3670 Cardinal Way CITY OF EAGAN WATER SERVICE PERMIT 3830 Pi1et Knob Roal P. 0. Bax 27199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: ? Zoning:. No. of Units: ! Uwner• J_i-?`rvea't Cr7y', ? AMmu: ; 5Poe Addross: W`V {:ard ir.ia:t. I Plumber: ? Meter No.: Connection Charge: j Sixe: Acoount Deposit: ? Reader No.: i Permit Fee: re I I pnr te osmpy wMb 1iw Ciep of Eaqaa Surc,ho?ge: Ordinaners. • Misc. Charges: -'_i Total: By Date Pard: f Date of Insp.: Insp.: CITY OF EAGAN SEWER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot Knob Road P. O. Box 21199 PERMIT NO.: Eagan, MN 55129 DATE: '•.- `-' -• r Zaninq: No. of Units: ? Owner, Address: SFte Address- Plumber: 1 pr" h osw-plp wkh 1w Ciyr of teqen Ordiwwaaa. Connection CFarpe: - 4 ??-2 5 - L`,r'd Attount DepOSit: lli , 2- '.??* r3 Perrnit Fae: '' Surthorpe: By Dote of Insp.: Mise. CJwrpes: Totat: Qote Poid: _ CITY OF EAGAN 0 ?a? td ? 3830 Pilot Kna6 Road, P.O. Bax 27-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE:454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # • Ts 6f wed for z>;?' Est_ Vnlue 6 4 0 f-? i) Dnte Site Address .i r• ?.? r?;_'.?;.ba :,3. i, ?`k Erect ? lax Block Sec/Sub. FL - ?? Remodel ? Parcel Na. Repair ? Addition ? W Name Move li D h ? ? ; Address emo s Int Impr. ? ? City Phone .? 3 ry " ?j ' } Install ? 4ocupancy i Zoning K 3 Type of Const. ?,,, Na. Stories ir Length Depth Sq. Ft, l? a 0 Name .' '?-!`?.:' ?+rr??•.•: raes ? 0? u Address Assessment - Permit s F City Phone Water & Sew. Surcharge _ , _. Police Plan Review WW Name Fira 5AC ~ x- u Address E??.? 1:;°.?' Eng, WaterConn. C Z o ?w City A a? ? ?F: w? .?; Phone Picnner Water Meter Councii ROad Unit _ I hereby acknuwledge thnt I have reod this qpplicotian and state that Bldg. Off. Tr. PI. .132 . GO the in(ormativn is carrect ond agree to comply witM all applicable APC Stqte of Minnesata Stotutes and City af Eogon Ordirtances. Park8 ? Var. Date Slqnoture of Permittee . h Building Permit is issued to: - {. oll work sholl 6e done in atcordante wlth oll oppticable,STafe oF Minnesota ? 9vFldrrsQ Of#icial - - ? ?' - Copies Total ' '? ? "' on the express Condition that f a# Enpan Qrdinnnces. I Irqpection Date I insp. 11 Other I Footings 1 Footings 11 Final Htg. Final Well DiBp. Receipt ` MECHANICAL PERMIT Psrmit No. CITY OF EAGAN , Pee Fill in number+ed spaces S/C TyPe w Prinr /egibly Tot 1. Date '?:2'2.InstailationCost 3. Job Address :i6 7 0 r0.?_?. :.; lot ? r< Bik. Tract 4. OWnBr 5. Contractor!"Wk?c17-el. ?`e^han-l_`z ? Phone 452-i5r-1 6. Address 350'v Ker.r.?be;!c 1)r. fvt? 7. City State :.V Zip 8. Building Type: Residential '{7 Gommercial O Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New EJ'c' Add 0 Alter ? Repair ? 10. Destxibe Fuel Type ? 11• No. Equioment STU • M. Ea. Forced Air ? r=-= No. Equipment CFM A H i Mfg. ? ? • _ ir andl ng: Boilers Mfg, Mech. Exhaust Unit Heater Mfg. : Other Air Cond. Mfg. Ges, Pi ping Outlets 12. ( hereby certify that the above information is true and correci, and I agree to : comply with all ordinantes and codes governing this type of work. ? ? Signed' for i Rouyh Flnal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. ' This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Receipt ' _ - ' PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Fr!l in numbered spaces Type or Print legibly Permit No. Fee S/C '.L Tot. 1. Date 2. Installat+on Cost 3. JobAddress..;! t61 Blk. Tract ' 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional ? 9, Work Oescription: New lD Add Cl Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No. ? Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank -1 Lavatory Softner ? Shower Well ? Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet Other , / Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby,¢er tify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply wi h all ordinances and Godes governing this type of work. Signed ?? fi • • , ;? ? f * . for j7l ia' I Rough Final '/ I D I O nspect ns: nsp. ate nsp. ate This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 ; ? ?z CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Lexington Place South Lot 19 Bik 5 Par i 10 45060 190 05 Owner Street 3670 Cardinal Way 5tate agan, Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. ?J "3 l 3-7 (<< ? 3 , ?0 ,6-6 z -371 Q A6 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1985 247.64 16.51 15 / (a 'a - SEWER LATERAL 101 1986 1631.00 326 .20 5 /,3D 'Va .o f/ 7 /x-- b- - Services 10117 1986 729.39 145.$7 5 583, aZ 00 lI / 12- -SU-FS' WATERMAIN 1985 65 . 81 13.15 5 ? ti5 & -:?7 - S WATER LATERAL 1011- 1986 8 7 3. 43 174.68 5 t0 919 •"75 2--30 c6-i WATER AREA 101Ll- 1986 243 . 73 ` 48 . 74 5 ?- Q -c36 -,F5- WAT LAT BEN 101 1986 111.98 22.39 5 ?•? ?0 /? 1 7 42 - -?Fs? STORMSEWTRK 1011? 1986 426.54 $5.30 5 •a`Z /Z 3d 5? 570RMSEWLAT 101S 1986 803.34 160.66 5 41a. LXO2 7 f -30 - 5? CURB & GUTTER ' SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN, n „ BUILDING PER. SAC PAR K cirv oF EncaN WATER SERVICE PERMR 3830 Pilot ICnob Road . ' , .. ,? P. O. Box 21198 ? , PERMIT NO.: `. , Eagan, MN 55121 DATE: Zoning Owner: ?:?. - Mdrass: diacrin g SifQ Addfes* ..: " . Plumber. Metet No • ? ? ? •' ? t ? ? C?n? ?? ;;},, . ? ??1 r $iit: ?f D Gft Actount DepOS(t: ? -, • . t -a Reader No.: 0 ;F / Permit Fee: .?.?J , •„?_??? I ?+ae eo oom w? fM ey o1p Cifp oi Eoqan Surcharge: •?': Ordinpwem Mlse. ChorQes: Totol: ' ?9 . ?:)?' )•_?.'. i'? .- '_ ? ; BY Date Paid: Date of Insp.: ' Insp,: 1 Z °` r9 J Y BtlILDING PERMIT T. e. a..a f. SF CITY OF EAGAN N° 10968 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21•199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 4548100 Recelpt # WG/GAR v„i,,. $64,000 .,e SEPTEMBER 13,0 85 SiteAddress 3670 CARDINAL WAY Lot 19 elock 5 SeclSue. LEX PL 50 Parcel No. Neme FRONTIER MIDWEST CORP ; Address 3908 SIB MEM HWY b Cny EAGAN phane 454-0433 o Name SAME ?u ? Address City Phone ?Z Name RICHARD CHARLIER ?a Address 14103 GARDENVIEW CT ?W City A.V. p?ne 432-5492 I hereby ackrwwledge thut I have re0d this applicotion ond sfole thof fhe informution is CorreCf and agree to tomply with oll opplicable Sfate of Minmsota Statutes gnd City of fEogan Ordinol)ces. Sipnafure of Permittee '? A 8uiiding Permir is issued m: FRONT ? R MIDWES7 all work sholl be done in acmrdonce with all onvVi ei9tote of Erect IM Occupancy R3 Remodel ? Zoning RL Repair ? Type of Conn. V Addition ? No. Stories Mrne ? Length 40 Demolish ? Depth 47 Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. lnstau ? Apprweb Feas Assessmenr Permn S 325.00 Woter & Sew. Surcharge 32 . 00 Poiice Plan Revlew 162. S 0 Fire snc 525.00 Enp. water conn 500. 0 0 Flonner waterMeter 63.00 Council RoadUnit 280.00 Bldg. Off. 9/12/85 Tr. PI- 132, ?0 APC Parks Var. Date COpies Tmsl $2.019.50 ? on the axpress conditlon lhot a Statute u f Eoyan Ordinonces. Bufldinp pfficial coxsZ/ya-- /?aC? (0 J 5374 L? Request Oale Fre o ? Rough-in InspecUOn Requiretl> Reatly Now ? Will NWry Inspeda C Yes o When ReaM4 I licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: 0 FtlEress (Street. Box or flaute No., Cily ? 36 )v ?.- Sechon No Townslnp Name w No. Range No Cau Occupanl(PRMT) plpna No- ti Power SupOlier . F A. Pddress MAJGZJ6A/ Elecmcall?Conhxtor ?Campany Name?E R N Contraclar5 L?cense No. 1?- Matlm AOdress ?ConVactor or Owner Makmg InsWlla?mn) ? D Lo ? ?D N? ?. V. Aulhorrze0 Sgna Convactor/Owner Making Installation) Plp N?Oel? ? MINNESOTA STATE BOAHU OF ELECTNICIiV THIS INSPECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Grlqgs-MMway Bltlg. - flaom &173 BE ACGEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 UniverWty Ave., SL Paul. NN 55106 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone(61Y)64R-O800 ENLLOSEO G/?/?/ 02 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION °? N .? i ? See mslmcJmns for Alkhpletmg tNS Mrm on peck ol yellow copy J253 7q. "X" Below Work Covered by This Request ?'?.•.,._ ew Ad Rep. Typeof6uildmg AppliancesWired EquipmeMWUetl Home (iange Temporary Service • Quplex Water Heater Electnc Heating Apt. Building Dryer Other (Specify) Comm./InduS[nal Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Olner(syecily) Comrai Remarksn ? Compufe Inspection Fee Belaw: ?? / ? • J ? ? • # . Olher Fee # ServiceEMranceSize Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool 0[0 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transtormers AbOVe 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs Inspecmr§ U. only: TOTAL ,? Irrigauon 8oom5 0.00 Special Inspec6on Aiarm/Communication THIS INSTAI.LATION MAY BE ORDEH D DISCONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WRHIN 18 MONTHS. 1, the Electncal Inspecfor, hereby certify that the above inspection has been made. Rou9n-m F,nei Date c OFFICE USE ONLY This request vortl 18 months Irom EB-OOppi-08 l0?.:2 & 6 18 mon(hs (rom 1d 5(0 ? g-) 10?? g5 ? 059934 L19 3 Ren te c? Fire No. RBqAhea11nspedion DqeaAV Nuw QWill Novty Insper ?Yes ?NO Inr When fleady ?,censed Electncal Contractor 1 hereby request mspacLOn of aDove ? Owner elactncal work mstalled ar. Streetlpddress, Box or Route No. 1 Q G ?? C a,? City E7 J C -,?.? . c a-? C. ?-?r ectmn o. Townshrp Name or No. flanee No. { Covnty i OccuD (MINT) Phune No 5 ? w Power $yppher ' Adtlress Electncal Convactor ICompa p?ryn,{]T Cni - ctor' LicenYe N?. ? ? CK EL ? ? ?•? 4 ? Mai ress IC t i nstai t I 145? ? 551?? I Authori e r Owner Making Installat.on) Phone Number t MINNESOTp STqTE BOAXD OF ELECTRICIFY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILI NOT Grtggs-Midwey Bldq, - Room N•191 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE 80ARO UNLESS PROPEN INSPECTION FEE IS i827 Universify Ave., St Peul. MN 55100 Phone 8121 297.2111 ENCIOSED; REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ee•ooooi-on Sae insVUCtions for completirg this form on back of Yellow cooV. / I\I p n? q q? Q '"X" Below Work Covered by Thrs Request P'lev4Ki1tlj X@p.'r Type oi BuifAmg I APDliances Wired EqmpmBnl WitBd I CB on M Fee ServmaEntranca5ize k Fae Feedera/5abteeders # Fee Circurte 0 to200Am s Oto30Am s 0 tn30 Am s Above 200 qmps 31 to 100 qmps 31 to 100 Amps Swimming Pool Above 100-Amps Above 100_/>mps Transformers rrigaUOn Booms Partial/Other Fee L? I Signs II ISpeciai Inspection TOTAI. EE Nemarks Ia ?jC?) floueh-m Oa[e E ' ? Inspectoq hereby certity that the nbove Final DAte` inspection hes been ?O"T'?' mede. 1? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ee-oooo1 -on ' See instrucfions tor comoletin9 this form on back of yellow copy. ( ? O? J 9? 5 '"X?" 8elow Work Covered by This Request d Nep TVPe at Bmltling Aoohances WireO Eqwument Wvetl Home Range • ' Te porary Service Duplex Water Heater i,htui,y Fxtures Apt. 8uildmg Dryer Electric Heatm Cortxnercial Bldg. umace Silo Unloader Industnal Bldg. Air Condrtioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm Offier SDeu y iher ISncutyl i - Vec? y ?her Olhee Comnute lnsoectron fee Below // /itirr N Fee ServiceEntrencaS.xa k Fee Faeders/Subfaeders # Fee Circvrte 0 to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qm s 0 to 30 Am Above 200 qm??s 31 to 100 Ainps 31 to 100 Am s Swimmin Pool Above 100_Am s Above 100_AmVs Transiormers Irngation Boorc,s PartiaL'Other Fee Signs Special hispection $ TOiA Remerks r L ? G? Q , Nouph-in Final ? `-? vP the E14c11c Inspecto?, heraby carti}y thet the nbova inspecdon hes been metle. Thia reQUeat vo10/8 montlis irom This request voitl 78 ?nNs trom 1 ( Y C J -.058925 19 t5 5.Lklt< t9z- so Hen es Dace Frte No. Noueh-in Inspecuon ? Y ???? ReQUir?d? ?N fleady Nnw [?}1M11I Noirty Inspec- ?,{ ? p?6es tor Wh¢n Heady ? L'censed Electncal ConVactor 1 hereby requast msoection of above ? Owner electrical wark installetl et' S[reet Address, Box or Route No. ? n lfbl" CRy ?/? ecimn o. awnship Name or No. Ranee No. Couni Oc upan? (PRINT) < E , ` ?Vr S Puhnnf LNo, Power pl Per Adtlress L Electncal Contractor ICOmpan Nam 'K E?LE?"TRIC ' ontracmr*s License No. t? ;, KENDRIG a 7 Mailinq Atldr ?l?oebpt?mf lY7`tV r e s nl Authorize C r Hr r g s a atiqn) Phone Number MINNESOTq STATE BOARD OF ELECTqICITY THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway Bldg. - Hoom N•797 BE ACCE"ED BV TME STqTE BOAflD 7821 Univarsity Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PflOPEX INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (672) 297-2177 ENCLOSED. ? ----- Y ? • Cy. . , 2/a4 CITY Or EAGAN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT SEWER AND/OR WATER CQNNECTION , (PLEASE PRINT) i? PP.OPIIYI^!ACDReSS: x-? TFf'-1L DZSCRS°TICN_ 7hl1 p14 Pp S (io lock/St,.:aivi cn or Tax Parcel I.D. Nt=er) , uE:;IS'_=:G 5Lm5:=vz:. DAT' O° CcZT.G^_ rI%L u;I'...^•L`:G :.==, Pn`_'S?"r ?(::Ii,F:/?ROPC)S?TJ C'S: X R-1 SZGLS :?NSLY . a R-2 (7,:D L?,Nz^s) ? tZ'3 'SCr.'l(.'t]r`tTCF ('rFo^, + L^IITS) ( W. 1_5) ? P.-4 U.+Z.S) ? CCS'?7E?CT_?I,/RE"'AII?OFF'IC:: Q TumCS='.L II L`.STI7LTICNAI,/CxCV='`'T Z) APpLI=-y,,T (PLEASc PRiNfJ bu'1•!E: Frontier Midwest Homes Corporation ACDRESS: 3908 Siblev Memorial Nwy. Bldg. E CTTY, STATy, ZIP: Eaqan, MN. 55122v, - PHON,E:` - .454=0433 3) p?,?mE111 (PLEASE PRINi) FOR CITY flSE ONLY ??'`?? _ Star Plumbing ADDRESS: 1018 Mound Springs Ter. PLUNHERS EYSE: acci CITY, STATE, ZIP: Bloamington, MN. 55420 Ye 0 Expir PHO?IE: ++1 ??n 884-4149 PLU88ER LFLENSE N 3329 Q o?t f Pecard ' r tntct? Q) 0C[ti'pAj]'I'/Cf.][.]ER NAME- Ve tYLGASG YN11iTJ anDREss: u/l A no l2 nr CITl, STATE, ZIP: C? GG n }?j /?. S 12Z? PHO:E: " ??s?- /o a98' 5) IIZIGtTE :VHICH PERi•tIT IS SEINC; Rf:LLTESM: ? CanVeCrio:v To CITI SEF1ER ,PTease mail gold copy to ? CbNN=ZGV 7O CITY t9ATE12 Wenzel Mechanical 3600 Kennebec Dr. ? 071ER (PL.LASE DFSCRIBg) Eaaaa, MN. 55122 `- ' 6) U:DZG=1? C.:i: . . El PLr'%SE I?OIa APPP0VFa pg2,+1IT FOR PI?Ci:-L"r BY ONE OF }1EGVE .?-°T?'SE +'AI APP? PEF_•LIT TJ 1, (2/ 3, 4 ABOVE ' - (Ci:?le one) 7) siaa?,-xr: ? DaTE: ^ 9 /a - eS" :. . ?._,.- . 00 glOxili.l?iael?:aaaY??l?al+? ' , ''r • ??r?a ?? aa s?s:a a a: r? ?tnraryla ? a? `s tatscaaar F O R C I T Y U S E O N' Y PERMIT = ISSUED S ??' •SD $ $ $ $ / ?G D $ $ S? S" o U S $ S $ $ S $ o7e,7G?rc? S°:vc.°. T'ERMrT (INC_L..'iE .]UP.CHlRGL) waTEa PERMTT (zL:cLUni SURcxaacL) We:TER METER/COPPERHORN/OUTSIO: REi,DER WATER TAP (INCLUDE CORPORATION STOP) SE:dER TAP ACCOUNT OFP(ISIT - F7ATr:2 wac SP.C TRGVK tPATER ASSc.SS:?E:IT TRli:7K SEj•7ER aSSESS.?E;IT Li+TEP..3L BENEFIT/T:?UP]K SET•:ER LATERAL BENEFIT/TRII.`1K SVAT°R WATER TREATMENT PLANT SURCHARGE OTHER: TOTAL AMO[J:vT PAZDjqEC°I?T DOES UT:LITY CONNECTION REQUIRE EXC.1VATION ZN PUSLIC RIGiiT OF WAY? L YES IF YES, THEN A"PERMIT FOR W0RK WITHIN PUBLIC ROADWAY" MUST BE ISSUED BY THE 7_7 NO ENGINEERING DIVISION. LIST AS A CONDI- _ TIOI3. - SUEJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: APPROVED BY; (76 ? . 1985 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS NUST BE LICENSED MITH iHE CITY OF EAGAN INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS To Be Used For:?lfl Valuation: Date: 9- /0 p pS Site Address: 3(? ? (D '•????? OFFICE USE ONLY Lot; ? Block S Sect/Sub ? Parcel li owner V onm, AVu.N?!tW Address #A4j ry)pLwja? '00p QptQ ? City/Zip Code ?b . Phone Contractor FRONTIER COMPANIES 3 ey emoria Highwa-y-78RWE Address gowl, MIM 55M City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr, iC"U&rJ! Address 14103 ?C1?.•t,Ql(?iytU.P?.l> (4• Erect ? Remodel ? Repair _ Addition Move Demolish ? Int.Impr. _ Install i APPROVALS Occupancy Zoning Type of Const # of Stories Length Depth Sq Ft FEES Assessments Permit Water/SeNer ? Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner Water Meter Council .Read Unit Bldg Off ii J Treatment P1 APC Parks Variance Copies 70TAL City/Zip Code Q?,d?QI)OD1?L,?/1 5/a4 ,/ T" Phone /I Y3a- 5a9a- R-3 ?-1 ? 40 4.7_ 3Z5• ' _ ? S ZS Soo. ?3. .2- D. 1 2. ?%•s o rage 1 oi 4 ' ERTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "U" COMPIITATION WfO• ?OWNER; SITE ADDRESS: ' PtIONE: CONTRACTOR: Determine working square foota9e of each 1. Total exposed wall area..... ('%A.45 sq. ft, x.11 = Z.f (o, p? 2. Total roof/ceiling area..... 101(a -sq. ft. x.026 , Total exposed wall area above floor=_ 11::-1cre-141F a. b. c. d. e. f. 9• h. i. J• Total wall window area ........................................... Totat door area ....•.................................. ........... Total sliding giass door area .................................... Total f9replace wall area........................................ 7otal wall framing area (average 10%) ......................... Total rim joist area .......... .... ,, net wall area above floor...Z`?4?,C,.e,l..<?7 wall area above floor ..................................... wall area a6ove floor ..................................... frame wall area Qt foundation ................................... IZ5 4 Z (? 5 19. 0 Total exposed foundation area= (p -5 k 1 Total foundation window area ....................... Total net foundation area above grade .............. Determine "u" value of each wall segment (e.g. window, door, each separate wall section) • a. ? ZS x • b. G{ 7_ x C. X . d. q8 X „U,. _?? _ -?O [lull -t- I 5. ? -a „u„-_zz?-°_ Sj , 9 (a °ull , 3 (o = ) -? , Z? e. ( ?'(&,4S X l.ull 108 = S .7 • f. I-2 .;o z"ul. .0s cj 3lb I(0?v x„u„ . 03 = L1- . 4 n. 1. ?. k, x l,u„ X u x u X u 1,_ Cp S X"U" , (rJ = L75 _ 3 . .................................Total .? Tf item #3 is the'seme-41 as, ar less than:item'.4 N1, you have met,.tfie:," intent of SBC 600 ? G i t:ti. ,i 'ior Envelopo Avcr.age "U" ComPutnt:ion Page 2 of 9 t: ? • . . , ?. ' Totul cxpoucd rooP/cciling area = ? o? b m. 1bta1 skylight area ............................ n. Total roof/ceilinq framing area taverage 102)... O? o. Total net insulated roof/ceiling iirea........... . Determine "U" Oalue for each roof/ceiling seqment M. -- X "U" - _ n. 1 O_(. (p x ??u" QZ •-- -`` ? ?- o. X -U- ?7 = 8i z 9 ........................... Total If total of ;R9 is the same as, or less t:han 42, you have met the intent of SriC 60U6 (c) 1. Alternate Building Envelope Design 7b utilize the total envelope 'system method, the values established by tlie s:un of items 03 and q9 shall not be greater t•han the sum of items S1 and #2. 1. z i c0. 09 + z. ZG. -1I = 24 z, s 3. _??? + 9. Z-0, 7 J = 1 ! 1.% O )nl.r. r?rrTicnM ? . ?L? 'r r,;??%;,.ut Pj'nn00 uall neen I0 r rum•:. ccdiut ruc? lun -,?}a, ... .. - . . . . ... . .. Ale ARIUin ? - -------p 's. ?? `' ..c?y. ? .?'o . . . _ . . .g_s ,. ??? ?,, ??, •. ..?? ? . , .4. ae a . :Mwmmqof?f r+ eR.mo'? . . 7. cK) ! ? • ` . ?;. ?.tl??!?.... ?1,1.wr'??._ .. .... . . . - ? e:C ? . G. F:r.lerii,r aIr (il•,u .. U'1?I -• -"'•----- -' ...... . ......_.. .. "'.._.. ?i,t. _?..- 5 . •????.?i 1$ L? y = . o? FIC. ql TUl'VIFM OF . FIU+ltk HnLt. . InCrr(nr air `.11u, ----------fS.G!{ z -Y-`? .L?'`?}"._??C .__.._•---...__s!4? • 3• .___?-w±}?ii.. _.?.???---.__.. ?;w?t_•G?C7 . . . . ? 4• rl?LVr?rl_!?!V..---- 5. .--._._... . . -?-(.? f,xLvtiuraii Lili., O.17 FIC. 92 !? • i _?- • O ? {.?L `0? ' . ? "----Q •' . )nt.criar air ftlm O.f,R n - 3. ?i???±1..?._. ?" _ ...._........1 ?? e ;=' / I • ?_._.___._...?j? 4. '?}??!?e/??'_. .. _" ' '_:?. CJ C? i SrAL_-r1 E!-trsMn'.A 491sv.(,r---.--- .--- ? SC 1 E. f;xtcrlor nir iilm 0 Z?. T ? ?t_? ?il:'•._??1. ?, • -?i? != 4 ,?•,l .j r) '. P .. ? j„' . C1 i `r?I-a---?-;_, 1. lnGoiivc i1r fil;.! P.GII ? c1' ' rA u ol vp``?? -- ??tC41 : ?: ? ? .e.°?L. ----••?_(,'? \J 2. --I???._.?L?.?L 8?---._ ?8?.. ----?-- •' d. , •o. .?____...?.-O . n. . P?.?r?"S t's?+G . ?p•R?P.t?l! .'?-- ? • 0 . ?'??AJC 5. ? r• .n ? • r ' '-.. ..-• ._-- i? .:,?•l?,',?? G. Cxlrrii_r_,i,ir.;i?.?•?._ _..'------ q.l'1 ?'- .t•.' . " st.nn ori citiut: ? • • ? • t ?17 I/ ( , ? .p•' ? "--? ? `' r! ' ' r ' ? -?. / / ? ? ? • . . , • ? f ` i . • -r /!/ rr? ' Nr ' • r, F l c; . B 4 i l ? S. • :> ? ? i . 13 ` • ` rcr /1r?;'__/yi... s ? '. •? ? ?? _ ' 'ti ` , turl'C: lmitcotc ty?,??, "!t" value? ?L:nCh nnd ? ?ler:onu!it uf in•;??lalinn. i ROOF/C£ILI:7G r,i?: . /.'"LVr 1 znted ? ? flea[ flov up • FIC. OS .' . Constr on , R-Valkic . Intcrior air film .0.61 ? 2. 8_[-? _ ?3U . ?f3 3. IA)SUC.. ' 44•0'D 4. Extcrior air filn (still) .61 ? Tptal rz 4S8o . . ' • -. (.?- .oZ . Fti'?+?t o: ' ' . • 1. Interior air film 0.61 2. 3?" (a f3Q 3• ? ? Ih(SuL 38.3$'? 4. F.xtr_cinz zir tiln (stil Total 2 ' i1 O.fs V - ?. o2.?v Co.t.Sr?'?tri oyt, ' ? Z. Tnsidc air filin 0.61 2. - 3. 4. 0.17 ?• 5, Outside air filin Total F.C,-qrr E' . . - . . ; 0.61 2, Tnside air filin I Feat flov vp • , ? j•vented - '• . . .. • 1*SG. 66' . _. . ' '.. . ' . • ' : , : , .?' , . • SQ:t-Vi?.'PiD • • • e . . , - ilov up • - ?Zr.. #7 ? . ? .. s• . 2. 3. . . . 4. putsidc air filin 0.17 . Tota1 . 1. Ynside air film . 0.61 2. - 3. ' 4. putsldc aix' filin 0.17 Tota1 v . ., c f , ... , . - • . : • .. . Notc: Use additional sheets if morc apaco i: sleedecl far details and calculations. ? ? • , . ?!!? _ ? _ y? ?i5[?.??al?M1ttt?T..l //140 ntL ? F 1 G.'. p 1 ua u,ill aren for ?Uf1 )?. r ---=--- ? ? ! T(il'VSf19 OF i FItN1E WAGT+' I ' ? `L?7?tcK - "F?Re Ft.A?? rc,n :trur: t ;t,n .. ..... _ ... . ' .. -' • -- ' .... ? ' . ? _ J ,.. , ?? r ?. _fitter ..?eLcac.K. 80 t.?vN- . . ... _t,.li ?, in??n•?: ,,,u ,,,? ,:..?7 4, 5. _'?i?4?.H?uGK . _.. - -- -• --•--- . . _. ..?1 l __..,?, 6. F;r.lari??r 2 •'15': V .,; 1. 1nL'rrlnt' air `. i Im f>.G}1 `;:i 4. ? ? -- ?----•__. --....._____--- --- ? '??, ------ .......... ....."-•.-----....____. -a; . 6. Extcrior air t'ili.i_ -•-•-- ?l'ut.nl ?? ,,,?,??? ,.,.. 1. ]??t,erioc ??ir_film-••--------°-?:6:1 •-- 2. --- -------- -" 3. ---...--•---._..._.....----°•---_..------.: - 4. ..----•-- __....._,_ _..?._'_'_.__ '.•i ` 5 . _? _.. . . -- ---•--... .:;. 6. F.x[crlc+r nir film ' -_•--t1.1.'/ 1'otnl ~ ?J ,\iICll i 1. InLcift?c _,+lr C11i:i O.GA; . .. _ . __ _... _._.. .... _. ?._ . s;.k 2 . - ---- --_• . - •.-•-. -' <s,::,? •--'-- -•--._....__..._... • . . . ?.:. ?es.?. l. ..---•--..--• .__. __ ... ._......._...-•,.?. ?.,,? a. t4 ?, _ ..._-•-----._. _..._....----------._....--?----__. .,, . 4 6. ._.?_.?.--'-•--••.••-',i?Ul11--' 4 ? .. i r ', ? ? - - . r?5.?;'.` •''s?" • °: ?.;; ? , l i , ??...- ???il??! '?!??'1 ?. .:? ?'i;. . sir,n cirl (;1cnu1: {??y ?it f .- 40. __` ??.i: • Y . • . =-:."L?? eic. na _ ? • . ` . ?: i?(.-'. a - • __ ? ? " ) ?? ? : ? __,? . ,I? fr/F ? y„'?• ? ?c[ n! ?' Iln?tti: Indt?•ntc tync. ?,t•, valuu,?dcntli nnc.' .. . • ' pl.icenant of in:;ulatinn: "' •_ v ? • -- -`------- _..-'- - _' - . . . - ? -- -- -- - ;'- ? - .SFIPP,t, r or 2 i, M . HE:.' LOSS CALCULATIONS lieaiheratnpa A.S.H.V.E Guide \1?ndows ? Doon Relerence 1<e-1o- ' Yu -No i 19_ ? F! ?P ? ? , Room Wlndo..•a and Doore-, ,cl•I = S 2) 17/ 37-4 ' xamt R"r-i (=rz Addr089: s7A PF=0t'2„0 OfiP:1R I NEV' f OF IX',PI.[ I ION I Conetruction No. I ?I Out. Wall Int. Wall . CeJin¢ Roof Floor ?I 12-° Width y Y Heighte and Arca I o c._w a tt - -; i co,r. Btu Inhllratkan 3Z 910 ? 0 Ci?aef L[O SV' Z OCDC7 t?.,,. ».,u r 80 n« <>P, wall 14o fo 8y0 !nt wall _T- rotal Hi u. ? y ys ReQutrrd sq. fl. E.D R. or sq. me. W.A. Leader area L<- ?T Room I Lenqih qf' Width Hc-??- kght ? A'induws ?TaTnd ?Doon-Crackagc and Area . N'Id111 1^•7ght No Ot Llnfal It Arc. [ D.n• hf?u ot c,ark ?0 h. ? Insulation Kind I How A ? FI.l ?, (Z Room ; Length /S% W %•,-'--.- --j ^---. r_._L.__ ._a'e." N'41I h- Nn ofw 2 L ,,. ??_Ileiif?? oft?sna ?14 N. uf iWul. YLln.. lfl olcnc4 i z.8 A,.. ?9 M1 `1 • ? --t u Coef. Btu Infiltrauon Z,y • 40 ? p 2-94 Glass `J'a ExP. wau N Net exp. wall Zv0 fO ?20? lnt. wall S Floor rotni stu.- I 4(08") Reyuircd sq. ft. E.D.R. or sq. ine. W.A. i..eader sres FI.I 'b/j'ni- Room I I.ength 10 0 W idtA Height 8 ''• Wmdowe and Doon-Cnckage end Area ?I ? ? W???p Helf?l No of Dsn• ot p&n4 Na. ot l t[hb Lln??l h at crlcR Ate. ?0 t1. ? b S otE. tu (n?i?tral?on ' Glau F..up. wall Nel ezp. wsll lnt. wall CtilmK Floor , i I Coef.I Btu _ In6ltntion i 'LI . 40 ? i ts(pL? Gia.. /s.(e ? C) 'I - II F_ap. wall? ~ef Z. \.1 rip. wall • 7 I (O ? /? -i %y lnt. w'all T { ?? loi,18tu. Toe.lBm. Rrqmred sq. ft E.D.R. or sq. ina. W A. I.eader area ? Requir d sq ft ED R or sq. ins. W.A. L.tader ares ? I FI. PIj2 Room fLength/Q. WidtA//o HeiHh r? - RoomlLength /?/ Width Heieht Windowe and Doon -Crackage and Area L(st ' Windowa and Doon-Crackage and Area , J 1@pfl? 1?.f'',n• N?It?t u? No Of TLlne?l fl A u i ?I X?l• ? f?flC? ??1 (( : I ? W IJVI . NO f V?l?^ MalY?t No Of Lln?al ft. Arc? I ' O (4???• i'IN?I? ? (( [M ??V fl / ` ------?-r- --? 1 4 _ j 2? ' uy . . I- j2.8 t?y - ' - I- T3 _ (? ?-_, t 9• 3 T 2? U - 4 - -- Cc,,i.? Stu --?-- - jCoef. Beu --1n61traUon ? j,$.(n?? )0,2 Inhllravon' l,ta.e --,- 1 /690 r ?T- wall F,AP FxP__wall_ : wall 'V"I <x 14'q ?(p ? 1 ? 7 '?et exp. wall P. _ ?T h.t wall tnl...,'I {p7? ?( ? . I'.oor T I lL?? 1 ? loml Btu. Toui 5,u. Hrquard sq. ft . E.D R nr sq. ine W A. Lrader area Rrqwr?d sq. (t . E.D R. or Q ins. WA. Leadrr area , , .:, . . .;^.e.t _?+-or Z' id 1 HFAT LOSS CALCUIATIONS VCeatherstnps A.S.H.V.E, Guide I mdowa Doon Rcference I rs-M1o Yes--No , 19_ Namai • Itddre ea ; DFPAK'INfE1'1 OF IVtiPE( 110\ Conetruction No. Out. Wall Int. Wall Ceiling Roof Floor FFLI ? Room Lenglh !Y- Width / Wmdu" and Doors-Crackage and Arca - N?.f14 :? ..r o.?• Heqnt F. r o... \nof i?inu Lln04lft or ?..? w A'e• .a n / 2 8 O ? y -? Coef. Btu Infiltration ?/?.y Ljt7 I ? T.„ aa. i E,xp. wall « ?et exp. wail ?-? ?O D lnt. Wali ? ? r??ihR lo?[ 0 ? f? ? ....,, I Total 11tu. R<qwrr? sq. ft. E.D.R. or aq. im. W.A. I..eader area ? (3FI.I g? Room ? Lengih_2-iNdsWidih ya Hnght C?- 'i i ?2,'...,1....,. ....7 h......-C'rarkaoe and Area L/ O , ? Nn ? ?N•IEIn Het No ol Llneyl (l of D?ne of V?n• II??U al troc4 An? .0 ft (o zy ? i ?lf.? .o :? !{ 2p ? 6•8 Coef. Btu Infiltration l4? Z J Glass E.ip. wall 1 ? `el <.,I. w,n 4?t1 6 C,, Int. M'eII ? l?•?I???K Toul Btu. Reqwrrd sq. it. E.D.R. or sq. iro. W.A. Leader area pl,1 Room I LenBth Width Wmdows and Doors-Crackage and Area rN'W?? H?[nt No of LN ne. lh Arel n,?r •n• of?}?ne IlKnu ulCrNiek ?q II lCoef.1 Btu In611ralion Fap. wall ? 1 Net c:p. wall ? Int. wall (?ri6nK ? 1 luar r Total Btu. Reqwrrd eq. ft. E.D.R or sq. ine. W.A. Leader arce and Insulstion Kind How Room I Length Width ors--Crackaqe and Ares No, N W?? o! u+..• H?4h? of n.n• N.. o! up?i. Llnul ft ot o?ct An? ?V ti C,oef. Btu 1n61tration Glasa _ _ ?p. wall Net exp. wall ?nl. wa11 Ca6nN 1 Floor ? Total Btu. ? Reyuired sq. ft. E.D.R. or ev. ins. W.A. Leader area ? ri i u,,.,...1 I.n0t6 Width Hnght Windows and Doors-Crackage snd Ares Na. wintn N<4nt of Oan• , ot p?nit N. ot LLfht. Llnui tv. An' of cncM ?V. It. ? Infiltration Glaee E,xp, wall Net exp, wa11 Int. wall Ctiltng Ploor I Total Bm ' Required q ft E.D R or aq ms W.A. l..eader are? ? Room I Length W?dth Hnght I M.,.7,...,. ,n.I (k,era-Crackaae ?nd Arca wIatn i-o.n. NKnOf N. or o.n?; oe c..<n a n I ?t Btu Infi?trauon Glaes ?p. wall % .'?et exp. wall Int. wall Lti??ng Floor ' Total Btu. _ j . Reauired so. ft. E.D.R. or aq. ins. WA. Le,der_are. ?- ? hcAL? : j'.qp? ? N ?1 S 1 oP ? 4 r ? d. ?.o .a . N , ?a? r d1 d A? WAYPdE D. COfiDCS - 1A675 - -LEGEND' O Denotes Ircn dcvxprenf m Oenetes Woa1 Hib Set House Certlflcote Fr0l2??er L vT i 6 D?? For: Nlidwes t MODEU SiA FroRr-) 0 d y•° 1`?-j /bq . (?. ..?n . liDs i.?e6 1 ?YIIO ?I z?6, } ryq' ••? ,?? J 1 ?1 e N; Kgd1'1 ? ? ( ,`.,u.o ?•,11• , , : ?QOA° I . V"G ?j ?lW ?q''-4'?-_ DRpINAGE?i I L('T ?U p U1lLl'(Y P-Aet4' Y. ¦4070 Aenotes Exisfiig Spot Efevatian ?, s°« ..+) Aenotes Proposed Spot Elevatian .?Aenotes Ora inage Di rect i on -PIOPE/f1Y DESCRIPilOAI- LOTAL. BL.CC'K '2 ??X I NG-,'fr7i.l P LAGE 4d1,l'f N eccordirg to the recorded plat theroof, Nimesota PROPOSED 6ARA6E FLOOR ELEVATION= 401•'l PROPOSED Top of 81ock fLEVATJONe 90 -0 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION'- 905,0 NOTE: Verify all floor heights wrth finel Nause P1ans. ;&M= CRfIFICATIGrI- I hereby certify thet this survey, plan or repori was prepared by me or uider my diraf supervisian ard that I am a duly Re9istered (eM Surveyor under fhe lews of the State of Yirciesotd. IiJevs I,! ?-OrD0'j Dete: -11151K . IYayne D. Lordes, Minn. Reg. No. 14675 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) .? cinr oF EacaN J 0?3 #19 9?lo / y J R?' a? 3830 PILOT IWOB RD - 55122 651-881-4675 D 3 repislered tlle wrveys flwwlny s% ft d bt, fq. fl. oi house Cnd go rOOletl aroOt f2076 maximum bf covemaa allowed) D 2 cOpi9t Ot Wau (shoW b60m e Mntbw Yws: Pout9d htd. daslyn; 9tC.) D 1 $et o} arqrpy cdculaMOrn > J ooaes of fiae prweivaMan pan H lof plalled dler 7/1l93 DA1E: o1-a 5 - o Q DESCRIPTION OF WORK: vi O/ n rv 4 coPtes ol plan 1 set W ererpy CaEculaflOns fa heated Ctlt&XOm 1 sile fwwY for exledor addlHau ! tlecW cosr: C/ 7 (-4e srnEEr anMss: 3(0 7 0 0 avoi.- LOT: ` l BLOCIG ? SUBD./P.I.D. It: PROPERTY OWNER Name: Du Lbe l5 ?ernpr?_ _ Phonet: la??- ys?- ?a 98' wn flFO Sfreei ? 7 d cGt, CNy ER Gefrq Stafe: In /J Lp: SS 1a3 . CompanY 1;-.i e P,one.: (I?a 7a / - LLa 8' (area code) COMRACTOR Sheet Address:E? Ucense Y /7 Exp. 33 /60 city state: zip; SS V0 6P ARCHITECt/ Name: ENGINEER Company: Telephone A: ( ) Sheef Address: ReglahaHon g: citY State: aP: SeweNwater licensed plumber (H tnstatlino sewadwaterl: Phone #-. C.._? I hsreby acknowledpe Mwf I have read lhis applfoaNon, daaa ttallhe Infomwtbn b cortect, and agree b comply wNh a0 app6oabie SlaRe of Minneaofa Stalules and qy ot Eayan Ordinances. ? Siyrwlure of AppRcant OFPICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No ' I;l'R 3 Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes _ No _ Not Required PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA115187 Date Issued:09/24/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3670 Cardinal Way Lot:19 Block: 5 Addition: Lexington Place South PID:10-45060-05-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Vernon W Dubbels 3670 Cardinal Way Eagan MN 55123 All Pro Xteriors Inc 11235 Eastwood Ave SE Watertown MN 55388 (763) 315-4245 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA148347 Date Issued:03/22/2018 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 3670 Cardinal Way Lot:19 Block: 5 Addition: Lexington Place South PID:10-45060-05-190 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:One Window/Door Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 1,500.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $1500 $62.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $1500 $0.75 9001.2195 $63.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Vernon Tste W Dubbels 3670 Cardinal Way Eagan MN 55123 (651) 454-7013 Window Concepts Mn 291 Eva St St Paul MN 55107 (651) 905-0105 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature