4345 Dorchester Ct.F Wertificate of cccuvauc4 ze0a tweet of VaNiMTAg 31"OecasK I ? 1 This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: Use Classification: SF DWG Bldg, permit No. 21718 oa„ p,,,cy Type R3 /M1 Tuning District R1 Type Const. VN owwrotBuimingLIFESTYLE HOMES INC Address 1489 AKE PK E, .A .AN Building Addrm 434.5 DORCHESTER CT L14, B3, HAWTHORNE WOODS POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE =CST`,ZOF EAGAN INS 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: I 1 PERMIT SUBTYPE: ;CORD PERMIT TYPE: Permit Number: Date Issued: Fitrii1!1Nb 0:''1 1 ti 0t: /R'0 /g;i B t APPLICANT: 1 c: 1 .' l 'VA TYPE OF WORK: NI 1,1 INSPECTION TYPE .DATE INSPTR. INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPTR, I 1" F P hkj '• ;1,I) r ION I I; 1 fl,Or+11 Ilra i' I Ii,, F Permit No. Permit Holder Date Telephone # S/W PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRC Md. 4w Dap ELECTRIC Inspection Date Insp. Comments Footings I Foundation 2 7 Framing 3 ?S ?3Aq v a) Roofing Rough Plbg. , Rough Htg. (j! G s3 O W oy? ! 1 isul. 3 Fireplace ?1.3 =101P Final Htg. / Orsat Test ?j Final Plbg. Pibg. Inspector - Notify Plumber Const. Meter Engr./Plan Bldg. Final 112 ll? Deck Fig. Deck Final Well Pr. Disp. d s 0 Cities Digital Oualitv Control The following image represents the best available image from the original page. Every effort was made to capture the content from the original page. E V,_ of , , 'f 1 t ¦ , 1 r? ?T L c lc 17A ?.rT?ro rt,v i.? W T J .J ,f ttr CON rt ' ?f 1 t ' 2. TOTAL RUC ! r E t l ti ? • ; -- ? _ .. ? «.__• . _ _- -----.?.? 'd 3. TOTAL EYPO'stt'• t,rY f is fr!? ti ?+?"'•:. R 1 F v t -S•~ r1: 4 ? S`#lryr #v•?Jr ' i• •l? t i t ?J ?j' ? ? i7'$?l? ?f . t? L x ti. A ?.. ti (l. -7 ? a .. - w . -rte, hrl: t }t•' ?- ?---^- ...._ .. _ . _ ,_. • ,:, ? ? X i 161. ?'. 1 ;T''; ;;i...,?' i b) t a t t: J door r y ?. '4y . .. _ ~ ??.?r??r)• . F! j 1,76' C) tot -77747P, ?tl f 4 C' '6 A) 1 *5 1 Nio, Ave. i f 66 7otal area (Fxp, h? Tot a k r o j n 12, t Totel is 1t ^. ?"• C } ?iy • 2 - - . ? k?'?' 1st+'f M1?. i?f yr'a Yt?l?? ?df 'Page • ,?,,^}} li .y h •_ '?I i •..:1 ".• ?Jfi 14' ? a ,h-?jYl: b?S( IV ?iY?'+?y t~f. jtl?r T17 hr? ?? ?•I,?.x? 1'?f•} r .'l( t ??, '7, ?4 '1'+ ..? R -,. " ,?':'l`J y?'v .?lalir? ??.taY?.+?al( ?1? ,; 1.1•n. i?l• 1? } iY? .t {., y }. i.iY J'S}?, ? 1??, ?' ??,?t}r ?#k r w Y+, 1 f^. ( 1 ` "( ?• !l?tll?tn. Gt }1J?4fi'?$ w y, ,,}.a l1 ??,1,4?• ?r: -JUL_ = -'±? lJE D 1 ' _ 1 E:ENh4E T-r P _ 03 ti' ?•, pF/tEiai:??. L.A;,M.ATiON y: To.al rxe,?srd e ' t;,•ofiCe! i irlr? ?; ra . , , 1 ??. !lU ? i k) f) area (Averaac i+: , tP• 3 u 1) Total net Insulated roof/CCI I Inq area. k13 34 f t x „u„ >-- • ?; `?. r' A. TOTAL thiu 1) Ito ' LL r? If total of $4 Is the same n3, ir) Than /2. you have nrct the ! ,Crot of 2 MCAIZ 1. 1.6008 J? and 0, 1 1 1 , .. AL. - . . i,Lj.L:.;'iC LrVLLOP E MLSItf To utilize the cvtal F!nve - ape A y j.Ccr, XLOOd, the vaives tablished by the sum of Items 13 and #4 shall r:f,? l e ? Water Than the sum of ems J1 and 12. .,? ? _ i 1 ? . \? -i `? r 1. • . . + ? t{- `(r 2 2 ,k 1 het?by certify test 1 havo ?.,,Icuistea trrr, U f0, a <' . values berets a-4 that the bt•I ldtnq t,r?e dear, Stag of hinnesota Ene.ray Can ;esvxtiai Act ?SIQ11?tU?Cl?2'M'...? (Date) )page 2 ' ? ? .. RN r.? 1 ?,, .. f'd.. i-r,'R'.• r. 1._?Mi U:..?i ..?.R r'Ir."?1?:?:4??'.. -T 1i L 17, K ` F a' T? ,}S I E: ID 1 -3 : 22 B1-= VA FJETT COPISTRuCT I ON vTr WALL FRAMING i I^t ?•"---•{ (i E x t ON I I m WALL SECTION (INSULATED) 13 --_---.-4 2 I r= _ 04 R VALUE .e c 1, n. AR U - T /R ,? cJ C b 7A ' A i ?p c 'A r Ft IH SELTIGt1. - --,i Interior air fit-, F+?! 10 S. ILL-- Exterior air tijr -"? 0.17 10" ; , TOTAL _ 2 .aq ,:,JLAT;[XI REOUIRED: R-? t, ent±re r,; I OR U a I/R to 11.0-.it depth -4 2 ---aH Exter oT-r e!r n TOTAL R ? v S s. % % ?s "? red,!: •? ?? ;, ?,?//r?; '...?; ? • : ` d • ? A. q, ..: , ?? ?,-? t;ea?td 5;?bs .i+i ?. .. V;•,,'.,? ?'• :?:,-_????..•???,+`r x ' ra , i i M i t) ilil I+Ti • ,g , 5 r• . f i, .. - --?;?`•.a.i drhwi:d Slabs: •4, • a •.. r? • • f' H '• ! ii(I utt'i R ? 6,2 .: s , ? ? ? • ,1.?r ?I p ;, ?f{`; , X. 8: iw • ' .? `'. ' ?'? a ?`;= -r- =r` ?.. ••' . r i , r A '. , Page 3 U /0 WELT 1 3 . 2 2 • R TOTAL R U 1/R (.f I LING FWiItir, 5ELI OCN 1 Ircerfor a I r fff ???--'?j^? -r 3 ' _ ?f S??P rt a t n t e 7c'? _C f F) i F "??; ?nehF•. t? n. 61 IUTAL H - L I: !? Tt L' BEtJNET T P 05 CONSTF'?CTI R VALUE 'CElf.lf4f? SECT , ON$ULATED) : 1 fnt..tor elf flIM 1. >xterior air fllm?stitl'?` n FI r-'/ 1-21 S I ti J tip,,. ¦! 14' T-c) U » 1/R • r 4 .. L?,,. n 1 Inter{:;- air film x.61 4 FxterI afr ?^ lst 111 n 1 `\ TOTAL..-? U i/R ' O L ; 1? +n FNA41':r, 5EC'tot11 1 'n•et{or A{r ftfa- ?.F1 4 ?xM. r_ r ; r di r 7I { t--5 1T t ?+ n~tT I, ?S ?1'?CF`t5 SOT( 1'oU? 4. r, rn . 1ta a .,, Page 4 > a ?y i Address 4345 DORCHESTER CT Zip 5512 3 Lot- 14 Blk 3 Sub HAWTHORNE WOODS THESE ITEMS WERE / WERE NOT COMPLETE AT THE TIME OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. Date: 11,1111 Yes No Inspector: tv Final grade (6" from siding) Permanent steps (garage) Permanent steps (main entry) Permanent driveway vl? Permanent gas Sod/Seeded grass // Trail/curb damage Porch Basement finish Deck Please verify with the builder the removal of roof test caps from the plumbing system and the shut-off of water supply to. the outside lawn faucet before freeze potential exists. Contact engineering division at 6814645 before working in right-of-way or installing underground sprinkler system. Afrk White - City Copy Yellow - Resident Copy Pink - Contractor Copy INSPECTION RECORD CITY OFEAGAN PERMIT TYPE: BUILDING 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Number: 021718 Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Date Issued: 08/20/93 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: LOT: 14 BLOCK: 3 APPLICANT: 4345 DORCHESTER CT LIFESTYLE HOMES INC HAWTHORNE WOODS (612) 454-7866 PERMIT SUBTYPE: TYPE OF WORK: SF DWG NEW INSPECTION TYPE FOOTING DDATE INSPTR. INSPECTION TYPE FRAMING DATE INSPTR. INSULATION FINAL FIREPLACE REMARKS: S&W CONTRACTOR - THOMPSON PLBG. PRV ??`?_ ----------- ------ ---------, REQUEST FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION See instructions for completing this form on back of yellow copy. _ 2 44 6 6 "X" Below Work Covered by This Request R E13-00 1-08 ew Add Rep. Type of Building Appliances Wired Equipment Wired Home Range Temporary Service ' Duplex Water Heater Electric Heating Apt. Building Dryer Load Management I Comm./Industrial Furnace Other (Specify) Farm Air Conditioner Other (specXy) Contractors Remarks: Compute Inspection Fee Below. # Other Fee # Service Entrance Size Fee # Circuits/Feeders Fee Swimming Pool D [0 200 Amps 0 to 100 Amps r)z Transformers Above 200 Amps A _ Amps Signs Inspectors Use Only: TOTAL GC Irrigation Booms 2 Special Inspection Z Alarm/Communication ISCON- THIS INSTALLATION MAY BE ORDECTED IF NOT Other Fee "G COMPLETED WITHIN 18 MONTHS. I, the Electrical Inspector, hereby Rough-in C Date certify that the above inspection has been made. Final ate OFFICE USE ONLY This request vo d 18 months from io??yr Y? / 5°1/- (00 .5 M 2 466 4 s p°° Request Date Fie No. Rough-in Inspection NOTICE: You Must Call Electrical Inspector %?-:- _? Required? Yes ?NO is A Rough-In Inspection Is Required. 15,licensed contractor ? owner hereby request inspection of above electrical work at: Job Address (Street, Box or Roun - C' )5ST L #P IF -7 - Section No. Township Name or No. Range No. IGr?Ti4 Occupant (PRINT) Phone No. L,F? r?c? mES ysy- Power Su leer ,L//1 [ ;TA 1? 21 Adtlress fZm t nc 72:?? Electrical Contractor (Company Name) Contractor4 License No. E _?r2?c . c ea ty az Mailing Address (Conimor or Owner Making InstallAtion) / ,/ L Installation) Authorize ignature (ContractodOwn akinn g Phone Number / ? MINNESOTA STATE BOARD OF ELECTRICITY THIS INSPECTION REQUEST WILL NOT Griggs-Midway, Bldg. - Room S-173 BE ACCEPTED BY THE STATE BOARD 1821 University Ave., St. Paul, MN 55104 UNLESS PROPER INSPECTION FEE IS Phone (612) 842-0800 ENCLOSED. C!ITY'OF EAGAN 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 (612) 681-4675 SITE ADDRESS: P.I.N.: 10-32150-140-03 Bu'lldingi - Permit Type SF DWG Building Work Type NEW "UBC Occupancy-,, R-3 M-1 Construction Type VN X Zoning R-1 Building Length 65 Building Width 49 DESCRIPTION: REMARKS: S&W CONTRACTOR - THOMPSON PLBG. PRV FEE SUMMARY: Base Fee Plan Review Surcharge SAC SAC % SAC Units Subtotal - APP CONTRACTOR: LIFESTYLE HOMES 1489 LAKE EAGAN (612) 454-7866 PERMIT CA W-0 9- -93 PERMIT TYPE: BUILDING Permit Number: 021718 Date Issued: 08/20/93 4345 DORCHESTER CT LOT: 14 BLOCK: 3 HAWTHORNE WOODS VALUATION $730.50 $474.83 $63.00 $750.00 100 $2,018.33 $126,000 MISC FEES $1,744.50 Total Fee $3,762.83 cant - ST. LIC 14547866 0001288 INC PARK CIR MN 55122 OWNER: LIFESTYLE HOMES 1489 LAKE EAGAN (612)454-7866 INC PARK CIR MN 55122 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this information is correct and agree to comply Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. L_ APPLICANT/PERMITEE SIGNATURE application and state that the with all applicable State of Mn. aAtj ISSUED EIY. S NATUE J REACTIVATE _ PEWIT ,^ a?-7 l CITY OF EAGAN rH-ECE01VjE3 BUILDING APPLICATION// 681-4675 %PERMIT ^` 0 7bZ S- J U i. 3 19x"" 0 SINGLE & MULTI-F ----- ------- - tans, 3 registered site surveys, 1 copy of energy talcs. COMMERCIAL 2 sets of architectural & structural plans, 1 set of specifications, 1 copy of energy talcs. Penalty applies: 1) when permit is typed, but not picked up by last working day of month. in which request is made, 2) address is changed or 3) lot change is requested once permit is issued. Date 7 / C?9_ / 913 Valuation of work ite Address: 43 :DWhM L CVm STREET SUITE M Tenant Name: (commercial only) LOT iL BLOCK SUBD.- q 'OW& UFO 10 P.I.D. k Description of work: CJ I The applicant is: 0Owner Of Contractor ? Other (Describe) Name LIFE5J?LF, HWFS,rne. Phone yS4-7%(e Property LAST FIRST Owner Address I4,sl I AKF PAP-r. SIR i1` STREET STE 0 City EAhAA1 State AA Al Zip GSIZZ Company Lid ?& QU IJIWF Ir-,rlr,_ Phone VS(4-7S" Contractor Address 14 9 LA KG PAQIL 11X1 b License # CO la-W, Exp.. 31T City CAeAN State MN Zip 51SI22- Company SFEnnr A AAmh Phone _ Architect/ Engineer Name Registration # Address City State Zip v S o ?°/vw i Sewer & water licensed plumber Processing time for sewer & water permits is two days once ea has been proved. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with,a 1 applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Aav---) Signature of Applicant) OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT TYPE . ? 01 Foundation ? 06 Duplex ? 11 Apt. Lodging 02 SF Dwg. ? 07 4-Plex ? 12 Multi. Misc. 03 SF Addition ? 08 8-Plex ? 13 Garage/Accessory ? 04 SF Porch ? 09 12-Plex ? 14 Fireplace ? 05 SF Misc. ? 10 Multi. Add11. ? 15 Deck WORK TYPE ? 16 Basement Finish ? 17 Swim Pool ? 18 Comm./Ind. D 19 Comm./Ind. Misc. ? 20 Public Facility ? 21 Miscellaneous 31 New ? 33 Alterations ?,35 Tenant Finish ? 37 Demolish ? 32 Addition ? 34 Repair ? 36 Move=.' GENERAL INF ORMATION - ' ..' : ' ?'•: , ,: . Const. (Actual) .Kj Basement sq. ft. MWCC System YES (Allowable) V. N 1st Fl. sq. ft. City Water UBC Occupancy R-:1 M-? 2nd F1. sq. ft. PRV Required Zoning R-1 Sq. Ft. total : - Booster Pum ?' of Stories Footprin T t Fire•Sprink er ' Length On-site well' * Census Code Depth y9f On-site sewage SAC Code 0_ APPROVALS ?'• Planning` Engineering REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ? Site -I' Ij ? Wallboard Buildfrig . Variance ? Footing ? Final --,Assessments c ii • `,'„ ? Framing:., '';• ? Draintile ? Insulation ? Fireplace Permit-,Fee Surcharge Pl an Reviaw License MWCC SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment P1. Road Unit Park Ded. Trails Ded. Copies Other Total: SAC % 100 SAC Units - Valwtim: 1 - 2N0 I W.IL 6A1R 6E; 3Z 'x 23 '104 ;•} .. ZSK 16'/Z ? y12 tk14.a 12.) Ar4zq? PSw?T1 66 Ll Y 16 I662y 2dX 4 9 -560 Liycy4112=?Ly IN)27 -13Z 7y 6 = Y2 II27?1.s sT FLooi2'o 1127 lxg= 9 1135x SL(= G6J9oS? 6!,290 SSr PERMIT # I U O ?'- RECEIPT DATE: 2002 ftESIDENTt*L PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION crrY Of EALGAN 3630 PILOT KNOB RD EAHAN, MN 55122 651-661-4675 Please complete for: single family dwellings, townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit, backfiow preventer for irrigation system SITE ADDRESS: OWNER NAME:: &w i? TELEPHONE #: 6131 6 ?6 - 2XS? (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: ( 112- STATE: I-1h ki ZIP: 5-'o;-'n11 _ SEPTIC SYSTEM, new/refurbished (requires two sets of plans and MPC license) $ 100.00 includes $40.00 County fee Note: Additional consultant fees may apply • MODIFICATION/ALTERATION TO EXISTING DWELLING UNIT, INCLUDING: Adding fixtures to lower levels or room additions, excluding water softeners and water heaters. $ 50.00 - Abandonment of septic system. - Water turnaround - existing dwelling unit (+ 5/8" meter if needed - $118) Other: _ RPZ: new installation/repair/rebuild $ 30.00 lawn irrigation system e v Replacementladditional: _ water softener _ water heater $ 15.00 State Surcharge $ .50 $ 3G ?? Total I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable Cityof Eagan ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any dame es caused by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit wthin City rtyhight-of- / sQrneet? SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE `'f/s 1102 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) y??l ?? CITY OF B RD - 3830 PILOT KNOB RD 55122 651-681-4675 4 f? o New Construction Reaulrements Remodel/Repair Reautrements 3 registered site surveys stowing sq. tL of lot, sq. ft. Of house and ga roofed areas CM maximum tot coverage allowed) 2 copies of plans (show bearn H window sizes; poured Ind. design; eta) a 1 set of energy calculations D 3 copies of free preservation plan N tot plaMsd after 7/1/93 DATE: (a JCS. JlJ g -j12r iv DESCRIPTION OF' STREET ADDRESS: 2 copies of plan 1 set of energy calculations for heated additions 1 site survey for exterior additions & docks CONSTRUCTION COST: C LOT-. A-- BLOCK:. 2 - SUBD./P.I.D. #: ?ctwlho PROPERTY tap OWNER Sheet Address: L- -1 J A X-A C-X City State: Zip: 7 J? I Company- In Phone #:64? -Z ?Iq - ?? (area code) CONTRACTOR Sheet Address: s? i n y , L-uX License # C --PExp. City -? State: k) Zip: 9 ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone #: ( ) Sheet Address: Regishallon 9: City State: Sewerhvater licensed plumber (if Installing sewerhvater): I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, date that the infom?at?ort is of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. 1\ Signature of Applicant. OFFICE USE ONLY Phone 4,51 ) aJ ]CJC3 1, Zip: with all applicable State Certificates of Survey Received Yes No Tree Preservation Plan Received Yes No Not Required OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPES ? 01 Foundation ? 07 05-plex ? 13 16-plex ? 21 Porch (3-sea.) ? 02 SF Dwelling ? 08 06-plex ? 17 Garage ? 22 Porch/Addn. (4-sea.) ? 03 01 of_ plex ? 09 07-plex ? 18 Deck ? 23 Porch (screened) ? 04 02-plex ? 10 08-plex ? 19 Lower Level ? 24 Storm Damage ? 05 03-plex ? 11 10-plex Pibg yor_N ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 06 04-plex ? 12 12-plea ? 20 Pool ? 30 "Accessory Bldg. WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 43 Reroof ? 32 Addition ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)' ? 44 Siding ? 33 Alteration ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 34 Repair ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 46 Windows/Doors " Give PCA handout to applicant for demolition permit GENERAL INFORMATION SAC Code No. of Units No. of Buildings Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. Main level sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. Footprint sq. ft. Census Code MC/ES System City Water Booster Pump PRV Fire Sprinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Stucco/Stone APPROVALS Planning Building Engineering Variance Permit Fee Valuation: $ Surcharge Plan Review License MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Conn. Water Meter Acct. Deposit S!W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment PI. Park Ded. Trails Ded. Other Copies Total: ? 31 Fit. Aft - Multi ? 33 Ext. Aft - SF ? 36 Mufti SAC Units % SAC PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. O. FIXTURES EACH TOTAL SHOWER 3.00 WATER CLOSET 3.00 © o BATH TUB 3.00 LAVATORY 3.00 l A, 00 KITCHEN SINK 3.00 3.00 f LAUNDRY TRAY 3.00 3. ()o HOT TUBISPA 3.00 WATER HEATER 3.00 ,cw FLOOR DRAIN 3.00 5,okz!' / GAS PIPING OUTLET • minimum -1 3.00 ?3: ocz ROUGH OPENINGS 1.50 4Ey? WATER SOFTENER 5.00 PRIVATE DISP. • DaI.Cty. lic 15.00 U.G. SPRINKLER • home under cont. 3.00 ALTERATIONS • to Busting 15.00 WATER TURN AROUND 15.00 STATE SURCHARGE .50 . t Oct TOTAL: PHONE #: ((o ?a) - M1 7 l u r//„ /l SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1993 PLUMBING PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6SIA675 CITY: m ?rvr nv,//R_ STATE: Dl1 ZIP CODE:?3? i - + 1993 PLUMBING PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIAUINDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO FOR MULTI- FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. NEW CONSTRUCTION _ ADD ON REPAIR WORK DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PRICE: $ FEE: 1% OF CONTRACT FEE. STATE SURCHARGE: $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF P!FI2MYt FEE MINIMUM FEE: $ 25.00 CONTRACT PRICE X 1% STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE ADDRESS: $ TENANT NAME: STE. # OWNER NAME: INSTALLER: ADDRESS: CffY: PHONE #: STATE: ZIP CODE: FOR: CITY OF EAGAN APPLICANT •'a PLEASE COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS. ALSO, FOR TOWNHOMES AND CONDOS WHEN PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH UNIT. NEW CONSTRUCTION ADD-ON A/C ADD-ON FURNACE DATE () A-5 HVAC: 0-100 M BTU ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM 1 @ $3.00 EACH) ADD-ON/REMODEL (EXISTING CONSTRUCTION) STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE 'tr FEES $ 24.00 6.00 Sao $ 15.00 .50 .a OWNER NAME: L) Le S.? l.E ! f?MG S TELEPHONE #: y37# V 4° INSTALLER: CEDAR E H CITY: STATE: _ ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE 1993 MECHANICAL PERMIT (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 4.. 1993 MECHANICAL PERMIT (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PH,OT KNOB RD EAGAN MN 55122 (612) 6814675 PLEASE COMPLETE FOR ALL COMMERCIALJINDU"STRIAL BUILDINGS. ALSO COMPLETE FOR APARTMENT BUILDINGS OR OTHER MULTI-FAMILY BUILDINGS WHEN SEPARATE PERMITS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR EACH DWELLING UNIT. DATE: NEW BUILDING INTERIOR IMPROVEMENT WORK DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PRICE: FEES 1% OF PpNTRACf FEE $ PROCESSED PIPING: MINIMUM FEE: STATE SURCHARGE TOTAL SITE $25.00 $25.00 $.50 FOR EACH $1,000 OF 2Ut FEE. OWNER NAME: TELEPHONE #: TENANT NAME: (IMPROVEMENTS ONLY) INSTALLER: CITY TELEPHONE #: STATE: ZIP CODE: SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE CITY INSPECTOR 08/19/93 15:21 002 RV EYOR't CGRT1 AT - I. o 1 ice! ?j ._ _37.87 _ I ? yza_s) 'r Lrr,.r ; J , ^crvr PS4 ray, 2929.6 Q ~ ~ o7- 14 ROTE* No ?G Ob SOILS INVOT16AT1pN NAS 8) ti COM. Ergo % ON THIS tAT @Y TIN SURVEYf9t TNe 91UI 'Or W LS TO Sy, RT TM.8 t IS w 1TIE ti6SP6NS181LiYY. OF TH B -•NOTEt M., EN6l ON ? N RE R ?S. POR SU! G' .c -- DENOTES PROPOSED SURFACE DRAINAGE O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND X000.0 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (000.0) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION By t RAGA N ENGINEERING SCALE: 1 INCH - 30 FEET PROPOSED-QRRAOE FLOOR = 9372? FEET PROPOSED LOWEST FLOOR= AMe FEET PROPOSED TOP OF BLOCK FEET WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO LIFESTYLE MMES THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARIES OF: Lot 14 t Block 3 tHAWTHORNE WOODS 1ST ADDITION, actwding to the recorded.. plot thereotxDakota County, Mirm-sim. IT DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, AS SURVEYED SY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISJQJ? Txi1S 30TH DAY OF JULY .1993• TAX EBROtS 4 ttI=31PLAN' FOR NAWTtORNE MMDDS IST ADDITION pEEppREOgB 0DOM8S FRANK RM 200d, LAND SURVEYOR NUM/ER 19984 James R. Hill, inc. PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS 2500 W. CTY. RD- 42 0 BURNSVILLE, MN. 55337 • 612-890-6044 :J $ o q ? I y3?.q? ?9 3tv .9? SINNED: A HILL, INC- BY: R-97% 1 612 890 6244 08-18-93 03:25PM P002 1122 - - - - City of Eaafl Permit ~ ~ Q 3830 Pilot Knob Road Permit Fee: Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Date Received: Fax: (651) 675-5694 Staff: - - - - - - - 2009 RESIDENTIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 67-2-4, ®R Site Address: 43 q-S VOrG~e5r Q. GCL GGt ti Tenant: Ckri JWpke?it D m,,, ati Suite RESIDENT/OWNER Name: r iStop LIer Do tMCH Phone: I & 3 2 ' S5 Address / City / Zip: 45 ?o rct1 e 9e'y C-t- Ea,". CONTRACTOR Name: _Qr_e P t, Pro P l U t ,L,64V+,9~ t License 0 t 3 Address: S ~j f S Z0 tb~ trt1 City: Lot. keV i e State: Zip:55 04.- Phone: 67 5Z C -t Contact Person: Deb Q r k r TYPE OF WORK - New Replacement Repair - Rebuild _ Modify Space Work in R.O.W. Description of work: PERMIT TYPE RESIDENTIAL Water Heater Water Softener Lawn Irrigation Add Plumbing Fixtures RPZ / - PVB) Main _ Lower Level) Septic System Water Turnaround New Abandonment RESIDENTIAL FEES: $50.50 Minimum Water Heater, Water Softener, or Water Heater and Softener (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $30.50 Lawn Irrigation (includes $.50 State Surcharge) $50.50 Add Plumbing Fixtures, Septic System Abandonment, Water Turnaround* (includes $.50 State Surcharge) 'Water Turnaround (add $165.00 if a 5/8" meter is required) $100.50 Septic System New ($10.00 per as built) (includes County fee and $.50 State Surcharge) $90.50 Fire Repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $.50 State Surcharge) _ TOTAL FEES 5O . b C) I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x D e. 20 it a L Lav° S O to Applicant's Printed Name ant's Signa m Riet€`: "'Ate _ 'Under stand Rabb-tn Air Test s Test , Finaf PERMIT Permit Type: Building City of Eagan Permit Number: EA105577 Date Issued: 07/19/2012 Permit Category: ePermit Site Address: 4345 Dorchester Ct Lot: 14 Block: 3 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 1st PID: 10-32150-03-140 Use: Description: Sub Type: e-Windows/Doors Construction Type: Work Type: Windows/Doors-New/Replacement Description: House Census Code: 434 - Occupancy: Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings, call for framing inspection. Comments: Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. BL - Base Fee $4K $103.25 0801.4085 Fee Summary: Surcharge - Based on Valuation $4K $2.00 9001.2195 Valuation: 4,000.00 Total: $105.25 Contractor: Owner: - Applicant - Apex Energy Solutions Christophe R Doman 1509 Southcross Drive West 4345 Dorchester Ct Burnsville MN 55306 Eagan MN 55123 (651) 688-2739 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature 411/1. City of aau 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5675 Fax: (651) 675-5694 Use BLUE or BLACK Ink For Office Use Permit #: Permit Fee: Date Received: Staff: 2013 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two (2) sets of plans with all commercial applications. Date: 3/12/13 Site Address: 4345 Dorchester Court, Eagan. MN 55123 Tenant: Suite #: Name: Chris Doman Phone: 651-686-9155 Address / City / Zip: Same Name: K&S Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing License #: 0153 Address: 4205 Hwy 14 W City: Rochester State: MN Zip: 55901 Phone: 507-282-4328 Contact: Heidi Brown Email: hbrown(aiksheating.com New XX Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition Description of work: RESIDENTIAL XX Furnace XX Air Conditioner Air Exchanger Heat Pump Other Tical equipment is'i equired )rinformationon' pertniitte J COMMERCIAL New Construction Interior Improv: ment Install Piping Processed Exterior HVAC Jnit Gas Under / Above ground Tank ( Install / _ Remove) RESIDENTIAL FEES: $60.00 Minimum Add-on or alteration to an existing unit (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) $100.00 Fire repair (replace burned out appliances, ductwork, etc.) (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) _ $ 60.00 TOTAL FEE COMMERCIAL FEES: $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal (includes $5.00 State Surcharge) OR Contract Value $ x 1% $60.00 Minimum (includes State Surcharge) = $ Permit Fee *If the project valuation is over $1 million, please call for Surcharge = $ 5.00 Surcharge* = $ TOTAL FEE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. CaII Gopher State One Cali at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Rick Keehn Applicant's Printed Name x Applicant's Signature PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA144445 Date Issued:07/27/2017 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4345 Dorchester Ct Lot:14 Block: 3 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 1st PID:10-32150-03-140 Use: Description: Sub Type:Reroof & Siding Work Type:Replace Description: Census Code:434 - Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Please print pictures of ice and water protection and house wrap and leave on site. When installing ventilated soffit material, remove existing material (i.e. debris that could block vents) and take steps to ensure maximum ventilation to attic. Call for final inspection after installation. Valuation: 8,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $8K $162.25 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $8K $4.00 9001.2195 $166.25 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James M Bumpers 4345 Dorchester Ct Eagan MN 55123 Polar Builders Inc 1103 West Burnsville Parkway Suite 110 Burnsville MN 55337 (612) 432-1597 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature 1 POLAR BUILDERS , INC 1 I VV: F.,!1:1't\ISv H 0. vir a im B1 JF-1.1c1\ Ft E NAND 11;,[,'-:-7 BUILD952-895-8100 Office ER 3 952-808-3239 Fax bC 6,7-9097 August 13,2018 To:Jeff Wheeler RECEIVED From: Greg Stein AUG 1 5 2018 Subject: Siding Pe mit 4345 Dorchester Ct Eagan MN Permit# :A150174 I wanted to follow up with you on the open permit for the siding at the Bumpers' residence located at 4345 D.rchester Ct in Eagan. During the siding replacement our installers found some rotted OSB elow one of the windows and around some vents. Whenever we find issues like this we have the installers remove the OSB and inspect the structure for addit onal issues. If they find any problems with the framing,they stop the job and we advise the omeowners to get a carpenter on site to address the issues. In this specific cas:,the installers removed the damaged OSB and inspected the framing for damage. There wa no additional damage beyond the sheathing so the OSB was replaced. Polar Builders did 4onduct an inspection for structural integrity and takes full responsibility for the area relate. to the damaged sheathing. Greg Stein „ow - 612 205-4680 Dire. 952 895-8100 Offic ,•1 Tiffany M Buske 952 808-3239 Fax '^iji Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires 01/31/2023 Polar Builders Inc 1103 W. Burnsville kwy Suite 110 Burnsville MN 553 7 01 1 ti ,ja/"/""/ /2- /Z14//ef / T ''' ' , . . . . .._ o _ ..„....., , , -,A,-:::!,:-,:u--:__--;'-:,--;l.fk.;#,,f,v:--...,::; :::-,.*-g. --•', IF 0. /1/6 A ..51/7/14 -, ,..„,. . r _,... ,. v,--,...*,;',-,4,,,:-:.,.-- 10 .; 7,44.1=_. ..,.--, --- - 'ts•-- ,-i----: --:',', *,--..*,.,-,iii-',', ''•- .410f,--40S,,Ar , :?..*:.,:! 1„: - -,_ --T. - , -- iive.,--1 •/,1!g..... ‘• . _,. -/ ,. , ....‘,,, . • , ., . . • .. .. . . ..,... .... _. ...„0„ ,.•:, 1 - ... ., .. ......... . ..... ., . ., . ... • it-- ., .. .. ., „ :. _,• .. r...,:;'47:-;;;'''''''' '' , .....,„ , I t..itZ,'.- .,.....,,..T .-:,..., •-. . p -7 f--.4" '" ' .1.144- --.--:.....-.:: •- - ' ''1 '7f..-".;;\"-7.-.,,".." ';', ''.,..: - '.-- 1-''''''''':.''-'-''''''-7.-',.::::;':-.--.77-s7;,:;',:::7!.•-4.,;.77'...: . ., , ""-.1: . ..j' •'. '•". 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I - -i . , &;..', /- ---! - --. - ...... - ",..';'---------",::-•::-• --',-..,- '''''',,--,,:',"`' -,- •••'.-,•,-•,, •••'-'' - ---'--;'' --t-.- -- ';': ,.:., • ..,,, , . if . ----- ,.I • .....i „....... - . ..___... • ._., ., _.. - -. ---------- - . „.... . _,...., --...- ... --, ,--; --,•••& , . • - -' .• '-'',,,,tii _• .. •.. , - 1;--,--,•• ,«. , . ., ' , --• __ - „..,„ ...•- ., PERMIT City of Eagan Permit Type:Building Permit Number:EA168017 Date Issued:04/06/2021 Permit Category:ePermit Site Address: 4345 Dorchester Ct Lot:14 Block: 3 Addition: Hawthorne Woods 1st PID:10-32150-03-140 Use: Description: Sub Type:Windows/Doors Work Type:Replace Description:Two or More Windows/Doors Census Code:434 - Residential Additions, Alterations Zoning: Square Feet:0 Occupancy: Construction Type: Comments:Improvements to the home require smoke detectors in all bedrooms. If altering window openings or installing Bay or Bow windows, call for framing inspection. Call for final inspection after installation. Carbon monoxide detectors are required within 10 feet of all sleeping room openings in residential homes (Minnesota State Valuation: 5,000.00 Fee Summary:BL - Base Fee $5K $118.00 0801.4085 Surcharge - Based on Valuation $5K $2.50 9001.2195 $120.50 Total: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Contractor:Owner:- Applicant - James M & Teri D Bumpers 4345 Dorchester Ct Eagan MN 55123 (612) 559-3364 Apex Energy Solutions 9655 Newton Ave S Bloomington MN 55431 (651) 688-2739 Applicant/Permitee: Signature Issued By: Signature