4irehanleat Yoiullrstion $ysto►n DcsCrit>canyadditismptnraombinsx3Juatso orcoa)ingsyats►nsf$instalts+3:(ag,t~vo~umacssaaair CambustianAir sertecapge umittaty mpvr1mgesbacituPfvw(*- • tMotreguiscdpcrsnxb.cado ' I~aetltxoYerYaslllt~ior(HIt insfms: I;ow: ' Fti glhcrds6ca'I~ TACaflonofdooforsyg= + 1 d inn XAiY7 aI . 1=a RceavrrYaditstar Coatistumexbatu a)ratodae tai inofmz $aS9lnBfifi 123104 of c dstErlbx ' " t f'a , , - RxoiuidducttlXt, iaafmc: p Ca ci epadDarncsvast9atianraie iY n Tattlvmdlat?on iDta7nlitcal~•oaatiauoas :ato iacfi~ra; NtC(e[dnai C40ged bySAM vD7 km 052009 Date: 6/22/2010 Revision Dat =6/22/201 New Construction Site Information Address 1: 570 Caylin Court Project Address 2: Lot: 22 Block: 1 City: Eagan County: Dakota Subdivision: Long Acres 2nd Application Information Business Name: Burnsville Heating A/C MN Contractor License #:1034 Contact Person: Alan Dobson Office Ph: 952-894-0005 Fax: 952-894-0925 Cell Ph: 612-328-8506 Address 1: 3451 W Burnsville Pkwy Suite 120 City: Burnsville State: MN Zip Code: 55337 House Details g' 46 Square Feet: 4054 sq. ft. Avg. Ceiling Ht: 8.5 ft. Number of Bedrooms: 4 Ventilation : Exhaust Total Ventilation Capacity :,Iercfm. /Gh N iiG~#2 Minimum Continuous Ventilation 75cfm. 8'3 Continuous Ventilation Provided: Exhaust: 110 cfm Intermittent ventilation satisfied by OTHER exhuast appliance. Combustion Appliance Water Heater: Power Vent Input BTUs: 50,000 Independently Vented Furnace/Boiler: Direct Vent/Seated Combustion Input BTUs: 100,000 Independently Vented Other Combustion Appliances Gas Fired Direct Vent Fireplace(s): Yes Gas Fired Power Vent Fireplace(s): No Gas Fired Natural Draft Fireplace(s): No Solid Fuel Appliance(s): No Exhaust Equipment Exhaust Ventilation Capacity (cfm): 110 Clothes Dryer (cfm): 135 Exhaust Fan Rating (cfm): 110 Make-Up Air No Make-Up Air Required by Code Combustion Air Round Rigid Required: 5 inches or Insulated Flex: 6 inches -2 Applicant Name (print): 14114,11t Signature/Date: Code Official (print): Signature/Date: U 2004 CenterPoint Energy Minnegasco. 2004 Mechanical Code Guidelines. Pagel _ i l 570 Caylin Court HVAC Load Calculations for Mittlestaedt Bros Cons. I ftsaD.Rrt.L Prepared By: Alan Dobson Burnsville Heating & A/C Inc. 3451w Burnsville Pkwy, Suite 120 Burnsville,MN 55337 952-894-0005 Monday, June 28, 2010 Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. f --HVX - - Rh4ac- -Residential 8c Light Corn mercial HVC Dads ~ Elite S-6ftdirare ©evefopiri®nt, lnc. Burns4ille He-~tmg & A/C Iric ` E70 Caylin Cou rt Burnsville, M[J 55337 _Pa Project Report Genetaf Project riiarmatlon Project Title: 570 Caylin Court Designed By: Alan Dobson Project Date: 6/17/2010 Project Comment: Client Name: Mittlestaedt Bros Cons. Company Name: Burnsville Heating & A/C Inc. Company Representative: Alan Dobson Company Address: 3451w Burnsville Pkwy, Suite 120 Company City: Burnsville,MN 55337 Company Phone: 952-894-0005 Company Fax: 952-894-0925 Company Comment: -i,;` n ,.s z.. ^~S: "'+,:3-<' t-.'~';a?:"a>. "'sl~h• ==s! -z ,cF ~.x, -,y> . fi.%:i>xc2» .pu;:s..-.° vEsa;~;• ~s..•z'r-~r^. is ..r?asr~t t ¢ ?`sx."^.'''.",.~_- max! " - k~ ^z`=-`'z`r+s : v...`f a'- ; •>„„:w ` "'";s Fz, y i~x ':s" r'; ..:.L. ..L26.U51 :t. 'r Reference City: Minneapolis, Minnesota Building Orientation: Front door faces Southwest Daily Temperature Range: Medium Latitude: 44 Degrees Elevation: 834 ft. Altitude Factor: 0.970 Elevation Sensible Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Total Adj. Factor: 1.000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1,000 Elevation Heating Adj. Factor: 1.000 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Indoor Indoor Grains Dry Bulb Wet Bulb Rel.Hum Rel.Hum Dry Bulb Difference Winter: -15 -15.33 80% n/a 72 n/a Summer: 88 73 50% 50% 75 35 ~ i ( cYx'~ rI .~fi'K" "<~j :Ywr s<'"`»;<:P'i "u '"~:3•;;,we~,^y°-^ `:;~r.' , a . .F: * S ~a ° d:" ,c CFieek F ~ .._..r. I`erJ<~""`as 3tc,<n .•~~~'.t <..a r,~S~`~`"~;. gx.:€i:§a :~a-x:t:'£~#,~; i~' S2zs, w~~= ~,~`.~y-s,-, ~~F „ r~5 .4 _ , n^... "s.~&s.n,.?r`'°~r-~,:>ss~5•.-:#`S;n+;: .~'ai.~'w'.."i^u`:~t- S~°S"~P.b~ . ~i£ 3~p,r..~'r..}"HS~. fir' -d!~~~a3~' ..s.~"--`.''°^u.". Total Building Supply CFM: 984 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.243 Square ft. of Room Area: 4,054 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,886 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 38,693 1 1,. •>J,--.~d,~N. a.s&'.''c~;zr. w=s: t<h~: °i ~'"S wi';~` ~ - i i r ~ww, g„4crw-cz •(T~u ~ s':`r. Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 73,322 Btuh 73.322 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 20,996 Btuh 81 % E Total Latent Gain: 4,801 Btuh 19 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 25,797 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) I z,Nates`~ . rbs? _ #(;"~`^'f~'%e~'•... ~ i : ~ °i~~,h"~+` " 2.`;~ • C~T~~~a'-~ ~~:''rj„szs~` r tai . ~ s~~- ~ ,?:uMT.:~•r~~<c-< "e~ 3£,~ . ~aA°~ 'a z. ..~:k.'~}`s~,: ~ ~`y.r-. _ <w s°•. zz~nvs, ~Hs•?~?k- Pn • ~#~*"k~~.~z.,: Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Elite\Rhvac 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010, 11:41 AM Rtivac Residenkial & Light Commercial NVAC Loads Elite Software -15eve16prtrent4Inc Burns iflp I leati irf & A C h ic 570"'Cay]€ i Court' Burnsv~ll., M `x"- 7 Pa ~3" Miscellaneous Report - Sysfem 1 Main door Outdoor `Outdq~ot ~ U[ft oo ~~x~lnd~oar ~ `Gains Ut Data : [ i Bulb._ INC LIi... u ~ .p t. e iu~n. ~I~eltFinDrrBui Dftf etEey _ Winter: 15 15.33 80% n/a 72 n/a Summer: 88 73 50% 50% 75 35.17 - L~~~ct,Sizilt Main Trunk Runouts Calculate: Yes Yes Use Schedule: No No Roughness Factor: 0.00300 0.01000 Pressure Drop: 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. 0.1000 in.wg./100 ft. Minimum Velocity: 650 ft./min 450 ft./min Maximum Velocity: 900 ft./min 750 ft./min Minimum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Maximum Height: 0 in. 0 in. Winter Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.410 AC/hr 0.210 AC/hr 222 CFM 114 CFM Infiltration Actual: 0.410 AC/hr 0.210 AC/hr Above Grade Volume: X 32.516 Cu.ft. X 32.516 Cu.ft. 13,332 Cu.ft./hr 6,828 Cu.ft./hr X 0.0167 X 0.0167 Total Building Infiltration: 222 CFM 114 CFM Total Building Ventilation: 0 CFM 0 CFM t. ---System 1--- Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Gain Multiplier: 13.87 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 13.00 Summer Temp. Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Latent Gain Multiplier: 23.20 = (0.68 X 0.970 X 35.17 Grains Difference) Infiltration & Ventilation Sensible Loss Multiplier: 92.85 = (1.10 X 0.970 X 87.00 Winter Temp. Difference) Winter Infiltration Specified: 0.410 AC/hr (222 CFM), Construction: Average Summer Infiltration Specified: 0.210 AC/hr (114 CFM), Construction: Average artos=to,.,S sf _ , x« W 10 7.~Loa € . Bg € ~i i A DICt stROME ~T e~~i [?Cl tloOwl r: Locatgtt nCm _g e :a... e... a s.... i 11 1 Supply Main Attic 16B 0.12 6 150 No 1 Return Main Attic 16B 0.24 6 56 No C:\ElitelRhvac 81Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM t i _ - - Rhvac -Res idett#iel~& . L~gh#'Coriiinercial HC?4E Loadd-s _ C1i#e So#tware Developrnen#, [nc. Burnsville Heating & A/C Inc 570 Caylin Court BurnzMlie, MN 55337 Page10 1 Cotal Building Sommal y Loads CO}11y'71'6 nt x i Apav Sell Lat e't1 Total D®sc.,i~flyi ws. Q.+Iai Loss .Gai.l~ Gaily GAL Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, 41 1,106 0 644 644 external shade screen coefficient of 0.45 and 50% coverage, u-value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 16 432 0 539 539 value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 24 606 0 502 502 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 164.8 4,014 0 3,603 3,603 value 0.28, SHGC 0.26 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 91.8 2,317 0 1,918 1,918 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 70 1,826 0 1,720 1,720 value 0.3, SHGC 0.23 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, u-value 0.3 SH , GC 0.23 10.4 271 4 185 185 Deans doors: Door-Dean Doors 39.4 549 0 151 151 Deans Glass Door: Door-Deans Glass Door 20.4 781 0 215 215 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 3039.9 17,985 0 3,184 3,184 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs R-5 wall: Wall-Basement, , R-5 board with poured wall 1370.3 13,813 0 1,127 1,127 16CR-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 506.3 970 0 424 424 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), vented attic with radiant barrier, R-44 insulation, dark asphalt 16CR-44: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 25 48 0 21 21 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic with Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-44 insulation R-54 Floor: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, 120 140 0 12 12 Custom, R-54 Floor over open garage space 21A-20-v: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 1226.8 2,882 0 0 0 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor , vin I covering, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Y Subtotals for structure: 47,740 0 14,245 14,245 People: 6 1,380 1,800 3,180 Equipment: 400 1,200 1,600 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 4,949 380 2,171 2,551 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 222, Summer CFM: 114 20,633 2,641 1,580 4,221 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 Total Building Load Totals: 73,322 4,801 20,996 25,797 " +.--C °i"* r~Ej i..'- Y"{ - ,Si3i - 'ad ;Y• - y .......,y. CheclUl'i ' cares - 17-2701 Total Building Supply CFM: 984 CFM Per Square ft.. 0.243 Square ft, of Room Area: 4,054 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,886 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 38,693 ,x Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 73,322 Btuh 73.322 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 20,996 Btuh 81 % Total Latent Gain: 4,801 Btuh 19 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 25,797 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Notes Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual_J an_d Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Elite\Rhvac 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM . Rhvac FZesidential & Light Comiiierrial HVi4C Loads 9 to Software Developrneat, Inc. . Burns ilie He; rg &AIG Inc 5ro CayiO Court r•i3ur~}s~tlle, M. N 5 °?7 Page 13 [-System 1Vlain Floor Summary Loads - - Cumponerit A e rxSetl 7 ,:w Lal" ~ e"< T MI! Mtn, r n€ alt a8,5.(:Ei(Oid Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground retlectance = 0.23, 41 1,106 0 644 644 external shade screen coefficient of 0.45 and 50% coverage, u-value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 16 432 0 539 539 value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 24 606 0 502 502 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 164.8 4,014 0 3,603 3,603 value 0.28, SHGC 0.26 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 91.8 2,317 0 1,918 1,918 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 70 1,826 0 1,720 1,720 value 0.3, SHGC 0.23 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, u-value 0.3, SHGC 0.23 10.4 271 0 185 185 Deans doors: Door-Dean Doors 39.4 549 0 151 151 Deans Glass Door: Door-Deans Glass Door 20.4 781 0 215 215 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 3039.9 17,985 0 3,184 3,184 s' cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs R-5 wall: Wall-Basement, , R-5 board with poured wall 1370.3 13,813 0 1,127 1,127 16CR-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 506.3 970 0 424 424 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), vented attic with radiant barrier, R-44 insulation, dark asphalt 16CR-44: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic With Insulation on Attic 25 48 0 21 21 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic with Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-44 insulation R-54 Floor: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, 120 140 0 12 12 Custom, R-54 Floor over open garage space f 21A-20-v: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 1226.8 2,882 0 0 0 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, vinyl covering, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide Subtotals for structure: 47,740 0 14,245 14,245 People: 6 1,380 1,600 3,180 Equipment: 400 1,200 1,600 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 4,949 380 2,171 2,551 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 222, Summer CFM: 114 20,633 2,641 1,580 4,221 Ventilation: Winter CFM: 0, Summer CFM: 0 0 0 0 0 System 1 Main Floor Load Totals: 73,322 4,801 20,996 25,797 } RAII Supply CFM: 984 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.243 Square ft. of Room Area: 4,054 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,886 Volume (W) of Cond. Space: 38,693 r i",. -itaS~ € 9~~ :7 Asa s €r-.*..'~ a•^ ~^"~r K ,S"';ste " Loads " . v kt " ' a u i`u n¢ ~ <a< n t . E` A, 11511111N' 111'1 &k Total Heating Required Including Ventilation Air: 73,322 Btuh 73.3~22 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 20,996 Btuh 81 % Total Latent Gain: 4,801 Btuh 19 % Total Cooling Required Including Ventilation Air: 25,797 Btuh 2.15 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) 11 V QteS IE MONSOON - . ,.,s'- *M,^ ° ' .,s„" s '':v'..r.. r . Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Elite\Rhvac 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM - _ rBu ac R tt Commercial MVAC Lcads EI~Fee ©ec11A/C Inc 570 Caylin Courtw l! f,4N 5~~g? Page 17 Wslai 1 Zone 1 Sualmary Loads (Peak Load Procedure for Ro©ms ~ Ser- Total Coin orient".. . A~ea - Sen - LafZEN" ~esc iptlot..,.4, N Ouan Loss.. -y Gam G_al~~. Gain Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, 41 1,106 0 644 _ 644 external shade screen coefficient of 0.45 and 50% coverage, u-value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u 16 432 0 539 539 value 0.31, SHGC 0.34 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 24 606 0 502 502 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 136.8 3,333 0 2,961 2,961 value 0.28, SHGC 0.26 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 33.6 848 0 702 702 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 Deans doors: Door-Dean Doors 39.4 549 0 151 151 Deans Glass Door: Door-Deans Glass Door 20.4 781 0 215 215 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1715.3 10,149 0 1,796 1,796 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs ~ 16CR 44 ad: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 192 367 0 160 160 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), vented attic with radiant barrier, R-44 insulation, dark asphalt Subtotals for structure: 18,171 0 7,770 7,770 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 1,200 1,200 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 2,043 0 1,073 1,073 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 108, Summer CFM: 55 10,060 1,288 770 2,058 System 1, Zone 1 Load Totals: 30,274 1,288 10,813 12,101 I tt r , i , eC ~ ~ - a° ~ ~ t : .uri#,~F.rx~,~,-G.. .w-, y~-.--s ~-'#~+f„:w- ~xs~ ' r~-,~-:=r`,°~",i"%' iE Vii- : ~,ef gy aft.?~~`• . -21111.- ~..I4` U,itBSma Supply CFM: T 507 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.412 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,229 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,219 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 14,251 ,(Z~~^. .,t1e,.LAa' .....s. ~ ::fix; _ ~ , arm' s~ < u .'1£a;-, :c 1- Total Heating Required: 30,274 Btuh 30.274 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 10,813 Btuh 89 % Total Latent Gain: 1,288 Btuh 11 % Total Cooling Required: 12,101 Btuh 1.01 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) -s Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:1Elite\Rhvac 81Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM l Rlivac - Fiesfden#ial & i_igiTt Cornm-eeresal HVP;C Loads Elife SGfftiuarti DoOeioprimen#; Erica Burnsville Heat€ g & A/C Inc 5/0 Gaylin Court ,Burnsville, MN 5E337 r Page;t8S stem 9, Zone 2 SummarLoads (Peak Load Procedure for Rooms) Compoe~it ry ~rea" Y SEiiLra Serf 3rota(= Descn ,tQi7: ..~Quah°.SS r,.'d ~Ga{3<..Ga1. Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 70 1,826 0 1,720 1,720 value 0.3, SHGC 0.23 Dean 1- Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 28 681 0 642 642 value 0.28, SHGC 0.26 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, ground reflectance = 0.23, u- 58.2 1,469 0 1,216 1,216 value 0.29, SHGC 0.25 12E-Osw: Wall-Frame, R-19 insulation in 2 x 6 stud 1324.6 7,836 0 1,388 1,388 cavity, no board insulation, siding finish, wood studs 16CR-44-ad: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on 314.3 603 0 264 264 Attic Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), vented attic with radiant barrier, R-44 insulation, dark asphalt 16CR-44: Roof/Ceiling-Under Attic with Insulation on Attic 25 48 0 21 21 Floor (also use for Knee Walls and Partition Ceilings), Vented Attic with Radiant Barrier, Dark Asphalt Shingles or Dark Metal, Tar and Gravel or Membrane, R-44 insulation R-54 Floor: Floor-Over open crawl space or garage, 120 140 0 12 12 Custom, R-54 Floor over open garage space Subtotals for structure: 12,603 0 6,040 6,040 People: 6 1,380 1,800 3,180 Equipment: 400 0 400 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 1,444 0 925 925 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 79, Summer CFM: 41 7,352 941 563 1,504 System 1, Zone 2 Load Totals: 21,399 2,721 9,328 12,049 q ~a•; a~ayy:;~ ~MUPa. ,irn_u:y`3.<~.-`<-i~'r+r,,.`3~."°s~ri~~i~'"°.`..<"~a~.°.:«z' §3:y .Nw`Yw`li:.-:Y~rz"`'~'" +.,:<..s. cif, _ .~;,u 'r, ~ a s - . g<- ...n ya. ,..z ><~M....... `srss:xa.. Sae..(:x • :~~-,rte' . ,r.`° s`.r~'rr . . ~3.; . '~3,,W~i x~ ' < . s. _ 3 '.,,ls,.Y Supply CFM: 437 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.273 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,598 Square ft. Per Ton: 1,591 Volume (ft3) of Cond. Space: 12,787 ' •'.s: : €4u~~,`*.~.S - ZQ ' e r MEN- 1111 1611 Total Heating Required: 21,399 Btuh A 21.399 MBH Total Sensible Gain: 9,328 Btuh 77 % Total Latent Gain: 2,721 Btuh 23 % f Total Cooling Required: 12,049 Btuh 1.00 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Elite\Rhvac 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010, 11:41 AM Rhvac - ResiBential'& Lifit"Commercial HVAC Loatls EiiieSotfvu3re eveiopment, Inc. Burnsville Heating & A/G In : 5 i0 Gaylin Court ' surnsville,:.MN 55337 Pa e 19 S stem 1, Zone 3 SuO)r7Iary Loads (Peak Load Procedure far Rooms TCom Son- Tot a D2scpr ~loil~~,_3Y4~~ Area Sell ~ -E-71 Dean 1: Glazing-Dean, u-value 0.3, SHGC 0.23 10.4 271 0 185 185 R-5 wall: Wall-Basement, , R-5 board with poured wall 1370.3 13,813 0 1,127 1,127 21A-20-v: Floor-Basement, Concrete slab, any thickness, 1226.8 2,882 0 0 0 2 or more feet below grade, no insulation below floor, _yiil covering, shortest side of floor slab is 20' wide _ Subtotals for structure: 16,966 0 1,321 1,321 People: 0 0 0 0 Equipment: 0 0 0 Lighting: 0 0 0 Ductwork: 1,461 0 173 173 Infiltration: Winter CFM: 35, Summer CFM: 18 3,221 412 247 659 System 1, Zone 3 Load Totals: 21,648 412 1,741 2,153 Supply CFM. 82 CFM Per Square ft.: 0.066 Square ft. of Room Area: 1,227 Square ft. Per Ton: 6,840 Volume (W) of Cond. Space: 11,655 - .^v+' :rtz., s=.^y r a_ ,r.-:., ....~,ni~ say` `L y-;, y,~K :"a'z%' ea" ~a.u%ay;..»~':•.:., -f 't"z"..Fn'.'°x ' ~:>=a: ;.c,~v's..~Fi;.. Total Heating Required: 21,648 Btuh 21.648 MBH a, Total Sensible Gain: 1,741 Btuh 81 % Total Latent Gain: 412 Btuh 19 % Total Cooling Required: 2,153 Btuh 0.18 Tons (Based On Sensible + Latent) ! ..~,N,f`s` ~~;'LSN~3,•~, ;.4`^'~x' e~'>'^F~' -+Sw"-~':.M«yu' :w&~:iit?: q`vSf 3. F ea3 :kti `:Yi✓ ;:y' f .r7.i sd^v sbf".. f. r"'°5:M .y<. _ - ..3-= 5•^ tn~ L' e".f?'. ` •a.`{ ~ s 3 i i OteSN A•f a .r {p tp.. aE; a »c . ,.f. ,,:<.~.;K~^ .s<.u~<P,. ~ .e wf~z:,~= s'~s s;~ r,~sua~:.~.€rw ~s~?rs? „v~" G^ ~,'§`~~'~~'3,~'~ sa'Sdx::ss' ~:vs, . _ . ~sfr '•.a . s cis'"` ` a €af"' ,1..,. .;F. t,:, .:ir= Rhvac is an ACCA approved Manual J and Manual D computer program. Calculations are performed per ACCA Manual J 8th Edition, Version 2, and ACCA Manual D. All computed results are estimates as building use and weather may vary. Be sure to select a unit that meets both sensible and latent loads. C:\Elite\Rhvac 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM RhVhC Residential & Lrght Commerc+al HVAC Loads i~fffe S©itu~iare ~ev6160;,eW, Inc. E orris ills Heating & PaC Inc 1 . 570 Catlin CoUrt Eurris~,iH MN 55337 zt~ Fa e:50' [SsIstem I Room Load Sunwnary . O 111 ail s 3 y~ $ C { t(J z o Duct ,Duct ~ Sons LI 41t No blame s : BtU ,CFM ' _ Vein"'w ~~<~~h1~.. CFM" ~.:,~.s..,}x.~ sth_ I'mit P, run ---Zone 1--- 1 Foyer 53 1,665 22 1-3 379 397 56 19 19 2 Study 139 4,436 59 1-5 291 847 195 40 40 3 Stairs 137 1,337 18 1-5 322 938 53 44 44 4 Family Room 288 5,863 78 1-6 538 2,254 244 106 106 5 Dining 96 6,078 81 1-8 451 3,360 201 157 157 6 Kitchen 336 3,740 50 1-6 467 1,958 165 92 92 7 Mud Room 96 4,383 59 1-3 603 632 230 30 30 8 Powder 84 2,771 37 1-3 407 426 144 20 20 Zone 1 subtotal 1,229 30,274 405 10,813 1,288 507 507 ---Zone 2--- 9 Laundry 70 2,608 35 1-5 484 1,408 510 66 66 10 Loft 89 1,060 14 1-3 697 730 269 34 34 11 Stai rs 137 761 10 1-2 257 120 39 6 6 12 Bedroom 2 209 3,472 46 1-4 682 1,271 378 60 60 13 Bath 3 82 528 7 1-2 191 89 26 4 4 14 Master Bedroom 304 4,625 62 1-5 622 1,810 668 85 85 15 Master Bath 108 2,161 29 1-3 448 470 107 22 22 16 Bedroom 3 168 2,987 40 1-5 544 1,582 362 74 74 17 Bedroom 4 187 2,722 36 1-5 602 1,752 342 82 82 18 Main Bath 42 425 6 1-1 639 74 20 3 3 19 W is 202 51 1 1-1 200 23 0 1 1 Zone 2 subtotal 1,598 21,399 286 9,328 2,721 437 437 ---Zone 3--- 20 Basement 1,227 21,648 290 1-5 598 1,741 412 82 82 Zone 3 subtotal 1,227 21,648 290 1,741 412 82 82 Duct Latent 380 System 1 total 4,054 73,322 981 20,996 4,801 984 984 System 1 Main Trunk Size: 11x16 in. Velocity: 805 ft./min Loss per 100 ft.: 0.100 in.wg f . Note: Since the system is multizone, the Peak Fenestration Gain Procedure was used to determine glass sensible gains at the room and zone levels, so the sums of the zone sensible gains and airflows for cooling shown above are not intended to equal the totals at the system level. Room and zone sensible gains and cooling CFM values are for the hour in which the glass sensible gain for the zone is at its peak. Sensible gains at the system level are based on the "Average Load Procedure + Excursion" method. f. "u (as00~111 €S..Stelp Summa 3, hs , - u nsa~ ~ Net Required: 2.15 - 81%/19% 20,996 4,801 N 25,797 Actual: 1.00 77%/23% 9,240 2,760 12,000 C:\Elite\Rhvae 8\Mittelstaedt Bros custom Braxton 2875.rhv Monday, June 28, 2010,11:41 AM g3g77 6 d PL 93#172 qp.,5-D----Use BLUE or BLACK Ink I For Office Use Permit 14- City of EaEdfl / V4 ~ ~ ~ • ~ Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: j Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 j staff: j 2010 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: Site Address: Tenant: a o~ ! Suite M RESIDENT / OWNER Name: Phone: Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: zM &VV Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No ) C~„~~T'G,~ „J ,Pew CONTRACTOR Name: icense M 5f Cs~' Address: City: A e-,, State: Zip: Phone: 71 :7 Z Contact: &5w") Email: bfeit/° W , 0/ ry 1,-4 COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes XNo If yeses, dilate and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: ~/'/!/,1 1;/20 des ~tl C3 Phone: /i1 6/ LI,~ Mechanical Contractor: %LZod l~17Al )41,c Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: !~2raldd;iFlz Kye,4.,. r. Phone: 1/2 NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of.underground utilities. www.oopherstateonecall.ora I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is t to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved eplan in the case of work which requires a review and approval o x an . ov Applicant's Printed Name ~D icants Signature Page 1 of t Z~ ilk NIAR 2 LOT SURVEY CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL ll BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY LEGAL: ~oT 22., Acmes 2 "a AJJ- DATE OF SURVEY: 3 )1 l LATEST REVISION: m as c R U V o z a DOCUMENT STANDARDS ,2 ❑ ❑ . Registered Land Surveyor signature and company .B" ❑ ❑ . Building Permit Applicant .6 ❑ ❑ . Legal description -6 ❑ 0 • Address .z" ❑ 0 • North arrow and scale ❑ ❑ . House type (rambler, walkout, split w/o, split entry, lookout, etc.) _R► ❑ ❑ . Directional drainage arrows with slope/gradient % 4?1 ❑ ❑ . Proposed/existing sewer and water services & invert elevation .Re- ❑ ❑ • Street name ,B' ❑ ❑ . Driveway (grade & width - in R/W and back of curb, 22' max.) ❑ 'Ve' . Lot Square Footage ❑ • Lot Coverage ELEVATIONS Existing 0 0 • Property corners ❑ ❑ . Top of curb at the driveway and property line extensions ❑ ❑ • Elevations of any existing adjacent homes 0 0 • Adequate footing depth of structures due to adjacent utility trenches ❑ ❑ Waterways (pond, stream, etc.) Proposed 0 0 • Garage floor 'z 0 0 • Basement floor ,g ❑ ❑ • Lowest exposed elevation (walkout/window) ,1~' ❑ ❑ • Property comers 0 ❑ • Front and rear of home at the foundation PONDING AREA (if applicable) ❑ ~f 0 • Easement line ❑ ❑ . NWL ❑ 0 • HWL ❑ ❑ • Pond # designation ❑ 0 0 • Emergency Overflow Elevation ❑ p 0 • Pond/Wetland buffer delineation Y Shoreland Zoning Overlay District Y Conservation Easements DIMENSIONS 0 ❑ • Lot lines/Bearings & dimensions ❑ • Right-of-way and street width (to back of curb) Proposed home dimensions including any proposed decks overhangs greater than 2' porches, tc. requiring permanent footings (i.e. all structures ) ❑ ❑ Show all easements of record and any City utilities within those easements ~ ❑ 0 Setbacks proposed nd sideYyard setback of adjacent existing structures of structure a ❑ D • Retaining wall requirements: s"/[7 Reviewed By: Date GIFORMS/Building Permit Application Rev. 11-26-04 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Fireplace _ Porch (3-Season) _ Storm Damage Single Family _ Garage _ Porch (4-Season) _ Exterior Alteration (Single Family) Multi _ Deck _ Porch (Screen/Gazebo/Pergola) _ Exterior Alteration (Multi) _ 01 of Plex _ Lower Level _ Pool _ Miscellaneous Accessory Building WORK TYPES jll, New _ Interior Improvement _ Siding _ Demolish Building* Addition _ Move Building _ Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration _ Fire Repair _ Windows _ Demolish Foundation Replace _ Repair _ Egress Window _ Water Damage Retaining Wall *Demolition of entire building - give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION Valuation `3, d moo Occupancy -rr i2G- L MCES System Plan Review Code Edition doo? SAC Units (25%_ 100%-Z) Zoning City Water Census Code O~ Stories Booster Pump # of Units J Square Feet PRV # of Buildings- Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction ~J: ~ Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings (New Building) Sheetrock Footings (Deck) Final / C.O. Required Footings (Addition) Final / No C.O. Required it Foundation HVAC Drain Tile Other: Roof: Ice & Water Final Pool: -Footings -Air/Gas Tests -Final Framing Siding: -Stucco Lath -Stone Lath -Brick Fireplace: ,Rough in Air Test Final Windows Insulation Retaining Wall: _ Footings _ Backfill - Final Meter Size: Radon Control Erosion Control Reviewed By: , Building Inspector RESIDENTIAL FEES %e Base Fee ~G l ~r e4 A, Surcharge l,4 6 ?-ft Plan Review ? MCES SAC City SAC ` aq~V11~ l ' Q T3 Utility Connection Charge pu~ 6?A M2 S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Copies TOTAL Page 2 of 2 Establishedin 1962 INVOICE NO. 78476 ~ F.B.NCJ. 1.047-07-. _ LOT SURVEYS CompANY INC. LAND SURVEYORS SCALE: 1+' = 20 REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 0 Denotes Found Iron Monument M oW,M 554n FuNo.(763)560-3522 O Denotes Iran Monument u r t 4 jars E i t irk eexDeno ca ation o only d Hub Set for x0000 Denotes Existing Elevation 000 0 Denotes Proposed Elevation Basis of s is assumed. MIT.STEADT BROTHERS CONSTRUC HON -•+t~ - Denotes Surface Drainage NOl E_ Proposed grades are subject to results of soli tests. Property located in Section_ Proposed building information must be checked with 36, Township 27, Range 23, approved building plan and development or grading P plan before excavation and construction. Dakota County, Minnesota. Proposed grades shown on this survey are interpolations of proposed contours from the Property Address. 570 Caylin Court drainage, grading and/or development plans. NOTE: The relationship between proposed floor Benchmark: Top Nut of Hydrant between Lots 10 & 11, Blk 1. elevations to be verified by builder. Elevation = 963.41 NGVD 966.5 poposad Top of Block Area of Lot = 12,070 square feet 966.0 proposed Garage Floor now of y t - - - - _ _ - _ - _ 958.5 proposed Lowem-Floor. r Type of Building FULWA5EMENT Z H concrete curt, z z Z 9a Maximum 8" T o CALL IN COURT © or Retainft Wall WN1 e• eared Q tccQ° h ba9rn tcc Q t _ 6/ O concrete curb 962.64 963.62 or 1(NSTAA rn~py a .1 N 89 0129" E 85.00 964.3 B G. rr~: rr' .::r 1 ser i .963`•8 ~ I p 3 t3°. j U) I 1 I walk top spike y 966.01 963.8 l top spike i........, 965:16 965.8 963.52 I I 12.00: 7777777 - 17.00 23'0" 10" 1 963.7 9 964.e1 canter r- 9(NJ 1964. 1 t '6" 1 0'0" 40 o \ 965.0 I m rq N r Q Proposed I g 2-,Story Frame ~ I m Residence 100 X4.0 N0.574 1 963.8 12'0" -964. l i t i 18'0, m r { i top foundation 10.0 ( I =963.8 C) 966.9 17.00 lit 16 0 12.00 I t Z...... 964.6 'J66.6 964.8 9 9 I 964.0 63 9 lookout 7 966. INSTALL E~ ~.,ONTROL 5 FI RIMET 1 . I I rHAPOCOVFR CALCUTARO /5 65.2_6 58_5° 13'26 W _ 965. t x M ReSrdence - 20 / 7 sq. ft 963.3 ' a • ce) ' 964.9 0 b) catch basin Q Total = 3004 s+ft o rim=960.76 to Area of Parcel - 12070 sq. ft %x1.8 x965. x966.9 969.7 Percentage of ha/dCover 104 o W Drainage ~ m pr -7Wr 964.2 Utility casement REVI 'NED t I Id Ulm__ l t 1 966.6 964.7 Dom: q 31 965.1 S 89°4029" 1N 85.00 BUILDING INSPECTIONS DIVISION Lot 22, Block 1, LONG ACRES 2ND ADDITON, IEWED RECEIVED Dakota County, Minnesota. 10 The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. BY MAR azI We hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the Du boundaries of the above described land and the location of all buildings and visible EA G N N encroachments, it any, from or on said land. LAIGAN LNG G1V V V r• Signed ENGINEE IN DEPARTMENT FA la Surveyed by us this 11th day of March 2010. _Rev - 3-26-10 city comment!5 ore" By File Name G R. 06 sch, Minn. Reg. No. 24992 La2-22-1 f b 104707inv7647B.dwg ~ IeI^ti rC v i ~ lc, 2007 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION C l ~F City Of Eagan ~j~ (~tp6- 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 t~~ Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New construction Requirements RemodeVReoair Requirements Office Use Only V3 registered site surveys showing sq It of lot, sq. ft of house, and all roofed areas 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists Gen of Survey Recd Y _ N 120% maximum lot coverage allowed) l set of Energy Calculations for healed additions Soils Report _Y _N 1 Soils Report if proposed building is to be placed on disturbed soil 1 site survey for additions & decks Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y.aN V2 copies of plan showing beam &window sizes; poured found design,1 Addition - indicate i(on-sife seph''system Tree Pres Required _Y " v1 set of Energy Calculations / On-sde Septic System Y _ N f copies of Tree Preservation Plan it lot platted after 711193 im Joist Detail Options selection sheet (buildings with 3 or less units) I ' ` l lll///~ I~ JJIIi V C'"I 1C'4 Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form InG~✓t 'Zi~X~iG~ / Plans are considered public information unless ou tate the are tr a secret Did the reason_ C29 P ~y f x Date ~ / 13 / C+! ~ Construction Cost oao Si a Address S \ 1 C- / UnitySte # ne Qf as ~k r Description of Work (ti G r -,b 1 Multi-Family Bldg _ V N \ Fireplace(s) _/0 _ I ,,2 Property Owner VJ W1423, \ L L--C- Telephone #,6(7 Contractor A) \L Address S: j Pen O / City C -cl! State /Lf /ly , ip Telephone # (612). 53 2- COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF 6ONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING esota es n ~n Minnesota Rules 7670 Category 1 e!I 1"/ Energy Code Category Ne _ _ Minnesota Ene Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet (q submission type) Submitted \ Submitte I Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted JUN 1 $ 2007 In th st 12 months, has the City of Eag~ issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Y - N If yes, date and address of master plan: 73 5pk-V Licensed Plumber ofo~ / ec ~x Telephone #02-) -7-50 0279 Mechanical Contractor Te phone 46g7l) ~ Sewer/Water Contractor r-y ~Q Tele hone +q51 F O I I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case f work which ,quires review and approval f plans. N( Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Types ❑ 01 Foundation ❑ 07 05-plex ❑ 13 16-plex ❑ 20 Pool ❑ 30 Accessory Bldg 02 SF Dwelling ❑ 08 06-plex ❑ 16 Fireplace ❑ 21 Porch (3-sea.) ❑ 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ❑ 03 01of_plex ❑ 09 07-plex ❑ 17 Garage ❑ 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ❑ 33 Ext. Alt - SF ❑ 04 02-plex ❑ 10 08-plex ❑ 18 Deck ❑ 23 Porch (screen/gazebo/pergola) ❑ 36 Multi Misc. ❑ 05 03-plex ❑ 11 10-plex ❑ 19 Lower Level ❑ 24 Storm Damage ❑ 06 04-plex ❑ 12 12-plex ❑ 25 Miscellaneous Work Types 31 New ❑ 35 Int Improvement ❑ 38 Demolish Interior ❑ 44 Siding 32 Addition ❑ 36 Move Building ❑ 42 Demolish Foundation ❑ 45 Fire Repair ❑ 33 Alteration ❑ 37 Demolish Building' ❑ 43 Reroof ❑ 46 Windows/Doors ❑ 34 Replacement -Demolition (Entire Bldg) - Give PCA handout to applicant Description: WaterDamage_YYe~s Valuation Occupancy 'r-))L MCES System Plan Review 100% or _ 25% Census Code 0 Zoning City Water SAC Units 01 1 Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs 1 Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const_ Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS (D I , _ Footings (new bldg) - Sheetrock _ Footings (deck) _ Final/C.O.2 1 ~0 _ Footings (addition) _ Final/No C.O. _ Foundation _ HVAC Drain Tile Other Roof _ Ice & Water _ Final _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Air/Gas Tests -Final _ Framing _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath -Brick I b _ Fireplace _ R.I. _Air Test Final _ Windows q Insulation - Retaining Wall Approved By: , Building Inspector - -----~9 - Base Fee Surcharge / Plan Review gy ` I Q') MC/ES SAC 1'I pj ) I City SAC -7/1t~~- Utility Connection Charge ]J S&W Permit & Surcharge Q L / Treatment Plant 4~f?N~S `7 Y-~Y 1 / I~/tp~~i S G License Search t j J ~y / Copies >1~. Y33(&V-- 2-7,)131 y// Other Total .9 , ,/1 l ~o X V'~ ~N `3 g 4, lU A City of Eap Mike Maguire MAYOR Paul Bakken February 5, 2008 Peggy Carlson Cyndee Fields MW Homes, LLC Meg Tilley 15867 Kendale Ave COUNCIL MEMBERS Lakeville, MN 55044 Thomas Hedges To Whom It May Concern: CITY ADMINISTRATOR A plan for a new home was submitted on June 13, 2007. Following the plan review by building inspector, Terry Zelinka, we were notified that the job was being cancelled. It is standard procedure in these cases to require that 50% of the cost of the plan review be charged to the builder. Plan review for this home would have been $1661.89. One half of that amount is $830.94. The plans and MUNICIPAL CENTER surveys will be returned to the builder if so desired when the bill is paid. 3830 Pilot Knob Road Thank you for your consideration of the matter. Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651 675 5000 phone Sincerely, 651.675.5012 fax Eagan Building Inspections 651 454 8535 TDD MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD www.cityofeagan.com IE V22 \V1 [E THE LONE OAK TREE MAR 1 3 2008 D The symbol of strength and growth in our community. Sep-30. 2010 2:47PM NORTHWEST AIRLINES No.5174 P. 1 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink Clt of E a Ran r I Permit#: I Y - V I Permit Fee:iNi 1 31330 Pilot Knob Road \v I I Eagan MN 55122 I Dale Received: Phone: (651) 676.6676 Staff: Fax: (661) 676-5694 ! 2010 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: VSV A2- 0 ld Site Address: 9-12 GAYLIN Cr. VA6tAN , MN 2123 Tenant: Suite 0: RESIDENT ! OWNER Name, DjFNws El,4t. A SMRSPhone: (661-ZOG - 6GDl Address / City I zip: 570 CAYI_1l4 G' . L-AGA,0,4 MW M-al 3 CONTRACTOR Name: ~iOM6 OVMI License ►Jr Address: City: Slate: Zip: Phone: Contact: Email: TYPE OF WORK ✓`New ^ Replacement _ Repair -Rebuild Modify Space -Work In R.O.W. Description of work: PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL -Water Softener Water Heater Vr Lawn Irrigation L RPZ/ f PVB) -Add Plumbing Fixtures Main Lower Level) Septic System Water Turnaround _ New Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $65.00 Minimum Water Heater, Water softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $5.00 Stale Surcharge) $36.00 Lawn Irrigation (includes $5.00 Slate Surcharge) $66.00 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround= (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) 'Water Turnaround (add $166.00 if a 518" meter is required) $106.00 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $5.00 Slate Surcharge) $95.00 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) TOTAL FEES $ CAL_L_ BEFORE YQU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (661) 464.0002 for protecilon against underground utility damage. Cell 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.goopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknovdedge that [his Informallon Is complete and accurate; that [he work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan: (hat 1 understand this is not a permit, but only an app)icalion for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be In accordance whit the approved plan In the case of work which requires a review and approval or x ( 5 . ~D'CIVTV S x Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Slg Date: FOR 017PIGE USE : Reviewed By,,. p (around ~R0*,.{n . f►:1 R~qulrad !ns 'actlQns untir ^FlI ~Alr Tast Ohs Test PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA120475 Date Issued:02/13/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 570 Caylin Ct Lot:22 Block: 1 Addition: Long Acres 2nd PID:10-45801-01-220 Use: Description: Sub Type:Fireplace Work Type:Gas Fireplace (new) Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home may require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. Chimney / flue must be inspected prior to concealing. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Valuation: 3,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $3K $88.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Dennis Ballesteros 570 Caylin Ct Eagan MN 55123 (651) 208-6601 Hearth and Home Technologies 2700 N. Fairview Ave Roseville MN 55113 (651) 638-3309 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA140003 Date Issued:11/17/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 570 Caylin Ct Lot:22 Block: 1 Addition: Long Acres 2nd PID:10-45801-01-220 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Dennis Ballesteros 570 Caylin Ct Eagan MN 55123 (651) 208-6601 Cedar Valley Exteriors Inc 13501 Balsam Lane #120 Dayton MN 55327 (763) 755-2221 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature