03/16/2009 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Approved April 20, 2009 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN. MINNESOTA M INETE?S OF REGULAR MEE;"Z"ING OF IAR €1 l(, 2009 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on March 16, 2009 with the following Commission Members present: Thor Anderson, Bruce Goff, Laurie Halverson, Duane Hansen , Dorothy Peterson, and Ryan Zipf. Members Belfiori and Dahlquist were not present. Staff included Director Juli Johnson; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Water Resources Coordinator Eric MacBeth and Jessie Koehle. APPROVAE OF AGENDA Member Zipf moved, Member Halverson seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. RECOGNITION OF CITIZEN LAKE MON1TORINC VOL1'NTEEIZ Eric MacBeth, Water Resources Coordinator, introduced Jessie Koehle. Jessie spoke about the citizen volunteers who monitor the water clarity of the lakes and ponds in Eagan. She stated that there are 18 lakes and ponds that are monitored yearly with 12 of these lakes and ponds having been monitored for 10 years or more. She demonstrated the tool they use to measure the water clarity and recognized three individuals who have monitored the lakes: Mark Ochs - a 20 year volunteer; Dan Scheller - a 10 year volunteer and Bruce Peterson - a 10 year volunteer. Jessie presented Bruce Peterson, who has monitored Heine Pond for over 10 years, with a plaque honoring his commitment to the progam. AllillR.OVAI_, OF' MINkl'IES Oi ,IANIIAEt.V 15,2001) Member Halverson moved, Member Zipf seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of January 15, 2009. VISITORS TO BE IIF:AEt1) There were no visitors to be heard. I)1RRECTOR'S 1)I VA1 `1'_M1 EN'E' tPP1)A"fL Director Johnson informed the Commission that there had been an internal change to the government building services. Due to a staffing change, the building services was now under the supervision of the Parks & Rec Department. Mike Sipper and Paul Graham will oversee the daily running of this division. Director Johnson stated that Captain C-Breeze, the mascot of Cascade Bay, is now attending events around the city and noted the Holz Farm upcoming events on May 2, Holz Farm clean-up and May 16 /17, Holz Farm Festival. She mentioned that Arbor Day and the Eagan Fun Run are also taking place the same weekend as the festival so it should prove to be a busy weekend in Eagan. Director Johnson stated that there was a proposal to install new playgrounds at Northview, Wescott Square and Quarry as well as new lights at Northview Park. She mentioned that there was a great deal of interest in the community garden plots offered at Holz Farm. The response was great and staff has created a waitlist of over 40 people interested in the plots for next year. Director Johnson stated there was an overwhelming response to summer seasonal job postings; Cascade Bay received over 300 applications for 150 positions. Member Goff asked Superintendent Olson about existing rain gardens in the city. Olson replied that there were a number of rain gardens and cited the one on Denmark Avenue. He further stated that they are working towards establishing more rain gardens in the city. Advisory Parks Commission March 16, 2009 Page 2 CO N S F NI' A E' R'1);® There were no Consent Agenda Items for the Commission to review. I)i?\'EI,O1'MF\'I' PROPOSAL.` There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. O1:I) BUSINESS Eric MacBeth, Water Resources Coordinator, presented a proposal for the Wandering Walk Wetland Bank modification. He presented a brief history/background of the state wetland banking system. He presented a visual display of the proposed wetland south of Wescott Road across from Thomson Reuters. He stated that a neighborhood meeting was held in January regarding this particular site. Following his presentation, he requested that the proposal be presented to the City Council for approval. Member Peterson moved, Member Halverson seconded, with all attending voting in favor to present the proposal with a 30 day public comment period to the City Council for approval. NEW EL 'Si' i :S` There were no New Business items for the Commission to review. t) I III R EL `1'51':55 A NR) REPORTS There were no Other Business and Reports items for the Commission to review. C'ONJ\H ' IC FR)\5 There were no Communication items for the Commission to review. EO(JNI)T ;BLF Member Anderson questioned Coordinator Eric MacBeth about the fish kill in the Eagan lakes and ponds. MacBeth responded that to his knowledge there were no fish kills over the winter but there wouldn't be any evidence until the ice melted off the lakes and ponds. He reported that if they noticed a decline in the oxygen level at any of the lakes, they install an aerator to increase the oxygen levels. He stated that all 12 of the aerators in the city were used this winter. A[),Jo t1RNMEN'T With no further business to conduct, Member Zipf moved, Member Anderson seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Secretary Date