4280 Dodd Rd Repuest Da[B Fire No. Rough-In Inpsection Fequiretl ? Inspecibn Other Th Roughln .? , 2z 19p (YOUmustcallinspectorwhenready) ? qeatlyNOwWIINOtifylnspettor / Yes ? No Date Reetl I C licensed contractor Xowner hereby request inspection ot above electrical work at: .. ? JoD ACtlress (Street. 00x or Route No.) f City w zW D,?W C) Section No. I Township Name or No. Fenge No. Counfy ?a Occu0en1(PRINT) ?.., 1 r??0 1?Aw I? phone No. • • . _ T O? _?,'? ?, Pawer Suppber Atltlress ??TY?.T(T ?'IJGCE ? ?Ci Elecincal Comractor ICOmpany Name) Contrector5 License No. Clw di Mailing Atlcress ICOnVactor or Owner Making Inslallationl /+utnonzea SlgnaWre (CO eator/ er la tionj P?one NumDe? 12-'{S'{? C5(? MINNESOTA STATE BOAF EL?CT CITY THIS INSVECTION REOUEST WILL NOT Gdgga-M10way 9IOg. - Ro 5-1]' BE ACCEPTED BV THE STATE BOAFD 1621 Unlversity Av¢., SI. Paul. M UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Plqne (612) 642-O800 ' ENCLOSED. REkR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 064 0 2 See im, for compla?ing ihis form on back ol yellOw copy. • "X" Be/ow Work Covered by This Request i/$p,B-ooooi-oe a _ i ew.qdd Re . Typeof8uilding - AppliancesWired EquipmentWired Home Range Temporary Service Duplez Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer laad Manegement Comm.llndustrial Fumace Other (Specffy) Farm Air Conditioner Otnerlspecily, GonVactor5 Ramarks: Compute Mspection Fee Below: # Other Fee # ServiceEntrance5ize Fee # Circuits/Feetlers 115, Fee Swimming Pool W fg to 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps Transformers Above 200 _ Amps Above 100 _ Amps Signs Inspecmr§ Use Only: 70T L o Irrigation Booms ?O s Special Inspection Alarm/Communication THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDERED DI CONNECTED IF NOT Other Fee COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MO S. P I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby rtif th t th b Rouqn?n , . ?. ??? ce y a e a ove inspection has 1be n mad e. F;nai ? oate r FICE USE ONLV s request vaia t-mom ? ns trom { ?? A REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Ee-ooom-o7 °/ p?See instruction9 for complatirg ihis fortn on back ol yelbw copy. ? 3 )C" Be%w Work Covered by This Request 4, ew Adtl Rep. " TypeofBuiltling AppliancesWiretl EquipmeniWired Home Range Temporery Service Duplex Water Heater Electnc Heating Apt Building Oryer Other (Specify) Comm.AndusMal Furnace Farm Air Conditioner Ottier(specity) ConhacrorSFemerks: ??7r s/'?? r, ? ?? Compute Inspectlon Fee Below: Np )^ ? # Other Fee # ServiceEntranceSize Fee # CircuitslFeeders Fee Swimming Pool 0 to 200 Amps o to 100 Amps TranSformers Above 200 _ Amps 10 Amps Signs inspector§ use onty: } TO7AL Irrigation Booms , GU ( Special Inspedion J ? Alarm/Communication Other Fee I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby certif th t th b i ti h Rouyn-m oaie y a e a ove nspec on as been made. F;nai P oatP? •? OFFICE USE ONLY . • This requesl wid 18 months tmm v?a?9 P 43463 Request Date - ? ? - Fre No, Rough-in Inspeciion Repuim tl? ? Ready M. ,?Nill N oti(y Inspedor Wh R C ? ? 0 y N. en ea y I, licensed contrector ? owner hereby request inspection ot above electrical work at: Joe,;Atlareas (street Box or Route No.) -b e l cdy 41?1 4G ? o t O l9c i r Seclion M. Township Neme or No. Range No. CouMy ' Q -11 OccvpaM (PHINT) Plror?e No. Power Ier ,Q?oTif` Atltlress Eleanwl traaor (Cqmparry Name) ? ConhaclorE License No. / ?. ?d / / Mailing AGdress CoMreciw or Umer Making In allation) 1 55 4?a7 5 S A1K v r , ANhor¢etl Si e(Conira Making allatlon) PMre N umber ? ) MINNESO7A STATE BOAfiD OF ELECTIiICRY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT GriggrMitlvay Bltlg. - Poom 5173 BE ACCEPTED BV THE STAiE BOqRD 1821 Univereily Ava., SL Paul, MN 55109 UNLESS PROPEFl INSPECTION FEE IS Phane (812) W2-0800 ENCLOSED. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESSa INSPECTION ? • ? ?.? i .? .:v? i???i??? ?:U i , tr•ti . 1coRn ? PERMIT SUBTYPE: PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: ,j t, I f„ k: . , , APPLICANT: tIn(Ii I N r y TYPE OF WORK: 11I ',4 h ! 1• I { liM I#IPNAI r1 I {iEkAI[oN ( IiOFtMk li ) 5 INSPECTION DA • • tt?lll?ll 1 rd li i?? I fl i I I Pertnft No. Permk Holder Dete Telephone it S/W PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRI ELECTRIC Inspectbn Dste Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation Framing Rooring Rough Plbg. Rough Htg. Isul. Fireplace Final Htg. Orsat Test Rnal Plbg. Plbg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter EngrJPlan - - -- Bldg. Final I ' _ *? ?- _ ? Deck Ftg. Deck Final Weu S FtA4- PtwiMiT (T :r:s W Pc Disp. TefV7 Tk . V4?'6 . fN , Pfi0j:?.- V71yji-- ,11?' RESIDENTIAL ? ? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 New Construction Reauirements • 3 regislered sile surveys shovring sq. fl. o( lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20°h maximum lot coverage allowed) • 2 copies of plan showing beam Rvrindow sizes; poured found design, efc.) • lsetofEnergyCalculalions • 3 copies of Tree Preservalion Plan if lot platted aRer 711193 . Rim Joist DeWil Oplions selec6on sheet (Mdgs with 3 or less unAs) ?7 ? IUI? DATE I VALUATION (EXCLUDING LAND) JOB SITE ADDRESS 42160 Dm0 RP IF MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING, HOW MAN UNITS? PROPERTY OWNER ?ar4A? ?.. ?flwlr= TYPE OF WORK P_Emaoe C_ `" ?('1kG/ APPLICANT b?,naRto 'S Awl.iEnrr ADDRESS 4?8o D6lD ?9 PAGER # ,?zy FIREPLACE(S) _0 _1 _2 _3 Y PHONE # g6i -ys4-9osb ZIPCODE SS7Z-3 CELL PHONE # FAX # NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ONLY - FILL OUT COMPLETELY Ener9y Code Cate9ory _ MINNESOTA RULES 7670 CATEGORY 1 (check one) - Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet Submitted - Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted _ MINNESOTA RULES 7672 New Energy Code Worksheet Submitted Plumbing Contractor: _ Plumbmg System Includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechanical System Includcs: Sewer/Water Contractor: Air Conditiorung Heat Recovery System Phone # Phone # Fee: $90.00 Fee: $70A0 All above information must be submitted prior to processing of application. I hereby acknowiedge that I have read this application, state that ihe information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances.. Signnture of Applicant Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Re ' _ Not Required _ Updated 1/Ot Water Softener Water Heater No. of Baths 2 copies of plan 'jY • 1 set o( Energy Calculations or • 1 site survey for exterior additions & decks Phone #: Lawn Sprinlcler No. of R.I. Baths OFFICE USE ONLY ? 07 Foundation X 02 SF Dwelling ? 03 01 of _ plex ? 04 02-plex ? 05 03-plex ? 06 04-plex ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? OS 06-plex ? 16 Fireplace O 09 07-plex ? 17 Garage ? 10 08-plex ? 18 Deck ? 11 10-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 12 12-plex PI6g_Y or _ N ? 20 Pool ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 22 Porch/Addn.(4-sea.) ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 24 Storm Damage ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 30 Accessory Bldg ? 31 Ext. Alt - Multi ? 33 Ext. Alt - SF ? 36 Multi ? 31 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair J?? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement *Demolition (Entire Bidg only) - Give PCA handout to applicanY Valuation Occupancy /l, --y MC/ES System Census Code / Zoning City Water SAC Units D ? Stories Booster Pump Nbr. af Units ? Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs Length Fire Sprinklered Type of Const W idth _ Footings (new bldg) _ Footings (deck) _ Footings (addition) _ Foundation Drain Tile Roof Ice & Water Final ?l Framing- Fireplace R.I. Air Test Final ?O Insulation REQUIRED INSPECTIONS , Final/C.O. ? FinaUNo C.O. ? Plumbing HVAC Other _ Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tests _ Final _ Siding Stucco _ Stone _ Windows (new/replacement) Approved Bym , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S&W Permit & Surcharge Treatment Plant Plumbing Permit Mechanical Permit License Search Copies Other Total S' `1- So 1 (o ? '?, , tot 6,?4 eiock 0,95 Ps-t.r Plat io- 00?500 - oa<l-a5 Sewcrlwater pennit N C) Date ?d o2? 9? Receipt # ( o(p ? 7 cinr oF eaGaru 1998 SEWER AND WATER CONNECTION 8 AVAILABILITY CHARGES EXISTING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lateral 6en 21.30/ff Trunk Q $860%4ection SAC Date paid Receipt # Account deposit Sewer permit & swc?: Subtotal permit & surcharge Total $ permit & surchazge \ 20.50 Sewer and Water Connection 8 Avaifability Charges Lateral Benefit @ $21.30 and/or $21.50/ff $ (?)- - 0 Trunk @ $860 and/or $895/connection _6- _1 ?ia / Gj SAC 1,100.00 I 1 ?? Date paid Receipt # Supply & storage (WAC) Date paid Receipt # Treatrnentplant Water meter Account deposit Sewer and water permit & surcharge Subtotai Plumbing permit & swcharge Tocal Property owner y?.,(lYt Address /i"?0 0 L/t7[.01 ; Phone number "i ,N - 905(9 Plumber hA ? 2 Lat benefit @ $21.50/ff $ 7 Tnmk $895/connection 1,100.00 Supply & rage (WAC) 807.00 Date paid Receipt # 15.00 Treatrnent plant 444.00 50.50 Water meter 111.00 Accountdepo ' 15.00 ? Water pe ' & surcharge 50.50 $ 807.00 444.00 111.00 30.00 100.50 s 59a.5o 20.50 ov $ OFF[CE USE ONLY PRV required 1?4 Number of taps 6) Availability City financed CITY USE ONIY r-? L O BL RECEIP7#: q?? ? F a?' ?I g SUBD. IL^&-, RECEIPT DATE: 10 1998 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT IINOB RD EAGAN, NA7 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: ? single famity dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflpw preventer for underground sprinkler system FIXTURE5 EACH # Shower 3.00 x Water Cioset 3.00 x Bath Tub 3.00 x Lavatory 3.00 x Kitchen Sink 3.00 x Laundry Tray 3.00 x Hot Tub/Spa 3.00 x Watec Heater 3.00 x Floor Drain 3.00 x Gas Piping Outlet ' minimum - t 3.00 x Rough Openirtgs 1.50 x Water Softener "for dwellings under construction 5.00 x Water Softener ` fa existing dweliing 20.00 X U.G. Sprinkler * fer dwelling under cwr.st. 3.00 U.G. $pflnklef "forexistingdwelling 20.00 Alterationsi ' to existing residence 20.00 70 afflWT0rG?!+Aro[iricJ 20.00 Private Disposal System ' MPC iic. 75.00 (new and refurbished systems) Private Disposal Systems "Abandonment 20.00 RPZ (new installation only) 20.00 TOTAL R STATE SURCHARGE TOTA! 50 aa.s-D ----------------------------------------------------------------- • --------------------•---------- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the infortnation is correct, and agree to campy with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPS responsibility ta notify the properryrnxner that the Clty of Eagan assumes no liability for any demages caused 6y the City during itsnormal operational and mainMnance adivities to the tacilities wnstructed under this permk within City property/right-of-wayleasement : SITE ADDRESS: 4250 ??f717 OWNER NAME: lpNAL7 S- • IDflW tc-k) T Y INSTALLER NAME: TELEPHONE # STREET ADDRESS: cirr: CDIPERMIT FORMSlRPLBG PERMIT (RES) - 1998 STATE: ZIP_ PERMIT# RECEIPTDATE: ? 11 d ? USIDEIVTIAL PLUM$INfi PEfiMIT APPI1CATION crrY oFFAsAv 3$30 PILOT KAOB RD EA&lkA, MN 55188 651-6$1-4675 Please complete for: t single family dwellings > townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system SITEADDRESS: yZsD 00i)D ? OWNER NAME: : ?oNA LO Z• ?A W L? ?"rY TELEPHONE #: ?S 1- y5L/- 9os? (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: SE L-P TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) STREET ADDRESS: Sf}??'l? F}S p&%W CITY: ?I}&ATJ STATE: ?AN ZIP: S5 n`3 Place a check mark next to the qermit work tvpe New residential dwelling unit under construction and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 Add-on, modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit, including: $ 50.00 • abandonment of septic system • new installation/repair/rebuild of RPZ • lawn irrigation system • waterturnaround d? Nature of work: Septic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license State Surcharge $ .50 Tota I $ Reminder: Be sure to schedule inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. I hereby acknowledge that 1 have read this application, sta[e that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanCS responsibility to notify the property owner ihat the Ciry of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the Cily during its normal operetional and maintenance activities to the facilitles consWCted under this permit within City propertylri ht-of-wa /easement. SIGNA RE F P MITTEE Upda[ed 1101 CITY USE ONLY PERMIT #: ?qIQ 7q RECEIPT DATE: 3-ry-o I MIDEPTIAL MECHARICi4I. PFIiM1T APPLICATION crrY oF Ensnx S$SO fII.OT KNOB RD SA6AR MlV 55122 651-6$14675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: 0 3/ I q! D I SITEADDRESS: ya 80 Dodd na OWNER NAME: PL%W lf kj TELEPHONE #: 651 y 5 u- 90 5(0 (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: Wohlers Southside Htg. & A/C, Inc. 6950 West 146th Street, Suite 106 STREET ADDRESS: Apple Valley, MN 55124 _ TELEPHONE#: qsa N31^-709 `i (AREA CODE) CITY: Place a check mark next to the oermit work tvoe ZIP: New residential dwelling unit under constructionand not owner/occupied $ 70.00 X Add-on, modification or alteration to existinq dwelling unit $ 50.00 • furnace replacement • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of work: replGtCe? -AAvna c P - o cAd Q j r COh/di017eNi . . otL( G-1- WOY Y? State Surchar e $ 50 Tota I 5 ? $60 Reminder: Ca11 for inspections. odt'n,[.c? A LUmlt-c.o SIGNATCJRE OF PERMITTEE Updnted 1/O1 l A III. I1EW HUSII+IESS K. Trudi Johnscn - Project 241 (Dodd Ftoad) Reduction FACiS As a result of the final assessment role that was adopted by the City Ootmcil on October 7, 1960, pertaining to the assessmeats for streets and utilities imder Pmject 241 (Dodd Rnad), the City has rece-ived a Notice of Appeal of these special assessments frnn'iYUdi Johnson through her attorney, Rnbert E. Johnson. The basis of their appeal is based on theix claim that the pxoperty does not benefit from the amaunt of the assessments in addition to the lack of a publicly-dedicated ponding easarient over this property. Attached tn this report is a location map shaainq this paroel in respect to tl':e utilities that were installed tmder Project 241. In addition, there is a topographic layout staaaing the elevaticn of this pxnperty and its resPectiae existing pondin4 azea. The assessments levied against this pmperty wese arrived by the follow- ing brealcdaan: 1. 7.93 acres-20$ credit = 6.32 2. Sanitazy sEwer area tnmk (6.32 acres at $590/acre) $3,728.80 3. Water area tnmk (6.32 acres at $590/acre) 3,728.80 4. Sewer and water services 605.01 5. Sewer lateral (380 feet at $10.75/foot) 4,085.00 6. Water latesals (800 feet at $9.00/foot) 7,200.00 7. Dodd Road Street Inprovenent (800 feet at $16.22/foot) 12,976.00 7CTAL 241 ASSFSSME[JIS $32,323.61 All rates used to determine this assessmP.nt were obtained fmn lateral benefit predetennined rates which were not iapacted by scme of the oost overnavs asso- ciated with Project 241. As can be seen on Line 1, a 208 credit was given far future street and easenPnt dedication. No other azea credit was given due to the fact that no dedicated ponding easerent had been dedicated at the time of the final assessrent hearing. If a ponding easgnent were to be dedicated in- oorporating the perimeter of the existi*ra pomiing area, it would create approx- imately 190 feet of frontage on Dodd RDad that would be oonsidered unbuildable due to insufficient lot depth. STAFF' S RF]Q7MAMATICN5 The assessments as discussed have been levied and certified to the CoLmty and have appeared on the 1981 tax statanents. If a ponduxJ easement were to be dedicated to the City with a mnfiguraticn acceptable to both pa*+;es, the re- sulting net acreage oould be deducbed frxn future assessrent calwlations. In addition, if the dedication of this pond.ing easarent creates a certain amount of frontage on Dodd Road that would be oonsidered unbuildable, this area could be excluded fran future assessrents. Hwrevex, since this easerent had not bePn dedicated at the time of the final assessrent hearing, these credits were not allvaed. If these easanents were to be dedi.cated at scm future date, the staff wnuld like to receive a reoonrierdation Ferra;ning to retroactivity of credits associated with these easanent declications. In any event, the condition of aocepting the easmpnts azxl reducing any assesmrn.nts should be mntingent upon disnissal of the outstand.'uig appeal. It should also be noticed that of the approximate 800 foot of fmntage for this parcel for sani.tary sewer, only 380 feet were assessed. Additional bernfiti.nq footage for sanitary sewer lateral should be considered in ariy future assesarent adjustments. 50 • . , Z . w h ? 3 .' ? 2 3 I 3 • _ 12 ? - ° 4 O w 4 ? W II 3 > dto. ? Q io Q p 7 J61 m 9 8 6 T T M I TR rEl ' I 2 3 4 5 6 ? ? llE . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF; 07/14/1998 PROPERTY ID: 10-02500-024-25 S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN. PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100737 S W SS 1982 20 8.0000 7846.76 0.00 0.00 PP 100738 ST 1982 20 8.0000 2888.10 0.00 0.00 PP 102233 SSTK 561 1991 10 8.0000 6027.39 0.00 0.00 PP 102574 ST 659 1994 15 6.5000 4900.00 0.00 0.00 PP ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ****** 1998 P&I CERTIFIED ------ SUMMP,RY OF DEFERRED 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 21662.25 ------ PENDING ESTIMATE 0.00 Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, FS eoF eagan TIIpMAS EGAtJ nfovo, April 27, 1994 PAiRICIA AVJADA siinwN tiurIrEa SANDRA A. MASIN TIIEODORE WACHTER LARRY DANICH Council Mambers METZEN REALTY 412 SOUTHVIEW BLVD. THOMAS IiEDGES SO. ST. PAUL, MN. 55075 C11v nc+ministiatoi E.J. VAN OVERBEKE RE: ProJect No. 659, Dodd Road (Appraisals) c''''cl°'k Your Request for Acreage and Frontage for Parcels 02425, 042-30 and 010-52, Sectlon 25 Dear Mr. Danich: Enclosed please flnd'/: section maps Indicating fn red the approximate size In acres and frontage ot the above Ilsted propertles which you requested recently. We computed the acreage by using a digital planlmeter of our section maps and I reviewed the legal descriptions to try to determine the irontage along Dodd Road oi the 3 parcels. Listed below are the addresses, legal descriptions, approximate irontage and acreage of the 3 parcels: Address 4280 Dodd Rd. 4370 Dodd Rd. 4420 Dodd Rd. Notes: Legal Description 10-02500-024-25 10-02500-042-30 10-02500-010-52 Acreaye 7.52 Ac 4.68 Ac. 10.29 Ac. Frontaae 755 Lin. Ft2 440 Ltn. Ft. 420 Un. Ft.' 1. Parcel 10-02500-010-52 has a ponding area of 2.06 acres and a Northern States Power line over the north 200 feet of this parcel. 2. Parcel 10-02500-024-25 has a ponding easement of 4.48 ar,res. If you need any further inlormation, please contact me at 681-4646. Sincerely, Edward J. Kir?cht Sr. Engtneering Technician cc: Mike Foertsch Encl. - 3 maps MUNICIPAL CENiER THE LOtJE OAK TREE MAINTENANCE FACILITV 3830 PILOi KNOB ROnD TWE SVMBOL OF SiRENGiH AND CROWiH IN OUR COMMUNITY 3?1 COnciawnp Eqirdt EAGAN, MINPlESOiA 55122-1897 EAGAN, MINtIP;OIn 55129 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 f'HONE: (612) 6B1-A100 FAXt (612) 691-4612 Equal Opportunfly/Afliimatlve Aclien Employei FAX: (612) 681-4760 iDD:(612)454-8535 fDD.(61?) 45AIIfi35 CITY OF LAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 PERMIT PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: j?` BUILDING 024565 09J20/94 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-02500-024-25 4280 DODD RD LOT: 24 BLOCK: 25 SECTION 25 DESCRIPTION: (DORMER) uilding?.Permit Type SF (MISC.) uiLding WGIc` Type 4L7ERA7IDN .. : ?n., . . .. 7 Q E n?? ?? uuq?n REMARKS: FEE SUMMARY: VALUATION $3,000 Base Fee $54.00 COPIES $2.00 Surcharge $1.50 Total Fee $57.50 Subtotal $55.50 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: - Applicant - PAWLENTY DONALD 4280 DOOD RD EAGAN MN 55123 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the 3nformatiort is correct and agree to compiy with alk applicable State of Mn. Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ` AOela g:aa Im APP AN MITEE S ATURE ISSUED B IG TURE -?- ? CITY OF EAGAN ? 1994 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ? 681-4675 SINGLE & MULTI-FAMILY 2 sets of plans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy calcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy calcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date /qI Valuation of work ZsCe` Site Address: q2£'o 'I),W po STREET SUITE # Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT _Dj? BLOCK SUBD. l P.I.D. # Descri tion of work: _0-,,Rry1c9, The applicant is: Owner ? Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name w L.u. _D oNaL.0 Phone Property LaST FIRST Owner Address Z?,' 0 V-0 STREET STE !7 City E8674-n.+ State hq ti+ Zip sS1Z.j Company Phone Contractor Address License # Exp. City State Zip Company Phone Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # • Address ' City State Zip Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once area has been approved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this ap lication and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all a icab e te of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ? Q BUILDING PERMIT TYPE OFFICE USE ONLY . .s .y?t.i?i' • ?.n a?.'+M* ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex D 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex JO 05 5F Misc. O 10 Multi. Add'1. Cy?pp[.e ?Le?Lc? WORK TYPE ? 31 New 0 33 Alterations ? 32 Addition O 34 Repair GENERAL INFORMATION const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Depth APPR:OVALS Planning Engineering RE(lUIRED INSPECTIONS ?.Site 0 Wallboard ? 11 Apt./Lodging ? 16 Basement finish ? 12 Multi. Misc. ? 17 Swim Pool 0 13 Garage/Accessory ? 18 Comm./Ind. ? 14 Fireplace ? 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. 0 15 Deck ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous ? 35 Tenant Finish ? 36 Move Basement sq. ft. lst F1. sq. ft. 2nd F1, sq. ft. Sq. Ft. total Footprint Sq. ft. On-site well On-site sewage Building Variance ? Footing )Z Final .8`?L Framing O Draintile ? 37 Demolish MWCC System City Water PRV Required Booster Pump Fire Sprinkler Census Code SAC Code Census Bldg Census Unit Assessments y3 y ? ZlJnsulation ? Fireplace Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Oed. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: vatmct«,: g SAC % SAC Units T0: PAIJL FIAt]GE. CITY AT1MM F%M: THONfAS A. ODLBIIZT. DIRF]C10R UF P[JBISC 4JOHICS <] 61 " UATE: SEPTIIMBER 24, 1981 RE: P'%LTF]C.T 241, LTPII.ITY/571tEET ASSES:MTf APPFAL (TRL]DI JCHNSCN, PARCM 021-25, SECiZCN 25) Ea response bo your naquest of Septanber 4th. I have calcalated the assessnents for the abavrreferenoed parcel based on a proposed ten- tative agreanpnt to levy tnailc area assessrents only to that Pmperty lying above the 925.4 elevation ard to assess lateral assessnents for only that portion of Dodd Rpad cn either side of the 300' of frontage t2iat does not have the appropriate 120' lot dept-h available due to the location of the 925.4 eleVdticxl. 7he de+P*minatycn of the loca- tirn of tr,e 300' section of Dodd Road picposed to be elvTUnated fran assessresits is based on the criteria of a miniimnn 120' lot depth nec- essary to provide a buildable site. Rhis area is referenoed by a cross hatr.h cm the attached drawing• It should be nated that sanitary sewer lateral assessment originally Fras levied only over 380' of fxmtage for podd Road. We are wzable to deteanine why the ent.ire frontage was rnt assessed for sanitary sewer lateral bmefit similar tv the watprmai*+- In smTnarY, the follva- ing is a calculaticn of assessrents as levied in addition to theis Pr'o' posed revisim based cai this tentative agreernnt: p,sSESg.gNp TTEM P%),7DCP 241 PROP06ID REVISICN 1. Area Calculation (Includes 6.32 acres 3.35 acres 208 credit) (5 cred?t due to less than 2. Sanitazy Sewer Area Tnuilc $3,728.80 $1.976.50 ($590 per acre) 3. Water Area ZYuilc ($590 per $3,728.80 $1,976.50 4. Sewer and Water Servioes 5. Sarer Iateral ($10.75/ft.) 6. Water Iaterals ($9/ft.) 7. Dodd Road Stseet Imrove- ment ($16.22/ft.) 10'1AL: $ 605.01 $4,085.00 (3809 $7,200.00 (8009 $12,976.00 (800') $32,323.61 $ 605.01 $4,085.00 (380') $4,461.48 (495.72') $8,040.58 (495.72') $21,145.07 Please infonn me if additional infozmatiaaz is necessazy in helning tc> re- solve this assesmkent appeal. It should be noted that the area calculations for the proposed, revised assessrent roll are based on the oertificate of survey perfonned by Del Schwanz dated July 14, 1981. TAC/jac am C'? pAIIL R. HAUGE tA A6SOCIdTEB, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1908 i10LXY MEMORIAL FiiONWAY [A6AN {YT. PAVU. MINN[SOTA 56112 PAUI M. MAU6E BRADLEY iMITM A11eA Cooc 5 12 TCC[/HOML 454-4224 KLVIN W. CIDE DAVIO O. KELLER September 25, 1981 Mr. Bernie Dusich McMENOMY & SHELDON 14450 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Heidi Schiela and Trudi Johnson - City of Eagan Dear Bernie: In response to your letter of August 20th, I'm enclosing the following: 1. A copy of an agreement dated Ivovember 1979 between Fredrick and Heidi Lauer and the City of Eagan regarding the consent to enter on the Lauer property. 2. A copy of a drawing covering the Schiela property along Dodd Aoad. 3. A copy of a drawing showing the Trudi Johnson property buildings and remainder of her land. 4. As to Trudi Johnson's proposed settlement, I mentioned to you over the phone on August 4th that the City Council had approved a proposed settienent on the basis of the following: that the area assessments cover only that portion of the property above the 925.4 foot elevation as prepared on Del Schwanz's survey calculated on a square foot basis. In addition, all front- age lateral assessments along Dodd Road will also be assessed with the excep- tion of three hundred feet which is the approximate footage of undevelopable frontage which would leave approximately five hundred feet of frontage to be assessed for lateral,purposes at the present time. In the event that any additional area is developed or used for density purposes below the 925.4 elevation that the additional area would then be assessed at those area rates then in existence. In addition, in the event that Trudi Johnson desires to hook up her residence to the City sanitary sewer or water lateral that an additional one hundred and fifty feet of lateral assessments would be levied at the ti.me of the hookup. It is also understood that the three hundred feet in effect covers the area that is not deep enough to warrant development and it is my understanding that you asked that the three hundred feet be designated at the location of the present building. Mr. Dusich ? September 25, 1981 Page 2Wo You will also note that the sanitary sewer lateral assessment was and continues to be 380 feet of frontage only and in the event of further development in excess of 380 feet on the Johnson property, the rate in existence at the time of development would then be levied. I'm sending a copy of this letter to Tom Colbert so that we can clarify with him whether this is Ehe understanding that was reached in the discussion with the City Coimcil. After you've had a chance to review this letter, please let me know your clients' reactions. The assessments for Trud3 Johnson under this proposal are approximately as follows: Assessment It m Project 241 Proposed Revision Area calculation (includes 3.35 acres 20% credit) 6.32 acres (no credit due to less than five acres) Sanitary sewer area trunk ($590 per acre) $3,728.80 $1,976.50 Water area trunk ($590 per acre) $3,728.80 $1,976.54 Sewer and water services $ 605.01 $ 605.01 Sewer Lateral ($10.75/foot) $4,085.00 (3801) $4,085.00 (380') Water laterals ($9/toot) $7,200.00 (800') $4,461.48 (495.72') Dodd Road Street Improvements ($16.22/foot) $12,976.00 (800') $8,040.58 (495.72') TOTALS $32,323.61 $21,145.07 Very truly yours, Paul H. Hauge skk enclosure ,?' cc: Thomas A. Colbert 0(Z233 Council Minutes September 7, 1982 I BEacox HnL roxn vacanox The public hearing regarding the proposed vacation of ponding easement on Lot 12, Blxk 9, Heacon Hill Addition was then convened by the Mayor. It was noted that the 1975 Quit Claim Easement had been aequired Por ponding easement rights and then the property had been platted but that the easements did not correspond and it was recommended that the Couneil approve the vacation of the pond easement. There were no objeetions to the hearing. Egan moned, Wachter seconded the motion to close the public hearing, approve the vacation of the ponding easement aequired in 1975 Prom Blackhavk Park, Inc. with the condition that the existing ponding easement dedicated as part of the Beacon Hill plat remain in f1i11 force and ePfect.. All voted in favor. R 82-46 TRIIDI JOEINSON - FINAL A.TSF3S!ffiN'P wr±aRntr: _ PRWELT f241 The public hearing regarding the final assessments for the. Trudi Johnson property on Dodd Road was convened by Mayor Hea Slomquist. it was noted that after District Court determination that benePit to the propertq dfd not exceed $11,300.00, that the property should be reassessed on the hasis of the pro- posed roll svbmitted to the Council by the City Engineering Department. There were no objections and no one present regarding the hearing. Wachter moved, Egan seconded the motion to close the hearing, to approve the assessment roll based upon the benefits conferred to the property indicated in the packet material submitted to the Couneil and that the Clerk be authorized to certify the roll to the County Auditor. It was noted that Puture assessments could be levied against the property in the event that beneFits accrue caused by future development. All voted in favor. PROJECf #30TA - ST. FRANCIS it00AS 2ND ADDITION - ISSLSSMENi Heurwr. The public hearing regarding the assessments for St. Franeis Woods 2nd Addition Utilities was then convened by the Mayor. There were no ob3ections to the roll. Mr. Colbert reviewed the roll with the Council and explained the benefits that were received by the property due to the improvements. Wachter moved, Thomas seconded the motion to close the hearing, to approve the final assessment roll for Pro3ect #307A and authorize certification to the Dakota County Auditor to be spread over five years at 12.5% interest. All voted yes. 7 OC201 Council Minutes August 3t 1982 I 6. Beacon Hill Ponding Fasement Vacation. A request had been received from the owner of Lot 12, Block 9, Beacon Hill Addition requesting that a 1975 ponding easement be vacaLed due to the fact that it was incorporated within the official plat of Beacon Hill Addition. It was therePore recommended Lhat the Council receive the Petition and vacate the ponding easement Sn the viclnity of Lot 12, Hloek 9, Heacon Hill Addition, and that the hearing be scheduled Por September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at City Aall. 7. Pro ect 6241. Final reassessment roll on Trudi Johnson property under Project #241, Dodd Road Improvements was submitLed to the Council. It was recommended that the final reassessment roll for the Trudi Johnson parcel be received and that a public hearing regarding the reassessment of the parcel after having been determined by the District Court that the assessment be levisd at E11,300.00 be scheduled for September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall. 8. ProJect 1i307A - St. Franeis Wood 2nd Addition, Otilities. It was ? recammended that the final assessmenE roll for Pro3ect #307A consisting of utilities in St. Francis Wood 2nd Addition be•received and that the covncil schedule a Pinal assessment hearing to be held on September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. 9• Project H324A - Final Assessment Roll - Safari at Eagan. The statf recommended that the final assessment roll for Project 0324A, Safari at Eagan IItilities be received and that the hearing on the assessments be scheduled For September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. 10. Final Assessment - Pro ect 0328A - Ches Mar East 4th Addition. It was recommended to the Council that it receive the Pinal assessment roll for Projeet 6328A consisting of Ches Mar East 4th AddiCion Utility improvements and to schedule a hearing on the assessment roll for September 7, 1982 at 7:00 p.m. at Lhe City Hall. 11. Pro,ject 5329A - Cedar C11fP 2nd Addition. It was recammended that the Pinal assessment roll for Project #329A consisting of Cedar Cliff 2nd Addition IItility improvements be received by the Counell and that it set a public hearing coneerning the assessment roll Por September 7t 1982 at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. Upon motion by Egan, seconded Smith, it was resolved that the foregoing recommendations under the Consent Agenda be approved as recommended. Al1 voted yes. 3 ? ;9EA BLOMOUIST MAYOP TMOMASEGAN JAMES A. SMITN JERRY TMOMAS THEODOREWACHTER GDUNpL MEM9EN5 Januazy 15, 1982 DELt'M H SQiM1NZ IAND SURVEYOR 2978 W 145TH ST PGBOXM ROSESY)UNT M 55068 CITY OF EAGAN `..,3795 PILOT KHOB ROAU . ' P.0.80%11199 - "-EAGAN,MINNESOTA h? pstzx - rHOee 454-8100 - - THOMASHEOGE$ CIiY ADMINiSiXAiON EUGENEVPNOVERBEKE CIiY CIERN Re: Project 241, Trudi Johnson Assessr.en± Appeal - nrainage EaseTent Survev Dear Del: In response to our phone conversaticn on this date, I would aupreciate it if you cOuld provide me with adciitional infoalation nP*-t-a;,,; Mr to this bill. In eon- jL'nction wi.th the assessrent appeal fran Trudi Johnson, we are also being re- quested to cover their expenses incurred for attorney and surveyor fees. 7here- fore, would you please forward to my attentiaz all copies of inwices, surveying descripticns, site plans and hours spent cn testimmy cn their behalf in addition to a separate listing of all invoices, descriptions, site plans perfonned on be- half of the City of Eagan. With this infozmation, it will help us to pmceecl with the assessnEmt appeal through the oourt process. Your anticipated response to this request will be appreciated after which t=me we will process the latest billing that we have re- ceived in the aimunt of $549.00. If you have any questions pertaining to this request, please feel free to oontact me. Sincerely, _ L2?; Colbert, P. . Director of Yublic Taorks TAC/jach cc - Paul Hauge, City Attoxney TME LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF 3TRENGTM AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNtTY. ? STATER7ERT DELMAR H. SCMWMZ LANDSURVEYOF 2978 WEST 745TH STREET P.O. BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MMINESOTA 55068 PHONE 612 423-1769 F ? Mr. Brad Swenaon City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Thank you Eagan, MN 55123 L J 6-11-81 A SERVICE CHARGE OF i% WILL BE ADDED MONTHIV ON THE UNPAID BALANCE WMICM IS ANNUAL RATE OF 12%. 03-31-81 8-18-81 DATE BILLED .31-8 BALANCE 1) Reaet property cornere along Dodd Houlevard on Haig and M ffley property. 250.00 2) Reeet property cornera Lot 9 and W 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 2, LAKFSIDE ESTATE3. 3) Locate and describe drainage easement on Trudi John'on property, NW 1/4 of Sec. 25, T27, R23. Rec. on account ck, no. 021816 220.00 544,00 1014.00 -470.00 544,00 `'_.. -- ------,? ?.. _ ty 1 . ?i (- ?? J 'P0: CQNE VANGVERBM, ETtV= DIRFS.'DDR FRCM: ZFidNAS A. COI,BEfQ', DIRDG'IUR OF P[JSLIC WORKS dlc-l nATE.: ATJGEJST 27, 1982 RE: PARCII. N0. UM FOR I]AMMES - PPL?7I7CT 241 ASSFS3?U= 'IIhe assessnents tliat were levied against this parcel as a part oP Project 241 were appealed Fy tlie p=opexty owner through District Court. 7ie judc}cMt of the oourt detexmined that the ammmt of the assessrmts cvuld not exceed $11,300.00. it also ordered tfie City to reimbisse Trudi Johnson $1,000.00 . for expenses incurred tfirough survepors, apprai.sers and filing fees. '1Kis ooist order was eNecuted cn Febxvazy 23, 1982 and oertified to the Coimty Clerk of Courts on Marcfi.3, 1482. 7herefore, would you please issue a check in the amunt of $1,000.00 plus 11$ interest per year pmrated fmn April 2, 1982 to the date of payrL-nt. This should be cliaxcJed as an expendtture against Project 241. 7he mailing address for Trudi Jolinson is: 4280 Dodd 'Rd, Eagan, Mn. 55123. TPC/jadz - - cx - Brad Smith, City Attnrney's Office Ann Goers, Special Assessment Clerk r TO: Arsr GCEFS, sPBcxrL AssFSSMar crEEK FRCM: 7.Y3p1,¢f5 A. COIBERT, DIl2FX.'iC)R OF PiJBISC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 17, 1982 RE: PAFCEL No. 10-02500-021-25, REASSES3= HEARING (TRUDI JOHBISOfI), P%UE1G`t' 241 In acoordance with Dakota County District Court Order dated March 3, 1982, the original assessmend levied at tlie final assessient hearing held on Septanber 24, 1980 for Project 241 pertaining to the above-referenced parcel in the a¢rount o£ $32,323.61 was vacated anci set aside with a judgment determining that the maxi- mn amount of assessrrients benefiting this pmperty is $11,300.00. This was based on the detexmination that the existing 25 acre parcel is imdevelopable beyond the existing dwelling unit tliat presently exists. Subsequently, the follaaing recalcul.ated fmnt footage and area figures stmuld be used in determining the new assessment roll as follvas: 1. Sarutazy Sewer Trunk Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre' _ $1,976.50 2. Tnunk Water Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre = 1,976.50 3. Sanitazy Sewer Lateral Benefit fran tnuilc (187.43 L.F.) at $10.75 per L.F. = 2,014.87 4. Water msin lateral benefit fran tnunk (187.43 L.F.) at $9.00/ = 1,686.87 L.F. 5. Sewer and Water Servioes (one pair) at $605.01 per pair = 605.01 6. Street Residential Ecfuivalent (187.43 L.F.) at $16.22/L.F. = 3,040.11 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,299.86 These assessrents should be spread over 20 years at 8% interest for any unpaid balance in aocordance with Council direction at the time of the oriqinal final assessment hearing for Project 241. Please insure that all mtiees are published in the legal naaspaper and sent tA the affectsd property u4ner no later than August 20, 1982. C! - Ce?-;t Thanas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Wotks cc - E. J. VanOverbeke, Finanoe Director Paul Hauge, City Attorney No. 10-02500-021-25 c • T0: ANN GOERS, SPBCI71L ASSESSMEDTI' Q,ERK FR7M: THCMAS A. COLBERT, DIRDCIbR OF PUBLSC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 17, 1982 RE: PARCEL No. 10-02500-021-25, RE'dvSSFSSMENT IIFARING (TftUDI JOH[VSON), PRUTECP 241 In accozdance with Dakota County District Court Order dated March 3, 1982, the original assessnend levied at the final assessnent hearing held on September 24, 1980 for Project 241 pertaining to the above-referenced parcel in the amount of $32,323.61 was vacated and set aside with a judcgnent detP*Thining that the maxi- mimt arount of assessments benefiting this property is $11,300.00. This was based on the determination that the existing 25 acre parcel is undevelopable beyond the existing dwelling unit that presently exists. Subsequently, the follaaing recalculated front footage and area figures should be used in determining the new assessnent roll as follaas: 1. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre = $1,976.50 2. Trunk Water Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre = 1,976.50 3. Sanitaxy Sewer Lateral Benefit fran trwnk (187.43 L.F.) at $10.75 per L.F. = 2,014.87 ? 4. Water m3in lateral benefit fran tnuilc (187.43 L.F.) at $9_00% L.F. 1,686.87 5. Sewer and Water Servioes (one pair) at $605.01 per pair = 605.01 6. Street Residential Frnuivalent (187.43 L.F.) at $16.22/L.F. = 3,040.11 TDTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,299.86 These assessments should be spread over 20 years at 8% interest for any uripaid balance in accordance with CoUncil direction at the tune of the original final assessment hearing for Project 241. Please insure that all notices are published in the legal neaspaper and sent to the aPfected property owner no later than August 20, 1982. ?t-/i?trl•?,La-?0, Thct[ias A. Colbert, P.E. - Director of Public Works cc - E. J. VZnWerbeke, Finanoe Director Paul Hauge, City Attorney • No. 10-02500-021-25 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY ? AS OF: 08/17/1992 PROPERTY ID: 10-02500-024-25 ?A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 1 0737 S W SS 1982 20 8.0000 7846.76 392.33 3923.46 100738 ST 1982 20 8.0000 2888.10 144.40 1444.10 102233 SSTK 561 1991 10 8.0000 6027.39 602.73 5424.66 ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 16762.25 1139.46 10792.22 ****** 1992 P&I CERTIFIED 2174.36 ------ SUMMARY OF DEFERRED 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF PENDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 ------ SUbIIMARY OF CLOSED 0.00 Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, F8 ? • + 27 '-1 ,; : ..-_... "__ . ._.. F. _ --' HIGF{WA:NO. 30 $ r ? 8 ,` .,.:. o , pRp,1SCHVRCH ? w Rp,N o ON EVELA D ?Q/ 'L uln?CWUIL?Ir?W1?? ? ourLoT a ITIUN SUNSET, IY p? ? ? ? ?? - 'jFIFTH- .?, „- y?ADDITIO? ? , s ? S '4?.'... y.Y ee.u n i.. ioa ynmy eo' ' no 144, ioo ioo .X w fo a•• w o :i__.a f I ? • 'of•- ? n I= _V)' ` - H0'RN --° (' L •?,oa?? ?_,?__; _°, 024-25 LASSO - ?`.4i'---- •• , . y ?cu n> ? ' • ?.riie?` e.?•ii?oa':? • H' ? y ? is 2 i v4? a 9 8 • $ io - u : Ix 10 N ? -- ?A .,?. ? _,es,.,n 0 i 1 ti iao o^ k ! a 'iwii 7 • ^^.. ?ri. • • ? _ ;_? ?J I? ' I•I i0\ ?u )/I] „ HlU .AOIFIIY/I?IIN? '. ' HACKMORE ORJIVE ?_. ? KAA9RE "l '. _ _ 9?? y??•.•'?a?,?? ?R R. a.?..??r. e?.w>r 0 wV? tx Y ? ? ° I e ? E • ; c ?; ?,'?/'' i,r?-. ,, I 1 ' =!, ' ' . - . ,o ,' pART ? ?" ' ? ? W aP'MwY r?.n • ,I ~ ?° ?.x q ''y`? Or ?' Ai? " "_ ... DODD' , LO ' F F ? ° 0 T . ' FARM s ?o L ? CALVIN - yi CT, so ADD. ' STERNS ?a x i. 4 • x ;? '? ? p y , R _._- ? ??- ? • ? ?.?.?. B , p ? e t o c • ' --1-- ? GOLpEN - ?+ Y-__.•?tlN • ___.?I?? , ' . ?s- ?ta y . if- HAIIGE, SMTIH, EIDE aSZ HELLER, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT lAW GEDARVLLLE PROFE65iONAL BUILDING `JBOB 618L[Y MEMORIAL NIGMWAY EAGAN fST. PAULI, MINNESOTA EEISY PAUI N. HAIJGE BRADLEY SiMITM KEVIN W. EIOE DAVID G. KELLER August 31, 1982 ARY Coo[ !IP T[t[?oM[ 454-42=4 Dakota County Auditor Dakota County Treasurer c/o Norma Marsh Dakota County Government Center Dakota County Government Center Aastings, MN 55033 Hastings, MN 55033 Re: Assessments for Trudi ,Tohnson Property iG- DaZ S'00 '" U;z /'Z's' Dear Norma: At the request of Sernie Dusich, attorney for Trudi Johnson, I am writing to verify that the City of Eagan does not object to vacating special assessments in the amount of $32,323.61 which were levied by the City against property owned by Trudi Sohnson in tfie N 1/2 of the *7W 1/4 of Section 25, T27, R23, in the City o£ Eagan. These assessments are being vacated pursuant to the judgment of the Dakota County District Court dated April 2, 1982, setting aside the assessments. The City will be reassessing this property pursuant to that judgment on September 7, 1982, and at that ti.me tfie City will certify the new assessments to your office for inclusion with taxes payable in 1983. Very truly yours, skk cc: "fhomas A. ColUert -- Bernie Dusich Bradley Smith o? `? ? o? , u ? N ? ?\? k" T0: GQ`1E VANOVERBEKE, FIINANCE DIR?GMR FRCM: THC1MAS A. COLBEFrP, DIRIXTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AL/ DATE: AUGUST 27, 1982 RE: PARCEG NO. 10-0250Q-02I=25, TTT'+Ti AGES - PIba= 241 ASSES The assessnents ttiat were levied against this parcel as a part of Project 241 were appealed by the property oc.mer through District Court. rJlie judgment of the couxt detexmined that the amoimt of the assessmnts could mt Pxceed $11,300.00. It also ordered the City to reimburse Trudi Johnson $1,000.00 for expenses iincurred tfimugfi suxveyors, appraisers and filing fees. This murt order was executed on Februaxy 23, 1482 and certified to the CoLmty Clerk of Courts on March 3, 1982. Tfierefore, would you plP.ase issue a check in the attntimt of $1,000.00 plus 118 interest per year prorated frcm April 2, 1982 to the date of payrsent. This sliwld Fie cliarged as an expendtture against Project 241. The mailing address for 'lYvdf Jotinson is: 4280 Dodd Rd, Eagan, Mn. 55123. TAC/jach. cc - Srad Slnith, City A'Ctorney's Office Ann Goers, Spectal Assessnent Clerk !D-v?soa-o;Li-z 5 HABGE, SBIITH, EIDE (Y KrLLF,R. P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CEDARVILLE PROFESSIONAL BUILOING 3908 SIBLEV MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN (ST. PAIIL), MINNESOTA E8122 PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEY SMITH KEVIN W. EIDE DAVIO G. KEILER August 20, 1982 AxG Gooe 612 TCLEPXOn6 4E4-4224 Mr. Thomas A. Colbert Public Works ?irector 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, M[V 55122 Re: Trudi Sohnson Assessments Dear Tom: In my letter to you of August 6, 1982, I neglected to mention that the judgment for $1,000 in costs draws interest at 11% commencin g April 2, 1982. When a check is prepared to Trudi Johnson and her lai,ryers, please include the interest as well. I apologize for not mentioning this initially. Very truly yours, -? d??? ?°-? - Bradley Smith skk cc: Gene VanOverbeke f ?. mo: ANN coERs, sPncIAL AssFSSMrr cLExx FROM: THQMAS A. OOLBERT, DIF2DCZOR OF PUBISC WORKS DATE: AUGUST 17, 1982 RE: PARCEL No. 10-02500-021-25, REASSESSMENT HEARING (TRUDI JOFINSON), PRQ7ECT 241 In acoordance with Dakota County District Court Order dated March 3, 1982, the original assessmend levied at the final assessment hearing held on Septenber 24, 1980 for Project 241 pertaininq to the abovrreferenced parcel in the amount of $32,323.61 was vacated and set aside with a judgment determining that the maxi- mun amount of assessments benefittng this property is $11,300.00. This was based on the determination tiiat the existing 25 acre parcel is undevelopable beyond the existing dwelling unit tliat presently exists. Subsequently, the follaaing recalculated fmnt footage and area figures simuld be used in determin;ng the new assessnent roll as follaas: 1. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre = $1,976.50 2. Trurilc Watex Area (3.35 acres) at $590/acre = 1,976.50 3. Sanitary Sewer Iateral Benefit frcm trunk (187.43 L.F.) at $10.75 per L.F. = 2,014.87 4. Water main lateral benefit fran trunk (187.43 L.F.) at $9.00/ L.F. = 1,686.87 5. Sewer and Water Sexvices (one pair) at $605.01 per pair = 605.01 6. Street Residential Fc?uivalent (187.43 L.F.) at $16.22/L.F. = 3,040.11 TdPAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,299.86 These assessments should be spread over 20 years at 8% interest for any unpai.d balance in accordanoe with Council direction at the time of the original final assess[[ient hearing for Project 241. Please insure that all notioes aze published in the legal newspaper and sent to the affected property aaner no later than August 20, 1982. i?Y!ta-C'? L? 1--2?-?L(?j'?? Thanas A. Colbert, P.E. Director of Public Works cc - E. J. VanOverbeke, Finanoe Director Paul Hauge, City Attorney No. 10-02500-021-25 ---' ? ; ? DELMAR H. SCHWANZ Land 3urveyors, Inc. Registeretl Untler Laws of Tne State ot Minnesota 29MI@Up{OMR6K".0. BOX M • ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 2978 West 145th Street July 9, 1982 Mr. Thomas A. Colbert, P.E. DirECtor of Public Works City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 oi--oasffa - daZ4?-a&?` • PHONE 612 423-1769 Re: Your Project 241, Trudi Johnson Asaessment Appeal. Dear Tom: The following is a summation oP my involvement with the City of Eagan and with Trudi Johnson relative to my services rendered. 1-21-81 Request from Brad Swenson, City of Eagan, to describe and locate a proposed drainage and utility easement on the Trudi Johnson property. A drawing waa furnl8hed by Brad defining the area to be eurveyed and described. Copy attached. I was also requsated at thia time to reset property corners lost during Dodd Road construction on the Diffley and Haig property and to reset several lot corners in the LAKESIDE FSTATFS ADDITION. 3-16-81 Submitted defined area with descrlption to Brad Swenson, Copy attached. 3-31-81 and 6-11-81 Statement aent to City of Eagan Por services rendered. ? Brad called and said City could nd pay for Johnaon part of survey at thia time because the easement had not been finalized. 8-18-81 Received payment from City for all work except Johnson's. 6-19-81 Request from Mr. Bernie Dusich, attorney for Trudi Johnson, to locate buildings, storm sewer outlet, change in vegetation, and boundary survey. Copy attached. 7-14-81 Submitted survey to Mr. Dusich. 10-08-81 Statement sent for services rendered. Copy attached. 12- -81 Court appearance, Sincerely, r^ 1 ' 1-5-82 Received payment from Mr. Dusich. '? . ._'????,? j C) : j ??N,c. ? Y'?( :' ,. r ? . • - STATEMENT BILLED DELMAR H. SCHWANZ DATE LANOSUNVEYOR 2978 WEST 145TH 5TREET P.O. BOX M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 66088 PHONE 812 423-1769 1 Q?08?g1 F Mr, Bernie Dusich ? MeMenomy & Sheldon ?a? you Dakota Central OfPices 14450 South Robert Trail L Roaemount, MN 55068 ? A SERVICE CHAf3GE OF 1% WIIL BE ADDED MONTHLV ON THE UNPAID BALANCE WHICH IS ANNUAL HATE OP 12%. BALANCE 10-05-81 Ng?jaof Sectiona25, 1T278eR23,olyingnesetpoft Dodd tRoad. 525.00 1-5-82 ROA check no. 4053 McMenomy Sheldon Dusich & Hansen, PA• _600.00 0 , r.. RECENED "°P?Y 5 3982 REC HAIIGE, SMITH, EIDE & KEILER. P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CEDARVALE PROFEb810NAL BUILOINGB 3908 SIBLEV MEMORIAL HIGHWAY EAGAN (5T. PAUL). MINNESOTA 88123 PAUL H. HAUGE BRADLEY SMITH KEVIN W. EIDE DAVID G. KELLER Mr. Thomas Colbert Director of Public Works City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 May 4, 1982 AREA CoD[ $11 TeLEPXONE 484-4274 RE: Trudi Johnson Assessment Appeal - Dodd Road ??0 W-CW' oai-a s- Dear Tom: Since the decision of Judge Fitzgerald of February 26, 1982, we have attempted several alternates to try to resolve the assessment issue on the Trudi Sohnson propexty. 1. We attempted to get consent to take some soil samples, which the property owner would not permit us to do. 2. We have checked the possibility of limiting the amount of area, for example, 150 to 200 feet to be assessed along the Dodd Road frontage, which is the actual benefited property where the house stands and leave the balance unassessed with $11,300.00 heing assessed against the limited frontage only. We have also discussed with Trudi Johnson`s attorney several other alternates, all of which have not been accepted. Our thought was that if we limited the frontage to a maximum of 200 feet, that at a later time, the City could assess the balance in the event that any improve- ments or that a building permit is acquired or any subdividing takes place on the balance of the land. The problem is there is no case law in this respect and the City Council then has two alternates in this respect: 1. To go ahead and reassess the property limiting the frontage to approximately 200 feet covering the $11,300.00 assessment benefit and then wait to see if the property owner objects and appeals. 2. To rescind the assessment roll that was originally levied in the sum of about $32,000.00, refund the assessments already paid and reassess the entire 800 foot frontage for $11,300.00. I assume that if we take the second alternate, that we may be able to avoid a reassessment hearing and get a waiver of objections on behalf of the property owner by stipulation and off-set the assessment paid to date against the $11,300.00. In addition, there was an award of $1,000.00 for costs, including surveying to , Mr. Thomas Colbert May 4, 1982 Page 2 the property owner, which could also, possibly, be deducted, rather than paid directly to Ms. Johnson. In any event, it's possible that some time in the future that if the second alternate is actually used, that the City would be able to reassess the property in the event of subdividing as a condition of the subdivision or of the building permit in the event such permit is requested. I'd appreciate your thoughts concerning this file. yours, CiA/SMITH, EIDE & KELLER, P.A. Paul H. Hauge PHH:ras iG- OA?au ._ zsw oraxoae MCMENOMY, SHELDON, DII9IGH & $ANSEN aaoessatot+wr, waeooswrxo.r nsxoTs caxrawz ovetoM 14450 90IITlf ROSEBlTRA(L B?wan a xGx8xonr ROSEMOUNT. MINNS90TA 66068 TaxaPxoxa aao•ltea JAYES Y. 9HELOOA A88A GOOE BlY HSBNIE Y.DU82C8 ana a. asx+sax March 16, 19$2 f Mr. Paul Hauge - Attorney at Law Cedarvale ProEessional Building R 3908 Si61ey Memorial Highway Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: Trudi Johnson v. City of Eagan Dear Paul: Following our telephone conversation and review of your letter of March 12th, 1982, I have discussed your reques[ with our client and we have decided [hat we will not consent to permitting the City of Eagan to enter onto Mrs. Johnson's property for the purpose of taking soii borings. It is our position that therg was substantial evidence presented at the trial of this matter by both parties, including the presentation oE evidence by expert appraiser testimony, for a proper determination by the Court. We feel that the record in this case is now closed and that it is unnecessary for any additional evidence to be introduced. Yours very truly, FOR THE FIRM: i ?'?G'?'?, / /? ! / ernie M. Dusich BMD:dk cc: Mrs. Trudi Johnson do a v/ /?> a--C.? ' I?IoA:a Notim Purvuanl ta fiule.v nf Civil I'rucedi f./ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF DAKOTA ,yo 90956 PZainti/f City of Eagan Defendand IN DISTAICT COURT Fmsr Jtm[cw, DrsTxtcr To Ptr. Bernie M. Dusich, Attorney at Law, Dakata Central Offices, 14450 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, Minn. 55068 Mr. Paul H. Hauge, Attorney at I.aw, 3908 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, Minn. 55122 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That a Findines of Fact. Concluaions of Law 6 Order for Sudg- IOrAer. Ikcision, ar dud4mnncl IDBRC in the abave entitled cauae waa, on Ehe 3rd dny of March 1.9 82 File.d in Ohe offirt o/ the Clerk o/ eaid Diatriet CourE. (Filed or Enrered) Dated March 3rd R, D. 19 $? Nick Vuiovich Clerk- BH Daputy /??? o& ",& . r ........ _ .^.'.. a.'Y ? Y .?.? w X.Z:??.n ?'l.< `.'C •'? aC+4 ? "_'`.?`f 5?, Y ? " r'.? b?4[:?Nu«ir Purxuant tu Rules of CiviI IYacrA1111111111?7.(14 ? MILLEH-0RVIS CO. MINNEAPOLIS STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF DAKOTA IN DISTRICT COURT Fmsx Jvn[cur. Disrxicr Xo. 90956 PlnintiJf City of Defeniand To Mr. Bernie M. Dusich, Attorney at Law, Dakota Central Offices, 14450 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, Minn. 55068 Mr. Paul H. Hauge, A[torney at La•r, 3908 Sibley Dfemorial Highwaq, Eagan, Minn. 55122 YOU RRE HEIZEBY NOTIFIED, That m Fi?dings of Fac[. Conclusions of Law 6 Order for .7udg- (Ordor. IkYisiun, (ir JudKment) mCIIC in Ehe above entitZul cauae waa, on tht 3rd day of Maxch 1,9 82 Filed (Filed nr Entered) in Lhe ojfire oJ the CZerk oJ aaid DixErict Court. Dated Plarch 3rd e. D. Ig 82 Nick Vui ovich , Clerk gy Daputy , BEA BLOMQUIST MAYON THOMASEGAN MARK PARRANTO JPMES A. SMITH THEODORE WACHTER Al1NCIL MEMBEflS April 27, 1981 MS TRI]DI JOHNSON -4280-DQDD?--ZD-_ EAGAN MN 55123 Re: Paroel 10-02500-021-25, Dear M. Johnson: CITY OF EAGAN , 3796 PILOT KNOB RCAD ' EAGAN. MINNESOTA 35122 ^ . ' PMONE 954-l1p0 , , ?• Project 241 - Special AssessnPnt Appeal 10 0"is(n o o 4 -.:) 5 Szc . Z5- THOMASHEDGES GITV AOMINISTflnfOP EUGENE VAN OVER9EKE LITY QEAN Your notice of appeal of a special assessment wes brought to the attention of the Special Assessment Cacarattee at their meeting of P!larch 31, 1981. This inforniaticn was also reviewed by the City Council at their meeting of April 21, 1981. Due to the status of the appeal pertaining to the assessments, the Special Assessment Cor.r mittee and the City Council took no action pertaininq to reducing the assesmnezts fscn Project 241 to the above-referenced project until a specific request has been receivecl pertaining to area to be dedicated to the City for ponding pur.poses. Once this infoxmation is received and concurred with by City staff, it will be reconsider- ed by the City Council and the Special Assessment Caimittee pertaining to potential credits for ponding easarent ded;cations. Until such time, the final assessments wi.ll ranain as levied on October 7, 1980. If you have any questions pestaining to this action, please feel free to contact me, Sincerely, Z`d- L??/? T1lomas A. Co7hert, P.E. Director of Public Works TAC/jac cc - Ann Goers, Special Assessment Clerk Paul Hauge, City Attorney TNE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. /D ?A-T-'00 "i as *•, , k III. NEW BUSINESS K. Trudi Johnscn - Project 241 (Dodd Road) Reduction FACIS As a result of the final assessment role that was adopted by the City Council on October 7, 1980, pertaining to the assessTents for streets and utilities under Project 241 (Dodd Rnad), the City has received a Notice of Appeal of these special assessments fran Trudi Johnson through her attorney, Robert E. Johnson. The basis of their appeal is based on their claim that the property does not benefit fran the cmnrnmt of the assessRients in addition to the lack of a publicly-dedicated pondinq easement over this property. Attached to this report is a location map showing this paroel in respect to the utilities that wese installed under Project 241. In addition, thPSe is a tnpographic layout slxxkTing the elevaticn of this pxnperty and its respective existing ponding az'ea• Tte essessments levied against this property were arrived by the follaa- ing breakdv.m: - 1. 7.93 acres-208 credit = 6.32 acres 2. Sanitary sewer area tsunilc (6.32 acres at $590/acre) $3,728.80 3. Water area tnmk (6.32 acres at $590/acre) 3,728.80 4. Sewer and water services 605.01 5. Sewer lateral (380 £eet at $10.75/foot) 4,085.00 6. Water laterals (800 feet at $9.00/foot) 7,200.00 7. Dodd R oad Street Irprovanent (800 feet at $16.22/foot) 12,976.00 TOTAL 241 ASSESSMENiS $32,323.61 All rates used to determine this assessment were obtained fmn lateral benefit predetexmined rates which were not iupacted by sane of the mst overnms asso- ciated with Projeck 241. As can be seen on Line 1, a 20% credit was given for future street and easement dedication. No other area credit was given due to the fact that no dedicated pondirn3 easanent had been dedicated at the time of the final assessment hearing. If a ponding easement were to be dedicated in- corporati.ng the perimeter of the existing ponding area, it would create approx- imately 190 feet of frontage on Da3d Road that would be considered unbuildable due to insufficient lot depth. STAFF'S RECON9MIDATIONS The assessments as discussed have hee,n levied and certified to the County and have appeared on the 1981 tax stateirents. If a ponding easerent were tn be dedtcated to the City with a oonfiguration acceptable to both parties, the re- sulting net acreage oould he deducted fizxn future assessment calculations. In addition, if the dedication of this ponding easement creates a certain amoLmt of frontage on Dodd Rnad that would be considered unbuildable, this area could be excluded fran future assessmenrts. Haaever, since this easarent had not been dedicateci at the time of the final assessment hearing, these credits were not allvwed. If these easements were to be dedicated at some future date, the staff would like to receive a recotmiendation pertaining to retmactivity of credits associated with these easanPnt dedications. In any event, the condition of accepting the easanents and reducing any assessLents should be contingent upon dismissal of the outstanding appeal. It should also be naticed that of the approximate 800 foot of frontage for this parcel for sanitary sewer, only 380 feet were assessed. Additional benefiting footage for sanitary sewer lateral should be mnsidered i.n any future assessment adjustments. 50 . ? `. H = , ? , o .. . idh. ?. ? • .._,_3. c , h 3 . 1e. II 14 ?-_ I ; ? . C. 3 ? , 3 • 12 4 ? - o 0 W 4 Q W II 3 > Y Fr .s Q io l p 7 6J 9 e T - 1 r T RR P I 2 3 4 5 6 ? . • { \ . U-1. " Li ` ? cc - ?. .- .. • ? U ? . . ? .i , ? , . f. . . < the affected lands and also to Section 1, of Article 10 oP the Conati- tution of tiie State of 17innesota and the uni.`ormity due process in ec;ual protection clausea af the Fourteenth Ammendment of the Consti- tution of the United Statos. N. Tliat there has been no proper determination of the aroa alleqedlp bene£ited by said improvement. V. The asscscamont proceas hae not been caxried out in conformance with statutory requirenente and is affected by other illegality. VI. That the resolution of the Ctty oP Eagan conBtitutas an unlawful taking of appellant•s proflerty without fair comFensation and violates ttle Constitutiona of the United Statos of America and the State of Minnesota and is contrary to the atatutes of the State of Minnesota. VII. FUP.TIiER, F.APCLLAt7T CI.AIMS, that the City of F.agnn in connaction with tho construction of the atreot known as Dodcl Road illeaally and improperly constructPd a drain or draine 4iverting anci draining a slaLstantial a*iount of surface water from Dodd Road and aBjacQnt parts thercof onto the landa of the appellant to the damagQ of the appellant and whicli constitutas an unjuat tnkin, without corapeneation and with- out lenal ,rocess all in the amoUnt as yet cexnvtly undetermined. 1411F:u;YOR1;, Appollant prays for ju(icrment annullinR, cancelling and sattinq aside these special aeeeeanonts and for Ruch othor and furthAr relief as to the Court may seem just ant9 equitable i.ncluding compensatioe for the drainaga c]a!naqe to appellants lands if auah m+sy pmperly be brought as a part of thie acCion. % . ?. , P.oT?ert • . , o nson AttoXney for Appellant, Trvdi .?ohnson 4945 ffalifax Edina, Mtt 55424 927-4931 - 2 _ 52 a • ! c -- ,/ DISTRICT COUP.T IT ^aiATF, OF MI."R7LfiOT!1 FIRST J[iDICIAL DI87'RICT COUNTY OF Dr_xoTA NOTICE OF APPEAL OF SFP.CIAL ASSIISSMENTS Truai Johnaon, ) ) Appellant. ) ) ve. ) ) City of Eagan, ) ? Respondent. ) TO: CITY Or FAGAN, 3795 Pilot Knob RoAd, 1"•aqan, MN 55122 an9 ita CI7'Y CLEP{, ALYCE SAL:CE. PLL'nSE TARR NOTICE, that.pursuant to MinnQaotn Statutes 429.08I the plaintiPf appoals apecial eseesaments as determined by the City oE £agan and in that aonnection alloqas as follows: z. Tiiat ttie plaintiPP owne real eatata in Lagan, Minnesata on Dodd noaa. II. Ity rogolution of the Baqan City Council aMopted october 7, 1980, tha City oE Faqan purported to 2evy epocia,l aaaesamenta in the eum of 2tineteen Thou3and Thzee fiundred Fazty-Seven an3 61/100 ($19,347.61) Dollars far "utilities" anR Twmlve Thouaaad ;tine tiundred Seventy-Six and 00/100 ($12,976.00) Dollars foz "etraets" on the project 9escribed as 242 Seetion 25, 021 25 all in the grand total at Thirty-Two Thousand Ttir.ee [luTic?r.ed Twenty-Three and 61/200 ($32,323.61) Dollnre. IIi. That thc ansessmenta aryainat the plaintif.f's property are qholly c.i.i3clroj'?ort!_onnte to any benefit, dizacC or indiroct, that inures or accrues to said Wroperty or any part Chereof as a reault of the'eubject im-provemer.ts or any portion thercof anct ia arbitrary and capricioua, unjuat and un£air and eaid aeseasments aa thus asseesed and irt;posed cnnatitutes s violation of nnS ie Contrary to the applicable provieiona of Hlnnesota Statutes covering the asseasmcant of improvemante aaalnst 51 . '• a,?. 7 STATE OF MINNESOTA COllNTY OF DAKOTA wow 1-UW DISTRICT COURT FIRST .IUDICIAL DISTRICT File No. 90956 Trudi Johnson, Appellant, vs. City o£ Eagan, a Minnesota MUnicipal Corporation, . Respondent. FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, ANb ORDER FOR JUDGMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS APPEAL. The above-en[itled matter was heard at trial by [he undersigned, on [he llth day of December, 1981 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in [he Dakota County Government Cen[er, City of Hastings, Dakota County, Minneso[a. Following the trial in this ma[ter and the review of the Briefs sub- mitted by appellant and respondent, the Court herein makes the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT l. That the respondent, City of Eagan, Eurnished materials and performed certain work for the installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and s[reets under Project 241 along Dodd Road, in an area of the City affecting approximately8i acres of propertyof appellan[, Trudi Johnson. 2. That construction of said improvements took place in 1979 and 1980; and thereafter, responden[ levied assessments against appel- lant's property based upon the following compuCation: Area Calculation Based on 20% Credit. 6.32 acres Sani[ary Sewer Area Trunk ($590.00 per acre) $ 3,725.00 Water Area Trunk ($590.00 per acre) $ 3,728.00 Sewer and Wa[er Service $ 605.01 Sewer Lateral ($10.75/Yoot) $ 4,085.00 (380') Water Lateral ($9.00/foot) $ 7,200.00 (8001) Dodd Road Street Improvements ($16.22/foot) $12,976.00 (800') TOTAL ASSGSSPfENTS: $32,323.61 . ?w ? ' - ? 3. That responden[ certified the assessment Eigure of $32,323.61 to the Dako[a Coun[y Auditor's Office in 1980. 4. That following the certification of this assessment upon appellant's property, appeliant filed a timely appeal from this special assessment, pursuan[ to Minnesota S[atutes 429.081. 5. That respondent made no findings of special benefits as [o appellant's property based upon the improvements made 6y respond- en[ prior [o the certification of special assessmen[ to the Dakota County Auditor's OFfice in 1980. 6. That [here was no evidence introduced by respondent demon- strating that the assessments levied upon appellant's property were uniYorm as to the same class of property as appellant's within the assessment district. 7. That the firs[ evidence of a determination of special 6ene- fits conEerred upon appellant's property by virtue of [he improvements made by respondent was introduced a[ the [rial of this matter in the amount of $30,010.00, which amount is unreasonable under all the facts and circumstances of this case; and tha[ the evidence introduced by appellant a[ trial concerning the amount of special benefit conferred upon appellant's property by virtue of respondent's improvemen[s is $11,300.00, which amount is reasonable based upon [he facts and cir- cumstances of Chis case. 8. That based upon the survey of Del Schwanz, appellanC owns 5.55 acres of land fronting on Dodd Road. 9. That approximately .7 acres of appellan['s property is contained in Dodd Road. 10. That approximately 3.86 acres of appellant's property is covered by standing water on a constant basis. , 11. Ttiat the amoun[ of standing water on appellant's proper[y lias na[ remainec3,fixed, and cnuc in che course oi rter ownership oi [he property since 1969, Che amount of standing water has incrcased a[ various times Co cover more than 3.86 acres oE her property. -2- : . . . ? ; ? 12. That [he remaining 3.35 acres of appellant's property con- tains buildings consis[ing of a lg story house upon the highest eleva- tion on appellant's property, a garage, partially within the right-of- way of Dodd Road, a 6arn and three small sheds, all in fair condition. 13. That respondent encountered the problem of the inability of [he soil to handle rainfall in constrUCting the improvements on Dodd Road. 14. That appellant has experienced annual flooding in [he base- ment of her house, located on the highes[ elevation of her property, since her ownership of her home and property in 1969, indicating inade- quate soil for building and cons[ruction purposes. 15. That a shed upon appellant's property, located between the standing water level on her property and her home, was removed by appellant as a result of water damage, again indicating the inade- quacy of appellant's land for building and construction purposes. 16. That respondent has constructed a drainage pipe upon appel- Lant's property, which drains surface water from the surrounding area of Dodd Road on to appellant's property. 17. That appellant's property con[ains at mos[ one suitable building site, upon which appellant's }iome and garage are currently situated. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. That the amount of special benefit conferred upon appel- lant's property as a result of the improvements made by respondent in this case does not exceed $11,300.00. 2. Tha[ there is a lack of uniformity as to the special as.sess- ment against appellant upon the same class of property as appellan['s. -3- . ORDER 1. That the special assessments levied by the City of Eagan as to appellant's property, referred to in Finding No. 2 herein, are hereby vacated and sec aside. 2. That this matter is remanded [o the City of Eagan for re- assessmen[ of appellant's property in an amoun[ not greater than $11,300.00, pursuan[ to Bue[tner v. City of S[. Cloud, 277 N.W. 2d 199 (Minn. 1979). 3. That pursuant to Pfat[er of Village of Burnsville Assess- inents, 287 N.W. 2d 375 (Minn. 1979), appellant is hereby allowed cos[s and disbursements in the furtherance of her appeal, for [he Distric[ Court filing fee, survey and tes[imony of surveyor Del Schwanz and appraisal and testimony of Thomas Metzen in the amount of $1,000.00; however, appellant is denied any award of attorney's fees i? the fur- therance of her appeal. /' 2.. 3.£' , LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. -4- . r.? STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA ..., ? DISTRICT COURT 1'IRST JUUICIAL DISTRICT File No. 90956 Trudi Johnson, Appellan[, vs. City of Eagan, a P]innesota Municipal Corpora[ion, , Responden[. FINDINCS OF FACT, CONCLUSTONS OF LAW, AND ORDER FOR JUDCMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS APPEAL. The a6ove-encitled matter was heard at trial by [he undersigved, on [he 17th day of December, 1981 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in [he Dakota County Government Center, City of Hastings, Dakota County, Minnesota. Following the trial in this matter and the review oE the Briefs sub- mi[ted by appellant and respondent, the Court herein makes the follow- ing: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. That the respondent, City of Eagan, furnished materials and performed certain work for the installation of sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer and streets under Project 241 along Dodd Road, in an area of the City affecting approximately 8? acres of property of appellant, Trudi Johnson. 2. That construction of said improvements took place in 1979 and 1980; and thereaf[er, respondent levied assessments against appel- lant's property based upon the following computation: Area Calculation Sased on 20% Credit. 6.32 acres Sani[ary Sewer Area Trunk ($590.00 per acre) $ 3,728.00 Water Area Trunk ($590.00 per acre) $ 3,728.00 Sewer and Water Service $ 605.01 Sewer Lateral ($10 J 5/foot) $ 4,085.00 (380') Water Lateral ($9.00/foot) $ 7,200.00 (800') Dodd Road Strect Improvements ($16.22/foot) $12,976.00 (800') TOTAL ASSESSMENTS: $32,323.61 • - ?.. .? 3. That respondent certiEied [he assessment figure of $32,323.61 to []ie Dakota County Auditor's OEfice in 1980. 4, Tha[ following the certification oE [his assessment upon appellant's proper[y, appellant filed a timely appeal from this special assessment, pursuant to Minnesota S[a[utes 429.081. 5. That responden[ made no findings of special benefits as to appellant's property based upon the improvements made by respond- ent prior to the certiEication of special assessmen[ to [he Dakota County Auditor's OFfice in 1980. 6. That [here was no evidence introduced by respondent demon- s[ra[ing tha[ [he assessments levied upon appellant's property were uniform as to the same class of property as appeLlant's within the assessment district. 7. Tha[ the first evidence of a determination of special bene- fits conferred upon appellant's property by virtue of [he improvements made by responden[ was introduced at the trial of this matter in the amoun[ of $30,010.00, which amount is unreasonable under all the facts and circums[ances of this case; and that the evidence introduced by appellant at trial concerning the amount oF special benefit conEerred upon appellan['s property by virtue of respondent's improvements is $11,300.00, which amount is reasona6le based upon the facts and cir- cumstances of this case. 8. That based upon the survey of Del Schwanz, appellant owns 8.55 acres of land fronting on Dodd Road. 9. That approximately .7 acres of appellant's property is contained in Dodd Road. 10. That approximately 3.86 acres of appellant's property is covered by standing water on a constant basis. , 11. Tha[ [he amount of standing water on appellant's property tias noG cemained Fixed, and that in the ccurse af her ownership of the property since 1969, [he amount oE standing water has increased a[ various Cimes to cover more than 3.86 acres of her property. -2- 12. Tha[ the remaining 3.35 acre5 of appellant's property con- tains buildings consisting of a 1'g story house upon the higliest eleva- [ion on appellant's proper[y, a garage, partially within the right-of- way of Dodd Road, a barn and [hree small sheds, all in fair condition. 13. That respondent encountered the problem of che inability of the soil to handle rainfall in constructing the improvements on Dodd Rroad. 14. That appellant has experienced annual flooding in the base- ment of her house, located on the highest elevation of her property, since her ownership of her home and property in 1969, indicating inade- quate soil for building and construction purposes. 15. That a shed upon appellant's pzoperty, located between the standing water level on her property and her home, was removed by appellant as a resul[ of water damage, again indicating [he inade- quacy of appellant's land for building and construction purposes. 16. That respondent has constructed a drainage pipe upon appel- lant's property, which drains surface water from the surrounding area of Dodd Road on to appellant's property. 17. That appellant's property contains at most one suitable building site, upon wtrich appellant's home and garage are curren[ly si[uated. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. Tha[ the amount oF specialbenefit conferred upon appel- ' lant's property as a resul[ of [he improvements made by respondent in this case does not exceed $11,300.00. 2. That there is a lack of uniformity as to the special assess- ment against appellant upon the same class of proper[y as appellant's. -3- ORDER 1. Tha[ the special assessmen[s levied by the City of Eagan as [o appellant's property, referred to in Finding No. 2 herein, are hereby vaca[ed and set aside. 2. That [his matter is remanded Co the City of Eagan for re- assessment of appellant's Qroperty in an amount no[ grca[er than $11,300.00, pursuant to Buettner v. City of S[. Cloud, 277 N.W. 2d 199 (Ptinn. 1979). 3. Tha[ pursuant to Matter of Village of Burnsville Assess- men[s, 287 N.W. 2d 375 (Minn. 1979), appellant is hereby allowed costs and disbursements in the furtherance of lter appeal, for the 6istrict Cour[ filing fee, survey and tes[imony of surveyor Del Schwanz and appraisal and [es[imony oE Thomas Metzen in the amount of $1,000.00; however, appellant is denied any award oE at[orney's Fees in the fur- therance oF her appeal. .? LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. J476- -%? 19YL -4- Easement Description `City of Eagati ' Attn: Brad Swenson for: 5- DE-L"it W. K14 W'", Z LANOSURVEVOR Registera0 Unaer Laws of Tne Sbte of MinnasoU 2976 - 145TH STREET W. - BOX M RflSE1rmUNT. MIWN.ESOTA 95068 60 eK 3?,5 /t'l z pMF3NE642 423-.1769 SURVEYOR'SG€RTIFICATE 1 - t I.-So.tT.? o-F ?aitTM rltrl,OO?a.?` N'/Z, ?W1? - 1 41 . a ? IY M 0 c d ? [J ? ? o a? e ? 1? - ? - 5 Cal Proposed Ponding Easement ° So 44` E ? os n ? ? ? l\ V ? ? ? ? q- zel/ ti ?? ?? 0 N ol N N 1--: ? ? 3 N 0 - 2 A ponding easement over I J' that part of the North Half (Nl/2 ) « 9 „ of the Northwest 41 Quarter (N.W.1/4) s ? ? of Section 25, Q 7 Iy Township 27, Rang 23, Dakota County? Minnesota, lyingJ ) dd R Q J ? ? ,_ oa east of Do except the north ? 515.00 feet thereof • described as follows: Commencing at the 4zq? o southeast corner? ? 5?9°q?top5"'A/ of said North Half of the Northweat Quarter of 3ection 2 5; thenqe North 0 degreesJ ??u,-?+ l.?a? Ny2 NW14 Sec•2S T.27 R•23 12 minutes 41 seCOnds _ Weat (assumed bearing )SF Co¢.uc.E. -1t ? NAZ ? 1.? u?yc} 5r.c- . 2g ?zl y? intZ ?P 4 E along the east line thereof a distanc8 desari b t t e po et to tk of 57,60 f bed; thenee South 89 degrees 46 e o beginning of the easemen minutes 05 seconds West a diatance of 42.97 £eet; thence North 32 degrees 31 minutes 00 seconds West a diatance of 583.37 feet; thence North 62 Peet to 395 63 degrees 30 minutes 46 seconds East . a distance of said east line of the North Half of the Northweat Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 12 minutea 41 seconds East along said east line a diatance of 668.19 feet to the point of beginning. Easement containing 2.964 acres. r / Dated: March 16, 1981 ? -?---?? ? MIryryE$pTA REGISTRATION N0.862?? ( PARKING El I; ;1 I', , 6j. __ I - I ---' ` ' 'Af1KfNG \i `Q P " 1\ } ?--------- - ? i ----- -- ?'-' ? / 1 ? ? - / I??11 ll il r U ?_. r 1 I ? 1 11 ? I I / ! / ? ? \ I i I __ i.. i `? ?? ? /? ?? . ,?; ? , , ? ; ? ? ?• .? ? •_?_ 1 _ ; ;__•-, i ?? ? i i `t ? `-_-_---r?t--? f' t ` ; ?, wt: _ ? L? -r _?__1? ._-_^? ? '' ?? ?` \• ? 9Z4.8 Cl 'rI i iI i ? , - --- - '?. ? 1 4-1 1 ??.A' ?. f ? _, . - ' .?a ----- ----?-- _ -- ( / ? f ? I ? . ? ?. I I ? , .? . _I C/ 6? • QSd?f??. a T PnP,.?o? ? S•o? 1 I I - - .. ?. ? ..!. , ' ? i. . uiATT OF HI!7?JL8OT?1 DISTRICT CDUP.T COUN4'Y OF DT.80'!'A FIRST J[iP2C2AL DIS?RIC Trudi Johnson, ) ? Appellant, ) ) va. ) HOTICE OF ApPSAL ) or Ci*yo uf £agan. ) SFP.CIAL ASSESSMENTS ? ResponAcnt. ) TO: CITY OF F.,AGAN, 3795 Pilot Knob Iboad, F.agen, MN 55122 and ita CTTY CLE1LK, ALYCE BOLZCE, PLL'ASE TAICA NOTIC£, that.pursuant to Minneeota Stetutee 424.081 thQ plaintiff appeals special aseeaementa as deiermined by the City of T.agnn and in Y1hat connection ellogas aa toliosra: 1. Tiiat the plaintitf otims real eatnte in Eaqan, Minnesota on Uodd ROAd. II. tiy rosolution of the 8agen City Council a(loptexi October 7, 1980, thc City o£ Faaan purportod tO levy epecirl aaseasments in the 9um of t7ineteen Thouarnd Three lfundred Forty-Seven an3 61/100 ($19,347.61) Aollara for "utilities" anA Twolve Thouaan8 ;iine llundreA Seventy-Six anc? 00/100 (t12,976.0n) Dollars for "straeta" on the project flescribed as 241 :ection 25, 021 25 all in tAe qrnnd total of Thirty-Two Thovaand Tliree I[undr.ed Twenty-Three and 61/100 (y32,323.61) Dollara. IIZ. Thlt thc anaessmenta aryainat the plaintiff'a prope!rty are aholly di3nroi,,ortionate to any benefit, direct or in3lroct, that inure4 or accrues to said property or any part thcreof as a result of the eubject improverents or any pqrtion thereof and ie arbitrary and capricioue, unjust and unfair aad said asseasme:?ta as thus asaeaged and imposed canstitutes a violation of rnd ia contrary to the applicable provisions of: reinnasota 5tntutea covering the asaeeament of imProvemonta eaainat 51 tha a£fected lands and elso to Section 1, of Article 10 oP the Consti- tution nf the State of t7innesota and the uni`ormity due proceas in ecual protection clauses of the Yourteenth AmmendRent of the Conati- tution of the United Statos. IV. T2iai there has been no proper determination of the area alleqedly benefited by said improvement. V. ThQ assesamant process has not been carried out in conforMance with statutory requiremente and ia aftecte3 by otlier illegality. Vi. That the resolution of the Ctty oP Eagan ConstitutQa an unlawful taking of appellant's prof,erty without fair compensation and violates tlic Constttutiona of the Untted Statea of America and the State of Minnesota and is contrary to the atatutes of the State of Minneeota. VIi. FtiP.TiIFR, F.PFrLLA17T CLAIMS, that the City of Eegan in Connection xith the conztruction of the street Y.nown as DoriA Road illeqally and iriproperly conatructed a Arain or draine diverting and draininq a sul,stantial anounC of suzface rratez tran Dodd RoaB and ac]jacant parts thereog onto the landn of the nppellant to the danage of the eppellant and which constiLutna an unjuat tnktn, without conrrenaation and with- out 2crta1 ,roceas all in the amount ta Yet exnctly undetermined, i+1[iFPSF'ORF, Appollant prays for juaqmont annullinq, cancelling and sattinq aside thesa sPecial asAeeewonta and for euch othar and furLhAr roliFf as to thea Court mey seem juat and equitablc including compensatior for the drainaqe c7amaqe to appellanta lancta if auch my p=oPerly be brouglit a.^, a p.irt of thie action. -- P-OSert ff . . o nson - AttoFney for Appellant, :rndf .?ohnaon 4945 FielifAX £dina, Mti 55424 927-4431 - 2 - 52 ? . ? --- ? ? ? 9j8- ? r9792 f , ,- ? I I • -----??.,? ? _ . i I? ? z_' ` ??-- `---` i---, ?XTS',' ?_ k \ ?• x T9_9= ? ? ? \ X T°•. ?- yl - "[ (?' (?',' i Y ? I? ? i . - - ? ? - ? , 7 y • _? T ?'_---` ? ? --- ! ?_>> - --_ -. ?j . ?? ?,.-- • ,c- T ? ?s IL -- ? -_- ? r 9-,i = ? ??, ? !? y ??• , ? ? I ; ,. ? ? -?_-- . ? ? , .,- • _? - w.,,. h... .?__... ? .,` . ,rs-..,.,?.-^rR???'..,,? .:. i-. 1.'92Y._ • :a. Z5 27 ? - \ ???1 \ rh"?? P r ?.- ?-y--' , ?9e/'r¢ _ _ -_-WtT- 922' 3 Y- I .?--?- ? ?.?3 s? <i . ? ? i / ,f a ? ?- ? , ? I ? ? Y /// (`a ?v'?„ _...t` (?rJ ?-lnl" ?tl4C? r .,?L \ i T 9z_ , . ?r 9i17p : •'?- Q? , ? '`--- ? L>F=!` 75- r ? ? T 9ee0-' x •, ? ? ? T ?G i ' .z . ,,; . : .., . ? z I 4 s 6 7 8 e 9 IO ?i , . 12 : 13 : ia 15 i6 • C ' t8 19 20 21 22 :3 za 25 26 21 ? 28 . 29 70 3, C 31 33 ` 34 15 E 36 38 39 ao ? . i ? I ? II I? I ?SS mr 4Q.{6 ! ,r1/E ? i VPs7 ? ?? i I ? I I I f ? ?.l?J I? ' ? ?- A?? ; • I ? ? ? -- •? ' I ? s??p ? ? r i ?, , i ??j"?-,, ?y ?,y' ' ? ?p', i ? ?' , fi°? ' G%? '? /f?jT/ j --T- i ? L?-i?f? ?_? ??? • ? __ 1 i ? - " . . • ? ??. ? . ? ? i I _ I i' ? .1 .?' . I, ? ? I I ?i ? I-I I? ? I r..;_ i ? ,_ .?- ??--?•-T I _.I? ' .? i ? r i_' II I_ i ? _ I I I I I ? I i ? I i' I ? i /J L - __- I -: __? E I. I ' ! I_? ? I jI _ T;_ ! ? , -!- ' i' ' I I - i ? I ;?--?--- ? I , i ? ?- :.' ,? '!-?---; ' ,, t, '--?' - I -? -?-?- ? -? -- I ? ?? ;-!-,- -? '-i- '?I ? - - ? ?---- -? - _? _? ; -?- ' I ? -?----- -- - -- ? - 1 , _._ ? ? I ? - I ? 11 ; ? I'? ;;i ' j ;-11,_? ' .. - I - r . ?C. WIILONJONE9 COYVwnv 07212 GNEEN 7212 BUiF GAT.RPPL.FON. . n f . ?/ ~ I I vy ?/?`/ y ?` -Ij ? ?. I •'? / .? pV Q , , ?- .. -- --? -. __- ?-. i - I I _ _ ?-- - --- " ? --- , . / / °?` ? 1 • ? ti ?« i I I ? 1 1 ? -- -?- - ? ? ?? / .i / a . ? 1 ^ r, x u., - ---- ? _> ^ - - -- e - -------- - ?; . i ? ? I i I i ? i? ? i? • ?, ?r h r -L" I qz?. \ fy. Y '1 1 . J I?? I I ????? 1 i ? 1? oI 1? .q , o / / o, • oi ? i 1 ? ? ? . ? 1 i I I i i ? ? \\ I I ,. , / ? / 1 , , ? , 1.16 ? ('1 a n? ?'-- ,r / JI ? ? ? \ , d U _l f . r? 7 ? ? d r1 ,.? ? d ?J L ? d i? i5 ? U co ',J ?- ?...., ;?? c, .:i i. ? lu CL ) 1 ?t n r N rr 2 11? tf: t s ) 2 o , ?? h C ? ? L, ti , y T 45-'It , ? I .-Z=7 --- ? ?-? ? T938-' I I ?. I I 1 I ? ? iI i i ?I & ? d ----' ? -? ? x rs,!9`- - -- - ° ?r9??- - -- __. .[ 79'9 ? ?. ? I ? w[ T 92 I ??cSJ l uoda Roqcj Tr, 27 ? ?4N?e 2.? f ^-.? O? ru L..., yLi ? • S/:; r} ? Qr• / / ---, ? - /? .- ? % - , , • ? ,,.-, - ¢1?? ; r 9279 r ?? _ S?r ?, . ! _ _ T 9c tr- ? % :d 5? 7927- T93/' y 93o-?, rsG4=x ----- ??=r S?d ---?----?-----?X?r,,-Z _l . ' r 94Li = as?' ? ?? ??? ??? I y? ? ..? ? fl R\a ? ` T 925 ?--1720 / v ? ?e areseN?? o;,? uNb Gr?, ? I 54 ? ? ? .. ? -?_ +-'.-,- - x r9?4' ? sa? 5101 o? 'A -31:p V sai -001 , ( /J r , i i i . .\ ! I ' •` •I,. a .? ? I. I+ J I 1 94 '- ( I 1 I I? tr I I ? / ? T93B-' T9?9° ? ? ? \?- X T9J9 `- ? 0 xT937- I ---t? A T ------------- / r i ` \ . .\ wL T 92 ° I ? ? i 924 ? x 0 X . ? , r t ? L r9zv- {? ?' ? ,': t ? -1 ~ I `, `& 7'9z7- I II j \ i ? ?x7 93iZ ?-/ T9X/- ? r X I \ 7 936 ' l \` g30 ? 1119291 ? x? T . I . 1 5 932y - 7 , 933- x ----- - . x . ? T9J3-' _ ? ?• , 179 - GO.00 9 c.?Ll/D. X 7 9v;? -> 5 ? X T93TB . T93/- I af?'?-- ? ? ( I ! ? - l ''n'I x T924' ?i ? ? T 925' / r929 ? x / \ .• ?„? ? ? ? r 927Q ?-- ; wc r 922 3 ? r920 /'0 e6?4 V .4/?PR, ; , j /O- O?SOU - t5 a/-?S` I ? ? ? ?4ar? ?urd? , v01 , ?•. .,. _?*i.?s<s?..?? "Eaeement Descrlption for: ?^City of Eagan Attn: Brad Swenson DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LANDSVRVEVOA RpistoW Untlo Laws of The State 01 Minnem[a 7Y7t- 1A6TM ETpHET W. - BOX M R06EMWNT, MINNESOTAl606B SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 ?1 _ I ? I. f OKTM l.sn? =_ ot NORTM l??.OO1"L•` N`?Z.? ^??1? a 419.89 tJ 89°SO 44o E ? ? ? o N ?j a A Cr? - - - s_ o \ L ' U . yl ? , ry 1 iA°l00Uqt cQ ie Bo ? Proposed Ponding Easement ? o ? d o N ? GL a PHONE 614 423-1789 . L-7 A O S/ Q? q& ??1 w IV. 1 ? N o[ . r, N F" N? 3? : N d x a? of fhsb Nnrtl±pAaA+ 12 e?inutes 41 eeconda I C--dZowT?+ LtYiL N411 NW%¢ I SeR.. 25, T. 27, R.23 saAd east line of the North Ha1P of the Northvrest Quarter; thence ' A ponding easement over s - J, 2 Z that part of the O 2e ? North Helf (Nl/2 ) Quarter (N.W.1/4) u d ? of 3ection 25, Q 2 ` ?? Townehi,p 27, Rang?}'? 23, Dakota Count? Mlnnesota, lying east of DDdd Roa ezcept the north 515,00 feet thereoP ul deacribeE ae follows: Comn?encing at the eoutheaet corner 4Z.97 Q of saiC North Half of ths Northweet quarter of saction 25; ? 4r75,(4 N 89°4(,'p5"E thance North 0 degrees 41ent (asamed bearing)SE Coa.ueK, 'A WAL ? µ Wy4 5e,c,. 2r, ?•Zl Q?z along the east line thereof a distasich of 57.60 f&et to tY1e poin'E ?f beginning of the eaeement to be deeeribed; thence South 89 degreee 46 s+inutes OS seconde Weet a distance of 42,97 feet; thence North 32 degrees 31 winutes 00 seconds Weet a dietance of 583.37 feet; thence North 63 degrees 30 minutes 46 seconde Eset a distance of 395,62 feet to 3outh 0 degreee 12 minutee 41 eeconde East along said eaat line a dletancs of 668.19 feet to the point of beginning. Eaesissnt oontaining 2.464 acrea. I ? Dated: Marah 16, 1981 MINfdESOTA ?GISTRATION NO. BB . , . .__ .._..:...... . ___ , _. a . ... . _.. , . _ . _. .. . . ._ . _ _ . .. . A , 1 d . .? m>' d r 7 P' O W ? _ y u A 7d F ? ? 3 O O N A? ' A v o y F T E y 7 F y 0 ?r y , . ' C o N 3? y O ?y o l ' r' i0 N °i G N o ro t d v o ? y C 0 3 r L v v A d V r^ ?' o ? G w N a d p d o F p C N ip y y .y i0 ? a r N N v p) ? •? ? •? p? ^ p to v0 y p' A y? T O? w o? v m . t . O ? y' ? ..+ L G ai U N N p, ? N 7+ G N ? + N 0 N W O y ?? ? .. O N) O. A y ? A ?? D ' d P N 01 a o G m y S.a % o 3 d d ,. ? o + ? ?' „ E o G v m m C d ?° ? t° v . m ?. w_ 'o _ m v . ._. . 0 o aa m.. ° . s 3 I I ?m ?i F+.y ?? i i ? ? ?Q d? ? p8 ? ' ? ?° ? ? t4 ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? ? ? ??,, _ a .?..? _ , ? I I %?"? ; ? • °" ?/ ?.. < ? ? b? ? ? ?? , ?r ,a.e??." ? ???'? ??? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? j ? ,? ? / j ' ? / 9 i ? S? ? ;? + / i9 ?t ? ? ,'. 0? ? ' !?3 i ?y '' ? ` : - ; ? ?? ? G??P ? ? .: -- . -? - - - _. ____ _? _ ,? ? , ? f _ ? ? ,, "c ?'` ? ? ( ?? _ - ? 1 _ -- ??? , ?6 ? s ?, , ^ ? ? ? ?? Il ? -?' , e r?°? ?? 3 3p ?,. '?r ? 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' ?? ? ? i ?? ? ? ??m?? ? !i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?b 7? t __ -?`\ ? I ? pJ , ? °? ?? ? ? ? U q? j '? ? ?. hn?v''??'?t ?k?x'? '?t? ?'?a?"i4 ???'?? a :,$w?fl{? %? py p,. ? :? «, ?A4FR i %? 93 . ? . :(tY ?,Lb; ;ry ? ?n ?4fi?_?,?AN'a??.y ?F.F`1Y9E-,?:i?.'xd4 3 1 ??5 a 1 ?`.+k'?/ ? "F ^.? ? .. ? .. . ... . ?' "j'.?, Qy ?5?y}9?' X'p?°* r5:n ^t' w, .? ?... i g e ? ? ? ? .,.. ?-, ? ?q `. a . . ' ?, rw', ° iw l? ? J . ?u ? ? ?? : . ? ? - . -, ? I e ' ?' ? ???? ????s? ix??? ' ??a 3 ?;;? ? a?r???.?? ? ` ? ?1 , ? ? ? ,.? S?'????? LyA a'E?;l?'?1.?:1? ?. ?, L?tr ns.?.tsA?,?'r, ; ? ? ?o, °?° N ?? ???`4?? ? ? ?; ;?; ?? ?* ? ? ? , ? .? ? ?,Y ? 4p : ? F V? . ..'`la?L???;??.? ??iY ? ./ ?3 } .. - -' -.._ '_ ? ? ??? ? {)? ll? ? ? e?tu4r?.?`?? ? ?:? 'c?'S. ??n?+s?.^,/?} E, '? s? ? 't&.,??SF I ' ???` '?? ? \ / ? dez3? ???IA?U ?? ???y0 J.f n,.^'R?? J N'e??'4"?M?k g:ae , I :{..'![?:.• i ? Q ?lv?'a?? RE^ ? .. . ? v - ? / ?! r ??L!: P '?w t,7F'"f ? ` } 4rR?a ? ???Z?CO? `? ?i ? ? ? ??5? ? ??.d?'r? ???? SJ?` _? '?? ? ? ? ",?Sr ? ?'>?.M1 ? i ?? S?i i ? _ . J ' .?¢7 9 ? . .? a ? ? j ? ? ? ? ? ?2,Q? f' ..?-, '? . . ? ? ? ?? . I i ? ?, ? / ? 1' i w ` ? 1 ? ?, r ?,? ?? -I? ? ? ? _ ? ?> ? r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fur office use ~j Permit City of EaRan I I I Permit Fee: I 3830 Pilot Knob Road I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I Fax: (651) 675-5694 i Staff: L~ 200~9 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: ' - 07 Site Address: Tenant: Suite RESIDENT/ OWNER Name: Phone: (-c (4 Address /City /Zip: - j `1 Applicant is: V ",,-Owner Contractor TYPE OF WORK Description of work: Construction Cost: Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No CONTRACTOR Name: License Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Contact Person: COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING Minnesota Rules 7670 Category 1 _ Minnesota Rules 7672 Energy Code . Residential Ventilation Category 1 Worksheet New Energy Code Worksheet Category Submitted Submitted submission type) • Energy Envelope Calculations Submitted In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE: Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that the are trade secrets. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start it ho a permit; that the work will be in actor ce with the approved plan in the cas work which requires a review and appro of pl s. Applicant's Printe Name App ant's Signat e 1 of 3