3853 Cinnabar DrCITY OF EAGAN 3745 Pilot Kno6 Road Eagon, MN 55122 ND 5211 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # To be used f or _ Est. Value Dcte , 19 Site Address Erett ? Occuponcy Lot 5'_ B lock Sec/Sub. -o d?' Alter rJ Zoning Porcel #` _- LU 7L5 l Repair ? Flre Zone E i T of Con t n arge ? . ype s W Nome Move ? # Stories Z Address Demolish ? Front ft. ? City ?Phone Grode ? Depth ft. , . J Name MPV-Y.i 9 ? Address Assessment - ? Water & Sew. ~ Cit Phone Police _ °C Name Fi FW re ?? Address Eng. a W Ci Phone Planner Council I hereby acknowledge that I have read this opplicotion ond stote that Bldg. Off. _ the information is correct and ogree to comply with oll applicoble Stote of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eagon ardinances. APC Fees Permit Surchcrge P{on check _ SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter Total Signoture of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the express rnndition that all work shall be done in nccordance with all opplicable State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinonces. Building Official ParmM # DeM IsweA PuwNt" Plumbing Mechanical ? INSPECTIONS OATE INSP• Rouph-In Finol Footings Date Insp. Date Insp. Foundation Plumbing Frame / ins. Mechanica I Finol Remurks: , .. _: ,? ... _ . BUILDING PERMIT 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eogan, MN 55142 Y ain Uwiii.. Dote - Site Address Lot Block ' Sec/Sub. Parcel # w Name - W Z Address " o _ . . ,.. .., w . ?aLC?avu us.uaa?. o Name ?Q Address ? .-:... o?.,,..e ?«32 454-6873 Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge thot I hove read this application and state that the information is correct and ugree to comply with all applicoble State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagon Ordinances. N° ? 4240 ?At• ZZ, Erect ? Occuponcy ?- Alter ? Zoning Repair ? Fire Zone _ Enlorge ? Type of Const. Move ? .#k Stories Demolish ? Front ?? ? - ft. Grade ? Depth ft. Approvals Fees Assessment - Woter & Sew. Police Fire Eng. Planner _ Council - Bldg. Off. - APC Permit ? ? 5 - -- " Surcharge 1s' Plan check _ SAC 1! 1 Water Conn. - WaterMeter - ?? Total ?i 3• 2 5ignature of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: _ `on the express condition thot •. all work shall be done in accordance with all applicable State of Minnescto Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official - CITY OF EAGAN 454-$100 PHONE: Receipt # 0 Pennk # oah Imsed ??MtM Plumbing '7 d6? 77 . Mechanical . INSPECTIONS DATE ItJSP• RoupMin F(rwl Footings ? Date Imp. Data Irnp. Foundotion _ Plumbing Frame/ins. -5-? Mechonioal - - Finol b j.. 7 7 Remcrks: . CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagae, Minnesoto 55122 r Phone: 454-8100 YERTIAFG 8rc'i 1 >, Zn.,_ Date: Site Address: Lat Blxk Sub/Sec. Narne 'I`ollefson ??ui1?3Prg . m E. Address PERMIT No Receipt No.: h5456 Single Residential Multi 864 x New/Alter./Repair new Cost of Instollation City agan Phone: Permit Fee 70, nr) Name F7='e??ri c; -.on :-T'.atina Surcharge • ?'` ? g Address e 0 V City 7a.-Tan Phone: Total This Permit is issued on the express condition thot all work shall be done in accordance with oll epplicable State of Minnesotn Stututes ond City of Eagon Ordinances. • ? -k ?-' ` Building OfficiaJ ?,, , CITY OF EAGAN , 3793 P11ot Knob Rood ' Eagcn, Minnasoto 55122 ? Phone: 454-8100 _ PERMIT Date: Farch 30. 1977 Site Address: i ;: _ . Lot Block ' Sub/Sec. Name . . 3 Address O City ? `"n Phone: Name . .-`..ra:i :7.i1Tt;bincl : iea;.lnq ?;?C. ? ? Address 745 So. Robert T'rail- ? City ='y??t _ Phone: This Permit is issued on the express condition that oll work sholl be Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eagon Ordinances. No Receipt No.: Single Residential Multi Res., Comm./Ind. I I New/Alter./Repair. Cost of Installation Permft fee . r ? Surcharge " Tota I done in occordonce with all applicable State of Building Official CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition CEDAR VE 9 Lot 5 aik 1 Parcel 10 16708 050 Ol Owne Street 3853 Cinnab8s' DZ'ive Scate gg44n•MN 55122 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREETSURF. '?7S 1978 1035.45 103.55 10 1035.45 C003437 7-19-77 STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK "'qO 1968 55.16 1.83 30 * SEWERLATERAL 1975 1,289.38 257.87 5 *Wat. Lat Stubs Ar. 1975 5 WATERMAIN ? WATER LATERAL WATER AREA STORM SEW TRK 1 1976 279.12 55.82 5 6-20-77 STORM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 220 #0 4 7 3-22-77 BUILDING PER. sac 475.00 05497 3-2 - PARK CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Raod Eagon, MN 55122 SEVIIER SERVICE PERMiT PERMIT NO.: - DATE: Zoning: No. of Units: Owner: Add ess: r Site Address: ,- Pl b : um er 1 ngree fo eomply with the Ciey of Eagan Connection Charge: ;?!; Ordinances. Account Deposit: Permit Fee: Surchorge: gy Misc. Charges: Date of Insp.: Total: Insp.: Date Paid: CITY OF EAGAN WATER SEkVICE PERMIT 3145 Pilot Knob Road PERMIT NO.: Eogon, MN 55522 DATE: Zoning: No, of Units: Owner: Address: Site Address: 21aS.3 cLT--x*3s.1C "'t,. - ?• $?1 ?` Plumber: ? • ?x•;?? r .?.1?7.:; ? _ ?,r?;? Meter No.: Connection Charge:' " Size: Account Deposit: Reader No.; 4ermit Fee: 0 1 ogree to ComRlY wi+h !he City of Eagon Surcharge: Ordinanees. M+sc. Charges: ?'- Total: Sy Date Paid: Date of Insp.: Insp.: cirv oF E+cnN -' 3795 Pila! Kno6 Read Eagae, MN 55722 N2 5211 ? • B I PHONEs 454-8100 i T Y16 1 LDING U PERMI APPLICATION $500. pt Rece # - - Te ba med f oWnRigp?r???<oge?nn?'ii Est. Value pete M8y 10, 1979 Stre Address 3853 Cinnabar Dr. erecc ? occupcncy R 3 p Lot S BI«k?_- Sec/Sub. 17 [J ! Alter ? Zoning RL Parcel # Repoir ? Fire Zone 3 E l f Const V T n orge ? . ype o w Name Dav1d SeneChel Move ? # Stories ? Address 3853 CiIIII8b8i Di. Demolish ? Front N. Ci EagBII Phone 454-5133 or Grade ? Depth k. p Nome Approvala Fees i? Address Assessment - Wa?r & Sew. Ci Phone Name Police - Fi Fw m Address Eng. L Ci Phone Planner - Council _ I hereby ackrwwledge thot I have read this opplication ond state thot Bldg. Off. - the informetion is correct ond agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnewta Statutes and City of Eagnn Ordinances. APC Signature of Permittee _ A Building Permit is issued to: all work shall be done in acco Permit a. Vv _ $urcharge • 50 Plon check SAC Water Conn. Woter Meter Toral 5. 50 on the express corditlon that of Minnesota Statutes and City ot Eagan Ordinances. Buildirp Officiol ? •' CITY OF EAGAN 3795 Piloh Knob Rood Eagon, MN 55122 N2 4240 PHONE: 454-8700 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $35t900 Receipt # 5'2197 Mar' ZZ, 77 To be used for Sinq, Fem DwQl. S GarR. Dare , 19 Site Address 3853 Cinnabar Dr. Erecr [g occupancy I Lot 5_ B lock I_ Sec/Sub. CG -9-__ Alter ? Zoning Rl . Porcel # - Repair ? Fire Zone _ E l f C t V T n arge ? ons . ype o z Name David Senechal Move ? # Stories 3 Address Eagan Demolish ? Front SZ ft. 0 Cit Phone 456-'AAR7 Grade ? Depth 37 ft. Car! Tollefson BLaTS ApDrovals Fees p Nome , t- ?? Address 11816 Hnl ?nko i n ? c;ryApple Valley phone 432 454-6873 u? Fw Nome ?? Address aw Ciri Phone 1 hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ond state that the information is correct and agree to mmply with oll applicoble Stote of Minnesota Stotutzs and City of Eagan Ordinances Signature of Permittee - A 8uilding Permit is issued to: all work sholl be donx in occo f15SessmenT _ Water & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner _ Council _ Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit 1U7.7U Surchorge 18.00 Plan check snC 475.00 Warer Conn. 220.001' WaterMeter 60.00 Total 878.50 on the expre:s condition that Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Building Official ?• ?j• ???$???41NC. REALTORS 3908 SIBIEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY ST. PAUL, MiNN.55122 PHONE 454-1600 July 25, 1977 „nn uoerS Lagan City ilall 3795 Pilot Y:nob i?oad Eagan, '1,J 55122 Jear P,nn: cnclosed please find our check as payment on the assessment for four lots ir, Cedar Grove " and 11. Tiiis should be in full payr.1,ent of the pending assessments for these lots. The checks are as follows: Lot & i3lock iumber Check ;qumber mount L3 31 CG9 2973 ?1,035.45 L1D ol CG) 2370 $1,035.45 L12 :S1 CG9 3972 $1,035.45 L15 B3 CG11 2971 ;1,222.107 Thes2 are all the nionies neld by J. E. Parranto, Inc. Ath which to pay tliese assessnents, also you shouTd be receivinq checks from Dakota County Iostract Company covering the follmving lots: Lot 5, ?; 7, and 11 51ock 1 Cedar urove .:o. Lot 1, 2 ol ock 2 Cedar Grove iio. 9 Lots 20, 21, and 23 Glock 3 Cedar Grove iio. 11 ,'•lso you should receive a check from St. Paul Title Company for payment of the assessm2nts on Lot 24, Block 3, Cedar Grove 11. If ycu have any questions, please feel free to call me. 'J2ry truly yours._ ?/ ? S IarM S. Parranto iS? :man enc. ?r ;97i • - '.- . .? ? y ? _, ? .? 6 &-? ?6 n :t.e : FP ,6 /G l 97.1-- BUT.T..7I;?G puRMIT 2.P=CA:I0,'S L_r,T __ ?, RF,OCl? ? ADDITIC'?S ---- Rt?RCUL & Sli.^...^.>C?; 1:IIi?07M I^ "u`!11-71<)i2'ED ._.Y.- ???;^:.i.;S? F:.,)ivT:.?G -LL-GC-7rP.'?.?CY ? USF ,..;. 0 7 Es?? u4.,. u co?? ..V- is?-'..nLe_? j T?,?Act?,ar ?ao. 4f(o=? ? 8$ 7 ? h ? ?/)?F??.???.:?,3 c?I?1?- r ? r?tlii, , _?..? TELEPxoM4 r,O. XYu.-u:;3s 't:ot,a? Tc;cluac? ?ite plan, bniJ.ding pZans, an@ energy calculatiuzs ::ith i:his ar;pli.c--'cion Sicined ? ? OFI'ICE USE vawim•sou? V / ? Q SAC I9...iL;R C0:1?.RCTYOTT LSAT;'R l,F;TE:R EUY3,DSP:G FPP1I'T FEE S?Ji :.^.iT..? P.G3 I'::E PLi;i: Cr::,CR Fw: par:: D.Dic:-aTxc.a rEE r.,I.:UR TOTilL* W75 pD AT'Pr0 J2%LS : .'1SSESSi4Zr:T CLF.tSC BUILDING DEPT. POZICE DE: T. ?iA'?'ER &°?'"E;R Dnri. FIMIr DEFT. HZ1RP. DBPT. To11Hfs,an Bui?ders Inc. • *: F. c. Ja ^KSON LAND SUrtVEYDR R[6fBTERED UNOHR LAWB OF BTATH OF MINNtbTA LIC[Ni[p OY OROINANC[ pF C1T7 OR MINNlAPpLI! 727-3484 981E EABT 557M STREET 554I7 - 3r.10.'.44 ? 179-10 (L'??r( N '\ - bUTbtpOC's; (CCYllft[8tC w ? y ? ?. a _- i? IB A TRU[ AND ODRR[CT PLAT OP A SUNY[Y OF ? S- 4 11 a !-. '- Lot S,Block L,Cedar Grove No. 9, Dakota County,Mtnneeota. wa aunvereo er we Txis lOth. DAY DF Feb. 1977 F. G. ? 3,5 ? / 5 • ``? " p . .? TRATION. NO. 9600 DATE A' / a BL'.T.DI\G PF2".IT aP°L?CATI07: 0 Ir.clide '_ sets of plans, 1 site plnn w/elevations ar.' 1 set of ener3y ca:cuations. To be used for /le D(ACP n Qf? / ACf Valuation Si=e .add:ess: Lot Slock Sec.!Sub. .. 5 i ?cvz.?'2??9 sr-NFCN,?? N.n2C DA00 Ad..lres5 3 d5-3 cr1,1n114.6AK D? iur_ 'MGArU /? 55-11212 Contractor W- 3 Occupancy Erect ' ? loning 7C Al-ar Fire Zone Repair Type of Const. Enlarbe 0 of Stories 41A Kove De^olish Front Arch _n3. p?'drzss OFFICE CSE 0'Qi.Y Parcel Nurber Tele?hone Telephone AdIress ??. Telephene Grade Date of Approval and Initial Assess-lent Water/Sewer Yolice Fire En3ineer Planner Council Bldg. Off. ?t'' ? A.P.C. Depth 4-V Fees Yermit ? Surcharge Plan Check SAC Watec Connection Water Meter _ TOTAL 3? 5z? C I C.'&' ove 9/ LEO MIIRPMY MI.VOR TNOMAS EGAN MARN PRRRANTO JAMES A.SMITH TMEODORE WACHTER COl1NCIL MEM9ER4 August 7, 1979 David Senechal 3853 Cinnabar Drive Eagan, NAI 55122 CITY OF EAGAN 3788 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 39122 ?NONE 454-ei00 ? RE: DRIVIIdAY AT 3853 CINNABAR) Dear Mr. Seneciial: 'Ihe City of Eagan will allaa laaeriny the curb to pe*+n; t better drive+ray drai.nage. However, the curb must be cut omgletely out with a concrete saw and repoured with equivalent road bearing ooncrete. Sinoerely, , Dale S. eterson Building Official DSP:tlp TXOMAS XEDGE9 CITY ADMINIEtRATON •LYCE BOLKE CIT' CL[IIR TME LONE OAK TREE ... THE BYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITV. RECEIVEDOCT_0 6 19M ?3853 Ci:nnabar_Drive ? Eagan, Minnesota 55122 October 2, 1981 HAND DELIVERED Eagan City Council Eagan City Hall 3795 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Dear City Council: Prior to the City Council meeting of September 15, 1981, I met with Bob Rosene to discuss my problem with grading which I detailed in my letter to the City Council of September 1, 1981, a copy of which is attached. Mr. Rosene took the information I presented to him and told me he would review it. He noti£ied me September 18, 1981 that he had arranged a meeting with Messrs. Tollefson, Rosene and me for Tuesday, September 22, 1981. On September 22 at 3 p.m., Bill Dolan, Carl Tollefson, Jerxy Bourdon and i met at the site to discuss the grading problem. A£ter some discussion, Mr. Tollefson presented a partial solution to this grading problem which is contained in the enclosed letter of September 23, 1981 from Jerry Bourdon, Consulting Engineer. Mr. Bourdon also included some additional grading suggestions which I feel are reasonable. If Mr. Tollefson adheres to his promises and also incorporates the additional grading suggestions outlined in Mr. Bourdon's letter, I would be willing to accept these items as a compromise and feel that these items would collectively resolve the grading problem. I would like to thank Tom Colbert, Bob Rosene and Jerry Bourdon for all the assistance they have given me in the resolution o£ this matter. 2 also would like to thank the City Council for their time which they spent concerning this problem. Sincere t DHS:ss David H. Senechal Enclosures cc: Tom Colbert Bob Rosene Jerry Bourdon Carl Tollefson 3853 Cinnabar Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55122 September l, 1981 Eagan City Council Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Re: Briar Hill Townhouse Development Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, South of Silver Bell Road, Eagan; Minnesota Dear City Council Members: This letter is in reference to the Briar Hill Townhouse Development, Phase II grading. I live at 3853 Cinnabar Drive, Eagan and my back yard is adjacent to this townhouse development. The reason for this letter begins with the City Council meeting of November 20, 1979 during which Carl Tollefson applied for and received a preliminary plat.Uproval of the above-mentioned land. At this•time Mr. Tollefson assuted me and the Council that the grading would include at least a ten-foot level difference between my back yard and his land. The grading behind my house was begun this summer. I became concerned about the final grading level so I contacted Tom Culbert and obtained a copy of the topographical map for the area adjacent to my back yard, a copy of which is enclosed. When I tried to contact Mr. Tollefson, I reached his secretary who relayed my message. His comment via his secretary was that the grading was not complete. The topographical map indicates about a ten-foot level difference between my next door neighbor's back yard and Mr. Tollefson's land but only a four-foot level difference between my back yard and Mr. Tollefson's land. I am a ten-foot level and my hope is Please grading levels :)ncerned that Mr. Tollefson has overlooked this difference between my back yard and his property that this oversight can be corrected. find enclosed photographs showing the relative as of August 31, 1981. Sincerely, Enclosures David H. Senechal cc: Carl Tollefson " Q O 2333 74 1....4 .Y.q.c..y 36 &. A..c M.....r.L ss»s /lL...- 612-6364600 ?? . September ss, 1981 bf 1956 -25di - 1981 ? °?f nnivcrsary Tollefson Buildera, Inc: , 13816 Holyoke Lane ??? Ann1a VAllPV_ MLf_ SSLLG.';•t?•.•'.•'..:-_. _- . . Dear Mr. Tollefson: - . ' Lfrww R. Cuok. P.E. A'rrM A. GnrAnn. P.E. Oun G. Ennorrnn. Y.E.' TAnmas E. Hmrs. t.E. RnMrr W. Anunr. GL NmAeN 11'. F..nrr, l.E. l..vph C. AwJrrhl.. P.C. Rnhrrt G. &F.nirht P.E. R1ur14.n1 A irinMr;. P.E. Nun ix L. Snrm/a. P.E. Nuh+rJl.'.Tvrwrr./'.R D.rxuld.GPwanrdr. P.E. Jom.s ('. Olanw. P.f. Jrrrp A. Bourdnn. P.E. ? Hork A. Xamon. P.E' rheN,c A. EnrAt. _ i.rn Af. lowNat'Y , Harlun A}. Ohnn fAi'id E. 0Nm1 Subsequent to our meeting yesterday with you; Mr. Bill Dolan and Mr. Dave Senechal regarding Mr. Senechal's concerns relative to the grading and build- ing layout,of your Briar Hills 4th Addition as it effects his residence at 3853"Cinnabar Drive, we have revieved the matters discussedI at this meeting with tbe Eagan Public Siorke Department. My understanding of Mr. Senechal's : concerns are that he believed from prior discussions with you that a 10 foot vertical separation from hie exiating lot level to the drivevay elevation of. the units adjacent to his backyard.would be provided. From our review of your. site grading plan and actual field observationa tbis separation does not ex- iat. The purpoae therefore of our meeting yeaterday vae to diacuss posaible alternatives to remedy tbis aituation. The important points relative to this meeting were: 1. That by your development plan you are providing some screening _ elong the.lot line in question which you believed would minimize some of Hr. Senechal's concerne. • _ ' 2. That you would reviae the parking stall layout for the uait ident- ified as unit 45 on aheet 2 of 5 of the grading plan for this _- ' project as appropriate to reorient the angle of the atall ftom a NW-SE alignment to a NE-SW alignment. 3. That you assured Mr. Senechal that a single atory strucLure vould' be built on the lot in question vhich would have the overall ef-_ fect of reducing the obstruction of view from his back lot. , 4. That the City should review the'grading plan and offer euggestions concerning poasible revieione to the grading vhich could improve the vertical aepara[ioa. . Page 1. 6419a X Tollefson Buildera, Snc. Apple Valley, Hn. 55124 Re: File No. 49234 September 23, 1981 LTe have reviewed the grading plan as requested. With the given facts consi- dered that the grading is substantially complete and thus the feasibili[q of _ alternative grading concepts is limited and that the grade separation isaue may be a reault of a misunderstanding betveen the parties involved, we have' [he follwing suggestions concerning remedial grading possibilitiesc__`.:. 1. The atreet grades of Aeather Drive are designed at 2.00I in the - _; vicinity in question. We realize that significant,revision of _ this grade at this time would not be feasible..',flowever, some slight reduction in this grade by the use of a vertical curve may'?." be feasible and acceptable from a degign viewpoint.°_ 2. The driveway elevation for the unit in question is set by the grading plan at 877.5. The gutter elevation at the critical up- stream driveway to this unit is set at +874.5. It appears to us that it would be possible to lower the planned driveway elevation to 875.5 without significant cons[ruction problems or expense. This would increase the vertical separation from the present +3.0 ft. to + 5.0 ft. The lawer driveway entrance [o this unit covld possibly be lowered further in conjunction with a minor street grade modification to further maximize the desired vertical separ- , ation at that point. 3. At the meeting we vere informed that the site grading earthwork did not balance as originally planned and as such the elevations may be lover than indicated on the plan provided for this review. : This may cause an improvement to the grade separation issue that is not apparent from the plan ve reviewed. Any advantage that can be made from this situation ahould be evaluated. A final grading plan illustrating any changes ehould be submitted to the City . promptly to avoid conflicta between the utilitp planning and de- sign. Piease review these euggesLions and keep us informed of your intentions. This issue must be resolved promptly to avoid delaye in the planning and bidding of the City's'utility vork in this development. Yourq very truly, BONESTR00, ROSENE, AND£RLIR fi ASSOCIATES, INC. Jerry Bourdon .TB :1 i cc: Tom Colbert David Senechal ? Page 2. 6419a gli_?, C?,??__ j t__ -- - 9 8.1981 RECEIVED SE? 1335 'k/. 7...4 J/.NL.y 36 S?. n..,r. M.r...b sa„s /1p...: 612-636-4600 September 17, J7 Tollefson Suilders, Inc. 13816 Holyoke Lane Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124 Attn: Mr. Carl Tollefson Re: Briar Aille 4th Addition Grading Eagan, Minneaota Our File No. 49234 Dear Carl: Orfn G. Hmnufmn. Y.E. Z BaMn IV. Raane P.E. hnrrG C. AnArrlrk. P.E. IhnAbnA.A. [.rm6r.a. P.E. ku on.a c. TIvl-r.. r U. lunrcr C. Ohun. P.E. chnn H. Cuok. P.E. A,pF A. CnrJon. P.G. Tlmnrai E. Na)vi. P.E. Ni,hnN IV. Funn. P.E. Nnbrn G. &hunirh/. P.E. }lunm L. Snrvaia. P.E. non.m t'. nu.6?.dr. r.e Inry A. 8ou,dan. P-E. Alark A. Hantmo. P.£. ("hurlrr A. Erlrkmn {.ryl AI. PQM'fI3A')• llur/urt AI. Obon Iw?9A E. 04m1 This will confirm our discussion with you relevan[ to the grading of your This property ia property adjacent to [he backyard af 3853-Cinnabar DriSe:j occupied by Mr. Dave Senechal. -"- " We have set a meeting for 3:00 P.M., on Tuesday, Septemher 22, at the site to diacuss the grading of the back portion of your property as it abutta Mr. 5enechal's. At that time, we will be diacussing the action taken at the November 20, 1979 Council meeting relative to the preliminary plat approval of [his property and commitmenta made at that time relative to this grading. You are requested to review your grading plana to see what can be done to modify the grade at the rear of Mr. Senechal's lot so that it is more like that adjacent to his neighbor's lot immediately west of his property. Yours very truly, BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIK 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. 4wV 6z Robert W. Rosene RWR:kf i ' cc: Mr. Tom Colbert / Mr. Dave Senechal 3853 Cinnabar Driv,e Eagan, Minnesota 55122 September 1, 1981 Eagan City Council Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Re: Briar Hill Townhouse DeveZopment Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, South of Silver Bell Road, Eagan, Minnesota Dear City Council Members: This letter is in reference to the Briar Hill Townhouse Development, Phase II grading. I live at 3853 Cinnabar Drive, Eagan and my back yard is adjacent to this townhouse development. The reason for this letter begins with the City Council meeting of November 20, 1979 during which Carl TolLefson applied for and received a preliminary plat a2proval of.the above-mentioned land. At this•time Mr. Tollefson assured me and the Council that the grading would include at least a ten-foot level difference between my back yard and his land. The grading behind my house was begun this summer. I became concerned about the final grading level so I contacted Tom Culbert and obtained a copy of the topographical map for the area adjacent to my back yard, a copy of which is enclosed. When I tried to contact Mr. Tollefson, I reached his secretary who relayed my message. His comment via his secretary was that the grading was not complete. The topographical map indicates about a ten-foot level difference between my next door neighbor's back yard and Mr. Tollefson's land but only a four-foot level difference between my back yard and Mr. Tollefson's land. I am concerned that Mr. Tollefson has overlooked this ten-foot level difference between my back yard and his property and my hope is that this oversight can be corrected. Please find enclosed photographs showing the relative grading levels as of August 31, 1981. Sincerely, Enclosures David H. Senechal cc: Carl Tollefson " 4 ^?I?NW'n??eY?F Ei ,hi?+????i:?n??e???I?i??A?l?il??i ??????EflXiw,C?' 'M??'&?'yM?:,,??H ? • ..? , , - city of eagan TO: DIANE DOWNS, UTILITY BILLING CLERK FROM: ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN DATE: AUGUST 23, 1993 SUBJECT: STREETLIGHT ENERGY COSTS-CEDAR GROVE NO. 9(18 LOTS) MEMO This memo is to inform your department to begin to invoice the energy costs at the single family rate effective August 1, 1993 to the property owners in Cedar Grove No. 9 Addition. Block 1, Lots 4-13 13 Block 2, Lots 1-5 5 18 The City is currently being bilied by Dakota Electric for streetlighting in the above listed subdivision. ?'?.???? (??.,"?l' .? Edward J. 7 ' Scht Sr. Engineering Technician cc: Mike Foertsch EJK/je CITY IISE ONLY 1 / PERMIT N: ? lo ? I RECEIPT DATE: /c'3-(0-0( MIDENTIAL MECHAAICAL PE$M1T APPLICATION crrYor Easaiv 3$30 PII.OT KAOB RD gAcfiAcA MIV 55122 851-6$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit Date: Odt 4 0?00/ SITEADDRE55: JQJ%7 k ?rnnaaar J)1'. OWNERNAME: IASS Mess; na INSTALLERNAME: AjQn+ Meo-k.-_c;?c. STREETADDRESS: j(poU /1G1l12(? CITY: ltirGtqQn TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE#: !p5/-4/M -a775 (AREA CODE) A STATE: /,AM_ ZIP: 55/sm Place a check mark next to the nermit work tvue New residential dwelling unit under constructionand not ownedoccupied $ 70.00 X Add-on, modification or alteration to existin dwelling unit $ 50.00 • furnace replacement • air exchanger • air conditioner • other Nature of work: ?4-4? v? State Surchar e $ .50 Total $ ,50 5 i Reminder: Call for inspections. PERMITTEE Updated 1/O1 ? PERMIT # RECEIPT DATE: USIDENTIAL PL[JM$INfi i'FiiM1T APPLICATION CITY UF EAfiAN 5830 PILOT KNOB 8D EA6lkN, MN 5518E 651-8$1-4675 Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system D'' SITE ADDRESS: OWNERNAME:: (651)905-3623 INSTALLER NAME: STREETADDRESS: ZGJOS CITY: _1 ! I r'J lS STATE: Mr1 ZIP: SSqOa' Place a check mark next to the nermit work tvae New residential dwelling unit under construction and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 ? Add-on, modification or alteration to existina dwelling unit, including: $ 50.00 • abandonment of septic system • new installation/repair/rebuild of RPZ • lawn irrigation system • water turnaround Nature of work: Lica.Ae"r tt 4?=te? Septic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license State Surcharge $ .50 Total $ 5o. 5-0 Reminder: Be sure to schedule inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that lhe information is cortect, and agree to complywilh all applicable Cityof Eagan ordinances. Il is the applicanPs responsibility to noti(y the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its normal operational and malntenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit wilhin City propertyhight-of-wayleasement: 1 SIGNA E OF PERMITTEE MESSING, RUSS 3853 CINNABAR DRIVE EAGAN, MN 55122 TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) TELEPHONE#: 12-) ?Z-7 (AREA CODE) Updated 1/01