4980 Dodd RdBUILDING PERMIT Site Address Lot Biock Sec/Sub. Parcel # W Name 3 Address ' o ,. . p Ncme - Z ov ? Address u 1- n.,, oti.,.,e I hereby ncknowledge that I have reod this application and stnte that the fnformation is correct ond ogree to comply with oil applicable State of Minnesota Stotutes ond City of Eagan Ordinonces. Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police Fire Eny. Plonner Council Bidg. Off. _ APC Permit - Surcharge Plon check SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Rood Unit Total Signature of Pertnittee I A Building Permit is iswed to: on the express condition that cll work shall be done in accordance with oll opplicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagon, MN 56122 PHONE: 4548100 Receipt # 20. rY)O N4 6675 Ered E3 Occupancy Alter p Zoning Repcir ? Fire Zone Enlorge ? Type of Const. Move ? # Stories Demolish ? Front ft. Grade ? Depth ft. Approvals Fees Buiiding Officiol I ? PeewM # OsN IowNd FOMMlM Plumbing Mechanical IIJSPECTIONS DATE INSP. RouqMln Finol Footirtgs Dote Irnp. Dote Insp. Fo dotion Plum6ing From ins. ? Mechanicol Final ',z - /??? c7}-. D?t r Remorica: b'/g'?/ ? ?'?'? , • ? 1 / / CITY OF EAGAN 3793 Piloe Kwob Rood Eayon, l1AN 55122 . .i. 1 PHONEi 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt Te 6e w.a fo. S'roltAcL Sl!I'D Esr. vaiue $15 , 000 Date ?IwY 10 . 19 L3 . Slte llddrcu 4980 Dodd Road Erect Occuponcy B-2 Lot ??j? Blotk 55 Sec/SubSection 36 Ntter p Zoning A parcel # lv 03600 012 55 Repoir p Flra Zone INA W Name ? Addre r. A Name u? Nddre: 1- r:... 13 Enlarpe ? Type of Const. - Vn Move p qjt Stories Demalish ? Length 48 Assessment Water & Sew. Police Firo Fees Permit 110.50 Surcharfle 7.50 Plun check 55.25 SAC Woter Conn. Water Meter Road Unit Totol $173.25 Nddross Erq, Cify phone Plunner _ Council _ ( hereby ecknowledge thof 1 have read this applicotion ond stote that Bidg. Off, the informotion is correct and ogree to tomply with oll applicable Stofe of Minr?esofo 5tafutes and City of Eogon Ordinonces. ^PC - SiQnafure of Pertnittea /1 Bullding Permit {s Issued to: jv " v6 oll work sholl be done in accordonce with oll Bufldinq Official on the express conditlon tFai ond Ciry of Eo9nn Ordinonces. Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder ? Plumbing ? H.V.A.C. , Wdl ? Wstsr ?, D'ap. Sower Eleetric I 1 Inspection Data Insp. Other , Foot?ngs Foundation ' Fnminp a Rouyh Plba Rouph HVA Inwlation Final Plbg. Final HVAC Final m? Water D*sccibe Location: YVell ? . i Ssvnr ? Pr. Disp. ' cirr oF E?GAN • 3795 Pilet Keob RoeA Eegen. MN 56122 PHOPIE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT 'Tw 4. ....d i... r'"("- ?7\rF $15 , 00 0 Date _'' ".T`TiJA Rv ? 7-- 19 f3 4 Slt! ^ddfESS ' . • . . . `? . Lot Blxk Sec/Sub. -, ? Parcel * ac Nome _ ^ddress 1)5 F /' ?'?ZJ' Z L 77'.`' '' 9 ..... Tr,-)nW1T?'+/7'I'n'' .,. _ _ "1-3295 Z? °u?S r Nome _ /lddress Erect Cl Occuponcy r 1? ` Aiter ? Zonirq Repolr ? Fire Zone ? Enlorfle O TYPe of Const. Move Q * Stories Demolish p Length Grode p Depth n? Sq. Ft. Aoororah Pees Assessment _ Woter & Sew. Police Fire < ' I CiN PFione Plonner _ Council _ I hereby acknowledfle that I have reod this application and state that Bidfl. Off. the information is correct and ogree to comply with oll opplicable APC _ Stott of Minnesoto Statutes ond Ciry of Eagan Ordinances. Permit ? ? ?. ? • ? ? Surchorge ?,i(1 Plon check , 7r SAC ` Woter Conn. Water Meter Road Unit -?r rotol ' 7"' S Signaturo of Permittee rr I ^ c *- ,- r ,... ,,r ., A Buflding Permit is issued to: ' on tha expreu condition tFx» oll work shall be done in occerdonce with oll gpplicable 5tate of Minnesoto Stotutes ond City of Eaqan Ordinonces. Buildinq Officiol Receipt # E Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Holder Plumbing H.V.A.C. Well Water Disp. Sawar Eleetric Inapeetion Date Insp. Other Footingt Foundation F?aminy Raiyh Plbp. Rouph HVA Insulstion Final Plbq. Final HVAC Final ,r6-sr1 Wour Dasaibe Location: VIlsll ? Sewer Pr. D'itp. 'rY OF EAGAN C1 , . , i'' • 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.4r8ox.21-199, Eagan, MN 55121 PHONE: 454-8100 eU1LDtNG rERMIT RKeia ?F TO M wnd fw W. Value •?" Date 19 - Addreas Erect ? Occupan Site ey Remodsl ? Lot Block ?/Sub. Zoning ? 'f f C Repsir ype o onst. Parcel No. Enlsrge ? No. Staries Move ? Lenyth Name D h ? p li h ? amo ept s Addma G d ? S F ro e q, t. City Phone Install ? . Approvala Name . • f?es ?i Addren Aasessment Permit ? City Phone Water 3 Saw. Surchorpe Polfu Plan Review. ? W NNne Fin SAC x? Addran Erq. Water Conn. City Phone Plonnsr Water AAeter Council h Rood Unit I harcby ocknowtadpe thot I haw rood fhis appliwtion and state t at Bldg. Off. Psrla tht inlwenotion is oorred ond oyree to tomply with all applitable APC Total Stah of Mirxwsoto Stotutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Var. Dats Slqrwtun of Pennittu N Buildinq Pertnif is isswd to: _ on t h? oxpnst conditfon 1hat dl work sholl be dorm in xoordoncs with dl oppliooble Stats of Mirnesota Statutet ond Gly of Ecqon Ordirwr+oes. 8uildinp Offidal 5i,_r4-t? 1 ' Pwmit No. Pwnit HoWw Dsft TNe hone ? rlunibing --rr ' 1 ya3- 5 5y_ ?bz6 1 S-95- ENehik Soitwwr InWection Date Insp. Othw Footinys Foundation Fnminp Rooffng ? ? g6 Rou/1?Pl6q. Z'/.S ?L • 5?.? ? ' . Rou¢h HVAC ? Inwlation Final Plbg i Final HVAC Fin,l ? J Cwt/Ooc. ?l Wmr Lo tio • YYell Sswar Pr. Disp. ' MECHANICAL PERMIT CtTY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN, MN 55122 PhONE: 454-8100 Block " - SecGSub ? Name ?u Addre c City _ Name ? Addre p3 CltY - TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Vent Gas Piping Outlets # Other Phone BLDG. TYPE Res. Mult. Comm. ` Other PERMIT # Z ! ? Jl?- RECEIPT # ? DATE: For Office Use Only: WORK DESCRIPTION New Add-on Repair FEES RES HVAC 0-100 M BTU -$24 00 - . ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU . - 6.00 Phone (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A/C ON NEW CONSTRUC7JOH) 1 PER PERMIT) GAS OUTLETS MINIMUM 1 50 EA - ( - . . COMM/IND FEE - t% OF CONTRACT FEE M BTU APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES M BTU MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 M BTU $ REMODELS - 12.00 M BTU $ MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE - 20.00 STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - .50 CFM g (ADD $.50 S/C IF PERMIT PRICE GOES BEYOND $1,000) FEE: ' S/C: 51SjCIQ??? P£ ITTEE?,! ?a ? ? ? r TOTAL: , FOR: CITY OF EAGAN MECHAMICAL PERMIT PERMIT # 0 ,,- ,- CITY OF EAGAN RECEIPT # 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EACAN, MN 55122 ?CONTRACT PA1CE PHONE: 454-8100 DATE: Site Address BLDG. TYPE WORK DESCRIPTION Lot Block v ` J SeclSub Res. New Name Mult ?..? Add-on ?, d ?C ? .r ? a ;_ ? ,,? . ? _ ? • ? ,? , - ? -? ;' c ; ?? , ? ? . ,.? ., ,= . Address Comm. _l?.? Repair ? Other c City Phoner-5 -''i ` ,_. ` , . -? Name r- ?• ? r ? 3 Address r, r r O City - , Phone FEES RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU (RES. HVAC INCU3DES A)C ON NEW CONSTRUCTION} GAS QUTLETS (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMIn COMMAND FEE -1% OF CONTf1ACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TQWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES MINIMUM RESIDENTIAL FEE - ALL ADQ-ON dc REMODELS MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PERMIT - $24.00 - 6.00 TYPE OF WORK Forced Air Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. Vern. Gas Piping Outlets # Other M BTU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM - 1.50 EA. OF PERMIT FEE) PERNIIT FEE: S/C: - TOTAL: ; //r$l?4 A) Rsceipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. '5 y4 ? CITY OF EAGAN Fes. Fill in numbered speces S/C Type or Print /egibly Tot. ? ?? . 1. Data 2. InstallationCost V!.'<'> '- • 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract ? 4. Owner , 5. Contractor ?L ,L?tJ. •? . ..?,.? f Phone 6. Address 7. City ? r• l Stete ''L± r.! Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ?$ Institutional O 9. Work Description: New 'M Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe Fuel Type - r , 11. No. - Fqylpma;_* B TU - M. Ea. Forced Air No. EQUiament CFM Air Handling: Mfg. Boilera Mfg. Mech. Exhaust ? Unit Heater Mfg. Air Cond. Other t^ti? ::. k Mfg, L` Ges. Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above informetion is true and correct, end ! agree to comply with allprdinances and oodes governing this type of work. Signed . _ - 4 for Rouph Final Inspettions: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 464-8100 Receipt PLUMBING PERMIT CITY OF EAGAN Fil1 in numbered Waces Type or Print /egib/y Permit No. • . Fse S/C Tot. 1. Date - 2. Instailation Cost • 3. Job Address Lot Blk. Tract - 4. Owner - 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State ? Zip 8. Building Type: Residential O Commercial ? Institutional ? • 9. Work Description: New [a Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe 11. No, i Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank ? Lavatory Softner Shower Wel l Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet pther Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : Rough Final Inspectiona: Oate Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 Recaipt 1 I? ? PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee : Fill in numbered s/saces S/C t , Type or Min[ legib/y Tot. " 1. Date 2. Installetion Cost 3. Job Address Lot Blk. ? Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor . i- Phone 6. Address 7. City '" - State Zip - " 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ? Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe r- 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet • L? Fixtures p e,sppd/Orainfield Bath tubs , "$eptic Tank Lavatory Softner Shower Well Kitchen Sink ?T ,?::•.? - ?? Urinal/Bidet Other Laundry Tray Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed: for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CtTY OF EAGAN 464$100 ? MECHAAII!`AL PE!tlvtIT DATE : 2/ 1 1/9 1 RECEIPT: C12063 SITE ADDRESS 4980 DOnn unan Unit # Permit # 12790 L D 12 B 55 SeCt./Sub. GFCTrDN 36 CITY OF EAGAN Addition Sec Remarks V,? 1 V - 4?- , -,J ; '/j Lat Pt• ot' 1 Q,k 55 Parcel 10-03 00-012-55 fr.k. ha.1.1; ,. 4111r ?. 1i,121 iie- c n lc/-lth <4 .bn', ._. . r c-I:z ,vp? State Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN 5EW TRUMK SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATEF AREA STORM SEW TRK STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER COIVN. BUILDING PER. ? s,ac 525.00 24805 5-22-81 PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Kno6 Ro¢,% Eagan, MN 55122 • PHONE: 54-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ?t e r Receipt # Ta 6e med fer NUR.SERY Est. Value 20.000 Dote m Site Address 47ou Loaa nvaa _ Lot 1 Block 55 Sec/Su6. Parcel # 1 nn360m 010 55 ? I Name Gar.9 G. Atolt3n¢ ; Address - 9564 Tra31 Esat Rosd o . o INomeFredrikkaon ConStPUCtion ?? Address Ls7ceville F- r;.., M o?.....e Name _ Address i hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is torrect and ogree to comply with all opplicable State of Minnewto Statutes ond City of Eogan Ordinances. Signoture of Pertnittee A 8uilding Permit is issued to: Gar G. NOlti oll work sholl be done in accorda?? 'trry h ?-<-all app'kcable 5 of Building Officiol jR Erea 17 Alter ? Repair ? Enlarge ? Move ? Demolish ? Grode fl Assessment - Woter & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner _ Council _ Bidg. Off. _ APC N° 6675 Occupancy $Z Zoning a Fire Zone Type of Const. Tjg # $tories Front /'4 ff. Depth 72 ft. Feea Permit A'{ (1f1 Surcharge in_nn Plan check 31-50_ SAC R95 flfl Water Gonn. NA- Water Meter._NA-._ Road Unit {1A rorol 8629. 50 _ on the express condition that and City of Ecgan Ordinances. CITY Qy EAGAN MN 199 E No 'I O O S H 55121 agan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, P.O Box 21- , :4548100 PNONE Sr?'?? UILDING PERMIT Receivt # Te Mawd fw POLE BARN Ea, yalue $25,$00 Date APRTi. 9 SiteAddram 4980 DODD RD Erect Ez Ocwpancy ? 1 giak 55 se;/s„y. SECT 36 qemodel ? ? Zoning f C 'f Repeir onrt. ype o Pareel No. Enlarga ? No. Stories 9 Neme HOLEK ETAL Move ? Lengtn Demolish Depth ? Address SP-ME Grade ? Sa. Ft. City Phona 452-9825 ? Nmne F & N GENERAL CONTRACTORS _"------ E Assessmenr _ " ndarase SAM_ A Cltv Phone 45 .-98 .5 Waror55ew. Name LEE HOLCK Addresa City Phone Polica Firc Faq• pla,,,er DCR Coundl Permit +T 1 r?. v k Su.clarga 13.0( Plan Raview 87.51 SAC Water Coim. Worer AAeter Road Unit 1.0( 1 hercby ockrowladga that I hova rcad this application and stote that gldq. Off. 4 8 8 S I Y8[ka CO fhe INOrmation ia wrrect ond ogroe to comply with all applica6la APC Total , ITU75( Staro of Minnesota Stotutea and Ciry an Ordiran es. Var. Date Sipnoturo of Permittes A Buildinq Permir Iz issued ro: F& N G NERAL CONTRACTORS w tha szpaess wrditlon thot oll work shall ba dona in accordanea with,g4 upplimbla Sf'iie"yf Miqnmta Statutes and City of Eapnn Ordinancas. 8ulldinp OHINaI cirr oF UcnN N° 8784 9795 Pilef Kneb Rood Eogen, MN 55123 ` PHON[: 434-9100 BU ILDING PERMIT ? rtecelpr # Te M wad 4ar STORAGE Est.Volue $ 15,000 pa1e JANUARY 27_ 19 84 Site Addreu 4980 DODD RD. Erect [I Occupancy BZ 1 r36J `? 55 ? Lot Block $ec/Sub. Alter ? Zoniny parcel # 10-03600-UI'2-55? Repair ? N/A Fire Zone eniorge ? Tvce of Const. Vri W Nome F& N GEN. CONTR. MOVe ? # Stories Z ? Addren 9564 TRAIL EAST Demolish ? Length 48 cj BLOOMINGTON phom 423-3295 Gmde ? Depth $O Sq. Ft.- ? Name SAME Approvola Faes 0 o? Address Asseument Permit 110.50 u? Ci Ph Woter & Sew. Surcharge 7.50 t one 55 25 °C Police . Plon check Fw Nome Fire SAC ?? Addrev Enp. Water Conn. iW Ci Phone Planner - Councll _ I hereby ockrwwledge that I hove reod this npDlicotion ond stote ihat Bldg. Off. - the inlormation is correcf nnd ogree to comply with oll applico6le Stote of Minnewto $totutet and City of Eogan Ordinences. APC _ Water Meter Raad Unit Totol $ 173.25 Signofure of PertniMee I A Buildin Permit is issued to: F& N GEN. CONTR. on the a 9 xpreSS conditlon 1hat oll work shall be done in nce with a o lica le Sfate of Mlnnewta Statutes and Ciry ot Eagan Ordirwncea Buildiny Offlcial ac6 t A Z CITY OF EAGAN BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Include 2 sets of plans,t;-'? 1 site plan w/elevations & /-7 ? 1 set of energy calculations. 'Ib Be Used Ebr e- Valuation `'? i 5 r7o c? Date Site Address 5r--/ Rv DoJc-i ' pFFICE USE ONLY IAt ! B1ock5S Sub. L?& s? Erect Occupancy Parcel #: Alter _ Repair Owner: /?-fi.l i>EN 7r? Enlarge Add.ress: 1?b9 TJZ/-1, C. City/Zip Caie: '5 ? Phone #: contractor: Pddress: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Arch./En9•: ?-?/'??-#10 Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: 1 5'2 7 95?a -5' 10e '1p / c K .?U- _ Zoning Fire Zone p'V . 7.ype of Const. # Stories Nbve Demulish Front ft. Grade Depth ft. APPROVAi.S FEES Assessments Permit //O ---- ?4ater/Sewer Surcharge 7 Police Plan Check jS Fire ? ItIA Eng. Water Conn. Planner Water Metes ? Council Road Unit Bldg. Off. APC ROTAL .1. - CITY OF EACaAN 3795 Pilo! Knob Roed Eeyan, MN $5121 PNONE• 434 8100 N° 8011 , BUILDING PERMIT _ . ., Receipt ??..? ? Te bs wed for STORAGE SHED Est, Volue $15'000 Dote M41}. 10 _ iy 83 Site Address 4980 Dodd Road Erea ? Occupancy B-Z 012 55 Section 36 Lot Bixk $ec/Sub. Alter p Zoning A Parcel # 10 03600 012 55 Repotr ? Fire Zone NA Vn c Nume Holck/Hair/Knutson/Senechal/Nolting Enlarqe ? Type of Const. W Move ? # Stories ; Address 4980 Dodd Road Demolish ? Length 4$ b Ea an 55123 423-3295 Ci B p?„e Grade ? $0 Depth Sq. Ft.- o N F& N Ganeral Contractors Aocrorob a? Peo. z? Add.ess 9564 Trail East Road g qssessmenr per,r,it 110.50 ? r ??? Bloomington Pho? 423-3295 Woter 8 Sew. Surchorge 7.50 ?. Police Plon check 55.25 Uw Nome fi Fire SAC ?? Address Enp. Woter Conn. i W CI Phone Plonner Woter Meter Council Road Unit I hereby ackrwwledge thot I have reod this opplication and stote that gldg. Off. the inlormotion is correct and agree to comply with all opplicoble APC l $173.25 T State o4 Minnesoto $tatutes and City of Eogon Ordinances. oto Slgrwture of Permittea E& N Geneial •Contract?s A Butldin Pem,ie is iuued ro: 9 ? on tha expres7 Condltlon thnt oll work sholl be done in accordante wifh oll oppf o I?rt te-Stot s and Gry ofi Eapnn Ordinances. ? ? ' ? Bulldinp Officiol CITY OF EAGAN nclude 2 sets of plans, . 1 site plan w/el.evations & BUILDII3?, PERJ1iT APPLICAT ON 1 set of energy calculations. Be Us For Sra,d.?G L: 51.E a. Valuation Date $= fv '- P 3 Site Ptidress. ? t,?` ?o dCC ?a OFFICE USE ONLY Lot o!? Elocx s?_ sec. /suu. $ec. 3(a Ereot pC occut?ancy ,C3 0? Parcel #: O-b1Q0 o OI .,, SS Alter Zoning ??. Repair Fire Zone er: Erlla?ge _ TYPe of Const. O.m ?A1 tcK # Stories Address: 4,t '4p Deimlish Front ft. City/Zip Code• Grade Depth ff0 ft. Phone #: APPROVIII.,S FEES ntractor: Assessments ess: j Water/Secaer • Police Ci /Zip Code: Fire e Phon Z 9 S-? ?g. Planner Arch./IIig.' /4G,4, 1,s.•?b,K-Council .l<c " Bldg. Off. Pddress: APC City/Zip Code: Phane #: 5r Permit Surcharge Plan Check ?s-?- SAC water Conn. Water.Meter Road Unit TO'tAL `i -3, 5-'?-:L ,r ? V ?l1 QTy pg ?? Include 2 sets of plans, ••?- b?? `yr , 1 site plan w/elevations & BUILpING PERMTT :1PPL? 1 set of energy calculations. Zb Be Used For pI./z5912Y Valuation ? 000 _ Date Site Pddress ?'?Q OFFICE USE ONLY Iot Block Sec./Sub. 6 ? p?6oo ' Parcel #:/I,f-,[ /-z%1K6 - 0/0 ss f 2Grn?.n /wi`T owner: Address: qs? y tRAji EIaST RG-40 City/Zip Code: ,t31.DUr?JeXnTan1 rn+wN SSHaG Phone #: ya3-3296- ySG -a:? 9 1 Contractor: j/??ip?eldoru ew?srnurne.? co Address: ?19K?Yib! ? City/Zip Cocle: ynjW06m-y4' ? Phone #: Arch./Ehxf. . Address: City/Zip Code: Phone #: Erect -k'-' OccuQancy -?K--`-"„--- Alter Zoning Repais Fire Zone ? Eniasge _ Z'ype of Const. ?/ ?ti. Nbve # Stories ( Datolish Fsont S(?J ft. Grade Depth ft. APP1bOVALS FEES Asse59nents ? PetzCtit '"- Water/Sewer ? Surcharge ?Li? Police Plan Check Fire SAC Ey,q, Water Conn. Planner Water Meter zVA- Council Road Unit Bldg. Off P.PC _ ZC)TAL 4 2 ,9 S O C@TY OF EAGAN 454-89 00 " DEPT. OF BlllLDENG IIVSPECTIOIVS '. * * rr cti n Notice Located at 4?5?a I have this day inspected this structure and these premises and have found the followirrg violations of city codes governing same: \ .. n?n c'/ , . 1 When corrections have been made, please call 454-8100 for inspection. Date,??%?? spe o ity o a9an DO N REMOVE THIS TAG ? .i MEMO - city of eagan TO: PEGGY A. REICHERT, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FROM: JIM STURM, CITY PLANNER DATE: JULY 1, 1994 SUBJECT: 4980 DODD ROAD PURPOSE: The purpose of this memorandum is to review tfie Lee Hoick property located at 4980 Dodd ?oad and provide a recommendation on the long-term use of the property. The site (approximately 7-1/2 acres in size) is along the north side of 120th Street W. near the Eagan/Rosemount border and the east side of Dodd Road. EXISTING CONDITIONS/BACKGROUND: The site is zoned Agricultural and the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan designates the area D-fl Mixed Residential ( 3-6 units/acre). Adjacent land uses are: single family to the north; Dakota County Park to the west; the VFW to the east on agricultural zoned land; and agricultural land with a single family home to the south in Rosemount. In 1988, there was a request to change the Comprehensive Guide Plan from D-II to D-1 and General Business (GB) and rezone the property from Agricultural to R-1 and GB which included the 15.5 acres to the north. The Advisory Planning Commission denied the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and it was withdrawn prior to City Council action. Currently, there are four pole barn structures on the site that were constructed in 1982, 1983, 1984, and 1985, each being approximately 3,850 sq. ft. in size. There are several businesses in these buildings including: • a landscape maintenance company o cemetery monument company • general contractor The buildings are also used for automobile storage, home builder storage, and Northern racing. There is very little outdoor storage on the property. Earlier in the year, the City was alerted of a dance studio using one of the buildings; however, this night time use has been discontinued. At our meeting on May 19, 1994 with Lee Holck and his attorney, Peter Bachman, there was a lengthy discussion regarding the existing and ultimate use of the property. The current uses do not fail within Agricultural zoning district requirements. There are no City utilities available to serve this site and it is questionable if, and when, they ever will be available. At that meeting, it was agreed upon that Mr. Holck and Mr. Bachman would submit a letter defining what uses they felt were appropriate for the site. These include: • all uses currently allowed in an agricultural district. • accessory offices, limited to serving the permitted principal uses on the property. • automobile storage, including indeor maintenance and repair of stored vehicles (retail automobile repair would not be allowed). s light assembly and processing, with no retail allowed. • monument storage and monument installation equipment. • dance lessons, limited to no more than 16 pre-registered students per session, and no more than 20 sessions per week, hours of operation would be 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. weekdays and Sundays and 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Saturdays. No alcoholic beverages would be served or consumed on the premises. They are proposing two alternatives to allow the desired uses: 1. To establish a new unique zoning district that could also be used possibly in other places within the City between urban residential development and rural areas. 2. Leave the property Agriculturally zoned, but expand the Conditional Uses. Current Situation: Including the two previous development options, I see four other options to regulate activity on this site: 1. licensing 2. rezoning to an existing Commercial or Industrial district 3. rezoning to a Planned Development district 4. obtaining an Interim Use Permit Foliowing are pros and cons for all six options: Creating a new zoninq district PROS: It is unique to the specific site. CONS: It is very difficult to project every possible use, especially in other areas of the City that meet the zoning criteria. The Code would have to be amended. A lengthier process to address the subject property would be required. It could appear to be spot zoning. The Code would have to be amended in the future if additional or deleted uses were to occur. There would be very few potential opportunities in the future to use this new zoning district. Allow the current aqricultural zoninp to remain PROS: There are no utilities available to the site. CONS: The proposed uses do not fall within the Agricultural zoning district. The City may not ultimately want some approved, or Conditional Uses, allowed with Agricultural zoning such as commercial green houses, riding stables, auction facilities, or commercial feed lots. Licensinq PROS: Requires City Council review. Very specific to use as long as the Code specifies. City could regulate hours of operation. Has annual review. CONS: Forces the City to allow the use in other areas of the City that meet approved criteria. Rezoning to an existing zoninq district PROS: Only approved uses would be allowed. CONS: Opens the site up to other permitted uses. The City does not regulate hours of operation. All existing uses do not clearly fall within one zoning district. Amending the Code may be necessary. If so, it would not be site specific. Previously denied (by a prior City Council). Rezoninq to a Planned Development District PROS: It would allow uses approved by the City and landowner. The City could add conditions of approval such as: 1) hours of operation, and 2) if utilities became available, the landowner must connect within a specified time. Annual review and compliance to approved conditions would be required. Time table of site-related improvements could be established. Interim Use Permit PROS: Has very specific use, or uses. Can add conditions of approval. Has defined ending date. CONS: Has defined ending date (what date is appropriate if conditions are being met?) CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION Of the six options previously listed, it appears rezoning to a Planned Development district would serve the best interests of the City and property owner. The City and Mr. Holck would have to agree on the uses before the Planned Development Agreement would be entered into. Given the existing situation and location of the site, the uses proposed by Mr. Bachman appear somewhat acceptable except for their dance studio (which creates a night time use) and allowing everything in the Agricultural zoning district. If a Planned Development district was the recommended zoning solution, specifics of aliowable uses, square footages, etc. and approval conditions would have to be negotiated. Also, site plan issues, i.e. parking lot design, lighting, and signage would have to be addressed prior to final approval of the Planned Development. Attached is a locational map of the area. If you would like additional information, please advise. ? City Planner JSljs attach f .=qzrj i nrr•aiyl) 10 9 - .??I? ... . _ ..: ? ? ? 90.1 o y I 1 I 1? ii lilL'. ?',?y ?- ` - ??<? /.•`.l / / "'I JII/ __ ?fllflvh1E11.fIEkfi?. \I1."`u? I i?+??1\ .\ ?Ilti\, ,lj I! tiil? Mj i , _q 1 • 111 ? U Y: ? . ?• . ??• , 5? ! ]f,) ?( ??? ' " _ ' - • . . . , 121???` ?('. F1b'S'(? . . • ' city oF eagnn THOMASEGAN March 16, 1994 "^°v°' PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER MR PETER H BACHMAN couoai MenbBr: I.EONARD, STREET 8C DEINARD THOMAS HEDGES 150 SO 5TH ST #2300 Ci1y Atlminisirator MINNEAPOLIS IVIIV 55402 E. J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk ti RE6- 4980 DODD_ROAD ; Dear Mr. Bacbman: Thank you for your letter of March 2 regarding the above-mentioned property owned by L.ee Holck. The City's Land Use Plan idenrifies Elris area for Mixed Residential development (0-6 units/acre). The area ta tlae north 3nd east is rapidly developing with wban sized single fat:vly lots. The Holck property is currently zoned Agricultural. Permitted uses in that distr3ct include: 1) all types of agricultural pursuits and accessory farm structures; 2) commercial greenhouses and nurseries; 3) stands for the sale of agricultural products provided said products are raised on the premises; 4) one family detached dwellings; and S) public pazks, playgrounds, and public utility service facilities. Conditional uses include: 1) any conditional nse iun the R-1 district as regulated therein; 2) riding stables, boazding stables, auction facilities or barns, commercial feed lots or dog kennels subject to the requiremenu of Section 6.38 of the City Code; 3) commercial storage facilities; 4) day-care facilides providing services to eleven or more children at one time. The present Agricultural use designation within the City Code has been in place since April 25, 1975. To my knowledge, the zoning requisements have not changed substantially over the yeazs. The City made an on-site inspection of the property on March 4, 1994 and identified the following non-permitted uses: New Frontier Counuy Dance Studio Monuments Northem Racing Products Key Maintenance Services F&N Management Services MUNICIPAI CENTER 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5512.2-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681•4612 TDD: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE iHE SYMBOL Of STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV Equal OpportunltylAttirmailve Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE FACILRY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PNONE: (612) 661-4300 FA%: (612) 681-4360 TDD:(672)454•&535 10-03&00- U1-;1 - These businesses are not permitted in agricuitural districts and must cease operations. An alternative schedule for compliance could be considered by the City of Eagan provided Mr. Holck enters into a stipulation agreement. A meeting would also give us an opportunity to discuss the Cit}'s vision of the ultimate use of the property as stated in your letter. I hope this information is helpful and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, ?'?Z???' h?CG?-J??? Peggy A. Reichert D'uector of Community Development PAR/js LAW OFFICES LEONARD, STREET AND DEINARD PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION SIDNEY BARROWS CAPOLTN CXaLMERS mICMPELR.COHEN .4NOREW P.LEE XLpOLD O. FIELD, JR. JAMES V. ROTH NANCY A. WILTGEN I. OANIEL COLTON ALIEN 1.5<EIIS PILXRRO X. MqqTIN SUITE 2300 MICXELLE A. MILLER NICOLE A.ENGISCH TXOHi4 O.FEINBERG ROBTN XANSEN iiHOTXTfl.MEYEP50N 04V10 O.EILWILEF MORRIS M. SXERMPH pOBEPT L. O[MqT WILLIAM L. GREENE TAMMIE S. GTACEN GEORGEREILLT qNGELAM.90XMArvrv ISO SOUTM FIFTH STREET STEVEN L. BELTON MICNAELJ.WUFEFf! CHPRLE$ M. OATTON Rp9EFT P. THAVI$ PETER X.6ACHMAN ItRREN E.6IFFOPD STEPHENR.PILAVM JqMESG.BULL4flO MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 JOHNS.BRE.uNFN JNNEF.GOOFREY CXARLE54. MAYS JOSEaN M. RNLEV CAFqIE L. HEMPEL ERIC H. GALiR IOWELL J. NOTEBOOM V WqENCE J. F1ELD TEIEPHONE (612) 335-1500 DEBRAG. STPEXLOW OWIGXTF. LAPSON GEORGEf.MCGUNNIGLE, JR. D1VIOw.1(EILEY MRFCD.SIMV50N ROSINNEJACUIII RICXqRO O.PEPIN,Jq. M/qN5.WE1R FACSIMIL E (612) 335-165J $MqUN C.MCELH4TTOH DPNIELL.PALMOUIST FpEDFICT.POSEHBLTTT pqVID LLILLENqUG JqMESJ.BERTRwND SMC1iIpn5GEFXqNN BTRON ESTARNS qOBERTJ.HUBER MARN W.OELEMANTY JOXN E.MING $TEVEN M. PUBIN p4VIDK4NTOfl cETEP E.3CXIF5NY ORMEL4J.F. WHITMDPE JOHN H. XERMAN dNGEIA M. CNPISTT CAFOLYN V. WOL31(1 STEVEN P. YaBEL STEVEN O. D[RIIttEF JAMES J. BENOFB STEVEN P. IINOEMRNN JAMES F. UORSEY NATXLEEN M GRAHAM MEHPY J. SKER III LOWELL V T T March 2 1994 WILlIAM X. KOCX . . S OR 2 , FONALO 15CXULTE STEPX¢N J. DwvID50N DOIIGlAS B. OFEENSWAG EILEN G. WGER GEORGE B. LEONqpD (1e721e66) STEGHEN R. LITMAN EIIEN G. SAMPSON JEPFY S. POOKDPqC2 lJiTNUF L.X. 9TREFi I1071?iB6i1 EOWqRO M.MOERSFELDER ROS/NNE NATXANSOrv STEVEN J.RIND510 BENEOICTDEINRFO uensisml ROBERT LEWIS BTRROWS NICNPEL G. TAYLOF JAMT M. KRIZ >MOS S. DEINMO ISBbi8851 flICHAFDJ.WEGENEN JONNW.GET5IHOER WENDY C.SNJEPVEN DwN1El J. McINEflNEY. JR. THOMAS P. SANOERS LOqEN A. UNTERSEMER _ XUGM M.MwYNwep qOBERi2EOLOVITCH w09EflT X.TDRGERSON FqEDERICK W. MOPRIS TIMOTMY WELCM EOWPFO P. MIIPPXY SIONCY LOR9ER JOMN C. Nl1EXN GPEGG J. CAVqNqGX TXOMA5 J. CONLEY IRENE SCOTT BRAOLEY J. GiILwN SUSRN M. ROBINER JOSMUA J. KANP55/.TEGw 04NIEL M. SATORIUS MICHAEL A. NEKICH BRAOLEY J. GUNN JANN M. EILMLEPSMITH ROGEP W. KIPP MAPTXp C. 9RAND BIPKE SHEPdPp, JR. PUTN B. O'NEILL w Covus[i OLVID x.NwvuES WRITER'S OIRECTDIAL NUMBER (612) 335-1862 Ms. Peggy Reichert Director of Community Development City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: Property Ovrned by Lee Holck at Corner of DodB Road and 120th Street Dear Ms. Reichert: This is a follow-up to our telephone conversation of February 28, 1994. We represent Lee Fiolck who has contacted us regarding the harassment he is receiving from a neighbor in Rosemount. We believe it would be helpful if Mr. Holck and I could meet with you (and any other members of your staff) to discuss any issues related to this property and to identify, from the City's perspective, preferred long-term land uses on this parcel. In order for me to understand the background, I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy of the current Eagan Zoning Code; a zoning map; a copy of the immediately preceding zoning code (sufficient to detail any changes in the agricultural districts) and a copy of the land use map from the City's current comprehensive plan. If there is a charge for any of these documents, I would appreciate it if you or someone on your staff would call me to discuss the charges. Our goal in undertaking this representation is to identify uses on the property which are in accordance with the City's land , . ? , Ms. Peggy Reichert March 2, 1994 Page 2 use objectives and which are consistent with reasonable use of the parcel. We look forward to working with you. Very truly yours, LEONARD, STREET AND DEINARD BY )04 ?'Al? Feter H. Bachrnan PHB/tess cc: Lee Holck Sames R. Dorsey, Esq. PHS\HOLCK\REICHERT.LO1 )o - --- 0 12_?,rs ?-,- W_city oF eagan 3830 GILOT KNOB ROAD THOM.45 EGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 Mayor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 DAVID K GUSTAfSpN FAX: (612) 454-8363 ppMaq MCGEq TIM PAWIEMY TNEODORE WACHIER Cquntil Ndnbers TI-ICMUS HEDGES September 10, 1991 cty ^dmi"imoc°r fUGENE vqN OvERBFXE CAy Ckrk MR LEE HOLCK MANAGING PARTNER ROSEAGAN/HOLCK ET AL 4980 DODD ROAD EAGAN MN 55123 Re: IItilitv Assessment - Account No. 155170660 Dear Mr. Holck: Your letter of objection to the Mayor and City Councilmembers received at the public hearing on September 3, 1991, has been forwarded to me for response. This bill is for the bill of $75.24, plus amount due of $82.76. a fee based on run-off not relate to whether water and/or sanitary City's storm drainage utility. The unpaid the penalty of $7.52, results in a total All developed areas of the City are charqed to the City's storm sewer system. It does or not any particular property is served by sewer utilities. This is not an assessment for utilities; it is an assessment for a delinquent utility bill. The shut-off notice was processed by mistake, as there is obviously no provision to shut-off utilization of the storm drainage system. I apologize for that error and the confusion which has resulted. The assessment will remain on the property to be certified to Dakota County for collection with the 1992 real estate taxes unless paid per the terms of the Notice of Special Assessment which was sent to you previously. That notice states payment options as follows: Any portion of the total amount of this special assessment may be paid within thirty (30) days, specifically on or before October 3, 1991, without interest at the Eagan Municipal Center. The unpaid balance will be collected in full (principal and interest) in 1992 with your property taxes. This will be payable through the Dakota County Auditor's office in Hastings. iHE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIi`! Equal OpportunNy/AHIrmaHve Action',Employer MR LEE HOLCK SEPTEMBER 10, 1991 PAGE TWO The amount payable in 1992 will include interest at the rate of 8's$ per year on the unpaid balance. Interest will be calculated from September 3, 1991 to December 31, 1991, and for all of 1992. I hope this information clears up the confusion related to this notice. Again, i apoloqize for the problem caused by the shut-off notice. Sincerely, L ?°? E. . VanOverbeke Finance Director/City Clerk cc: City Administrator Hedges Utility Billinq Clerk Downs Special Assessment Clerk Kivi EJV/vmd 4b'IcitV oF eagan 3, THOMAS EGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Cify Adminisfrotor January 20, 1994 THERESE Z KRECH 12050 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 Dear Ms. Krech: E.J. VANOVERBEKE CiN Clerk Upon receipt of your letter regaTding the business activity along 120th Street West, I forwarded it to City Administrator Tom Hedges so it could be researched by the appropriate staff. They will keep you informed of the action the City takes in reviewing and resolving this issue. Thank you for alerting me to this concern. If I may be of further assistance to you in this regard, please let me know. Sincerely, Thomas Mayor/ TE/js MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-460D FAX: (612) 681-4612 1DD:(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal OpporTUnlty/Afflrma}Ive Actlon Employer MAINTENANCE FAClllri 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FA%: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 *dtV oF eagan THOMASEGAN Mayor January 20, 1994 MR LEE HOLCK 4980 DODD RD EAGAN MN 55123 Deaz Mr. Holck: PATRICIA AWADA SHAWN HUNTER $ANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES CiN Atlminisimbr E.J. VANOVERBEKE CIN Clerk The City of Eagan was notified that a new Frontier Dance Studio is currently operating in your building located at 4980 Dodd Road. An on-site inspection by City staff confirmed this. The property is zoned Agricultural and the City Zoning Code does not allow dance studios in that zoning district; therefore, this letter is written notice that the dance studio must cease operations no later than February 25, 1994. Please contact me and provide a schedule of compliance by January 28, 1994. I would be happy to meet with yoi? and provide altemative sites for the dance studio if you desire. Sincerely, Jim Sturm City Planner JS/js MUNICIPAL CENTER 9830 PIIOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 601-4600 PAX:(612) 681-4612 TDD:(612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF SiRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunlfy/Afflrmatlve Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILIiY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN, MINNFSOIA 55121 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX: (612) 681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 CITY OF EAGAN Ld/J B MECHANICAL PERMIT RECEIPT #? Is CQ a b SUBD. (612) 681-4675 DATE / 9 RESIDENTTAL PLEASE COMPLEI'E UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DR'ELLINGS. ALSO, COMPI.E1'E FOR TOR'NHOMES/CONDO5 WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNTT. OR'NER: F EES STI'E ADDRESS: ADD ON/REMODEL (E7QSTING S 13.00 CONSTRUCI'ION ONLl) : HVAC: 0-100 M BTU 24•00 INSTALLER ADDI1'IONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 ADDRESS: GAS OU1'LETS - MINIMUM 1@ $3 EA. CITP: ZIP: SURCHARGE $ .50 SIGNATURE: TOTAL: $ COMMERCIAL PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCWIINDUSTRIAL BUII.DINGS. ALSO COMPLEfE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACII DR'ELLING UIVTT. WORK DESCRIPTION: (f? UN 1 f t{,??-2v-? }(yy?y ti1 n ,.I.. J `.J oll ?- / ?"l:?`? / °l? ??&/ OWNER: H ? STI'E ADDRESS: 1'ENANT: n L SUTI'E #: IN5TALLER: /}' PHONE #: CONTRACf PRICE ? CJ?J. lJC J I FEES 1% OF CONTRACI' FEE. A`'? V(- STATE SURCHARGE IS $.50 FOR EACft 51,000 OF PERMIT FEE. $ e,"?jO PROCFSSED PIPING - $25.00 $ NIINiMUM FEE - $25.00 1 TOTAL: I $ ,5o SIGNATURE. CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PIIAT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MN 55122 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 FOR CITY USE ONLY PERMIT # 7 70 RECEIPT # ?ATE: ? 11, 9 PLEASE COMPLETE DPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS & TOWNHOMES/CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACA UNIT. ----------4 --------------------------------------------------------- WORK DESCRIPTION FEES NEW CONST _ ADD-ON MINIMUM $15.00 ADD ON _ HVAC 0-100 M BTU 24.00 REPAIR _ ADDITIONAL 50 M STU 6.00 GAS OUTLETS - MINIMUM 3.00 OF 1 PER PERMIT OWPIER NAME: SUBTOTAL: $ SITE ADDRESS: STATE SURCHARGE: .50 LOT: SLOCK _ SUBD. TOTAL: $ INSTALT.ER: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY: ZIP: PHONE #: C"EILl?''XAL"INU1T5RIP.I.b?:: PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDIISTRIAL BUILDINGS, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, AND 24[JLTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. -----------° CONTRACT PRICE: _--°_____________ 00> ?O D _____- OWNER NAME : ? 2 t SITE ADDRESS: LOT: 621,9 BLOC K ?J SUBD. INSTALLER: Qb scl? z 4 p ADDRESS: O`?UCJ ? ge? CFTY: H/iz21! ikv? ? ZIP: o PHONE #: FOR: FEES 18 OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE _ $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. PROCESSED PIPING = $25.00 $25.00 MINIMtIM FEE. CONTRACT PRICE x 18 $ STATE SURCHARGE $ ---?. ToTAL: ?S .? !1 + ? n ?? -- - _ ? ! - GNATURE) CITY OF EAGAN 1993 MECHANICAL PF:RMIT (RESIDIIVT7AL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMTTS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ? ADD-ON FURNACE DATE D(l? q-3 FEES HVAC: 0-100 M BTU $ 24.00 ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU 6.00 I_ A C l1i 7T7 L,"TO (•qiiL?.ri".. r? r ? p? `y. r ??+L*? VlSJ V'll1L.Lf? 3Y1liJlY11 ADD-ON/REMODEL (ExtsTtNG CoNSTxUCr[oN) 25!0 STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL Ib/s o/1J' ? 1/ i?? ? SITE ADDRESS: ff/am OWNER N WSTALLER: TELEPHONE #: ql?'Z''j 0 9I ?,Wqn vALLEY HEATING & AIR M1 Jefferson Trail ADDRESS: INVER (612) 454•8666 55077 CTTY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE #: r' ? ` ? • ? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE L_[!.C -? eL 55 CITY OF -EAGAN ?/? . ?? PLUMBING PERMIT SUBD. /Sa,??u9?-v (612) 681-4675 CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT d aa / 83 DATE /o-- a -7 - `j2 PLEASE COMPLETE UPPER PORTION ONLY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOHES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE THE FOLIAWING: N0. FIXTURES EA. TOTAL NEW CONST _ REPAIR/ADD ON 15.00 ADD ON SHOWER 3.00 REPAIR WATER CIASET 3.00 BATH TUB 3.00 IAVATORY 3.00 OWNER NAME: KITCHEN SINK 3.00 IAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 SITE ADDRESS: HOT TUB/SPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 FIAOA DRAIN 3.00 GAS PIPING OUT. INSTALLER: _ (MINIMUM - 1) 3.00 ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 ADDRESS: _ OTHER WATER SOFTENER 5.00 CITY: ZIP; PRIVATE DISP. 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER 3.00 PHONE W. TURNAROUND 15.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE TOTAL: ? COMME':HCIAL PLEASE COMPLETE THIS PORTION FOR ALL COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMZTS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLIN6 UNIT. WORK DESCRIPTION: r,Zs ? ??d??)? crs Z4 11 42-4fu?g,/ r OWNER NAME: CONTRACT PRICE: ('.)'67 J m, e? SITE ADDRESS:// 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. . STATE Si1RCHARGE - $.50 FOR TENANT NAME: EACH $1,000 OF PERMIT FEE. -7-? f`---- SUITE #: !(???ye $25.00 MINIMUM FEE. ? r f INSTALLER: CONTRACT PRICE x 1% $2L5 ADDRESS: STATE SURCHARGE $ $? .33 1917 CITY: ZIP: O ?? SD ? TOTAL: $ PHONE #: FOR: (SIGNATDRE) CITY OF EAGAN t 0 01603 ?t 3 5 S . LI1?>>tJ?C'i??0 .Tune 20, 1981 9uilding Inspector City of Eagan 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota Dear Sirs We hereby certify that the square poles used to erect a pole-Cype building north of Rosemount for F& N Cantractors, Inc.p Gary Nolting# Eagan, Township are Penta Pressure Treated, 8 lb. Southern Yellow Pfne. The rafters are built to specifications of the Panel Clip Co.. Farmington, Michigan. 45 lbe to[al load per square foot. S ig?ned , ' /?CQ-r?.????? Hexman E. Fsedrickson For Fredrickson Lbr. 8. Const., Inc. R.R. 11 Box 44 Lakevillet Minnesota May 5, 1989 Mr. Jim Stur-m City of Eagan 3830 Filot Knab Road Eagan, MN 55121 t R.e: Letter af April 27 concerning Lee Holck Praperty at 4980 Dodd I?oad Dear Mr-. Stur-m: Thank you for your letter dated April 27, 1984 in response to the meeting we had on April 10 concerning the apparent zvning violation occurr-ing on the property ewned Gy :9r. Lee Halck at 498O Dadd Raad. I recall that I had asked you te get back to me with a listing of the businesses operating out of the four pade buildings. I had also asked you to indicate next to each of these businesses tha property zar.ing requirements (agricultural or genera2 business) needed for each business. Pecause yaur lettzr omitted the names of these businesses, I am unsure to which businesses your statement below refers. "My investigation leads me co believe that Mr-. Holck's pr-esent businesses are not inrompatible with the uses designated far his praperty". , R wisual inspection crf the business signage, as well as discussians with postal employees and glances in the phone boo4i indicate a± least (my list may not be complete) the follawing 10 businesses are operating out af tfie four pole buildings, on land designated for agr-icultural use. 1. k:odiak: Ses-wices, gutters, lendscaping, iawncare and carpar.try 423-3295 2. Southview Tr-ucking _. F & 1U Management Services, qeneral contrastors 423-1011 or 423-1295 4. Key Maintenance 5. 19T Company, semi-traiier repair^ 4:3-6316 6. Dscars 6un and 6eneral Fix It 423-5606 Assembiv ?f tays, bikes, small matars, chain saws, welding. 7. Little Falls 6ranite bler4:s, retail sale of gravestone monuments 423-1011 8. Caretakers oper-ation facility, 423-5225 or 454-8881;1awn maintenance 9. TW11"t City Toner; 421-4545 10. Goncrete constr'uction contractor- who has big curb and gutter- machinery out thare. L/ ? 1? ?n Cauld yvu please get back to me to clarify this discrepancy and share with me your- listing. I also met with the Rosemount Gity filanning Commission on May 2. concerning the poasi6ility that twe of the pole buildings might be erroneously located in the City of Rosemount. The City W111 he cantacting Me. Holck to verify the location of the buiidings. ihinF:ing that Mr. Nolck migrit have sa6mitted a sur-vey when he applaed far the building permits for the po2e huildings, I cvntacted Eagan's buiiding inspectien department. They informed me that YOLi had chec'r.zd out that file. Could you forward a copy of that survey to me, ar call me when a copy is ready fvr me to pick up at your office. Sincer-ely, Tnerese Z. F::rech cc: Dale Runkle Vic cllason city oF eaga 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. 80X 21199 V1C ELLISON EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55721 ,N?r PHONE: (612) 454-8100 THOMAS EGAN DAND K. GUSTAFSON PAMEWMCCREA THEODORE WACNfER April 27 1989 Council Man+be" , nionnnsHeoces CIlyMmiNSholw EUGENE VPN OVERBEKE CiN Cieek MRS JAY E HI2ECH 12050 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT, MN55068 Re: RoseaQan Addition Dear Mrs. Krech: In response to your inquiry, I visited the property of Lee Holck at 4950 Dodd Road. Mr. Holck described the activities taking place on his property, and I took the opportunity to review the condition of the buildings and the premises. My investigation leads me to believe that Mr. Holck's present businesses are not incompatible with the uses designated for his property. We will continually monitor the uses of the property so that no expansion or activities in violation of the Code take place on the property. Mr. Holck's property is visibly clean and in good condition. He has agreed to relocate the monuments adjacent to 120th Street so that the area is more aesthetically pleasing. If you have any further questions or concerns, please give me a call. Sincerely, q?.?? ? Jim Stu City Pla ner JS/mg cc: Dale Runkle, Community Development Director Michael Dougherty, McMenomy & Severson LONE OAK TREE. .. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN MEMO TO: DIANE DOWNB? QTILITY BILLING CLERR FROM: EDWARD J. RIRSCHTs SR. ENCiINEERING TECH DATE: MARCH 18l 1991 SIIBJECT: REF COMPIITATION FOR 4980 DODD ROAD PLAT AND PARCEL NO. 10-03600-012-55 OWNER - LEE HOLCR (ROSE EAGAN MONIIMENTS) I have computed the REF's for plat and parcel #10-03600-012-55 owned by Lee Holck (Rose Eagan Monuments, 4980 Dodd Road. The total REF's are 16.5. My computations are based upon the City's aerial photoqraph dated April 15, 1989. The total lot area is 8.5 acres of which 1.75 acres is considered impermeable surface. vl/?1 t'Z??X A f"l.' ?vW1 Edward J. irscht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Michael P. Foertsch, Assistant City Engineer EJK/jf bAl.E - 6?4NE2 'jO+ID -,oL1 kNEli-( ALL •?P_?C.YJi 7}'fI5. I/ ?^?j' [^ /i?? V S? / ? ? BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION - CITY OF EAGAN NOTE: ALL CONTRACTORS NUST BE LICENSED WITH THE CITY OF EAGAN GOM MGRCiA,l, OC/?,?e o INCLUDE 2 SETS OE PLANS 3 CERTIFICATES OF SURVEY 1 SET OF ENERGY CALCULATIONS v To Be Used For: Valuation: s2TQ ?? Date: 3--ZZ Site Address: L?yQ(? ?p?/? ,?d OFFICE USE ONLY Lot: ? Block SS Sect/Sub Erect Remodel Parcel S Repair Enlarge owner Move ? Demolish Address Grade ? Occupancy Zoning Type of Const Il of Stories _ Length Depth _ Sq Ft City/Zip Code ?ff4?fir? _5.;? ----------------------------------- Phone Contractor ?-?jCl Address ? ap p??? ?-? City/Zip Code Phone Cf Arch./Engr. Address City/Zip Code Phone I! APPROYALS Assessments Permit 15, 60 - Water/Sewer Surcharge 13. Police Plan Review Fire SAC Engr Water Conn Planner ? Water Met r Council Road Uni?av"y??` Bldg Off A Parks ?- APC t- Treatment P1 Variance CcQ;Ff z T- TOTAL &An c P s C ?d l/n-rs ?? ?CRfs z??.tn .cld?'?ior??(. c-oAsr, aR p?ry . --- . " ! 1 • : 1"t" ? 19 19920 R=909.24 R O A D...._ - _?...._ %a6• p .L0 2?26 . ? _ .. • ?I? ?: /'? , .. _„? . ; ? W _ -'" ? • , i. ? r? .` ; -, ? ?' ; ` ,'? ? w O O p ? ? .• ??• ` • .. ---- s6 IP u o . . \^ / ?9. . o?j ,?,??$ . y ? C, S ,p .A? A \ i • S `?; ?. ?'?' \ • gO ?'+ ?,. (wn a . ?? ?/ . ?. •,'/j. ? ? ?" Op ,??Q ? ` Cr /JI'' ? ? . , % yh L? ? ?^ ? ? ?? ? •-_._ . 5?. ?-a ? 1' ^ ? ? • . .b F ? ` .'s _ _ .. C) !f' 9 10j.? •. 'Y,_ / ? ?..? zIQ q 'S ' s' / ' ? ' • ; ? . _ a'o y ? •? ? ?C' ' , t1' ,?,} p . ? ?? ' -, ?" ? - ? Qt".. 42u`?' , ' y?? ?'? • ? :. ? ? ? ? 'y •. ? . m? ?OIA ? ro 6 , • "???? ' ?, ?E' ? ? ??J ' t ^ ? • ?C ?Y ? ? 9y? ? ? ' ` ??? ? ? / % n ? - n ?p •. ?•. '; ,.e? . c--. -r._-C-N- . ? .?? • ? , ? 5'? \ c1 Vc• ? cl0 S, r . \ ? tS' •. `. 4 ` ?1 ?? ?B? ?J? ??? ?? ,'• _0 ? '• '?- ; ?Nl ? . .+ ? ?. ? .. ? le`' ?f 8 / --?? w 3 Z, ? If b ? ? Y _. . .C O?'?icG b??)C. ? I fo$SQ?'T ??8 S4¢'?' ;? - ? --- . - . _ _--?? QQq`? er Zsz Sv?J ', z8o 3afr 1?,. s?w 'O 18? o? ? ? . w?R?Ncur,SC z3 0 ?- s4 ??' r ? ? , -F Fm t e-/.7- gOI ? i •- , 0"4 12°33I10.. ' 313.08 S 40°59'28"W - ' ? 138.U9 R:909.24 ? R 0 A-D i R=669.86 j 199. 20 _-- p -- -- _- . ._.. I ._ -- ---- - -- , " ? - a-'? ?ii•. a?i' O O _ 0 s - 1? •, t , _ _. ur oh f O? ? Q t? Irv pq a `?C ? . \ ?94 ??, . ''?`? `? • 3 . ' 'I % ? ??? • / ? ,. ,? , ? ? • ,?. ' ,O t`?O 0 ? -P.o v6 ?ip???, °r't' . ?ii L4 ' _ ?. ,? '• , _ ? ` ??I.. .. . ., . • ? n ?? '? ?? ...?" , ?- v%4p°r, '? ? `,^ oc ' , o ? • E v`,t,r ?? c\ ?a. '' b ? ? ?i ?'? • l ). C? fJC (l N. . e ?• '.?'??v? ? . . kwil s CITY USE ONLY L IMI I BL ? RECEIPT#: & `"/.5D.3 SUBD. ltiJ° ?r RECEIPTDATE: 1i191J`'f 1997 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (612) 681-4675 Please complete for: . all commercial/industriai buildings. ? mutti-family buildings when separate permits are no required for each dwelling unit. DATE: CONTRACT PRICE: WORK TYPE: NEW CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR IMPROVEMEN DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Ff'AJ? FEES: ? $25.00 minimum fee or 1% of contract price, whichever is greater. ? Processed piping - $25.00 ? State surcharge of $.50 per $1,000 of rmi fee due on all permits. i CONTRACT PRICE x 1% .?I TJ• ?? PROCESSED PIPING STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL iz . ) (? -3 SITEADDRESS: 4?( 1 OWNER NAME: PO S-z_A!? AN TELEPHONE #: 10?1 TENANT NAME: (innaROVeMEN7s oNLY) ?- INSTALLER: ADDRESS: ?? / -2- (?/j 0 c CITY: _&J f'!l) S?/zz?' STATE: rnAl' ZIP: 5 ? PHONE#: '? 53?330j ? SIGNATURE: 9cmQ --?-'3-?'7 " SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 16h ZS ?0 s 7?s-t' ?/'? CITY INSPECTOR - , ??,,. 7itle Servicee, Inc. Property Addreee: State County f ?) Legal Dea iption: !! Q-??!'? TSI File Date of Application City 21p Dietrict 169 Plat Parcel Taa I.D. No. Thie is a request for a(L)-bLVIED (PENDING aeeessment report. If the form provided helow ie not utilized, please put on the top of the report ieeued. LEVIED ASSESSMENTS (are thoee certified ae payable and aseeeaed to tax rolle). If none, enter NONE. flalance to pey aeseeament in Figure good Type of Improvement full, including any interest until NONE.. PENDING ASSESSMENTS (are thoee not yet cert.ified ae paqable). If none, enter NONE. Approximate Coet Approximate Date of Tqpe of Improvement of Improvement Confirmation or Completion NONE -1 If thle aeesment ie now payable but not yet certified to the Countq Auditor, pleaee furnieh the amount to pay and the cutoff date to pay without intereet. Delinquent Water Utilities ae of Delinquent Sewer Utilitiee ae of Delinquent in the amount of $ in the amount of $ Will delinquent utilities become a lien on property? When ` - yriLeu fuin 4oy Vi flmR 19 Mi? Signed Xf? T0: CITY OF J (/? ) Enclosed ie r check in the amount of $ ?5 Csd ( ) If there le a charge for thie information, pleaee include an invoice vith the, eQecial aeeesement report. Hetum tos Title Servicee, Inc. 30 Metro Square Building, SL. Paul, Minneeota 55101 612-227-8571 ' Attention: TSI-071 (Rev. 1980) 23/B/1 , SURVEY FOR -- EDMUND i 33 ! 3 ? i 33 1/ / ? ? •?i / ? 1Y' d ° ?M 0' i ? ..? ? ?- .?i ? /? • ; i ': ??a /?. .. ? '1J^Y/? ? 12. O AV. q> 3 ? v M M 0 N P N k i ' ? ? ? iiC? Tl L?.?IU' i -r--? ? i . ? 33 ; J3 N : lJ l, '4 ? ` _ . jQ S w > ?y =,:•.-?? ``/•???. `P• . .. : .. ? ' ` •? •.xzic:T' ui' 5;:1;?`9 •'4 ;iec. •. c. ? 1, 3G ' s b6°49'oO??W 0 ?.. I2?.sl - ? Forth line 3ov't .lut 1, Scc. 8 ' S 77c;3? e IR.JB a;e? 2,?? ? ' T /'i?? .. ? .J t . , ? D U N N (,w SE?` \ L. i ..?.V?. I/ r, S[_ i L . / W M oh O 0 N 2 . , , ? ..?.. M M ? ? ("'? ',.. . ?? F : ?. . . ? ' ;outli 11nv (. -w-Ia27,. _ ___-......_ ...._? '064.qg ?- 410.36 N89°34'28"E -?? _m -40000 n Sea° - - .? ST_R E E T ^ WE 8_T :lest rigYit ci' Centerline 120th Street Wec;t 3 as traveled T hereby certify tYi;it this is a true snci correct representation oF a survey cI w `•Q?. Q o ? i N lsp- Th-l-t pirt of' ('overnment i,ot 1, O-ectlon 8, To.anshl? 11?, !:unrc 11 ,_>,d th:.t u:r of thc :>outtuwc3t c.uartcr of Secti.on 36, I'lown:3tiip 27, Ran,;:: G3, fiLakotu C:oi;nty, folloui; Cr.r,unencing at th+: southcast COI711;2• OP 3a1ci G"verruncnt i.ot Z, Scctlo 36 minutes 23 scc:.nds b'est (unsw;ied bearing) along thc sautii lSnc therecf d i:ho woziterly ri,;ht oC w;ly lin(i cil' 3t1t;C 7T`a11c 111L;hw:iy ;in. 3; I;iwncu couYJiuiiiol, '3 -lecondEs 'n'est :.1ong a:li(i south line OP (:OWMUqi;ri1: I,ot 1.L di::t;;ucc oP •lUi?.J br.irinninE of t;h:^ .l%nd to Ue d,scribed; L-1lence '?orL-h 1' degreca 00 r:inutes ti? J3?.;.38 L'eCt'.;. thence ".orth 35 dC^'?"l-o:J 07 mj.11Uti1:J '.17 :ic-CuiIdII JC.°.1: ? d1::l:.LY1Ce J1' ccnt,:r•line o:' 17odd ,?? id; thence :;outhr:?stci?ly _:l,)n;; s:id r,::nt::i•lin? :;loaL u n to the northtivcst, having .: r;idiuc uf 669.86 feet, i central ,nj,;le of 11 dcLyro Lnd i chord be:ir•ing of South 35 deorees ?i5 ininutes 22 aecond? llast for a dist: ?ouLii 40 degz•ees j9 rninutas 23 aecotids :cst :.,lon6 aaid ccnterline t ?nger.t to dlst:;nce of 313.08 toet; Lhenec south:eestcrly ilonl; s.Ad centerline along a t: the southe:est, h:.vino :, ridius of 909,24 Pc:et tnd u cantrul LnLle of 11 degret for a distancc of' 199,?O feet; Lhence South 10 degrces 26 ninuL-?s 18 Ecconds . t.:nl;ent to thc l:iat d(-scribed curve s distanc:: of 146.13 f'uet- tc thc ucst linc oF Lt?e South4ast Qulrter of Section 36; thenCC South 0 degi•ecs 59 minute;, 33 llne a di8tunce of 217.20 feet to thc south»cot corner ther-uof; thencc souLh 31;CO11C13 .JC3't _IIOp(; the n.)rth 21ne of sald Goverruuent I,ot 1, :;ecLlon (1, :.t dist., cent<.r11ne of Dodd ,'io,:d; thence South 13 degrees 32 minutea 47 :;econdJ ill:Jt .: dist.;nce oP 41.37 fec:t t.u the cetiterlinc oP 120tYi "treet West as tr.uvc:led; th ssid eCnterline of 120th Strect t•lest a].onL, ?. non-t.,n-entl?l cur•ve conc.svc: to ot 143E,36 fcet, a central :Lnglo of' 0 degreas 4l rilnutcs 30 seconds znd a cho: 53 minutes 56 aer,onds :,::tat for :i distinee of 17,7£i feet; thcnct: ;oui:h 77 aek::r alo??(; o;ttid eeritcrline, t:,r:;:;enL to c:sid curvc •• dLat:.ny_c: ol' r?%rjt:: t},4,n?•? ? ??.. VEY FOR °- E UND DU ?33 ? ? ?/ 33/ ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?i ? 0???/, / ?' o /?; ^?? ?M I ? ? ? ,? ' ? 00?? Q??O (, i ? ? ? G?,',???^?.??i ?, ? ,? 0 ' ? ? ? ? ? , i ? ? ?/? ?? , ? ? ? ? i ??? ? ; ? ? ? i i ,? ? ? ' 0 ? /r ry? ?? /? -. - ? ?? ?,? ? I i ? ! ?1 I ?. ?_, i?i`?" /°?'? f? ?,?? ??.,Vb. if ?? ; p,o / ; ? f j ,? i 2 i / ? ?? / ?,?o / ? / \,y ??, 0? '' ??' ?y ?? ? ? ? ? '? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? ?, ,; ? ?' r• ?-- ?A ''? ,.? A f / ?a ? . ?, ? ;? ?? 1 ! , ?;'7 r,r? r?_, ' , ?4 g. `? ? - ? ? ? v r. ?. ? ? ?v?. c.,?. % ;? ?,° j/? s'1` /??'/ ? ??, ? ???.??????.r?? :?,?e? a??a. ?; , o ?o . / ? q?. . ??'/ %? ?_.,e2?-? A?. ; ,/ ? .1? ; ,, ? , 0 ? . ?-__..__ ---f ? i ?d'? ?? ,?; w ' o (I j ??, ? , p , /? ? -' ? ? ? O ? ` ? u??Gu'? ?.?.Tl? ??.;' ?a?';?,1`?`} U?' .?t??.;:??? ? N ? s? , i ?('C. .?p ? /i /%? / . ? ? ... . ?4){?15??«.1? ?1 .I.1L1^iil ?` s?U l?f.'.y:. r.,'?l^I,T";?^3 'cik';3 ;??,St;.lilt?U 3 / i ? w ?? ? ' ? . ? ? , ? ? Qr? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? O M ? N O N ? _ ? ' ?.: hn ,:- .._? __ -?. _-.-° ?.. _ ' ' , . . . ??-:--.e_? .. . ... ??--?_-°?.?? _ .,.,..? m ,,,, .,; . _ _ --. +'. ^ _ _ .. _ ' _ ' , -- _ . - ... ---?-w-a,:ri-,.,._.?„ :: _.._ ...._ , . ,,.,_._. " . ? ? , . .. , - , - ... . . .. .. .?.: _..?_' m .?? . t?? ;:;: „, ,..,,????- ? ? j d: N p " d' ? ?? 33 ? J3 . N ? . ? ? .. ?' (. Z 4 ? ' ;,,?J. ';.a <? ? ut' i ^,1,??? Of ?SW1%4 a?a, :?6 __ ?_ ? / , . _ __ _ ? ?? _._. _.._. _ ? _ ..,_._._ . ? S ?8°4900 W ._ .. . ?_ _ _ . _ . e. ._.?_ ........ .. . .. . ___. -' ?? r_,123.31 -- ? ? P;o?t,h 11,??e ?i?v't lot 1, Sec. ? ? ? ? ? ? _.. , _ ..,,_.,_ . ' ,, 1650p M ;? _' ." ,_ .. ? ? , t -r? ? ? ? -r i ? ? r f, ` , ?? S>>?'3$?36„ `•' 22? ? ?,??? 1,? ? ?,.,? ? i ? ..?_??. ?. ??u?1i line C?ov't ?.?t 1 ?ec. ? .; 2? ? ? e ,. _, ? QR?a43B,3g M d?6??8?27" ' ___ .. o_ ?.._??-.._?---._-_ _.__' . ? 400A0 ? S86°36?23??W 316.28 S88°36?23??W - _ _-?/-?' / _ - ? _??? R' 20g4. -, 410. 36 N 89 34 28 E --? ( _ _ ._ ,? .?. __ _ _._?..? . . !2)g 42 3?'' __T?. 49 ".. - _ _ . \j .. _ ` ._ __ M I ,_ __ ___ _ ....__.._...._._.____ __ ` ';o CC`?'?tGT' uf' --- .,. M1 ,._ _ _ _._. STREET ? - Y?E S-- ._. _?._ __ ? ?;?v?ti ??t i ;?,? . . __ _ _ ___._ _.... ._._. __ __ , ? ? ?,?r?st ????nt a? ???,? ? ?; ? f;er???erlira? 1?O?h S?ree? ?es? ,S.'?".}i? i???.?? 3 ? ? ?.s tr?.??le? ?' h?r?by ce;rtify th<?t this is a true ar?d cc??°rceL r?pa°?:sen?a?ian a?' a s?r??;;? c?f ???. "?aun??arie? of': ?.?'h?.? ?a-a,rt a?' ("?vtr?meraf i??t 1, Sect:lon ?3, "f'a???nshi? ?.15, r'an?e ?;a ;,:,r? ?;h?.yt ?:?r? t?e South?ast ?<ua??t??? , of ?he? ???u?h?r,v?st ?r,u?,??t?;r of Sect?.on 36g 'row???i? 2?7, l?an??: ?? 23,? ?3uk?ta ?QUr????, ? ?3.n?i??ata ??ies?ri°??;?'- ??s fa1l?ti?a: C?'r??nen,einur at thu sou?he??st cc?x?rer? a?' sai<? C?uv?:??nmerat ?,at 1, ?ect?.an ?; th?nce ,South {?'? c?t;.?tx????, 36 minut?s ?;i scc,mds °??est ?assume:d ?ea.?^1.n?;7 ax?n?; th?; ???th li,ne th?;??:af' ?. c?ist?.n?c cf 316.:'? f??:t to ?t?e r?es??rly ?i?;ht of d?r;?;? linc o?' St;a'?4 `Crunlc ??i?h?wy 'iyo. 3; then?? c?nL3.r?u3.n? ?ouLh s3E3 ?e?;r?t.:{;;?, ?>6 rn:inut?s l.? se?;ondu '?'?st :?eln?? said so?th l?.ne af?G?ovex?nrr«r?t? Tmt 1:. di,s?<:?n?c? o?'? 40?.??OQ f?e? ?o th?; ??e??.?l?i; ??' be?innin? af t>h;~? 1.;.ne? te? be d?uaril??:cl; thenc? '?1or°th 12 de?rees 00 ?ti?.mut?? 5;a s?rc?ncls ?;;?st ? d:l.?t...rzr?: c?? ?:3G.3?3 Ce??; thenc? ?fnr.th ?`? de?;?`?tis 0? 2ninute? ?J7 ;;z.conds ?d?:s1, a di:?tar?ce vf ?:ifi.8`? f.'?rt to ?iz?; ??:nt?r?.iML? a? ?Dc?dd ;?«?a.d?, thence s??xth;?ust?;:z?ly :?lr?n?; s??a1,c? cesat??;zY1in?: ?1a??g ?.?? nc?n-Ga,n?;en?i?l cua??vr?; conc?.v? t;U. th€; north?u?st, hav?.n? ;; t?arilus c??' 669.u6 t'e?t, ,?: e?ntr:?? ar???c of ll c?e;?r??s 4£3 rr?lnut?s l? seeonc?s ? an? .3, ?ehord?? b?,?rin? ia?' South 35 de?;r?cs ?5 mi.nu?ea 22 ??aa?cls l?ast? fa? ? a. ???.st??n?? of 13$. ?Q fc?et; tP?renc? ? So??n ?4U? d?g??e?s ?:?9 ?minut?s 2?3 sec?s?las ',dest a1nn? ?s??,?i? ?cen??:??.13.n? ??t:?n??:a?t ?to ?h? l?st d?sc?ib?:c] curv?: ?? dlst,?nc? af ?13. Q? a{:?t; ?hence sotath=v?est?:rly ?;.l?n?; s,a,id c?n??:s?1in? a?at??; a?t?.n;znt?.?,1 curve co?ic;?ve f;o th? sorz?her?,??, k?;:,.vin?; ,?, r;,diu? of 9Q9,2? r'c?.t ,?nc] a c?:ntz?al e?.n?;le c?f •l? ?e?;xe?:s 3? minut::?s 1U ,?;c?n?is ?? fnr a, dis??nce o?' 19?.??'Q f?et; th?;tace S?uth 2B d?:?,rees ?5 n??,nu??.? 1,? s?cr?ncis? ???t ?:.:1<?ri?; ?u?.?3 cf.nt????ine ?::n?,?nt ?to ?th? ?1???t ?a???cri:bed clzx?ve? ??. d?st??ncr: ????` ?1?5.:lE3 f'E??1;?? ?t?? thc a??st ?.in?:? a?` sa.1d :ao?uth?ast ???u?.??r? of ttze ?outh?v?st ti,?a:az??f.z? ?f S?ctian 36; th?:nce Sati?th 0 d?:?;rce? ?9 m?nutes ?? :??:conds :?."ast alr?n?; s:?Ld ?ac??? lfn? ??d?.st,?ncd: ??' ?'1'?.?20 ?'eet t? 2;he sou1;ha??est corner ?h???a;af;? ?hencc ??mu?? t3? de?;rces ??9 minut?.s n?? ? ?€:r,vnds ,a?st ??l?n?; th? n?rth ?ine c?f sa:Ld Goverru,??nt ??t; T, >eL?;.?n ?3 ;a d2s???.rtc?: c?f 1?3.31 ?'ect to aa3.? ? centt?.rl9.ne of i?`?d?t T'c???.cl; ??hence South ?E3 d??re?s ?2 minu??s 4O ? s???nds ? i??st ;3.lon? aa?.a cen???r.lirt? a?? c??.st???nc? ?of 9?1.37 ??e;? ??,o the c?r??e??Sn?: o?' l?Oth ?treet ???:st as ??ravEiecl; thenc?? ?outh?asterly ?:ior??; s:??d cent?rl:i.ne oi' 12??:? Street '??Jest, a,l.?n?; ;:?, n?n-t::.n?rentiu.l cur?ve cc?nc?.ve to thi ?r?uth, having <? r??dius vi' 14?6.36 fLet, a centz?al ?,n?l? o?' 0 c1e?;rees 4? rlinu?e? 30 sveanc?s :?nc? a e'r?ar? ??ar?:n?; ?f South 7'T d??r?e? ?'?9? ?tn?.nu?es 56 ser,?nds i;??? fo? :? ??ist?:?nce of 17. 7?t fce?; tllcnc?: South ??77 degre?? ??8? minutes ?6 s?c?ar?c?s 'a?st ???.on?; s??.a c?riLerl3.ri?, t:a.n;;?nt to saic? curve ?. c:i?.st:?n4e o?' 165. ??(l fe?t; thenc? ?as??rl,? .?'..?n;; s?iid ?:en??rl.lne ??,lcr??; a?an?4r??ia?. cux?v? concave to the north, ??1?,v?.n?; ?. racltu? ? ?'?. ? a?4, ?? i"??f?t ?;.n?? ? c?nL?W?.? ? a?E?le? ??'? ?? ?e?z?ee? 1d minu?e? '7? sr?con??, for ?? c?i?t?;,ne?: ?f ??.7.??.'7 ?'ce?.; t;llr?r?c? ????°,;h ?6g ??i?e??r?;?s? 3? ??:l.nutG:? ,'. i ?c;?c?anr?s ??a;?t, nq? t<?,na?n? 40 ??.:??; curve ::? c?i,?tanet.: ut' %?1?1.3(? :E'eet tn t,i, : ??? ' ;?' ;,' bc?;ir?r?in?. Sub,?ect? ??ca F:a: ere??r??? of r?ecord?, ? ?^?r?t??lniri? 1? . ?' -aere?. ? ? ? ? ? ?? ,? ? ? r ? (? 1.l? d?+ii?.q +'? ,.., ??? `' ` 4'?? s?nt?tr?y?d b?r m? thi? al;h da;; nf '°,t?y, 19?3?, ??`?'' ? ?, ?)?lt;?a? }?. S?l, ? ?,?. ?1 '.innesata ?;? ?;. - , ?6?'. ?? ?., ? , ?i-l9 .