4706 Beacon Hill RdCITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Rood Ea6an, MN 55122 7nni ?• - WATER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE: No, of Units: Owner: . . . • ArIArPCC- Site Address: Plumber: Meter No.: c-• Reader No.: I ogree to eompir witfi Hie City of Eapon Ordinnnces. By Date of Insp.: Connection Chorge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surcharge: Misc. Clwrges: - Total: Dote Poid: CITY QF' EAGAN 3795 Pilot Krtob Road Eagnn, MN 55122 Zoning: Owner: Address: Site Address: Plumber; SEWER SERVICE PERMIT PERMIT NO.: DATE; No. of Units: 1 ogree to compiy with the City of Eogan Ordihances. By Date of Insp.: f nsp,: Connettion Charge: Account Deposit: _ Permit Fee: Surchorge: Misc. CFarges: - Totai: Date Paid: -: ':• cIT1f oF EAGAN ' 3743 Pifat Knob Road Eogan, MN 33122 Ne 5655 PHONE: 454-8100 &UILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for " Est. Value Dote 19 Site Address Erect Occuponcy I.ot Block Sec/Sub. ' Aiter ? Zoning l Repair ? Fire Zone Parce .# E T f C t nlarge ? ype o ons . ? W Name - ---- Move ? Stories z Address ' Demolish ? Front ft. 0 Grode rl Depth ft. Nome sapprvVaIs ?? Address Assessment ? Cit Phone Water & Sew. ?? Police W Name F W Fire ?? Address Eng, aW Ci Phone Planner I hereby ocknowledge thnt I hove read this applicntion and state that Council Bldg. Off. the informotion is correct and agree to comply with oll applicnble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. APC Fees Permit Surcharge Plan check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Total Signoture of Permittee - - I ^ Building Permit is issued to: , on the express condition thot nll work sholl be done in actordante with nll applicable State of Minnesota Stntutes ond City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Offitiol Remorks: > ? l ? -l-f '/Fa CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Read Eayen, Mienesota 55122 No. Phone: 464-8100 PERMIT Dote: / -?. Cl Site Addreu: 4706 ReaCOn fIill Rd. Lot Block ? Sub/Sec. Name '."'WE3't c Address ? City Phone: Nome `-'CnZ RV Zs: . ? - Address ? ± ? , • „ -, i Z e City Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that all work sholl be Minnesoto 5totutes und City of Eogan Ordinances. INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUIRED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Receipt No.: Single I Residentiol Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I New /Alter./ Repol r Cost of Instollation Permit Fee Surcharge Totnl done in occordonce with oll applioeble Stete of Buildinq Official No. v cinr oF EAGAN 3795 PiloF Knob Rood Eagan, Minneseto 55122 Phene: 454-8100 PERMIT INSPECTOR NOTIFICATION REQUI RED BY LAW FOR ALL INSPECTIONS Dote: Receipt No.: Single I Site Address: Residential ..., ?.,- . I Lot Block Sub/Sec. Multi Res., Comm./Ind. Nome New /Alter. / Repair . _;r••,,, ':il l ;_'t; . ; Address Cost of Instollation O ,. _ City Phone: Permit Fee Name 5urcharge 8 ? Address City Phone: ? Total This Permit is issued on the express condition thot all work sholl be done in accordance with all appliwble Stcte of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eogon Ordinances. Building Official CITY OF EAGAN t 3830 Piiot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PH O N E: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used for Est Value Date ' ,19 Site Address Lot Block Sec/Sub. Parcel No. Q Name W z Address 4.: O f:i1v . Dl.n.,n . . .. . . .- Q .o Name ? ? Address °C ?- City Phone ? W Q w Name ~ Z Address x Q? W City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City af Eagan Qrdinances. Signature of Permittee A Building Permit is issusd to: on the express condition that all work shall be done in accordance with alI applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Buitding Official OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewage Occupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well (Actual) Const City Water (Allowable) PRV Required # of Stories Booster Pump tength Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES , Engt./Assess. Permit ' . Planner Surcharge ' Council Plan Review Bldg. Off. SAC, City Variance SAC, MWCC Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 p8fA.. ,..? j TOTAL Permit No. Permit Hoider Date 7elephone # Plumbing Electric , Softener Inspactlon Date Insp. Comments Footings I 0?c ; A Footings II Foundation Framing ? & Roofing Rough Pibg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Final Plbg. Bldg. Final Cert. Occ. Temp. LP Deck Ftg. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. Recsipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. . ., CITY OF EAGAN Fes fill in numbered spaces Type or Print /egib/y S/C Tot 1 Date - 2 Installation Cost . . . J b Ad L 3 . dress o ot Bl k. Tract 4. Owner 5 Contractor Ph one . 6. Address 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add 0 Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type I 11 No. F.quioment STU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. Equipment CFM dli Ai H Mfg. r an ng: Boilers Mfg. Mech, Exhaust Unit Heater - Mf9• Other T Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outleu 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough F inal Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 ; .?. ?w._ _ w ? ..,.?._ ..?"..1 ?? /1 /?'? i•-.? ?-.? (IrrtifirtttP uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan ErpmImrnf nf Builhing Jnsvrrtimc Thrt Ccrtr ficatt i.crucd pxr.tuarlt so the rrquitemtnts o f Section 306 o f the Uni forM Building Cade ccrtifying that at tlxsimr of ittuancr thi.r structure was in complianu with the vareour ordinancel o f the City rtguTating Lurlding constrrrction or xx. For the f ollourng: „n c,„;ficaea SF DWG/GAR Bwe.Peff,;t No. 5655 n? ? -- ro?r ?n w watifneuouf rawcs aa, CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition BEACON HILL ADDITION Lot 30 slk 6 Parcel 1 n 13500 300 66 owner?-211. lFh Al S ShPv :i K. LQ.c:rstreet 4706 BeaCOn Hi11 Road scate Eagan, MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. -?L^ 1982 1806.93 200.77 '? 1806.93 C007590 10-1-81 STREET RESTOR. GRADING n 1.982 526.46 58.50 9 526.46 C007590 10-1-81 SAN SEW TRUNK 197 135.97 9.06 15 90.67 A008956 3 18 80 *SEWERLATERAL 1962 3116.46 346:27 9 3116.46 C007590 10-1-81 WATERMAIN * WATER LATERAL 1982 $ WATER AREA 1982 1 SI8.0? 22.00 9 198.01 C007590 10-1-81 * Stubs 1962 9 STORM SEW TRK 7, 1982 369.82 39. 9?? 9 359.82 C007590 10-1-81 * STORM SEW LAT Yg$Z 9 CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT ? WATER CONN. BUILDING PER. 18376 3124 8- s,ac PAR K ? RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? I 28 - 2S ? ?7U53 cirvoFE,ncaN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-687-4675 New ConsWCtlon Reauirementa RemodeUReoair Reauiremenh • 3 registered sile surveys showirg sq. fl. of lot, sq. R. of house; and all roofed areas •2 copies of qan (20qo mazimum lot toverage allowed) • 1 set of Eneyy CalculaUons tor heated additiore .. . 2 wpies of plan showing beam 8 window sizes; poured found design, etc.) . i sde survey ta exterior addNons 8 decks . 1 set of Energy Calculatiore . Indicate il home served by septic system for additions . 3 cropies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted a8er 711/93 • Rim Joist DeWB Options seleclion sheet (61dgs wNh 3 or less unds) DATE Sj ?Z I, o( VALUATION S? SU ?a JOB SITE ADDRESS y'_ n(n t? EPcG6Yl n ) L-(-- (Z IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? PROPERTY TYPE GF WtSR FIREPLACE(S) _ 0 _ t _ 2 APPUCANT GlZeT7- IiPCV.? VJinl? 4 S% o, r-e Go • PHONE# 251-8-9l -2-1 0D ADDRESS ???!;b G?Ld- OaA YC--1 ZIPCODE SS? ;- PAGER # CELL PHONE # FAX #ISL-S9I J y;L-5-0 NEIV RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category _ MINNE.SOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1. (check one),' - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted ?. - Energy Envelope Calculadons Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: Phone #: Plumbing System Includes: Water Softener _ Iawn Sprinkler Fee: $90.00 _ Water Heater _ No. of R.I. Baths No. of Baths Mechanical Contractor: Phone # Mechanical System Includex _ Air Condiboning Fee: $70.00 _ Heat Recovery System Sewer/Water Conhactor. Phone # All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that t infor ation is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Ea Ordinan es. Signature of ApZi nt Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Recei d_ ot Required _ Updated 1/01 ?- This request void ?0-l(J 18 montns f.om .. ?069791. C3 ot ?(P i?j£ilCOn 1?J( ?a , o0 Feque tate ?- 1-8'3 Fire No. Fouah-in Inspection FequireA? 7 X .?eady Nuw ? Will Notitv Insoec• . ( ?Yes LJNo lor 1Vhen Reatly F? LicaC$d(1 ElecUical ConVactor I hereby requas[ inspection of ebove ? Owner electricel work installed et: Sveet Adtlress, BOx or Naute No. CitY 4706 Beacon Hill Road Ea&n ecuon o. Township Name or No. anga No. County Dakota OccupantIPRINTI Phone No. Stephen Casey 454-6342 Power Supplier Address Eleclrical Contractor lComDany Namel Cunhacmr's License No. Rossow, Inc. 40$28 8 MallinB Address (Convactor or Owner Makine Instailation) P.O. Box 254 Lake Elmo, Mn. 5504? Au[ge/ etl nature ICoMractor/Ownar MakinB InstallatioN Phone Number ? ?- ? 970-5046 i MINf4ESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTHICITV THIS INSPECTION HEQUEST WILL NOT Grigga•Midway BIdB. - Aoom N-191 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE 90ABD 1827 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PXOPEP INSPECTION FEE IS ENCLOSED. This request void 6/1-b ?Cl ((/ ? ? ?C ? / ?Q cS g ?S 18 months from U J Date of his Request 3 ? Zy ? Fire No. S 5AI SQo? I, aLicensed Electrical Contractor ? Owner, do hereby request inspection of the above electri- cal winng instailed at: Street Address or Route No. ?JOG &IOL.I.N f) ILd- ??- City. ?? foon Township Range County Which is occupied by Is a roughin inspection required on this job? No ? YesQK Ready Now ? WID CaIDd PowerSupplier_ Address Electrical Contractor ?EL--P-«- Contractor's License N6`37ggl (COmpany Name) n,? Mailing Address y i 1 L 1? Iw. (Ebctr ?I 'ntra ol Owner Makin9 ThIs InstallatlonJ S;=Authorized Signature Phone No. (Elettlical Contfactol or Ownar Making T111s Installatlon) /L`?/`1 ??? '`,rl,uD This inspection request will not 6e accepted by the "'`?' t? 1'" ° ?'? ` ? State Baard unless praper inspeetion he is enclosed. mlnnesoia DM[e OOara or uBCirlcliy Griggs Midway Bldg. - Room N791 1821 Jniversity Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55104 - PFqne 297.2111 REQiJEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECK BEL(1W WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST / p, d'iB?Op(1Ql _02 O L7 d't? S 51885 Type of Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wired For Check Equipment W'ved For Home ? ? Range ? Tempoiary Wifing ? Duplex ? ? Wa[ei Heatec ? Ligh[ing Fixtures ? t Bldg, ? ? ? Dryex ? Electric Heating ? meicial Bldg. ? ? ? Fumace ag Silo Unloader ? dustrial Bidg. ? ? ? A'v Condi ner ? Bulk Milk Tank ? Farm ? ? ? List ? Lis[ Other 11 ? ? 2thecs# ere Rtheis? ere COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW ? IC to ro I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby cer ' at t b e inspection has be. (Rough-in)_ Date (Final) Date This request void 18 months from CITY OF EAGAN N°_ 'I 4 3 2 6 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 BUILDING PERMIT PHONE:454-8100 Receipt # -? ??? ?Q Tobeusedfor ADDITION Est.Value $10,000 Date OCTOBER 21 .1987 Site Address 4706 BEACON HILL ROAD Lot 30 Block 6' Sec/Sub. BEACON HILL ADD Parcel No. a Name STEVE CASEY ; Address SAME 0 City phone 454-6342 a a Name HARLOW ERICK ON ?Q Address ? City C RYSTAL Phone r? w W Name ? ?? Address Q w City Phone I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application antl state that the information is correct and agree o comply with all ap licabl State of MinnesotaStatulesandS,i agan rdinances. J Signature of Permitt '?? A Building Permit is issued to:_11A$LOW-ERIC'KSON on the express condition that all work shall 6e done in accordance with all applicable S[ate of Minne e a Statutes d Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. BuildingOfficial ? OFFICE USE ONLY On Site Sewege _ Occupancy MWCC System _ 2oning On Site Well _ (ACtuaqCOnst Ciry Water _ (Allowable) PRV Required - # of Stories Booster Pump _ Length Depth S.F.Totel Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Engr./Assess. Peimit $95.50 Planner Surcharge 5.00 Council Plan Review BIdg.Off. SAC, City Variance SAC,MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Trealment P1 ,awc(copy) 2.00 TOTAL $100.50 This reque5l voitl ls i„onms frum D 67836 ?? F jac °° equest Dale Firp ? o, Rouph-in InsGer,tion Req ired7 Y lVpeaAy Now Q Will Notity. Inspeo ?Y K Licensed Etectrical Contractor ¢s N. [or When Ready ? Owner I hereby repuest in spaction of above Street Address, eo: or Poute No. elecbical work ins tallad at ?1 oG ?`ll C ecLOn o. Townshio Name or No. Range o! ?, ?o,., ? O-.wpa t PpINTI ? ? Phone No. Power upDlier tldress Elechical Contjac[or Comp ny Namel <- ` Cuntnntor"s I.icense No, ? L M M ?(? - 5 , 1 i qAdr¢ss (Con[ractor or Owner Makinp histailation) ^ 7Z /J/ T 1 ? ? A ' C //y? u or etl Signalvre ICun c O Ma y Ins ion) Phone Nwnhar IrvrvE50TA STATE BOARO OF ELECTqICITY THIS INSPECTION REQ EST WILL NOT Gliges-Midwey elde. - Noom N-791 eE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOAHD 1B21 Univelsitv Ave.. St. Peul. MN 66104 UNLESS PqOPEH INSPECTION FEE IS 'hone(6721642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ea-[o.,oQ,,. 1 See instructians for campletnp this torm on beck ol Yellow copv. D- 6"y 1 8 3 6 "R" Be/ow Work Covered by Ihis Request Add Reo. 7voe of Buiteing Appllancns wiraa Equiun+em wireA Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater lightiny Fix[ures Apt. BuilAinq Dryer Electric HeaLn Commercial Bldy. Fumace Silo Unlunder Industrial BIAy. Air ConAitioner Bulk Milk Tenk Farm o?n?? oaut? .ine? ?snc??Wl t .r Sueufy the, O?hc? Compute lnspection Fee Below _ a Fae servicaem.ericesaa n Faa Featlere/Subfeeders n FFa ci,o?ns U to 200 Am s 0 to 30 qm s 0 m 30 An os Above 200_Amps 37 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 Am s Swinuning Poal A6ove 700_Amps Above 100_AmpS Transtormers Irrigation Booms Partia6Other Fee Signs Sueciai hispection TOTAL F Rem3rks ae. • ? ? flough-in I. the Elec ' Inspector, heroby wrtify that the ebove Finai ? t L insoection has been meda. mia requesl voiC 78 months irom This request void 18 months from D?e gf this Request ,? `? Q??? I, as?Licensed Electrical Contractor OOwne , do here y request in p cti o the above electri- cal wiring installed at: (j (P .,,[Zl,??)? S t Address or Route No. -7l ? Z- l)?? ??u- `'? ` City?wi ?n Township Range County 41"m Which is occupied by « M?l V" (Name ol o,c..c,/ uoant) Is a roughin inspection required on [his job? No 0 Yesm? Ready Now ? Will Ca1L'P§ PoEverSupplier 14A Address %ChWabN Electrical Contractor-aLL- t?? Contractor's License 4?0- (COmpany Name) Mailing Address ?`1 ? ? ? • Authorized or NO. {¢iaccncm wn[recior or Vwner maRing , nls ins[ailacionl gW L n rE o Onn 7his inapection reqP sPwill n?t 6e accepted 6y the L;? u Stete Board unleu ra er ins eetion fee is endosed. Minnesota State Board of Electricity 7954University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 55704-Phone 645-7703 REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION CHECK BELOW WORK COVERED BY THIS REQUEST / 7 y?- ` -! S - SHP Type ol Building New Add. Rep. Check Appliances Wimd Fm Checlc Fquipment W'ved Fm Home ? ? Range y??A Tempoxazy W'ving Duplex ? ? Water Heater LT? Lightlng Fixtu:es ? Bldg. ? ? ? Dryet Electric Heating mercial Bldg. 0 ? ? ? Pumace ?. Silo Unloadec ? Industrial Bldg. ? ? ? Air Conditloner j? Bulk Milk Tank ? Fazm ? ? ? List List Other ? El 11 flehers( Qehee[s? n I COMPUTE INSPECTION FEE BELOW Service Entiance Size: # Fee Feedecs&Sub[eedeis: # Fee Cucuits: # Fee 0 to 100 Am s. 0 to 30 Am res 0 to 30 Am eres 4.U Ibl mps. 10.00 31 to 100 Amperes 31 to 100 Am tes hbove 0 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Above 100 Amps. Tcansformeis RemoceContcolCim. Paztialorotherfee . J Si s Special Ins ection Minimum fee $. Remazks TOTAL F Eor ?• (L) (Final) _ This request REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ? Ee-oaooi.oa ,.; , See instructions tor comDleting this form on back of yetiow copy. 'x'' Belo?Wo"rk ?oVelred by Thrs Request 3 CO ?97O AAtl Hep• TYpe of 9uilding AOpliancns Wired EquiOmenc Wired g Home Range Temporary Service Duplex Water Heater Lightiny Fixtures Api. 8uilding Oryer Electric Heatin Commercial Bldg. Fumace Silo Unloader Industrial Bldg. 1 Air Conditioner Bulk Milk Tank Fyrm Other peci y 1herl5Vecifyl t P,, pfCl y 1 CI ?II1C? ;f.ompute InspecUan Fee 8e/aw H Fee Service EnvanceSiza # Fee faetlers/Subfaeders a Fee Circaits U to 200 Am s- 0 to 30 Am s 1 0 to 30 Amus Above 200 qm??y 31 to 100 Amps 31 to 100 A s Swimmin Pool Above 100_Amps Above 1D0-mVs Transiormers Irrigation Boorc,s ??p Partial-'Other e Signs Speciallnspection $ 1 0 50 7 emarks . . 0T L FEE 1 rl 1, xne ETec:.icaI Inspactor, hereby certify thet the abova inspectian has been mede. inia reouasc vaa cirr oF EacaN 3795 Pilot Kneb Road Eagan, MN S5122 PHONL: 434-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION N4 5655 Receipt # /9?? 7?- To be uaed fe. SF Dwl /Garage Fsr. Vaiue 58,000.00 pcre 3/24/8 0 i9_ Sire Address eacon i oa Erect ? ?upancY R3 Lot 30 Block 6 See/Sub. Beaeon Hill Airer ? Zonirg Rl Porcal # 10 13500 300 06 Repair ? Fire Zone III E l f C t T V n arge ? Ans . YPe o w Name Cantax Hnmr>e 1oTi Aw ac+ Move ? .# Sfories ; pddress l+615 Beacon Hill Ct. oa,,,or5h ? Front 50 k. b ci Eagan, MN Phorre 454-5236 Grode ? Depth 36 rr. p Name s? Address Assessment ~ Ci Phone Water 8 Sew. PolIce Name h Fire ? AddresS En9. aw G Phone Planner Council I hereby ocknowledge that I have reod this aPPlitation and state that gid9. off. 3/24/80 the information is correct ond agree to comply with all appliwble tate of Minnesota Statutes and Ciry ot Eagon Ordirwnces. e ApDrovals Fces `5? AP? Permit - $urcharge - Plan check _ SAC Water Conn. Wuter Meter Rd.U nit T,mi 1,332•75 Signofure of Permittee I A Buildin9 Permit is issued to: C2Rtex HOIDeS Midwest m }?b express wnditfon Hwt all work sholl be done in nccordance,?vfth all app"le Stopte of Minnewto Stotutes and City of Eogon Ordimnces. Buiiding Official c t /V3C) 1987 BQILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLIIDE 2-SSTS OF PLANS, 3 CERT ] NOTE: ADDRESSES FOB CORNER LO IS DFSIRED. NO CAANGES W: MQLTIPLE DWELLINGS - RFSIDSNTIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFIi 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMAfERCIAL OF SOBVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIOPS . y - CONTRACTOR/HOMEOANER MDST DESIGAATS WHICH ADDRESS RENTAL QAIITS FOR S9LE ONISS ;E OF SIIR9EY - CHECB WITH BLDG. DEPT., INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 ET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND To Be Used For: 4,-j, ApDtT/U),) Valuation: ` "` ,F" `' - ?'?' Site Address 47ch ?ec«6-,, ?,(,,pp >> /? Lot ? Block ?P Pareel/Sub Owner Address City/Zip Code ? yv)tj Phone Contractor Address ? City/Zip Code lXc .?'aQ ??} f Phone Arch./Engr. - Address ? City/Zip Code -- Phone lF - Date: ? /OOD-o- On Site Sewage MWCC System On Site Well City Water APPR09ALS Occupancy _ Zoning _ Type of Const _ (Actual) (Allowable) Ik of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. FEFS Assessments Water/Sewer Police Fire Engr Planner Council Bldg Off o z.o APC Variance L> -3 2- 1 V-IU !l-N 173,10 ,UJ 12,00 , 100,50 Permit Surcharge Plan Review SAC, City SAC, MWCC Water Conn Water Meter Road Unit Treatment P1 Parks Copies TOTAL \. ' NOl'b111(:3NC LUt': =`,?Centex Homea Midweat Inc. 1i0. 53l0 8601 Daziell Road ` lCden`Pra1Me, Mn. 55344 `.•;,`a . - K? „ DELlNAR H. SCHWANZ A f; . . , ' .' . LANDSURVEYOR ?. _ ' - R"BUretl UnOa Laws oe TM Sbb ot Min?ta ?'? . . '.. . . _ . , . . . .. :i? ' UN - 146T11 STpEET W. - BOX M ROBEMOUtrT, MINNESOTA 660N ryp1M pp y/.17p ? , - SURVEYOR'SCERTIRICATE . ? ? 3D ? N 0 N, i? I.? 3 , a ? q n ?w ? ? - ? «•. SCALE: 1 inch = 30 Peet , .. ? , a4e I S"? B' 28-036 ._- I A , p 1 I ? '?r':' M ID r ?' q,a1 ' N ?ca Dralnage 8a utiiity , eaaement tc_ Z4A3 . 33.L . . ?__:. ; ... . . ? ? . MINNESOTA RE618TqATIQN NO.i6a .. .. a . ` '.L ? j? ! . ..... . _ ??? ....__ .'.'-__ ?_ _..._.. . ._. ? ?D-C) In on1 r, .,,. WORKSHEETS FOR EXTERIOR ENVELOPE AVERAGE "U" COMPUTATION OWNER ll ? C,- - ^ SITE ADDRE55 CONTRACTOR DATE v:19Ir?PHONE S V/- 0 Determine working square footage of eaCh. 1. Total exposed wall area ...... .;el. 73__ sq. ft. x.il = . ,U 2. Total roaf/ceiling area ...... a? - s9• ft. x.026 Total exposed Mall area above flonr r3q69 a. Total wall wlndoM area .......................... b. Total door area ................................. ? .................. c. Total sliding glass door area ........... d. Total fireplace ?vall erea ............. ? e. Total aall framing erea (average 10% ot Aahaael - f. Total net wall area above floor#.J.eas(a?.thnu.(e) ' g. Total rim joist area ............. :.............. Total exposed foundation area = ?? *# ..... h. Total foundation window area....... .a.U?a ? 1. Tdal net foundation area above.grade?N?.Ias. Determine "U" value of eacli wall segment. Thi.e is 1/ft - U. R is the total of all R values for all segnente o£ xall(or ceiling)? includin interior and ezterior e?-film R factora. ??odl foral??f R a a ?d so Totai wau w?aox area a. / a-- x U' S = ? Total Door Area b. X nUii Total Sliding Door Area C. ? X"U" _ Total Fireplace Wall AraW. -f % "U" ? ' Total Wall Framing area (area a,* stud) Total Net WalJ. Area e._ o X"U" f. X"U" . 0(9 = ? Q.`'f' s ?? G n Total Rim joist area. 9. X liU" , o4- = /. ?`i Foundation Window Area. h• X"U" Net Tound. Area less X "U" windoxs. 3. ,(Tot? U va,l,ue, of ezposed rra]]; areaTotat If item 03 is the same as, or less than item 01, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)2. If not, include answer aboce into Alternate Building Envalopa Desif along with answer for ceiling in A. to sae iS average of both ia sama or less than oT ?/1 and ;{2 above. e, . ?? " L 1..? Total exposed roof/ceiling'area = aa? aEU-nJ. Total skylight area............... . .: ? k. Total roof/ceiling,framing area (average }6%).. ?/-:;? 1. Total ?et insulated'roof/cei11 g area...........? ( • total less J. and k.? Determine "U" value for each roof/ceiling segment. 31 ekylight Area J. K ifult I tal ceiling framing k; '2? x"U" rea.joist or bottom ch-o-M-.-- - ?/ st insulated area l.X"U" ?C) Z„r q..Total.U.palues?.roof/ceilin?..,,Totel - ? If total of A4 1sthe same as, or less than N2, you have met the intent of SBC 6006(c)1. Alternate Building Envelope Deslgn ... To utilize the`total envelope system method, the values establlshed by the sum of items p3 and k4 shall not be greater than the sum of items N1 and 02. ucimum Permissible J? ? )tal, Walls 1, ?? + 2 S ? .us c6iling ital per tuis rark-slieet. , . 9 If this total is less than the line above'ppou have met the intent of SBC 6006(0)1. lotet- Average nU" is ,17 or leea for 1& 2 Samily ftellings, for exposed xall aurtaces. " " 11 .22 or less for all other buildings, 't 11 " n Averaga "U" ie .05 for ventilated roofs. " " " .10 for all other construction. ?? . i rJ?(J J -5-5?C) OALL srZT10NS ' 'e l5R.uf opaque wall area for •ame construction ' FIG. #1 , ---v . 12 ' . - ?., ?v . . _- ? . '.?i ----0 . ,p! O . `Y? ?_? i- K 3 ' . r ... ' r. .. I . . 7•V. p A a . n, . ..,J'I'nac .p • • ? ! _ =• -? ?` . • y 1 ?' ' ? • ? , ?• I I I 1 / ? • ?4 - ??? . • ?? o ` ? . ' i? • . . ` ?• : . . ' .- - Construction R-Value 1. r 1 06? . 2? • 3. / inches sofC wood ?. . r v 5. ' S 6. Extezior air film = 0.17 Total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Total 1. i terior air film 0.68 2. . 3. ' 4. ? / 5. G . 0 6. Exterior air film 0.17 Total 7 ? ? ? ?• 1 . • 1. Interior air film 0268 2. / i ';?ff 3. > /2D ? Z"7 s. - --- - 6. Exterior air Pilm 0.17 Total (J = , /? SLAB ON GRADE ?! e .• ? ?. ? r l??.?r ? • . l ?!( V ? • ? -- ? /lI •• ? /(I ' . FIG. n4 -- • ? ef /(l ? •d. • , o // f ? NOTEs Indicnte tyne, "R" value, denth and placr•ricnt of insulntion. I i I I i ? [ FRAHE WALL ? ` ROpE/CEILING VE1tT tented Heat flow up FIG. AS Hent flotr up ' 1. Insida air film ' 0.61 2. 3. 4. ' S. Oatside aiz film 0.17 rotal Nol•at Usn n3ditionnl sheeta if morn epace 13 needed for (1(1tASI9 nnd calculations. . . .? ••• Construction (Use for Item L) x'?alu? 1. 1 nterio?i ilm ' 0.61 ? 2. U a. _3ia n?vlG?,? ¢ 4. _Exterior air film (st 11 0 Tohal ' . . Y1= ?¢ p 4-'. .. • . ,.I? rO?" V CLt+. FRAMiNG(Uge for Item K) l?f? S7T2oFc37vm 7,? 1• Interior Air filih 0.61 2. 3?Yr, OC-0 /Pi/Z._ 3. _? a F 2&M //5 3X o ? 4. 5. Air Film 0.6 .66- ' 1•.xntQrior air film ' 0.61 2. . . 3. 4. Exterior air film (still) 0.61 Total , . venGed NOi7-VENTQp . Neet . , flott up . PT.fi. A7 . .. .. . ri ? January 16,1986 No. 53 ARGON GAS FILLED INSULATING IAW E GLASS Marvin Windows introduces insulating glass filled with argon gas resulting in improved U and R values. Argon, a colorless and odorless gas, is commonly used as the gas to fill light bulbs. It is also found in the earth's atmosphere. Insulating glass filled with argon gas is only available as an option with the 3/4" Low E units. Listed below are the U and R value comparisons U .49 R 2.04 3/4" clear insulated glass U,31 R 3.23 3/4" SUNGATE 100 IG U.25 R 4,00 3/4" SUNGATE 100 IG with argon The upcharqe for argon gas filled unita will be 50 cents (list) per square foot of rough opening. The price is subject to change without notice. NEW GLASS THICKNESS FOR LOW "E" 3/4" GLASS Effective January 1, 1986, all Low E 3/4" insulating qlass will be constructed with two pieces of 1/.8" glass, rather than one piece of 1/8" and ane piece of 3/32" glass. This improvement will produce a superior glass at no increase in price. :dd I l; i ' a _,--= PM PJ1TE ? O . DUILDINC PF.RMIT APFLICATION Iaclnds 2 sets of plans, 1 eite plan w/elevaiiona and 1 aet of energy calculationo. To be naeG lorc? Valuation SC?,?? 0 sste 7+daresc: ?? O Co ??4NQCO r4 k?'\ LV \zD . 30 ia Block Sec ue Parcel Number /Q Ownei Telephona Address Tnleplwne Address 71rcA. /1'ng. Ta lephono Address EtQCt Altsr taepsir Fblarge rbve neemlish craAa OFFICE USS Dete oi Approval 6 Initial Asseeament fJ ?• / ?/?'c? _ NAtBY/S@M!I PO11C0 Pirs En9. ! ?lannet cbuneil Bldg. Oft. A.P.C. OFFICE USE OccupancY /f?=3 Zoning Fira Zone .3 lype ot ponst. / of Storiea front so Depth 3j?' FF.F4 PermiC Suzcliesge rLyin Check -:z SAC NaEer conn. '?O 5.00 4Jatcr Hetar Qpfa_? UN?T 1 S .aCl Tarnt, a .-7 ? x`?• CsrtiPieate for: ` r? „u -? Centex Homes Midweat inc. ???*'? ?0' ??fP 8601 Darnell Road ?. - ' &Aen Prairis, Mn. 55344 ;. .? i -{ - :.f:: ,i x? ry 1' 3a DELMAR H. StHWANZ LAND SURVEYOH RpiHwsd Untlw Lavif of TM Stab o1 MinnaotA sm - HsrH BrneEt w. - eetx M ecseMOUNr. MIMUorA eeM FHoMN st; rsFSm 8URVEYOW'S CEATIFtGATE scar.E: i inCh = ao reet $0 ?- I 3 rD f N ? ? - - 3a ,?r? ; g -?? ? DmasWe & ucilitY easemam L.O7" ;o M ; .Of Denotes Propoaed FinlBhed Grade I hereby eertlYy that thls is a true and casrect representatloFt of Lot 30, Block 6, BEAGQPd fiTLL, aasaordtng to the reeorded pl.at thereot, Dakota CountY, Minneaata. Dated: June 79, 1979 BWCKMAR1C* Top sanitarg M.H. at the interaeation of Beacon liill Road and Covington Lane Elevation- 939.92 Revised to ahow the propoaed ffiona6.1:_8-19-80 4- 5i*'4-Kea 3-LO-+80 Top of Block Garage Floor Hasemsnt Plcor auNaksoTA PE41S'T"'N" MC. E876 , CffNTEX HOMES MIDWEST, INC. • • CONSTRUCTION WORK ORDER DATED P9d1'Ch 7, MRR63 19,';0 Beacon Hill, Eagan, MfJ. Area ? 6 30 Garage: (Left) Right Block Lot ? ) 4706 Bedcon H111 Road Mortgage: Ins. Conv. FHA Conv. VA Address Stephen M.. 5 Sher yl K. Casey , Buyer Hh^,: 721-6095//Of'F: 451-5716 Base .,?.., '6? Price Plan . a?f Phone Jiane 27, 1980 ,, , Elevation "` Possession Dare OPTIONS ANU EXTRAS: OPTIOiVAL FODOR PLAM 1 UPGRA[?E CEILIfr'G INSUL0.TION TO f<-37 l UPnRAI)E INSULA,T10^r IN 4v'FlLLS TO R-13 k. FIREPLACF, STYLE "p" VAULTE.D CEILTNr IN FAPqILV ROMI NbkkkPlNM OAK RAILS ? CP.S TO DRYER ; UPGR?1DE PADDIN6 TO 95-OZ. IN Al.f_ RQVI5 UFGRFDE CARPET TO VELVETOidE IN FqtI. [?1;.,!1.°. ?L.R., ST4Ik'c-HALL UPG?AOE COUNTER TOPS IN KITCIi.,^SAIN aIASTi: ?i;T115 , , ? F ? ? i ? 1 ! Range: ?Gas ? Electric Dryer. ( Gas ? Elettric - Dishwasher: (Yes) No Disposal: ?Yes? No ' sa?a: ? ?' n ? ,--_-----?\ CompenV APProval ^ \ _ Acctg: (2) Construction/White Sales/Yeltow guyar/Pink Buyer/Oate 1 .? ? ? .d..... ' ? ". ^. .i . . 7 ? ?' .. _ \ .. \ . .. -? . . ... . . ... "_ _ _. ? , .»._ -- =?:? v.?. ` ,- _ ------I?- ? r ? i /? i ?•?:y>a ,?- "? /? ,. ? jg. GA c? a GOwAIT6C?6D G?' ??'? ` . ;. ,_77- PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA119678 Date Issued:12/12/2013 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4706 Beacon Hill Rd Lot:30 Block: 6 Addition: Beacon Hill PID:10-13500-06-300 Use: Description: Sub Type:Fireplace Work Type:Gas Insert Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home may require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. Chimney / flue must be inspected prior to concealing. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Valuation: 3,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $3K $88.50 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Stephen M Casey 4706 Beacon Hill Rd Eagan MN 55122 Hearth And Home Technologies 2700 N. Fairview Ave Roseville MN 55113 (651) 638-3309 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA172156 Date Issued:09/16/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4706 Beacon Hill Rd Lot:30 Block: 6 Addition: Beacon Hill PID:10-13500-06-300 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof Work Type:Replace Description:Does not include skylight(s) Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and leave on site. If water damage is encountered, please call (651) 675-5675 to schedule a site visit to verify the extent of the damage. Any repairs must be inspected prior to covering. The inspector will determine if an additional permit will be required to repair the water damage. Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Stephen M & Sheryl K Casey 4706 Beacon Hill Rd Eagan MN 55122 (651) 587-8167 Restoration Builders Inc PO Box 8043 Scottsdale AZ 85252 (612) 804-1189 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature