3419 Coachman Rd• • cirir oF EAGAN 3795 Pilot Knob Raad Eagan, MN 55112 , PHONEs 454•8100 BUILDfNG PERMIT ;,ATER -- -- ----• •- 17 7:rT FLAtv-T Site Addreu " 1_') L:oar_;?na.. :OSu Lot I Block n` SecfSub. Section I?1' Po?cel # 010 23 tteceipt * = 5239,400.00 „__ nugust 17 oc Nama .__? .._ :.,,,..... = Address ?795 P1Iot F_nob Road ; ;122 _ 4?4-810(l o Ncme Address - I ~ Ci Ph Gce W Name _:osE ,,, ?-"' 1- '•'est "x _ Addrest eVrZ i:l'ii 1 f 113 _ I hereby ocknowledge thot I hove reod this. opplication and state that the informution is correct ond ogree to comply with all upplicable State of Minnesota Statutea and City of Eagon Ordinances. $lynature of Permittes „ >,. )_:,,5?, u Son.., nC. A Building Permit is issued to: e all work shall be dorx in accordante with oll opplicable Stpte of Mfnr Buildin9 Offfciol 83 Erect Octuponcy "- ~ /11fer ? Zoninp Repolr p Fim Zone Enlarge ? TYpe of Const. IT :, Move p # Sto?ies Demolfsh p Length Grode p Depth Sq. Ft. 12 , u0O Approvols Faes Assessment Water & Sew. Police Fire Erq. Plonner Councii Bldp. Off. APC Permit VVr+1vCu 5urchorge 120.00 Plon check 11fliVe SAC 79 9 J, .00 Water Conn, j'laived Woter Meter ldaivec: Road Unit Vaiv` 2 (. Totol J ' . ' 1 on the axpress wndltlon tMap Sfatutes and City of Eoqon Ordinonces. ? rrr '?:1 --- ? ?, . - Permit No. Permit Holder Misc. Permit No. Hotder Plumbing 3R l l ?`?<< ?wlb ll-Ilo? H.V.A.C. Well Wster Disp. 5ewer Elsctric Inspection Deta Insp. Other Footings - 1 iL'C.; r DP+Sh+ Foundetion 1J rA$y Framinp ' Rouph Plbp. W Houqh HVA Inwlation Final Plby. 3 4 Final HVAC . Final ? Wour Dacriba Location: YVell Sawar Pr. Dkp. ..i . J' ?1L?• , , MECHAHICAL PERMIT PERMIT # , - qTY OF EA(iAN RECEIPT # 3530 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EIIGAN, MN 55122 DATE: NTRACT PRICE: __ PMONE: 454-8100 Site Addless ' Lot ? 81ock ? Name A? Address ? ? Ciry , . ? Nafie 3 Address O CitY TYPE OF WORK Forced Afr Boiler Unit Heater Air Cond. ? Vent ? Gas Piping Outlets # i Other Qc? / M BTU M BTU M BTU M BTU CFM ? PERMIT FEE: S/C: TOTAL: BLuo. nrPE Res. Mult Comm. Other WORK DESCRIPTIOM New Add-on Repalr ? FEES - RES. HVAC 0-100 M BTU ` ADDITIONAL 50 M BTU C (RES. HVAC INCLUDES A!C ON NEW CONSTRIICTfON) GAS OUTLETS (MINIMUM -1 PER PERMIT) COMM/IND FEE -196 OF CONTRACT FEE APT. BLDGS. - COMM. RATE APPLIES TOWNHOUSE & CONDOS - RES. RATE APPLIES IIAINIMUM RESiDEMT1AL FEE - ALL ADD-ON 8 REMODELS MINIMUM COMMERCIAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PER PEFlMIT (A00 $50 S/C PER EACH $1000.00 OF PERMIT FE CITY OF EAGAN $24.00 6.00 1.50 EA. 12.00 20.00 .50 ?'/?????. ?/w/a? Reoeipt PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAlY Fee Fil1 in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly T t o . 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address ::0 ? r -'`?Lot G 1 G Blk. 2-¢ Tract t'?- , -14. Owner ' 5. Contractor ' ?, . - ?_.?- •> ? ' '- ' Phone 6. Address m> 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commerciaf 0 Institutional O 9. Work Description: New ? Add ? Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe • 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures Cesspool/Drainfield Bath tubs Septic Tank Lavatory Softner 5hower Wel I Kitchen Sink Urinal/Bidet ? Other Laundry Tray ? Floor Drains Drinking Ftn. Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Finel ' Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. t Appraved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 t* 1 Gw+?--- , y z 7-Y ` ??.., ;3?•?-? .?-? ?J??-t? ?. j a- l 2_?y ??`J?lp /e??, Receipt ;?9 C ? PLUMBING PERMIT Permit No. 3q I I CITY OF EAGAN F" ? Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print legibly Tot. ?SC) 1. Date 2. Installation Cost 3. Job Address 3LI I I C-e-'-y'Ao ?1Q_Blk. 7_ 8' Tract 4. Owner 5. Contractor Phone ._ ? 6. Address j ' ' ? ? ?'?,'.• , , ??. 7. CitY t State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial ? Institutional O 9. Work Description: New Cl Add O Alter ? Repair O ? . . 10. Descri be I 11. No. Fixtures Water Closet No. Fixtures fi Cess o l/D i ld Bath tubs p n e o ra Se ti T k Lavatory p an c ftner S Shower o W ll i Kitchen Sink e Urinal/Bidet J Other Laundry Tray - --? % ? r - Floor Drains - Drinking Ftn. ? Slop Sink Gas Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : _ •` _"` 'r' _? for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 ?? Receipt MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit No. CITY OF EAGAN Fee Fill in numbered spaces S/C Type or Print /egib/y Tot. 1. Date 7,2. Installation Cost 3. Job Addrese Lot Bik. Tract 4. Owner ' 5. Contractor Phone 6. Address 7. City State Zip 8. Building Type: Residential ? Commercial )4 Institutional ? 9. Work Description: New ? Add O Alter ? Repair ? 10. Describe _ „ . Fuel Type J 11. No. Egujpment BTU - M. Ea. Forced Air ?? c.:.. No. Equipment CFM Ai H dli Mfg. r an ng: , Boilers ? Mfg. Mech. Exhaust .: f Unit Heater Mfg. Other Air Cond. Mfg. Gas, Piping Outlets 12. I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and I agree to comply with all ordinances and codes governing this type of work. Signed : for Rough Final Inspections: Date Insp. _ Date Insp. This is your permit when numbered and approved. Approved CITY OF EAGAN 454-8100 EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT owo.= --..._..?r_3.??.::.....?:.?r.-<?-y.? - ?- ?..--?-----.-................ Address (Preseni) 0 ........................................................... .'----'--' `---'-- -E-?--?- Builder --- Cr"`?? . = ..._.....I -...... ---------------------------------- ...----------- .....------------ ... ? Addseu ................ ---------------------------------------------- ...`-------.......... DESCAIPTION N° 1932 Eagan Towasbip Town Hall nete .. ? ................ Siories To Be Used For Froni Depih Heigh! Est. Cost Permii Fee Ramazks l!',G'?'Yy? ?T"niL? ? .?.s/CY-Yl ? LOCATION Sireef, Road os olher Descripfion of Locafion I Lot I Block I Atld3t3on or 1"raci I 6 l0/O I.) Y I /0 O1600 D/D ? Y This permit does aot aaihorise the use of sireefs, roads, alleys or sidewalks aor does i? give the owner or his agen! the ziqhS !o erea2e any sifuation which is a nuisance oz whieh presenSs a hazard io the healih, sefely, convenience and general welfare !o aayone in the eommunify. THIS PERMIT MVST BE KEPT ON THE PAEMISE WHILE THE WORK IS IN PAOGAESS. l This is Sa ceslifY. !hal....?.-?..?'._-??-?r.:._.?a.r :.-?.'.'.........................has permission !o ereei a..... _---......._ "_.._upon the above desaribed pzemisa?bubjec! !o !h? provisiona of the Building Ordiaance for?ag?wnship adopted April 11. 1955. ? ( ?(J / /? ..._""..."_'..`.^....:?c.^....._'......'__......"".. Pez ..""'_"...Gf.?4?4':"_?'l.'.?-'?-?.+"__.-C................. ._"....."'_" Ch1rman oE Tnwn Board Building Inapecios CITY OF EAGAN PROJECT 338 3795 Pllot Knob Rmd Eagan, MN 35I22 *T l?l ? 8391 ° PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT f ?0 WATER ReceiPt :2 # Te M umd IerTREATMENT PLANT Esr. Value $239,400.00 Dote August 17 19 83 Stte Addreu 3419 Coachman Road E _ B 4 .ecr %R Occupancy - Lpt 010 8latk 28 SeC/Sub. Section 16 qlrer ? Zoning PF parce1 # 10 01600 010 2$ Repoir ? Fire Zorce NA rc Name Citv of Eagan Enlarpe ? Type of Const. II N w z Move ? # Stories Addreu 3795 Pilot Knob Road Demolish ? Length_ p Ea gan 55122 phO1e 454-8100 G.ode ? Depth Sq. Ft. 12 • 600 o NaTe Sarbarossa & Sons, Inc. Avvro.eb Fees o? Address P.O. Box 367, 11000 93rd Ave. No. "1- C;f. Osseo 55369 ,L___ 425-7355 ,Ww 114arneBonestroo, Rosene Anderlik & Assoi x?Z Addreu. 2335 West Trunk HiQhway 36 u .W r:«, St. Paul 55113.,___ 646-4F,nn 1 hereby ocknowledge thof I have read this oppiicotion ond state thof the informotion is corred and o9ree to comply with oll opplicable Stofe of Minnewto $tatutes and Ciry of Eagan Ordirwnces. SIOnature of Permittee A Building Permir is issued to: Barbarossa & Son , Inc. oll work sholl be done in cccordonce with o?P pplicabie $to o?f Min?n BWlding Official ?? A- Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police _ Fire Enp. Plunner _ Council _ Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit_ 414ved Surchorge 120.00 Plon check Waived snC 7905.00 Water Conn. Waived WaferMeter W81V2d Road Unit Waived Torol $8.025.00 _ on the express conditlon thni ond City of Eagan Ordinancea. itV oF 3795 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55721 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 July 26, 1983 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box AH Osseo, MN 55369 Attn: Mr. John Wegner, Project Coordinator Re: Water Treatment Plant, City of Eagan Dear Mr. Wegner: BEA BLOMQUIST Mayar THOMASEGAN JAMES A SMITH JERRV iHOMAS THEODORE WACHTER Counnl Members THOMAS HEDGES Clty Atlmimskator EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE Cay Clerk You should have received the information I had requested from Public Works Director Tom Colbert. I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the apparent oversight and will restate the Department of Protective Inspections needs. Please complete the enclosed application and return to me with a$25.00 license fee. The Certificate of Insurance and bond already on file with the City fulfills the requirements of the City`s licensing ordinance. The City of Eagan is paying all permit and associated fees with the exception of the Electrical Permit, which must be paid by a licensed electrical contrac- tor. As stated before, all plumbing and mechanical contractors must be licensed in the City and call for all inspections required by law. Also, please complete or have completed by the responsi6le parties the enclosed permit applications. This is necessary to maintain orderly record keeping by the City. Again I apologize and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Dale S. Peterson Chief Building Official CC: Babe Helgeson, General Superintendent, Barbarossa & Sons Thomas Noyes, Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates Parcel File - 10 01600 010 28 DSP/bar THE LONE OAK TREE.. THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAL) CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 .C9 0 Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2 sets) • Architectural Plans (2 sets) • lvchiteclurel Plans (2 seLS ? • Civil Plans (2 sets) . SWCWraI Plans . s ? • Certificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans 2 sets) • Pro e Spec (1 set) • Code Malysis (1) •' • Landscaping Plans (2 sets) . Key Plan (1) . Project Specs (t) . Code Analysis (1) " . Master Exit Pian (1) • Spec. Insp. & Tesfing Schedule " • CerUficate of Survey (1) . Energy Calcula6ons (1) not always" • Soils Report (t) . Spec. Insp. & Testing Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighting Fortn (1) not always" • Meter size must be established . Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established - if applip6le • ProjectSpecs (7) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) ^ 1 1 • Electric Power & LighUng Form (7) 1 • Master Exit Plan (i) 1 1 • Fire Protection Plan (1) •' 1 1 • Soiis Report (1) 1 • MClES SAC determination letter • MC/ES SAC delermination letler • MC/ES SAC detertninaUOn letter tall 657-602-1000 tail 651-602-7000 pit 651-602-1000 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must be submitted to Minnesota Department of Heatth - cail 651-215•0700 for details. DATE: E?o ? Od WORK TYPE: _ NEW _ REMODEL CONSTRUCTION COST: 0C?3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: TSNAW=&ME: FORMER TENANT NAME JcLDo SUITE #: SITEADDRESS: 3LI1 ck Cwcl'lw, RJ LOT?BLO( Name: cfIAV d f ?qol N PROPERTI' Last First OWNER Street Address: City State: Zip: Company: l? d ?On k2??0!' Phone #: (61a )'7 Sci ' a? gcD CONTRACTOR StreetAddress: Av City State: (K /•) Zip: cSSl 13 ARCHITECT/ 1 n ? ? ? ? n ? ENGINEER Company:_?pNPS'Y?'p2?l???e., PMUO?!`?;?? 17?5`?CaC- Name: Street Address: a?'J6 In) ?s? FF . s?.Lr?., c3?o Ciry Phone #: ( ?O S( ) 6,3?0 ' f 600 Registration #: Srate: ?1 10 Zip: J S 1 ?3 Licensed plumber installina sewerlwater: Phone #: Meter Size: I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree W comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: -'e- , ruuuctt:k ) OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPE 13 01 Foundation ? 26 Public Facility ? 14 Apartments A 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae / WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations X 34 Repair O 35 Tenant Impr ? 36 Move Bldg. GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code SS8? SAC Code 3 0 No. of Units c No, of Bidgs. - i Const. (Actual) ? (Allowable) UBC Occupancy ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Demolish Bldg. ? 43 Reroof ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 44 Siding ? 42 Demolish (Found) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 46 Windows/Doors Zoning ? _ sq. ft. # of Stories sq. ft. Length sq. ft. Width sq. ft. Basement sq. ft. MC/ES System First Floor sq. ft. City Water lsq. ft. Fire 5prinklered MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Total ? Insulation ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone Building cw(5? Engineering Variance VALUATION:$ I 18 ,DOO Sq.C) 0 % SAC 5AC Units Meter Size 20001BUILDING PERNIIT APPLICATION (COMMERCIAI.) CITY OF EAGAN 651-681-4675 Foundation Onl New Construction Interior Im rovement . S W clural Plans (2 sets) . Architectural Plans (2 sets) • Architectu2l Plans (2 sets) • Civil Plans (2 sets) • Structural Plans (2 sets) • Code Malysis (1) " . CeAificate of Survey (1) • Civil Plans (2 sets) • Project Specs (1 set) . Code Analysis (t) '• . Lantlscaping Plans (2 sets) • Key Plan (1) • Project Specs (1) • Coda Malysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. & Tes6ng Schedule •' . Certiflcate of Survey (7) • Energy CalailaUons (1) not always" • Soiis Report (1) • Spec. Insp. & TesUng Schedule (1) " • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (7) not always•• . Meter size must be esWblished • Meter size must be esta6lished • Meter size must Ce established - if applicable • PrajectSpecs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (7) 1 • ElecUic Power & Ughting Form (1) 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) l 1 • Fire ProteCtion Plan (1) 1 • SoilsReport (1) 1 . MC/ES SAC determination letter • MC/ES SAC delermination letter • MC1ES SAC determinatlon letter call 651-602-7000 ca11651-602-1000 calt 651-602-1000 " Contact Building Inspections for sample Food & beverage or lodging facilities: Plan must ba submitted W Minnesota Department of Health - call 651-215-0700 for details. DATE: WORKTYPE: _ NEW ? REMODEL CONSTRUCTIONCOST: ?7 _. 1 ? f - <-- - - - ?) , DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ?'??CCY?i?- BF )CG VAXTF? TENANT NAME: (aL 1y BF SUITE #: FORMER TENANT NAME: SITE ADDRESS:20 rV L?l LOT BLOCKD-?< SUBD 4?G?VwOft1 h4E Name: Phone#:( PROPERTY Last First OWNER L?'?Y' ....... ...... - 1 ? 2Q1 _ CI zi ?( AU? ty P: srace: I BY: 1!?/ ?F ! Company: I? Phone Z?q G/ CONTRACTOR )-?OI ,/? Y A C ? StreetAddress:, f-+ ' eo U City State: Zip: ARCHITECT/ ENGNEER Company: rpr / l Phone#: ( (.? ) ?? Name: Regisharion#: Street Ciry State: Zip: ,3 Licensed plumber installina seweriwatar: Phone #: Meter Si: °• I hereby af Minne. r OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT SUBTYPE ? 01 Foundation ? 14 Apartments ? 15 Lodging ? 25 Miscellaneous WORK TYPE ? 31 New ? 32 Addition ? 33 Alterations ? 26 Pubiic Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. )(27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 34 Repair ? 37 Demolish Bldg. ? 35 Tenant Impr ? 38 Demolish (Interior) ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Found) GENERAL INFORMATION Census Code 437 SAC Code 3a No. of Units o No. of Bidgs. I Const. (Actual) (Allowable) UBC Occupancy Zoning # of Stories Length Width Basement sq. ft. First Floor sq. ft. sq.ft. MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS ? Gas Service Test ? Heating APPROVALS Planning Building ? Insulation Engineering Variance Permit Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S/W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Other Copies Total a-e - ? VALUATION:$ , 9U,0 U0. % SAC SAC Units Meter Size J1 L:?.c)C7 43 Reroof 0 44 Siding ? 45 Fire Repair ? 46 Windows/Doors sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. MC/ES System City Water Fire Sprinklered ? Plumbing ? Stucco/Stone (?yOYS 2005 CONIMERCIAL PLUMBING PERNIIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 651-675-5675 Date G- / 1 ?6- / C) ?- Site Address 34 ? °l C, G.,I, Unit # Tenant Name -TY?C-? YYLR v3 IP ( G? Former Tenant Name L-'A k e CQ....?.? Property Owner Telephone #(65 l) (o?f ?- S a-OC7 Contractor ?C-r.?:.? Peo ?\v?;,.?c..? 17nG Address Y4.?? City l-R`a-eV.V,'e State Zip `-j50L-1 L-1 Tetephone #( 4Sa) L1h4' 6 9 4 q License # Expires: The Appticant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Work Type D\ New Bldg _ Modify Tenant Space RPZ PVB New Repair/Rebuild _ Replace _ Irriga[ion system Work witttin public right of-way/easement _ Yes , No Rain sensors are re uired on irri ation s stems Description of Work -=k-.1"-C,- \ \ =Y Y?C? 0-• 0 v', S? ST? VV--) To inquire if Ressure Reducmg Valve is required on new service, ca11 65 1-675-SbAb Meters - Ca11 65 1-675-5300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to uickine un meter. Irrigarion Size & Type 2`( Avg GPM 2" hubo req'd unless smaller size allowed by Public Works Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $161.00 Domesric Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers _ Yes _ No PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 menimum (iocludes State Surcharge) Conuact Value $ x 1% _$ PermitFee $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard irrisation svstems $ "-??- Radio Meter Read Ifpennit fee is $1,000 or less, surcharge is $.50 $ St8tC $lliChazgC If permit fee is over $1,000, sureharge is $SO per $1,000 of [he Permit Fee Following fees apply only when installing new irrigadon system ? $ ^T ? Water Pexmit Call Jerry Wo6schali at 651-675-5024 for reqmred fee amounu $ Tieatrnent Plant $ Water Supply & Storage $ - G-D State Surchazge --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- - - --------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------ $ ToYal Fee T hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pemvt and aclmowledge that the mfommtion is oomplete and acourate, tha[ the work will be in conformance wi[h the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagen and with the Plumbing Codes; that I understand this is not a pemilt, 6ut only an applicahon for a pemut, and work is not to start without a perntit; that the work will be in accordance with the agproved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. !.,.._? Applicant's Printed Name ApplicanPs ure lto +- 1 ? 1 o ck -Q-a S-e(A--+ C) 11 , t (4 ?? COIVIMERCIAL BUILDING Permit Application City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5694 .: ?'_ S?f O(p ? S -?),o C) 6o D ?-31-63 Foundation Onl New Buiidin Interior Im rovement • Structural Plans (2) sets • Architedural Plans (2) sets • AmhReGUral Plans (2) sets • Civil Plans (2) • Strudural Plans (2) • Code Analysis (1) " . CertificateofSurvey (1) . CivilPlans (2) • ProjectSpecs (i) • CodeAnalysis (7) . LandscapingPlans (2) • KeyPlan (1) . ProjectSpecs (7) . CodeAnalysis (1) " • Master Exit Plan (1) • Spec. Insp. 8 Testing Schedule • Certiflcate of Survey (1) • Energy Calculations (7) not always"' . Soils Repod (7) . Spec. Insp 8 Testing Schedule (7) • Elec. Power & Lighting Form (1) not always"' • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established • Meter size must be established-if applicable d • Project5pecs (1) 1 • EnergyCalculations (1) 1 • Electric Power & Lighting Form (1) 1 • Master Exit Plan (1) d 1 • Emergency Response Sde Plan (1) 1 . Soils Repod (1) 1 • SAC determination - call 651-602-1 000 • SAC detertnination - call 651E02-1 000 SAC determination - call 651-602-1000 Call MN Dept of Health at 651-215-0700 for details regarding food & beverage or lodging facilities. '• Contact Building Inspec[ions for sample and if required when it sta[es "not always". '** Nermit for new building or addition will not be processed without Emergency Response Site Plan. Date 6 / 30 / 03 Construction Cost $ 14, 600, 000 Site Address 3419 Coaetunan Pt. UnidSte # Tenant Name C; t), nf F.aqan Former Tenant Name Description of Work Addition of 10 niJd Plant eXPansion, office, and Parkin4 4ara9e Property Owner City of Eagan Telephone #( 651) 675-5316 Contractor Knutson Construction Services Address 5500 Wayzata Boulevard City Minneapolis S[ate m Zip55416-1264 Telephone# (763 ) 546-1400 Arch/Engr SEH Registration # Address 3535 Vadnais Center Dr. City Vadnais Heights State MN Zip 55110 jj Telephane #( 651 ? 490-2000 -l? ? /• 'I Licensed plumber installing new sewedwater service: Phone #: ( ) ?'?'- I hereby apply for a Commercial Building Permit and acknowle ge that-the informatiem is complete and lccurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and the Statc oC MN Statutes; I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a perqu? ' and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in c e o ork which requires a review and s 7???Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Sub Types / ? 01 Foundation C?? 26 Pubhc Facility ? 30 Accessory Bldg. ? 14 Apartments 62 27 Commercial/Industrial ? 32 Ext Alt - Apts. ? 15 Lodging ? 28 Greenhouse ? 34 Ext Alt - Comm. ? 25 Miscellaneous ? 29 Antennae ? 35 Ext Alt - PF ? 37 Nail Salon Work Types ? 37 New ? 35 Int Improvement ? 38 Demolish (interior) ? 44 Siding Sd 32 Addition ? 36 Move Bldg. ? 42 Demolish (Foundation) ? 45 Fire Repair ? 33 Alteration ? 37 Demolish (Bldg)* ? 43 Reroof ? 46 Windows/Doors ? 34 Replacement 'Demolition (En tire Bldg anly) - Give PCA handout to applicant Valuation ??-?T E17? 0o0 Occupancy 6) 52, F214 2 MC/ES System S4-e -6- Census Code 3? S Zoning pF City Water vse ,5; SAC Units _ Stories Booster Pump Nbr. of lJnits Sq. Ft. PRV Nbr. of Bldgs ? Length Fire Sprinklered 4 i T 2?n xec. Type of Const :1Z:-? M? 5r 91?'idth? ?"J T REQUIRED INSPECTIONS _ Footings (new bldg) FinallC.O. Footings(deck) ? FinaUNo C.O. ? Footings (addition) _ Plumbing Foundation HVAC ? Drain Tile Other Roof Ice & Water J F Final Pool Ftgs Air/Gas Tesu _ Final raming _ Siding Stucco Stone Fireplace _ R.I. Air Test Final Windows (new/replacement) ? Insulation Retaining Wall Approved By N?" , Building Inspector Base Fee Surcharge Plan Review MC/ES SAC - City SAC Water Supply & Storage S/W Permit S!W Surcharge Treatment Plant Park Dedication Trails Dedication Water Quality Copies Other Total 1 ? n.oa $ 1,w5D .•' APR 0 6 2004 SEH Q.. Apri12, 2004 RE: Eagan, Minnesota 341g CQqCµMAN Ptl, I"IorthWaterTreatmentExpansion Chlorine Containment Issue City Contract 03-09 SEH No. A-EAGAN0004.00 Mr. Dale Wegleitner Fire Marshall City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Dear ivir. h'egiei[ner: The North Water Tneatment Plant construction plan includes a vessel for containment of potential chlorine leaks. This was specified because the 2000 International Fire Code (IFC) defined a chlorine cylinder with no volume for the vessel. The recently adopted 2003 IFC (see attached) indicates that a containment vessel is not required for gases supplied by cylinders or tanks with a total volume of less than 660 gallons of liquid. A ton container designed for chlorine contains approximately 225 gallons. The following table indicates how the requirements of the 2003 IFC are mer. 2003 IFC Re uirement How Desi n Meets Re uirement 3704.22.7, Exceptions, 2.1: A gas detection system with a sensing The chlorine monitor for the chlorine storage area in interval not exceeding 5 minutes has been installed. the water plant has a continuous monitoring cycle. 3704.2.2.7, Exceptions, 2.2: An approved automatic-closing fail- The shut off valves will be installed as part of the safe valve is located immediately adjacent to the cylinder valves. present construction and will be interfaced with the The fail-safe valve shall close when gas is detected at the chlorine detection monitor to ensure the shut down of permissible exposure level by the gas detection system monitoring the chlorine feed during emergencies. the storage area. We recommend that the chlor-tainer be removed from the contract, because the fire code is met without the containment vessel. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. If you have questions, please feel free to contact John Thom at 651.765.2965. ce el y, ?,???en G. Nelson, PE :S'tnev Project Manager Attachment c: Mike Chell, City of Eagan Wayne Schwantz, City of Eagan John Thom, SEH xlu?sagonU)OOMX1Al-re8slwegW?mcN4U204.doc Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 Vadnais Cencer Drive, Sc Paul, MN 5 5 11 0-5 196 SEH is an equal opportunicy employer I www.sehinc.com 1 651.490.2000 1 800.325.2055 1 651.490.2150 fax ? 2004 12:27PM aHLY TOXIC ANP TOXIC MAYEqIqLS 3704.2.2.3 Leatring eylinders and tauks. One or mpre gas cabinets a[ exhausted euc]osuzes shall be provided W bamdle leaking cylinders, conWioers or tanks. k'acceptioas: 1. Where cylinders, conpiners or tanks are lo- cated withia gas cayiaets or exhausted enclo- suros. 2. Whexe apprpved contaiument vessets pr con- teinment systetns aze provided in accogdance with all of tb;e foliowing: 2.1. Containment vessels or containment system5 shall be capable of fiilly eon- tsirrinS or reruiinadng a release. 2.2. 'lkained personnel shall be availaUle at an approved location. 23. Containment vessels ot contsinWCnt sys[em shall be capable o£beiasg [caAis- Puxted to the Lealvug cylinder, comainer ot taak. 3704. LosaUoa Gas cabipatg aud ex}tausted emclosuxes ahall be located in gas rooms asd con- nected to an achaust systefa 3704.2.2.4 Locsl exhaust for poxtable tanks. A means of local exhaust ahall be prov4ded to eapture leaks fimm ponable wnks.l3e local wchaust shall wnsist of ponabk ducts or collecaon systems desigrned to be applied to the site of a leak in a valve a[ fitang on thatank, The ]ceal ar haust system shall be located anagas room EzGaost shall be direc[ed tu a txeatrnent system3n accordana with Sea don 37042.2.7. 3704.2.2.5 Pipuag and controls-stationary tanks. In addiflon to the requiremencs of Section 2703.2.2, p'apins and couaols on stationary tanks shall comply with thc following req,iirements: 1. Pressure rolief devices sha11 be vented to a treaa ment syscelm desigaed in accordance with Section 3704.2.2.7. Eaceptlon: Pressure relief devices on outdoor txaks pmvi,ded exclvsively for za]ievinS Pres- suie duo ro fue exposure are not tequired to be vented tp a heahnent systam providad that: 1. 'Ihematerialinthetankiynotflammable. 2. 2he tank (S aot located ip a dilced acea w"ich odiu tanks con[ahring combusrible maeerials. 3. The tank is located not less than 30 feet (9144 mm) from combusdble tnatexiats 07 shuctures or is shiclded by a fue bar- rzex complying wi[h Section 3704. 2. Filling or dispensing connectlons sha11 be pro- vided with a means of 1oca1 exhaust Such exhaust shall be designed to captuxe fumes and vapors.'A'he exhau5t Sball be directed to a heafinent system in xeofdance wx$A Sectiou 37042.2.7. 332 No.9699 P. 2/3 3. Stationary tanks shall bc provyded with a means of exccss flow epn4rol on all Wik inkt ot outlet cao- neccions. Exceptione: 1. b1et cOnnections dasigned to prevept backftow. 2. Ptessu[exeliePdevices. 3704.20.6 Gas tnoms. Gas rooms ahall comply with Sxtion 2703.8.4 and botb;of the£ollowingrequi[ements; 1. Theexhaustvendlaaonfromgaamomsshallbeai- rected m an exhaust system. 2(ias rooms shall be equipped with an appxoved au- tomatic sprinkler gygtepa. Aimmazjye fu-o-gtin_ 8uisbiD8 sYs[ems shaII not be used. from gas cabinets, ex8austed encloswres and gas rooms, and local exhaust systems required in Sections 3904.2.2.4 and 3704.2.2.5 sha11 be directed tvaueatment System.l7ie keatr.aent system shsil bt udlized W ha¢d!e Uu accidencai release of gas and toprocess extwustvend- lztioa The keacaneut system shall 6e designed in sccor- dance with Socdons 3704227.1 Nuough 3704.22.75 and Section 510 of the lnternariona! Mechanical Code. F.acepUOAS: 1. Highly Wxic and toxic gases--cWitage. A tmat- men[ system is not required for cylmdeis, con- tainc,s and tmWks in sroicage wben all of the followang coioCrols axe provided: I.1. Valvt outlets are equipped with gas-tight oudet ylugs or caps. I-2. }IanAWheCI-Oj)CCflOCA velVes haVe ham- dles secured to pceveut movemenc 1.3. Appxoved containment vtsseLa oc can- tainmeatt systems aieptvvaded ln accoz- daoce wiih Secdon 3704.2.2.3. 2. Toxic gaus-use- Treatme,at $ystems are aoc requiredfor toxic gases supplied by cyliaders or portable tan]cs not eacceeding 660 galions (2498 L) Liqnid capacity when die following are pro- vided: 2.1. A gas detection sysm with a sensing interval uot excceding 5 minates. 22. An appzoved automatic-closing fail-safe valve located immediately ad- jacent to cylindec valves. The fai]-sa1'e valve shall close whcn gas is debectcd at the peim[ssible ezposure limit (PEI,) by a gas detecdo¢ system moodtoring the exhaust system at ihe pointof dischazge from ihe gas cabiuet, eahausted endo- suce, ventilaied enclosure or gas room. T6e gas deeectiou sball compiy with 0 1 va.A.c:i.a ueMgu.lkeatlTl.en[ sy5[ems sh2.U be ca- pable of diluwig, adsorbing, absorbiag, contaLting, 2003 INTERNATiONAL FIRE CQDC0 6EOR6IR-PACIFIC 2-15 9.6K . Georgia•Pacific Ah. 55 PARK PLACE GA029-19 ATLANTA GA 30303 Total pages: 2 To: Mike Location: Company: Fax: 651-675-5694 From: Tabellione, John J. Return Fax: (404)230-7052 Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 Phone: (404)652-3291 Subject: DensShield 1 Hour Rating r.FJF_TA-cnC?z-IC Cn"a 1 fl,'.IZr.ilq at ,'1:=Y:1 = P?'? ParrP i ? Fre-Rated Assemblies DansShield' Tils Backer 144our F4a Refing 5!a" DetsShteld Flregwcd RYpe Xl tile ? Test Reference: WHf 495.0853 badoer applied paialkl or at right ang(es to 2 UL U305 x 4 wood studa 16" ac. with '!F/a" phosphata 50.84 STC Sound Trans, coeted neila 8" o.c. Jaints staggered eaci, Test Reference: 4R 64-8 %ide and covered with 2• wide 10 x 10 glass mesh tapa and tile adhesnre. p.oad-bearlng) PartiYion Thickness: 43/0' Weight per Sq. Ft: 7.0 7-Maw' Rre Ratln9 +/i" DansSiddd tlla badtar applied parallel Test Reference: CTC 7897-1655 m each side of 2+12" meW cfuds 16" p.c. with 45.49 STC Satnd Trans. t" Type S screws 8` o.c a4 edge joiMS and f nd intermediate studs atimater 12" o c at Test Rs erance: Based on IiAI . . , p a TL69-42 CahtY fllfed with 314". 0.526 pcF, g6ass fi6er Wartition Thickness: 3'h" batts ;±ictian fit in stud space. -feints cove+ed with 2" wide 10 x 10 glass mesh bpe and Weight per Sq. ft: 5_0 ti1e adhaslva. 144eur Fkft Radn9 'h" DeroShisld Fk"gard fTYPe ?0 aPPlied Test Refereneo: CTC 2777-3'M5 parallei or ge rigt?t aligle's m each side of 3'/e" 49 STC Sound Trans. ntietel studs 28` o.c w(dh i's' Type S drywaEl ud l d 12" o c 8" ir 7est Reference: RAL-TL00-125 a . . .e.e. m vert st s an u*ewe Partition ThicJcness: 45/e" to perimew'traCk. Stagger joints each side. Weight per Sq. Ft.: 6.0 Samd m1 t8d wldh'Z'h` glasa fiher batt insulatian, friction fit C 241our Firs Rating gyD (ayp;+"i« pe"p'mq• phoq5rd. Test Reference: UL U301 ?'h" Ta9?? w?? C 9Y???' Panition Thickness: 6• Base layer atpcHed horizcntalljr or vertiWeight per Sq. Ft.: 73.8 to studs with irle" naETs spaced 96" o.c. Faos Lsyar. "h" DansShiOkf Firogwrd (7ype )q.tile bedcer appiied horizontally or vettically. Faee layer attxhed w studs over base layer wi[h 2ih" nails spaced 8` o.c. Vertidl joirtts lo[ated over studs. All joints in face layers staggered with joints in base layers Jpints of each btse IaKer oflset widti joints af 6ase layer on opposite side_ (?ned-baeriro 2-Hour Rre Rating BnQe layer. +/y" pelsqmqr plu R?a+d C Test Refe2nce: GTG 1894-1530 pwm board or +/A" Ttlugi110odc Flregmd C g) 54 yTC Sound TMam applied parallel to eath side of 2'h° metal T R f E t with 7' Type S screws 24' o.c swds 24° o c erence: est e s . . . Partition Thickness: 41h' Fxa LaysYt Ma" DerAShdold tile laatker Weight per Sq. Ft.: 8.0 applied parallel'to eaCh side of studs with 15h" Type 5 screws 8' o.c. at edga joints. 12" o,c. at perimater and intermediata studs. Staggar joints 24' o.c each layer and side. Joints uaverad with 2° wide 10" x 10' glass mesh tapa and tile adhesive. Sound [ested with 2'h" glass fibef b3tt insulation, friction fd. 2-Heur F7ra liadng gase Laygr. •h" DonsArmor Plus Firagusrd ,. Test Reference: UL U41 i or'h" TeughRaek Fimgmd C gypsum board 57 5TC Sound Trane. applied parauel to each side of 2Va" matal Test Reference: RAL-TL00-122 studs 24" o.c. wHh 1" Type S serews 16' o.c. Partition Thidcnzss: 61/e' Fma LBypr- Weight per Sq. Ft.: 9.0 s/e" pvnsShedd pLrgup[d (Type X) cile badcer applied paralfel ta each side of studs with 1'/n' 7ype S screws tb' o.c. at edge joints, 12" o.c, at perimeter artd intOmtcKJiate studs. SWgger joints 24" o.c. each layer and side. Sound tested with 2'h" glass fiber batt insulafion, friction fit A1%, C-no?9ia'AacifiC Toehnleal SarvfCa Hetllws 'i .800 - 225-6119 er www.gpgyqum.<qrn 9 TOTAL P.01 Tom Colbert From: snelson sehinc.com Sent: da Jul 2003 1206 P To: wschwanz@ci.eagan.mn.us; tcolbert@ci.eagan.mn.us Cc: mchell@ci.eagan.mn.us; mfoertsch@sehinc.com;jlee@sehinc.com Subject: Eagan North WTP (Contract 03-09) SAC is NOT an Issue for this Building Addition Per Jodi Edwards of the Met Council (see below) SAC charges are NOT an issue for this buildinq permit. The Water P1ant has an industrial permit with the Metropolitan Council and as such will be monitored for volumes each year. Thus, additional SAC will be assessed each year based on actual use (after the expansion occurs); there will NOT be an assessment or prediction made regarding future SAC charges before the the WTP Expansion is built. So SAC charges are an ansolute non-issue with regards to the City issuing a building permit. Please call me should you have any questions. Steven G. Nelson, PE Project Manager SEH - St. Paul 651.765.2989 -.f.+.??++++k..???+++..+??«+.rt++++;?++++?«?«.?+..+?«?++.?+??+++<.??+++.++?.++:,t++?.++?.+???+++ ----- Forwarded by Steve Nelson/seh on 07/21/2003 11:49 AM ----- "Jodi Edwards" <jodi.edwards@metc.state.mn.us> 0712112003 11:23 AM To: <snelson@sehinc.com> cc: Subject: Re: Eagan North WTP - SAC for Eagan North WWTP. I spoke with Bob Pohlman in our Industrial Waste Department last Friday 7/18/21. This water treatment plant does have an industrial discharge permit with the Metropoltan Council. Because they are a permitted industry SAC wi11 not be an issue with this addition. They are monitored for volumes, and have to purchase additional SAC when needed. Hopefully this will clear up the issue of SAC and allow this project to proceed. Any questions, call me at 651-602-1113. 1 320 229 4391 08/26/0410:01 FAX 320 229 4301 SEH -A SEH FAX TRANSMITTAL ? Field Office: QD O 1 Date: August 26 2004 From: Duane R. Day SEH Flle No.: EEIGAN0004.00 Totai Peges: 5 (including cover sheet) ? URGENT Attn: Mike Lence Attn: John f Ea an Cit ColOrg: SEH o Co/Org: '65 T':681:'4694a•• Faz No.: G51.4902150 Fax No.: 651 681:46761 n > Phone: 651.490.2010 Phone: Attn: Tim Sprung Ann: Co/org: Knutson Conshvction Cdorg: Fax No.: 651.994.4315 Fax No.: Phone: 651.994.1373 Phone: SubJect: North WTP Expansion Remarks: Mike, We have had a question that came up regarding the number of firelsmoke dampers and rated walls that we need in the Expansion of the North Water Treatment Plant. Please see attached RFI #260. Please review my interpetation of the Code. If all of the conditions stated to Exceprion 7 of 707.2 need to be met to eliminate need for a fire rating between Meter Room 206 and the mechanical shaft, because the shaft is enclosed in the building consuuction (73), we will need the firelsmoke damper as indicated on the athtched Mechanical Drawing. We will also need a second fire/smoke damper where the duct penetrates the wall of Meter Room 206 and Copy Room 205. Please review and comment. Weare: ? Sending original by mail 9 Sending by FAX only ? Sending as requested For your: ? Information/Records ED Review and comment ? Approval ? Action ? Distribution ? Revision and resubmitlal If transmission was not received properly, please contact the sender at tlie phone number below. We request a response from you 6y: m?,so„?oooaum?-? ?n-,mni?m,nwow?iku«m_oazr,aaw: iua Sharl Elllott HendriCkson Inc., 1200 25[h Avenue South, P.O Box 1717, St. CloUtl, MN 56302-1717 SEN is an equal opportunity emDloyer I www.aehinc.eom 1 320.229.4300 1 800_372,0617 1 320.229.4301 tex 08/26/04 30:02 FA% 320 229 4301 SEH 9002 Request for Information 260 Detailed, RFIs Grouped by RFI NumDer North Water Treatment Facility Expansion 3419 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 ProJect # 03-5146 (SEH Knutson Construction Services #A-EAGAN0004.00) Tel: (651) 994-1373 Fax: (651) 994-4315 Date Created: 8/7712064 RFI #: 260 Answer Company Answered By Au[hor Company Authored By Knutson Construction Services Tim Sprung Short Eiliott Hendrickson, Inc. John Lee 5500 Wayzata Boulevard 3419 Coachman Point Suite 300 Eagan, MN 55122-7897 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416-1216 Co-Respondent Au[hor RFI Number Subject Discipline Category Fire/Smoke Damper location @ Upper Lo6by Chase Mechanicel Drawing Diacrepancies Cc: Company Name Contact Name Capies Notes Knutson Canstruction Services Greg Federly 1 Field Use Knutson Construction Services Tim Sprung 1 Office RFI Log Knutson Construction Sarvices Tim Sprung l Field RFI Log Question Reference sheets 223.1 and GA4. ioR. ZaCv ks )k 2o ty??AwWr The 20" x 12° Fire/smoke damper was installed in tha W est wall of Meter Room 206 as shown on the attached drawing 223.1 provided by KFI and da[ed 06l23/04. Sheet GA4 shows the 1 hour rating running around the North & East walls of Meter Room 206. Should the firelsmoke damper be moved to the East wall of the Meter Room and Intalled above the dooR If so, will the door and frame need a higher rating as we117 Or should the W est wall of room 206 continue with the flre rated construction and the Norlh and East waAs use a standard wall? Please review and advise. Suggestion Answer sfmun Tb Date Requlred: 8/2412004 ?-0.OS Date Anewered: ? s? IEX*s aoT 421M tb alm r%xwr ^ -10l,t sxcrilrl,l 7,1 Protog Manager Printed on: 8/17l2004 KCS Production Database Paga I 08/26/04 10:02 FA% 320 229 4301 SEH fA003 ? ? J ? ? ? -•- •-•-•-1 hfOUR FtRE BPRRIER 1 HOUR E%R PASSACEWAY 2 HOUR FIRE BARRIER IYNfR1 NOTF: SEE PRMCT MANWL FoR BULLDINC CODE {NKYSS ? 1 ?l UPPER LEVEL CODE PLAN p e•? N I r ? i ? _ 1.. a V I ?' ?? W O f O? O? Y1 O ? ' S'IgyP_ Q I O ?i - '¢'6¢ VEST m, . ? -- ----------------- 202 o ER RDOM w II ? I o I I I LOBBY ? ? o I I I ? u ? •c? ii i r-- ----- ? ? a J L _______ i RCPT I ? w ------- i r ------- I ? I I ? I 1 n I I ? ? ? -V? II I ? ? jj ro a,a TO 8? ` I I FlL7ER ROOMS I L -- ? I u II 231 L___ J I ? I I ? ? u I w Q o I I SOND FlLLEB METER CORES ? I ws 2.1 1 12 I I CORR ? I - _ - 1 _ _ _ I I 207 ' 118 SPEC I = B t0 CL' l ? ' ?1 SPO t 2t7 ? { 2,5 ? ?0 15 vs B2? 3 COMk -bFFC 212 REYf . t- ? ? 0 0 ? 08/26/04 10:04 FAX 320 229 4301 SEH im 005 . 08/17/2004 TUE 00:41 FA% 8519844315 IINOTSON - 1PI'P EAGAN »?+ KNDT90N DSAIN Z001/001 oli ::} •_+n04 nl'I7 It; UD I?kY j l,?;.-,?'°?? ' _r-` - y„y aqy? _ ? ? ? • ?..._.,?.. ?'..')' : `Cf B"ORWL ON. l: I'; ? ? ? ? ? a•? ' e'? ;?? ? ,. i ! ?i (I ? DR-1 _"•' • ? i . 250 ; , ?.??'?,? 3? ? ?Y ' . .?I;? ? ? ? •4 i tti' • +? ? ' ? t i?' i I I j+l ;Y ? ?• 8 9 ?;} ; ; i;•i?? ? ??' ; ? ? . 3 ..-? ? I • ; i ?z4 ouuAusr uP vnv-s :1;4 ?.4 ? rnaaru?cyH? RooF ,soa ?l ? r? z .? L4K4 ,,r 3022 48YM4 ?k ?...... ,. ?i I zox,z rs I ? 2ox?2 .. ?. ' ?.._.._,_....___._. ...._. _. i . ---,, + ? 46X22 RENRN ON 367(22 511PPI-Y pN 48K24 EA. l1P/bN I ' I....-J t 46X24 [N "• ? '\? ??." ? k 2'1nN5/B o IMATCNIJNE ? UP ?--- ? 5 RXL UP -3m{ W 361C20 ?-- 00 ?Y. patte; 7.4T 04 Drawn By: CMO Checked 9y: PfJ Dwg. Sca[e_=1'-0' Project Na.: 02-187 xoRrH wATER IIUMaIgM RFl ?HAEN mVk? srorrnx+ne ammompow P T N d mL IIM? _ p=113 ma% mmlRl.tf]OM ?"????? ? SM WE 07/15/03. TUE 13:02 I'A% 9529122601 SEH INC MINNETONKA -9) 7uly 15, 2003 RE: North Water Plant Expansion City of Eagan SEH No. AEACAN004 Jody Edwards Metropolitan Council 230 East Sth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Please note that the expansion of Eagan's North Water Treatment Faciliiy will not increase the facilities dischazge to the sanitary sewer. This is because ihe new equipment for handling and recycling backwash water (water resulting from backwashing the filters) will result in a substantial reduction in water being sent to the sanitary sewer. Supporting calculations are listed in the paragraphs which follow. Cutrently the max filter run at peak capacity of 12 MGD has been 47.5 hours; and 600,000 gallons of backwash (max) is generated every 47.5 hours (75,000 gallons backwash per filter cell and a total of 8 cells). About 20% of this Backwash Water (BW) is sent to the sanitary sewer. Current BW produced = (600,000 gal / 47.5 hours) / 60 min/hr = 210.5 gpm Current B W to sewer = 0.2 * 210.5 gpm = 42.1 gpm In the Future (several years from now) the full capacity of the expanded facility will likely be nsed; at which time the plant will produces about22 MGD. This is an 83% increase in water pmduction. This will produce a corresponding 83°k increase in the amount of backwash water produced, because the same filter design is being used. Future BW produced = 1.83 * 210.5 gpm = 386 gpm Future BW to sewer = 0.02 * 386 gpm = 7.7 gpm Change in BW to sewer = 7.7 - 42.1= - 34.4 gpra If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, SHORT ELLIOTT IIENDRICKSON INC 0004 Steven G. Nelson Project Manager X: W E\Gagan\0004(1(A 1-gen1U 4corAEdwaNs071503. DOC C a? ?f¢ ?f f i? ?e9 ?z /?1q QMB fAW S1A. p?)B Ri ) 10 5!A 7i07 PT --- -.. .r--... - - ? bip p6\WP6 IN%1! W11EP? ? \ 1 \\ P OIRe ? •sr+?'tlr?ava.a-? .'% EL' H?IXON IM1UfK _ MH FA9FIBl1 r 1,14 5u,ti" ? Er- IKSLC::?'CD4WL 'MOEN BINYIXWS ?T CAiGM y ?y B19M4 /.5 ?IIIELlEO (TPJ ` Y?Ge? nw a?e xi i wo emn wrta , i .e ema mae nv our wtml R.., .. , •. ,;,. ._. ..?._ f . I . ? ? J ;G ,... - ..- ..i _- '- ..? ----- i ? e ?-TAfX 0.1Iq4J TN1 C1MF11AOR ?Nt?R MG flE ? 6M4 cd?wne w{; xvc 9Ff !M K01. f? / j ??iFyPY?M? 9R£i PIINC i/ wmrflx. Wo 96}.1LL M6 VGF HplfY LOfATIW M SF£ OEfNL •JQi UTA . io .?-4' [tl+d[2'MMI( ? .R I ;, ?.? .. esu ? . . e smEw?uc wss : % ?• • ? '" __. ? '... E" \ • [ OEMl3I COTOMAIE ?. - - ?•, •:. \.? lIVISMMM[CMIHVL ., ,.?..• " •u I. . " r:.n G612 ?1? i` ??CM?1WY. WA ?.? ' o? uQ.a rrt - weo ? ? f?' ,? H 1 i twnu sc SHR?s ??? ' : % . U AMO aiss . t _ \ l 1 =------------ rrc - ex:a ? ? i I? ?re _ uuo - • ? - .. i i I F ?? I ? e t NX SfA4YC MfOLI?1pN .1II0 I . Wm xlou8 L/dlc stt . ?i , z NL vm ncvnnvn r4 ro raarmm : -^y . FlflY. CUIIERO?M[F0.4DFlXI81t4ma?NY ' _ __-__- ___- ___.d t?. ? i?RRR'F ?kiocs pEVATM il ?- ?-- ? ?---?? MR411II IM EU6IAIC OEVFIYXI. i ? n a* wm wru ec usm wRac - i . YAYEIIFMT biCRL AWAY AY OJTP MEMIfKlOSGIftlRL'??. i _'?'.-0. (?' ? • ? DfPM 6 P{KMAIKM W Z ^ 4? ":. ?mYNFD CP Ca1WALRdE ? ? ' ?i• • ! ' ?, /• ?• • PEtM'NO ?MIL I j $ I ._.. s¢ 6aEt f/'a i L ? . .' .... ._. --`----__ IE5Ir i I I I r =:Y ..;--=--- ? l . ^Tr f ? ? ,c i ?" _ mcauwr sxeE* ?uw I 0 J \ r O? \ O r ? / s 0 - tf?? G y i ` 4 ? l i f ro ? W ~ <VI? B w? Z I e n ag I 5 ? .•. z ? a i a I ? €? a 1 0 19, 3 'IkE i€k ffi g ( N i? Co/rnuontson July 3, 2003 Mike Lence City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Dear Mike: 5500 Wayzata Boulevard Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416-1264 (763) 546-1400 (763)546•2226 Fax www.knutsonconstruction.com Enclosed are the remaining items for the North Water Treatment Plant Expansion permit npplication. Enclosed are: • City of Eagnn Check No. 083646 to MPCA for $240 • General Storm Water Permit Application • City of Eagan Commercial Building Permit Applicntion • Emergency Response Site Plan Requirement If you have any questions, please contact me at (763) 525-3040. Sincerely, Knutson Construction Services Rand ve Project Manager RKL/smc Cc: Mike Foertsch - SEH File Minneapolis, MN • lowa City, IA • Rochester, MN AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYEA 9529122601 06/24/03 TIIE'12:33 FAX 9529122601 5EH INC MINNETONRA [m001 sS? FAX TRANSMITTAL 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55343 952 912.2600 800.734.6757 952.912.2601 FAX ? FIELD OFFlCE.' ? URGENT nrreNnoh CO/ORGANI FAX NO: SUBJECT. DATE: l? ?'? ? ! FROM: I SEH FILE N0: ?'?1r?? ?^??'?^? 1 • S? TOTAL PAGES: ('mcWtling cover sheet) Weare ? Sendrng wiginal by mai! "tkSending by FAX onfy ? Sending as requesfed F?ur fntormBNOn/RecoNs ? Reviewarrdcomment ? MproyBl ? Adion Q DlsMbetion ? Revision arM resubmitta! !f Mansmissfon was not recelved properly, please contact the senderat the phone numberabove WE REQUEST A f2ESPOMSE FROM YOU BY: CTmgamFlesV.LuowROR \i-pWev\SEHMiuelleneous?SEliFulBlwkda sroi Short Eliwtt Hendrickson Inc ? Your Trusled Resaurca • Equal OppmWnily EmDloYer 06/24/03 TUE 12:33 FA% 9529122601 SEH INC MINNETONKA lj?002 .?? ? TRANSMlTTAL 10901 Red Circle Drive, Suite 200, Minnetonka, MN 55343-9301 952.9122600 800.734.6757 952.912.2601 FAX To: Dave Bechetti June 24, 2003 n.le Knutson Construction Services , Inc. 5500 Wayzata Blvd SU1tC 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 qE: Eagan North Wa[er Treatment Plant Building Pernut Requirements We are 0 Enclosing ? Sending Untler Separale Cover ? As Requesied AEAGAN0004.00 14.50 File Number and LocaNar IXienf Number - List of items needed by City for building permit review/issuance - Permit application - Emergency Response Site Plan - Sppcial Inspeclion and Testing Schedule - Name and phone number of contact at City responsible for reviewing application For yaur ? !nlormatlaVRecords ? Aclion ? Review ? D(stribution ? Approval ? Ravislon antl resubmHtal REMARKS: Dave, Please cen!ac! Steve Nelson at 651.765.2939 wi4S any yuestions and information you may need to complete the permit application process. eY: Mike Foertsch.952.912.2620 c: Wayne Schwanz, Tom Colbert, Mike I.ence (w/o enc) Steve Nelson, Duane Day (w/ enc) Short Elliolt Hendrickson Inc. • Your Trusletl Hesource • Equal ODVartunity Emplayer SEH TRANSMITTAL To: Mr, Mike Lence City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: North Water Treatment Plant Facility Expansion Special Inspection Final Report Date: June 13, 2005 SEH File No.: AEAGAN0004.00 14.00 City Project No.868, Ciry Client No.: Conhact No. 03-09 We are: 0 Enclosing ? Sending under separate cover 1- Copy Special Inspection Final Report For your: 0 Information/Records ? Action Remarks: Mc Lence: ? Review and comment ? Distribution ? Sending as requested ? Approval ? Revision and resubmittal Enclosed is the Special Inspection Final Report for the structural portion of the above referenced project. Please contact me with any questions you might have. Respectfully, -, By: Paul E. Steward PE _ c: Greg Johnson, SEH Duane Day, SEH c\1prvla?Vwp?r+Ean¢rw nu?iat 061305 doc I J li N 1 U[ Oll,l Shor1 Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 3535 VaOnais Center Drive, St. Paul, MN 55110-5196 SEH is an equal oppotlurnty employer I wwwsehinc.com 1 651.490 2000 1 800 3252055 1 651.49027`50 fax _ --? -_ ? Special Inspection Final Report Date: June 13, 2005 To: Mike Lence From: Paul E. Steward, PE City of Eagan, Minnesota Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc 3830 Pilot Knob Road 3535 Vadnais Center Drive Eagan, Minnesota 55122 St. Paul, Minnesota 55110-5196 Project: North Water Treatment Facility Expansion City Project No. 868 City Contract No. 03-09 Re: Special Inspection Final Report To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I, or qualified staff under my direct supervision, performed special inspections on the following portions of the work at the above-project which required critical-point special inspections, and which SEH was employed to perform: • Foundation site preparation. ¦ Cast-in-place concrete; placement of steel reinforcement in strip footings, column foundations, slabs on grade, walls, elevated slabs. • Precast concrete columns, floor plank, roof plank, and roof double-tee members. • Concrete masonry units; walls and reinforcement piacement. (This work task was also reviewed by Encompass Inc., who was independently employed by the City of Eagan) • Roof penetration and wall penetrations on existing building. ¦ Miscellaneous metals; lintels, columns, stairs, ladders, handrails, grating, grating supports, beams, beam bearing brackets, weld plates, welds, monorails, storage shelf inembers, sun shade attachment brackets, and roof edging supports. • I,eak tests on cast-in-p]ace concrete tank structures. Based upon my personal observations, the observations of qualiFied staff under my direct supervision, and written reports concerning the critical-point inspections, it is my judgment that the inspected work was performed, to the best of my knowledge, in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Intemational Building Code. Respectfully Submitted, aP ul ?, Steward, PE Structural Engineer of Record innesota DEPARTMENT OF ADMlNISTRA710N May 4, 2005 City of Eagan 3501 Coachman Rd. Eagan MN 55122 MAY R 9 2005 By APPROVED FOR USE RE: Hydraulic Passenger - Elevator ID# -10292PT04-01 Site: North Water Treatment Facility 3419 Coachman Point Eagan 55122 Dear Sir/Madam: Minnesota Statutes Chapter 16B provides that the Department of Administration, Building Codes and Standards Division, Elevator Safety Section, inspect and approve elevators and manlifts (endless belt lifts) before they can be legally used in Minnesota. An Inspector from the Elevator Safety Section recently inspected your facility and determined it meets requirements of the Minnesota Elevator Safety Code. NOTE: Compliance with Minnesota Rules and the ANSUASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators does not necessarily assure compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Sincerely, BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS Jim Weaver State Elevator Inspector qw/kad (CE-2) L' Schoeppner, Dale R.. BO, City of Eagan ThyssenKrupp Elevator Knutson Construction Company ElFormCE2 Building Codes and Standards, 408 Metro Square Bldg., 121 7th Place E, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 P: 651.296.4639/ F: 651.297.1973 ! TTY: 651.627.3529 and ask for 296.9929 www.buildingcodes.admin.state.mn.us Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for /'lboveground piping PROCEDURE Upon compielion of vrork inspection and tests shall 6e made by ihe contrector's representative and witnessed by an owner's representalive. All defects shall be wrrected and system IeR In service before conUactor's personnel finally leave the job. A certif cate shall be filled out and siqned by both represantatlves. Coples shali be prepared tor approving authorities, owners and contrector. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way preJudwes any Galm agalnst contractor for faulry material, poor workmanship, or failure lo wmplywith a rovin authorilys requirements ar lacal ordinences. PROPERTY NAME: NORTH WATER TREATMENT FACILIN DATE: PROPERN ADDRESS. 3419 COACHMAN POINT ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES (NAMES): CIN OF EAGAN ADDRESS: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD PLANS INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS ' YES NO EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED O YES ? NO IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS: NSTRUCTIONS HA5 PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION U YES NO OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO, EXPLAIN HAVE COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING BEEN LEFT ON THE PREMISES: ? YES NO 1. SYSTEM COMPONENTS INSTRUCTIONS ? YES ? NO 2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCl10NS ? YES ? NO 3. NFPA 25 O YES ? NO LOCATION SUPPLIES BUILDINGS: XXXX OFSYSTEM MAKE MODEL S.I.N. ORIFICE SIZE QUANTITY TEMPERATURE R4TING RELIABLE F1FR R3625 1/2' 372 155°F RELIABLE F4FR R2575 'l/2" 100 755°F SPRINKLERS RELIABLE F1FR R3635 112' 1 155°F CENTRAL SW-20 TV5332 314' 2 155°F -F -F -F PIPE AND Type of Pipe: WHEATLAND SCHEDULE 10 AND SCHEDULE 40 FITTINGS Type of Fitting: WARD C. i. SCREVJED ALARM VALVE AIARM DEVICE MAXIMUMTIMETOOPERATE THROUGH TEST CONNECTION ORFLOW TYPE MAKE MODEL MIN SEC INDICATOR VANE POTTER VSR-F DR MAKE Y VALVE MODEL SERIAL NO. O.O.D. MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. XXX XXX TIME TO THROUGH TEST CONNECTION' TRIP WATER PRESSURE AIR PRESSURE TRIP POINT AIR PRESSURE TIME WATER REACHED TEST OUTLET' AIARM OPERATED pROPERLY MIN SEC PSI PSI PSI MIN SEC YES NO DRY PIPE OPERATING witFroul Q.O.D. TEST With Q.O.D. IF NO, EXPLAIN 'MEASURED FROM TIME INSPECTOR'S TEST CONNECTION IS FULLY OPENED ? PNEUMATIC ? ELERRIC ? HYDRAULIC DELUGEAND PREACTION VALVES MAKE I MODEL OPERATE _-' -..........?........? REDUCING r.wvaskrnwavrtp rlvrv nHlt VALVE TEST INL (P51) UTLET PS INL (PSI) OUTL T(P51) FLOW ( PM) &FLOOR =Hyamstatic (FLOWI NG TEST - tes s a ma e a no ess t an psi . rs or two ours or 50 pai . ars a ve DESCRIPTION stalic pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bars) for Mo hours. Differential d i valve cla test lo prevent dama e. All abo ?'"P ? PPers shall Ee left open tluring g vegroung piping leakage shall be slopped. PNEUMATICEstablish 40 psi (2.7 bers) air pressure and measure drop which shall rwt exceed 1X psi (.01 bars) in 24 hours. Test pressure lanks at nortnal water laval anO air pressure anC measure air pressure drop wliich shall not exceed 1X psi 0.1 bars in 24 hours. ALL PIPWG HVpROSTATICALLy TESTED AT 200 pSl (_BARS) FOR 2_ HRS. IF NO. STATE REASON DRYPIPINGPNEUMA7ICALLYTESTED ?yE$ ?NO EQUIPMENTOPERATESPROPERLY OYES ?NO DO YOU CERTIFY AS THE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR THAT ADDITNES AND CORROSIVE CHEMICALS, SODIUM SILICATE OR DERNATIVES OF SODIUM SILICATE, BRINE, OR OTHER CORROSNE CHEMICALS WERE NOT USED FOR TESTING SYSTEMS OR STOPPING LEAKS? R yE5 NO TESTS DRAIN READING OF GAGE LOCATED NEAR WATER. RESIDUAL PRESSURE WITH VALVE IN TEST 7EST SUPPLYTEST CANNECTION: PSI (_BARS) CONNECTION OPEN WIDE ' PSI UNDERGROUND MAINS AND LEAD IN CONECTIONS TO SYSTEM RISERS FLUSHED BEFORE CONNECTION MADE TO SPRINKLER PIPING. VERIFIED BY COPY OF THE U FORM NO. 85B Q`(ES ? NO I OTHER EXPLAIN FLUSHED BV INSTALLER OF UNDER- GROUND SPRINKLER PIPING 171.,« n.... DO YOU CERTIFYAS THE SPRINKLER CANTRACTOR THAT WELDING PROCEDURES COMPLY W ITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D70.9, LEVEL AR3? QyES ?NO DO YOU CERITIFY THAT THE WELDING WAS PREFORMED BY WELDERS QUALIFIED IN WELDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF AT LEAST AWS D10.9, LEVEL AR3? QYES ? NO DO YOU CERITIFY TFiAT WELDING WAS CARRIEO OUT IN COMPLIANCE W ITH A DOCUMENTED QUALITY CANTROL PROCEDURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL DISCS ARE RETRIEVED. THAT OPENINGS IN PIPING ARE SMOOTH. iHAT SLAG AND OTHER WELDING RESIDUE ARE REMOVED, AND THAT THE INTERNAL DIAMETERS OF PIPING ARE NOT PENETRATED? CUTOUTS DO YW CERITIFY THE VOU HAVE A CONTROI FEATURE TO ENSURE THAT ALL PYES NO DISCS CUTOUTS DISCS ARE RETRIEVED? HYDRpULIC NAME PLATE PROVIDED IF NO, EXPLAIN R YES NO DATA NAMEPLATE ? yE5 NO DATE LEFL SERVICE'pCfiH ALL CONTROI VALVES OPEN: REMNRKS ? _ 6 1? VIKING SIGNATURES COMPANY (SIGNED) vnic J S DATE city of eagan TO: DALE SCHOEPPNER, CAiEF BUIl,DING OFFICIAL DALE WEGLEITNER, FII2E MARSHAL PAUL OLSON, SUPERINTENDENT OF PARKS NIIKE RIDLEY, SEIVIOR PLANNER CAROL 'I'UMINI, UTII.ITY BILLING CLERK TIM PAHR, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR TOM COLBERT, PUBLIC WORKS DII2ECTOR JOHN GORDER, DEVELOPMENT/DESIGN ENGINEER TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT PAUL AEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCE COORDINATOR MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR SCOTT PETERSON, PLUMBING INSPECTOR DZIICE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR FROM: TERRY ZELENKA, COMBINATiON INSPECTOR DATE: JANUARY 21, 2005 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION FOR WATER TREAT'MENT ADDITION 3419 COACHMAN ROAD LEGAL: LOT 1 BLOCK 28 SECTION 16 The Protective Inspections Division will be performing a final inspection at 3419 Coachman Road on Tuesday, February 15, 2005. If you are requesting that the Certificate of Occupancy be held, please fill out the proper hold request form. Failure to return the hold request form will be considered your approval. The person, or department, requesting the hold is responsible for notifying and resolving any problems with the affected paRies. MEMO CD/bldg insp/misc/Fnul insp - comm bldgs Tom Colbert From: snelson sehinc.com Sent: da Jul 21 2003 12:06 P To: wschwanzQci.eagan.mn.us; tcolbert@ci.eagan.mn.us Cc: mchell@ci.eagan.mn.us; mfoertsch@sehinc.com; jlee@sehinc.com Subject: Eagan North WTP (Contract 03-09) SAC is NOT an Issue for this Buiiding Addition Per Jodi Edwards of the Met Council (see below) SAC charges are NOT an issue for this building permit. The Water Plant has an industrial permit with the Metropolitan Council and as such will be monitored for volumes each year. Thus, additional SAC will be assessed each year based on actual use (after the expansion occurs); there will NOT be an assessment or prediction made regarding future SAC charges before the the WTP Expansion is built. So SAC charges are an absolute non-issue with regards to the City issuing a building permit. Please call me should you have any questions. Steven G. Nelson, PE Project Manager SEH - St. Paul 651.765.2989 ++,.+..* +* .* .+++.F* * * ,<..* .F,.«.<+* +* ,.+* * * ,.+>.,k* * +..,+++.E* ,,* .t* +.* * * .+* * +.«.+* * k* * * * * ..* +,... ----- Forwarded by Steve Nelson/seh on 07/21/2003 11:49 AM ----- "Jodi Edwards",<jodi.edwards@metc.state.mn.us> 07/21/2003 11:23 AM To: <snelson@sehinc.com> cc: Subject: Re: Eagan North WTP - SAC for Eagan North WWTP. I spoke with Bob Pohlman in our Industrial Waste Department last Eriday 7/18/21. This water treatment plant does have an industrial discharge permit with the Metropoltan Council. Because they are a permitted industry SAC will not be an issue with this addition. They are monitored for volumes, and have to purchase additional SAC when needed. ? Hopefully this wi11 clear up the issue of SAC and a11ow this project to proceed. Any questions, ca11 me at 651-602-1113. jv olcPOd oro Zg . Multi-Year Energy Consumption Analysis April 19, 1990 Organization Name: Eagan, City Of Organization ID: Building Name : Water Treatment Plant Building ID . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Use Data Normal Heating Degree Days: 8114 Reported Weather Fuel Elec Total Fuel Elec Total Year Sqft Factor MMbtu MMbtu MMbtu Cost Cost Cost 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 17890 0.974 1702 6616 8318 8194 139423 147617 86-87 17890 1.196 1496 6951 8447 6349 138558 144907 87-88 17890 1.086 1723 8521 10244 7295 134204 141499 88-89 17890 1.037 1878 8060 9938 7494 -------- 117514 -------- 125008 ---------- ------- --------- ----------- -------- ------- ------ ----- MBtu per Sqft ----- State Your C hange From Normal ized Energy Usage Bu ilding Average Usage First Year -Mbtu- ---- per-Square- --------- Foot ------ Year ----- Type ---- (S) ------- (X) -------- Usage ---------- 590 - - X 82-83 PUMP N/A X 83-84 PUMP 287.82 84-85 PUMP 267.39 X 85-86 PUMP 266.09 462.48 X 86-87 PUMP 343.46 488.55 +5.64% 87-88 PUMP 331.57 580.89 +25.60% 88-89 PUMP 279.87 559.39 +20.95% S S 260 -- S S S S ----------------------- I I I I I 1 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 1316 County : Dakota 1316009 Current Building Type: PUMP -------------------------------------------------- Projected Annual Costs at 1985-1986 Consumption Levels ---- Fuel --- ---- Elec --- --- Total --- Proj. Saved Proj. Saved Proj. Saved 5882 -467 131880 -6678 137763 -7144 6463 -832 104201 -30003 110664 -30835 6379 -1115 96461 -21053 102840 -22168 ------------------------------------------------- -- $/SqFt -- Your State Cost Average (X) (S) Cost per Square Foot ------------ ----------------------- N/A X X X -- 8.26 3.24 3.34 X 8.25 2.96 8.10 3.28 7.91 3.47 6.99 2.81 S S S S S S ----------------------- I I I I I 1 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 -- 2.81 lo e:) (G ao or(? 2 3 Multi-Year Energy Consumption Analysis April 19, 1990 Organization Name: Eagan, City Of Organization ID: Building Name : Pub Works Garage Building ID . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Use Data Normal Heating Degree Days: 8114 Reported Weather Fuel Elec Total Fuel Elec Total Year Sqft factor MMbtu MMhtu MMbtu Cost Cost Cost 82-83 83-84 37760 0.978 1865 198 2063 10047 4667 14714 84-85 37760 1.080 1898 189 2087 9982 4344 14326 85-86 37760 0.974 2339 223 2562 11125 5116 16241 86-87 1316 County : Dakota 1316003 Current Building Type: GAR -------------------------------------------------- Projected Annual Costs at 1983-1984 Consumption Levels ---- Fuel --- Proj. Saved 8882 -1100 8907 -2218 87-88 37760 1.086 2115 652 2767 9389 14786 24175 88-89 37760 1.037 2415 738 3153 - 9933 -------- 16093 ------- I 26026 ---------- --------------------------- -------- ------- ------ ----- MBtu per SqFt ----- State Your C hange From Normalized Energy Usage Bu ilding Average Usage First Year -Mbtu-per-Square -------------- Foot ------ Year ----- Type ---- (S) ------- (X) -------- Usage ---------- 110 -- S S 82-83 GAR N/A 83-84 GAR 106.15 53.55 S S 84-85 GAR 106.34 59.29 +10.72% S S 85-86 GAR 96.80 66.24 +23.70% X 86-87 GAR 90.14 X 87-88 GAR 92.91 78.10 +45.85Yo 88-89 GAR 96.10 85.87 +60.36% X 50 -- X X ----------------------- I I I I I 1 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 7456 -1933 7234 -2699 ---- Elec --- --- Total --- Proj. Saved Proj. Saved 4551 207 13433 -893 4542 -574 13449 -2792 4490 -10296 11946 -12229 4318 -11775 11552 -14474 - - ---------------------------------------------- -- $/SqFt -- Your State Cost Average (X) (S) Cost per Square Foot ----- - ----- ----------------------- N/A S -- 0.83 0.39 0.79 S 0.38 0.82 S X 0.43 0.70 0.59 ? S 0.64 0.61 5 0.69 0.62 X X x ----------------------- I I I I I 1 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 -- 0.38 IC) O l (ooc) O I O Z8 Multi-Year Energy Consumption Analysis July 1, 1988 Organization Name: Eagan, City Of Organization ID: Building Name : Pub Works Garage Building ID . ----------------------------- - ------------------------------------------ Energy Use Data Normal Heating Degree Days: 8114 Reported Weather Fuel Elec Total Fuel Elec Total Year Sqft Factor MMbtu MMbtu MMbtu Cost Cost Cost 80-81 51-82 82-83 83-84 11367 0.978 1865 198 2063 10047 4667 14714 84-85 11367 1.080 1898 189 2087 9982 4344 14326 85-86 11367 0.974 2339 223 2562 11125 5116 16241 86-87 11575 1.196 29 162 191 152 4396 4548 1316 County : Dakota 1316003 Building Type: GAR --------------------- - Projected Annual Costs I at 1983-1984 Consumption Levels ---- Fuel --- ---- Elec --- --- Total --- Proj. Saved Proj. Saved Proj. Saved 8882 -1100 4551 207 13433 -893 8907 -2218 4542 -574 13449 -2792 8140 7988 5471 1075 13611 9063 ------------------------------------- ---- Mbtu per SqFt ----- -- $/SqFt - State Your Change From Your State Normalized Energy Usage Year Average Usage First Year Cost Average Mbtu per Square Foot ----------------------- ----- (S) ------- (X) ------- Usage ----------- (X) ---- (S) Cost per Square Foot -------- ----------------------- 230 -- X 80-81 N/A N/A X -- 1.44 X 81-82 N/A N/A X X X 82-83 N/A N/A 83-84 120.84 177.88 1.29 0.90 84-85 111.04 196.96 +10.73% 1.26 0.86 S S S 85-86 109.17 220.04 +23.70% 1.43 0.77 S S S 86-87 100.64 16.99 -90.45% 0.39 0.66 S S 10 -- X ---- ------------------ I I I I I 1 1 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 X -------------------- --- I I I I I 1 1 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 -- 0.39 1b oi(?oo oio 78 Multi-Year Energy Consumption Analysis July 1, 1988 Organization Name: Eagan, City Of Organization ID: Building Name : Water Treatment Plant Building ID . -------------- - -------------- ---------------------------------- - ------ Energy Use Data Normal Heating Degree Days: 8114 Reported Weather Fuel Elec Total Fuel Elec Total Year Sqft Factor MMbtu MMbtu MMbtu Cost Cost Cost 80-51 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 17890 0.974 1702 6616 8318 8194 139423 147617 ' 1316 County : Dakota 1316009 Building Type: PUMP ---- - ---------- - ---------- Projected Annual Costs I at 1985-1986 Consumption Levels ---- Fuel --- ---- Elec --- --- Total --- Proj. Saved Proj. Saved Proj. Saved 86-87 17890 1.196 --------------------------- 1496 - ----- 6951 --------- 8447 ------- 6349 ------- 138558 144907 I ----------- - --- I - - 5882 -- ---- -461 131880 -6678 ------- -- 137763 -7144 -- ----- M btu per SqFt ----- --- -- $/SqFt -- -- ----------- ----------------- State Your Change From Your State Normalized Energ y Usage Year Average Usage First Year Cost Average Mbtu per Square ---------------- Foot ------- ----- (S) ------- (X) ------- Usage ----------- (X) ----- (S) ------- Cost per 5quare ---------------- Foot - 490 -- X 80-81 N/A N/A -- X ---- X -- 8.26 X 81-82 N/A N/A 82-83 N/A N/A 83-84 249.68 2.63 84-85 255.76 3.16 85-86 263.40 462.48 8.25 2.98 S 86-87 339.62 488.55 +5.64% 8.10 3.20 240 -- S S S S S S S -- 2.63 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 CITY OF EAGAN Contract -83-1-, Water Treatment Plant ! Preconstruction Meeting 9:00 AM, May 25, 1983 NAME REPRESENTING Tom Colbert Mark Rdelmann Ronald Anderson John Wegner Roland Helpeson Joe Huhscher Douglas Stock Mark Cahill Joe Connolly Jim Annand Tim Maland Tom Noyes Richard Hanson Doug Reid City of Eagan Northern Natural Gas Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Northern Natural Gas Dakota Electric Assn. Helmick & Lutz Co. City of Eagan Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. Peoples Natural Gas Co. City of Eagan PHONE- 454-8100 463-7126 425-7355 425-7355 425-7355 463-7126 463-7134 377-5070 454-5220 221-5611 636-4600 636-4600 454-6080 454-8100 (o c>i(c>oo cc)r(C? 7_8 Multi-Year Energy Consumption Analysis April 5, 1991 Organization Name: Eagan, City Of Organization ID: Building Name : Water Treatment Plant Building ID . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Use Oata Normal Heating Degree Days: 8114 Reported Weather Fuel Elec Total Fuel Elec Total Year Sqft Factor MMbtu MMbtu MMbtu Cost Cost Cost 83-84 84-85 ' 85-86 17890 0.974 1702 6616 8318 8194 139423 147617 86-87 17890 1.196 1496 6951 8447 6349 138558 144907 87-88 17890 1.086 1723 8521 10244 1295 134204 141499 88-89 17890 1.037 1878 8060 9938 7494 117514 125008 89-90 17890 1.092 1547 8465 10012 ---- 6206 -------- 118619 -------- 124825 ---------- ------- --------- ----------- ------- -------- -- ----- MBtu per SqFt ----- 5tate Your C hange From Normal ized Energy Usage Bu ilding Average Usage First Year Mbtu per Square Foot Year Type (S) (X) Usage 590 - - X X 83-84 PUMP 287.82 X 84-85 PUMP 267.39 85-86 PUMP 266.09 462.48 X X 86-87 PUMP 343.46 488.55 +5.64Yo 87-88 PUMP 331.57 580.89 +25.60°6 88-89 PUMP 279.87 559.39 +20.95% 89-90 PUMP 236.89 567.60 +22.73qo S S S S S S 230 -- S TTTTTTT 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 1316 County : Dakota 1316009 Current Building Type: PUMP -------------------------------------------------- Projected Annual Costs at 1985-1986 Consumption Levels ---- Fuel --- ---- Elec --- --- Total --- Proj. Saved Proj. Saved Proj. Saved 5882 -467 131880 -6678 137763 -7144 6463 -832 104201 -30003 110664 -30835 6379 -1115 96461 -21053 102840 -22168 6090 -116 92709 -25910 98799 -26026 ------------------------------------------------- -- $/SqFt -- Your State Cost Average (X) (S) Cost per Square Foot ------------ ----------------------- 3.24 x X X -- 8.26 3.34 X X 8.25 2.96 8.10 3.28 7.91 3.47 6.99 2.81 6.98 2.36 S S S S S S S ----------------------- ? 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 -- 2.36 . ---._.. MWCC-75B.1 F. INDUSTRIAL: SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATIONRECEIVCD r'?"1, 'a t!• 3i Companyname Clty of Eagan ' ?. ?? ?.^ 29 New Duildmg hm 3419 Coa R d ?`? Location addreu c an oa o: y"": rr- -'? ? Budding addition Minnesota cu:L;?. L Eagan ; • , . Mailing address O Existing buiidmg 3795 Pilot Knob Road `fCit Hall ; ,,otsl? Eagan, Mn. 55122 Company Representati ve Mr, Thomas Colbert ritie Public Works Director Phonenumber (612) 454-8100 1. Nature of business Municipal Water Treatment Facility 2. Projected date for facility staR up NOVember 1984 3. Total facility area 12,000 sq. ft. 4. No. of employees 1(part-time) 5. Operating hours per day 24 6. Operating days per year 365 7. Water supply: a. Municipal water supply b. Weli water suppiy c. Other (specify) d. Total water supply - 8. Waste discharge: a. Sanitary waste discharge b. Uncontaminated cooling water discharge 1.). to sanitary sewer 0 galiday 2.). ..to storm sewer 0 gal/day c.lndustrialwastedischarge ? ' . d. Total dischargeto sanitary sewer (8a+8bi+8c) 2.600.000 .{ 1 ? t gal/day 0 gal/day 0 gal/day 2,600,000 gavday 100 gal/day 0 gal/day 5,000 gal/day 5,100 gal/day 9. SAC units: Total discharge (Sd) _ 18.6 SAC lJnits 274 ptl 30. SAC Charge: ?t10s -?" SAC Units (9) 18 • 6 x Unit Charge ="$*;:= SAC Charge 11. Pretreatment: [Refer to Sections 5-5 and 5-6 of the Waste Control Rules and Regulations.] Does the Company plan any in-plant treatmenf of wastes? No If yes, descnbe 12. Sampling & Flow Measuring: [Refer to Section 5-9 of the Waste Control Rules and Regulations.] Indicate location of sewer aceess point and describe flowmeter and means of sampling MaRhole lOCatBd outside the building Wi11 L'eCB1Ve flows from only the facility. V-notch weir and level recorder to be installed temporarily in the manhole for flow measuring. Sampling can be performed by collecting either 24-hr. composites in the manhole or grab samples of backwash sludge (see additional informa[ion) at the air break box inside the building. Sludge flows to be measured continuously with in-line meter on pump force main. . ? ?r . _. . .:?... ... . . .. .. 13. Discharge quality: Present Absent ConstltueM (Check appropriate box) _ r-,. .. MWCC-!SB?2 . .. .......... .......... Solids X Or anics .......... .......... g . X Acid ......... .......... s X C ti .......... .......... aus cs ? X Te t t th 150° ..•....... .......... mpera ure (grea er an F) x C i d .......... .......... a m um X Chromi .......... .......... um x C .......... .......... opper X C id x ..... .. ... .......... yan e I .......... .......... ron .. X L d ........ .......... ea X M .......... .......... ercury . X Ni k l ? .......... .......... c e X Zi .......... . .. ...... . nc . . X Ph l . ....... .......... eno s G d . . . ••. . . . . ... ...... rease an /or oil HN S l t . . . . . . . . . . o ven s R d i ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ioact ve wastes - 14. Additional intormation, sk etches or description s may be attached forthepurposeof adequateiydescribingthewastedischarge. (Se e A ttached) ' This is to certify that City of Eagan and regulations governing connection to and use Company (Signature of official) ? Date- Title & CERTIFICATION agrees to comply with the rules Transmitted b3 Signature Title 10, N f'( /'.' ? &I/ls° Date Approved by Metrop tit Wa e ontrol om ission Signature v?--? Title Date XL"Ml - -4r? _ d•til?: r? D?«-l?.-y? P?:? ? 5103195 t a ? lo o«0 0 oto 2Z MEMO T0: BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BOS ROSENE, CONSULTING ENGINEER FROM: DALE PETERSON, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: JUNE 24, 1983 SUBJECT: WATER TREATMENT PLANT PERMITS - PROSECT f1338 It was not possible for me to be at the Pre-Construction Meeting and because of that, the inspection policies were not addressed. City Codes 6.42 - Licensing and 4.03 - Building Permits require all contractors doing business in the City to be licensed, bonded, insured and permits obtained for all buildings in excess of 150 square feet. City Code 4.03 also mandates the Department of Protective Inspections to make all required inspections and review all required special inspections. At this time none of the contractors awarded the bids have applied for permits or licenses. Some permit fees will be waived, but the City cannot waive the Electrical Permit Fees, the SAC charges or the State of Minnesota surcharges. Barbarossa & Sons will take immediate steps to obtain their license and permit and inform all their sub-contractors to do the same. All contractors will request the mandated inspections for footings, foundations, plumbing, heating, electrical, etc. from this department and Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associ- ates will supply a written weekly report on all special inspections required or made by their firm. If there are any questions, feel free to contact me. CC: Tom Noyes, Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates Rich Hefti, Assistant Engineer Doug Ried, Eagan Fire Marshal DSP/bar f11ETROPOIITAf1 WAlTE COf1TROL commiaion Twn Gnes Rrea ?q?..? .. r°('+ •?'r?(- ' ? ? ?.D iciB a1 1..-.? ? J ? Y.l.w.1tJ ? pV,y 6AC1 taR4 May 19, 1983 Mr. Thomas Colbert City of Eagan 3995 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dear Mr. Colbert: ., . ?...:J, As a follow up to the approval of the SP.C application for the Eagan Water Treatment Plant, I have enclosed the following: 1. A copy of the Waste Discharae Rules for the Metropolitan Disposal System (MDS). 2. A permit application to discharge industrial waste to the MDS. 3. A copy of the approved 1983 strenqth charge equation. ' The compteted application should be returned to the Commission a minimum of ninety days prior to facility start up. Niastewater should be sampled and analyzed as soon as normal operations have been established. Sampling should be done in a manner to obtain results representative of a normal operating day. Please call me at 222-8423, ext. 226 if you have any questions. 5incerely, Robert E. Pohlman Environmental Scientist REP:rw cc: D. R. Madore, MWCC I 35OIitETR010URRE BLDG. 7TH 6 ROBERi1TREET/ lRIOT PRUL fi10 55101 612 222•8443 Jo 01la60 d(O"zo' dty OF ecigti? 3795 PILOT KN08 ROAD, P.O. BOX 21199 BEA BLOM9Ui57 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55127 nnavor PHONE: (612) 454-8100 iHOrnnS EGnN May 24, 1983 JAMES A SMIiH Jeaav rHOnnns iHEODORE WACHTER Counal Members iHOMAS HEDGES City Atlminuhabr TOM NOYES EUGENE VAN OVERBEKE PROJECT ENGINEER COy C:erk BONESTR00 ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES , ST PAUL MN Re: Contract 83-1,,,Water__Treatmerit Plant; MwCC Strength Charge Calculation/Application I am forwarding to your attention a permit application to dis- charge industrial waste into Metro Waste Control's treatment plant. Based on the response of this application, they will de- termine the extra strength fee that will become part of the City's annual operational costs associated with sewer service for this facility. Please review the waste discharge rules and complete the enclosed application and return to my attention for execution and forwarding to the Metro Waste Control Commission. Although this application does not have to be submitted until 90 days prior to facility start-up, I would like to have this application com- pleted and returned during the summer of 1983. Your anticipation cooperation in respondinq to this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, 4 ?? omas A. Colber , P,E. Director of Public Works TAC/jach encs. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNIN L B I$ CITY USE ONLY RECEIPT #: ,J r p Yj S S a a' SU?. RECEIPT DATE g O-5 )- O O APPROVED BY: , INSPECTOR PLLIMBING PERMIT # Y L?Y. ? -+f 2000 PLUMSING PERMIT (CO1-MRCIAI.) CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT lINOB RD EPaGAN, bIld 55122 651-681-4675 '0 V1600 l?oI 02K Please complete for: all commerciaVindustrial buildings multi-family buildings when separate building permits are not tequired for each dwelting unit iastallfltion of backflow preventer in commercial areac or residential boulevards Date: $/14 / 00 Work Type: _ New Bldg. _ Add-on X Repair _ U.G. Sprinkler _ RPZ DescriptionoFWork: Install 1 roof drain bowl w/inside piping To inquire if Pressure Reducing Valve is required on new service, ca11681-4646. FEES 1"/o of wntract price or $30.00 minimum Contrace Price: $2 , 9 6 5. 0 0 x 1% _ $ 29.65 THIS AREA ONLY IF INSTALLING Base Fee - Water Meter: 2" Turbo - $897.00 wiless plan approved for smaller size I-1/2" Turbo - $ 726.00 Service: _ existing (if comiag off domestic line) OR _ new If "new service" contact Jerrv Wobschall Frnance Consultant ta confirm addinr fees for: Water Permit 8c Surcharge - $ 50.50 Water Supply & Storage - $ 840.00 Water Treatment Plant Chazge - $ 492.00 cc: DianeDowns, U81iryBilltng -undergraundsprinklerpermis $ 30.00 $ S State Surcharee $.50 minimum; calwlate at $50 for each $1,000 Base Fee Base Fee S StateSurcharge $ 50 Total Fee $ 19 -Fi!9 6 - Z;? I here6y aclmowledge that I have road this applicatioq state that the information is correct, end agee to comply with all applica6le Ciry of Eagen ordinances. It is the applicant's responsibility to notify the property owner that the City of Eagan assumes no liability for any damages caused by the City during its nortnal operational and maintenance activities to the facilities constructed under this permit within Cily propeRy/righ[-of-way/easement. SITEADDRESS: 3419 Coachman Road Eagan MN TENANTNAME: Eagan North Water Treatment TELEPHONE#: (AREA CODE) INSTALLERNAME: Village Plumbing, Inc. TELEPHONE#: 651) 482-9169 • (AREA CODE) S7REETADDRESS: 2999 Yorkton B CI71': TE: MNZIp: 55117-1072 4 AUG 17 SIGNANRE OF FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS , z3?- Permit AppGcation City Of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan Mn 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 FAX # 651-675-5674 Requirements: 2 complete sets of drawings and specifications cut sheets on materials and comnoaents to be used DateI 7Z/ 1 ?5- / 0 3 Site Address: -34M C 6 ACIkMA-W P0= +v T Tenant / Building Name: No RT F! w&-CsR 7REJFT Wlp-l/T FA-Cz ZYTf' The Applicant is: _ Owner x Contractor _ Other PROPERTY OWNER e.-1-j Y.(j,?- EA-G AN Address: 3930 PILOT kNOg R4!}Z City: Ef}Gfr iJ State: M n/ Zip: S$? z2 CONTRACTOR VZkYN6 AUTO, S I°Rlnl K1-EIC MN License No. COOS Address: r30k L'pRLEf.1T STRE-E-1' City: ST. PAVL State: N1 N zip: SSI ? 7 Phone #: 651 S5-8 3 3M ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: q_ / d L1 FIRE PERMIT TYPE: ? Sprinkler System (# of heads'!4S`- Fire Pump _ Standpipe Other: WORK TYPE: ? New _ Addition _ Alterations _ Remodel Other: gx3751n aG RtiTtn=NG RfTRCSE=7 -t n)Evv CoNSTRUCTron+ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -X Commercial _ Residential Educational ? Other: DEC 2 4 2003 Jy PLEASE COMPLETE REVERSE SIDE PERMIT FEE: $50.50 Minemum Fee (includes State Succhazge) Contract Value $ 139 1 Q $O x .01 % _ $ i3$1•5-0 Permit Fee • If Permit Fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 =:?, $ 1.00 State Surcharge If Permit Fee is over $1,000, add $.50 per $1,000 Permit Fee 3/4" Displacement Fire Meter $ $ 156.00 TOTAL FEE: $ 15; q 6. SD I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression 5ystem permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. (,R,PGORY J. PE MARS 1=a e--11? ApplicanYs Ptinted Name ApplicanYs ignature Date DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Underground Pipe Ixi Hydrostatic ? Flow Alarm ? Drain Test _ Trip _ Pump Test _ Central Station ? Final Conditions of Issuance: i V\ 4- Permit Approved b• Date: 1? /? 1/?? /, / • 2004 COMMERCIAL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, EAGAN MN 55122 9 2) 651-675-5675 -U ?h Date ' Site Address ?yr? ( iJP?4r??'lt}•J ??- K_C) G.? Unit # Tenant Name NIA Former Tenant Name AA Property Owner rl?ty? Telephone #( ) J {? Contractor Address ?O City ?p State /l.' Zip .y7f (l /]i I Telephoue # The Applicant is _ Owner _ Contractor _ Other Work Type _ New Bldg Add-on Repair RPZ PVB Irrigation system * * Jer Wobschall to calculate fws. Re uired meter size is 2" turbo unless smafler size ermitted bV Public Works Description ot Work C?????vu,vz-.-yG%^ c f ti cn?"? (,Jc? ??-?s??..?T F?G??• To inquire if Pressure ReAucing Valve is reqmred on new service, call 651-675-5646 -Pl Meters - Ca11 65 1-675-5 300 to verify that hydrostatic, conductivity, and bacteria tests passed prior to pickine uo meter Irrigation Size & Type Avg GPM Fire Size & Price 3/4" disolacement $155.00 Domestic Size & Type Avg GPM Includes high demand devices? _ Yes _ No Flushometers ik/Yes _ No • PRV Required _ Yes _ No Permit Fee $50.50 mrnimum (includes State Surcharge) Contract Value $/--`?)3U C) m.? x 1% _$ Base Fee ? $ Meter(s) Required on all new buildings & boulevard i`rieation svstems $ Radio Meter Read If base fce is $1,000 or iess, surcha.ge is 350 $ State Sarcharge If base fee is over $1,000, surcharge is $.50 per $1,000 of the IIase Fee Following fees apply only when iustalling new irrigation system ? $? ? Water Permit Contect Jerty Wobschall at 651-675-5024 for required fee amounts $ Treahnent Plant *.- -,--'---- rJ ?li .L Water Supply & Storage State Surcharge ------'---------------------"--------------"-- ------------- --------------------'-------------------------- „ --""-"-------------------------------------- LU Total Fee 0 I hereby apply for a Commercial Plumbing Pertnit and -'aekmow -t e informahon is complete and accurate; that the work will be in confoimance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Plumbing Codes; that 1 understand this is no[ a pemut, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in acc e wi[h t?roved plan in the case of work which requues a review and approval of plans. ApplicanPs PnntedN'ame canPs Signature v L?6-3 2004 COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City Of Eagan ?,?? 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan MN 55122 Telephone # 651-675-5675 Please complete for. commerciaUindushial buildings multi-family buildings when separaze pertnits are no[ required for each dweliing unit C) ? Date I // U '1 Site Street Address 311 G] PUc?-O Unit # /L11,4 Tenant Name (if applicable) ?pQ Previous Tenant Name /vM \A1 K'VV\-A w'7r' Property Owner Telephone # ( ) ? Contractor Street Address ?.'i-L-'-z??? A,-e- City S/,/ •?-( /"B ?-- State Zip i S v 7 I Telep6one #(?)% lc IY' Bond Expires: The Applicant is _ Owner Contractor _ Other Work Type V New Construction _ Underground Tank _ Install _Remove "*see below J?Interior Improvement _ Install Piping _Processed _Gas Nature of Work: ka,?, "*When installing/removing underground tank, call for inspection 6y Fire Marshal and Plumbing Inspector Permlt Fees: $70S0 Underground tank instaliaaonhemovat $50.50 Minimum (includu State Surcharge) or Conuact Value $ 0() U. ? x 1% _$ " Permit Fee ,--?- • I£nermit fee is $1,000 or less, add $.50 => $ I State Surcharge Ifpemut fee is over $1,000, add $.50 for JAN 2 7 2004 ' every $1,000 permit fee $ Total Fee I hereby apply for a Commercial Mechanical Permit and aclmowledge.that_the-information is complete and accurate; tnat me worK wIll be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the Ciry of Eagan and with the Mechanical Codes; that I understand dris is not a permit, but only an applicarion for a permit, and work is not to start without a pemv • t the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. -A&4c_ 1 lC A- ?s Applicant's Printed Name Applic nature lz? ) Approved By: ? 0- ? , Inspector Date: I v? C ,. For Office Use ," , -D., -� e r � Permit#: e 1 o r `` l o� , , .° E AG A N ♦ C r Permit Fee: ice % '' / o i1/4 ft, Staff: -i — L 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 Payment Recvd: Yes _No , (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: ( ��� ��� Email: buildinginspections(c�cityofeagan.com I Plans: Electronic Paper Plan Submittal:eplansecityofeagan.com L OCT 182018 2018 COMMERCIi LAWCHANI L PERMIT APPLICATION ❑ Please submit two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set of the submittal,submitted via email, CD or flash drive Date: Site Address: '- 2)'4' I i C.,,..-:,„_,c. t1 fr /\fS V-•<>i'%0 Tenant: (---ttL 0 E AC ANI - tic ir1 k'41,TC'1Z —1—ii—EAT f‘c`Nj` )Du.s.).:11- Suite#: Name: C,t l Cit.. E is,c-IN t.., Phone: V 1- `r S5 �-f�Ca. OWIIPE , - Address/City/Zip: --3q I c( ... ...,,,Li.17'04:1 t -.A D , CA /NI X11,-) 55/2. . ' ' 1 , . Name: Ki t .lift s A License#: .i)6 c-C 3 5 Y-2 e 1 Contractor Address: .2 L(j 1 V c-r.J`r_U t<:A 1 e.t v i, City: k)Ccs 3 c;i y T State: P../(t..! Zip: $.5/ 2-5 Phone: L� 51 ._ Contact: JtM -ALt�, ) \ Email: JC:ASc:Azr._Ni>1.(,,-, 1 =xt=TcNl. cc-N1 New Replacement Additional Alteration Demolition ' °Type of Work Description of work: 'c- t'. '\':.� k. 1n 1)T t tU L. ,c- _r L%. ti k -1"). -":;''' U T'' . , ) T oof mous nd a ''' un echan� Cs tr <° £ - C ,, lease the t , I l ori „ _ - 7711• te'" , COMMERCIAL 31 —New Construction Interior Improvement Pe! it Type 6 Install Piping _Processed Gas Exterior HVAC Unit gv ''''''1y:' _Under/Above ground Tank ( Install/ Remove) COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ 13 < 3 cc:-i "x.01 $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum / $75.00 Underground tank installation/removal,includes State Surcharge =$ 3 3 >c) Permit Fee L_$ 11 . 65 Surcharge Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million,please call for Surcharge =$ L 3 4 . (05 TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start withou permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. ,// x ,S1 iv% c /�( /� R x 44/✓L-t' ?7'-214,'1-1A., " Applicant's Printed.Name ..- :FOR - Ap licant s Signa e FOR OFFICE USE} ''''°'''''''''' � � �. Required Inspections Reviewed By: ?if,..}-,.,'' � (ig 1.--'. :Underground:. Rough In,<v .,, ir:Test - Gas Service Test )n-floor Heat ,, Final ` . at1'z� . ,>: