4015 Dodd RdCITY OF EAGAN 3830 Plot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT NQ 13195 Receipt # To be used for ADDITION Est Value S17 r 000 Date P" B R (JAI? Y b 19 Site Address 4 015 DODD RD Lot I Block 78 Sec/Sub. SECT 24 W Name MYRON C HANSON 3 Address SAME ° City Phone 454-6311 (W) o Name SAME 454-3984 (H) c°i < Address ~ City Phone LU W Name Address W City Phone i is correct and agree to Statutes and City of Eac Signature of A Building Permit is issued to: PU KUC all work shall be done in accordance with all Building Official Erect LJA Occupancy Remodel ? Zoning Repair ? Type of Const Addition ? No. Stories Move ? Length Demolish ? Depth Int Impr. ? Sq. Ft. Assessment Permit '' .L'` 4 • ''" Water & Sew. Surcharge 8.50 Police Plan Review 71.25 Fire SAC Planner Council la,G ., IGl 11,G Bld applicable State of 9' Var. Date Water Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Parks Copies Total $222.25 on the express condition that Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. I I Pennh No. I Permit Hoag I Onto I Telephone k 1 Plby. Htq. Htq. DISP. DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS C 53476 1,? ? RECEIPT NO. DATE ?` - ` NAME: , ?i+ ; /''? ?j %/JCS ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION: et""? "/Iez P-/ ?=? /•2??j DISTRICT 1/0 I PLAT Ir./'?*r I PARCEL NO. P /0 I-7L CHECK DIGITI MUNICIPALITY 177 rr IMPROVEMENT D PP = AUD INT. FROM TO ORIGINAL AMOUNT t PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL PAID f' . r ?Z"z X7,27 30 97,.2, 0 7 ?- y4/, 37 (27-36) (37-40) 141-50I 151-601 Paid Before Certification (77=4) Prepayment j? (77 - 5) Paid in Full [] (78 1) Partial Paid (78 - 2) P R E PA R E D B Y THOMAS V. NOVAK County Treasurer - Auditor BY: PREPARED BY MUNICIPALITY OF: BY: !II If payment is made by check, this is not a valid receipt until check is paid. (NAVE) POSTED BY: This Receipt does not include the installment certified to the 19 taxes. DAT E AUDITOR'S COPY I-11 vi ouvJc?. Ni vNci Ly EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT N° 2$57 Owner .--'-- .... -- •°- r--.._.4---- -e-? ................ Eagan Township O ciS' Address (Present) .....!'1< ..................... &.c`.? -?.....??'(.....-.---....- Town Hall Builder ..................""°""........-'-.""------.........................---................. (n - S'° J L Dale ............................................... Address -------------- .............................._.......-'-----.....................°----..... Stories To Be Used For Front Depth Height Est. Cost Permit Fee Remarks / 3 " J? d Oo LOCATION '7§ - rV greet, noaa or omer uescripnon of Locanon I Los 1 tsioca 1 aaauion or -Tract olo 17s This permit does not authorise the use of streets, roads, alleys or sidewalks nor does it give the owner or his agent the right to create any situation which is a nuisance or which presents a hazard to the health, safely, convenience and general welfare to anyone in the community. THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS. This is to certify, that ---..,J:...C-.=--.°-'^'-°! .............. haspermission to a: ........... .......................................................__upon the above described premise subject to the provisions of the Building Ordinance for Eagan Township adopted April 11, 1955. ............... Per - ............... ....... I 4........R...... -..............°"-... Chairman of Tnwn Sogrd Building Inspector d5 Eagan Township Dakota County, Minnesota Application foi Building Permit Type of building or work contemplated. Circle correct descriptions. esidea . Commercial Industrial Other ....------------------ _.._...-.._.....--.-.:--.. Build Enlarge Alter Repair Install Wreck Other Dimensions..... .. --x...3 9....----------- ? Cost .:...1..`??.. ...... Details dr remarks ................. --------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ........ .................. Location PERMIT NO...:_` 7. Date 20--3 Street Between what cross streets Size 'Est. Valuation o S 9300 -° Lot Block Addition Rearrangement or Tract Owner C ?`-? - ? ............. Address iS---?---''°s? ^ 3Z??'t 1 Contractor pp.e?...rr ........... t------------------------------------------------------------------ Address .3 0-? j? ao - The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to '" Q,ry $ e20 do work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with the building ordinance adopted April 11, 1955 n z] Zed deflected. T by the Eagan Township Board of Supervisors. / Permit fees are not refundable. Signed CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O. Box 21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 N PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT !\ 13185 Receipt k - UA Tobeusedtor ADDITION Est.Value $17,000 Date FEBRUARY 6 '19 _87 Site Address 4015 DODD RD Erect IX occupancy Lot 1 Block 78 Sec/Sub. SECT 24 Remodel ? Zoning Parcel No Repair ? Type of Const. . Addition ? No. Stories MYRON C HANSON Move ? Length W 3 Name SAME Demolish 11 Depth Address Int. Impr. 11 Ft Sq. Ciry 454-8311 (W) phone Install tall ? o Name SAME 454-3984 (H) Approvals Fees $4 Address Assessment permit $142.50 City Phone Water a Sew. Surcharge 8.50 2 7 Police 1. 5 Plan Review a Name Fire SAC i ma Address En Water Conn U <w City Phone I hereby acknowledge that l have read this appli ation and state that the information is correct and agree to comply wit all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and of Eagan Ordin as. Signature of Pan... ee A Building Permit is issued to: MYRON C HANSON all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable Sn of Minnesota Building g' - Planner Council Bldg. Off. APC Var. Water Meter Road Unit Tr. PI. Copies Total $222.25 on the express condition that and City of Eagan Ordinances. r d This request void sJ/1.2/Ej -7 1S months from C 61104 ioj Request Ditte ' fire No. Fair -in Inspection Re q cored? Ready Now Will Notify, Insoec- ,' 7 r? r Yes ?No gl for When Ready ® Licensed Electrical Contractor I hereby request inspection at above D Owner electrical work installed at: Street Address, Box or Route No. City 91 1 ? 0/ S pdoo R le ?/7 action o. Township Name or No. Range No. County P 9- k Li t?9 Occupant (PRINT) 1-f y 0- d? /?g?vso? Phone No. 3 S- Power Supplier 17 A A d f Address , Y !? /''? i,Y 6 T 61 n? Electrical Contractor (Company Name) is ?v?cw?r!1.s y Contractor's License No. dyda91/a ?np Address (Contramor or Owner M a kinP Inta Nation) 6 t/ v z- 5-40 s- V ,A Ct Authorized Sipna ure ICgntractor?Owner MakinP Installation) Phone Number Y6 ?aYK0 r MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Grime-Midway Bldg. -Room N-191 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS 1821 Univers4tv Ave.. St. Paul. MN 55104 Phase (61 (6121 21 64 642-0800 ENCLOSED. REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION ES-0J00''0//1-0557\ If See instructions for completing this form on back of vellow copy. (1, g i 9 n A "X" Below Work Covered by This Request NeM AdA) Rdp.l Tvoe of Buildinn 1 Aapllanees Wired 1 . Equipment Wired I I I I I Commercial Blda. 11(1 Furnace 1 I Silo Unloader I Farm k Fee Servic Entrance Size a Fee FBadersrSubfaedere p Fee Circuits ,d U to 20 Am s 0 12 30 Am s .UO 0 to 30 Am Above 2 0 Amps 1 1 3to 100 Amps d•Oo 31 to 100 Amps Swimming Pool Above 100_An1 s Above 100_Am Transformers Irrigation Booms Partial."Other Fee Signs Special Inspection 03.oa TOTA /E Remarks Ff 9.t /? (-. ( fLL Jr $ the certify that the above inspection has been made. request 74 dJ ? ? i? ??>? ?-?- ???? ????-z`? fry, ????, ?/alS DvbD Rt?? lei It city of eagan Addendum Report for Dodd Road (Diffley Road to Wescott Road) Service Utility Improvements City Project Nos. 850 & 862 Eagan, Minnesota September 9, 2002 File No. 49-01-115 d' W C) LL ELM. 89776 FIRE HYO.-TOP NUT-NE QUAD. OF E-RENE RD 6 STONEBRIOGE DR N. q9t W cr D V I 1SI4-k... .ounan J:uh2[Simadd9A mrfiil 2 \ rE o Smcci > ?V BB Ind ? ? r? ?i I T i m WROT C ? I 12 8 IMA4XV.£ VCL CWSTryICTOx WI15 ? ]C' f/T 9618 IXNUC2 0 1BAk 1 t O '\\ Z 010.5] ® \ \',\\ \ 41M ? 724 i ENO STiEEi BECWSTNCT 3] OID-s4 o f `I / §O ¢t j ` -2 // t23 e? 6?8 BCCO MUCT CATW BASH 1 «0 e f)"4 C1____________ f3 f[? ?T 8vxz mrc<C? o Z? s V <U Q N p ~ 3 v W O I G Za- Z?"?o s=? 46 OF 50 i ? 4C15 oto-?e ? 5 a I M0.VJl/R BLIXX PEiuNING I Vy1 $iA 2 50 i0 36?C0 C??s . Proposed Improvement - Sanitary Sewer It is felt that at the time of change in land use of this parcel, the necessary connections to the sanitary sewer line available to the parcel can take place. Therefore, no sanitary sewer service improvements will be proposed at this time. Proposed Service - Water An 8" by 6" tee should be cut into the 8" main line. An additional 105' of 6" DIP water main should be installed. The 6" DIP line could service this parcels future needs as well as Parcel 010-02. This improvement is shown on Figure No. 39. Parcel 010-05, PIN# 10-02400-010-05 Figure Numbers 41,42,43 Existing Conditions - Sanitary Sewer This parcel currently has a sanitary sewer available via a manhole located on the west side of the property. This 8" sewer line was extended from the cul-de-sac in Havenhill Road to the west property line of parcel 010-05 as shown in Figure No 41. This location of sewer service will work with the given contours and elevations of the property. Existing Conditions - Water Currently, water main exists along the west side of Dodd Road, adjacent to this property as shown in Figure No 42. A 1" service has also been provided to serve the existing use (one single family) of this parcel. Proposed Improvement - Sanitary Sewer It is felt that at the time of change in the use of land for this parcel, the necessary connections to the sanitary sewer line available to the parcel can take place. Proposed Improvement - Water It is felt that a 6" line should be stubbed to this parcel for future needs. If this parcel was to subdivide, a 6" line would be necessary. By installing a 6" water main at this time, no disruptions to the new road will occur. This proposed improvement is shown on Figure No 43. Parcel 010-78, PIN # 10-02400-010-78 Figure Numbers 44,45,46 Existing Conditions - Sanitary Sewer This parcel currently does not have access to sanitary sewer. An 8" sewer line exists in Dodd Road adjacent to this parcel as shown in Figure No 44. Existing Conditions - Water Dodd Road Street and Utility Improvements 5 /Currently, water main exists along the west side of Dodd Road, adjacent to this property as shown in Figure No 45. A 1" service has also been provided to serve the existing use (one single family) of this parcel. Proposed Improvement - Sanitary Sewer It is proposed to stub an 8" line to the east property line of this parcel. This line can be connected to the existing manhole in Dodd Road. This line could service both the immediate and future needs of this parcel. The proposed improvement is shown in Figure No. 46. Proposed Improvement - Water Since this parcel already has water service for its current needs met, it is felt that at the time of land use changes, a connection could be made to the 6" water man line that exists adjacent to Dodd Road. This water main line exists outside of the new curb line of Dodd Road such that a connection could be made without damage to the new roadway. Therefore, no additional water improvements for this property will be done at this time. Parcel 010-52, PIN # 10-02400-010-52 Figure Number 47 Existing Conditions - Sanitary Sewer This parcel currently has access to a 6" sanitary sewer line as shown in Figure No. 47. Existing Conditions - Water This parcel currently has access to a 6" water main line as shown in Figure No. 47. Proposed Improvement - Sanitary Sewer No improvements are necessary at this time. Proposed Improvement - Water No improvements are necessary at this time. Parcel 010-53, PIN # 10-02400-010-53 Figure Numbers 44,48 Existing Conditions - Sanitary Sewer This parcel currently has access to sanitary sewer off of Witham Lane. The current owners have an individual service line connect to the sewer in Witham Lane. The existing sewer line in Witham Lane is shown on Figure No. 44. Existing Conditions - Water Currently, water main exists for this parcel on the opposite side of Dodd Road (West). A I" service has also been provided to serve the existing use (one single family) of this parcel as shown in Figure No. 48. Proposed Improvement - Sanitary Sewer Dodd Road Street and Utility Improvements RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 Now Construction Requirements 3 registered site surveys showing sq. % of lot, sq. R of house; and all roofed areas (20% maximum lot coverage allowed) • 2 copies of plan shoving beam & window sizes; poured found design, etc.) 1 set of Energy Calculations 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 71153 Rim Joist Detati Options selection sheet (bldgs with 3 or less units) DATE a fA 90 r og JOB SITE IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MANY U PROPERTY TYPE OF WC APPLICANT ADDRESS _ PAGER # -jO,Uc? RemodelfReoair Requirements • 2 Copies of plan 1 set of Energy Calculations for heated additions 1 site survey far exterior additions & decks Indicate if home served by septic system for additions VALUATION S 2C9DC) - CELL PHONE # 'LACE(S) _ 0 4!1 _ 2 PHONE# 95ac?-?4/? CJ?58 W, ZIP CODE -533 2 FAX # NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Energy Code Category (check one) Plumbing Contractor. _ Plumbing System Includes: MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted MINNESOTA RULES 7672 - New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Phone #: Water Softener _ Lawn Sprinkler Water Heater _ No. of R.I. Baths No. of Baths Mechanical Contractor. 1 i y E _S i llP_ &DV'M Pi'' Mechanical System Includes: _ Air Conditioning - Heat Recovery System Sewer/Water Contractor. All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. Fee: $90.00 Phone # 2'5,k-X40•-0 2S 0 Fee 0.0,0, ,- r? (P ?Y' Phone # I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Or i antes. Signature of Applicant (?. \ ( Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 2002 /a- vay"» -- flld - MV of cagan 7f THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members June 5, 1995 THOMAS HEDGES City Administrator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD ROAD EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Mr.Hanson: I reviewed the results of our meeting with my supervisor, Finance Director/City Clerk Gene VanOverbeke. I explained your position and interpretation of the agreement. As I understand it, your interpretation of the agreement is that you have a ($11,007.17 - $4,979.32) $6,027.85 debt accruing interest at 9%. Mr. VanOverbeke has the same opinion as I, that is, the amount collectible is to be based on the unassessed areas and frontages at the currently existing rates. My computation of your obligation was computed int his manner: 1995 Proposed Improvement Quantity Rate Assessment Water Trunk (2.78 - 1.00) 1.78 $1,740/Ac $ 3,097.20 Storm Sewer Trunk (121,097 - 49,500) 71,597 .076/sq ft 5,441.37 Lateral Benefit Water (700 ff - 100 ff) 600 ff 9.75/ff 5.850.00 Total 3 8. At the time of review, he mentioned that because of the irregular shape of your parcel, the full frontage of your parcel would not be assessable. Based on his observation and a pro-forma layout of your property by a member of the Community Development Department, it is our opinion that your parcel has approximately 500 ff of developable frontage. MUNICIPAL CENTER THE LONE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122.1897 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681.4600 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4612 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(612)454-8535 TDD:(612) 454.8535 MYRON HANSON JUNE 5, 1995 PAGE TWO Based on this conclusion, your assessment for lateral benefit of water would be reduced by $1,950.00 (9.75/ff X 200 ff). If you still disagree with these conclusions, your options include the following: 1) Engage a lawyer to review the contract as to the meaning of paragraph 2 of the recorded agreement. 2) Present your case to the City Council. The City staff can not alter what they believe are the terms of a Council-approved agreement. 3) You can let everything stand. In our interpretation, you do not have an obligation that is accruing interest at 9% per year. This agreement was recorded at Dakota County to notify potential purchasers of your property that your property has not been assessed in its entirety. 4) Pay the obligation per the City's revised calculation in a dollar amount of $12,438.57 (amount correct until 12-31-95). Please contact me or Gene VanOverbeke when you decide which option to pursue. Sincerely, Gerald R. Wobschall cc: Thomas A. Colbert, Director of Public Works E. J. VanOverbeke, Finance Director/City Clerk Parcel File #10-02400-010-78 GRW1vmd , 1-/0+5 ?J'0?(,( le 6( SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 05/12/1995 PROPERTY ID: 10-02400-010-78 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR 102044 SSTK 491 1990 102045 WSVC 491 1990 102046 WTK 491 1990 102047 WLTK 491 1990 P999 POSTPONED ASSESSMENT 0000 SS=T-K -lid GC-LOT-CREDIT 0000 ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED ****** 1995 P&I CERTIFIED ------ SUMMARY OF DEFERRED ------ SUMMARY OF PENDING ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED :? Press ENTER; or Fl, F4, F5, Main Menu Y F7, F8 Prev 2 72 Page CN 13:21 3 ?r?j r' bl( TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 15 9.0000 2623.50 0.00 0.00 PP 15 9.0000 481.82 0.00 0.00 PP 15 9.0000 1250.00 0.00 0.00 PP 15 9.0000 624.00 0.00 0.00 PP 10 0.0000 0.00 0.00 PN 00 0.0000 0.00 0.00 PN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ---0:00 0.00 ?4979.32?' Next Page CAPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Go To Exit Legend t A • Au r vnQL , IT-lc - 1. Co 7f _ /771 U`J ;' s 0 D 2 ? S9) 7 ? -b. ? - -200 1.7Y 4c. C_ '7Yc:? ? 3 ac) Good :7?jrrJ /Y? -fib', 5' 77 j 7Y 4 -_C rb00/fir - ?° v ?? c lC9G I If- ell rY/ i -C T- 400 101*1 fo, ol? P. s?A- /'' _ //oD' y(- I. ?J A) /-? _ (d SOD = a z3?a Yom' S 1 1 ? is?, r r /oo /ya x r7 S t 5'/ o ff g s (/00)- y?o ?7' it /?G?ad ?i•??- _?T 9S' __ ?p - ?y 38d? 57 al /j --/0 01-7 - /_<2 ?t c c - p D.1TOoo2? c? i ?`a? i tpri-7?aal- G?ttlfn?P?7? - _ /0?? 17 Qn??R?p?-rl?lo?v/ --PD// C-? 86-3 y, 3a) _ . art ?e,?PV t a c??'r/? .d ?r ?? _. /f' ?o - r ?I'd 1<(a ,`? ?PQ'rr - ?o?/aO.vno?Pd - N/?[i41?? --------------------------- X71 cv f`TO G- {-re "J/J!,!2 i _ . _ VJR-?, i ?e_cy .-h _`? ode ?e ,??s o? ? . _ E - k/1 13V81 jec . 0°? % SEVERSON, WII..COX & SHELDON, P.A. LARRYS. SEVERSON' JAMES F. SHELDON J. PATRICK WILCOX* TERENCE P. DURKIN MICHAEL G. DOUGHERTY MICHAEL E. MOLENDA" PAUL J. STIER "ALSO LICENSED IN IOWA "ALSO LICENSED IN WISCONSIN +++AI.SO LICENSED IN NEBRASKA July 18, 1990 Mr. Gene VanOverbeke Eagan City Clerk 3830 Pilot Knob Road Box 21199 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 KENNETH R. HALL '"'SCOTT D. JOHNSTON JOSEPH H EARLEY LOREN M. SOLFEST CHRISTINE M. SCOTILLO A,NNETTE M. MARGARIT DANIEL M. SHERIDAN' OFCOUNSEL: JOHN E. VIIKEI.ICH Re: Special Assessment Agreement - Hanson Eagan Hills Farms - Project No. 491 Our File No. 206-5521 Dear Gene: In connection with the above matter, I enclose original recorded Special Assessment Policy 86-3 (Myron C. Hanson) - Document No. 943775 for the official City records. If you should have a question, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in this matter. Very t ly yours, SEV 7WILCOX I Roxann Duffy Legal Assistant RD:tt & SHELDON, P.A. A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 600 MIDWAY NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 7300 WEST 147TH STREET APPLE VALLEY, MINNESOTA 55124 (612) 432-3136 TELEFAX NUMBER 432-3780 Enclosure C: Judy Jenkins, City of Eagan 943 !5 EXHIBIT 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY 86-3 CITY OF EAGAN ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT UNDEVELOPED/AGRICULTURAL ZONING PROJECT NO(S). 491 h 3 This Agreement dated this Z?- day of May, 1990, between the CITY OF EAGAN, (called City), and MYRON C. and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband and wife, (called owner) of 4015 Dodd Road, Eagan, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the City proposes to assess the following described premises in Dakota County, Minnesota, owned by Owner: (legal description) That part of the West Half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 24, T. 27, R.23, lying northwesterly of Dodd Road (Parcel No. 10-02400-010-78). for the following improvements pursuant to City Project(s) 491: Trunk area watermain and lateral benefit from trunk watermain. WHEREAS, assessments would normally be based upon the total frontage and/or area of said premises; and/or WHEREAS, the present use of said property is homestead for a single use; and WHEREAS, the highest and best use of the property may be at a different zoning, higher density or more intense use than presently exists; NOW, THEREFORE, upon consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to assess said property for the Project and purposes described above at its present singular use, in accordance with Special Assessment Policy No. 86-3, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. The Owner agrees for himself, his heirs, executors, \1 administrators, successors, and assigns, that if the actual use of said property is changed in the future to-a--u-s-e-o-r-zo-n-iftg category is is grea er son use, he city may reassess or levy a supplemental assessment at such time based on the assessable units I (frontage and/or area) postponed under this referenced project at the appropriate zoning classification assessment rates,, according to City ! policy, in effect at such future time. 061990 3. a. The Owner for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns waives any and all objections to the City's right to reassess the property in conjunction with the Project if the actual use and/or the zoning for the property is changed. Further, the Owner waives any and all objections to the present assessments agreed to herein and to the proceedings related thereto. b. By executing this Agreement, the Owner does not waive the burden of the City to establish the benefit received by the property under the Project at the time of the change in use or zoning. 4. The undersigned hereby agree that t:is Agreement may be recorded with the Dakota County Recorder and that the owner shall execute any and all documents necessary to implement the recording of this Agreement including the delivery of the Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title to the affected lands if necessary. 5. The undersigned agrees that this agreement shall run with the affected land and binds the heirs, successors and assigns of such land. 6. The undersigned heirs, successors and assigns of such land, includes all of the person, firms or corporation that hold an interest in the assessed land described above, including the fee title owners, contract for deed vendees or vendors or holders of any other interest under contract for deed, option or otherwise. 7. Other conditions: None. the undersigned have read and understand the above agreement and hereby bind themselves to it in all raspGZts. OWNER: C. Hanson Barbara J. 14anson j CITY O GAN: : Thomas A. Its: Mayor By: J. Va Its Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: P lic Works Department Dated: 3 =,Z 9.9d STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF Dt Kvk ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -'day of dIA4 , 1990, by MYRON C. HANSON and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband arid wife. EQ ELIZABETH A. WITT NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA DAKOTA OOUNTY c My commission Expires Feb. 11. 1101 Notar ubllc STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA ss. On this 127-# day of , 1990, before me a Notary Public within and for said C nty, personally appeared THOMAS A. EGAN and E. J. VanOVERBEKE to a personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: acknowledged said instrument municipality. I*1ddD MANIlYN L WMIMPFENNIG NNARY PUBIC - MIIINESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY My Commission Exp Feb 8. 1995 spa: THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 JPE EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX to be the free act and deed of said EXHIBIT A e POI.TCY A6-3 LARGE UNPLATTED PROPERTY - POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SUBJECT: Calculation of reduced assessment obligations for large unplatted property when connecting to existing previously unassessed City utilities and/or assessments resulting from new public improvement installations. POLICY: When existing unplatted property meeting the qualifying area and frontage requirements desire to connect to existing previously under/unassessed public improvements or when new public improvements are installed adjacent to similar type property, through the execution of.the attached agreement, the assessment obligation will be calculated on 100 ft. of frontage and 1 acre of land with the remainder of the assessment obligation being postponed until such time that the property is developed to a higher or more intense use. At that time, the postponed assessment obligations will be reactivated and certified in accordance with the agreement. Qualifying properties must have a minimum of 200 ft. of frontage on the public right-of-way incorporating the public improvement and must be greater than 3 acres in area excluding all dedicated right-of-way, ponding easements and/or significant and unusual utility easements. OBJECTIVE: To reduce and postpone the significant financial burden of public improvements on large pre-existing unplatted property until such time that it is developed to a higher and/or more intense use thereby realizing a benefit more directly related to the assessment obligation. It also provides an opportunity for existing homesteaded unplatted property to connect to existing utilities when needed without incurring the burden of benefit for the larger undeveloped property beyond the nominal one dwelling unit property dimensions. JUSTIFICATION: Many times, benefit of public improvements to existing large unplatted tracts of land is not realized until such time that that. land is developed to a higher and/or more intense use requiring the benefits provided from the public improvements available. This postponement will recognize the extent of the immediate benefit and will provide a recordable agreement informing perspective future developers and/or investment purchasers of additional assessment obligations if the property is to be used for other than its use at the time of the agreement execution. Reviewed and Acted Upon By: CITY COUNCIL: X Approved 10-6-88 Date SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE X Approved 6-30-88 Date Denied Date Denied Date OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER-DAKOTA COUNTY, MN. CERTIFIED THAT THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THIS OFFICE ON AND AT JUN 25 24G PH 'S DOC.NO JAMES N. ?CKNTYREC DER DEPUTY ?FF/EE CASH ? CHECKs4- CHARGE ? CHARGE WHOM REFUND DO NOT REMOVE ?3o-o LJ. l<17+? st "/`P t ` Vak 13'AI ?6k. BQ . SSi Z ? Agenda Information Memo June 5, 1990 City Council Meeting PROJECT 491/APPROVE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT (PARCEL 10-02400-010-78/EAGAN HILLS FARM L. Project 491, Approve Special Assessment Agreement (Parcel 10-02400-010.78, Eagan Hills Farm Trunk Utilities)--At the final assessment hearing for the above-referenced project on May 1st, the property owner of the above-referenced parcel requested and received special consideration for postponing a portion of their assessment under Special Assessment Policy 86-3 for the trunk area water main and lateral benefit from trunk water main assessments associated with this project. However, this reduction was subject to the property owner executing the appropriate agreement associated with this formal policy which allows the unassessed portion to be postponed to a later date. The property owner has properly executed all necessary.agreements which are now being presented to the City Council for formal approval. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To approve the special assessment agreement for Parcel 10-02400-010-78 regarding Project 491 (Eagan Hills Farm Trunk Utilities) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. PROJECT 466/RECEIVE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL ORDER PUBLIC HEARING (PILOT KNOB ROAD) M. Project 466, Receive Final Assessment Roll/Order Public Hearing (Pilot Knob Road - Streets and Utilities)--The upgrading of Pilot Knob Road has been completed, all costs tabulated and the final assessment roll prepared. This roll is now being presented to the City Council for consideration of scheduling a public bearing to receive formal comments regarding the proposed final assessments associated with this project. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED ON THIS ITEM: To receive the final assessment roll for Project 466 (Pilot Knob Road-Streets and Utilities) and order the final assessment public hearing to be held on July 10, 1990. O 4• fA e.3. lyn ?5(tNl 1 I'i ?IV?? A- ??A?°?T;t' 'B,'9'y J?q,{Yv - . r. a s? . t DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA ,Yr RECEIPT FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS GATE 77, G? ?:223 Fl p ?IBIB:_ ?n / ?, , xS_!' rL -? n r,r II i 41A;t i:- ? ? u nwT?10 " al{TRICT PLAT n?,/nn PARCEL NO. CHECK DIGIT 1 MUNICIPALITY C 112-13) Its-tal V 119.21) 122.23) 121 9ag`!Vn9 ;sm;Z EMENT D/P - AUD INT. : FROM TO ORIGINAL AMOUNT PI Y1 ECE PT no ?, Rf e! i p. IEREST TOTAL PAID J'! 2'A eal. (27.99) 137.40) 111-50l lal-W) '048'bi Pep ?Ndli Cutllltatlon ? (77=?I Prepayment ? (77 = 5) Paid In Full &78= 1) Partial Paid ? (78 = 2) TRAg3 '#A.EPARHD BY NORMA B. MARSH, COUNTY AUDITOR Dy:. r 9RA9`3 r *Rftkl) BY MUNICIPALITY OF- BY: e (t4r -11 Iem Tliq 444imlint is made by check, this is n , a valid receipt until check is paid. 7 This Receipt does not include 1F; (3MANI the installment certified-to S? POSTED BY? OATS taxes. -=-- the r r I9 -v;¢ u PERMANENT COPY ?"' 4,4,4 r rl... a ? 4 N :r?. .v .. .. .... .. .. s .. ... q- yO/5 'gyp ` ?J 1LI h 0-1- OV - 7? -?z dfyu,,& 1 of ea 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5 51 221897 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 June 14, 1990 MR & MRS MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD RD EAGAN MN 55123 THOMAS ELAN M,yor DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMELA McCREA TIM PAWLENTY THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Cry Adminbtrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk t Re: Project 491, Postponement of Portion of Special Assessment (Eagan Hill Farms - Trunk Utilities) Parcel 10-02400-010-78 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hanson: Per your request, enclosed please find a fully executed copy of the Assessment Agreement regarding the above-referenced subject. If you have any questions regarding this item, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, gineering Secretary /jj Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer f I EXHIBIT 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY 86-3 CITY OF EAGAN ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT UNDEVELOPED/AGRICULTURAL ZONING PROJECT NO(S). 491 This Agreement dated this j day of May, 1990, between the CITY OF EAGAN, (called City), and M RON C. and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband and wife, (called Owner) of 4015 Dodd Road, Eagan, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the City proposes to assess the following described premises in Dakota County, Minnesota, owned by Owner: (legal description) That part of the West Half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 24, T. 27, R.23, lying northwesterly of Dodd Road (Parcel No. 10-02400-010-78). for the following improvements pursuant to City Project(s) 491: Trunk area watermain and lateral benefit from trunk watermain. WHEREAS, assessments would normally be based upon the total frontage and/or area of said premises; and/or WHEREAS, the present use of said property is homestead for a single use; and WHEREAS, the highest and best use of the property may be at a different zoning, higher density or more intense use than presently exists; NOW, THEREFORE, upon consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to assess said property for the Project and purposes described above at its present singular use, in accordance with Special Assessment Policy No. 86-3, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. The Owner agrees for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, that if the actual use of said property is changed in the future to a use or zoning category which is greater than its present use, the City may reassess or levy a supplemental assessment at such time based on the assessable units (frontage and/or area) postponed under this referenced project at the appropriate zoning classification assessment rates, according to City policy, in effect at such future time. 3. a. The Owner for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns waives any and all objections to the City's right to reassess the property in conjunction with the Project if the actual use and/or the zoning for the property is changed. Further, the Owner waives any and all objections to the present assessments agreed to herein and to the proceedings related thereto. b. By executing this Agreement, the owner does not waive the burden of the City to establish the benefit received by the property under the Project at the time of the change in use or zoning. 4. The undersigned hereby agree that this Agreement may be recorded with the Dakota County Recorder and that the owner shall execute any and all documents necessary to implement the recording of this Agreement including the delivery of the owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title to the affected lands if necessary. 5. The undersigned agrees that this agreement shall run with the affected land and binds the heirs, successors and assigns of such land. 6. The undersigned heirs, successors and assigns of such land, includes all of the person, firms or corporation that hold an interest in the assessed land described above, including the fee title owners, contract for deed vendees or vendors or holders of any other interest under contract for deed, option or otherwise. 7. Other conditions: None. the undersigned have read and understand the above agreement and hereby bind themselves to it in all respects. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Attorney's Office 6 -c - 90 APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works Dartment Dated: S'dt.r- w STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF oalKot ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this T day of a , 1990, by MYRON C. HANSON and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband and wife. ?' ELIZABETH A. WITT l `. NOTARY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY My commission Expires Feb. 10. 1901 STATE OF MINNESOTA Notary P lic ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this /Z T ? day of 1990, before me a Notary Public within and for said Co u appeared THOMAS A. EGAN and E. J. VanOVERBEKE to known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and Clerk u Y. persona personally V1 n acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. ??essas+ MARILYN L W1J1C PFENNIG NO'•APV PL uLIC - MIRiJE'0TA rte. DAKOTA COUNTY My Cornmi;sion Exp fob 8, 7593 ^evss.?a THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 JPE EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX EXHIBIT A POLICY 86-3 LARGE UNPLATTED PROPERTY - POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SUBJECTS Calculation of reduced assessment obligations for large unplatted property when connecting to existing previously unassessed City utilities and/or assessments resulting from new public improvement installations. POLICYs When existing unplatted property meeting the qualifying area and frontage requirements desire to connect to existing previously under/unassessed public improvements or when new public improvements are installed adjacent to similar type property, through the execution of.the attached agreement, the assessment obligation will be calculated on 100 ft. of frontage and 1 acre of land with the remainder of the assessment obligation being postponed until such time that the property is developed to a higher or more intense use. At that time, the postponed assessment obligations will be reactivated and certified in accordance with the agreement. Qualifying properties must have a minimum of 200 ft. of frontage on the public right-of-way incorporating the public improvement and must be greater than 3 acres in area excluding all dedicated right-of-way, ponding easements and/or significant and unusual utility easements. OBJECTIVE: To reduce and postpone the significant financial burden of public improvements on large pre-existing unplatted property until such time that it is developed to a higher and/or more intense use thereby realizing a benefit more directly related to the assessment obligation. It also provides an opportunity for existing homesteaded unplatted property to connect to existing utilities when needed without incurring the burden of benefit for the larger undeveloped property beyond the nominal one dwelling unit property dimensions. JUSTIFICATION: Many times, benefit of public improvements to existing large unplatted tracts of land is not realized until such time that that land is developed to a higher and/or more intense use requiring the benefits provided from the public improvements available. This postponement will recognize the extent of the immediate benefit and will provide a recordable agreement informing perspective future developers and/or investment purchasers of additional assessment obligations if the property is to be used for other than its use at the time of the agreement execution. Reviewed and Acted Upon By: CITY COUNCILS X Approved 10-6-88 Date SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE X Approved 6-30-88 Date Denied Date Denied Date D-c1tv of 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FAX: (612) 454-8363 May 15, 1990 MR & MRS MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD ROAD THOMAS EGAN Maya DAVID K GUSTAFSON PAMELA MCCRFA TIM PAWtENTY THEODORE WACHTER Coundl Members THOMAS HEDGES City Administrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE CM Clerk EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Project 491, Postponement of Portion of special Assessment (Eagan Hill Farms - Trunk Utilities) Parcel 10-02400-010-78 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hanson: As you are aware, on May 1, 1990, the City Council reconsidered your original objection pertaining to the proposed special assessment for the above-referenced project. At that hearing, the City Council gave consideration to your request for postponing a portion of the special assessments relating to trunk area water and lateral benefit from trunk water main due to the irregular configuration of your property with its excessive frontage along Dodd Road. Although your property presently doesn't meet the technical requirements for qualifying for a postponement of special assessment under Policy 86-3, the City Council recognized your previous dedication of additional public right-of-way which resulted in your property falling below the minimum area requirements. Subsequently, the City Council agreed to postpone a portion of your special assessments if you execute and have notarized the attached agreement which will be recorded against your property. If you execute and return this agreement by May 31, 1990, the City will reduce the amount of the special assessments to be certified against your property from $11,007.17 to $4,979.32 with the unassessed acreage and frontage being postponed until such time that your property should change from its current use. THE LONE OAK TREE ...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Page 2 May 15, 1990 If this agreement is not executed, notarized and returned to the City by May 31, the full amount will be certified to the County. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this special assessment process, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, C-? 4V& Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj Enclosure cc: Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk +. r c EXHIBIT 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT POLICY 86-3 CITY OF RAGAN ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT UNDEVELOPED/AGRICULTURAL ZONING PROJECT NO(S). 491 This Agreement dated this day of May, 1990, between the CITY OF EAGAN, (called City), and MYRON C. and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband and wife, (called Owner) of 4015 Dodd Road, Eagan, Minnesota; WHEREAS, the City proposes to assess the following described premises in Dakota County, Minnesota, owned by Owner: (legal description) That part of the West Half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 24,`T. 27, R.23, lying northwesterly of Dodd Road (Parcel No. 10-02400-010-78). for the following improvements pursuant to City Project(s) 491: Trunk area watermain and lateral benefit from trunk watermain. WHEREAS, assessments would normally be based upon the total frontage and/or area of said premises; and/or WHEREAS, the present use of said property is homestead for a single use; and WHEREAS, the highest and best use of the property may be at a different zoning, higher density or more intense use than presently exists; NOW, THEREFORE, upon consideration of the mutual covenants herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. The City agrees to assess said property for the Project and purposes described above at its present singular use, in accordance with Special Assessment Policy No. 86-3, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. The Owner agrees for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, that if the actual use of said property is changed in the future to a use or zoning category which is greater than its present use, the City may reassess or levy a supplemental assessment at such time based on the assessable units (frontage and/or area) postponed under this referenced project at the appropriate zoning classification assessment rates, according to City policy, in effect at such future time. f 1 3. a. The Owner for himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns waives any and all objections to the City's right to reassess the 'property in conjunction with the Project if the actual use and/or the zoning for the property is changed. Further, the owner waives any and all objections to the present assessments agreed to herein and to the proceedings related thereto. b. By executing this Agreement, the owner does not waive the burden of the City to establish the benefit received by the property under the Project at the time of the change in use or zoning. 4. The undersigned hereby agree that this Agreement may be recorded with the Dakota County Recorder and that the owner shall execute any and all documents necessary to implement,the recording of this Agreement including the delivery of the Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title to the affected lands if necessary. 5. The undersigned agrees that this agreement shall run with the affected land and binds the heirs, successors and assigns of such land. 6. The undersigned heirs, successors and assigns of such land, includes all of the person, firms or corporation that hold an interest in the assessed land described above, including the fee title owners, contract for deed vendees or vendors or holders of any other interest under contract for deed, option or otherwise. 7. Other conditions: None. the undersigned have read and understand the above agreement and hereby bind themselves to it in all respects. OWNER: CITY OF EAGAN: Myron C. Hanson Barbara J. Hanson By: Thomas A. Egan Its: Mayor By: E. J. VanOverbeke Its: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney's Office Dated: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Public Works Department Dated: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990, by MYRON C. HANSON and BARBARA J. HANSON, husband and wife. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this day of 1990, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared THOMAS A. EGAN and E. J. VanOVERBEKE to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed on behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument municipality. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: SEVERSON, WILCOX & SHELDON, P.A. 600 Midway National Bank Bldg. 7300 West 147th Street Apple Valley, MN 55124 (612) 432-3136 JPE to be the free act and deed of said Notary Public EXEMPT FROM STATE DEED TAX EX111BIT A 1 POLICY 86-3 LARGE UNPLATTED PROPERTY - POSTPONEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS SUBJECT: Calculation of reduced assessment obligations for large unplatted property when connecting to existing previously unassessed City utilities and/or assessments resulting from new public improvement installations. POLICY: When existing unplatted property meeting the qualifying area and frontage requirements desire to connect to existing previously under/unassessed public improvements or when new public improvements are installed adjacent to similar type property, through the execution of the attached agreement, the assessment obligation will be calculated on 100 ft. of frontage and 1 acre of land with the remainder of the assessment obligation being postponed until such time that the property is developed to a higher or more intense use. At that time, the postponed assessment obligations will be reactivated and certified in accordance with the agreement. Qualifying properties must have a minimum of 200 ft. of frontage on the public right-of-way incorporating the public improvement and must be greater than 3 acres in area excluding all dedicated right-of-way, ponding easements and/or significant and unusual utility easements. OBJECTIVE: To reduce and postpone the significant financial burden of public improvements on large pre-existing unplatted property until such time that it is developed to a higher and/or more intense use thereby realizing a benefit more directly related to the assessment obligation. It also provides an opportunity for existing homesteaded unplatted property to connect to existing utilities when needed without incurring the burden of benefit for the larger undeveloped property beyond the nominal one dwelling unit property dimensions. JUSTIFICATION: Many times, benefit of public improvements to existing large unplatted tracts of land is not realized until such time that that land is developed to a higher and/or more intense use requiring the benefits provided from the public improvements available. This postponement will recognize the extent of the immediate benefit and will provide a recordable agreement informing perspective future developers and/or investment purchasers of additional assessment obligations i£ the property is to be used for other than its use at the time of the agreement execution. Reviewed and Acted Upon By: CITY COUNCIL: X Approved 10-6-88 Date Denied Date SPECIAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE X Approved 6-30-88 Date Denied Date of 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD THOMAS EGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 Mayor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 DAVID K. GUSTAFSON FAX: (612) 454-8363 PAMELA WCREA TIM PAWtENTY April 2, 1990 THEODORE WACHTER Coumil Members THOMAS HEDGES MR MYRON HANSON City Administrator 4015 DODD ROAD EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clen EAGAN MN 55123 021/00 Re: Project 491, Parcel #10-0 00-010-78 Dear Mr. Hanson: As you may recall, on September 19, 1988, the City held a final assessment public hearing to discuss the adoption of special assessments against your property for the improvements associated with the above-referenced project. At that time, you had submitted a written objection to the proposed assessments. Subsequently, the City Council removed your particular property from the final adopted assessment roll and authorized its reconsideration based on a formal appraisal to be performed by the City of Eagan. Enclosed you will find a copy of the appraisal as prepared for your property in relationship to the benefits received from the above-referenced improvement. You will note that the appraised value either equals or exceeds the proposed amount of the special assessment. With all other statutory requirements and City policy/procedures properly followed, the City Council will be formally reconsidering the adoption of this special assessment at a formal City Council meeting on May 1, 1990. Enclosed you will find the formal notification for that public hearing. Recognizing that approximately 18 months has lapsed since this issue was last discussed, we felt it would be beneficial if we could review this information with you prior to formal consideration by the City Council on May 1. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would contact Ms. Judy Jenkins, Engineering Secretary, to schedule an appointment during the last week in April. If, after your review of the enclosed information and our discussion, you still object to the proposed assessment, it will be necessary for you to pursue your concerns with a formal appeal through District Court as outlined in the attached notice. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, they can also be addressed at our scheduled meeting. Sincerely cc: Joe Earley, Assistant City Attorney Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk 7'L f'?o omas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jj Enclosure THE LONE OAK TREE ...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer ®F 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD. P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD ROAD EAGAN, MN. 55123 RE: Project 491, Final Assessment Objections Eagan Hills Farms `Parcel 10=02400=010=787 Dear Mr. Hanson: VIC ELLISON Mayor THOMAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMELA McCREA THEODORE WACHTER C.w g Members THOMAS HEDGES City Administratcr EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Cleek On September 19, 1988, the Council held the Final Assessment Hearing for the above referenced project. At that meeting, the completed improvements and their relation to your property along with your related assessment obligation were discussed. Subsequently, you submitted a written objection to the proposed assessments and, as a result, were removed from the assessment roll that was formally approved for certification to the County. Your specific assessment objection has Special Assessment Committee for further A specific meeting date has not been set subject to the City completing a propert the benefit received by your property in of the assessments. been referred to the review and evaluation. at this time. It is appraisal to evaluate relation to the amount When this has been completed, a copy will be forwarded to you along with a notice of the Committee's meeting date. Any information (appraisals, comments, etc.) that you would like the Committee to consider should be forwarded to my attention for inclusion in their informational packet. The Special Assessment Committee will then forward a recommendation back to the Council to assist them in determining a final assessment for formal adoption and certification to the County for inclusion on the property tax statement. If you still have objections at that time, you will have to file a formal objection with the District Court and pursue the appropriate legal process. If this appeal is filed, the certification of your assessment will be held in abeyance subject to the Court's final ruling. ,S,JHE LONE,OAK TREE... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Page Two September 27, 1988 It is anticipated that the Special Assessment Committee will meet in late Fall or early Winter (3-6 months). If you would like to review any aspect of this project or the proposed assessment in further detail, please contact me or my secretary and I will be happy to schedule a convenient time. Sincer y, / a0 MV, Thomas A. Colbert Director of Public Works cc, Jim Sheldon, City Attorney Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk TAC/jj of ea 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD ROAD EAGAN, MN. 55123 RE: Project 491, Final Assessment Objections Eagan Hills Farms Parcel 10-02400=010-78 Dear Mr. Hanson: MC ELLISON Mayor THOMAS EGAN DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMELA McCREA THEODORE WACHTER Cwu ,l Members THOMAS HEDGES City Administrator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk On September 19, 1988, the Council held the Final Assessment Hearing for the above referenced project. At that meeting, the completed improvements and their relation to your property along with your related assessment obligation were discussed. Subsequently, you submitted a written objection to the proposed assessments and, as a result, were removed from the assessment roll that was formally approved for certification to the County. Your specific assessment objection has Special Assessment Committee for further A specific meeting date has not been set subject to the City completing a propert the benefit received by your property in of the assessments. been referred to the review and evaluation. at this time. It is t' appraisal to evaluate relation to the amount When this has been completed, a copy will be forwarded to you along with a notice of the Committee's meeting date. Any information (appraisals, comments, etc.) that you would like the Committee to consider should be forwarded to my attention for inclusion in their informational packet. The Special Assessment Committee will then forward a recommendation back to the Council to assist them in determining a final assessment for formal adoption and certification to the County for inclusion on the property tax statement. If you still have objections at that time, you will have to file a formal objection with the District Court and pursue the appropriate legal process. If this appeal is filed, the certification of your assessment will be held in abeyance subject to the Court's final ruling. THE LONE OAK TREE ...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Page Two September 27, 1988 It is anticipated that the Special Assessment Committee will meet in late Fall or early Winter (3-6 months). If you would like to review any aspect of this project or the proposed assessment in further detail, please contact me or my secretary and I will be happy to schedule a convenient time. SinceY , / ?yaCJ Y'homa5 A. Colbert Director of Public Works cc: Jim Sheldon, City Attorney Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk TAC/jj r o,? t?R/1?f??r i,P -o,?yoV-6io - 7S .? /? u' d G? lc> rr/ '7 fi y ?1 ? G ?r?-? ? ?'w1 fu' r'? ,t=Ar r?a/rJr??1 ? 7%e /'P?`l?? F9? G??l ??h /tom! JT?'1s'p /azuf ilt Ce/.r? l q o y d? /? W 4? j z- - 62 < 14 - --- ?tj 72 i I i Trunk Area Water Main escription 7SE arcel 1/4 SECTION 24 Parcel 013-80 Parcel 014-80 Area Credit (Acs.) (Acre) 25 Street 20% 40 Pond 1.8 Street 20% 3 1 2.1 (2) Assessable Total ent Area Rate/Ac. Assessment 20 $1,250(1) 30.6 1,250 1.0 Parcel 010-78 9 9 Street 20% 7.9 Parcel 010-79 . 3 1 ---- 1.3 Parcel 012-80 . SW 1/4 SECTION 24 Parcel 010-50 (Bridle Ridge) 0 Street 20% 1.6 Parcel 010-50 (Stone Bridge) 3.1 Street 20% 2.5 Parcel 010-50 (Unplatted) 7 34. Pond 1.1 20% 26.9 Street Parcel 010-51 (Stone Bridge) 19'8 Pond t 20% 15.4 tree S . Parcel 010-51 (Unplatted) 12,5 0.5 Pond 20% 9.6 Street NE 1/4 SECTION 24 Parcel 010-04 (Stone Bridge) 14.7 20% Pond 0 11.6 t 5 4 3.5 (2) 1.0 Parcel 010-05 . 4 8 Street 20% 6.7 Parcel 010-06 . 8 0 ---- 0.8 Parcel 010-01 . ? 2.3 Parcel 012-02 2.3 17.7 Street 20% 10.2 j' Parcel 011-02 1 39.7 Pond 5.0 27.8 Parcel 010-08 , Street 20% i 8 9 Street 20% 7.8 Parcel 010-07 . $1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 $ 25,000 38,250 1,250 9,875 1,625 2,000 3,125 33,625 19,250 12,000 14,500 1,250 8,375 1,000 2,875 12,750 34,750 9,750 Page 25. 2534e W Fyn d.) Trunk Area Storm Sewer x+ Parcel Descri ption Area Credit Assessable Rate Total (Sq.ft.) (Acre) Area Sq.ft. Assessment SW 1/4, ECTION 24 S Parcel 0 10-50 (Bridle Ridge) 87,120 Street 20% 69,700 $0.053 $ 3 694 Parcel 010-50 (Stone Bridge) 135,030 Street 20% 108,020 0.053 , 5 725 Parcel 010-50 (Unplatted) 1,511,530 Pond 1.1 1,170,890 0.053 , 62,057 Street 20% Parcel 010-51 (Stone Bridge) 862,490 Pond 0.5 672,570 0.053 35,646 Street 20% Parcel 010-51 (Unplatted) 544,500 Pond 0.5 418,180 0.053 22,163 Street 20% Parcel 010-54 (Unplatted) 1,280,660 Street 20% 1,024,530 0.053 54,300 Parcel 010-52 83,300 Large Lot 33,000 0.053 1,749 BE 1/4 , SECTION 24 Parcel 010-78 136,800 Large Lot 55,620 0.053 2,948 NE 1/4. SECTION 24 Parcel 010-03 (Stone Bridge) 2,047,320 Pond 0.6 1,616,950 0.053 85,698 Street 20% Parcel 010-03 (Bridle Ridge) 313,630 Street 20% 250,910 0.053 13,298 Parcel 010-04 (Stone Bridge) 640,330 Pond 0.2 505,290 0.053 26,780 \ Street 20% j Parcel 010-05 196,020 Large Lot 82,500 0.053 4,372 Parcel 010-06 365,900 Pond 0.6 271,810 0.053 14,406 Street 20% NW 1/4 SECTION 24 Parcel 010-26 S i tone Br dge) 792,790 Pond 0.6 613,320 0.053 32,506 Street 20% Parcel 010-26 (Bridle Ridge) 69,700 Street 20% 55,760 0.053 2,955 Parcel 010-27 (Stone Bridge) 352,840 Street 20% 282,270 0.053 14,960 Parcel 010-27 (Bridle Ridge) 1,376,500 Street 20% 1,101,200 0.053 58,364 Parcel 010-28 (Bridle Ridge) 2,578,750 Pond 0.5 2,045,580 0.053 108,416. Street 20% Parcel 010-28 (Unplatted) 866,840 Pond 0.5 676,050 0.053 35,831 Street 20% Parcel 011-25 (Bridle Ridge) 627,260 Street 20% 501,810 0.053 26,596 Parcel 011-25 (Stone Bridge) 8,710 Street 20% 6,970 0.053 369 Parcel 012-25 (Bridle Ridge) 200,380 Street 20% 160,310 0.053 8,496 TOTAL ...... ............ .................... $621,23 .0? 2534e Page 29. B. WATER MAIN a.) Lateral Benefit from Trunk 1? Parcel Front Descrip tion Footage SW 1/4, SECTION 24 Stone Bridge (Parcel 010-51 (Dodd Road) 200 Stone Bridge (Parcel 010-50) 410 Bridle Ridge (Parcel 010-50) 315 NE 1/4, SECTION 24 Stone Bridge (Parcel 010-04) 1,450 Parcel 010-06.(Dodd Rd.) 1,160 Stone Bridge (Parcel 010-03 (Dodd R d.) 1,500 Parcel 010-05 (Dodd Rd.) 360 Parcel 012-02 (Dodd Rd.) 300 Parcel 011-02 (Dodd Rd.) 1,160 Parcel 010-08 (Dodd Rd.) 240 Parcel 010-07 (Dodd Rd.) 1,150 SE 1/4 , SECTION 24 Parcel 010-79 (Dodd Rd.) 460 M----l nln-72 fn-AA VA 79n Parcel 012-80 (Dodd Rd.) Parcel 013-80 (Dodd Rd.) 2534e 82 300 Page 23. Assessable Total Footage Rate/F.F. Assessment 200 410 315 1,450 1,160 1,500 100(2) 300 1,160 240 1,150 $7.09(2) 7.09 7.09 7.09 7.09 7.09 7.09 7.09 6.24(1) 6.24 6.24 100(2) 6.24 100(2) 7.09 82 6.24 300 6.24 $ 1,418 2,907 2,233 10,281-- 8,224 10,635- 709 2,127 7,238 1,498 7,176 624 709 512 1,872 ... J{s?v.:.h C. SERVICES Parcel Number Cost/ Total Description Service Service Assessment SW 1/4, SECTION 24 Parcel 010-05 1-1" 360 $ 360 SE 1/4, SECTION 24 Parcel 010-78 1-1" 360 360 Parcel 010-79 1-1" 960 360 Parcel 010-80 1-1" 360 360 4 $1,440 J j 2534e Page 27. SCMIlARY PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL -K r? EAGAN HILLS FARMS t. ?. t PROJECT NO. 491 r ?a Parcel Sanitary Sever Water Main Services Storm Sever Total De scriPtion Lateral Trunk Lateral Trunk Lateral Trunk Street Assessment ( S Part a Part b Part c I Z E I/4, SECTION 24 Parce T 013-T5 $ 18,072 $ 26,000 $ 1,872 $ 25,000 S -70,944 Parcel 014-80(Country Hollow) $ 47,288 $ 39,780 38,250 X625,318±• Parcel 010-76 ?.., 709 1,250 360 $ 2,948 .-5,267+: Parcel 010-79 4 Y,613 3bu Parcel 012-80 512 1,625 360 12,497- Sw 114, SECCTT,- e-/®-J?V Stone Bridge ofa -5, / (Parcel 010__50, Oln-51) :0,602 23,270 4,325.- 22,375 S 41,865 $132,416 $ 41,371 S 4,674 j 320,898-- Bridle Ridg- - (Poreel 010-1.0) _ 2,080• 2,233 21000 11,417 3,694 3,591 __25,015 ' Parcel 010-50 34,970 33,625 62,057 130,652-? ??rccl 9.1Q-751 12,480 12,000 22,163 _ 46,647?i Parcel 010-54 Farrel 010-52 30,550 54,300 ?- .-84,8.50 - .". a1,749 NE 1/4, SECTION' 24 SWne Br id gr •. (Parcel 01004, 010-03) - 63,310' 20,916 / 14,500 14,762 1112,478 16,530 242,496 i Bridle Ridge - J __ (Parcel 7,540' 13,298 2 r, - 120.838 Parcel 1)10-05 709 1,250 360 4,372 6,fi91i Parcel 070-05 ?..7: 8,224 8,375 14,406 2,736 33,741- ?arcel 012-02 2,127 2,875'. --5,002? Parcel 011-02 7,238 12,750 i9,988- Parcel 010-08 1,498 34,750 46,248'` Parcel 010-07 7,176 9,750 .16;926-- Pa:cel 010-01 1,000 { -1,000-- NW 1/4, SECTION 24 OID-n !!I_ Stone Bridge (Parcel 010-26, 010-27, 011-15) 27,040 14,038 25,750 32,523- 18,451 22,572 188,209 Bridle Ridge (Parcel 010-26, % 010-27, 010-28, 011-25, 012-25) 31,048 112,840 36,301 48,250 168,900/ 36,675.11 18,451 04,827 58,368 721,660 Parcel 010-28 GI?. 20,150' 5,750; 35,831-- •61",731-- NE 1/4, SECTION 23 \ Parcel 010-01 47,190' 47,190 Parcel 010-02 /!..1 (. LL' 52.260 Q 1. C= L'„ rr'. t` [.. ,r'60 TOTALS .. . 7'3 5 $153,010 1Y0' $499,460 $108,502 $311,000 1,440 $168,900 $122,480 $184,080 $621,329 $1x8,471 $2,278,672 2534e Page 31. CITY OF EAGAN NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Project #10P491 The EAGAN CITY COUNCIL will meet on the 19th day of September, 1988, at the Eagan Municipal Center, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN, to approve and adopt the listed special assessments against the following described proper c/o- 7( /0 , e f d x /? r/7? 10-02400-01-2-$B- S DI. j 3 y7J- 010 The special assessments are: TOTAL ANNUAL FIRST YEAR FIRST YEAR TYPE OF TMPROVFPIFNT S /A # PRINCIPAL PRTNCIPAL INTEREST TN3TAI.LPIENTS SANITARY SEWER TRUNK 1684 -- L,'-.T BEN SAN SEWER TRUNK 1685 UATER TRUNK 1686 •Y3y7.r D0 ' '731. (,7 3?70. 9,3 6 LAT BEN WATER TRUNK 1687 gyt/d6 ?? 17 9 /d 0 773, // WATER SERVICE 1688 3-?, /a ?cr,. ?. 6+6 3 S1'011.M SEDER TRUNK F 1689 . v ?? 3 5a ? 17,/. 9 0 ..7 9S 1 ? . . V74) TOTAL 11,007.17 7133, y1 /9738. -?C /97-, r0 F You may pay any portion of these special assessments within thirty (30) days, specifically on or before the 19th day of October, 1988, without interest at the Eagan Municipal Center. ?f 1S}BYS. After October 19, 1988, the first year's installment cannot be prepaid and includes interest from September 19, 1988, to December 31, 1989. ( q no S/ ??? (?? ova a• s ? a,..06 0 • x. 0 • a. 2-G69006I + 2^9766059 i- 3^iI55062 t 022506 i C2 is 06 - 022506 2 •i i1 FGS5 I5.20553G1 16.2655301 . ?•041106 v2 ?•Gd1106o2 x 40006• _ 1:'1644^240P 1'r1644.2d0E 4356C• _ 2-7x2567511 * ? ?i t ?1 1 y .. M1 , •i`rt'IYY?cir' . r'?f", ^ ° i t . ?s ..f {• r' , g fc?.. »t7 ?d ? G ?r r J Y.h }?: 5 Y. r r4,p r Y , 1 yt ^ ? ; , H P, r x, . L . 4ht 1 r Y .. ?. r _'Y'..y T •e i fr' r' =Y.n : M ,a !,k i .P t Y ? t d yV r,k Np, K R 717 Y tR r a•.,•+ r. t. V{Ri F y4' ?? ? $ r ' k ?. , r.t r i M a R? Y `y• t' + rw. f SEC.: .a. +.?f' a. - r'S ry'?+Mt?s irf,3i ;n'Y '£Y S ?2 +q FaA, Y? \?na 71.+0.Y x `°?..?Y,, t ?•? Ilk tk Y) tVl ,y???.. ??{ia. ? ft ?:?t "4 .yY 4.t •r- °, V r{ '. y ?3 . or r ? a ' r ' t t .7- t Li,'t a k s r 1 H,rr"' 3 3 ihfr 1 e t ?? t? qr "?. ? 1 +. rv N \ N4 Xrn t' 1 t ??? k1?4}J' s ?. y Wy ao?>a,, R t i"{ ?'?W?rf1 blWE - ? ?3 t w?i? , d ?Syt ?s? C ?yt n r? y i f h ri t. hS'1 u r ', .4 e? Y la r .rt ? yw 4.* u '?• r V?.: iR''4? ?y? 4 7x':'YvF 'SSvi'?n v fib` , !i ? ?. V 1 ..4 't r , r dxAr 'l '?iS¢ `?l Y r +'?iA. p ?3i, ?' J 3 a• , 'y.{ ? f'S r 1 it t' c{ R .R? 4 t ; 1 r, r 4 F 1 c a?* r G ,?, s "+ d 0. x w Y? h> `4 t £ 'E` t??'M;? ?,YI?F 4,r 'a ? ????'rr }r}}?r" 1 1 pa ?{y Fg I{+L:.?47tr+ry?. .'i i r.t V r?`f'.^M.Y r}??7 ?•?T f ?H . Y .r^dR . 1 5 •9r. i a??' 2,_3„ "x/ - Si + 7 F »' ba 4'1t. r d`,' i r: c-tin. le e? J %, ?r7Sn ? P ?y> f . r,?. - w sv rY A.S r? r, t r b Y Y fi ial?u ' A ?.t * 't - L ?eK s•w1, ?s E ?t1 s + ri i tr ? r? ?i ,?? ,? y,' . f?? ?.? {y ? 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TODAYS DATE: 09/14/88 ----SPECIAL FLAGS------- 1-2--3...-4-5--6--7--8-9-- 1 i 10-02400-010-7e S.A.i1 ASSESSMENT DESCR. YR YRS FATE TOTAL- ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF COMMENT 1OP491 UTILITIES 00 0 .00% 5267.00 5267.00 10W 18G WATER SER 00 0 .00% +00.00 300.00 *#}?## SUMMARY OF ACTIVE .00 .00 THIS YEAR'S TILT P&I .00 +*?t# # SUMMARY OF PENDING 5567.0o 5267.00 PEND 300.00 PEND i0 5567. 00 Press F1 or F2 (Header Form) or F7 (Restart 8768) TRANSACTION: 8755 NAME AND ADDRESS RECORD DISPLAY SUPPLE_MF_"NTAL.. NAME AND ADD RESS PROPERTY I.D. NAME AND ADDRESS TYPE SEQ. DATE DELETE R 10-02400-010-78 MYRON C & RARSARA J HANSON 01. 01 000000 N 4015 DODD ROAD 01 02 000000 N EAGAN MINN 551 23 01 03 000000 N 10-02400 -010-78 TRANSACTION: 8754 PROPERTY I.D. 10--02400-010-M , yv 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION DISPLAY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - - - D E S C R I PT I O N --- LOT 1(.) BI-OCI<: 7E? PT Of: W 1/2 OF SE 1/4 LYING NW Or DODD ROAD 003000 24 2723 aI pl?? V 0001 LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION LIST COMPLETED v c. l Y?o APPRAISAL REPORT -of- 4015 DODD ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA -for- CITY OF EAGAN PRoS y41 AN57H o 2,q6 ? IO- o?[l04 -ofo-7? -as of- JUNE 29, 1989 RAY CONNELLY REALTY Brokerage and Appraisals 12904 Nicollet Avenue ° Burnsville, MN 55337 0 (612) 890-2130 REALTOR RAY CONNELLY REALTY Brokerage and Appraisals (612) 890-2130 June 29, 1989 City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Re: Hanson Property 4015 Dodd (Project 491) Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request, I have made an appraisal of the above property for the purpose of estimating the Fair Market Value, both before and after City of Eagan's Project No. 491. The property is described in the Identification Section of this report. Fair Market Value is defined as the price the property will bring in a competitive market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, which would result from negotiations between a buyer and seller, each acting prudently, with knowledge and without undue stimulus. The rights of the property appraised are those of fee simple estate only. 12904 Nicollet Avenue • Burnsville, MN 55337 City of Eagan June 29, 1989 Page 2 Based upon the information available to me, it is my opinion that the Fair Market Value of the subject property is: Before Project: $140,000 After Project: $170,000 Respectfully submitted, Ray Connelly Certified Real Estate Appraiser LOCATION: The subject property is located at 4015 Dodd Road, in the City of Eagan, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The legal description is as follows: Part of the West 1/2 of Southeast 1/4 lying northwest of Dodd Road, Section 24, Township 27, Range 23, DakotaCounty, Minnesota. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: The Property Identification Number is as follows: 10-02200-010-78 DAKOTA COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: The Dakota County Assessor's estimated market value for the subject property is $137,000. REAL ESTATE TAXES The real estate taxes payable in 1989 are $1,276.78. DESCRIPTIOk: The subject property is rolling, with some trees. It is approximately 3 acres. 3 IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements to the subject property consist of a 1,548 square foot single family dwelling. ZONING: Zoning for the subject property is residential. DATE OF INSPECTION: I inspected the subject property in May, 1989. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The undersigned has no knowledge if an environmental assessment has been completed on the subject property. No environmental impact studies were requested or conducted in the completion of this report. The undersigned has no knowledge of whether the property has been used for storage or disposal of any hazardous substance, or high concentrations of pollutants or contaminants, as defined in 42 U.S.C. Sections 6903, 6921 or in the so-called "Minnesota Super Fund Act" (M.S. Chaper 115B); and the owner has no knowledge or belief that any other person has so used the property. 4 The undersigned has no knowledge of whether or not there is the presence of radon on the subject property. PURPOSE OF THE APPRAISAL: The purpose of this appraisal is to determine the Fair Market Value of the subject property, both before and after City of Eagan's Project No. 4". Fair Market Value is defined as the price which the property will bring in a competitive market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, which would result from negotiations between a buyer and a seller, each acting prudently, with knowledge and without undue stimulus. Regardless of the exact wording of the definition, Fair Market Value contemplates the consummation of a sale and the passing of full title from seller to buyer by deed, under conditions whereby: 1. Buyer and seller are free of undue stimulus and are motivated by no more than the reactions of typical owners; 5 2. Both parties are well informed or well advised and act prudently for what he considers his own best interest; 3. A reasonable time is allowed to test the market; and 4. Payment is made in cash or in accordance with financing terms available in the community for the property type in its locale. AREA ANALYSIS: The subject property is located in'the City of Eagan, which is located approximately ten miles south of the Minneapolis/Saint Paul downtown area. The 1988 estimated population of the area is 2,200,321 and the population is increasing. The Twin Cities are located on the Mississippi River, and the metropolitan area encompasses the Minnesota River. Both Minneapolis and Saint Paul have major urban renewal projects in progress. The community is served by an excellent trans- portation system which includes 9 railroads, 12 buslines, and major interstate freeway systems. This area is also served by river barge traffic on 6 the Minnesota River. The Army Corp of Engineers maintains a 9 foot channel for this purpose. This excellent system has aided in establishing the area as the largest distribution and wholesale center in the Upper Midwest. The area is also served by an excellent airport which is one of the largest in the nation. There are 6 national airlines, 10 regional and commuter air carriers, 10 air cargo airlines and 20 charter airlines serving this area. The airport is easily accessible due to the extensive freeway system. There are many fine colleges and universities in the area, including the University of Minnesota which has an enrollment of over 50,000 students. This area is also served by many vocational institutes and community colleges. The communications system serving the area consists of 2 daily newspapers, with many weekly papers serving the various suburbs and surrounding areas. There are approximately 35 radio stations serving the area with 5 television stations and an extensive cable network. 7 The metropolitan area includes 22 lakes, with many parks which offer a multitude of recreational facilities for the entire family. This area is represented in professional sports by the Minnesota Vikings, Minnesota Twins, North Stars, Monarchs and next year, the Timberwolves. In addition, the area is the cultural center of the Upper Midwest with the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Minnesota Orchestra, the Walker Art Institute, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Tyrone Guthrie Theater (an excellent repertory theater - one of only four resident repertory theaters in the nation), the new Ordway Music Theater, and many other theaters and museums. There are many attractions which directly affect the area surrounding the City of Eagan. The Minnesota Zoological Gardens is located in Apple Valley and covers 480 acres. The zoo's design has set new standards for exhibits, cost in excess of $30 million dollars to build and has approximately 900,000 visitors a year. Valley Fair, a 7-Flags type amusement park located in the Community of Shakopee was opened in 1976 and draws over one million visitors a year. Canterbury Downs, the $67 1 8 million dollar horseracing track across the street from Valley Fair, opened in June, 1985. Canterbury had 125 days of racing in 1987 and drew over 1,107,000 visitors. Other attractions in this area include the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, Murphy's Landing and the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre in Chanhassen. All of these attractions has caused a great deal of attention and activity to be focused in the Dakota/Scott counties area. CITY AND COUNTY ANALYSIS: Eagan is situated in northern Dakota County, and in terms of physical size, it is a relatively large community. The city encompasses an area of approx- imately 35 square miles, or 22,440 acres. Eagan is in the second tier of suburbs of the metropolitan area. Eagan's population has increased over 100 percent in the last 10 years. The 1988 estimated'popula- tion is 42,556, compared to a population of 3,382 in 1960, 10,398 in 1970 and the 1980 population was 20,700. Eagan is the fastest growing suburb in the Twin City area. When Interstate 35E was opened in 1985 and I-494 in 9 1986, commercial and residential developers started looking to the Eagan area. There are many develop- ments of shopping centers, residential and office space being proposed. Only 50% of the available land in Eagan has been developed. Several large companies are located in Eagan. Northwest Airlines has a new 300,000 square foot headquarters with plans to expand, Cray Research plans to build a new facility of 1,200,000 square feet and Wachovia Bank and Trust is building a 94,500 square foot office/warehouse. Other large companies located in Eagan are Unisys, West Publishing, U. S. Postal Service's bulk mail facility, Coca Cola Bottling Corp., Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota and United Parcel Service. Eagan is served by three school districts, Burnsville, Rosemount and West St. Paul. The cirriculum for the three districts includes emphasis on math, science, music, and computer literacy. The Board of Education for the Rosemount School District recently approved the construction of two new schools. The Eagan High School and Dakota Hills Middle School will be constructed at Diffley Road and Lexington Avenue. 10 There has been a tremendous increase in residential building, due to the opening of I-35E which made Eagan accessible to downtown St. Paul and I-494 which permitted easy access to Minneapolis, Richfield and Bloomington. Easy access is also provided to the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport using the Cedar Avenue bridge. There is a mayor/council form of government with the administration being handled by a City Administrator. There is adqueate fire and police protection. There are churches of all major denominations, plus amenities to afford the Eagan citizens a comfortable lifestyle. Dakota County is growing rapidly, with an estimated 1988 population of 254,017 compared to the 1980 census of 194,279. Dakota County was the fastest growing metropolitan county with a 24 per cent increase in the seven-year period. Along with the population growth has come the expansion of business and industry to provide the goods, services, and employment necessary to serve the population. 11 HIGHEST AND BEST USE "Highest and Best Use" is defined as that use which will tend to produce the highest net return, or that use which will tend to produce the highest present value. It is my opinion that the highest and best use of the subject property is the present, or residential, use. TO VALUE: There are three recognized approaches to value; the Sales Comparison, Income, and Cost Approaches. The Cost Approach utilizes estimating the replacement cost now of the improvements deducting for diminished utility of these improvements due to wear and tear and obsolescence, and adding the value of the land. The Income Approach utilizes capitalization of the income stream to obtain an indicated Market Value. The Sales Comparison Approach compares the subject property with similar properties which have recently sold, making adjustments for dissimilarities between the subject and comparable property to obtain an indicated value of the subject property. When reliable sales data is available, this approach is considered very 12 reliable in that it reflects the actions of buyer and seller in the current market place. For purposes of this appraisal, I have used the Sales Comparison (Market) Approach. COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In arriving at my opinion of value for this parcel I have not considered any increase of value to the building. However, having the utilities to serve the property would certainly make it more marketable. In my opinion, the subject property has increased in value considerably because it is now developable. It is difficult, if not impossible, to sell property without utilities for development because of all the unknown costs involved. Thus, the benefits of the assessment far exceed the costs. 13 CORRELATION OF VALUE: Before Value: 3 acres @ $10,000/acre = $ 30,000 Single family dwelling = $110,000 $140,000 After Value: 3 acres @ $20,000/acre = $ 60,000 Single family dwelling = $110,000 $170,000 14 COMPARABLE SALES LOCATIONS Camelback Drive and Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, Minnesota LEGAL: Lot 8, Block 5, Fairway Hills SELLER: Derrick Companies BUYER: Al Herrmann Construction ZONING: Residential UTILITIES: Available DATE: April, 1987 PRICE: $29,900 SIZE: Residential lot r COMPARABLE SALES LOCATION: Camelback Drive and Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, Minnesota LEGAL: Lot 10, Block 5, Fairway Hills SELLER: Derrick Companies BUYER: Al Herrmann Construction ZONING: Residential UTILITIES: Available DATE: July, 1987 PRICE: $32,900 SIZE: Residential lot COMPARABLE SALES LOCATION: Camelback Drive and Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, Minnesota LEGAL: Lot 11, Block 5, Fairway Hills SELLER: Derrick Companies BUYER: Son's Construction ZONING: Residential UTILITIES: Available DATE: June, 1988 PRICE: $35,900 SIZE: Residential lot COMPARABLE SALES LOCATION: Camelback Drive and Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, Minnesota LEGAL: Lot 13, Block 5, Fairway Hills SELLER: Derrick Companies BUYER: Al Herrmann Construction ZONING: Residential UTILITIES: Available DATE: January, 1988 PRICE: $31,900 SIZE: Residential lot POPULATION 1980 to 1988 Population Growth Pop. City County 1980 Apple Valley Dakota 21,818 Burnsville Dakota 35,674 Eagan Dakota 20,700 Farmington Dakota 4,370 Inver Grove Hts. Dakota 17,171 Lakeville Dakota 14,7.90 Mendota Heights Dakota 7,288 Rosemount Dakota 5,083 Dakota County Metro Area Pop. % Incr 8 Incr 1988* 1980-88 Per Yr 31,674 45 46,687 30 42,556 105 5,350 22 21,477 25 20,500 38 8,680 19 7,420 45 194,279 254,017 30 1,985,873 2,200,321 10 Source: Metropolitan Council, 1980 U. S. Census 5.6 3.7 13.1 2.7 3.1 4.7 2.4 5.6 3.7 1.2 * Estimated UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS AND CONTINGENT CONDITIONS The property has been considered as though it were free and clear of any indebtedness, liens, or encumbrance; and that the title is good and marketable and competent management is assumed, unless otherwise stated herein. No responsiblity is assumed by the appraiser for matters which are legal in nature. No survey has been made and it is assumed that the improvements are located within the legally described property and that the buildings comply with all ordinances. Any sketches and pictures in this report are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property. I believe to be reliable the information indentified in this report as being furnished to me by others but I assume no responsiblity for its accuracy. Possession of this report, a copy thereof, or any part thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose by anyone but the applicant or by previous written consent of the appraiser and the applicant and in any event, only with property qualifications. The appraiser herein shall not be required to appear in court or before any governmental body by the reason of the completion of this assignment without predetermined arrangements and agreements. The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements, if any, applies only under the existing plan of utilization. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the author, particularly as to valuation conclusions, the identity of the appraiser or firm with which he is connected. GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. The appraiser will not be required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless arranagements have been previously made therefor. 2. Possession of this report; or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 3. The distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the reported highest and best use of this property. The allocations of value for land and improvements must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 4. No environmental impact studies were either requested or made in conjunction with this appraisal, and the appraiser hereby reserves the right to alter, amend, revise or rescind any of the value opinions based upon any subsequent environmental impact studies, research or investigation. 5. Neither all or any part of the contents of this report, or copy thereof, shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales or any other media without written consent and approval of the appraiser. Nor shall the appraiser, firm or professional organization of which the appraiser is a member be identified without written consent of the appraiser. 6. Acceptance of and/or use of this appraisal report constitutes acceptance of the foregoing general assumptions and general limiting conditions. 7. The comparable sales data utilized in the report is compiled from what is believed to be reliable sources, and is believed to be reasonably accurate. The appaiser has made a reasonable effort in securing general condition, finishing and construction quality on each of the comparable sales. This effort may also utilize, the appraiser's past experiences of similar properties and may or may not include exterior inspection of each . comparable sale, as deemed necessary by the appraiser. OWNER & LEGAL 18-6 Bernard Fritz 1280 Deerwood Dr. Eagan MN 55123 #10-02200-014-54 38-7 Myron Hanson 4015 Dodd Rd. Eagan MN 55123 #10-02400-010-78 88-8 Ed Kalal 875 Wescott Rd. Eagan MN 55123 #10-01400-010-82 1988 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OBJECTIONS (Continuedl FINAL ASSMT TYPE OF APPRAISAL VALUE PRAT # HEARING IM'MPRO AMOUNT OF BENEFITS 473 9-19-88 Trunk Area $ 3,300.00 $ 3,300.00 Storm Sewer 491 9-19-88 a) Trunk Area a)$ 2,623.50 Storm Sewer b) Water Service b) 481.82 c) Trunk Area c) 3,475.00 Water d) Lat. Benefit d) 4,426.85 from Trunk Wtr. TOTAL $ 11,007.17 $ 30,000.00 494 9-19-88 a) Lat. Benefit a)$ 7,831.20 Trunk San. b) Trunk Area b)$ 2,500.00 Water c) Lat. Benefit c)$ 3,242.20 Trunk Water d) Wat. & San. d)$ 1,682.13 Service e) Trunk Area e)$ 2,623.50 Storm f) Street f)$ 8,057.40 g) Lat. Benefit g)$ 2,678.00 Trunk Storm $ 28,614.43 $ 39,400.00 STATOS/ACTION WAIVER OF HEARING NO. 00188 Special Assessment Authorization I/We hereby request and authorize the City of Eagan, MN (Dakota Co.) to assess the following described property owned by me/us: ---•-Par.ce.L91Q=ZE._SecY..i0.rL24-_----------- - for the benefit received from the following improvements: - - ITEM (gUANTITY RATE AMOUNT PROJECT Water Service 1 Ea. $300(1) $300 491B (1) Estimated cost, including overhead. Actual amount will be determined at_final assessment hearing. TOTAL S 3 0 0 to be spread over years at an annual interest rate of against any remaining. .unpaid balances. The undersigned, for themselves, their heirs, executors,•administrators successors and assigns, hereby consent to the levy of these assessments, and further, hereby waive notice of any and all hearings necessary, and waive objections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to these assessments, and further waive the right to object to or appeal from these assessments-made, pursuant to this pagreement. / -- - Dated:' 7` P l?-3--? -r- 4_2[7//4. v on C. Hanson Barbara J. Hanson STATE OF 1 ) COUNTY OQ' SS on this _day of?._Ll?/ , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally ppeared to me personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that executed the same as - free act and deed. /) A 1 C ROBERT C. F.OERKE NOiA0.l /NIIC _ MINNFSOiA Notary Public DAKOTA COUNTY This Document Drafted By: Mr commission e,p..: 11-2 92 Hauge, Smith, Eide F, Feller, P.A. Aagan • 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 (612) 454-4224 Pu lic -TFor Di ector Revised: 8-30-82 ? `?? ??.e ? PHzI.- or, BczaA s lZy WAIVER OF HEARING NO. 00188 J M P Special Assessment Authorization I/We hereby request and authorize the City of Eagan, MN (Dakota Co.) to assess the following described property owned by me/us: S6,ri-ian 24 for the benefit received from the following improvem'ents: --'-.-"-"-'- ITEM quU NTITY RATE AMOUNT PROJECT Water Service 1 Ea. $300(1) • $300 491B (1) Estimated cost, including overhead. Actual amount will be determined at.final assessment hearing. to be spread over TOTAL??O' _5_ years at an annual interest rate of % against any remaining. :unpaid balances. The undersigned, for themselves, their heirs, executors,. administrators successors and assigns, hereby consent to the levy of these assessments, and further, hereby waive notice of any and all hearings necessary, and waive objections to any technical defects in any proceedings related to these assessments, and further waive the right to object to or appeal from these assessments-made, pursuant to this agreement. Dated:' Myron C. Hanson Barbara J. Hanson STATE OF _ --) COUNTY OF SS --_--) on this day of , before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared personally known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing me instrument and acknowledged that executed the same as ` _ free act and deed. This Document Drafted By: Hauge, Smith, Eido f, neller, P.A 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 (612) 454-4224 Notary Public - -- APPROVED: Tai-nn Pu?lic?3orTcs Director -- -"- Revised: 8-30-82 U-4 3E 7) 3/as U MASTER CARD LOCATION OWNER STRUCTURE AND LAND USED AS Zy" Permit No. Issued ssued To Contractor Owner BUILDING 7 p ? PLUMBING _ CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK WELL ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALLING SANITARY SEWER OTHER OTHER Items Approved (Initial) Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING SEPTIC FOUNDATION CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HEATING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALLATION SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD PLUMBING WELL SANITARY SEWER Z- 7 I Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORTS TO BE USED ONLY IN EVENT OF OBSERVED VIOLATIONS PERMIT NO. CONDITIONS OF CONSTRUCTION AT THIS INSPECTION ? NO EVIDENCE OF NON-COMPLIANCE OBSERVED. ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTIONS OR DEVIATIONS. DATE OF INSPECTION ? NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER WILL COMPLY WITHOUT DELAY. ITEMIZED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: NON-COMPLIANCE. BUILDER DOES NOT INTEND TO COMPLY. ? COMPLETION OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE DELAYED BY CONDITIONS BEYOND CONTROL. ? REINSPECTION REQUIRED RE] DATE OF REINSPECTION CERTIF I CATION -I certify that I have carefully inspected the above in which I have no interest present or prospective, and that I have reported herein all significant conditions observed to be at variance with ordinances of the Town of Eagan, approved plans and specifications, and any specific require- ments for off-site improvements relating to the property inspected. ? ALL IMPROVEMENTS ACCEPTABLY COMPLETED DATE .a J3 /8S 1987 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY, 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS NOTE: ADDRESSES FOR CORNER LOTS - CONTRACTOR /HOMEOWNER MUST DESIGNATE WHICH ADDRESS IS DESIRED. NO CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED ONCE BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. MULTIPLE DWELLINGS - RESIDENTIAL RENTAL UNITS FOR SALE UNITS INCLUDE 2 SETS OF PLANS, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - CHECK WITH BLDG. DEPT., 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMMERCIAL INCLUDE 2 SETS OF ARCHITECTURAL & STRUCTURAL PLANS, 1 SET OF SPECIFICATIONS AND 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS, $2,000 LANDSCAPE BOND ?Cme a 00 To Be Used For: A;:Vr ct4 p n? (pValuation: 000 Date: t Site Address `f-0 ??. K Ul Lot Block ? Parcel/Subs o? Owner yh N c I2?11?4'511 h Address ?6)&- O'o'Jd RC City/Zip Code C,¢G41) Mn, .sss% Phone L,1j-41-,3?gq Al Contractor Address 0 w? ?anJ City/Zip Code Phone Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone # On Site Sewage_ Occupancy MWCC System Zoning On Site Well Type of Const City Water (Actual) (Allowable) # of Stories Length Depth S.F. Total Footprint S.F. APPROVALS FEES Assessments Permit Water/Sewer Surcharge Police Plan Review Fire SAC, City Engr SAC, MWCC Planner Water Conn Council Water Meter Bldg Off Road Unit APC Treatment P1 Variance Parks Copies TOTAL Ind So 8.5-° 4-K 2?5 - c?O 2 x 44- = F7ZIb t CODE BUILDING MATERIALS DUNDAS, MN 55019 7 y I' N I _ ,i io -aa yoo- O /O -78 city of eagan THOMAS EGAN Mayor June 5, 1995 MYRON HANSON 4015 DODD ROAD EAGAN, MN 55123 Dear Mr.Hanson: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Adminislta101 E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Cleik I reviewed the results of our meeting with my supervisor, Finance Director/City Clerk Gene VanOverbeke. I explained your position and interpretation of the agreement- As I understand it, your interpretation of the agreement is that you have a ($11,007.17 - $4,979.32) $6,027.85 debt accruing interest at 9%- Mr. VanOverbeke has the same opinion as I, that is, the amount collectible is to be based on the unassessed areas and frontages at the currently existing rates. My computation of your obligation was computed int his manner: Improvement quantity 1995 Rate Proposed Assessment a-7 ;2- to Water Trunk (2.78 - 1.00) 1.78 $1,740/Ac $ 3,097.20 a-7;.1 Storm Sewer Trunk (121,097 - 49,500) 71,597 .0761sq ft 5,441.37 J 9'o 0 Lateral Benefit Water 27 Total (700 If - 100 ff) 600 ff 9.75/ff W?SvDom) $ $34,388.61 At the time of review, he mentioned that because of the irregular shape of your parcel, the full frontage of your parcel would not be assessable. Based on his observation and a pro-forma layout of your property by a member of the Community Development Department, it is our opinion that your parcel has approximately 500 ff of developable frontage. MUNICIPAL CENTER 3630 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681 4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 TDD:(612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OppoltunilylAflltmallve Action Employer MAINILNANI t PAl ] W . 3501 COACHMAN POINI EAGAN. MIIRIFSOIA 55122 PHONE'. (612) 681-4300 FAX'. (612) 681 4360 IDD: (612) 454-8535 MYRON HANSON JUNE 5, 1995 PAGE TWO Based on this conclusion, your assessment for lateral benefit of water would be reduced by $1,950.00 (9.75/ff X 200 ff). If you still disagree with these conclusions, your options include the following: 1) Engage a lawyer to review the contract as to the meaning of paragraph 2 of the recorded agreement. 2) Present your case to the City Council. The City staff can not alter what they believe are the terms of a Council-approved agreement. 3) You can let everything stand. In our interpretation, you do not have an obligation that is accruing interest at 9% per year. This agreement was recorded at Dakota County to notify potential purchasers of your property that your property has not been assessed in its entirety. 4 ,Pay-the blig9?ation per the City's revised calculation in a dollar amount of _$12,438.57jafnount correct until 12-31-95). Please contact me or Gene VanOverbeke when you decide which option to pursue. Sincerely, Gerald R. Wobschall cc: Thomas A. Colbert, Director of Public Works E. J. VanOverbel?9 F;n?n^° rii.e??.;•1!`1f? Cler., Parcel File #10-02400-010-78 GRW/vmd /a?35.S7 ? ? G d y J? 8 , t i All. tl R n?_SO v /u <e tiLG" JIM CUUL ff I ' CODE BL .11 DUN. D. ,, -' 6 W Ie A J? v/'IM', Y?{o yh ?1 .0 '11+ 3'! If BUILDING MATERIa DUWDA3, MINNESOTA Sri LDN G MATERIALS ,? 14 a `1 I r' i ?pl I J ? ?. ? e ' - 6Na i? I +f f v i aF 1\ ? 5? a w '. Y Llvy? }' IT I{r. Csiiii. ' vF ZY 14