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4284 Dartmouth CtINSPEC CITY QF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: ;,r . :??? +. r ilhi?l lra?i;ptp t_f;???t, , _•t#ft PERMIT SUBTYPE: i?tif#T 1 f?r,•. ''. f I P> ' • ON RECORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: ? f.: l A l TYPE OF WORK: • , .. , ;' t I<FlM t Nt? Allft l 1 XON . :S-,:-t:A':AN I'f?!}i.1i ItEiqAltk'Sc `A F`ANA1i" Pf"kMx7'-, +bFtt 0 l:411.1:IF:f !:i F'OR F t 1 ( ET; tt.lti UI? I't 1;;; IIf)Ftk Psrmit No. Permft Holder uete Telephone At ELECTRIC i pLUMBING HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Commants F OTINGS /? FOUND F MING o?cc L t? ?? r I ROaFING ROUGH PLUMBING PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING GA5 SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FIREPLACE a FIREPLACE AlR TEST FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG OFSAT TEST BLDG FINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK FTG DECK FINAL ...C(Tl( OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: I "r.?' i 1'9?s1 I k! l T IkEtitllitli:htl 1!!il?I1', ,'t?l? PERMIT SUBTYPE: PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: APPLICANT: TYPE OF WORK: };„ I t a, j N c. r,,f0 ta 4s `+ I 1 '? / ?? t. INSPECTION DA . D. • ?ti?? t Pt?. ;;iiiil I f!:, i, A3 1 i1P? 'r 1 1 1.I'1 :j 4 f ;?,? , ? tt j•! .;r. l:?iil?,ii : ?! i? ! ?? I , s R t: '„ N' it'Y S& 1„I I' ( E+ F+ E? Vk' ST p k i' I. It (o Permit No. Pe?mit Holder Dete Telephcne ri ELECTRIC "PLUMBING 17d HVAC Inspection Date Insp. Comments FOOTINGS A?Z? 7D oL FOUND FRAMING ? ? /?? r,rq ROOFING ROUGH PLUMBING fJ PLBG AIR TEST ROUGH HEATING Q GAS SVC TEST INSUL GYP BOARD FfREPLACE /0 '?/?, AX FIREPLACE AIR TEST . 0-? FINAL PLBG FINAL HTG ORSAT TEST BLDGFINAL BSMT R.I. BSMT FINAL DECK Ff(3 DECK FINAL , • iJ ? i ? ... . ..M1._ . -__?. ??t? o? ?agan ?c?rtec?ct v? ??i? ?*?ectivK - T7ais Certificatc issued pursuant to tlu rcqairements of the Uniform Buiidin8 Code ceriifying that at tht tune of issuance this structurr was in co?nQliance with the various vndiieances of tlu City rtgulatin8 buildmg CO1st'TMction or use. For the foilowing: ux aasswiamo.: SF DNG sag. eenit No. -26939-_ Rl 7Ype coost. ? oo«?r Tra _-8.?1 I zaning piatr1i e?r F V[?iIESL 7601 145Ili ? ?1.. o.? or s?? A? , Buildiog Addr 4284 .n,.r*rn1rYYtRT l.ocality e?s 4D._ guildisg plficial I "•• pp3T IN A CONSPMIWS PLACE ' s ? 1 ? e ' . • . . .?q'b - ' { ? '1 ` ,?, ?.ji ' r•.. •- , i *?41.i'?x ,?', a - '? , ? a' . ' ?`' •' ,?c?., , . •y??s ??? . W ' LOT SURVEY CHECKLlST FOR RESIDE W W BVl G PERMIT APPL1CATi0 y -+ ¢ N PROPERTY LEGAL; - ` \ a ? W m DAT OF SURVEY: 4 0 = LATEST RE1/ISlON: ? : :. ?? DOCUMENT STANDaRns ' o • Registered Land Surveyor signature and company D" O - O • Buildinfl Pennit AppUcant 13-? (3 C3 • Legal description • ? C3 • Address ? o • Norih arrow and scale • House type (ramblor, yvaUcc4 splK yv/o. split entry looko4 etc ) ?O a • , . Directicnal drainaps artows with slo e/ adl M 9G ?O O 0 • • . p pr e pro????a seweir and water services a invert elevatlon Street namo o ? • Driveway D-?- C O . 9--' C O &-' • Property comers O O ' • Tcp ot curb at the dtiveway W" O o • Etevatlons of any exostlng adJacent homes ? ? 0 • Prosed Garage floor CL-0 0 ' Frsi floor [Y O O - • Lovyest exppged eleVetlOn (walkOUNwirldOw) tT o O a Properiy comers ?0 C3 • Front and rear of home at the loundation O IY O • PONDING ARFa (if-a., EasemeM qna O It" D ? njWL o e,*- a. o (tr' ? HWL o • Pond S desipnaUon o B-' o • Emerpency Overflow qovatbn L3/O 0 Cr'a a 8-- 0 O C!-- o O Q--G 0 O Q/S .luy 1995 ? DIMENSIONS • Lot Iines/Bearings d? dimansions • Ri9ht-ot-way and str"t width (to badc ot curb) . • Proposed home dimensions tncfudins any proposed decJcs, overtarps groater than 2', porches, etc. (t.e. aq structures requiring pertnanent foctlnps) • Show atl easements of record and any City utllities withln thoss essaments 0 Setbacks of proposed strycture and sideyerd setbsck of adJaceM exdstlna structuras • Retaining wall RESIDENTIAI BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?' ???lJ? 3830 PIL10T KN B RDN 55122 ? 70, ??- 651-681-4675 C New Constructian Reouirements RemodellReoair Reouirements ?? l D • 3 registered site surveys showing sq f1. of lot, sq. ft. of house, and all roofed areas • 2 copies of plan (20% mazimum lot coverage allowed) . 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated adtlifions . 2 copies of plan showing beam d windax sizes; poured found design, etc.) . 1 sile survey for extenor addiUOns 8 decks f q . 1 set of Energy Calaia6ons • 3 copies oi Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted afler 7i1193 • Rim Joist Defail OpGOns selection sheet (bldgs wiU 3 or less unils) DATE VALUATION (EXCLUDING LAND) !OB SITE ADDRESS ?yB/ IF MULTI-fAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY UNITS? ? PROPERTYOWNER TYPE OF WORK FIREPLACE(S) YES NO APPLICANT %/??-???-? ??? ?'? • PHONE # PAGER #41L - 06S 3 CELL PHONE #60S1 ' 3X7 '01yO FAX # 61T_1 -6T6 -d 9/t NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category MINNESOTA RUL,ES 7670 CATEGORY 1 ? (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted Jr/? - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: _ Plumbing Systein Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Vlcclianical SvsLem Licludcs: Sewer/Water Contractor. Water Softener _ YVater Heater No. oF Baths Air Conditioning _ HeaL ftecovery 5ysteru ? IUI All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with aiV appficable State of Minnesota Statutes and Clty oi Eagan Ord'inances. Signature of Applicant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Z. Required _ Phone #: I.awn Sprinkler Pee: S9 .00 No. of R.I. Barhs Phone # Tee: 570.00 _ Phone # Updated 1101 OFFICE USE ONLY . ? ? 01 Foundation ? 07 OS-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace p 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 36 Multi ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex Plbg_Y or _ N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) Q 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bidg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ?_ 37 Demolish (81dg)' ? 43 Reroof ? 46 WindowslDoors ? 34 Replacement •Demolition (Entire Bldg only) - Give PCA handout to applicant bl9 Valuation Occupancy 2- 3 MC/ES System Census Code ?f34 Zoning ? L Ci4y Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of Units ? Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered I Type of Const \j ' t-J Width Footings (new bldg) ? Footings(deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final _ Framing _ Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Tes[ _ Final _ Insulation REQUIRED INSPECTIONS FinaUC.O. FinaUNo C.O. _ Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool _ Ftgs _ Au/Gas Tests _ _ Siding Stuceo Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved By Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Piumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total ?.o?4j9s ., S 3o?ar? 8D & pp.o 0 0 r859 S 9? A,Bo2 ? IRequastj7?le Fve No floug speclion Reqwred Inspechon OtherTh R gh-In (YO u I cell inspeoior wryen reatly) ? Reatly Now Will Nobi ' pnr Ves ? No pate Fead `r I censed contractor ?owner here6y request mspection of above el trical w Job Atldress (Slr¢et. 9ox or Rome Nu ) CitY " - l A V ? ?al tJ 7"5/\ 1 - t- • "? SecGan o Tovonship Name or N. Ranqe No Gounl I A?+?r?ue s rtid A ocq.Pa (PRIN, ld? ?S u ??-? a N Pho e?a "t1(o? I Powe c.6uppli Atltlres / ? ? J '? n nM 1 Tf`M 1 Elednc ConVacior(G mpany Name) C. actor's Lmense N. Mailin df-A tltlress onimotor ner Making Inslella[ion • Author¢etl SignaWre (COnvacmr/Ownar Making Inslallation) P e Numbe l N .,i? MINNE O A STATE BOARO OF EL TPICITY I ? ?I III I I II THIS INSPECTION REOLIEST WILL NOT Griggs-Mitlway 6149. - Hoom 5-128 II I I ? ? I I I BE ACGEPTED BV THE STATE 80AF0 1821 Onrversily Ave., St Paul, MN 55109 ? ? ?? ??? ? UNLE55 PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone 16121 642-0800 m m n ENCLOSED REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION -?` ee-ooooi-os 7 go ? 4 y ? I V ?? See inslmdions br compleling Ihis lorm on back ol yellow copy ,) ,Z 3 ? 91~ ? "X" 8elow Work CovPred by This Request ("M' 376 Ne Add Rer. TV'e of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Compute Inspecnon Fee 8e7ow: ie Other Fei Booms IOther Fee I I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certify that the a6ove mspectvon has been made. Water Heater Dryer Furnace ir Contlihoner :oniRemarks, 7 Service EntranCe Srze Fe 0 to 200 Amps Above 200_Amps isPec[ofs Usa Onty ? ;?W / 3,/ -J ? i THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE I COMPLETED WITHIN 78 MONI lou9n-in 'inal / Load Other Fee 7 ?4,ccJ L o )ERED DISCONNECTEQ I i t v-fs' OFFICE IISE ONLY This requeat voitl 18 months Irom i . ' , , ; . .. j? ???'i;l ' ?1? ??I?II?IfI?R Itll?s? nn4 r.xcrcr ?lis pin?:lm?? n wiminu? ? ul ?Inn ? ''71,? , ,(??f?Glll???{n A( P?!?f?II e x??nsr.c? ?ya?? ??,:a ?Islec? ??r.??tv (nr Ilic cn ml?ii???tlnn ' '?i '{ ah? 9l?l1i111 I:-vpi114, nl?i l tvl?dntV 1) f??clnr. C]Il?r.r r.nm??nn?:nts inusl m???:l Iha 1•e91111ciqr.fils nf Ili h snl11inrl• , ; , r(nxRJnn . ---- - iWRilIrnvniinPnnpnur? --- - -- •:,i, ; AP A rl;Itr.V1 1'I'()I'(-)V1:1in i i. I?xPns1:i1 I V.% 11. ? 'i {-a1'?li'. ??,??:. ?? _ ?-?: ' :.: ,?- VVlndnu• N I'? ?i ?? • . ,i-,; _ . ?? - ?: _? ?- STtiNPnnn GTAI'IpnltP I?-1S 5 PT? ?InA???? IQ ? • ? . ?t clc- . ,:?1 5 129;4 12 1 ! 211 1;c 6T?l'IPAIIP . li-ID • . ?.?, 5. I I.I ?l;t. I15;? ' u r ;t 2'? Il'?;. ApVA IcI?p , l , 21 u;;, 25 7;;. ? AnVA ?ICI:I) 5 ?n I,c 115;L 92;L ' 21 4A I'11)^Uf> li 21 • 1; 5 ? 2 ! S:I. ' 17?1;t 199 20 ?•,,. SrnI'InA nn 11.21 .s ,? ?_? ;: npvnNct:? t;.2 •.us ? . rP?n??l??:?l ii.z; j:,;-s . i i n;L 19;L •?ll 1 . :., Suhl).3. ?'orfnnqan?G clikiln. 'I'he r.ninl?jfjcd ibcrmnl linn:iniiuanro (t1,,) IPC1nro (or %volls, fnn(/a:Illltljy, uli'l flnnrs nvm unllr.nlacl :11ocu5 11111,1 k: lu:;:i Ilinn nr FqUiki ip; . A, 0.110 Piiint ril °r r,,l ,.,iln:,; 11. 0026 lli<</h fil °I' fui inul/n:illngs; awl r_- nni nill n1 P °r tilr 11111w;. STATAIMl, Ills'f; la Slt 1f6? {a700Inq Itolignlgil, in sIt 2.4r1 ? OFFIGE 11SE ONLY This reqaeA void 18 monihs trom volidohon aare prinrea in mi., w=. 75?- ? I• ry?k 04 3 6 9 2 0 3* PLEASE PHINT OR TYPE Raugti?? i?xpeclion reqmred2 ?, ? No Inspeceon Other Thon RoogMn 1-1 Ready Now WilI Call Req esl Dote y? (Yoo most wll the inspecror when ready) Do1a Rendy licensed coNmcror [I owner hereby reqoest mspe<tion of the above electrical work al: G o lob Addrese [Sneet, Box, a Rou1a Na ) ?- `fi ? ? `? `I"vw.A. Zip Cde ? Seceon No. Township or N. Ronae No- fire N. Counry p;-? ? L?:-?"Q , Phone No- Ocwpam Power Supplia Address Elxl.iml Connocbr (Compav Namej Conlmr,ior Gcense N. Master Gc No. (Plan! Elecr OnN) 1 ? ?? ? ? . ,.p ; u %aiun9 nddre.a (eono-am, o, o.,?a? veno,mina in.tanoro?) k 4E 0 5? N e4s p o n,- e ' ? s , ? , ot s c Phane No AW v n Insallaion aNreJConk ac? r rz, r ?J¢<<??? 9 ? ? r a EB4000IA-11 8/96 STATE 60AF0 COPY - SEE INSIAUCT10N5 ON BACK OF YELLOW COPY _ ? REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 4 3 6- 9 2 0 Minnesota 5tate Board o( Eleariciry 1621 University Ave., Rm. S-728, St. Paul, MN 55704 - ` Phone (612) 642-0800 4 H ome Duplex Apt. Bldg. Olher New Addn 1 Commercial 1 1 Indusfriol Farm Remod Re air Air Cond Htg. Equip. Wofer Htr Lood MgmL Ofher: D er Range Elec. Heat Temp. Service "X" obove Nte work covered b lhis request ENer remorks in this spate and on the bock of the whife mpy only r?^`^.,` ,, Calculafe Inspeclion Fee - This Inspection Requesf will nof be accepted wrthoui the rorrecf fee: Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee Circuits/Feeders Fee Mobile Home Park Sfall 0 fo 200 Amps 0 fo 100 Amps Streel Lfg./Tmffic Sig. Abave 200_Am s Above 100_Amps Transformer/Generotor INSPECTUR'SUSEONLY TO AG $ign/Oudine Ltg. XFmr. Alorm/Remate Conirol wQ 67 o Swimming Poal } em fhar I ?ed hco msm llanon dOscri6d herein on fhe dare::iomd Irrigahon Boom Il t Imestigafive Fee i - Dote ` 7/. THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDEREO DISCONNECTED IF NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. - ENERGY CObE WORKSgEET T'pR 1& 2 FAZiILY DWELLINGS AhpRESS GNNgr- ..m.... .... aAnn.,,... n A _...., CITY . ? ?a MINZMUM CRITSRIA Foundation Ineu2ation-R10 Slab on Grade Ineulation-R10 Floor over ujiheated epaces-R24 Foundation 6lindowe 1/2" ineulated Glaes. -Wood oT V1ny1 FYame 1 (e atagory 3 (muat inaluda vantilatio Walle F Windowo (See ta61e on Yeveree eide for allowable percentagea) STBP 1 WS¢daw & Door Area A. Total Window ( Ooor Aiea in Sq. Peet WINOOWS (Including Foundatioii Windowe): WINDOW MAiNFACT[/RE NAMBs WINDOW MAINPACT[7R6'TyPB: ' P7IPIDOW MA270FACTf]R8 U FACTOR: R. O. Quanticy r,q,fC.Area Dimensions X X 1 Lro"- XY,a" )1 Z ?!p" x X X !?, Plx 1 X '['utal Area of Witidown k poore B. Total Wall Area in Sq. Ft. Wall Total Fleight Z V ft. Rrea Roo£ Attic Inoulatiati, R44-Witlt Attic No Ileel R38-WiCh Attic Raised ifeel R38 fi R5-Solid RafteYs STHP 2 Calculata area ae a percant o£ wall c. From Step 1 divide box A(471ndaw k Door Area) by box II(Cotal wall azea) timeo 100 equala [!lo window and door area ae a peraent oE wall area (box C). B0X A X 100 - ? I ? Box [i_9__r] ? 7f/7 STEP 3 Deelgn Featureu A.SSEHBLY PRAMING TYPE: STANDARD FRAh1ING __?/_etuds 16-- o.c. ADVANC6D PRIIItINa atude 24" o.c. CAVITY INSULATION 1;I,1 9tIHATHItiG TYPB; LESS THAIJ a R-5 ? R-5 > OR hIORE U-pRCTOR p From the table, (reverse side) determine the maximum percenh window & door area for the deaign optionu selecCed and enter the k value in Box D helow Uaoed on the window mfg. U- factor: [r' p The } vulue Erom the Cahle in Dox D shall Ue equal to or greater than the } in Dox C 4q5--4o4v 'fotal AYea of Wal]s _ I D=7u,/./oq,E[ va0t?7 2005 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. Date ?5 I C? l Os Site Street Address ?q )a-r "T 1' v?? ? I l?"t- Unit # PropertyOwner `??0-C Telephone# g~Qq`%' Contractor Address @0 Telephone# State m -f Zip ? The Applicant is: _ Owner Contractor _Other Alterations to existing dwefling _ Add plumbing fixtures (excludes water softener and/or water heater--complete next section if installing these appliances). _Septic System Abandonment _ Water Turnaround (add $125.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) Other: $ 50.00 Water Softener ? Water Heater _ new ?replacement $ 15.00 Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuild $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ 50 Total $? I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plumbing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an applica ' n o permit, work is not to start without a permit and work will be in ;ilRcordance with the appro ed plan i t e event a plan is ired to be revievued an ed. _ i ??? ApplicanYs Prinb d Name Applicant's Signatu ??- i ? ? 41AY `- 2005 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINC PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EACAN MN 55122 651-681-4675 New Construetlon Reauiremenfs RemodeVRaoair Reauiremants • 3 registered site surreys showing sq. fl. of lot, sq. R. of house; and all rooted areas • 2 copies of plan (20%maximum lot coverage allowed) • 1 set af Eneryy CalcWatians tor heated addihons . 2 copies of qan showing beam 8 vnndow saes; poured found desgn, etc.) • 1 site suNey tor ezterior additions & decks • 1 set of Energy Calculalions . Indicffie if hame served by septic system for addilions . 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if bt plafled after 711l93 • Run Joist Detal Optlons selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less unhs) DATE 16 VALUATION ?? LlBCJ SITE ADDRESS nAV` IVY) Q t MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y _ N TYPE OF WORKTea,2 ?" Pevot;'E GinnS22? jic r(nc;6 GGY4LR FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 1_ 2 APPLICANT BELA ROOFLNG & REMOnFr nvr rnTr STREET ADDRESS 4100 EXCELSIOR HLVD. CITy STATE_ZIP TELEPHONE 68 PHONE # FAX # PROPERTYOWNER Lo \r-\-?_I g CI/1 V1 -e ?C TELEPHONE# CeSf -CokFS`d 4? Energy Code Category (J submission rype) COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY _ MINNESO'I':1 12UI,1:S 7670 CA"I'EGORY l MINNES01'A RULES 7672 Plumbing Contractor: Plumbing system includcs: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical system includes: Sewer/Water Conhactor: _ \Vater Softener 4Vater Hcatcr _ No. of Balhs Air Condi[ioning Hcat Rccovcry Systcm Phone # Phone # ? Fee:a $90:Q6: _ ' ?ec:: -?70flOJ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan OrdinanGes? ! ?^- Signature of Applfcant OFFICE USE ONLY Phone # . New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted • Residential Ven4lation Category 1 Worksheel Submilled . Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted I.awn 5prinkler No. of R.I. Baths Certificates of Survey Received - Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4/02 ? CiTY'OF EAGAN PERMIT 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT TYPE: B U I L D I N G Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 0 2 9 7 2 4 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 4 J 2 2 J 9 7 SITE ADDRESS: 4284 DAftTMOUTH CT LOT: 21 BLOCK: 2 HAWTHORNE WOODS 2ND P.I<N.; 10-32151-210-02 DESCRIPTION: r y 3-SEASON Buil:d;}'t?6,Parmit Type Jbuilding Gtprk Type C@fi545 COdG , ?. PORCIi SF PORCH ADDITION 434 ALT. RESIDENTIAL > u?.Y,..-?n \•i fd a _ -• ? ?.......? _ yh• . ""--; ;' Ii1..o- - `I ? =1 REMARKS: SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE REQUIHEO FOR cLECTRICflL OR PLBG WORK FEE SUMIIAARY: VALUfll'ION Base Fee Plan Review Surcharga Subtotal $174.75 $113.59 5 0 $293.84 $11,000 COPZES $.25 7ota1 Fee $294•09 CONTRACTOR: - Applicanc - sr. I,xc OWNER: HOME ENHANCERS INC 18846106 0001949 LOCHNEft GARY 86,09 LYNDALE AVE S 201 4284 DARTMOUTM CT BLOOMINGTON MN 55420 EAGAN MN 55123 (612) 884-6106 (612)658-0469 I hereby acknowledge that I have read thi.s applicatiort and state that the information is-,corre.ct And :a gree to oomfrly witt7,_011 ap,plicabie SCate of M.n, 5tatu6e& and C`ity of=Eagan'ordinarices. ? APPLICANT/PERMITEE ST iNATURE D : S SNAT E t ?'g lJd1997 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 687-4676 113tNCtIOI1 lta?ydF ? 3 registered sRe surveys • 2 copies M plan ? 2 copiea of plans (indude beam & window saes; poured fnd. tlesign; atc.) ? 2 si[e aurveys (exterior addkbns & tledcs) ? 1 energy calcuiations ? 1 energy calwietions ior heatetl additiona ? 3 copies of tree presarvation plan R Wt platted after 7l1/93 requlred: _ Yes _ Na ' DATE: CONSTRUCTION COST: dMin DESCRIPTIONOFWORK: ?S 54`S+r+ STREET ADDRESS: LOT Ji BLOCK A SUBD./P.I.D. #: 6e PRQPERTY Name: ([h L? aC. fC2 C,-A<-U Phone#: ??'LA - 64161 OWNER .., .?. Street Add ress: CONTRACTOR ARCHRECT/ ENGINEER City: PAG State: 'VV\ LJ Zip: Company: +'IOrn V Phone #: Street Address: ??Dy ?vv? ,Av= So l.icense #: City: State: Zip: 5?`/Z Lt Company: Name: Phone #: Registration #: Street Address: City: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction onty): and bt change are requested once permit is issued. Penalty applies when address change I hereby acknovNedge that I have read this application and state that the infortnation is correct and agree to compty with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received Tree Preservatlon Plan Received , Yes _ No _ Yes _ No - Not Required State: Zip: qpR 0 4 1997 OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDlNG PERMIT TYPE 0 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt.lLodging o 0 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi Repair/Rem. ? ? 03 SF Addftion ? 08 8-plex 13 13 Garage/Accessory o P, 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex o 14 Firepiace 'n 0 05 SF Misc. ? 10 _-plex o 15 Deck ? WORK TYPE a 31 New ? 32 Addition 3 - 5c--ri svy. '0 33 Alterations o 36 Move o` 34 Repair o 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPROVALS Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq.ft. sq. ft, sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Planning Building A;W- .; -. r'.f.. . 16 Basement Finish 17 5wim Pool 20 Pubiic Facility 21 Misceflaneous MC/WS System City Water Fire Sprinklered PRV Booster Pump Census Code. SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unif Engineering Variance ? ?L / Permit Fee 7J` ZZY-l Surcharge / . Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies o .`?Total: a94 0 9 Valuation: $ it, voo.-? 18 X'y = 2 S2- {? d qU -. 10? o$a.-°- % SAC SAC Units \- r 1 ERMIT - &zo O/ / CITY OF EAGAN 9?`?0/95 3830 Pilot Knob Road PERMITTYPE: euzLozNG Eagan, Minnesota 55122-1897 Permit Number: 0 2 6 4 m 9 (612) 681-4675 Date Issued: 0 9/ 19 / 9 5 SITE ADDRESS: 4284 DARTMOUTM CT LQT: 21 BLpCK: 2 HAWTHORNE WOOD5 2ND P.Z.N.: 10-32151-210-02 DESCRIPTION: 8d31d.1 n c,'',ttp ' ermiC Type 0`t?iidkwrg..4??rlh, Type O?c'Wpatto y:»,N Cpnstria-eti'arn Ty'ple ?isaldirigp ?8 ??14 1 n'qF?sSbtf? r ,o Sklk??i l?g? ?Pr 1@S Fe SF DWG NEW R-3 U-1 V-N R-1 64 52 2 2,360 4 ' „F .7 U REMARKS: PRV S& W PLBR - FZVE STAR PLBG FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION Base Fee Plan Review Suroharge SAC SAC % SAC llnits Subtotal $1,202.25 $920.79 $81.50 $860.00 100 $2,554.54 $163,000 MISCELLANEOUS $1,892.50 Total Fee $4,447.04 CONTRACTOR: - MCDONAL[7 CONST INC 7601 145TH ST W APPLE VALLEY MN (612) 432-7601 ?". appiicant - sr, LIc. OWNER: 14327601 0002376 MCDONALD CONST INC 7601 145TH ST W 55124 flPPLE VALLEY MN 55124 (612)432-7601 . . _ ? I.herefay a-ck:ftnuledge, that,-I ha;v'e' reao th'3s-'a'pgalic`at°iqn' an;d stte, 6-a:f 3nform?ti64T is 00,rrect-and?''ag?,ee, t-d: c0 fi?lyw1 th;.k I?aAPI,i•6'a b??? ?tklq 'p'?? mrt - $tatLFte`s- ffi-stit Cit`y .4f ??ag?f?rY -- APPLICANT/PEFMI7EE SIGN?ATURE ISSUED SIG ATUR k CITY OF EAGAN ? ? 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 1895 BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION (RESIDENTIAL) 681 at675 L?r l r•, .! ,!? ? ? 3 regMered site wrveys ? 2 oopies of plan ? 2 copiea of plens (induCe beam 8 window saes; poured fid. design; etc.) ? 2 sRe surveys (exterior addkiona 8 dedcs) ? t energy calalatiwre ? t energy calwletiona for heated atldkions ? S mpbe of hee pmervaGon pla iF lot pleHetl aRer 7N/93 requlred: _ Yss No DATE: - 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ' `?e Lz STREET ADDRESS: ?+TLL LOT ? _ BLOCK ? k V\- SUBD./P.I.D. #: cosT: PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR Name: ? oc-ktJeP, Phone #: w* Fws* Street Address* City: State: Zip: Company: ?CNrvQ ld Cb w c? Z ?c_ Phone #: ??? -7 Street Address: ) 4Z L I`-I 5 T? S t. I.J- License #• 000a 3> C? City: 14DJP 1C VA-v State: /J1? Zip• s? ARCHITECT/ Company: ENGINEER Name: Phone #- Registration #• Street Address• Ciry: State: Zip: Sewer & water lioensed plumber: RU b J 1 a e, 3 7 U Penalty applies when address change and lot change are requested once permit is issued. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is corra and agree to comply with all applicable State M Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ,??=e? (? _ ` ? Signature of Applicant: ? OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received Yes Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Yes RECEWED ° 5EP 1 1 1995 No OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE 1+'T ? ' ? • ?0?. r' a 01 Foundation o 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging o 16 Basement Finish z?'02 SF Dwelling o 07 4plex a 12 Muki RepaiNRem. 0 17 Swim Pool 0 03 SF Addition o 08 &plex o 13 Garage/Accessory o 20 Public Facility 0 04 SF Porch a 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace o 21 Miscellaneous 0 05 SF Misc. 0 10 = plex o 15 Deck WORK TYPE A' 31 New ? 33 Alterations o 36 Move 0 32 Addition o 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) 4=N Basement sq. ft. MCNVS System (Allowable) Main level sq. ft. /.dqvo City Water o? UBC Occupancy 7-3 a-i ,.7 !?D_ sq. ft. 1077 Fire Sprinklered - Zoning Q_/ sq. ft. PRV 7r ,r # of Stories zfj armr. sq. ft. Booster Pump Length &Y_ sq, ft. Census Code. /O/ Depth f2 Footprint sq. ft. y,16,0 SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit APPROVALS fK ? Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MCNVS SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: % SAC SAC Units Valuation: $ 1631o 0 0 %- ? - 9x 9 = 3? .sxYxY = 8 2 r 2?s9.zr ? -79 ,syzrz - L 7xi = 8 zz xSZ ' qs' a,.,i l. sx 8 = 1 L d'x 33.t = Zb? 2f 13.5 ` Z7 2f io D zs'Y= 6/9 9? _ Cj'0, 70 ?O yox Jz ZAn Z zzx2z NEY ?z felr9r ' sr •)lx ?zsu.s = ?}?_ (r-?xs) 677XSy,?-' SY? ?(fx ?? 8s- ? Ss = l G& o . <e.07.? = <v> ?lSr2? - <!z> . <Z, ) (.srzr?-? ' ?Zl LrG : /z Zxb /, y y 9 0 _ ?{o , H : y • <?z ) = (is > ?F?--?` ; ?p?c7(o ? 14.92 S96ylt65 , ?w.54'' ` s42' `, SaW0+90 .. 3, g?5 5/ ? s43;w5/? S&WOt15 . ?, . ., . ..,?:,.. . 904.2 •. a 42 ,w Sp' SEE SHEET Np-? 899.0 ? 2411U SdW 3+23 140' f M.H 20 16 . 17 ?r20 18 esaisg? as.o, M.H.19--7 J M.H.18 / ioo.o' 7r A D ?. " . ,, . ',.s-? • + ? • 6 -I/16 BEN DS /32,., ... ^ &1 ?: 91.3 -GATE VA ST.O' Y 4/.0 24 ' 23 " ?SSW1+95 ?s ' Sa' : ?1%ifoo ? 22 ? .s40liW30,', ,.' SBWO-1-/9 ??A°2'i;X, y CS4.9 s41, ,w3/' 89 9.2 35.00 ? , / 21 S&W Of// s /06',W 7/' ass,o' ; 2.5' 2s. ' H YDRqp C.O. _20 SaWO s/OT;ti B94.9 . L 9/ 7`' gL ? /I CITY USE ONLY ?d RECEIPT #: D U SUBD. 1F ? '/ RECEIPT DATE: ?` OP/ 9/ PERMIT # Y 999 PLUM$INfi PEft14tIT (RE.SIDENTIAL) ??eVywi 1" " 3C?4 °I(o crrYoeE,asax 3$30 PILOT KN09 RD EA6kN, b1N 55122 (651)681-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit > backflow preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTU RES EACH # TOTAL Bath tub $ 3.00 x = $ Floor drain 3.00 x = $ G2S i in outlet ` minimum - 1 3.00 x = $ Hot tub/s a 3.00 x = $ Kitchen sink 3.00 x = $ Laund tra 3.00 x = $ Lavato 3.00 x = $ Minimum fee alterations to existin dwellin 30.00 x = $ ?u ? Private Dis osal S stem new/refurbished `re uires MPCrc. 75.00 x = $ Private Dis osal S stem abandonment 30.00 x = $ RPZ- new installation/re air 30.00 x = $ Rou h o enin 1.50 x = $ Shower 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if dwellin is under construction 3.00 x = $ Under round s rinkler if existin dwellin 30.00 x = $ Water closet 3.00 x = $ Water heater 3.00 x = $ Water softener if dwelling under construction 5.00 X = $ Water softener if existin dwellin 30.00 x = $ Water turnaround 30.00 x ---- _ $ State Surchar e 50 --> ----> ----> $ Total --? --? ----> ----> Reminder. Call for inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --- ----------- -- -- ----- ----------- I hereby acknowled9e that I have read this application, state that the information is cortect, and agree to compry with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. I[ is the applicanCs responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the Ciry during its nortnal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City property/right-of-way/easement. SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: : TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) INSTALLERNAME: TELEPHONE#: ?Z,-a> . c/ (AREA CODE) STREET ADDRESS: ti ?e U n L- v, "? CITY: 70CO,-- STATE: ZIP: S53: - SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1999 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN ?S.? 3 ? 3830 P (651) II.OTKNOB? - 55122 ? (,,0 . ?--? New Construdion Reauirements RemodeVReoair Reauirements LakkSly ? 3 registered sRe surveys ? 2 copies af plans (inciude beam & window sizes; poured ind. design: etc.) ? 1 energy calculations ? 3 copies of tree preserva6on plan ff lot platted after 711193 required _ Yes _ No DATE: S- g- /411?1 8 ? ?i¢.??fa u7 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _e/-064/F1t STREET ADDRESS: LOT: a' k PROPERTY OWNER CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER BLOCK: ,-;L_ SUBD./P.I.D. #: wbT1A.n Name:_ ?OG}?i?? 6~ /?7JY Phone #: G? .5-/- 6 Gi?Jf Lazt First StreetAddress: ?ZB4 f?i¢>??hoc?? d7r' Ciry State: Zip: Company: T//yGL,p?,?0/l1GS 1-540el =„P? . Phone #: 6Sl- ?j?e5 -?l? Street Address: Q?A %26.?_/LS 4,9&F- 'Ae?o License # 352- Exp. Z? ?n City ?6W.-i State: • 2 copies ot plan • 7 site surveys (exRerior addkions & decks) • 7 energy calculations for heated additions 2'= CONSTRUCTION COST: i:5:? Phone #: Name: Registration #: Zip: 6S?Z3 Street Address: City Sta[e: Zip: Sewer & water licensed plumber (new construction only): . Penalty applies when address change and lot change is requested once permit is issued. I qereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ? - - -, Signature of Applicant: - - ? i ' OFFICEUSE'ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No Yes _ No - Not Required ? OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt./Lodging X 16 Basement Finish ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 07 4-plex ? 12 Multi RepaidRem. ? 17 Swim Pool ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 20 Public Facility ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 21 Misceilaneous O 05 SF Misc. ? 10 = plex ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE ? 31 New W33 Alterations ? 36 Move ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolition GENERAL INFORMATION Const. (Actual) 5,4 Basement sq. ft. Census Code 43? (Allowable) 5- nf Main level sq. ft. SAC Code ol UBC Occupancy _2 • 3 sq. ft. Census Units _L Zoning 21 l sq. ft. Census Bldg # of Stories sq. ft. MC/ES System Length sq. ft. City Water Width Footprint sq. ft. Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered APPROVALS N - -? " --' - - Planning Building Eng I 7 Permit Fee Vaiuation: Surcharge Plan Review License MC/ESSAC CitySAC 0'?,ii;'?;?`, Water Conn. - Water Meter Acct. Deposit ? S/WPermit ? :11010;_ 44ANI ;'rRIi-u:?uri-i c,0.00 S!W Surcharge r,r,i??tr•t+?!.r;i! 'r.l:.; •:a??ri:t ?1t>04 sl.,";t? Treatment PI. ? Park Ded. ? Trails Ded. i Other , Copies Total: ` %5AC 'i;?n:t [r?._•'i.i-,I: +',nin?;.t„ r,fi.;`7Ci SAC Units C!'z;tiir,?;r rnr%`?lT'r.•;;:?.1rYr'i=?,;il:? ;i. I LoT ?-/ BLOCK ? sUBO. RECEIPT #S2`?5 DATE 1996 CITY OF EAGAN IRRIGATION PERMIT (FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER) COMMERCIAI INSTALLATIONS: FORM MU5T BE COMPLETED BY LICENSED PLUMBER Date: Area/address to be irrigated: Instal ler: C--C-- r e-el Street address: 6s-Z-D 7 7)q Y' ?f 27 U U?-? c, I IA N Owner ? r? Q v.',1 4 v -,- Commercial Residential (boulevards) Existing residential GPM GPM Plumber 0 Ciry, state & zip code: 2-G K -k, v i Phone #: Owner Name- 5treet add ress: 7 2Vy `)aY-Ty-?)d l" City, state & zip code: Phone #: irrigatian eoritractur, if difiefeiiC [lidfi iniiaiier: Telephone #: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the propercy owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within City p roperty/right-of-way/easem ent. ApplicanYs signature Approve? by: PRV ? Yes ? No Meter Size & Cost SB Fees due: ? Title Date: New service ? Yes Calculated ? No ,...?, . ? PROCEDURE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEMS - 1996 An irrigation permit js required - please contact Protective Inspections at 681-4675. Fees Commercial project: $25.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee only if new service is installed. $300.00 per tap if installed by City. Residential project: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer. $50.50 water permit fee if new service is installed. $760.00 per connection - WAC. $396.00 per connection - water treatment facility. Existing residence: $20.50 irrigation permit to cover installation of backflow preventer -(not required if backflow preventer previously installed). Meter charge: If gallons per minute are less than 25, a 1" meter will be required at a cost of $182.00. If gallons per minute are more than 25, a 2" turbo with strainer will be required at a cost of $822.00. This information is to be supplied by the designer 9f the sustem. ---- --- - ------- - -- ------ - ---------- No meter will be sold before all sewer and water inspections are complete on a new service. If new servic-e lines are not req?i? red, one check may be written for meter and permit costs. Receipt will be coded to 20-3716 (meter portion only) with pink copy forwarded to Utility Billing Clerk. The installer is to contact Protective Inspections at 6814675 for inspection of the inside water line and backflow preventer. The Public Works Department may be reached at 681-4300 for water tum-on and set and seal of the meter. Inspection hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Requests for A.M. inspections should be made on the preceding work day. Requests for PM inspections will be accepted until 12:00 noon. cirr use oNLv L o?? BL ? RECEIPT #: 9 ??) ..?.p ?v SUBD. L ?G.ur{.lt6nnt.[ DATE: l0 /$S 1995 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 687-4675 Piease complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit New construction Add-on furnace _ Add-on air conditioning Add-on airexchanger, i.e. Vanee system, etc. Date: FEES ? Minimum Fee: Add-oNRemodel (existing residence only) $ 20.00 ? HVAC: 0-1 DO M BTU Additional 50 M BTU 6A0 ? Gas Outlets (minimum of 1 required @$3.00 each) ? State Surcharge .50 TOTAL .36 $° SITE AODRESS• 72k? ?1"'t'ZIIW OWNER NAME: A106419/?4" C ? INSTALLER NAME: O PHONE #: / 32 `760l ? STREET ADDRESS: 2???e 15??lv Iltle CITY: FVA/1/67641 STATE: 10, ZIP: PHONE 4f66 -??22 - cirr use oNLv L BL SUBD. RECEIPT #: DATE: 1995 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? all commercial/industrial buildings. ? multi-family buildings when separate permits are = required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: _ NEW CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT FEES: ?$25.00 minimum fee QL 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 • State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of ppmiit fee due on all permits. CONTRACT PRICE x 1% PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: TENANT IVAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: ADDRESS:. CITY: PHONE #: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR LcV gL ot CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #:1r90'Z SUB . r.. •Ytix o ? ? DATE: /D ?? 1995 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Piease complete for: ? single family dweilings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit FIXTURES -- EACH Shower "s.OG x Water Closet 3.00 x Bath Tub 3.00 x Lavatory 3.00 x Kitchen Sink 3.00 x Laundry Tray 3.00 x Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x Water Heater 3.00 x Floor Drain 3.00 x Gas Piping Outlet ' minimum -1 3.00 x Rough Openings 1.50 x Water Softener 5.00 x Private Disposal * Dakota Cty. license 20.00 U.G. Sprinkler ` home under const. 3.00 Alterations ' to existing 20.00 Water Turn Around 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL = 00 _ 2.06 _ )@. 00 = 3,00 = 3.00 = G?•OD = 3,60 - ,o = S' 60 50 .?? SITE OWNER INSTALLI STREET CITY: Ve PHONE #: ( ) O NO. TOTAL STATE: / //? , ZIP: 11?_SOIel L a/ B o2 SUBD ? . ?IQt-a? NEW RECEIPT BECEIPT DATE /? TIO JOB OW N A27? a? D?Tt rLrASG bE ADVISED T}iAT THEHE IS A FEE SHORTAGE ON TFE ABOVE cl.l ' ELECTRICAL ItSTALLA2'ION IH THE AlSOllHT OF $ SHORTACE RiST BE PAID WHITHIN 14 ?AYS. RMR[6 ? 0 to 30 amv. circuits= ? ? 31 to 100 amn. circuits= 0 to 100 amn service= ? 101 to 200 amD. service= ? TOTAL FEE DUE= <d LESS FEE RECIEVED 7 7 TOTAL FF.F. SHf1RTAGF.' DUE _ S / , ? PERMITIf ?J" ??jf ?! ORIG. RECEIPTlI ?tECEIPT DATE RETURN A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH REMITTANCE. J_)_O g1 2006 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING rExMiT arrLicnTioN City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 New Cons[mction Reauirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq R of lot, sq. fl. of house; and all roofed areas (20% maeimum lot coverage allowed) 2 copies of plan showing 6eam & windowsizes; poured found design, etc. 1 set ot Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 711193 Rim Joist Detail Options selectwn sheel (buildmgs with 3 or less units) Minnegasco mechanical ventilation form RemodellRenair Reouiremenis 2 copies of plan showing footings, beams, joists 7 set of Eneigy Calculations for hea[ed addilions 1 site survey (or additions 8 decks Addfi'on - indicate 8on-site septic system 35/. ZG ONce Use Onlv CeA of Survey Recd _ Y_ N Tree Pres Plan Recd _ Y_ N. TreePresRequired _Y _N On-sHe Septic System _ Y_ N Date dv Construction Cost / 21 ?y- ?/?I?T7LJ0(i7 SiteAddress s/ Z ?7t ? UnitlSte # w -1 T?/1?? Description of Work ?Ww!l/GS Sv)?- Multi-Family Bldg _ Y_6) Fireplace(s) Property Owner GWtAF? Telephone # ( &u /) AA79- '09'61Z Contractor ? /?`'?3r'?r.?co?c?S ? ??u?Yi7o'vS ?L Address CitY State J'?/i?• Zip _5t5 /Z3 Telep6one # ( 61TY __3d7 -O6</d COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING - Minnesota Rules 7670 CateQOrv 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code Category . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet • NewEnergy'Code Worksheet' (J submission type) Submitted Submitted i. Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? Y _ N If yes, date and address of master plan: i ?--? - -J Licensed Plumber Mechanical Contractor Sewer/Water Contractor Telephone # ( Tetephone # ( Telephone # ( I hereby apply for a Residential Building Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the State of MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approv of plans. ? Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Sub Tvpes ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 20 Pool ? 30 Accessory Bldg 02 SF Dwelling ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 PorchlAddn. (4-sea.) ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 78 Deck ? 23 Porch (screen/gazebo) ? 36 Multi Misc. ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plex ? 25 Miscellaneous Wo rkTVUes ? 31 New / / ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish Interior ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition j ? 36 Move Building ? 42 Demolish Foundation ? 45 Fire Repair )9t 33 Alteration/ ? 37 Demolish Building" ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (Entire BIdg) - Give PCA handout to applicant D65CIiption: WaterDamage_Yes Valuation ? t-f-4) Occupancy MCES System Plan Review 100% or 25% Census Code (. ? Zoning City Water SAC Units Stories Booster Pump # of Units Sq. Ft. PRV # of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinkiered Type of Const 416? Width _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ? Framing Fireplace _ R.I. _ Air Test _ Final YX Insulation Approved By Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Utility Connection Charge S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant License Search Copies Other Total REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Sheetrock FinaUC.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. x HVAC T Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests Final _ Siding _ Stucco Lath _ Stone Lath _Brick _ Windows _ Retaining Wall Building Inspectar r?c /2? ?? `A9 zoos RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERnnirAPPUCarioN CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Please complete for modifications to existing residential dwellings. t G'? Date / 1 ?G' I 0?% Site Street Address Unit # Property Owner Telephone # ( ) i Contractorilejl- rc • Telephone# (? ? ,,I Address q'C?-C ?'iXc?C.?%? 14.-E - City State Zip ?S3Sj? The Applicant is: _ Owner XContractor _Other w _ Refurbished Submit 2 sets of plans and MPC license Se m _ Ne Sys'e Includes County fee 7 $ 100.00 Per as-built $ 10.00 Alterations to existing dwelling $ 50.00 _ Add plumbing fixtures. This fee includes installation of a water softener andlor water heater at the same time. If you are installing onlv a water sofiener and/or water heafer, do not complete this section; move to the next section and check the appliance(s) you are installing. _Septic System Abandonment uired) Water Turna round (a dd $1 30.00 if a 5/8" meter is req ?J J / ?J X Other. i'????f hLrci. ?l?tat;cOf 5/cc?er- Water Softener _ Water Heater $ 15.00 _ new _ replacement t Lawn Irrigation _RPZ _PVB _new _repair _rebuiid $ 30.00 State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ JrQ•? I hereby apply for a Residential Plumbing Permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the plum6ing codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, work is not to start withouf-a_permit and work will be in accordance with the approved pian in the event a plan is requiredJo be reuae e pproved. ?? - Applicant's Printed Name Applic n' Signature - r 2422 Enterprlse Driva ;.n Mendota Heights, MN 55120 * PIONEEA ?J0 ? (612) 681-1914 FAX:set-9488 - taND SuR?EypRS • dM? (T?GNEERS * en?neerTna IMID PLnNNERS• ??WDSGCE MCryp[Q$ 625 Hfghway ?0 N.E. ? .* Jr * Blaine, MN 55434 (G12) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: MCDQNALD CONSTRUCTION k! "-,' 4284 DARTMOUTH COURT ?F,..?- ' ? REi ? ?`f ? ? 9 f/ 3 5? n,, ?A7E Dy _ DENCH MARK ??? ? ?' TOP OF PIPE ?? EAGAN ENG , ERING DEPT ELEV.=907.15,??.??pJ 20 ? ?`. . . •? 907.6 145.47 895.4 I 1A \ ?l 5W46s34 ON ?^ N ?S ? ( u 41.60 ? ? \ ws J 905.4 906.,? ' - ?? r ? ryl? ? ?PiY5.9? C? 10 907.2 . "4 907.7 ? - o'' J O' ??•D` 1 / ? ? ?'• -"140 oo ?Q 907.5 907.0 ? Jp• ? ? ?• ? X ? '907.0 .00 Q' ? •' / w? ,0 ry/?0 0i1.0 -i M 21 906.7 907.7 S? ' ?? 4p 0 ?.00.7e 49 ai907.7 J3^ ? ? 6j 907.5?? 909.9 S??e_ ?` 907.7 "907.2 a a ? O F''hS ss " ? a q9 \?? (o /10 ? It/ n? 0, tt) Q4?`? / ^ ?'?OUSf F ?09.5 Q? / ( j BENCH MARK 2 2 ?/I ? TOP OF PIPE / 5 EIEV.=908.62-- l? ru ° ' ,? J ? ? v ? ??iot??ol 908.8 JOiE: PROPD"f, D CaADES SHOYM PER GRADItiG PUN BY: mFR CN (?M? IOTE: BVILOINC DIMENSIONS SHONN ARE fOR HOftfZONTAL ANO VER((CAL LOCAT?pry ? HOU E ?.J OG STRUCNRES ONLY. $EE ARCHIIECtVAL PlANS FpR BUILDING nN0 '?Z Fouanr,noN pIMEnsIoNS. LOWES7 fL00R ELEVATION: Q ? 'OTE: NO SPECYFIC 50145 INYESTICATION MAS BEEN COMp?ETEO ON T111S l0T BY THE TOP OF BLOCK ELEVATION: 1L/•G SURVEYpR, THE SVITABIIItt OF 501(.S TO SUpppR7 THE ypEqPIC HWSE PROPOSEO IS NOT THE R[SPpry51811ITT pf THE SVRVEYOR. GARAGE SLAB EI.EVATION: T_,._ ?70 ?, 9 OTE: inlS [EFnFlCATE DOES NaT PVqPORT 7o SwpW EASEMENiS DiNER TNAN TNOSE $NOWry pN THE RECOROfO PUT. X 000 00 DENOTES E%ISnNC ELEVnTIqr DTEi CONTRAC7pR MUST VERIfY (0? ) OfNOTES PROPOSEO ELEVAl10N ORI?EWAY DESIGrv, ?-- _. DENO7E5 DRAINACE µD UOIITY EASEMENT JTE: BFaRINGS SNOWn ARE BASEO ON AN nSSUMEO DANM -T DENOTES DRAINAGE FIOw DIRECnpry - oENOTES MONUMENT 'E HEREBY CERnFY TO MCDONALD CONSTRUCiION 7HAT THIS IS a TRUE AND CORRECT EP ESENTA710N OF A URVEY OF THE eOUNOnRiES OF .OT 21, BLOCK 2, HAWTHORNE WOODS 2ND ADDITION AK07A CDUNTY, MINNESOTA DOES NOT PURPOR7 TO SHOW IMPROVEMEN7S OR ENCHROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, AS SURVEYED BY ME OR NDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION 7HI5 29TH DAY OF qUGUST, 1995. ^ CALE ; 1 INCH = 30 FEET IGNED: ' IONEER ENGI EE/Rlryg p,q P.A. S1VK ? `.....--...-. - John C. Lorson, 1.,5. R-eg, N"`o, ?y?2g * PIONEEEi ? engtnaml 1C * ?, * LN1D PLNNNEf15• UtiD5C0.GE MCHIYECTS 625 Highway 10 N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 (612) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: MCDONALD CONSTRUCTION ? M1 4264 DARTMOUTH COURT IL f'! 6Y 1\ REVI rEG 3Y, "A \ J? •905.4 VO o 4 ?o a pJ ??°O ?o^ 1 906.7 ? 907.7, % (90-7.0) 2422 Enterprise Oriva Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (612) 681-1814 FAX:681-9488 907.6 2 0 GAv 1 45.47 J'' • S° y 54., a , 5 • ? ' `.r ? ((A? 41.60 ? - `? r 101 ?+ 1 ? o? i? o e ? r ? - '•r ? t 1 907.2 • ? 907.7 r 2 'o ? M r1'? ?4p ?0 ? 907.5 ? ;?G DE? N? 895.4 ? \1 N? ?`ws ? ? J/ °0 ? 907.0 ,. ! ? ?iw?907.0 n 90 ,.. ? 66 t k 07, P n1 ? 907.7 x9o7.2 909.9 ss,? ? ? ? ? ?oo rSr?N ??54 48Z9 ? ? °' ^ f pU F ?;909.5 X909.8 i ? BENCti MARK 2 2 ?`S8 J' TOP OF PIPE El E V,=908.62-'' 21 ??. i i ril Q ^ Qy ? ? o?,s I !r / y ?5 4 0r ? J <goi3p? 908.8 7j NOTE: PROPOS£0 GxADES SHOKN PER GRADING PLAN BY: NFR PROPOSF D HOUSE fl FVA77QN NOTE: I SHOW A ? A An? OF S7RUCTVRES ON? RCHffQCTUAL nNO p ANS FOR BUILDING LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: 3 rouNOnnou oiMEnsIoNS. - 1l?•G rrOTf: NO SPEtlFIC SOtLS INVE57ICAlION MAS BEEN COMPLETEO On TFIIS l0T 8Y THE 7pp OF BLOCK E?EVATION: SURVEYOR. n1E SUITABILITY OF SOILS TO SUPPORT TME ypEpPIC HWSE GARAGE SLaB ELEVATION: QG PROPOSEO IS NOT 'fHE RESPONSIBIUTY Of TryE SVRYEYDR. NOTE: THIS CFRTIflCATE OOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW EASEMENTS 01HER 7HAN % 000.00 DENOTES EXISTINC ELEVATOta TF105E SnoWN ON THE RECOROEO PLAT. ( 00000 ) DENOTES PROPOSEO EIEYAl10N NOTEi CONTRACTDR MUST V['RIFY ORIVEWAY DESIGN. ---- DENOTES DRAINAGE iWD UTILIT' EASEMQNT -? DENOTES ORAINAGE FLOW OiRECTION NOTE: BEnqINGS SHOYm ARC BASED ON aN n55UME0 OANM OENOTES MONUMENT -9-- DENOTE5 OFFSET HU8 WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO MCOpNAI.p CONSTRUCTION 7HnT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPftESENTA710N OF A SURVEY Of THE eOUNOnRIES OF: LOT 21, BLOCK 2, HAWTHORNE WQODS 2ND ADDITION DAKO7A COUNTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES MOT PURPOR7 TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCHROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION 7HIS 29TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1995. /"'? IGNEO: ' IONEER ENCI EE RING1 P.A. SCALE ; 1 INCH = 30 FEET ti../ ` e I?__ ?'.w...... John C. lurson, L. 2422 Enterprlse Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55720 * PIONEEA L.NO w?YOA5 • pNL QIGNC[FS (612) 681-1814 FAX:691--9488 * engZneer nA 4W0 PUfINERS• IANOSCaPE AftCtdTECfS 625 Hlghwoy 10 N.E. * Blaine, MN 55434 * ? 'f 1(612) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: MCDONALD CONSTRUCTIQN E!'i,` ?-s Aq' 4284 DARTMOUTH COURT l I \ REVI EL? ? a?1.,L.?..?,._ elyyr 20 GAN ? U?J ? O ? 906.7 Q: 907 7 % \ (qo"],o) 907.6?i't9•3 145.47 1A n\ 5a.?s , 4 py' S0 4 cu n,.5o ? r V, 905.4 906.?-' ? p ! 10 907.7 r `?0? ? ?r M] r?? /40 r ? ?0 907.5 ;RING DEP(? \ ?l (P 895.4 N? Nji, ?W j ?tivs s ? I / 907.0 ? 30 / 1907A '\ 00 ? he ?' ^iZ'0o ? 21 ? N 49a. 909.9 6ENCti MARK TOP OF PIPE EIEV.=908.62- ? ,/ ? 0•S3N ? 1 [r/ i07.7 ? 907.5?/ ? 907.7 x907.2 ? ? ,10S ¢e29 a'i tr? ?x909.8 22 ?Q / Ol 14) o Qy ? ? _ ?s J 908.8 NOTE: PROPOSEO GRADES $HOWN PER GRADING PLAN BY: Mf'R PPOPOSFD HOUSE N NOTE: BNLDING OIUEN510N5 SHONN ARE foR HORRqJTAL ANO VERTICAL IOCAMIN ' OF STRVCfLRES ONIY, SEE ARLFp (QCTUAL PUNS FOR B111L01NG ANO LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION: FIX;NDATON DIMENSIpyS. ?`? ? No`E NG SPECffIC Sd{.j iryYtSTICA7IJN NAS dEEN COMpLETEO ON 11{I$ LOT BY THE 70P OF BLOCK EIEVATION; SURVEYOR, TryE SUITABIIITY OF SOiLS 1p SUPPORT THE $pfqPlC HWSE GARAGE SLAB ELEVATION: 90 3 r vROPO5E0 IS a0T fHE RFSPONSIBILITr Of 7ME SURVEYOR. NOTE: 7MIS CFRTIFlCATE OoES No7 pU(1PORT To SHOW EASEMENTS oIHER THAN iHOSE SNOWN ON THE RECORDEO PIaT % 000.00 DENOTES E%ISnNG ELEVA710N . ( 00000 ) OFNOTES PROPOSEO EIEVAl10N NOTEt CONTRACTOR MUST VERIfY ORIVEWAY DESGN• ---? DEN07ES ORAINAGE AryD UiR1iY EASEMENT NOTE: BEMINGS SHOWrv nRE BASED ON nN nS5UME0 OAIUM -3 DENOTES ORAINAGE FIOw OiRECiION -?-._ aENOTES MONUMENT $ DENOiES OFFSET HUB wE HEREBV CERnFY TO MCOONALD CONSTRUCTION 7HnT THIS IS a 7RUE ANO CORRECT REPRESENTATiON OF A SURVEY Of THE eOUNDARIES OP; LOT 21, BLOCK 2, HAWTHORNE WOODS 2ND ADD1710N OAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA IT DOES NO7 PURPOR7 TO SHOW iMPROVEMEN7S OR ENCHROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, AS SURVEYED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION 7HIS 29TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1995. ° IGNEp: IONEER ENG? EE RiNG P.A. SCALE ; 1 INCH = 30 FEET , _ B ?..__ ,'' ?? ....? PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA108167 Date Issued:11/20/2012 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4284 Dartmouth Ct Lot:21 Block: 2 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 2nd PID:10-32151-02-210 Use: Description: Sub Type:e-Windows/Doors Work Type:Windows/Doors Description:House Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Valuation: 4,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Gary R Lochner 4284 Dartmouth Ct Eagan MN 55123 Pella Northland 15300 25th Ave N #100 Plymouth MN 55447 (763) 355-1300 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA122553 Date Issued:05/12/2014 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4284 Dartmouth Ct Lot:21 Block: 2 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 2nd PID:10-32151-02-210 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes . Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 $105.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Gary R Lochner 4284 Dartmouth Ct Eagan MN 55123 Property Claim Solutions Llc 2005 Pin Oak Dr Eagan MN 55122 (651) 994-2028 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Plumbing Permit Number:EA136948 Date Issued:06/08/2016 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4284 Dartmouth Ct Lot:21 Block: 2 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 2nd PID:10-32151-02-210 Use: Description: Sub Type:Residential Work Type:Replace Description:Water Heater Meter Size Meter Type Manufacturer Serial Number Remote Number Line Size Comments:Please call Building Inspections at (651) 675-5675 to schedule a final inspection. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Building Code). Fee Summary:PL - Permit Fee (WS &/or WH)$59.00 0801.4087 Surcharge-Fixed $1.00 9001.2195 $60.00 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - Gary R Lochner 4284 Dartmouth Ct Eagan MN 55123 (651) 335-8545 Champion Plumbing 3670 Dodd Rd., #100 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 365-1340 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature